Fortune telling for baptism before bed. A few fortune telling for your future husband

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Every girl has wondered at Epiphany at least once in her life. There are many ways to find out the future, but before Epiphany the church itself allows fortune telling, although it does not approve of it.

The fact is that fortune telling is a kind of witchcraft. In Orthodoxy, this is categorically prohibited, but fortune telling is allowed at Epiphany, since this is a kind of concession, respect for the ancient traditions of Rus', which appeared long before Orthodoxy came to our land. One way or another, on January 18 you can tell fortunes about the future or love without a twinge of conscience.

Fortune telling with mirrors

This is fortune telling for the betrothed. The mirrors form an endless corridor when they stand opposite each other. The energy background is distorted, so you can see what will happen. Mirrors can be different sizes, but the one that is closer to the person may be small. In any case, there are no hard and fast rules here.

Before you start, you need to say: “Mummer, come to me.” You can add “have dinner” at the end. Many fortune-telling ladies and girls have repeatedly noted that they saw someone through the looking glass. Someone recognized the man as a man from his environment. You need to concentrate and not be afraid of anything, because fear will only distort your vision.

You also need to place two candles between you and the mirrors, because the ritual is carried out in complete darkness on Epiphany Christmas Eve. Artificial lighting there shouldn't be. Only fire. Be careful with this fortune telling, because it is not for nothing that it is only allowed on Christmas Eve, January 18th. It is dangerous, because mirrors have been associated with the other world since ancient times.

Fortune telling with matches

Take two matches and stick them on the sides matchbox. You can secure them in any way convenient for you, but so that the matches are nearby and do not lie on the surface, but look up. They symbolize you and your chosen one.

Light a match and see what happens. If they bend inward towards each other, then good luck awaits you. living together and love. Otherwise, nothing will work. When one match turns and looks at the other, but the other does not, this means that the feelings will not be mutual, and betrayal is possible.

Fortune telling on paper

There are two ways, and you can use both at once. The first is burning paper sheet. Make a wish for a person and burn a piece of paper after crumpling it. If the sheet burns completely, then everything will “burn out.” Otherwise, troubles and difficulties will await you. Remember to be safe, so light a candle leaf and place it on a plate. Fortune telling is done alone, at night, closer to midnight.

The second fortune telling with paper - you need to cut the sheet into three, five or seven equal parts and write a name on each. Each name is a man you like. Pieces of paper are placed under the pillow, where they are mixed. In the morning you need to pull out the sheet without looking - the first one you come across indicates your betrothed. You can leave one piece blank to add the “nobody” option.

Fortune telling by book

You will need any book. Ask a person who doesn't know what you're saying to guess any two numbers from 1 to the number of the last page and from 1 to the number of the lines on each page. Next, you select a page and line based on the hidden numbers received.

Read the line and interpret it in the way that makes the most sense to you. This fortune-telling is carried out for money, for love and for the future in general. If the text of the line does not fit in any way with your future and its interpretation, then just consider yourself unlucky. Unfortunately, there is no second attempt here. This fortune telling cannot be called ancient, but it is quite popular in modern world. You can repeat it once a month, preferably on the New Moon.

Fortune telling at Epiphany is an ancient tradition that continues to this day. Of course, far fewer girls are telling fortunes, because young people are moving away from traditions and beliefs. Despite this, quite a lot of people still want to know their future, so they tell fortunes on Christmas Eve to change their fate or find out more about it. Good luck to you, enjoy your fortune-telling, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

17.01.2018 02:05

Orthodox Christians begin to celebrate many church festivals with an evening service. Therefore, almost every major holiday...

Fortune telling for Epiphany is considered the most truthful. During this period, you can find out your destiny, but for this you need to carry out the rituals correctly.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

The most favorable period for fortune telling is considered to be January 18 and the night of January 19. Fortune telling on cards should be done during daylight hours, and rituals with candles and mirrors are usually carried out late in the evening or at midnight. It is believed that evil spirits summoned on Epiphany night can not only suggest a false future, but also bring misfortune to an unprepared fortuneteller.

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      Simple fortune telling

      The safest and simplest are fortune telling on cards and wishing for a dream. In a dream, you can see your betrothed, your future destiny, and the cards will tell you the answer to any question if you learn to lay them out correctly. Some methods are used at any time of the year, but it is believed that on Epiphany the predictions are the most truthful, and even the most simple fortune telling can reliably predict the future.

      • On the maps

        Even those who have never practiced card fortune telling, can easily master several simple layouts. You should only use a new deck or one that has never been played. Among experienced fortune tellers, there is an opinion that the new deck gives the most truthful answers at the first reading.

        It is not recommended to guess a lot and often on cards, since the word “guess” appeared precisely as a result of this. It is believed that multiple layouts negatively affect the future of the fortuneteller. As a result, you can “miscalculate” your lucky destiny.

        On request

        You need to take a deck of 36 cards, make a wish while thinking about it, carefully shuffle the cards and place them one at a time in four piles. They should be placed face down and sequentially: first the first card is placed, then the second, third and fourth, the next cards are stacked on top of the first in the same order.

        When the entire deck is laid out, you need to take the first pile, turn it over with the pictures facing you and throw aside all the cards up to the Ace; those remaining after the Ace are not thrown out, but participate in the further layout. Then the same thing is done with the second, then the third and fourth piles, each subsequent one is placed on top of the previous top shirt to the ace, and the pictures to itself. Thus, the bottom cards are thrown out of the piles, and the top ones remain in the hands of the fortuneteller.

        When the procedure is completed, the cards remaining in the hand are laid out one by one into three piles, and then the cards up to the Ace are folded back to the side in the same order as in the first layout. The remaining cards are laid out in last time, already in two piles, and the procedure of discarding cards up to the Ace is repeated.

        The wish will come true if at the last flip there are only 4 aces left in your hands. When there are 4 aces left in a row, but there are still cards after them, it is believed that the wish will come true, but not exactly as the fortuneteller dreams. If there are cards left between the aces, then you shouldn’t count on your wish coming true.

        Questions for cards

        It is believed that on January 18, with the help of cards you can get a direct answer to any question. A very simple fortune telling with asking questions that require clear answers: “yes” or “no” is suitable for this.

        For this fortune telling, you can take a deck of 36 or 56 cards. After thoroughly mixing the deck, you need to ask questions and pull out one card at a time from the middle. The answer to the question is the suit and value of the card:

        • hearts from 2 to Ace - yes;
        • Diamonds from 2 to Ace - yes, but there is some slight interference or doubt;
        • clubs from 2 to 10 - no, but with a little effort it may be yes;
        • clubs from jack to ace - no, but if you try really hard, then maybe yes;
        • peaks from 2 to 10 - no, but don’t be upset, it’s for the best;
        • spades from jack to ace - no.

        "Yes" or "no" on peas

        The simplest method of fortune telling was used in Rus' on the day of the festive service on January 19. To do this, a fabric bag was prepared in advance, into which dried peas were poured. It was believed that during the ringing of the bells one could find out the answer to the most important question.

        In order to get the answer, when you first hit the bell, you need to put your hand into a bag of peas, mentally ask a question or make a wish, and then take a small handful of peas in your palm. Finding the answer consists of throwing out peas, each of which is alternately accompanied by a “yes” or “no” answer. You should start throwing out the peas with “yes”, the second pea is thrown out with the word “no”, the third again “yes” and so on until one last pea remains in the palm, which is the answer.

        How to see your future husband in a dream?

        You can get information about your future husband in a dream. To do this, you need to pull four kings from a card deck. To find out what your spouse will be like, you should put the cards under your pillow on the evening of January 18 and say: “Dream, my king, show your role.”

        If one of the cards appears in a dream or a king appears, whose suit is clear in the vision, then the dream is solved as follows:

        • king of spades - the husband will be much older than the fortuneteller, wealthy and angry;
        • king of clubs - there is a wedding with a military or business man, the spouse will be strict and domineering;
        • king of diamonds - future husband is already familiar with the fortuneteller, is somewhere nearby, in the usual circle, the relationship with the spouse will be equal and friendly, but there will be no money in the family;
        • king of hearts - portends happy marriage with a rich and generous man, there will be peace and love in the family.

        Dreaming of a king means imminent marriage. If none of the kings appeared in a dream, then in the morning you need to pull out any card you come across from under the pillow - the meaning of the card will not change, but in this case the wedding will not be soon, and you should not expect matchmaking in the coming year.

        Another correct method fortune telling before bed suggests that the betrothed will dream if asked. Before going to bed, the girl needs to sit on the bed with a comb, not comb her hair, but, on the contrary, tousle it with her hands. The comb should be placed by the pillow and the future spouse should be called several times with the words: “Mummer, come, comb my hair.” The betrothed is also called with the following phrase: “Betrothed, come and give me some water,” but before that you need to eat something salty at night and not drink water.

        It is believed that after such rituals the betrothed will come in a dream. It is not necessary that he will comb or give water to drink, but it is the one who dreams that will become the spouse of the fortuneteller.

        For money and profit

        In the old days, people learned about wealth or poverty through fortune telling on the street; these baptism rituals were mainly associated with the amount of snow seen or fallen. At home, you can tell fortunes for money or profit in the coming year in the following way:

    1. 1. Fortune tellers take three opaque cups, a handful of coins and a crumpled banknote.
    2. 2. One fortuneteller leaves the room, and the remaining ones turn the cups upside down and place them under one coin, under the second crumpled bill, and the third is left empty.
    3. 3. The fortuneteller who returns to the room selects one of the cups, depending on the contents, and the prediction for the next year is interpreted:
    • found coins mean good profit;
    • empty cup - no changes in the financial sector;
    • crumpled bill - upcoming losses and losses.

    Special rituals

    There are many fortune telling using various attributes, but at Epiphany it is customary to use mirrors, candles, rings and water. With their help you can find out the fate, the number of children in future family, see your betrothed or get an answer to an important question.

    Epiphany week is the most suitable period for the most mysterious fortune-telling. During Christmas time, you can look into the future every day, but on the night of January 18-19, you should not guess with mirrors. It is believed that the evil spirits reflected in the mirrors are capable of getting out that night and bringing misfortune into the house. That is why in Rus' it was customary to tell fortunes in bathhouses, since fortune telling was mainly done by young boys and girls, and older generation did not allow them to do this at home, partly due to superstition, and sometimes simply considering such an activity stupid.

    How to look into the future through a mirror?

    The ritual with mirrors is carried out late in the evening; it is not recommended to do this alone, as what you see can scare the fortuneteller to death. It is advisable to have at least one person nearby who can come to the rescue in an unforeseen situation.

    For fortune telling, you need to take two mirrors and two candles. One mirror should be large, and the second can be smaller. The fortuneteller sits in front of a large mirror, places the second front side to another mirror, and the back one to yourself so that the top of the mirror reaches your chin. Two candles are installed between the mirrors. It is necessary that the lit candles create the appearance of a tunnel due to reflections.

    When everything is prepared, you need to tightly close all doors and windows and turn off the lights. The assistant should sit so that he cannot look into the mirrors.

    The fortune-telling girl needs to let her hair down, and the man needs to take off his headdress. Looking into the tunnel created by the light of candles, you need to say: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me for dinner.” You can call your betrothed or betrothed several times, all this time you need to continuously peer at the end of the tunnel until the silhouette of a person appears there.

    The approach of the silhouette is usually very slow, but sometimes rapidly fast, so you should watch it carefully. As soon as the face becomes clearly visible, you must immediately say: “Forget me! ", and turn the smaller mirror upside down or cover it with a handkerchief prepared in advance.

    For those who are not known for their reaction speed, it is advisable to abandon this method of fortune-telling: according to popular belief, a fortune-teller who is not “over-the-top” can get a slap in the face from what he sees in the mirror, and the mark from the blow will remain until the day of the future wedding.

    Fortune telling with a ring and a glass of water

    These methods of fortune telling are not as creepy as with mirrors, but in the ring you can see the face of your future spouse or use it to find out the number of children who will appear in the family.

    To carry out the rituals, you need to get the wedding ring of a close relative or friend, but the fortune telling itself should be done alone so that you can concentrate as much as possible on the process.

    For this fortune telling you will need a ring, a white thread and a glass half filled with water. You need to tie the thread to the ring, sit down at the table and place it in front of you. You should take the thread in right hand and lower the tied ring into the top of the glass so that it does not touch the water. The arm should be straight and tense.

    After holding the thread with the ring for a few seconds, you need to close your eyes and say the phrase once: “As many bells, so many voices.” You should hold your hand until the tension in the muscles forces you to stop telling fortunes. Exact amount future children will be prompted by the ringing of the ring against the walls of the glass. The number of times the ring hits the glass, the number of children the fortuneteller will have.

    Son or daughter?

    Married couples often want to know who will be born to them: a son or a daughter. Epiphany frosts are considered an excellent period for divining the gender of an unborn child. For this purpose, it is necessary for the wife to pick up a glass and the husband to pour a little water into it, preferably no more than one centimeter.

    At midnight from January 18 to 19, you need to place a glass of water on the balcony or outside the window on the windowsill, and in the morning see how the water has frozen:

    • if tubercles and irregularities form, a son will be born;
    • a smooth ice surface or holes foreshadow the appearance of a daughter;
    • Sometimes water mysteriously disappears from a glass, this indicates that there will be no children in the family in the near future.

    Do not be upset if the result of fortune telling turns out to be sad and does not live up to expectations. Epiphany fortune-telling is famous for the fact that the predictions received are valid for only one year, so one can hope for successful changes.

Epiphany fortune-telling has been used for centuries and still remains one of the most relevant. They are held on the eve of the feast of Epiphany, which is the final stage of Christmastide. And as we all know, this period is ideal for fortune telling, as it is shrouded in a mysterious and magical atmosphere.

On this night, you can use New Year's and Christmas methods of divination, but there are many fortune-telling methods used once a year on Epiphany night. Girls perform rituals using mirrors, paper, shoes and even resort to signs such as barking dogs.

The most popular and truthful Epiphany fortune telling

Fortune telling on a shoe

For fortune telling, use any shoes: boots, boots, felt boots or one of the shoes. The ritual will tell about future marriage and relationships with the betrothed.

On Epiphany Christmas Eve, take your shoes and throw them outside through open window. Go outside and look at your shoe on the ground.


A simple and harmless fortune telling for the fulfillment of a cherished desire

On Epiphany Eve, cut a piece of paper into 12 small pieces. Write down your wishes on each one, and hide them under your pillow before going to bed. When you wake up, pull out three pieces of paper at random. The wishes written on them must come true within a year.

What will the barking of dogs tell you on a magical night?

Go outside at midnight. Run a knife over a clean snowdrift several times, as if cutting it. Say a magic spell: “Damn, damn, don’t be silent. Damn, damn, what kind of husband is waiting for me, tell me. Will I cry or laugh with him?

Stand quietly and listen, are dogs barking nearby and how? This will be a hint about your future lover.

The most dangerous fortune telling: fortune telling on mirrors

Option #1

Fortune telling on mirrors is dangerous, weigh it possible risks, before you begin. One mirror will be required. You are alone in the room. Close windows and doors, turn off mobile phone. Perform the ritual at midnight in a place where spirits may live, for example: a basement, cemetery, bathhouse or abandoned building.

Place the mirror in front of you, light two candles on the sides, undress naked, unbraid your hair and remove all jewelry from your body. Sit in front of the mirror and look at the reflection. A silhouette of a lover may appear. It will approach within one minute.

Do not get too close to the vision, this is fraught with serious consequences!

The image of the betrothed does not always appear. Sometimes it comes devilry, causing fear and panic. In this case, do not run away from the room, but quickly cover the mirror with a blanket, put out the candles and turn on the light.

Option No. 2

This is an even more dangerous divination. Take two mirrors big size. Place them opposite each other to form a corridor in which the narrowed one will appear. One mirror is in front of you, and the second is behind you. Light two candles and turn off the light. Stay alone indoors.

Sit down and look into the mirrored magical corridor. Wait for some time for the image of your future chosen one to appear. You will feel breath, voice, steps and even touches. Do not be distracted by the tricks of otherworldly forces.

ATTENTION! It will be a fatal mistake if, frightened, you run away from the room - having met with dark force, leave it indoors.

If you see the appearance of your betrothed, finish the fortune telling. If he doesn’t come, and you are afraid and lose control of yourself, stop casting a spell. Place the first mirror without turning to the second. Turn on the lights, blow out the candles, and place the second mirror.

Fortune telling using a gold chain

The night before Epiphany, take a gold or silver chain and with a sharp movement throw it into the corner of the room. The figure that the fallen decoration will take will tell you about upcoming events.


Round formDon't wait for changes in life.Lay down in the shape of a bowExpect a surprise or a quick marriage.
Flat stripGood luck and happy events await you.Waves formedA period of ups and downs will begin.
The chain is tangled, knots have formed on itBe prepared for the beginning of a difficult period.It turned out to be a heartLucky you are under the protection of a guardian angel.
Decoration fell in the shape of a triangleGood luck in love awaits you.Rectangular or square shapeExpect wealth.

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To get true results, follow the following tips:

  • Take off your jewelry, let your hair down and take off your shoes.
  • Do not cross your arms and legs, this interferes with the flow of information.
  • Keep the room quiet, illuminate it with light from a burning candle.
  • Do not tell fortunes in the name of God, remove all icons from the room.

Epiphany fortune telling is varied. There are playful ways to find out the future, and there are creepy, mystical and dangerous ones.

Before fortune telling, remove your pectoral cross - as if forgetting about God for a while, being left without his protection and patronage.

It's up to you to believe in evil spirits or not. If life circumstances or despair push you to fortune telling using mirrors, prepare for the ritual and think carefully about whether it’s worth paying such a price. high price for simple curiosity.

Try to avoid possible error face the negative consequences.

The holiday of Epiphany (Epiphany) is associated with severe frosts, dipping into an ice hole and fortune telling. On the night of January 18-19, the water becomes sacred, and the atmosphere is filled with magic and magic.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Young people at Epiphany unmarried girls They tell fortunes about the betrothed's name and wedding date. On this holiday, higher powers come to earth and give a sign.

Fortune telling with apples. Take the apples according to the number of fans. Cut out the guy's initials on each one. Then mix the apples and taste each one blindly. Choose the most delicious one. The guy whose initials will be carved on him is planning a serious relationship.

Fortune telling with rings. Fortune telling is carried out in the company of girls. Prepare rings: copper, silver, gold, ring with precious stone. There should be twice as many rings as there are fortune tellers. Hide them in a bag of cereal. One at a time, go to the bag and take a handful from it. Who will get it copper ring- she will marry a poor man. The owner of a silver ring will have a husband good man from a wealthy family. The girl who pulls out the ring with the precious stone will marry famous person. Who will get it Golden ring- that one family life will pass in wealth and luxury. If a girl picks up a handful of cereal without a ring, then she will not get married in the next year.

Fortune telling about the groom's hair color. On the eve of Epiphany, hang a comb in the barn. At night the groom will come and comb his hair with it. In the morning, carefully examine the comb. Whatever color hair you find on him, the future groom will have the same color.

Ceremony at the window. At midnight, sit by the window and say: “Mummer, drive past my window!” If after these words you hear the sound of a quickly passing car, with music and screams, then in the future you will have a happy marriage and a carefree life, full of adventures and joyful events. If the car passes slowly, then the groom will not be rich.

Fortune telling in the snow. On the evening of January 18, go outside, take off your chains, belts, rings, and unbraid your hair. Then lie down in a snowdrift without crossing your arms and legs. After that, get up and, without looking back, quickly go home. In the morning, return to the place where the ritual was performed and look at the footprint left in the snowdrift. The fuzzy outline of the silhouette and the snow scattered around indicate life with a jealous husband. A smooth print foreshadows a loving spouse with an easy-going character. The deep mark marks several marriages. If there are no footprints left in the snow, then you will not be able to get married in the coming year.

Ritual with a mirror. Stand in an empty room in front of a mirror and take an apple pre-cut into 9 parts. Looking at your reflection, eat 8 pieces and throw the 9th through left shoulder. At this moment, the image of your betrothed will appear in the mirror.

Fortune telling for the future

At Epiphany reigns on earth special atmosphere magic. On this holiday, ask higher powers to reveal the secret of the future. Magic rituals will show future events. Good signs will give you strength and energy to achieve your goals.

Fortune telling with glasses. Take six glasses, pour some water into them and put one small symbol object each. A coin foretells wealth, a match - the birth of a child, a ring - the next wedding, sugar - a happy life, bread - satiety, salt - misfortune and tears. You can use other items and invest in them eigenvalue. Mix the glasses and choose one at random with your eyes closed. The item you find will predetermine the events of the coming year.

Fortune telling for a prophetic dream. On the eve of Epiphany, lie down in bed and say: “Saint Samson, show me a festive dream.” Mentally think about what you would like to know in a dream. Events that you dream about will happen soon.

Ritual with a needle. Prepare a piece of bread, salt, a piece of brick and coal. Place the bread opposite the salt and the coal opposite the brick. Thread a long thread through the eye of the needle. Then lift it above the prepared objects to head level and start swinging. If the needle moves from bread to salt, then happy events are expected in the future, and if from a piece of brick to a coal, a difficult year is ahead.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

At Epiphany, people make wishes and ask higher powers to help make their dreams come true. Magic rituals They will tell you whether your plan will come true.

Fortune telling on the mirror. On Epiphany Eve, before midnight, bring a small mirror and spruce branches into the bedroom. Write on the mirror cherished wish and put it under the bed. Place branches around it. Look in the mirror in the morning. If the inscription has disappeared, then the plan will come true in the near future.

12 wishes. Prepare 12 pieces of paper and write your cherished dreams on them. Before going to bed, mix up the pieces of paper and place them under your pillow. In the morning, pull out three leaves at random. The wishes written on them will come true in the coming year.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires. Focus on your cherished dream, take a handful of small objects (buttons, nuts, peas, seeds) and pour them out in front of you on a flat surface. After this, count the number of items. An even number indicates that the wish will come true in the near future. An odd number indicates failure.

Card reading. Pick up a deck of cards and make a wish. Then blindly draw a card from the deck. Red color symbolizes good luck, black color symbolizes disappointment. If the map turns out to be large and black, then great difficulties will stand in the way. A small red card foreshadows the fulfillment of plans, but not as desired.

People believed that on the night of Epiphany the sky opens. Baptism was considered a special day, which is why fortune telling before the holiday is considered the most truthful. The eve of Epiphany was called Indian evening: girls wondered about marriage, and the older generation was interested in the well-being of the house. On Epiphany Christmas Eve it was allowed to find out the name of the betrothed, upcoming events, and level of income in the coming year. The ancestors firmly believed that on the last Christmas Eve evening, evil spirits try to penetrate people’s homes in order to cause harm. That is why it is so important to follow the rules when performing rituals, especially in the last week of fortune telling.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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    It is not an unnecessary precaution to protect your home during the holidays. To repel evil spirits on all doors and window frames You need to draw crosses with chalk. After fortune telling, it is recommended to swim in the Epiphany ice hole. If this is not possible, wash with holy water or take a shower to get rid of negative energy.

    Before starting the ceremony, it is necessary to remove all ringing objects: beads, rings, belts, bracelets, necklaces.

    For successful implementation ritual, they temporarily get rid of the protection of religion, removing pectoral crosses and removing icons.

    Behavior during the ceremony

    The main requirement when conducting a fortune-telling ritual is the prohibition of crossing legs and arms.

    For more reliable results:

    • It is forbidden to guess again for the same wish;
    • Only girls who have not previously been married are allowed to guess about their betrothed;
    • married or divorced women can only guess about the number of children, wealth, fulfillment of desires;
    • It is necessary to carry out home rituals alone; for street rituals, company is acceptable;
    • with holy water the ritual is performed only once;
    • It is prohibited to dilute holy water with ordinary water;
    • it is correct to guess only by candlelight, extinguishing all sources of artificial light;
    • Desires aimed at destroying a family or illness of an enemy are prohibited.

    During the ceremony, complete silence must be observed. There should be no faint-hearted or unbalanced people among the fortune tellers: the ritual can be ruined by the slightest rustle.

    The Yuletide ritual is allowed to be carried out only until midnight on January 18, before the start of the holiday day. After 12 o'clock at night the ban begins to apply. In Rus', God-fearing young ladies observed this rule strictly.

    Rituals can tell the name of the betrothed, tell about his financial situation, profession. You can find out what events are coming and prepare for difficulties. Below are the most accurate fortune telling for Epiphany.

    For the betrothed

    Most of the rituals are performed at night. They mainly guess about the development of relationships, love and marriage.

    The most interesting fortune telling for Epiphany:

    1. A plate is placed under the young lady’s pillow. Before going to bed, the girl says the phrase: “My mummer, my betrothed, come to me for dinner.” The one who appears at the night meal in a vision is her betrothed.

    2. Eat a salty dish in the evening. They place a glass of water near the head and say the words: “Even though there is water, I can’t get drunk. My dear, come and give me some water.”

    You need to go to bed in a light nightgown, with your hair down. The phrase is said several times. After this, you can’t talk to anyone, but go straight to bed.

    3. Instead of a plate, you can put a generously salted flatbread baked the day before under the young lady’s pillow without her noticing. The main condition is that the dreamer should not guess about it. The next morning the girl is asked if anyone gave her something to drink in her dream. This man is her betrothed.

    4. There is another option - with a small trinket hidden under the pillow before going to bed. It is enough to put it down, saying: “Come, betrothed, take a gift for you.” If the next morning the object remains in the same place, no changes are expected in your personal life. A gift lying on the floor means that the night visit took place, and a personal meeting is just around the corner.

    5. For the ritual with a comb, prepare a comb and place it under the pillow. Before going to bed, they recite a spell: “My betrothed, my betrothed, come and comb my hair.” At night the future groom will dream.

    6. You can put a glass of water near the headboard and ask your betrothed to come and drink some water. I'll see you in a dream drinking water groom.

    7. Make a bridge of pencils with matches between them over a plate of water. Before going to bed they say the phrase: “Whoever takes me across the bridge will be my husband.” At night you will see the image of your future spouse.

    8. At midnight on Epiphany Eve, a girl hangs a white towel in her room. Going to bed, the young lady says: “My betrothed, my mummer, come to me, dressed up. Dry yourself with a white towel.” If the next morning the towel is wet, you need to prepare for the wedding. If it is dry, you will have to wait until next year.

    9. You can invite your future partner to wash. They put a completely new towel under the pillow, saying: “Mummer, betrothed, come to me to wash your face and dry yourself with a towel.” The future life partner must respond to the call.

    10. For ancient fortune-telling at Epiphany using cards, take a completely new deck. Four kings are taken out of it and hidden under the pillow. The cards are pressed down on top with the heel of your favorite pair of shoes.

    Before going to bed, you need to whisper a conspiracy: “My betrothed, mummer. I'm waiting for you, dressed up. Enter my house, show yourself, marvel at my beauty.”

    The next morning they randomly take one card:

    • The king of spades means that the future spouse will be older than the dreamer or taller than her social status. There is a possibility that the husband will be very greedy or jealous.
    • A previously widowed man is associated with the king of clubs. This could be a military man or a very reserved person with business acumen.
    • The red suit promises a wealthy and young companion. But you will have to fight for such a spouse.
    • The King of Diamonds means both a happy relationship and a successful union with a loved one.

    On the mirror

    Fortune telling on a mirror is considered the most accurate. Late in the evening, a mirror is installed in the kitchen and a candle is lit. The fortuneteller says: “Betrothed, show yourself to me.” It is important to sit still, looking at the left shoulder of your reflection. If the flame fluctuates a little, becomes dim, and the mirror darkens, wipe it with a clean towel.

    Having seen the features of the man who has appeared, they clearly say: “Chill out of this place.” To complete the ritual, the candle is extinguished, the mirror is wrapped in a clean towel and hidden with the reflective surface down.

    It is important to carry out fortune telling on a mirror in complete silence, in a secluded place. None of the relatives should know about the ritual. After the ceremony you need to go to bed. You can't say a word.


    A ritual with straw will help you find out the name of the future groom. The girls gather in a large group in a quiet room where no one can interfere with the ritual.

    Crumple the straw into a ball and place it on the table. It is covered with a frying pan with a small amount of water in it and a stone. By midnight, each young lady takes turns drawing out a straw, listening carefully to the sounds made by the straw, stone and water. It is believed that the name of the betrothed is hidden in them.

    For love

    Relationships are guessed by using your mother’s favorite (but not wedding) ring and a saucepan. Be sure to ask the parent for jewelry, and not take it secretly.

    Fill the pan halfway with boiled cool water. The ring is tied with a red thread. The decoration is immersed in water and waited for it to freeze in place. You can stop it with your hand.

    They ask a question about the likelihood of mutual love. If the answer is positive, the ring rotates around its axis. A negative answer means the object is immovable. A swaying ring shows the jewelry's reluctance to respond.

    After the ceremony, the attribute is wiped dry and immediately handed to the owner, who is asked to immediately put it on. The water used for fortune-telling is poured out the window at midnight. When predicting unwanted events, you need to do this immediately after completing the ritual.

    There is a simple fortune telling to determine the future with your chosen one. Place a couple of candles nearby. They are mentally associated with a fortune-telling girl and her lover. The candles are lit and watched over. If the flames are drawn towards each other, the answer is obvious, the fire is in different directions - separation is ahead.

    What will your husband be like?

    Fortune telling based on other people's conversations is carried out alone. Choosing the house where someone she knows lives a happy family, the fortuneteller carefully creeps up to the window and listens. Swearing means quarrels with your chosen one. Silence is interpreted as a year of peace in relationships.

    Determined girls go out at night with little kitchen knife. They cut the snow, saying: “Devil, don’t be silent, devil, tell me, the servant of God (they say their name), tell me and show me what kind of husband you’ll get. Tell me right away whether I will have to laugh out of joy or cry with him. Let it be so. Amen, amen, amen."

    After these words they stand, listening, until the first barking of the dogs:

    • Hoarse and loud barking means a spouse with a strong and decisive character, rude and intractable.
    • The husband will be cheerful and kind with a loud or subtle bark.
    • Howling is considered the most unkind omen; it means a short marriage and early widowhood.

    You can find out the future with the help of cups. You need to take four opaque containers. A ring is placed in one, a piece of bread in another, a brush in the third, and tobacco in the last. Each vessel is covered with paper. All cups are mixed and then one is selected. Looking inside, they interpret:

    • bread - a rich groom;
    • ring - dandy;
    • brush - a simple person;
    • tobacco - smoking husband.

    For marriage

    At midnight on Epiphany, the young lady goes to the closed church doors. Having crossed herself, the girl listens for at least five minutes:

    • The noise of a wedding, laughter, songs, cheerful conversations mean marriage throughout the year.
    • Thud knocking, screams, moans - the absence of any opportunity to get married.

    On the last day before Epiphany, you can find out about marriage at the crossroads. It is believed that the voice of fate is heard precisely where the border of two worlds lies. Singing and cheerful laughter nearby mean a quick wedding. Hearing lamentations and crying means the absence of marriage in this year.

    To find out how many years are left before the wedding, young ladies tell fortunes with a ring and a thread. Even a day is suitable for the ceremony, but it is important to guess only alone. For the ritual, fill a glass two-thirds with water. Further:

    1. 1. Carefully tie a thread to the wedding ring. Instead, you can use hair from the fortuneteller’s head, but not shorter than twenty centimeters.
    2. 2. The decoration on the thread is lowered into the water and lifted without jerking.
    3. 3. The ring begins to swing as it rises. The number of times the decoration hits the walls of the vessel means the number of years remaining before marriage.

    The classic version of fortune telling is with a shoe. It requires a pair of shoes. This ritual is performed by a group. The girls take turns throwing their shoes behind them, over the fence.

    Then the young ladies look where the toe of the shoe is pointing. On the other hand, you have to wait for your betrothed. If the toe of the shoe points to the gate of the house from which it was thrown outside, then no suitors are expected this year.

    Determining the order

    For a true ritual, they choose late night, closer to midnight, when everyone in the village is asleep. A few hours before the start of the ritual, they bring the chicken home so that the bird gets used to it. The company places her in the center of a circle laid out on the floor with the rings of the young ladies present. The girl whose ring the chicken starts pecking first will be the first to get married.

    An interesting version of the old fortune-telling for the groom. At night they open the window wide, sit next to it with their friends and take turns saying: “My betrothed, my betrothed, drive past the window! “The first lady to get married will be the one after whose words any sounds are heard from the street.

    There are more easy option such fortune telling. They carry him out in company. At night, fortune tellers sit around a table covered with a burgundy or black tablecloth. The lights are turned off. A candle is lit in the center of the table.

    All participants in the ritual remove the rings from their fingers and roll them one by one over the fabric. Whichever young lady's jewelry rolls off the farthest, she will have to get married later than all her friends. The first one to get married will be the one whose ring remains closest to everyone.

    For children

    At home married women can find out the possibility of having a child in the family, the gender of the baby and the number of children.

    A thread and needle are prepared for the ritual. Next, you need to concentrate on the issue of the number of children.

    With your right hand you take the thread with the needle. The left palm is turned upward. A pendulum is placed above the center of the palm. The sharp end is lowered three times between the palm and thumb. Return the needle and thread to its previous position and monitor the vibrations:

    • Shaking the needle from side to side means the birth of the first boy in the family.
    • The movement of the pendulum in a circle promises a girl.
    • If the needle stands still, no additions to the family are expected in the coming year.

    To find out the number of babies, you need to repeat all the steps. The needle and thread are passed again between the finger and palm and returned to its previous position. The movements of the pendulum promise the birth of another child. Fortune telling continues until the needle stops moving.

    To fulfill a wish

    An interesting ritual with fir branches. A mirror is prepared for him, and spruce paws are cut. In the evening, the mirror is taken outside and left there for several hours. They take it home and write a wish on the foggy surface with their finger.

    The object is placed under the bed, up mirror surface. Branches are laid on top. Interpretation of what was seen:

    • If you can read the inscription the next morning, your wish will come true.
    • If only part of the letters are visible, you will need to make an effort to fulfill your plan.
    • If only a couple of letters are visible or not a single one is visible, the wish will not come true.

    There is another fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish. They write their dreams on thin tissue paper. They go out onto the balcony or onto a small hill. At the first gust of wind, release the leaf and watch the flight:

    • A message rushing upward means that the plan will come true.
    • If the leaf flew down, there is no point in waiting for luck.
    • A note spinning in a spiral means that considerable effort must be made to make the dream come true.

    For the ritual, a handful of seeds or nuts are taken to fulfill a wish. They are scattered on the table and the number is counted. If it is even, the plan will come true.

    Place peas in a cup and fill it with water. They clearly formulate their desire to themselves and ask whether their plans will come true. The floating peas are counted. An even number means fulfillment.

    For those who smoke, you can read fortunes on cigarettes. The ritual is performed only alone. Nothing should distract you from your work. It is worth turning off the phone, TV, radio.

    Before the ceremony, the question is precisely formulated. After this they light a cigarette. While smoking, maintain complete silence. They focus exclusively on the question of interest to the fortuneteller. The ashes cannot be shaken off. We must try to preserve it for as long as possible.


    • If ash falls from the cigarette when you puff, your wish will come true very soon.
    • If after tightening the ash falls almost immediately, the plan will come true, but minor difficulties are likely.
    • If the ash falls when the cigarette is far from the lips, the plan will not come true.

    For wealth

    There are many ways to tell wealth:

    1. Notes.

    The easiest ones include divination with paper. Take a dozen leaves. They write a wish on each of them and hide them under the pillow. The next morning, three leaves are chosen at random. The wishes written on them will definitely come true in the coming year.

    2. Imprint in the snow.

    Without special devices perform a ritual in the snow. Find untouched clean place. They lay their backs on him. They rise, trying not to damage the print. At the same time, they make a wish for wealth. Waiting for the attack next day. The result is determined at the first rays of the sun. If the imprint is intact, prosperity awaits. If the outline is blurred or the figure is trampled, you will have to make a lot of effort to get rich.

    3. On matches.

    They take a new whole box of matches and make a wish for prosperity. They represent only the amount of money that needs to be received. They close their eyes and shake the box. They scatter matches on the table and, opening their eyes, count them. The plan will come true if the number is even. If you get an odd number, you have to wait.

    4. Using grain.

    Simple village fortune-telling has long been popular. The bird's owners scatter grain on the floor of the canopy. The rooster is released into the house. Watch him peck the grains:

    • Ate everything - harmony and well-being in the family whole year.
    • I only pecked half of it - my financial situation is the same as last year.
    • If the bird has not touched the food, a difficult time is expected.

    5. On rice.

    You can pour rice into a glass and ask: “Fate, tell me what to expect: evil, good, prosperity, bad, good health or a miracle.” Quickly after these words, they make a wish for wealth and pour the grains onto a flat surface. From the mass of grains, only spoiled (dark) ones are selected and the grains are counted. An even number means the fulfillment of the plan.

    For the near future

    To find out the fate of a short time use a ritual with bread. They buy a large loaf of the most toasted variety the day before. "Borodinsky" is not suitable.

    The loaf is brought home without showing it to anyone. The bread is wrapped in a clean white cloth and left under the pillow until night. Not a single crumb should fall off it. Without unwrapping, the bread is placed in the middle of the table at night.

    With a sharp and long knife they cut off small slices, saying in a whisper: “What will happen to me tomorrow.” Watch how they lie down:

    • If the bread does not fall, the day will be successful.
    • If the piece was delayed for some time before falling, the plan will come true with some problems.
    • A piece that falls immediately is interpreted as failure for the whole day. You shouldn’t even plan anything for this time.

    About your destiny

    The ritual with incense is performed only in solitude. All doors and windows are locked and curtains are drawn. On kitchen table lay out a new tablecloth white, put a couple of devices on it and sit down at one of them. Light up church candle. A small piece of incense is placed on both plates, saying: “In the church they get along with incense, but in their home illness rules everything. It is customary to tell fortunes at Epiphany. Ladan, it will be okay for me to guess with you. I want to know the whole truth. Just as you are holy and pure, so my dream, the servant of God (name of the fortuneteller), is truthful and pure. Let what is said come true. Amen, amen, amen."

    Having said magic words, one piece of incense is put away under the pillow, and the second is left on the table and goes to bed. Having a dream will predict your fate.

    You can take a book and wish for a page in it. Next, define the line at the top. The answer to the question of interest to the fortuneteller is the sentence read there.

    On wax

    Wax fortune telling can be done alone or in the company of friends. They drown in a metal mug wax candles. The wax is slowly poured into a bowl of water. When it hardens, they take it out and interpret the figure they see. The ritual is performed only when there is good visible moon.

    Wax figures interpretation table.

    Name Meaning
    Lots of dropletsWellbeing
    MushroomHappy Long Life
    BellNew news
    HouseFinding your home
    Strange figureThe future is unclear
    FlowerHappy year
    StripesLong trip
    BucketBusiness success
    little manNew acquaintances
    HeartStrong feelings
    CrownSuccess, achievements
    CrossSerious illness
    The DragonThe problem will be resolved successfully
    AngelHelp from above
    FishGood news, finding a mentor
    BirdSuccessful implementation of projects
    CircleStability in business

    After fortune telling, figures with a positive meaning are kept for a whole year so that the plan comes true. Those that are interpreted negatively are buried or burned. Higher power they thank you with a coin left at the crossroads.

    Card name Straight position Inverted position JesterLife will change for the betterThe risk is not justified. You should wait without doing anything rash. Then the outcome of events is favorable MageComing important events with successful completionYou only have yourself to blame for failures High PriestessYou should rely on intuition and hidden possibilitiesIt’s better to look at the situation from a different angle High priestEverything is going as usual. It is worth listening to the advice of eldersYou have to be creative to change your life for the better EmpressIt's time to take advantage of your luck and luckWe need to start living with a clean slate without burdensome old relationships EmperorYou need to be guided by reason, not feelingsYou can't put pressure on people LoversAn important choice lies aheadCaution must be exercised ChariotHelp from fateWe have to start all over again ForceIt's time to achieve what you wantWe need to overcome ourselves, gather our strength HermitIt's worth waiting for the right time to move onThere is no point in ignoring good advice Wheel of FortuneWe must cast aside fears: a new chapter in life beginsIt's a difficult time, it's better to wait it out JusticeIll-wishers will have to apologize for their actionsIt's important to think about every step HangedYou have to sacrifice something to achieve your goals.Efforts will not be appreciated DeathYou should step forward without fearIt is important to free yourself from unnecessary things in order to find a way out ModerationYou must maintain peace of mindActions are unreasonable DevilThe position is dependent. It's time to pull yourself togetherThere are difficulties ahead, but everything will end well TowerWith decent behavior, there is a chance to overcome hardships without harming yourselfIt is important to develop and move forward StarThere is an opportunity for spiritual developmentWe must wait and overcome pessimism MoonIntuition will help you find a way out of the situationIt's worth preparing to reveal the secret SunMarriage is coming, a new addition to the familyWe need to be patient CourtIt is necessary to make a choice by analyzing what has been achievedDespite the difficulties we must move on WorldTriumph aheadYou can't give up everything halfway

    Fortune telling for Epiphany is considered the most accurate. Among them there are both simple and more complex. But it is important to carry out all rituals with positive attitude, expecting only a good forecast in advance. Then the results will definitely be positive. However, even negative predictions can be mitigated if you listen to tips from above.


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