Fortune telling a wish using tarot. Card fortune telling for wishes

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How to determine and how to understand that a wish will come true? What are the signs that your goal will soon come true? For you, we have collected several rules and signs by which you can understand that your dream is very close in your space.

The right message

Not every desire is true. And not every person knows how to correctly formulate their goals and go towards them. Our article on the website describes in detail the entire visualization process. Use these simple tips to become the Creator of your own destiny.

Signs of wish fulfillment

§How to understand that a wish will come true? The first signs of wish fulfillment appear within a few days. The maximum period for the manifestation of symptoms for a small desire is 2 weeks, and for a global one - about 1 month.

§True desire is constantly drawn into a person’s field of vision. If you want a phone, then you will see it everywhere: on the street among passersby, in advertising on TV or on the Internet, your friends will discuss the new flagship or in a random program they will also talk about it.

§If you want to find your soulmate, then get ready for plenty of attention from people who also dream about it. It is not necessary to enter into an alliance with the first person you meet. You can wait for your true partner. Just know that work on your desire is in full swing in the right direction.

§Changes may occur in your life: both good and bad. But these “bad events” are not bad at all. It is destruction that becomes the starting point for a new happy future.

§Don’t be afraid if it seems to you that everything has fallen on you and is falling out of your hands. The Universe needs time to move your life to a higher vibration.

§It's something from within. When you think about your cherished goal, everything bubbles up inside you. You feel inner confidence and anticipation of accomplishment. Your inner instinct itself tells you that you are already on the threshold of something new. Some people burn in the chest area, others in the stomach or groin area. It's different for everyone.

Mantras for making wishes come true

A few mantras to make your wishes come true:

The way to yourself

A collection of articles that will help you discover your uniqueness and find integrity.

Fortune telling by wish is very common, since every person wants to be sure that his dream will come true. At this point, there are many ways to help you make sure that cherished desire destined to come true.

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Fortune telling by wish

At the moment there are many ways to help make your wish come true. You can summon an entity from the other world, for example, who will help you fulfill your dream.

If you do not want to contact the other world, then you can perform some simple ritual that will help you determine the likelihood of your plans being fulfilled. You can do this yourself, at home, or.

Simple effective rituals

Exists a large number of fortune telling for the fulfillment of desires. If you don’t want wax and other magical attributes, then use these two simple methods.

In the first case, you will need to go out at night, make a wish and approach multi-storey building. Your task is to count how many windows the light is on. If the number is even, then undoubtedly your dream will come true, if it is odd, then the answer is no.

Fortune telling based on the first person you meet will help shed some light. Early in the morning, go out into the yard, when crossing the threshold of the house, be sure to think about what you would like. Now all you have to do is wait for the first person you meet.

  • If a man comes towards you, then the dream will come true.
  • If a woman, then the plan is not destined to come true.
  • If the first person you meet is a child, the wish will come true in a few months.
  • If you met a dog, this means that you will have to make efforts to realize your desire.
  • If a cat comes out to meet you, this is a sign that your plan will not come true, since the enemy will interfere with you.

Fortune telling for the period of fulfillment of a wish

In order to perform this ritual, you will need a new deck of 36 cards. You can use the magic attribute that you previously used to various fortune telling, but in this case it must be properly cleaned and prepared for use. All cards should be shuffled and laid face down. There should be 4 rows, 9 cards each.

Now turn on your imagination. It must be assumed that the cards are in ascending order from left to right. The first line should contain clubs, the second - diamonds, the third - hearts, and the fourth - spades. After this, you can begin the process of fortune telling. Take the last card that is in the first row and open it. For example, the Queen of Spades came up.

Now you need to put this card in the place where it should be. Important: the cards do not move, the empty space is not freed up for this Queen of Spades, if its place is already taken, then it is placed on top of the face-down card. The one that lies at the bottom no longer opens. Reveal all the cards in the same way.

If the Aces do not fall into place, this indicates that the wish will not come true. If it was possible to move them to the required positions, then this indicates that the dream will come true in the next day or two.

If all the aces were on the in the right places, and some cards are still face down, then the interpretation will be slightly different. In this case, the first row is responsible for the year. If there is one closed card in the first line, then this indicates that the dream will come true in a year.

The second row is responsible for months, the third for weeks, the fourth for days. Your task is to add up the number of years, months, weeks and days. As a result you will get the exact date accomplishment of the plan.

A simple way to find out if your wish will come true

You can find out whether your wish will come true using this simple ritual. Take a pre-cleaned and prepared deck of 36 cards, shuffle and set aside 6. Look at them and make your wish on any card that is not in the selected 6. Now shuffle the remaining cards and place them in 5 piles. The first should have 2, the second 3, the third - 4, the fourth - 5, the fifth - 6.

Now you can turn them over with the images facing up. If the desired image is in 1 line, then the wish will not come true. If in the second, then it is very unlikely that it will come true. In the third, you have an enemy who is interfering with the execution of your plans. In the fourth, it is likely that what was dreamed will come true, but you will have to make an effort. In the fifth, your plans will come true very soon.

If you want to find out whether your dream will come true, use a special wish fortune telling. There are many different fortune telling for wish fulfillment. Let's look at them all in order.

Fortune telling from a book to make a wish come true

Take the most old book in your house. It would be desirable that this be piece of art. Make a wish, close your eyes, place the book in front of you and with your left hand open the first page you come across. Then, still without opening your eyes, randomly point your left finger at the selected page. Open your eyes and read the line you touched with your finger. The essence of this line will tell you whether your wish will come true or not. Sometimes it is not so easy to interpret the prediction of this. It happens that the dropped line does not reflect the essence of the mystery. In this case, you will have to show imagination and ingenuity, perhaps catch on to individual words or slightly paraphrase the contents of the sentence.

Wax fortune telling for a wish

This fortune telling must be done before bedtime. In order to find out whether your plans will come true, take a small round mirror, a match and a wax candle. Sit in front of a mirror and drip some wax onto the reflective surface of the mirror. Then write your wish on the wax with a match and put out the candle. Put the mirror under the bed and go to bed. First thing in the morning, look at the mirror: has the inscription been erased? If yes, the wish will not come true. If the recording remains, then expect your dream to come true in the near future.

Fortune telling on cards based on desire

Take the deck playing cards, shuffle it well, while thinking about your desire. Then remove the deck with your left hand and begin to place all the cards in a row. If in this card fortune telling two cards of the same suit appear at once or they are located one after the other, then they must be removed. The wish will come true if in the first deal you have all the cards paired. If there are few cards left in the layout, then your wish will come true, but not as soon as you would like. If there are a lot of cards left, then your dream is not destined to come true yet.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment by windows

This fortune telling can be used in dark time days. Go out into the street, turn your back to the multi-story building, close your eyes and make a wish. Then turn to the house and count how many windows there are lights on. If their number is even, your wish will come true, if it is odd, then not.

Fortune telling based on the first person you see

In the morning you will go outside. Once you cross the threshold, make a wish and see who comes your way first. You saw a man first - your wish will come true. If the first person you meet is a woman, your wish will not come true. If you see a child, your wish will come true, but not right away. Seeing a dog is a sign that you yourself must make an effort to make your dream come true. If you saw a cat, an ill-wisher will interfere with your plan.

These simple fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish will allow you to find out whether your plans are destined to come true and whether it is worth achieving your goal. But we must not forget that the realization of your dreams depends only on you. Go to her no matter what! And so that all your wishes come true, do not forget to click and

Fortune telling on cards based on desire, as a rule, is not the hard way, which allows you to get vital hints on an issue of interest. First of all, you need to make sure that for the fortune-telling ritual you use a deck of cards that has not been played before.

This type of fortune telling has some peculiarities. The ritual is recommended to be carried out during the full moon before sunset, in privacy in a separate room.

In order to find out whether specific wishes will come true, you need to choose the right day for the ceremony:

  • On Mondays you can make fortunes for any wish.
  • On Tuesdays and Fridays you need to look for answers to complex questions related to love relationships.
  • On Wednesdays, you need to guess about desires related to the business sphere.
  • On Thursdays, it is recommended to conduct fortune telling for desires related to material well-being.
  • On Saturdays and Sundays, fortune telling by desire will not be truthful, so it is not recommended to carry them out.

Popular card layouts

Fortune telling by wish requires the use of a deck of 36 cards. There is a huge variety of layouts that allow you to get an answer to the question of whether a specific desire will come true. It is important to understand that the fortune-telling ritual must be carried out in a secluded place. You need to fully concentrate on your desire and make sure that nothing distracts you during the process of magical action with cards.

The simplest way

The simplest fortune telling on cards based on desire is carried out as follows. First you need to start shuffling the deck and make a wish. After this, the first nine cards from the deck are laid out face down in front of you. If aces appear in this situation, they are put aside. After this, the cards are collected, combined with the deck and shuffled again. Next, nine cards are laid out again, and again aces are removed from the layout. The action is repeated one more time. If, as a result of a three-fold deal, all the aces are out of the deck, then the wish will come true. There is absolutely no chance of your wish coming true if you haven’t managed to set aside a single ace. In all other cases, the question remains unresolved and in order to clarify it, you need to carry out another fortune telling.

Fortune telling is very famous, which is called “Black Rose”. It is played using a deck of 36 cards. Having completely focused on your desire, you need to start shuffling the cards. When you feel that the cards will tell the truth, you should randomly draw one card from the deck. It is she who will clarify the question of whether the wish will come true.

For interpretation, the following card meanings should be used:

  • Aces: hearts - there is a high probability that the wish will come true; diamond - the wish will come true; clubs and spades - the wish will not come true.
  • King, queen and jack of hearts indicate that the wish will come true.
  • The king, queen and jack of diamonds foretell that the wish will come true, but certain problems will arise.
  • King, queen and jack of clubs or spades warn that there are great doubts that the wish will come true.
  • Other cards of the worm suit foretell that a wish will come true.
  • Other cards in the diamond suit focus on the fact that although the wish will come true, problems will arise.
  • Other cards in the suit of clubs and spades indicate that the chances of the wish coming true are negligible.

Having secluded yourself in a separate room, you need to shuffle the cards and start laying them out in front of you, pronouncing the name of their meanings. It should sound like this: “Six, seven, eight, etc.” If the value of the card laid out coincides with its pronounced meaning, the card is put aside. It is the postponed cards that will answer the question of whether your wishes will come true.

You need to lay out the cards in front of you and decipher the layout in accordance with the interpretations of individual cards and their combinations provided below:

  • Sixes: hearts - the wish will come true, but will lead to big troubles in life; diamond - betrayal awaits; club - an unexpected turn of events; peak - you cannot achieve your goal by any means.
  • Sevens: hearts - you need to be careful; Diamond - positive changes; club - wait for the approval of others; peak - a streak of bad luck.
  • Eights: hearts - everything depends on the other person; diamond - receiving good news; club - receiving news about the deterioration of the health of loved ones; peak - danger.
  • Nines: hearts - love will become support; diamond - the end of a difficult life period; club - receiving bad news; peak - it is important to keep the secret.
  • Tens: hearts - fortune telling must be done again; diamond - it is important to get rid of a sad mood; club - you should not make friends with new people now; peak - joyful events will happen in life.
  • Jacks: hearts - they want to meet with you; Diamond - you need to get rid of jealousy; club - sad news related to a loved one; peak - all attempts will be unsuccessful.
  • Queen: Hearts - you are being closely watched, so it is important to hide your feelings; diamond - you may be insulted; club - a worthy reward; peak - the wish will come true soon.
  • King: hearts - everything you want will come true; Diamond - deception is possible; club - you need to take urgent action related to your loved one; peak - good news.
  • Ace: hearts - you are loved and supported; diamond - the wish will not come true; clubs - there will be no success due to a mistake; peak - you will receive the right news.

The following combinations for deciphering fortune telling are very important:

  • A queen and a king of any suit nearby indicate the loyalty of your loved one.
  • A king, queen and jack nearby indicate that the chances of your wish coming true are very high.
  • Four aces indicate the obligatory fulfillment of a desire.
  • Four ladies portend gossip and intrigue.
  • Four jacks symbolize big troubles.
  • Four sevens warn of big troubles.
  • Four nines indicate serious upcoming life changes.

Online wish fortune telling using the Four Kings is very simple, accessible and truthful fortune telling on the maps. Just shuffle the cards and see the result. If you get 4 Kings, then your wish will certainly come true. 3 Kings - with 75 percent confidence that your wish will come true. 2 Kings - maybe, but perhaps the wish will not come true. 1 King or none - unfortunately, your desire is unattainable. Make a wish and start fortune telling your wish online.

Fortune telling by wish

This simple but accurate wish list will help you find out whether your wish can come true. Guessing a wish online is very simple: tune in and imagine for a couple of minutes that your wish has already come true or is in the process of coming true. Then start fortune telling. Click on the deck of cards and select a significator card. Follow the instructions.

Solitaire for a wish

Everyone has their own desires. Secret and lightning fast. And each wish has its own date of fulfillment. In that online layout for a wish, you are invited to find out the exact date of fulfillment of the wish, down to the day. Online wish fortune telling is accurate, the cards don’t lie. So, tune in to your desire and think about it, concentrate and follow the instructions.

Fortune telling solitaire for wishes

This is a very long, but very accurate solitaire game for fulfilling wishes online. He will let you know whether your wish will come true or not. It will tell you how long to wait for its execution. Everything is very simple. Technique online solitaire If desired, it is very simple: you need to remove one card from the deck when someone tells you the name of the cards. For example, they said “Ace”, and you click on the card. If the card and the word match, the card is removed. If not, then scroll further. The speed of fulfillment of a wish depends on how quickly you remove all the cards from the deck.

Online solitaire for desire

Online wish solitaire - play solitaire and see if your wish comes true or not. You can also use this online solitaire game to get an answer to your question. This solitaire game is universal. He will help you find the answer to any question about life situations. If you wish, you can play this solitaire several times a week, but to answer a question - only once. If you play solitaire on a wish, then the time frame for its fulfillment is approximately a month. If the answer is to a question, then when asking the question, indicate the time frame. Solitaire is very simple - you need to remove paired cards until you remove all the cards from the field. If there are no cards left, then the wish will come true. And if you remain, then, alas, your desire is unattainable.


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