Fortune telling with a wedding ring and water. Difficult decoration: a selection of the best fortune telling on a wedding ring

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Since ancient times, rings have been attributed magical properties. This jewelry was worn as a talisman or talisman, and was also used for fortune telling. Ring fortune telling is the most common and effective way to find out your future. Let's look at some types of fortune telling with a ring that can answer any of your questions.

Fortune telling with a ring on a string

This ritual is suitable for those who want to know the answer to any question. You'll need a ring wool thread and paper with a pen. Divide a sheet of paper into two parts. Write “yes” at the top of the sheet and “no” at the bottom. Then hang the ring on a thread, the length of which should be about 30 centimeters, light two candles and tune in to fortune telling. Write in advance the questions you will ask the ring. They must be clear and understandable. Questions should be formulated in such a way that they can be answered either yes or no.

Lift the ring by the thread and hold it above a piece of paper, preferably in its center. Try not to move your hand. Ask your question and watch what answer the ring leans towards. If it moves towards “yes”, then the answer is positive, if towards “no”, then the answer is negative.

Fortune telling with a ring and a glass

This fortune telling is similar to the previous ritual. It can also answer any of your questions in a yes/no format. Pour water into a transparent glass, take the ring and hang it on your hair. Dip the ring into the water and then lift it up to the level of the edge of the glass. Ask your question. If the ring moves back and forth or left and right, then the answer will be negative, if it moves in a circle, then the answer will be positive. If it stands still, then this is a sign of the uncertainty of your fate on this issue.

Ring fortune telling for marriage

This ancient fortune telling was usually performed in a large company. Single girls Those who wanted to know when they would get married poured grain into a small bag and buried a ring in it. After this, each girl took turns taking a handful of grain from the bag. The one who has the ring in her hand along with the grain will be the first to get married.

There is another way of fortune telling for marriage. This ritual can tell about future family life. Take your ring and place it in a small, deep saucer. Add a teaspoon of any cereal there. The saucer with all its contents must be taken out into the cold overnight or placed in the freezer.

In the morning you need to take out the saucer and take a close look at the surface of the water. If the ice has formed smoothly, then family life will have a long and happy life. If dents are clearly visible on the surface, the marriage will be unsuccessful and will bring a lot of trouble. If the ice on the surface of the saucer is covered with tubercles, there will be a lot of money and children.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring

For fortune telling, you must use only a wedding ring. Place it in a saucer of water and light two candles. Then lean a small mirror against the edge of the saucer so that you can see the ring in its reflection. After that, ask your question and look closely at the reflection. In a few minutes, clear outlines of your future may appear there.

We hope that our fortune telling on the ring will tell you about future events and answer all your questions. Believe only in the best and don’t forget to press the buttons and

Somehow it happened that we associate rings not only with beautiful jewelry or expensive jewelry, but also with magic. You can do fortune telling on wedding ring, on a silver or gold ring, on a base metal ring, with or without a stone. Depending on the material and purpose of the ring, the quality and essence of the ritual will change.

A ring is not only a decoration, but also a magical attribute

The peculiarity of this method of fortune telling

Using this method, you can get an answer to any question, including those regarding children. First of all, you can find out whether you will have children, how many of them there will be and what gender. It is important to carefully follow the rules of the ritual, choose right time and place, take care of your appearance, mentally tune in and correctly formulate the question.

Preparing for the ritual

Fortune telling for children is not a difficult matter, but it requires a reverent attitude towards oneself. To ensure the correctness of fortune telling, adhere to certain rules and recommendations:

  1. Choice of day. On Sunday you should not guess by ring. It is better for women to tell fortunes on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. Men on other days of the week. If women guess in men's days, and for men, on the contrary, the ritual will give the wrong results. Do not guess on such dates of the month: three, seven, nine, nineteen, twenty-seven.
  2. Time spending. For such purposes, it is preferable to tell fortunes at night. The most truthful rituals take place on the full moon and on the waxing moon. It is better not to guess at the waning moon at all.
  3. Appearance. Before you start fortune telling, comb your hair and braid your hair. Remove all jewelry (rings, hairpins, bracelets, beads, belts) and wash off your makeup. Clothing - including underwear - choose from natural material, it should cover your elbows and knees. Most suitable option- nightgown.
  4. Lighting. Turn off all electrical light sources. Gas lamp(if you have such a rarity) is also unacceptable. You can leave candles lit or tell fortunes by moonlight.
  5. Ring. The ring can be anything: smooth or embossed, made of precious metal or not, with or without stones. However, it is best to choose gold or silver without any reliefs or additional decorations.
  6. A place for fortune telling. It's better to sit on the floor. It is not recommended to stand, at most just leaning on the windowsill. You should not sit at a table or on a chair - this will disrupt your connection with the supernatural world.
  7. Additional parameter. To improve the effectiveness of fortune telling, read fortunes on your wedding ring. Unmarried people can use the wedding ring of a close relative (sister, mother, grandmother, aunt), while married people should use their own ring to tell fortunes exclusively.

Additional tip: married girls you need to guess exclusively on your wedding ring!

Fortune telling: the first method

There are several ways to tell fortunes on a child using a ring, each of which has its own characteristics. Some need Additional materials and objects, in the case of others, a ring and thread are enough.

For the first fortune-telling, any ring is suitable, as long as it is yours and you have worn it for at least three days before. In addition to the ring, you will also need a glass of water.

This ritual will allow you not only to answer the questions: “Will I have children?”, “Will my firstborn be a boy?”, “Will I have a daughter?” etc., but also to any love questions (about a guy, family, etc.). It is important to formulate the question correctly. It should be such that it can be answered “yes” or “no”.


  1. Prepare workplace and things for the ritual: a glass of water, a ring and a thread or a pair of hairs from a curl.
  2. Tie the ring onto a few of your hairs (if they are long) or onto a silk thread.
  3. Try swinging the resulting pendulum back and forth to make sure it doesn't break.
  4. Take it big and index fingers both ends of the thread.
  5. Dip the ring into the water that is on the table or floor and put it back out.
  6. Wait until it stops oscillating.
  7. Ask a question that interests you: “Will I give birth to children this year?”, “Will my daughter be my firstborn?”, “Will my daughter be happy in new school?”, “Should I give my son a moped?”

Over time, the ring will begin to move: rotate or oscillate, describe a certain figure. It is judging by the trajectory that you can find out the answer to your question.

If the ring begins to describe a circle clockwise or begins to oscillate in a horizontal plane from left to right, then the answer to your question is positive. If it begins to describe a circle counterclockwise or begins to oscillate back and forth, then the answer to your question is negative.

There are also cases when the ring remains motionless, this should be interpreted as the fact that you did not ask the question in a timely manner: the Universe simply has not yet decided.

As you can see, fortune telling is very simple and quick, but it gives fairly truthful results, helps you make decisions in difficult moments, and tells you when it is necessary.

Fortune telling using a ring is quite simple and helps make decisions in difficult times.

Fortune telling: second method

There is another very similar fortune telling that allows you to determine the gender of the child (if you have not given birth, then the first child, if you are already a mother, then the next child). This time you will again need a glass of water, a thread (hair won't do) and a ring. However, in addition to this, one more additional material: two candles, preferably red.


  1. Light both candles.
  2. Place the glass on a flat surface (table or floor).
  3. Say over the candle: “Candle flame, whisper to me, how many children am I destined to have?”
  4. Place the ring over the candles so that it warms up.
  5. Lower the hot ring into the input.
  6. Watch his movements.

If the ring in the glass begins to describe a circle, then very soon you should expect the birth of a girl, but if the movement is oscillatory (right-left, back-and-forth), then very soon you will become a mother to a boy. If the ring still hasn’t started moving, then you shouldn’t expect children until a couple of years later.

Fortune telling: the third way

Another similar fortune telling. It allows you to find out the future number of children a girl will have and the gender of each of them. So to speak, for the future. However, keep in mind in advance that this fortune telling does not indicate the order in which the children will be born. So if a girl happens to have two sons and one daughter, then a daughter may be born first, and then two sons, or a son, a daughter, a son, or two sons, and then a daughter.

For the ceremony we will need a glass of holy water, church candle, a glass of wheat (it is better to use a glass) and a ring. Moreover, the ring should be made of noble metal and with a large natural stone.

To the ritual itself:

  1. Light a church candle.
  2. Place it in a glass with wheat.
  3. Tie the ring with a thread so that it can freely oscillate in the horizontal plane and make circular movements in the vertical plane, the stone should “look” down.
  4. Take the ends of the thread in one hand and hold the candle with the fingers of your other hand.
  5. Say over the candle:

    "Holy Mother of God! Everything is known to you, everything is known to you. Maybe you can give me a hint, my naive darling. How many children will God send me?”

  6. Without removing your fingers from the candle, dip the ring three times in water.
  7. Watch the ring stick out.
  8. Count the number of circles described by the ring and the number of oscillations back and forth, left and right.

The number of circles described is the number of girls you will give birth to; the number of fluctuations is the number of boys. This fortune telling does not take into account adopted children, only relatives. You can also tell fortunes to another person, but then the fortuneteller must speak the words over the candles and hold it [the candle].

The third method of fortune telling takes into account only natural children (not adopted)

After the ritual, you should go to church and pray in front of the icon of the Holy Mother of God (it would be a good idea to do this before the ritual). Before and after the ritual, do not drink alcohol or smoke for 24 hours.


Fortune telling on a ring with a thread for children can take place in three different ways. In each of them you will need additional materials such as candles and a glass of water.

Fortune telling is much more likely to come true if you adhere to certain rules regarding the day of the week, time, appearance (hairstyle, clothes, makeup), lighting, material and shape of the ring. And most importantly: you must believe in fortune telling.

With the help of fortune telling, you can not only predict the number of future children and their gender, but also find out answers to questions regarding already born children, sometimes this can help both you and the child.

Which method or methods of fortune telling to choose (they can be combined) is up to you. Good luck!

Ancient magicians and adherents of various schools of witchcraft have been making rings and rings for “magical matters” since ancient times. Depending on the goal that the magician was striving for, the desired day, hour and specific metal from which the ring was made were selected.

Secret letters and symbols had to be inscribed on the rings, which would activate it and attract the necessary energy, or, conversely, serve as an amplifier of the will of the practitioner. With the help of rings, the sorcerer could see the world of spirits.

But how can a simple earthly man in the street, not privy to the ancient secrets of magical knowledge, obtain information using a wedding ring or ring at home?

Preparing for fortune telling

Preparing the fortuneteller and the room is the first thing to consider. Since fortune telling with rings is nothing more than magical effect, then the fortuneteller’s attitude should be appropriate. Any “magical work” must be done being “clean”. What does it mean? In the civilized world, not everyone can bathe in a river or stream, but everyone has access to a shower. Wash off today's day before you begin the ritual.

REFERENCE: In ancient times, the bathhouse was a favorite place for young girls to cast fortunes. After steaming, they began fortune telling and other practices.

The room in which you plan to tell fortunes should also be clean and quiet. Turn off electrical appliances, telephones and other delights of the technical world. Make sure there are no distractions. There should be no “observers”.

The right time for this kind of fortune-telling would be midnight and the hours following it. If water is used, then at least not from the tap, and at most - charged or consecrated. If you have access to well or spring water, it is better to use it. Clean melted snow will also work.

The most effective fortune telling on the ring

There are a lot of fortune telling using rings. They tell fortunes using gold, copper, and silver rings, adding rusty nails and bread. Let's focus on the simplest ones, but effective ways.

"Not really"

A universal, easy-to-implement and very working way to answer questions of the future, present and past. This method is suitable for those whose question requires the answer “Yes” or “No”, without involving figurative perception and all possible options for the development of events.

You will need a blank sheet of white paper. Write “Yes” on the left side of the sheet and “No” on the right side. You will also need two candles, preferably wax ones. Since ancient times, wax has been recognized by most magicians and healers as the best and “living” material for making candles.

Place them on the right and left sides of your fortune telling board. The distance between the candles should be such that you do not feel much heat if you place your hand between them. He will be distracting.

Formulate questions in advance. You can write them down. Clear, concise and unambiguous - this is how you can characterize the structure of the question. Ask the ring no more than three questions. This is not a rule, but as practice shows, after the third or fourth question, an unprepared fortuneteller becomes “courageous.” So be reasonable.

Tie the ring on a woolen thread. Take the second end of the thread in right hand. Bring the ring to the sheet of paper with “Yes-No” so that the ring hangs in the middle between the answers. Think about the question. Concentrate on it as best you can. Say the text of the question out loud and watch the ring. Which way the ring will lean is the answer. Be patient, the ring may not start moving right away.

Some people add a third answer option, “I don’t know” or “Maybe,” to a piece of paper. If your ring rushes towards this option, it means that the development of events depends solely on your choice or action. But even if the ring indicated a clear “No” or “Yes” and this is upsetting, still do not be upset. Perhaps an unwanted “No” will save you from trouble.

For marriage

For this type of fortune telling and more accurate prediction you will need a married woman's wedding ring. Use wedding rings from your family line. Great-grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers, aunts or sisters will do. You will also need a transparent vessel one-third filled with water. Maybe a little less. It is desirable that the vessel has no edges or patterns on the bottom.

On a favorable day, following all the rules of preparation, lower the wedding ring to the bottom of the vessel. Peering through the water through the ring, you can see the image of the future chosen one. Don't concentrate your gaze. That is, don’t make it “stone”; look through the water, slightly blurring your vision, relaxed and calm.

The ring can be used in the form of a pendulum. Place photographs of the supposed “knights of your heart” in a circle, and in their absence, you can use cut pieces of paper with the names of “princes”. When you write your name young man, use one of important rules magic - visualize the bearer of the name. Lay out the pieces of paper in the form of sun rays.

Take the end of the thread with the ring in your right hand and place it suspended in the middle of the resulting “sun”. Ask a question in any form. For example, “Which of them will I marry,” etc. Watch the pendulum, in the direction of which name it will begin to move. If the ring points to two names in turn, then you have to choose yourself.

With pendulum and ring

The pendulum is an ancient magician’s tool that is used to find any answers. It is a chain of 20-30 cm, at the end of which a load is suspended. Experienced magicians use cone-shaped crystals, less often precious and semi-precious stones. Chains come from various metals.

A ring threaded through a silk thread can also be used according to the pendulum principle. Rings that a person wears constantly are more accurate and obedient. They are already saturated with its energy and will be able to answer even small everyday questions.

This attribute of prediction is treated very carefully. Velvet bags, small chests or caskets are used for storage.

The principle of operation of the pendulum is quite simple, but no one has canceled the need for communication between. No magical attribute is "technical". He is an extension of the magician himself.

To tell fortunes using a pendulum, focus on the question, voice it, and watch the movement of the pendulum. Its rotation clockwise indicates a positive response, and counterclockwise a negative response.

To simplify the task, you can use a piece of paper with “Yes” or “No”. If the pendulum does not move at all, wait a little and reformulate the question. If it swings too quickly, then the question is too categorical.

REFERENCE: No matter how beautifully the pendulums swing, pointing to “Yes” or “No,” remember, this is just a possible, “more likely” future in a multivariate world.

One wedding ring for the child's gender

Since ancient times, there have been various signs, by observing which, mothers and fathers determined with absolute certainty the gender of their baby before it was born. They guessed by natural phenomena, by appearance girls. There are several ways to find out the gender of a baby before birth using a wedding ring.

Make the pregnant woman sit comfortably in a chair. Thread a silk thread through the wedding ring. It is necessary to bring the suspended ring to the girl’s stomach and watch its movement.

Back and forth movements indicate a boy, while circular rotations indicate a girl. The same action can be performed on the left palm of the expectant mother. Only in this case the movements will mean exactly the opposite. Movement back and forth, left and right - a girl, and circular - a boy.

The girl needs to be impartial and not try to mentally influence the movement of the ring in one way or another. She should be “empty” in her thoughts. Excess energy fluctuations can distort fortune telling.

On the hair and the ring

Hair, like a photograph, nails, blood, are charged and carry information about the fortuneteller and will make the ritual more accurate. You can use a hair instead of silk thread.

You will need a vessel 2/3 filled with water. Hang the ring on a hair so that the ends of the hair are held between your fingers. Formulate a question, keep it in your thoughts. Lower the ring completely into the water without touching the bottom of the vessel. Hold this position for a few moments. Raise it to the level of the boundaries of the vessel and ask a question. If the movement is back and forth or left and right, the answer is negative; if the movement is circular, the answer is positive.

In the same way, you can guess by replacing a vessel with water with a clue sheet of paper with “Yes” and “No” written on it.

It is not always possible to concentrate your thoughts and calm your mind before fortune telling. To do this, take several deep breaths and smooth exhalations. Observe your breathing for 1-2 minutes. You will be surprised to find that observing one thing, even your own breathing, is quite difficult. Thoughts will lead you away from observation, but still return to it. This practice will help you concentrate more clearly on fortune telling and receive more accurate answers.

To increase concentration before fortune telling, you can watch the candle flame at eye level for some time. This is an ancient practice that has been used for dozens of centuries for concentration. Fire will calm the mind and pacify thoughts.

To enter deeper and altered states of consciousness, the smoke of natural incense and aromatic oils will help. For example, juniper smoke is famous for its cleansing and calming properties.

Fortune telling, like any magical practice, is IMPOSSIBLE! exercise for girls on menstrual days. You should also refrain from making predictions while in feeling unwell.

In what cases will fortune telling not come true?

Fortune telling is not a 100 percent “Yes” or “No” practice. It indicates the probability relative to the point where you are in the multivariate field of life. However, there is certain rules, increasing the likelihood.

  1. Don't tell anyone that you intend to guess. After the ritual, keep secret everything you asked and what answer you received.
  2. “I’ll go check” and “maybe” nothing will work out. Attitude to the process = result. Carelessness and frivolity will play a cruel joke.
  3. Don't "overthink" on the same issue.
  4. When you are in a drunken state, don’t guess. Not only will you not get a truthful answer, but you may also get a punch on the nose.

No matter how simple fortune telling on a ring at home may seem, it is first and foremost a magical act. Either treat it properly or don't even start.

Man has always sought to answer the questions tormenting his restless mind. About marriage, power and wealth. Observing the processes occurring in nature, he invented fortune-telling techniques, which over time became shrouded in the shadow of mystery. In this article I looked at the most effective ways fortune telling with rings. And now you can easily get answers to your questions.

Fortune telling with a ring will help you find the answer to your question. This fortune telling is universal. With its help, you can find out both about love affairs and a specific situation and about your future in general.

For this fortune telling you will need your ring, which you constantly wear. If you are wearing a wedding ring, this will do. The fortune telling ring must be made of silver or gold. You cannot tell fortunes on someone else's ring, since there will be no energetic connection between you and them. You will also need a transparent glass with clean cold water.

How to tell fortunes on a ring

It is recommended to tell fortunes in the evening, after sunset. Tie your ring to a thin thread and hold it in your left hand for a few seconds. At the same time, you need to think about the problem of interest.

Slowly lower the ring on a string into the water so that the ring does not reach the bottom of the glass by about 2-3 cm. After this, ask your question out loud and begin to observe the movement of the ring. Try not to move your hand.

If the answer to your question involves any numbers, then count how many times the ring hits the wall of the glass. This will be your answer.

If the answer to your question is “yes” or “no,” then watch how the ring moves in the water:

  • In fortune telling, the ring moves in a circle - the answer is positive.
  • If it goes back and forth, then the answer is no.
  • If it stands still and does not move, then your fate will not change in the near future and the thing you have planned will not budge for a long time.

If your question is abstract, for example, you just want to tell fortunes for the near future, then the prediction should also be read from the movement of the ring. Standing still is a bad sign. Walking in circles - success awaits you. Moving back and forth - there will be many obstacles and problems along the way.

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A ring, a thread, a glass of water - that's all you need for fortune telling.

Divination by rings has been used since time immemorial. With the help of simple actions, the girls found out when and who they would marry, how many children they would have, and what else fate had in store for them. life path. Various options fortune telling by rings was found among the Persians and in Rus'. Sometimes fortune telling with a ring even decided the fate of states: in some countries it was used to choose a suitable ruler.

Fortune telling on a ring with a thread

Although there are a great variety of fortune-telling with a ring, the most common is still fortune-telling with a ring with a thread. In the first option, this is fortune telling with a ring; you will not need any ring, but a wedding ring. Hang it on a thread, preferably black, take it in left hand and put it in a glass. If the ring hits the right wall of the glass, your wish will come true; if it hits the left wall, it will not.

Using the second option of fortune telling on a ring with a thread, you can determine the gender of your unborn child. You will need a helper and a glass of water. The person must lower the ring on a string into a glass that stands near your hand. If the ring moves in a circular motion, you are having a girl. If it's pendulum-shaped, it's a boy. Well, if the ring doesn’t move, you won’t have children. At least in the near future.

By the way, actress Kate Hudson, on the air of one of the American programs, arranged another version of fortune telling on a ring with a thread. True, Hudson was already pregnant and threaded not a thread through the ring, but several of her own hairs. She brought the resulting pendulum to her stomach and followed the movement of the ring. Once it began to make circular movements, the actress concluded that she was expecting a girl.

Fortune telling by rings for the betrothed

This ring fortune telling is usually done at Christmas. Again, you will also need a wedding ring. Pour water into a glass, place two candles next to each other and lower the ring on a thread into the glass, but so that it does not touch the water. Listen: the ring will tap the name of the betrothed on the walls of the glass. If the name cannot be made out, count how many times the ring is knocked on the walls. After so many years you will get married.

Another option for fortune-telling by rings for your betrothed: at midnight, pour water into a glass, throw a ring into it and try to see the face of your future chosen one in the reflection and rings on the water.

The third option for fortune telling by rings for your betrothed is quite simple. Also at midnight you need to take the wedding ring and look through it at the candle flame. It is believed that you will see the groom in its flame.

Divination by rings in water

This ring fortune telling is best done in the frosty winter, but a regular freezer will also help you. Before going to bed, pour water into a glass, put a ring in it and put it in the cold. In the morning, look how frozen the water is. If she's clean smooth surface without bubbles, you will have success in the future. And if there are pits and tubercles, you will know the number of your future children: the pits are daughters, and the tubercles are sons.
By the way, this fortune telling with a ring also fulfills a wish. Wait until the water melts and put the ring on your finger, making a wish.

Fortune telling by rings and alphabet

For this variation of ring divination with a string, you will need to write all the letters of the alphabet and hold the ring over them. When it starts to swing, remember which letters it points to. This way you can literally read the future.

Fortune telling by rings for prosperity

Take four rings: gold, silver, copper and semiprecious stone. Place them on the table. For this fortune telling by rings you need an assistant. He should blindfold you, spin you around and direct you to the table. You, in turn, must take one ring. Which one did you choose? Golden ring- to wealth, silver - to moderate profit, copper - yours financial position will not change, with a stone - losses await you.

Whichever ring fortune telling you choose, be careful. After all, this is one of the variations of fortune telling using a pendulum. It is believed that a pendulum in inept hands brings trouble to its owner. Respect magical rituals and approach them responsibly, only in this case you will be able to look into the future and attract good luck without negative consequences.


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