Where you can tell fortunes on coffee grounds. Fortune telling on coffee grounds online

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Fortune telling on coffee grounds has been resorted to at all times. It was known in antiquity and has always been considered one of the most accurate. Learn how to interpret the signs left by coffee grounds and use them to find out what love tests Fate is preparing.

Divination for love

Fortune telling about love with the help of coffee grounds is necessary in a special way. First you need to brew strong coffee, always in a Turk with a long handle. Then pour it into a small china cup. You can not add sugar to the drink, enjoy the bitter, tart and aromatic coffee. Drinking it is prescribed in small sips, focusing on thoughts about life and the future. When at the bottom there will be about one spoonful of thick. you need to twist the cup in your hand clockwise, and if a man is guessing, against it.

Then, on a pre-prepared saucer, you will need to carefully drain the rest of the thick. The traces left on the walls of the cup contain encrypted information about the future fate.

Interpretation of signs

It is worth taking a closer look at the traces of coffee grounds. Take your time, peer until you clearly take the image away. Each of them has a special symbolic meaning.

  • Seeing a clear heart, expect love adventures. Soon you will plunge into a passionate relationship.
  • The eye seen during divination symbolizes strong changes in personal life.
  • If the traces of coffee grounds depict a crow, you will soon have to face a big misfortune, perhaps even the loss of a loved one.
  • The hare promises new acquaintances, which may turn out to be fateful.
  • A wreath on the walls of a coffee cup is a good sign. The crown is symbolically associated with marriage. You can easily charm the person you like.
  • The tree, obtained from the drips of coffee grounds, promises joy and prosperity in matters of the heart.
  • Snake - cunning intrigues and the opportunity to succumb to temptation await you.
  • When you see a star, expect success in conquering a person, but do not expect it to bring you happiness.
  • If the traces look like a fence, soon your actions will be limited, and someone will greatly interfere with the implementation of plans on the love front.

  • A comet of coffee grounds portends the appearance of an unexpected admirer.
  • Swan - a stable, calm personal life with a regular partner.
  • If you saw a flower on the walls of the cup, expect progress in all endeavors.
  • A circle made from the remains of coffee symbolizes a strong relationship based on fidelity.
  • A spider seen during divination promises deliverance from fears of strong feelings.
  • The pen foreshadows the appearance in the life of a person who will occupy all thoughts.
  • Bridge depicted by coffee - bad sign: luck will turn away from you just before the victory in love.
  • Seeing a cat during fortune-telling, you should beware of enemies and rivals.
  • Mountains - you will easily achieve your goal.
  • If you have considered the turtle, expect harsh criticism in your direction. A person who cares about you will point out your shortcomings and disadvantages.
  • A large number of lines foreshadow many admirers around you.
  • Fish promises a romantic meeting.
  • big black spot from coffee grounds speaks of an imminent failure in love

If you do it right, you can easily find one of the symbols on the walls of the china cup and you can find out what to expect from the near future in terms of romantic relationships.

Fortune telling on coffee can be resorted to regularly, and it will always be effective. Look into the future and try to avoid the love mistakes that coffee warns you about. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.08.2015 00:50

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is the most accurate and effective way to find out your future. To determine, ...

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is a popular and common way to predict your fate. Despite the fact that in order to master the practice it is necessary for a long time, such an unconventional method of divination is accurate. Is it worth believing fortune-telling, it's up to you, but for the past 7 centuries coffee grounds is a sought-after "fortune teller".

Coffee grounds are a good way to predict your fate

If we take history into account, we can recall the fact that the Indians did not start hunting without conducting a fortune-telling ritual for coffee. Let a lot of things have changed in the past time, and divination methods have become more advanced, but coffee is still able to help a person in determining fate. Further, you can find a detailed answer to the question of whether it is possible to guess on coffee grounds, and how to do it correctly.

Divination rules on coffee grounds

Despite the fact that coffee is not a magical attribute, and its influence on human destiny has not been theoretically proven, the method of divination should not be considered only entertainment or a frivolous pastime.

As in many other fortune-telling, a lot here depends on how the person is set up and what results he expects. In order for the process to succeed, adhere to certain rules.

  1. You need to start fortune-telling by being completely alone and calm for several minutes.
  2. Pick up a cup and focus on the issues that interest you. Repeat them to yourself several times, turning the cup clockwise three times.
  3. You must not rush. The slower and more measured you drink coffee, the more pleasure you begin to feel from the process, the more calm you are, the more mysterious fortune-telling will be.
  4. It is forbidden to add sugar and any substitutes to coffee. Coffee should be ground, medium-sized grinding.
  5. To obtain a reliable result, you need to take a smooth white cup without internal damage and patterns.
  6. To get the right sediment, drink all the coffee to the bottom. Stir the rest a couple of times, shaking them at the same time.
  7. After that, you need to sharply put the cup upside down on any saucer or plate. After waiting for the liquid to drain, you can start fortune telling.
  8. When examining the sediment, consider it under different angles. It is important to ensure that the symbol is clear and distinct. Then the prediction will be accurate, and its interpretation will not be difficult. The handle of the cup must be associated with a fortuneteller. The closer the symbol is to it, the more important the event is for the house of the questioner.

The fact that the effectiveness of divination in the thick of the truth has been proven by more than one empirical method and numerous experiments.

Thanks to experts in the field of occult sciences, it became known to us that by carrying out various manipulations with coffee grounds, cards, wax, runes, shadows, one can penetrate into the energy field of any person in order to later learn about the recorded options for the future. To decipher information, you need to use a system of meanings that was built many centuries ago.

Fortune telling on coffee is considered the main one among other techniques.

Trust the coffee grounds or not, it's up to you. However, as the practice of many fortunetellers shows, coffee divination is considered the main one among other techniques. In addition, everyone can tell fortunes for coffee at any time. The procedure does not require large expenses or special preparation.

How to guess on coffee?

The truth can only be revealed to a person who will be attentive and accurate when divining, and will also take into account all the rules that have been deduced over the centuries. To prepare ground coffee, you will only need a Turk and the necessary white utensils. The brewed coffee must be strong (ratio: 100 g of water to 1 tsp of ground coffee). When brewing a drink, repeat the question that concerns you several times.

Only the brewed drink must be poured into a cup and left to infuse. After a while, you can drink it. Remember: not a single drop should be poured into the sink. You do not need to drink the drink to the end, leave about a tablespoon at the bottom.

To make the prediction come true, turn the cup with your left hand so that the sediment is distributed along the walls of the cup. After that, with maximum sharpness, you need to overturn the cup and count to 7. Done, you can turn it over and start reading the characters.

If the interpretation received is unpleasant for you, and you do not want your wishes to come true, just let go of this situation. Remember that a lot depends on your attitude to the process. Fate is in your hands.

Interpretations of symbols

In order for the prediction to come true, it is necessary to accurately understand its message. Symbols are an important and integral part of divination. Located on the left side of the handle, they carry a negative value, while on the right side they are exclusively positive.

The symbols in the cup itself refer to the future, while the coffee left on the saucer refers to the past. Remember that a figure looking at the pen will greatly change your future, and a symbol pointing in the other direction is practically irrelevant.

Consider the symbols starting from the edge gradually approaching the center. Then move horizontally. Leave the exploration of the bottom and center to the end. What are the symbols and their interpretations:

  • two faces facing each other mean the presence of mutual love in life;
  • two figures in a circle - marriage is approaching;
  • persons who share the line - treason is possible, there is a possibility of divorce;
  • face profile - you have strong protection;
  • eyes in a cup speak of changes in the near future;
  • hand shape - beware of disappointment.

Did you see the shape of the hand? Beware of disappointment!

And also figures of animals and insects are widespread. When you see a butterfly, expect to receive a love letter. The camel speaks of approaching wealth. Snakes warn against treason, gossip, intrigues.

The presence of a cat leads to poverty and poverty. The figure of a swan - to the unexpected receipt of money, and flies - to great wealth, inheritance. The spider is a symbol of an unexpected gift of fate. Seeing fish, expect good news or travel. A dog or a duckling speaks of the fidelity of friends, spouses.

The designations of objects and things also have special interpretations: when you see trees, expect obstacles. The author speaks of an approaching journey, a trip. A kitchen fork is a sign of wealth, luxury. door key symbolizes the roads open before you. A burning candle speaks of the realization of a dream.

There are cases when fortunetellers clearly see certain numbers. Their interpretations are as follows:

  • 0 speaks of being born at a happy time;
  • 1 and 7 - symbols of love and family happiness;
  • 2 and 8 - quarrels, failures, a non-serious illness are possible;
  • 3 and 4 - luck accompanies you everywhere: in work, in life, and in relationships;
  • 5 speaks of possible gossip, empty talk;
  • 6 - get ready for marriage;
  • 8 - be careful, there is a possibility of a quarrel;
  • 9 - you will meet interesting people;
  • 10, 100 and more - good luck, happiness and long life.

If the fortuneteller clearly sees the number 10, 100 or more, then boundless happiness awaits him.

In what cases can you turn to coffee for help?

Fortune telling on coffee does not apply to everyday procedures. It is possible to resort to his help in certain cases. Let's take a look at what they are below.

  1. Changes do not occur in your life for a long time, and life is monotonous and boring.
  2. You are looking for the truth and the truth. Often a person becomes a victim of conflicts within himself, which is very difficult to sort out on his own.
  3. You doubt anything.
  4. Fear of upcoming events.
  5. Do you want to clarify some details of your perception of life.
  6. You want to understand and comprehend the current difficult situation.
  7. Be in a state of inner unfreedom. This is a state when a person depends on other people, habits, circumstances. In such cases, fortune-telling can completely change his life, providing a "push" to action.
  8. You are afraid of the new and are used to the "comfort" zone. The past hangs around your neck like a huge stone, causing more and more mental and physical trauma every day. You can turn to fortune-telling in the thick of it to prevent a repeat of the problem situation, as well as to find the root of the existing conflict.
  9. You are in a situation of difficult choice, when reason and emotions cannot come to common decision. Often a person cannot choose which of the paths is better to take: logical or emotional. Divination contributes to the definition best choice in a specific situation.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the process of divination for coffee, therefore everyone can try themselves in a new role of a magician.

Probably, there is no person who does not want to look into his future and get answers to the questions that are disturbing at the moment. If you correctly conduct fortune-telling on coffee grounds, the interpretation of the symbols will be able to tell the fortuneteller about the past, present and future. And now let's take a closer look at the algorithm for conducting this ceremony and the meaning of the symbols ...

Interpretation of symbols when divining on coffee grounds. What do heart and hand mean, horse or dog?

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - effective method, which helps not only to predict the future, but also to understand the causes of events that have already remained in the past. This old fascinating method of prediction is not easy, but by understanding the nuances and learning to decipher the spots drawn by coffee, you can reveal the turning points in your life.

To perform the ritual, you need the following:

  • Porcelain cup of light color;
  • Saucer;
  • Freshly brewed coffee

Divination rules on coffee grounds

Rules and methods of divination on coffee grounds.

This fortune-telling, like any kind of magical ritual, requires careful preparation and strict adherence to all the rules:

  • The drink is brewed over low heat. To prepare a good drink, you need to brew 2 tablespoons of coarse coffee for one cup;
  • When pouring coffee from a Turk into a cup, it is important to clearly formulate the question, to focus on it as much as possible;
  • Drink coffee should be in small sips so that the thick does not rise.
  • The cup should be in the right hand, respectively, the handle is directed to the right side. Throughout the process, you need to scroll through the question that interests you;
  • For a successful interpretation, approximately 2 teaspoons of liquid with sediment should be left at the bottom of the cup;
  • Concentrating as much as possible on the exciting problem, after the drink is drunk, the cup must be taken with the left hand, then make three movements clockwise. You need to rotate the cup sharply and vigorously so that the sediment is evenly located along the edges of the dish. After circular movements, the cup must be sharply overturned on the saucer and raised after a while;

Attention: if all the liquid has spilled out of the cup on the saucer, fortune-telling must be repeated! Nothing wrong with that!

How to interpret symbols correctly?

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: symbols. interpretation, meaning...

The interpretation of symbols when divining on coffee grounds for the past, present and future occurs on the basis of the following rules:

  1. The larger and clearer the formed symbol, the more significant its role in human life;
  2. The more light and light patterns on the inside, the more favorable and successful a person’s life is. Accordingly, dark and frightening patterns are interpreted as difficulties and problems.
  3. When analyzing stains, it is important to take into account not only the configuration and size of visible symbols, but also pay attention to their location in the dish;
  4. The closer a certain symbol is located to the edge of the dishes, the sooner fortune-telling will come true (from 7 days to 1 month);
  5. The closer the location of the symbols to the bottom, the longer the implementation of the predicted events is extended;
  6. The place in the area of ​​the handle symbolizes the questioner himself. All patterns near the handle represent feelings, thoughts and events related to the current period.
  7. The spots located on the walls of the cup indicate the future, the spots on the bottom - the past.

There are a huge number of symbols that are interpreted differently, depending on the fantasy, however, there are basic basic characters that are interpreted in the same way.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Symbol reference

Below you will find a guide to some of the symbols that arise during divination, we have divided them into several semantic groups to simplify the search. At the beginning of the article there is a table of contents, using which you can make a quick transition to a particular group of characters.

Examples of symbols obtained when divining on coffee grounds (Part 2)

Examples of symbols obtained when divining on coffee grounds (Part 1)

Is it possible to conduct divination via the Internet online?

If you do not have the opportunity to tell fortunes "live", then you can do it virtually. The interpretation of symbols and drawings when divining on coffee grounds online should be the same as described above. Try it, and the Higher Powers will surely give you a sign!


Interpretation of animal symbols

The most favorable animal symbols that arise when divining on coffee grounds are: a swan, a horse, an elephant, a dog, a fish. They predict the onset of a bright streak in life, happiness, friendship, love. The most unlucky signs of the animal world: crow, owl, snake. They warn of problems and illnesses, advises to be careful in life.

Squirrel: The symbol of correctly placed priorities. Don't try to do everything at once. It might not work.

Buffalo: A sign denoting suffering and torment. The silhouette of an animal located in the upper part of the cup symbolizes pain and torment, in the lower part - emotional experiences that can be purifying.

Crow: The bird symbol predicts misfortune in the house, illness and problems.

Pigeon: Harmony. Friendship. Love. Friends and loved ones are nearby. Always ready to lend a hand. Highly good sign.

Dolphin: Have a good time with friends. No problems, calm measured life.

Bug: Malaise, illness. A symbol of not very good health. Physical fatigue.

Hare: This animal symbolizes cowardice and fear of certain events. However, located in the middle of the dish, the sign tells about an energetic, eventful life, and the lines and dashes around the figure predict an improvement in material well-being. The hare, located next to the tree, is interpreted as caution in communicating with relatives at the beginning of an important matter.

What does horse or goat mean?

Ass: The animal depicted in the middle of the cup predicts betrayal in the business field. A donkey with an open mouth indicates the approach of a period of good luck and luck. The figure of a donkey near a tree predicts the receipt of new business proposals.

Goat: This emblem symbolizes merry successful journeys, profit regardless of the location on the dishes.

Horse: The horse and horse symbols are very similar. A pronounced horse shows good health, longevity and endurance.

Cow: This animal predicts joy and happiness.

Cat: The animal predicts a meeting with cunning and treacherous people, as well as poverty and misery. The cat is not a symbol of danger, but calls to be attentive to your surroundings.

Crocodile: A person who will bring trouble. Can substitute or deceive for a large sum of money.

Horse: The light figure of a horse shows the solution of problems, success in business, a positive solution to any issues. A dark figure can signal unexpected turns in affairs, possibly unpleasant.

A lion: Means dignity, pride, courage and power. A dark-colored lion predicts an early meeting with a powerful and authoritative person. An angry lion symbolizes spiritual experiences.

Fox: The symbol of this animal is interpreted as cunning, lies, deceit and betrayal. The sign of a fox biting itself warns of attacks by enemies, but with a good outcome for the fortuneteller.

Swan: The bird symbol predicts fidelity, devotion, the acquisition of a reliable friend.

Frog: A sign of an impending cloudless period, a symbol of goodness, happiness, good luck and great love.

Bear: Fortune telling on coffee grounds with a bear symbol warns of impending troubles and dangers that can be avoided with caution. The dark bear is the solution to paper issues. Light bear-profit. Fuzzy contours of a bear - papers and profits are on the way, we must wait for the finest hour.

Mouse: Warns of the need for rest. You work very hard, spin, spin, the body's resources are at the limit.

A monkey: Deception, hypocrisy. Someone is playing their own game, manipulating. Foresight is required.

Deer: Wise and honest person. A lot will depend on it. A deer in a cup appears to help, luck is on your side.

Eagle: Victory over enemies. Inner strength, the end of the struggle and the celebration of the winner.

Spider: The sign means the imminent receipt of an unexpected gift, a surprise.

Rooster: Quarrel, conflict, abuse. Depending on the figures standing nearby, it denotes a conflict situation that will affect the questioner to one degree or another.

Bird: news, news, news. If the bird is in light colors, the news is positive, if in dark colors, it is unpleasant, respectively. Look for signs nearby. They will show where the news comes from.

Fish: Pregnancy. Profit. Earning more income than expected. The bony fish is a small meager profit.

Scorpion: The symbol does not bring anything good. Black streak, disagreements, conflicts, unexpected troubles.

Dog: Friend. Like-minded person. A large light dog is the help of a high-ranking person. A dog standing on its hind legs is a victory over competitors.

Tiger: The animal symbolizes anger, rage, aggression.

Duck: Symbol of wedding, engagement, happy family life, mutual understanding of spouses, long happy love.

fantasy animals

Fantastic animals, symbols on coffee grounds carry an unusual meaning: a dragon, a unicorn, a pegasus. Basically, they predict incredible adventures and unexpected miraculous events in life.

The Dragon: Has two meanings. A light dragon shows the patronage of a high-ranking person, a dark one shows aggression from enemies who are confidently standing on their feet.

Crap: A fight with fate itself. Playing with fire. Before making a decision, you need to think about everything to the smallest detail.

Geometric figures

What does the moon or month mean ...

Square: The figure symbolizes luck, wealth, love, absolute happiness.


  • Wavy lines predict a long journey;
  • Curved lines symbolize the unpleasant, hypocritical environment of people;
  • Broken lines predict huge material losses and troubles;
  • The intersection of a straight line with a broken line means that the fortuneteller brings mental suffering to a loved one;
  • One straight long line means constancy and monotony of life, but at the same time it brings stability and reliability;
  • One short line tells about the instability in life, about the alternation of white and black periods

St. Andrew's Cross- a celebration in honor of the wedding awaits you in the future.

Star- some business will be decided, and as a result you will find yourself on a horse.

Vicious circle- approach to people is your forte, the main thing is to find common ground between you and the person.

Not a vicious circle- a very intriguing person you will meet in life, ahead - an interesting acquaintance.

Arc- look around, the enemies are nearby, among your close friends.

oblique lines- you have a high probability of meeting danger on your life path
solid cross- this sign portends bad news, you should prepare for it now.

Cross inside white and with black outline- your atmosphere in the family can be envied, because there is happiness and harmony.

broken lines- money affairs will bring frustration, financial troubles ahead.

Zigzag line- time for fun, you should think about entertainment and games.

Line crossed by othersupcoming troubles they will overtake clouds over your family nest, and also negatively affect communication.

The line is straight and longgood life- For you.

dashed line- it is worth preparing for losses, there will be a lot of expenses and losses.

Triangle closed- feel free to start new things, they will end successfully for you.

The triangle is not closed get ready for a meeting with a person who is not indifferent to your fate.

points- this is a very favorable sign, fortune is on your side

strokes- you are lucky - luck favors you.

quadrilateral- there will be no shortage of sincere and tender feelings, love awaits you.

dashes- good news at work, a career will develop.

Letter characters

The letter a- One can only call “Winner” the lucky one to whom the thick shows the first letter of the alphabet.

Letter B- "The powers that be" will definitely see this letter on the walls of the coffee cup.

Letter B“Bitter news is to be expected.

Letter G- Worth a call higher powers and ask for protection from enemies from St. George.

Letter D- A hole in the wallet - inevitability, financial difficulties on the horizon.

Letter E- Down with pangs of conscience, it is clean

Letter Zh- Detractors are not asleep, conspiracies are their favorite pastime.

Letter Z- Not life, but a fairy tale awaits the one who makes out the "Z" among the dark divorces. Constant entertainment and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpleasures - this is the future.

Letter I- You should first think about your actions, otherwise the consequences are inevitable.

Letter K- The pectoral cross, as protection and help in future trials, is worth buying and wearing.

Letter L- It is worth rejoicing, great happiness and love will come to the house.

Letter M- Need will pass away, wealth and prosperity all my life.

Letter H- Anxiety will settle in the heart.

Letter O- This letter promises pleasant chores in preparing for the trip that lies ahead in the near future.

Letter P- A deceitful and two-faced person can confuse with his insincerity, it is better to beware.

Letter R- And this letter “says” that you have a “sin”. It is worth considering your love of drinking.

Letter FROM- there is an opinion that truth is born in a dispute, others think that this is a simple “shaking of the air”, soon you yourself will have to accept this or that version.

Letter T- It is always a pleasure to make acquaintances, there will be many of them soon, take a closer look, perhaps they will be useful.

Letter At- A quarrel, this, of course, is not yet a scandal, but it is also quite unpleasant, get ready.

Letter F Keep the flame of hope in your heart, even if it is only flickering.

Letter X- Cheerful and happy wedding celebration, very soon you will take a walk at the wedding.

LetterC- The letter “C” portends good news for careerists, the road is open only forward and upward.

Letter H- Expect sad news, you can lose a loved one who will leave forever in another world.

Letter W- The balm of tranquility and peace will be shed on your soul, expect the long-awaited peace after an unnecessary quarrel.

Letter b- Flirting for many is just entertainment, you decide.

LetterKommersant- Guests are at the door, prepare in advance and show your hospitality.

Letter E– Stolen or lost, be prepared for the loss of your things.

Letter YU“Unfortunately, the disease is not so harmless.

Letter I- We need to keep the course for positive changes in life, everything will be fine.

Digital signs

0 - Seeing zero in the thick, know that you are not “zero” at all, even when you were a child, a lucky star rose above you and protects you.

1 - There will be no peace for the one in whom you settle in the heart and occupy thoughts.

2 - It is worth thinking about your health in advance, until a lot of diseases and ailments have overcome you.

3 - Good luck favors you, expect a good profit from the upcoming transaction.

4 Leave empty hopes, it will lead to nothing.

5 - Evil tongues will not calm down in any way, gossip is always unpleasant, you should beware of them.

6 - If you are preparing for a wedding, be prepared for the fact that something will go wrong.

7 - Relatives and relatives are happy - the main thing is the family.

8 - There will be a misunderstanding with a loved one, you will have to sort things out in a quarrel.

9 - An acquaintance awaits you, which will undoubtedly be pleasant.

10 - A happy life is not far off, very soon you will feel it yourself.

101 – You have to learn what “quality life” is and you will have a lot of time for it, a long life is ahead.


Wood: A symbol of health, confidence, strength in decisions and actions. Symbol of country life. It can show a trip outside the city, it can also mean a trip.

Oak: A symbol of victory over enemies and strengthening positions.

Root: The sign located at the top of the cup predicts the imminent birth of a child with relatives. At the bottom of the cup, the root promises a huge cash prize. The root in the center of the cup speaks of a contemplative, deep inner world.

Bush: It means the presence of problems and troubles associated with commerce and business.

Leaves: A symbol of good luck in business, not without the help of close friends and relatives.

Rose: In any position and in any combination with other symbols, it predicts betrothal to a loved one.

Violet: The presence of this flower promises an early chic and fun wedding.

Chrysanthemum: This flower promises love, but later. It is important not to lose faith in bright feelings.

Other flowers: Any flowers promise hope, joy, prosperity and fun.

people, body parts

What does man or woman mean?

Emblems depicting people are the most interesting symbols on coffee grounds. The woman basically symbolizes love. An elderly woman predicts a long and happy family life, a female head symbolizes mutual feelings. The appearance of a man brings negative colors to fortune-telling on coffee grounds: the symbol of a man predicts disappointment, separation from loved ones.

Eyes: This part of the body symbolizes impending big changes in many areas of life.

Lips: Lips at the bottom of the cup are an omen of good news, and on the edge of the dish they symbolize the support and help of friends.

Young woman: Young person. Depending on the symbols surrounding her, one can interpret the purpose of her presence.

Woman: Female face. According to the figure, clothes and face, you can approximately determine the age and purpose of the appearance.

Embryo: Pregnancy. A new beginning. Opening your own business. A new round in a career. Plans are being implemented.

The male: Shows a male face. It is necessary to look at how he is standing, what he is wearing, what he is holding in his hands, what color he is. Light kind. Dark is not very pleasant.

Child: The child and everything connected with it. A baby in a woman's cup symbolizes an early pregnancy.

Hand: This sign means the approach of disappointment and collapse in life.

Human: Indicates a guest, a pleasant surprise. We notice the symbols nearby, they will help to characterize a person.

Two faces with a rose in the middle- this promises serious changes in life, soon your relationship with your lover (oh) will move to new level- get ready for the wedding and a happy and fairly long life.

Two faces separated by a line- this promises serious changes in life, a divorce is ahead, it will just need to be experienced.

Two faces in one circle- the wedding will definitely happen, the marriage is in the near future.

Two people opposite each other- there is a real bright feeling in your life, this is a sign that your love is mutual.

Human head without body a friend is always there and ready to help in everything, because of him life will certainly become better.

Head of a man looking in profile- you have a patron who protects and leads through life.
human head- a secret admirer will not hide from you, you know for sure that he loves you.

Head of a man looking down- it is worth worrying a little - there is danger ahead, but it will be insignificant.

Human head looking up- in a difficult moment for you, there will be a defender who will offer his help.

woman head- a bright and sincere feeling awaits you ahead, love will settle in your heart.

Man's head- separation awaits soon, you will have to say goodbye to your loved one.

Multiple goals- adversity is ahead, but loved ones will be there in difficult times and help to cope with all the misfortunes.

Girl- you have to experience a feeling that excites the blood, falling in love will be easy

Elderly woman- you will live happily with your wife (husband).

Guy- you have to part with the person who is in your environment, separation is ahead.

Old woman- this symbol promises a hot passionate love that you will meet in the near future.

Hand- you will experience the bitterness of disappointment very soon, in life there is a place for sad events.

human mouth- finally get the fruits, life is preparing a reward for you.

Man with a four-legged animal- in the near future there will be chores, and a respected person.


Bike: The symbol predicts a long and difficult journey soon.

Fork: Desire and inclination for a rich life, and as a result, the achievement of a worthy position.

Mountain: Let. delays. A protracted situation that, without intervention, will remain in the same position for a long time.

House: Symbolizes protection, comfort, stability, wealth. The emblem in the center of the cup predicts changes in better side in the field of career. The house symbol at the bottom of the cup means new ideas and solutions that can bring success.

Call: A harbinger of fun events, good news, unexpected guests.

Cell: A symbol of suffering in marriage. The sign in the center of the cup promises devotion from the spouse, at the bottom of the cup it predicts a successful exit from difficult situation. The Key Symbol carries a negative interpretation and promises trouble, loss, damages and scandals.

Crown: A symbol of perseverance and dignity. The sign located at the top of the cup predicts exhausting disputes with relatives and friends. The crown at the bottom of the cup predicts career achievement through relentless perseverance. The sign of the crown on the head advises to behave with dignity in dealing with enemies. Symbol of victory, complete control. Inverted crown - the likelihood of losing control of the situation.

Bed: The sign located at the bottom of the dishes predicts a loud unexpected victory over enemies. A bed in the center means good luck in business and work.

Shovel: At the top of the cup predicts an unexpected find, something that has long been lost and forgotten. A shovel near a tree predicts difficulties and loss of honor and dignity, advises you to urgently leave, to run away from future events.

Onion: Basically it is a symbol of happy change. At the top of the cup stands for comfort, a good relationship with the authorities. The arrow located below predicts a change of residence soon. An arrow near the heart promises fateful meeting with a patron.

Bridge: At the top of the cup, the bridge speaks of leading a fulfilling, meaningful life. In the middle of the cup it symbolizes some difficulties on the way to the implementation of the plan.

Musical instruments: They symbolize disputes, strife, quarrels with relatives, but of a temporary nature.

Scissors: The sign predicts obstacles and hypocrisy, you should be careful. The letter in the middle of the cup predicts love news. At the bottom of the cup denotes a deception associated with the news.

Heart: The signs associated with love affairs are extremely important for those who conduct fortune-telling on coffee grounds: the heart symbolizes the birth of feelings, love. Depending on the shape, size, one can judge the strength and duration of love.

Heart on coffee grounds - the interpretation of this sign promises a fortuneteller a new love.

Skeleton: A symbol of a terrible disease, torment and suffering, a harbinger of death.

Flag: An emblem that symbolizes victory, accomplishment and achievement of goals.

Watch: Time to make decisions. Symbolizes time. You can no longer pull. We must act here and now. If the hands are clearly visible on the clock, it symbolizes an important time period for you.

Church: A dark church means that after a difficult period in life, a streak of luck will come. At the bottom of the cup, the church predicts marriage, wedding, religious rites. At the top of the cup, the church predicts a move and a change in life for the better.

Anchor: A symbol of stability, protection from unpleasant people and situations, protects against losses.

Advice:the above interpretation of the symbols is not binding. Each practitioner of divination with coffee grounds eventually develops his own classification of symbols, however, already existing meanings can serve as the foundation for compiling their own system of meanings. Do not be upset if, at the first attempts at divination, it will be difficult to see clear images of symbols and signs. Experience will definitely come with practice, and the acquired skills will make it easy to decipher any symbols when divining on coffee grounds.


House at the top- feel free to start any business and complete what you started, achieve what you want.

House next to the circle- you are the future owner of an apartment or house, you will soon buy a home.

house with windows and roof satisfaction, harmony and peace of mind will come in your soul from the realization that everything is fine in your family.

Window with a cross- the flaming element threatens you in the future, be afraid of fires and fires.

Window- a thief may soon profit at the expense of you, it is worth taking care of your things.

Alphabetical character index


Automobile - here everything depends on the clarity of the image: you can prepare for a long road if the car is clearly visible, and if it is barely guessed, then anxiety will settle in the heart.

Angel- the person who wishes you well will help you in the near future. And, in general, expect great news and events that will bring you joy.

Arch- this sign portends pleasant gifts, there is an opportunity to receive a financial gift.

Diamond- a sincere and tender feeling - love - will be happy.

Harp- your "cell of society" is happy, because you and your husband (wife) have complete mutual understanding.


Baggage - it's time to see new places and get to know other cities and countries, get ready for the trip, this is how everything conceived will come true.

Jar - those whom you call friends will support you in everything.

Butterfly - you will feel that you are influenced by a person who is many years younger than you.
Butterfly cup top portends significant and intriguing events that will color your happy life even more.

Butterfly with dots- think about how you live, there is a risk of living your life in vain without achieving any goals.
Drum- this sign indicates that you are a talented person who has a gift. Apply it if you haven't already.

Squirrel- concentrate on one thing, "torn" to the implementation of several things, you will only lose energy.

The shoe didn't fit well- in the near future, acutely feel the lack of love from those people who live in the neighborhood. And also, earn the dislike of your inner circle.

Shoe torn- a black stripe ahead, you can disgrace yourself, and even failures will haunt
The boot is clearly visible in the cup- your inner circle will show their love, the neighbors will show the same feeling towards you.

Tambourine- it is difficult for you to get along with people, and, as a rule, you have intermittent short-term communication.
Tambourine at the bottom of the cup - recently your love was rejected, but you still keep thinking about it.

Tambourine in the middle of the cup- your soul and heart require crazy love meetings, you yearned for dizzying novels.

Tambourine at the top of the cup- life is preparing a gift for you, you deserve a sincere tender feeling, one that you have not experienced yet.

Buffalo- torment awaits ahead, endure suffering stoically.

Bottle- take care of your health, it is possible that in the near future you may get sick.
Bouquet of flowers- Happiness awaits you. The meaning of this sign is enhanced if there is a figure with three corners nearby.

Bull- this is a bad sign, promising evil. To avoid danger, find out who your ill-wisher is, who can cause harm, and do not meet with him.

Bull up and clear- do your job well - get an excellent reward.
Bull down and clear- get ready, in terms of health, you will be worse, your health is not so hot.

bull in the valley- a good sign, there will be no health problems.

bull on the hill- do not be afraid of losses, only profit is on the horizon.


Vase - expect profit, addition of finance in the near future.

The vase is upright- you do not feel sorry for anything for people, you act like a person whose one of the virtues is generosity.

The vase tilted the sign promises an outflow of money, be careful not to lose them. Wreath - fortune is with you, things will end in your profit.
Bucket stands- make a profit, because this is the indicator of a successful business

The bucket lies on its side- be careful, the upcoming deal will not bring you anything good, do not sign the contract

Bike- you are on the right track, no matter what you do - success and good luck await you everywhere, you will achieve your goal.
Broom- this is a sign of change, the prediction will affect both yourself and those people you know.

Rope tied to something listen to yourself, you can feel the deterioration of health, take action in time and avoid problems

Rope coiled- there are possible problems with money ahead.

Scales balanced - the case will end as the law of justice says.
Scales most often- you will have to visit the courtroom, litigation is inevitable.

Scales unbalanced - feel resentment because someone has done unfairly to you

Camel- your financial situation will improve significantly, you are one of those to whom fate will give wealth.
paddle - all efforts are in vain, get nothing in return .

Windmill - you have a creative gift, and you are hardworking, and this is the key to success.

Fork upside down- you will bathe in luxury when you get rich .

Fork serrated down- the sign promises a lawsuit, prepare properly.

Wolf - you have recently recovered from an illness, and perhaps you have a misdemeanor in your past.

Hair- hide what is stored in your heart, no one should know it. The secret must remain a secret
Kite- everything that you have conceived and made up will surely come true

Balloon- maybe you will move to another place for permanent residence, but in general, the sign promises a trip.

Question mark Do you doubt something? Look at what symbols are located next to this sign, and everything will become clear.

Crow- sorrow hurries to your house.
Volcano - your life is like an Italian melodrama - an all-consuming boil of passions, and from this it follows that it will not be easy to resolve all the difficulties on the personal front.

Rider- difficulties will go away thanks to the person who has influence over you.


Eye- watch carefully what you are doing, caution in business will not hurt.
Viper- you are lucky and you can tell others about it.

Nail- It is in your power to inspire everyone with anything.

Eye in the middle of the cup- Fortune accompanies, in life you will receive everything that you have guessed for yourself.

Eyes- A trip abroad is possible ahead, there are people close by blood who are waiting for a visit.

Nest - this sign speaks of your business or hobby. You either work with kids, or you keep a lot of our smaller brothers in your apartment.

Head– thought replaces thought in your brain, they swarm like bees.
Human head without body- there is a worthy person nearby who influences you positively.

Human head in profile you are accompanied through life by a reliable and trusted keeper .

Human head looking up- the person who is interested in your fate and always supports you is again ready to provide all possible assistance.

human head look down- danger is on the horizon, but you should not worry too much, because it is not so serious.
Garland- this festive attribute portends a real celebration. Either you are waiting for a marriage, or take a walk at someone else's wedding.

The head and figure of a dog cast aside doubts, your husband is not cheating on you.
Head with one eye- be attentive to the person who will promise you something, because these are empty words.

Pigeon - you have an immaculate soul.

mountain fuzzy- think about whether you are taking the right actions to achieve your goals.

Mountain- the main thing for you is to be above everyone.
Gore a few- you are an ambitious person, set many goals and tasks for yourself.
Rake- think about it, something is going wrong in your life, you need to put things in order and then everything will work out.

Rake at the bottom of the cup - it's time to get rewarded for your hard work.

Rake in the middle of the cup - you have a talent and you are used to working hard, which means that you can achieve any goal .

Rake at the top of the cup - huge profits will delight you in the near future.

coffin next to bed- this unkind sign promises suffering and torment from a serious illness.
Coffin- grief is already in a hurry to your house, which will bring sadness with it.

Mushrooms - your family is expected to get bigger soon.

Lips- the heart will light up new love which is already on its way to you.

Pear - your closest people will not need anything and will live a quality life.


Ladies bag - take part in the drawing of money and luck will smile at you. Profit is guaranteed.

Two faces in a circle marriage is expected.

Two faces looking at each other- this means that your sincere feelings are answered in the same way.

Two faces separated by a line- a bad sign, it does not bode well, only a scandal, broken heart, separation.

Two faces with a rose in the middlelucky symbol, which promises the couple many years of marriage.

Young woman- This is a sign of light and tender feelings.

Door- feel free to start a business, success awaits you in its implementation.

Money with coins- they promise profit, and the more symbols you can see in the thick, the greater the financial increase in life.

paper money - this sign portends a huge financial profit.

Wood- you love and know how to work, and also have energy, which means that you will conquer the steepest peaks.

Airship- dreams will come true when you fulfill your obligations and use your gift to the fullest.

The house is strong- good luck on all fronts.

The house is poorly traced - clouds are gathering over your family nest .

House next to the circle - find an apartment or house .

house with crooked roof- Difficulties and misunderstandings with neighbors

House with roofs and windows– the atmosphere of the house is favorable and inviting, there are no problems in the family.

House at the top- luck accompanies you in business.

Road- get ready for long road.
Oak - climb the Olympus.


Hedgehog- you are supportive of others, but they do not need it, they only solve their problems.


Toad- this is a favorable symbol for those who are preparing for marriage, but you need to be careful and bypass people who fawn.

Woman near a flower- you are lucky, you have a woman in your life who can be trusted with all secrets.

Woman near a tulip be careful, a close woman can harm .

Woman near a rose- a rival on the horizon.

Woman holding a stick your marriage is under threat, the husband is inclined to meet with his mistress.

Woman riding a horse- a female person will give you problems.

Acorn- this sign indicates that you prefer to spend your free time outside the city.

Crane - this symbol means that you will live a long time, you have a lot of energy and strength.


Lock- loved ones require your attention, get distracted from business.

Fence- stubbornness is what you suffer from.

Keyhole - get frustrated by the obstacles in your life path.

Hare - you are a shy and not a brave person.

Zebra - you find it difficult to get along with people.
Star- Rejoice, everything that you have in mind will surely come true.

five-pointed star longing will overcome, even luck will not fix it.

star six-pointed- fortune is with you.

seven-pointed star longing will settle in your heart.

Star eight-pointed- misfortune ahead, be careful and careful.

Zebra- Become an individual, do not repeat after others.

Snake - face betrayal or the influence of an ill-wisher.

Umbrella- everything is fine, worries and sorrows will pass by.

Umbrella open - indicates total protection from unfortunate events .

Umbrella closed- do not rely on existing protection, apply your skills.

Zodiac signs - who you see is what you will meet .


Willow- sadness, longing, sadness.


Cabbage- due to painful doubts about the fidelity of a partner, you experience serious difficulties.
Drops - income is on the horizon, but these are funds not earned by labor.


  • Clubs- work hard and make a profit;
  • Cherva- no one you can rely on, they will not let you down;
  • Pika- fortune swami, in a few days you will feel it;
  • tambourine- your mind as a means of achieving success.

Map from below- events that have already occurred will help to earn now.

Map in the middle you are lucky, there is a strong shoulder, fortune and success with you.

Map at the top - The thing you're thinking of is great.

Swing Relationships are hard work. And if you are not interested in them, let go and they will disappear into the fog.

Kangaroo - carefree and careless romanticism is inherent in you

Square - luxury, abundance and wealth - this is your destiny

Dagger - this is an omen of a hateful and unpleasant relationship , it is possible to unite several persons against you.

Keys- symbolizes creativity
Clover- fortune goes hand in hand with you, difficulties will soon disappear

Key- you have the talent to easily achieve a lot.

Book- it is worth practicing mentally, I will have knowledge that was previously inaccessible.
book open- litigation will bring difficulties

book closed- you will have to look for it very soon, expect a problematic process.

Ladle- you are adored by the little ones and our smaller brothers. You are like a magnet for others, because you like to host at home and treat people sincerely.
Goat - stop the race, you need to relax and take into account your well-being .

Wheel - fun life with a huge number of exciting incidents. Column- ideas are easy to fulfill.
Bell- Marriage in the next few days.
The bell is ringing- receive news that is of great importance to you .

The bell stands straight you will receive a lot of positive news soon.

Comet- portends a visit from a person who does not live near you.

A spear - knowledge of enemies will allow you to become a triumph.

Spear pointing up a bright future awaits .

Spear pointing down the event you are waiting for will happen, but will be different from the planned one.

The whole ring expect marriage

Ring torn- a negative sign, portending separation and misunderstanding between husband and wife.

Lots of rings how many signs, so many weddings.

The ring is solid and bright - luxury wedding ceremony .

The ring is poorly traced- marriage is threatened by trouble.

two rings- the intended goals will be achieved.

Basket- hold your horses and do not go over the heads, first remove all obstacles.

Ship- expect a positive change in fate, because success is with you.

Box- a good symbol, joy, success awaits you, you will rejoice at the present.

Rocker - barriers and obstacles will help to show character

Cow - joy and inspiration await you.

Bone - you are a magnet for those around you because of your positive energy.

Cat- keep the secret to yourself so as not to bring trouble.

Crown- do not wait for finances, knowledge and experience are also a gift.

Coffee pot - esoteric is close to you.

Cat- a bad omen, someone close is deceiving, giving vent to an evil tongue.

Cross white- the life of a husband and wife is expected to be cloudless.

Cross black - the news won't make you happy .

Cross X- Marriage is approaching.

Bed - caution will not hurt, perhaps an unexpected incident.

The bed is made- the departure of a person to another world, a funeral.
Bed not made discipline is not your forte .

Rabbit- talent in creativity, the corresponding thought has its own development.

Crocodile - a business venture requires care and attention.

Crocodile on top- in a few days you need to realize an important intention.

A circle - the turn of fate will be favorable, expect not a few chances that have not been provided until this day.

The circle is closed - Confidential contact established with friends .

The circle is not closed- an unknown person will enter your circle.

Rats - symbol of insecurity. Those around you can betray you.
Jug- high level of well-being.

Chicken - news from a person who is close to you by bloodline.

Bush- your resources are not as significant as you think, think about it.


Martin- a journey that you will go on one of these days.

Lamp- sensitivity to people who are nearby, this is your gift.

Swan- the future is expected to be favorable.

a lion- you are a moral and honest person who has self-esteem and the strength that is inside you, like a core, all this will help move mountains.

Forest- you stumbled on fate.

Stairs - your career will go up very soon.

Bat - an unknown person will appear, ready to lend a shoulder.

Lemon Envy is a feeling that is always present in your heart.

Lily - stability and trust.

Lily at the bottom of the cup - strife awaits you.

dashed line- an unfavorable sign, symbolizes illness, confusion, confusion of feelings. Sometimes, this is an omen of loss.

wavy line - a journey that won't end quickly .

Line straight long- you never lose heart, but your style of existence can be described as frivolous.

Zigzag line- symbolizes the approach of fresh unexpected and exciting events.

Line across the bottom of the cup the journey that awaits you one of these days will please you.

The line is curved, arcuate Enemies require special attention and vigilance.

The line is crossed by curves and angular - hurdles and obstacles in love affairs will awaken negative emotions.

oblique line - deterioration is expected .

The lines are somewhat oblique- be vigilant in business.

Several broken lines- there are difficulties with money.
The line in the middle of the cup a short journey will give you pleasure.

Several straight lines If you live long, you don't have to worry about getting sick.

Fox- the ability to humor attracts those who are nearby to you.

Fox across the cup- symbolizes falsehood, scam.

Boat- you are like a dreamy person, looking for your own path.

Whole leaf- nothing threatens your well-being.

Sheet is incomplete- a deterioration in well-being is coming.

Horse Your circle of friends will increase.
Shovel- the risk will not be justified, luck is questionable.

Shovel and people's faces- your career position gives rise to evil tongues.

Shovel at the top - sign of money problems.

Woman holding black shovel- Become an heir just about.

full moon - You don't know how to hide emotions from others.

crescent moon- keep everything to yourself.
moon at the top- changes in fate, which are indicated by neighboring symbols.

moon and dots- marriage with profit.

frog and cage- you can get rid of the disease.

Frog- an excellent symbol of tender feelings, as well as good nature. An omen of great joy and satisfaction.

Frog next to the road- a person who will arrive from afar will help.


Lighthouse- those who are nearby perceive you as the leader of the pack, you can overcome any barriers.

Medal- soon the career will go up, the realization of a significant intention will come.

Bear - your temper is an obstacle to successful relationships with those who are nearby. Your fate is not simple, but you can fix everything .

Bear below problems in life are connected with your shortsightedness.

Mill– be yourself, it is important to have individuality.

Medusa - danger symbol. Troubles threaten from an unknown person, be vigilant .

Lightning- the dreams that you have made can be fulfilled.

A hammer Flaws and blunders are possible, manifestations of ruthlessness are observed.

Young man- separation from a loved one will occur due to departure.

Bridge - realize your intention, and fate will take a turn. But be careful, because of any action, you can lose everything.

Easel- you have a gift, and in order to manifest it, you don’t need a lot of work, the main thing is to start creating.

Ant Only perseverance will help you achieve success. Ahead are worries and vanity.

Man holding a stick you have a date with a ladies' man who can harm you.

Fly - this sign portends a great material gain. You will be the heir and also find the difficulty.

Ball - things are going well

Mouse down- a business enterprise requires prudence and alertness, losses are not excluded.

Mouse in the middle cups- the business enterprise needs development.

Mouse up- the plan needs to be adjusted, difficulties with partners are possible.


Insects- extreme attentiveness and alertness will not interfere, there are people who are not close to you and who negatively manipulate.

Several people - friends are always there and ready to lend a shoulder.

A thread in a ball, but with an end - concentrate on one enterprise, do not spread out, this will not lead to profit.

The thread is wound into a ball, but the long end is visible It's time to leave things for a while and relax.

thread above - colossal and long work deserves worthy encouragement.

Knife- an extremely unfavorable sign that promises betrayal, insincerity and collapse. Don't tell everyone your secrets. Perhaps betrayal by a loved one.

Nails - you do not succumb to the manipulation of strangers.

Scissors- change of residence very soon.

Rhino - even crazy ideas and dreams will come true.

Notes- This is a sign of a connoisseur of an idle life. If the instrument is close, then the fortuneteller plays it.


Cloud- the main goal in life will give success and recognition. Expect only benefits from daydreaming.

Shoes- look around, a threat awaits nearby.

A monkey - business requires caution, take a closer look - there are ill-wishers and people who seek to deceive you.

Oval - the sounds of the wedding are already being heard.

Sheep - come true in the coming days. It's time to make financial e investment.

Vegetables - you are destined for a life full of joy, prosperity and prosperity.

Fire - to meet with a lover or mistress.

Blanket - Rich people who don't help anyone are a mystery to you. You, meanwhile, help everyone who is nearby, and hope that you will be repaid in the same way.

Necklace- get along with a powerful person or a person who is related by blood.

Broken necklace - the tender feeling will disappear, the collapse of hopes and parting awaits you.

necklace below- with a certain person it is worth starting to establish mutual understanding.

Window and cross flaming element is dangerous, beware of fire and ignition .

Window- a thief, perhaps to profit at the expense of you.

Nut- Selling some of the items you've been accumulating. It's time to sell.

Deer- mind you do not take, and justice, too.

Eagle- a serious confrontation will be marked by a triumph. Everything that awaits you is impressive.

Weapon - this sign symbolizes the approaching strife.

Island - your destiny is the absence of a close soul nearby. If you think about some point on the map, then you will go there.

Glasses- portend a threat very soon. Do not make deals thoughtlessly, otherwise you can make big problems, take a closer look at others, their behavior will be familiar.

Wasp- testifies to the wisdom of life. You have to understand the situation, despite gossip and gossip, be above all.


Peacock- this sign is typical for those high-ranking persons who are always under the gun of society: leaders, artists, politicians.

Palm- a good sign of prosperity. Expect development, joy and happiness. You are idolized and needed.

Folder - this is a symbol of fortune, everything works out

Fern It's time to spend time in the bosom of nature.

Sail below - news will come from afar from a congenial person.

Sail - you are very developed mentally and have a delicate taste. Love it when everything goes well .

Parachute It's time for risk.

Parachute at the bottom of the cup- it is possible that the black hole will suck you in.

Spider on top 100% financial profit.

Spider- a present that was not expected, or good luck in money matters.

Spider below - think about making a deposit or investing funds.

Spider on top if you rely on your luck and take part in the drawing, victory is possible.

Spider in the middle use all kinds of resources and methods to invest funds.

Web- Enemies will be defeated. Overcome all difficulties.

Glove - Forgotten love will flare up in the heart.

Feather- You are a resourceful and humorous person.

Cockerel above - the news will simply discourage you in the pleasant sense of the word.

Cockerel - scha married, wait for news.

Cockerel below - fortune will pay attention to you, however, the ill-wisher will cause trouble.

Cockerel upside down- favorable changes in life.

Cockerel on the hill- the marriage will be successful and prosperous.

Saw- symbolizes problems. Serious trouble is coming.

The loop - a bad sign, portends serious troubles and grief.

Pistol- you are in danger, beware .

Pyramid- 100% all ideas will come true and are implemented.

Overlay pyramids- two polar things occupy you, but you will achieve everything. If there are other signs nearby, they symbolize recent affairs.

Letter with dots- means that news from partners will come soon.

Letter- this sign indicates upcoming news. If there are letters nearby, these are the letters of the sender's name. If the sign is not clear, the message is sad.

Dress - it's time to decide what you want to do in life in order to gain success, fortune and become famous.

Gift- this symbol characterizes you as a person who is adored by close people and those who just live with you in the house. All of them will present a pleasant surprise.

Spyglass - beat all the records and do what seemed unrealistic.

Horseshoe- a good sign, says that things will go uphill.

Horseshoe above - a journey awaits you, but it will not end as quickly as you had previously planned.

Pillow- laziness is characteristic of you, like no one else.

Crescent - all your dreams and secret desires do not really mean anything, they are meaningless and in vain.

Parrot- shows a serious collapse of hopes. Ahead only strife, quarrels and slander behind the eyes.

Tableware- a sad sign promising frustration, sadness and remorse. There is the possibility of an unexpected encounter with someone.

Profile - a new person in the environment is not yours, the relationship of souls is not expected .

Bird on the web will have to attend a court session, it cannot be avoided .

Bird This is a sign of the good news.
Bee- positive news, popularity among the environment.

Large spot - a bad sign, ahead of grief and sadness.


Rainbow near the handle - Literally one of these days all ideas are realized in life.

Rainbow- a sign promises only positive events, despite possible troubles and misunderstandings.

Rainbow above - if you receive an invitation that you didn’t expect, you shouldn’t hesitate - implement it.

Fork- the sign says that you should hurry up and realize your intentions.

Crayfish- expect changes in your emotional state, you may feel worse, feel a spleen.

Rocket - grandiose dreams and crazy ideas will surely come true.

Shell- if you are a person with special data and a craving for creativity, good luck and fame await you.

The child below the sign symbolizes a meeting with a person who was a minor in your past.

Child- symbolizes caring for babies, or maybe a new person will be born.

River- says that emotional experiences are sincere and pure.

The river is almost straight indicates that while emotional condition not so hot, the soul requires solitude and renunciation of society .

river with bends- now you are very violently showing and showing others what you really have in your soul.

Belt- it's time to think about how you look,.

The river has two turns- you are in doubt and rushing about - there is no harmony in your soul.

Diamonds - this sign predicts that fate has prepared for you prosperity, joy and prosperity.

Rose - indicates that it is worth waiting for the wedding, or at least the young people decide to marry.

Mouth at the bottom- the news you receive will be positive.

Mouth closer to the edge- people who are close in spirit will again lend a shoulder when it is needed.

Shotgun - be careful, the enemies are plotting evil against you.

Hand - palm - it is a symbol of fortune .
The hand is the back of the hand bad sign, grief and sadness ahead .

Mermaid - try to respond stoically to temptations, you need to be careful and beware.

Fish - you will be offered a "slippery deal"

Glass - this is a symbol that you are a harmonious person .


Salute- this sign symbolizes the special gift of a fortuneteller, the ability to create masterpieces.

The plane below your person is scattered, not from this world .

Airplane - characterizes a person who wished to leave everything and wander.

Pig - this sign of the realization of all goals and ideas.

Candle - you look at the root of phenomena and problems.

Correctly shaped heart a light tender feeling is expected to be prosperous. And if the letters are close, they can mean the name of the beloved (th).

Heart irregular shape Think about it, maybe you feel worse.

Net- the sign requires maximum care, because you are being watched. The intentions of the anonymous person are not known: either just an interest in your person, or an intention to harm.

Cigar - It's time to start earning on deposits and investments in a profitable business.

Cigarette- you are on the right track, be sure and do not turn off the chosen path.

Rope - predicts that you can handle all the difficulties, solve all the problems and avoid difficulties. All things will end happily.

Skeleton- promises poverty, as well as a serious deterioration in well-being.

Elephant- means power, influence, power, in addition, about luxury and prosperity.

Violin- fate is preparing a date with an anonymous person for you. And if you have a trip abroad ahead, expect a change in your personal life.

Dog- unequivocally says that next to you are only proven people who are close to you in spirit.

Tornado It's time to put your feet down and go with the flow.

Sun- a symbol of a man with a rod, you are the leader in your environment. Maybe you give knowledge or lead a party or community.

Owl - a very bad sign, it says that only grief, sadness, illness and death are ahead .

Icicle- fate will take a turn and everything will be fine. Problems, sorrows and experiences will sink into oblivion.

spokes- stop loafing, you need to do useful things.

Spiral- if you are a scientist, rejoice, this symbol portends the disclosure of the hitherto unknown.

Table- everything is topsy-turvy, there is no harmony either inside or in actions.

Old woman - tender affection that does not break for a long time .

Dragonfly - fortune follows you.
Dragonfly below - you did not take advantage of a good opportunity to achieve something. The train left.

Dragonfly in the middle in order to achieve what you have guessed, you should give up pride, and the result will be stunning.

Chair - symbol of good luck and development .

Arrow - this sign indicates that doubts will be dispelled, there will be no more misunderstanding and understatement. Everything will be decided , all questions will be answered
Arrow up- the case will be decided in your favor.

Arrow to the side don't get a clear answer .

Arrow down- the case is not decided in your favor.


Plate- curb your ambition, it brings negativity to you and to those people on whom you break down.

Tiger- mobilize all your capabilities and power to move mountains.

Axe - courage helps you .

Cake - a grandiose dream comes true in life very quickly .

Dots or short strokes- expect a date with fortune.

Lots of dash points to receive financial benefits.
Dot and dash one - a sign that a more powerful opponent is nearby.

Triangle closed - literally the other day unexpectedly, unexpectedly, suddenly - good luck.

Broken triangle - nothing threatens you, you are protected.

Cane- take a closer look, if there are letters close - the beginning of the assistant's name .

Trumpet (musical)- indicates that a fortuneteller is highly moral, wise and powerful.


Node - relax and don't worry about petty misunderstandings.

snail at the top You are on the right path in life.

Snail below - you have a huge amount of resources to implement, but you haven't lifted a finger.

Snail near the pen- everything in fate through thorns .

Snail in the middle - There is a goal, but go slowly towards it.

Iron on the side - colossal work not well paid .

Iron stands- solutions to problems are thought out - they need to be implemented.

Iron- a burden of responsibility has fallen on you, you need to work hard and not let your partners down.


Violet- Marry a rich man.

Flag - caution is a priority - an act of aggression is possible . Stop rushing.

Camera- you are an object of surveillance, or maybe you have an anonymous person in your heart.

Fruit at the bottom of the cup- people close by blood will visit.

Fruit on the top of the cup- Relatives will not be able to protect at a difficult moment.

Fruit in the middle relatives positively instruct you on the true path.


Hill - difficulties and obstacles await you.

Chrysanthemum- secure feeling.


Flower- 100% dream will come true, a tender feeling awaits.

Flower and cross this sign portends marriage or marriage.

Flowers- prosperity will settle in your heart and soul.


Teapot upside down- quarrel with your husband
Teapot upside down- this sign portends a well-fed and contented life.

Watch Your happy hour is coming soon.

Bowl- to meet a woman.
Human- most likely, visitors will visit you.

man with animal- the benefactor does not take his eyes off you.

Suitcase You will be on your way in a few days.

Turtle- do not leave the intended path, show perseverance and inflexibility.

Dash- to be changed professional sphere activities. quadrilateral- good luck awaits you in matters of the heart.


Hat- honors and loud praise are provided to you.
hat down - a person in a headdress will come to question .

hat in the middle a benefactor will help to cope with difficulties .

Hat at the top a strong impact on the life of an unexpected guest

Jester- be careful, they want to make a fool of you.


Brush- fate will save you from further small difficulties.


Yula- promises useless worries, acquisitions will not be for the future.


Apple- for creative people means success.

Egg- symbolizes finance.
Broken egg - you are at risk of financial loss.

whole egg- this sign portends an acquisition.

The egg is cracked- finances require a reverent attitude towards them.

Anchor clear- success on all fronts

Fuzzy anchor - the collapse of hopes and dreams, troubles will be short-lived .

Two anchors (one is clear; the second is not) - a fortuneteller rushes about: whether everything is good and joyful, or hopes have collapsed.

Hawk- you can beware of an unexpected threat, so you should beware.

Lizard- the moment has come to temporarily leave things and relax, you need to prepare for adventure.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most popular rituals performed at home. The main ingredient in this type of divination is coffee. The process itself is quite mysterious, and at the same time pleasant, because in order to get an answer to the right question, you just need to enjoy the fragrant freshly brewed coffee. Therefore, some perceive this ritual as some kind of entertainment. In vain, because fortune-telling on coffee grounds is a very serious process that carries a powerful information flow embedded in each revealed sign. With the help of such fortune-telling, you can find out about your future and destiny. A prerequisite for such divination is the preparation of your inner world, since this ritual requires complete concentration and immersion in the process.

Preparing for divination

Fortune telling on coffee grounds takes a lot of time. The ritual will take about an hour or more. For lack of time, it is better not to start the process. If the fortuneteller is nervous, worried, or feels excited, then the fortune-telling procedure should also be abandoned.

Before embarking on the fortune-telling process, you need to stock up on special paraphernalia:

  • a cup;
  • coffee;
  • saucer;
  • Turkish.

It’s easy to learn how to read coffee grounds on your own at home. The main thing is to properly prepare for the fortune-telling process. To do this, simply follow the following rules:

  1. 1. First you need to properly brew coffee. To do this, pour one teaspoon of ground coffee with a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat in a Turk.
  2. 2. Already at this time you need to calm down and focus on your problem.
  3. 3. Before divination, you must turn off your mobile phone, TV and computer in advance, and also try to make sure that no one distracts you during fortune telling.
  4. 4. Fortune telling involves the use of coffee exclusively without sugar.
  5. 5. A fortune-telling cup should be chosen in a more rounded shape.
  6. 6. It is desirable that the inside of the cup be of light colors - it will be easier to see the signs and patterns.
  7. 7. After the coffee is brewed, you need to pour it into a cup, and mentally focus on your question.

How to guess on coffee grounds?

This type of divination provides not only proper training, but also the inner mood during the process itself. When drinking coffee, you need to concentrate and devote your thoughts to what the fortuneteller is most worried about at the moment. During this time, in no case should you talk to anyone or be distracted. The cup should be held in the right hand so that its handle is on the right side. Also, in the process of drinking the drink should not be in a hurry. Drink coffee should be in small sips, so as not to inadvertently drink it to the end. Just a couple of teaspoons of the drink will help to understand the question of the fortuneteller.

Then you need to take the cup in your left hand and start rotating it clockwise in a circular motion. At this time, you need to scroll through the question of interest in your head.

After that, you need to turn the cup on the saucer. You should not immediately raise it and look at the symbols formed with the help of the thick. In order for the ritual to complete correctly, it is necessary to allow the coffee residues to flow down the walls of the cup on the saucer for two minutes. After the cup is raised, you need to carefully study the signs and symbols created with the help of coffee grounds.

Where to start deciphering characters?

When deciphering the symbols, first of all, you need to pay attention to the pattern formed on the edge of the cup. You need to consider shapes and patterns both from left to right and from right to left. Pay particular attention to the bottom and center of the cup. The signs located directly near the handle will tell about the events taking place at the moment.

It is believed that the more coffee grounds there are in the cup, the more worries and problems await the fortuneteller in the future. Light and airy lace pattern speaks of a carefree and joyful life.

Meaning of symbols

In order to correctly decipher the signs of the figure and the symbols formed with the help of coffee grounds, it is necessary to connect fantasy and imagination. You need to pay attention to those images that immediately caught your eye when you first examined the drawing.

It can be various shapes, lines, objects of a body part. Some in the coffee grounds see images of animals, the outlines of plants, and even various numbers.

Lines, shapes and objects

When interpreting the lines seen, their shape and length are taken into account. The line drawing is interpreted as follows:

  • long straight line - to a happy and carefree life;
  • intermittent - to illness, loss and various kinds of problems;
  • broken line - to financial difficulties;
  • zigzag - to travel, trip;
  • oblique lines - to danger.

If various figures have formed on the bottom and walls of the cup, then they are deciphered as follows:

  • circle (with emptiness inside) - to money;
  • circle (filled or with spots inside) - to replenishment in the family;
  • square - to a measured and stable life;
  • triangle - to the opening of professional prospects;
  • many triangles - to unexpected income;
  • cross - to the approach of bad events;
  • cross (with voids inside) - to a happy family life;
  • oval - for the imminent wedding;
  • points - to a successful and happy life;
  • quadrangle - personal life will develop in a favorable way;
  • dashes - harbingers of change;
  • arc - to the appearance of an enemy;
  • star - avoidance of hardships and worries;
  • a dark uniform spot - unfortunately.

The objects seen on the inside of the cup can have a wide variety of meanings. Each item has its own meaning:

  • house - to family well-being;
  • the key is to successfully start new businesses;
  • ring - for engagement;
  • car - for a quick trip;
  • wheel - symbolizes a long road;
  • angel - help from the other world;
  • door - to successful problem solving;
  • fork - to a luxurious life;
  • hammer - to a successful event;
  • loop - to death;
  • dagger - symbolizes the enemy, an embittered person
  • coffin - to the approach of a terrible disaster;
  • glove - to the return of past relationships;
  • weapons - to quarrels and misunderstandings;
  • shoes - to some danger;
  • candle - to the idea;
  • hat - to glory and power;
  • chair - career growth;
  • horseshoe - to success;
  • flag - a warning;
  • dishes - for an unexpected, but pleasant meeting;
  • anchor (clear picture) - to a happy life;
  • anchor (blurred image) - to minor chores.

Animals and plants

Also, in the patterns of coffee grounds, you can see the image of various animals. They mean the following:

  • butterfly - a symbol of love;
  • frog - good news;
  • dove - symbolizes a person with pure thoughts;
  • raven - unfortunately in the family;
  • snake - symbolizes a deceitful and insidious friend;
  • fox - to deceit;
  • squirrel - a symbol of cunning;
  • squirrel on a tree - for a reward;
  • stork (at the bottom of the cup) - to the birth of a child or to the success of existing children;
  • the hare is a symbol of cowardice;
  • cow - to happiness and well-being;
  • bull - to dangers;
  • bull (on a hill) - improvement financial condition;
  • bull (in the lowland) - to good health;
  • shark - to danger and disease;
  • camel - k financial well-being;
  • cat - to material problems;
  • lion - to power;
  • chicken - someone from the environment needs help;
  • swan - financial receipts are expected soon;
  • fly - to enrichment;
  • ant - petty worries and fuss;
  • bear - serves as a kind of warning about some danger;
  • eagle - to the implementation of plans;
  • deer - to openness and gullibility;
  • cock - means a false friend;
  • dog - a symbol of fidelity in friendship;
  • elephant - to financial stability;
  • fish is good news;
  • bird - to broken love;
  • owl - to poor health;
  • lizard - to pleasant events;
  • the tiger is a symbol of anger and an aggressive state.

The outlines of plants formed using coffee grounds mean the following events in life:

  • rose - to wedding chores;
  • violet - for marriage of convenience;
  • apple tree - to a bright and eventful life;
  • lily (at the bottom of the cup) - to parting;
  • lily (on the wall of the cup) - a symbol of devotion and fidelity;
  • oreshina - respect from others;
  • willow - to tears;
  • clover - to solve problems;
  • bush - to an unfavorable end of affairs;
  • forest - a mistake in the chosen life path;
  • oak - to victory over the current situation.


Often in the patterns of coffee gruel you can see various numbers. Each digit has a specific decoding, which can be found in the table below.

Number Meaning
0 This figure indicates the security of the fortuneteller from higher powers.
1 The unit symbolizes the feeling of light and carefree love.
2 This figure predicts a dangerous situation. If the question was about successful investment Money, then the business will fail and losses will follow. When this symbol appears in the figure, you need to refrain from investing your finances in dubious fraud
3 The number 3 symbolizes the absence of any problems in terms of money.
4 The fortuneteller will have a desire to realize his plan
5 The appearance of this number warns of the appearance of an enemy in the environment.
6 It symbolizes a harmonious relationship. Also, this symbol means marriage.
7 This figure carries only positive events. It means good luck and success in all endeavors. If the question was about doubts about your internal capabilities, then after the lucky seven you can safely take on any business without fear of making a mistake or harming your reputation
8 This figure is a symbol of conflicts and contentious situations. Possible quarrels with relatives and close people
9 The figure prophesies an acquaintance with a new person, who will later influence the fate of the fortuneteller
10 Ten promises career growth and success in the professional field

It is worth noting that this decoding applies equally to both Roman and Arabic numerals. The numbers may mean some approaching dates or the time of a certain event.

Body parts

The fantasy of a fortuneteller can see figures in a cup of coffee grounds that resemble some parts of the human body. These figures are deciphered as follows:

  • eyes - to imminent changes in life;
  • lips (at the bottom of the cup) - good news;
  • head - the appearance in the life of a person who can favorably influence the life of a fortuneteller;
  • two heads - to the reunion of two loving hearts;
  • many goals - to help from loved ones;
  • female head - to love and understanding;
  • male head - to parting with a loved one;
  • head in profile - to security;
  • head (pointing down) - to the approach of a dangerous situation;
  • head (turned up) - to help from the patron;
  • an elderly woman - to strong family ties;
  • hand - to disappointment.

Any symbol seen can be interpreted in different ways. In order to understand the decoding of fortune-telling on coffee grounds, you need to listen to yourself and feel what kind of emotions the patterns and drawings evoke when you look at them. You also need to compare the interpretation of the symbols with an exciting situation or a sore point that was originally asked before fortune-telling. But whatever the prediction turns out to be, the procedure cannot be repeated.

Do not take this process lightly and repeat it for any question that arises. It is necessary to be careful and guess on the coffee grounds only when the answer to the question is vital or requires a fateful decision.

Modern fortune-telling on coffee grounds is no different from fortune-telling of past centuries. At the bottom of the cup there are patterns of coffee grounds, which have a fateful character in a person's life and make us think about our actions sometimes not noticed by us, and signs of fate and inevitable events also appear there.

If you decide to tell fortunes for real, then for fortune telling on coffee grounds you will need the following things:

a) Turk - special dishes with a long handle for brewing coffee,

b) A few teaspoons of coffee (at the rate of 1 teaspoon per cup),

in) Small special coffee cup, porcelain is better,

G) Porcelain saucer, best smooth and unpatterned.

Usually, coffee for subsequent fortune-telling on coffee grounds is drunk without sugar, but as an exception, you can pour in a small spoon to give the coffee a peculiar taste. The prepared drink must be drunk slowly, savoring every sip, relaxing and, as it were, plunging into an atmosphere of peace, a kind of trance, which will later allow you to unravel unknown symbols as clearly and clearly as possible.

One of the conditions for divination is that the coffee must be drunk in such a way that coffee grounds of a sufficiently liquid consistency remain at the bottom, which, when poured on a saucer, forms a pattern on the walls of the coffee cup. To obtain this pattern, the cup is taken in the left hand, several circular movements are made (strictly clockwise!) Shaking the contents of the cup, and moving away from you, the cup is placed on the saucer so that one of its edges falls on the edge of the saucer, and the other on the bottom.

Consequently, the cup stands on the saucer as if on an "oblique", allowing the remaining coffee grounds to drain and form a pattern on the walls of the cup, which we will interpret. It is quite enough for the cup to stand in this position for about a minute, and you, turning it over again with your left hand, can begin to read the drawing from the coffee grounds.

Interpretation of coffee patterns:

1. The larger the sign or symbol in the cup, the greater the impact on a person's life.

2. The closer the patterns are to the edge of the cup, the sooner what you see will come true, from about a week to a month.

3. The closer the signs are to the bottom of the cup, the longer the execution of the event will be delayed, from a month to a year.

4. The handle of the cup is the questioner himself, and so what is located closer to the handle is happening at the moment and here in the life of the questioner and relates personally to his person.

5. The more dark in a cup, the more the burden of internal problems presses on a person, or subconscious lessons come out.

6. Of course, the lighter the cup, the more joyful and happier the life of a person (this rule does not apply to those cups where the coffee grounds were poured incorrectly, and it all just poured out of the cup)

The meanings of the figures that can be seen in divination on coffee grounds are given below.

Interpretation of coffee symbols:

Arch- a shift for the worse in health, a threat to a career or the fulfillment of plans

Harp- family harmony, for a single or unmarried - the outcome of love affairs

Butterfly- frivolous, but innocent adventures. If with dots - the risk of wasting life

Drum- scandals and quarrels await you, gossip spreads around you

boot- unexpected - unexpected move, leaving work. Torn - a threat of failure and shame

Bottle- take care of your health

Scales- Possibility of litigation. Balanced scales - justice will prevail, unbalanced - injustice

Windmill- success that will be achieved due to hard work, not talent

Question mark- doubts

Nail- criminals threaten you and they have every chance of doing unfairly with you

Volcano- passions have every chance to overwhelm you and cause harm

Viper- success and honors

Eye- be careful and careful, especially in business

The mountains- high aspirations, success in achieving the goal

Rake- make an attempt to normalize affairs and regulate lifestyle

Mushroom- growth, weight gain

Pear- comfort and wealth

Handbag- unexpected - unexpected lottery

Wood- plans will be fulfilled, desires will be fulfilled

House- reliability, especially in business, you can start new business

Toad- beware of flattery and flatterers

Fence- you will not be free in your actions and plans

Lock- a strong character, often overwhelming those around

Keyhole- roadblock to success

Hare- shyness

five-pointed star- success, but without joy, 6- luck, -7-mi- sadness, 8th- incident

Umbrella- you will need asylum

Snake- hatred and intrigue

Cabbage- jealousy leads to complications in life

Square- restriction, occasional imprisonment, isolation of character

Dagger- ardor, impulsiveness or conspiracies of enemies

Key- assess the situation correctly and new opportunities will open

Book- open - litigation in court, closed - difficult search

Goat- you are threatened by enemies

Bell- one - news, two - great joy

Column- success

Ring- independence, completion of affairs, constancy, engagement. Two rings - the implementation of all plans

Comet- guest from afar

Ship- close luck

Crown- big success. If the sign is clearly defined - receiving an inheritance

Cat- your false friend is spreading gossip behind your back

Bed- removed - you are smart, uncleaned - undisciplined

Rabbit- fearfulness

Rats- betrayal, loss You have friends that do not inspire confidence, who are able to go into the camp of enemies

Jug- excellent health

Martin- unexpected - unexpected journey with a happy ending

Swan- excellent, quiet life

a lion- influential friends who can help in business

Bat- beware of conspiracies and false friends

Stairs- nomination

lines- progress

Boat find shelter in difficult times

Shovel- hard work that ends in success

Horse- beloved or news from him

The moon is full- love, the first quarter - new plans, the last quarter - a decline in business, ambiguity, despondency. Points around the moon - marriage or marriage of convenience

Lighthouse- trouble is threatening, but it will be prevented

Bear- unreasonable decisions leading to problems

A hammer- the ability to overcome difficulties. propensity for cruelty

Bridge- luck can turn away from you as soon as one step is up to it

Ant- be persistent, success will come to you

Fly- troubles, problems More flies - more problems

Ball- luck in life

Knife breakup of relationship, end of friendship

Scissors- quarrel, separation

Fire- avoid hasty reactions and anger

Necklace- you have a lot of support

Torn - separation, failure in love

Circle- good outcome

Palm- success, honors, etc.

Parachute- getting rid of danger

Spider- perseverance of character, with cunning and deceit

Feather- inconstancy and lack of focus

Saw- an outsider threatens the peace of the family

Pistol- you are in danger

Letter- inaccurate sign, bad news Surrounded by dots - business news

Parrot- expected scandal and subsequent gossip

Profile- short friendship or acquaintance

birds flying- good old news standing - successful journey

Bee- success in society, good old news

Fork- decision time

Gun- a threat to family well-being

Mermaid- caution, you are tempted

Fish- luck in everything

Glass- wholeness of nature

Candle- zeal, diligence in study

Pig- success accompanied by spiritual discord and illness

Net- avoid traps

Skeleton- poverty, poor health

Violin- individuality, selfishness

Dog- rely on friends

Owl- severe trials

Sun- great joy, success, power

Table- reception, celebration, meeting

Arrow- expect bad news

Chair- improved position

Axe- difficulties

point, command- cash, one - reinforcement of the accompanying mark

Triangle- up - success, down - failure

Flag- danger

Flower- your wish will come true

Kettle- up - well-being, down - a quarrel in family life

Human- give gifts or host guests

Suitcase travel, decision making

Turtle- sensitivity and criticism

Hat- rivals, failure

Brush- minor annoyances will disappear

Egg- prosperity, success, brotherhood

Anchor- success awaits you

Hawk- sudden danger

Interpretation of letters in a cup:

BUT- to defeat enemies

B- to power

AT- Unfortunately

G- light a candle to St. George

D- spending your money

E- feel guilty conscience

To- buy a cross

H- anxiety, anxiety

P- to deception

R- to drink

FROM- to acquaintance

X- to marriage

YU- anxieties and fears

I- a change for the better.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - interpretation

Fortune telling on coffee grounds- is a very popular divination among lovers of the arts of the unknown, the method divination on coffee grounds is to correctly identify the symbols that are formed in the thick and subsequently correctly interpret. For the right way divination on coffee grounds you need to know that this will require natural ground strong coffee. The desired proportion of coffee, to obtain the desired consistency of coffee grounds, is approximately as follows: - for 1 cup, two tablespoons of coarse coffee and one tablespoon of fine grinding should be brewed. And so, to begin with, you need to clearly formulate the question. Take a white cup without any patterns and brew thick coffee in it. The coffee should cool for about five minutes. After the coffee mixture has cooled down more or less, and you can drink it, we do this pleasant thing, but it must be drunk with the expectation that approximately a tablespoon of coffee grounds remains at the bottom of the cup.
Next to tell fortunes, we take a coffee cup in our left hand, and mentally focus on our question being asked, and at the same time making three full circular movements with the cup - the movements should be made in a clockwise direction. When rotating, the liquid (i.e. thick) should reach the edges of the cup, this is done so that the coffee sediment is evenly distributed over all the walls of the cup. After circular movements, the cup must be quickly turned over onto a saucer prepared in advance. Now count to seven and calmly remove the cup from the saucer. Later, you can calmly slowly study the shapes and spots that you got in the cup.

Spots of coffee grounds that have spread in a saucer show you the past.
The thick spots that are in the cup show the future.
Thickness, which is further from the edge and closer to the center, predicts more distant future events.
To consider a spot from the thick, you need in the following order:

    look from left to right;

    look from right to left;

    then only to the bottom;

    symbols are considered in the direction from the edge of the cup to the center of the bottom.

Designations of various coffee grounds signs

The value of coffee grounds in the form - Lines

Long straight line- life will pass carelessly and uselessly;
oblique line- disease;
Lots of oblique lines- things will end badly.
Lots of broken lines- severe financial hardship;
Short and long straight line - happiness;
Lots of straight lines- health and longevity;
Straight line bends- illness and adventure;
Curve line- there is an enemy that should not be approached;
Lots of curved lines- many enemies who do harm to you;
wavy line- round trip, nose length, which depends on the lines;
oblique line- disease;
Line crossed other lines, curved lines - heart wounds
in the middle the bottom of the cup is a separate line - a good journey.

Divination on coffee grounds meaning - Numbers

O- a lucky star has been with you since childhood;

1 - someone will love you;

2 - continuous illnesses are expected;

3 - a successful deal;

4 - do not hope;

5 - gossip;

6 - problems with the wedding;

7 - happiness in the family;

8 - quarrel with a loved one;

9 - acquaintance in the near future;

10 - happy life.

101 - life is long and good

Divination on coffee grounds meaning - Letters

BUT- expected to win

B- the power is in your hands;

AT- grief;

G- put candles to St. George

D- lack of money;

E- you have a clear conscience;


W- fun and enjoyment in life

And- reckless actions with consequences

To- buy a cross, tests are coming;

L- lucky in love, find happiness;

M- financial wealth;

H- anxiety awaits;

O- travel is expected;

P- insincerity;

R- Prefer to drink

FROM- disputes;

T- acquaintance;

At- quarrels are expected;

F- all in hope;

X- marriage in the near future;


H- loss of a loved one;

W- make peace;

b- flirting;

Kommersant- guests;

E- missing things;

YU- an unfortunate disease;

I- life will get better.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds the meaning of figures - People

Two faces with a rose in the middle - nearest marriage and long happiness

Two faces separated by a line - divorce

Two faces in one circle - marriage

Two people against each other - love is mutual

Human head without body - your friend is good for your life

Head of a man looking in profile – protection

human head - you know that someone is in love with you

Head of a man looking down - there is little danger for you

human head looking up - your protector wants to help you in life

woman head - love

Man's head - expense with loved one

Multiple goals - close people will help to get out of the problem

Girl - great love

Guy - separation

Old woman - hot love

Elderly woman - happy family life

Eye - big life changes

Lips - friends support provided

Hand - disappointment in life

human mouth - fruitful life

Man with a four-legged animal - someone respected is busy for you

Fortune telling on coffee grounds meaning - Animals

Bull - dangers await you

bull below - treatment

bull below - no health problems expected

bull on top - financial situation will change for the better

Buffalo - some suffering awaits

Camel - financial success with prosperity await

Crow - grief in the house

Pigeon - there is a good person in the environment

Hare - cowardly

Snake - ill-wisher, deceit and evil awaits

Cow - good luck in the near future

Cat - expects financial collapse and poverty

Chicken - stranger needs you

Swan - money from the sky

a lion - power and might

Fox - lies, fraud

Frog - waiting for good news

Frog - near the road, unexpected guests

Frog - at the top, depression

Frog - near the cell - recovery

Bear life will be in danger

Bear below - solid bad luck

Ant - anxiety and turmoil

Fly - financial success

Deer - wisdom and honesty

Eagle - the fight will end and you will be the winner

Rooster - welcome news

Rooster - at the bottom of the cup - a conspiracy

Rooster -head down - good changes are expected

Rooster - top of the cup - news about a dear person

Rooster - on the hill - wedding

Spider - waiting for a surprise

Bird - good company around

Fish - travel

Owl - sickness, death

Dog - good friend

Tiger - Anger

Lizard - unexpected event

Thickness in the form of Shapes and lines - meaning

St. Andrew's Cross- the wedding is coming soon
Star- the current situation is decided in your favor
Vicious circle- ability to get along with people
Not a vicious circle- getting to know a person
Arc- the enemy is near
oblique lines- danger awaits
solid cross- expect bad news
Cross inside white and with a black outline - the family will be happy
broken lines lines - money troubles
Zigzag line- Adventure
Line crossed others - problems in personal life and communication
line straight and long is a good life
dashed line- total loss
Triangle closed- success in everything
Triangle not closed- patron
points- an auspicious sign that brings success
strokes- sign brings good luck
quadrilateral- love is near you
dashes- Looking forward to a new career

Coffee House Figures - Meaning

House next to the circle- buy your house
house with windows and roof- family happiness
House at the top- successful business
Window with a cross- the sign brings fire
Window- theft is expected

Thick figures Spatula - meaning

Dark shoulder blade in the hands of one woman - an inheritance from her husband - a widow
Spatula near the cross or square - the death of a loved one
Spatula on the top of the cup- what they did not hope to find - will be found
Blade surrounded by human faces - your envious people envy you so much that they insult you at work

Interpretation of character-letters of coffee grounds in alphabetical order - Deciphering

The letter a"

The letter a"
Means victory

The car is visible well - a journey. The car is blurred - only worries are ahead

Good news and joy. Your well-wisher will help you

Gifts and money as a gift

Happy love

Family harmony awaits. Symbol of lovers

Letter "B"

Letter "B"
All power is in your hands

Turn your dreams into reality and travel

Friends will support you at any moment and in all endeavors

You are influenced by a person much younger than you.

Butterfly cup top
It means that interesting events will happen that will give you a feeling of happiness.

Butterfly with dots
Risk of wasting your life.

Basically, such a sign can appear in a cup of gifted persons. Well, if success has not yet come, then look forward to the near future.

Do not grab onto everything at once, as this only leads to a waste of strength and energy.

Shoe torn
Shame and failure expected

The boot is clearly visible in the cup
Means that you are loved by friends and neighbors

The boot was poorly drawn,
It means everything on the turn that you are not loved

Basically, it means inconstancy in relationships.

Tambourine at the top of the cup
expect new love

Tambourine in the middle of the cup
means you want to get into a crazy romance

Tambourine at the bottom of the cup
you have given up on love and can't get rid of thoughts

This sign brings suffering

Beware of diseases

Bouquet of flowers
Brings happiness, especially when there is a triangle nearby

This sign brings danger. Try to understand who your enemy is and not get hurt.

Bull up and clear
Great reward for work

Bull down and clear
Health will deteriorate

bull in the valley
Means strong and good health

bull on the hill
Money sign, makes a profit

Letter "B"

Letter "B"
Suggests grief.

Money sign.

The vase is upright
Talks about your generosity

vase tilted
Assumes loss of money

One success awaits you in business

Bucket stands
Business success for sure

The bucket lies on its side
You should refrain from transactions

You will achieve everything that you have in mind, as you are moving along the right path.

Notice changes in yourself and those around you

Rope tied to something
Health problems expected

Rope coiled
Financial difficulties ahead

Basically it's a lawsuit.

Scales balanced
Justice is on your side

Scales unbalanced
Unfortunately not fair

Difficulties and worries clearly interfere with your happiness.

It can also mean wealth.

For now, you will give everything and receive nothing in return.

Thanks to your hard work and talent, success will be yours.

Fork upside down
A luxurious and rich life awaits you

Fork at the bottom with cloves
Some trial awaits you

Basically, such a sign may appear in the cups of people who have suffered an illness or have committed some kind of act.

You should be silent about your secret

Travel and possibly even a change of residence

You have many plans and ideas. Go ahead you are full of energy

Question mark
Doubt sign. It is worth looking at what other signs are nearby to determine what to do.

There will be misfortune in your house

You will be overwhelmed by passions. You have to solve personal problems.

An influencer will help you with your problems

Letter "G"

Letter "G" br>You should go to church and light a candle to St. George

honor and success

You are good at convincing people. Unfortunately you will be treated unfairly.

It is worth being attentive and careful in business

Eye in the middle of the cup
Everything accompanies you. Get everything you need and want from life.

Most likely, problems in life will begin soon

Either yours or someone else's wedding will happen

the globe
You have friends abroad so take a trip

Basically, such a sign appears in people who are associated with children at work. And who does not have children, but the sign appeared - this may mean that you have a lot of animals in your house

Says that you have a lot of thoughts in your head.

Human head without body
You have a friend who is a good influence on you and your destiny

Human head in profile
Do you have protection

human head look down
Little danger.

Human head looking up
A strong protector and patron wants to help you

Head with one eye
Someone will give you false promises

Head and figure of a dog
Spouse fidelity

you have a pure soul

Aspiration to the heights

Mountain highlighted
Reach all peaks

The mountain is not clear
You should think about how to achieve your goal

Gore a few
Says you have set many goals for yourself

You should put all your affairs in order and adjust your lifestyle.

Rake at the bottom of the cup
Reap your benefits

Rake at the top of the cup
A lot of money will fall on you

Rake in the middle of the cup
Your talent and diligence will turn the barn into a palace

This sign brings sadness and grief

coffin next to bed
get seriously ill

An addition to the family awaits you.

Growth. weight gain

Means love

Prosperity and comfort in your family

Letter "D"

Letter "D"
A lack of money

ladies bag
Winning the unexpected lottery

Two faces in a circle

Two faces looking at each other
Your love is mutual

Two faces separated by a line
Treason. Divorce. Argument.

Two faces with a rose in the middle
Long marriage

Young woman
The sign stands for love

Success in the new venture

Money with coins
The more coins you see in the cup, the more money will appear

paper money
You can expect a fairly large amount.

Thanks to your strength, diligence, you will succeed. Glory is expected.

Being creative will help you get what you want. If you do everything on time, then soon your wish will come true.

It is difficult to interpret this sign. If the house is strong, it means well-being in the family and business.

The house is badly drawn
Possible problems in the family

house with crooked roof
There will be problems with neighbors

House next to the circle
Own your own home

House with roofs and windows
Happiness in the family

House at the top
Things will go to success

Your trip or trip is about to take place

The enemy is very close to you

Triumph and victory is yours

Letter "E"

Letter "E"
Your conscience is clear

This is a sign of caution. You shouldn't be nice to everyone, because it's not appreciated. You are only being used for their own purposes and that's it.

Letter "Zh"

Letter "Zh"
Mostly these are family problems and quarrels.

This is a very good sign for those who are planning to start a family. Just beware of flattery.

Woman near a flower
It means that you have a sincere girlfriend

Woman near a rose
Lover for a young man

Woman near tulip
Dangerous friend.

Woman holding a stick
Your man can get carried away by a woman and this will bring problems to the family.

Woman bored on a horse
There will be trouble and, moreover, from the side of the woman

It is immediately clear that your favorite pastime is spending time outdoors.

If not a dog or a horse, then this means that the enemy is nearby.

Basically, such a sign is obtained in cups of centenarians, since it means strength and endurance.

Letter "3"

Letter "Z"
Expect endless business, chores and worries in the family

Basically it is a sign of strong character and suppression. You should take a break from work and pay attention to the people around you.

Oftentimes, those around you decide for you. You may have decided to change something, but now you should not knock on closed doors.

You are hindered in many ways by your stubbornness.

There will be obstacles on the way

This sign denotes shyness, cowardice.

You find it difficult to get along with people

All your wishes will come true

five-pointed star
Waiting for success, but without joy

star six-pointed
good luck to you

Star of seven terminal
Sign of sadness

Star eight-pointed
Will bring an accident

Resemblance to people is difficult for you

Says that you can make a decision safely. It also means treason, or someone can plot against you.

You should not be afraid of turmoil and adversity

Umbrella open
YOU are completely isolated from any adversity

Umbrella closed
There is protection near you, but it is also weak for you, if you have to work hard yourself.

Zodiac signs
Obviously you will meet a person with a zodiac sign depicted in a cup. So you can look at the position of the sign on the cups and determine what awaits you when you meet this stranger.

Letter "I"

Letter "I"
All secrets will be revealed

Sign of sadness and tears

Letter "K"

Letter "K"
You should buy yourself a cross

Your jealousy only brings problems in life

Waiting for easy money

You need to pay attention to the suit of the card:

Club - means luck in earnings

Heart - with the help of friends you will be lucky

Pika - good luck

Tambourine - thanks to your intellect, luck will come

Card at the bottom of the cup
Money from the past will come to you

Card at the top of the cup
You have a great undertaking

Card in the middle of the cup
Luck and fortune are yours

Romance is splashing in you, just too careless

Life will be secure and happy

Expect guests

Brush against the handle
Your guest will tell you a secret

There will be strife and conspiracies

Success in work and small profits

This sign says that you are a talented person

This sign may indicate that you are a happy and lucky person. All your problems will be solved

Thanks to your abilities, all doors open for you.

You will learn something new for you. it is worth increasing your intelligence.

book open
Difficulties in court

book closed
Difficult search ahead

You can say that children and animals love you. You attract people with your hospitality and kindness.

Adventure awaits

It is worth thinking about health, as you devote too much time to work.

Success in everything

Basically, the bell can appear in the cup, just before the wedding.

The bell stands straight
Looking forward to good news

The bell is ringing
The news will be very important

Wait for a guest from far away and trouble with neighbors.

A spear
You should learn as much as possible about your enemies and then success is yours

Spear pointing up
look forward to a good future

The spear points down
What you are waiting for will happen, just not in the way you thought.

Ring whole

Ring torn
Possible divorce or difficulties in marriage.

many rings
So many weddings

The ring is solid and bright
The wedding will be amazing

The ring is poorly traced
You will have difficulties regarding the marriage.

two rings
All plans will come true

You should bypass all obstacles and obstacles, you don’t need to go to the breach. The basket can be both filled and knocked over, so try not to spill what is in it.

Luck accompanies, so be prepared for a change in life

A sign that brings joy. The gift will not disappoint you at all. Brings success, joy and good luck.

You will meet with an old lover or friend. Expect happiness ahead.

Basically, such a symbol appears when someone prevents you from expressing yourself in life.

You have a good energy that attracts everyone around

This sign basically says that you should be silent about the secret and then it will not be able to harm you.

Most likely, you will receive an inheritance. This does not mean that you will receive the money, perhaps it will be a gift in the form of an invaluable gift or talent.

You have a false friend who is happy to spread gossip about you. Poverty and ruin.

coffee pot
It turns out that you have the ability to possess the occult sciences

The cross is black from the inside
Bad news awaits you

Cross white inside
Happiness will pass into your family life

X-shaped cross
Means marriage

Likely to have an accident

The bed is made
You will die

Bed not made
You are undisciplined

Denotes creativity, but not necessarily art. Basically it is to the development of creative thought.

Such a symbol indicates that in business you should be careful.

Crocodile at the top of the cup
Indicates that you will soon make a serious decision.

A circle
This sign brings only changes in life and new opportunities.

The circle is not closed
A new acquaintance is expected

The circle is closed
You will develop good relationships with the people around you

This is a betrayal. You probably don't have reliable friends.

Means good health

There will be news from relatives.

You should look at yourself realistically, despite your realism and insight

Letter "L"

Letter "L"
This sign means love. Perhaps you will soon have strong feelings.

There will be a journey with an unexpected end for you

You are good enough, it turns out, to feel the mood and desires of people.

Life will go smoothly and well. Random money.

a lion
You are a noble, good-natured and powerful, but rather proud person. Thanks to your inner strength, you have achieved a lot in life.

You make a big mistake in life

Promotion Coming Soon

It is a sign of longevity and friendship. Of course, often such a sign also means the appearance of a stranger who will help you in life. And be careful of your enemies

A sign of envy and, moreover, you succumbed to it

Sign of friendship and constancy

Lily at the bottom of the cup
Brings a quarrel

dashed line
Uncertainty, illness, indecision. Sometimes it's a loss.

The line is wavy
The journey will be long and depends on the lines and environments

The line is straight and long
Your life will pass carefree, mostly useless and nonchalant.

Zigzag line
sickness and adventure

The line is curved or arcuate
You should beware of your enemy

The line crosses the bottom of the cup
The journey will be pleasant for you

Line crossed by curves and broken lines
There will be difficulties in personal life

oblique line
Brings sickness

Lots of oblique lines
You have to be careful in business

Lots of broken lines
There will be financial problems

Lots of straight lines
Sign of health and longevity

Separate line in the middle of the cup
Nice trip but close

Noble sign. People are attracted to you by your wit. All initiatives will be accepted.

Fox for cup length
Cunning, fraud about deceit. Someone wants to deceive you, but so far you are succeeding

Face in profile
You have a strong enough defense

You are romantic, looking for a life path In difficult times for you, you will quickly find refuge.

Whole leaf
You are in good health

Leaf torn
There will be health problems

A new friend will appear in your life

You shouldn't risk it. Your progress is problematic

Shovel at the top of the cup
What you did not hope to find already will be found. Basically, of course, such a sign denotes financial difficulties.

Shovel surrounded by human faces
At work, they try to insult and slander you, as they envy your position.

Shovel black in the hands of one woman
You will soon receive an inheritance.

The moon is full
You can't hide your feelings from everyone.

crescent moon
You hide your feelings

moon at the top
Such a sign tells you that your family life will soon change, so look at the symbols next to you to better explain what exactly awaits you.

Moon with dots around
The marriage will take place

A good sign, brings good luck, love, kindness. A sign of happiness.

Frog near the cage
Recovering from illness soon

frog near the road
Someone will come from afar and bring benefits in life

Letter "M"

Letter "M"
You will have ups and downs

Surrounded by people, you are a natural leader. There will be small troubles, but they will be prevented

Basically, such a sign appears on the cup of a person who has recently received a promotion or has done important decision in life

Due to irritability, you cannot find a common language with others. Difficult life, but everything is in your hands

Bear below
Continuous failures haunt you and all this is due to stupidity

You need to be yourself and not succumb to different influences.

Warning sign. You should be careful, because someone is preparing a big dirty trick for you. Don't let yourself ride.

You have your point of view - that's good. Just bring everything to life, because you have a talent for many things.

A hammer
Your strength and courage will lead you to success. But you will often make mistakes. Tendency to be rigid.

Young man
Separation or parting awaits you.

You probably have talent, and you can show it by picking up a brush.

Your life will change your decision. But remember one wrong step and everything will collapse

It is worth being persistent and then success is yours. Anxiety and hassle.

Brings wealth and inheritance. It also brings problems.

Husband a lot
There will be many problems and troubles.

Man holding a stick
A dangerous seducer of a woman who is guessing will come across.

Mouse at the bottom of the cup
There will be business losses

Mouse in the middle
Don't let yourself be fooled. You need to improve your business

Mice on the top of the cup
With partners, you will have problems in business. So think about your plans.

Good luck in life accompanies you

Letter "H"

Letter "H"
Anxiety awaits you

You should be careful, as you are subject to adverse influences.

Several people
Help will come to you from the people around you.

The thread is wound into a ball, but the end is visible
You do a lot of things at once

The thread is wound into a ball, but the long end is visible
Don't overwork

Thread at the top
You will soon start doing a long-term job that will bring you a huge income.

Waiting for betrayal, deceit, damage, loss. You don't have to be honest with everyone. Often such a symbol denotes the betrayal of a loved one.

Such a sign appears in the cup of those who are not subject to someone else's will

You will probably be moving soon. And you should beware of your neighbors, otherwise all your problems will be thrown around in the circle.

You can fantasize and everything will come true, as the rhinoceros helps this.

Whatever part of the cup this sign is in, it says that you love fun and life. Well, if there is an instrument next to it, it will indicate that you know how to play it

Letter "O"

Letter "O"
Loneliness. Everything is against you.

Your dream will bring you good luck and fame. You can safely soar in the clouds and benefit from it.

A monkey
It is worth being careful in all matters, as there are only scammers and enemies around.

Danger is near

The wedding is coming soon

You are already near the completion of your cherished plan. Yes, and for you now is a successful time for financial investments

Ahead of well-being and prosperity

Ahead of a meeting with a loved one, just do not lose your head. Try to avoid hasty reactions and anger

You don't understand people who sit on their wealth and don't think about anything. You always try to help your family and those around you and think that someday it will come back to you.

Meeting with an influential person or relative

Necklace at the bottom of the cup
It is worth establishing a connection with the person who symbolizes the necklace, otherwise it can be very painful.

Broken necklace
In love there will be failure and separation


Window with a cross
A fire awaits

Wisdom and honesty

You are a person who collects different things that you can then resell. So now is the best time for this.

Victory will come to you after a strong struggle. A beautiful future awaits.

Brings quarrel and scandal

Such a sign means loneliness that does not leave you. Well, if the island reminds you of something, then obviously you will visit this place soon.

A sign that warns a person is danger. Do not sign papers and pay attention to the people around you, otherwise you will regret it later.

This symbol stands for the madness of the brave. It's probably worth getting involved. No matter what they say about you - do not pay attention.

Letter "P"

Letter "P"
Symbol of insincerity

Basically, such a symbol appears in the cups of those people whose professions are associated with increased attention, for example 6 actors, models or directors

Symbol of happiness. Such a sign indicates that happiness and prosperity await you. You are very loved by the people around you and need you. Such a symbol can often be seen in cups.

Good luck symbol

Need more walks in nature fresh air. Your main ally is on the path to victory.

You can immediately say that you prefer all the good things in life and you have excellent taste and high intelligence.

Sail at the bottom of the cup
Says that a friend from afar will appear

Leap into the unknown? dare

Parachute not at the bottom of the cup
You will most likely fall into a whirlwind - carrying you into the abyss

Expect an unexpected gift or financial success.

Spider at the top of the cup
Guaranteed to receive money

Spider at the bottom of the cup
You should invest in long-term activities.

Spider in the middle of the cup
You should take advantage of different investment opportunities

Spider at the top
You can buy a lottery ticket - will bring success

You will solve all your problems. And the enemies will soon be defeated.

Old feelings awaken

Sign of wit and ingenuity

A symbol of family harmony and well-being. Wait for new news.

Cockerel on the top of the cup
Means amazingly good news

Cockerel at the bottom of the cup
You will have good luck, but before it someone will harm you.

Cockerel on the hill
Sign of marriage and happiness

Cockerel upside down
Looking forward to change for the better

The symbol is not very good. Basically only brings problems

The loop
Bad sign. Brings some problems and sometimes death

Be careful you are in danger

You can be sure - all dreams will come true

Two pyramids superimposed on each other
You have two dreams, and they are quite different, but you can succeed in both. If there is some kind of sign near the pyramid, then this shows what you have been working on lately.

You should expect news. Look if there are initials near the sign - they will help you find out from whom to expect news. If the sign is not clear, bad news.

Letter surrounded by dots
business news

You should think about what you would like to achieve success.

We can say that friends and neighbors love you and can please you in the near future.

You will do the impossible, because your fantasies are simply not achievable

Luck accompanies everything

Horseshoe at the top of the cup
The journey will be much longer than you thought.

You are a lazy person and your well-being depends directly on your laziness.

It is worth saying that your dreams and hopes are in vain

You are disappointed. Most likely expect scandal and gossip

Symbol of tears and regret. Waiting for an unexpected meeting

Acquaintance and friendship will not be long at all

This symbol means only good news.

Bird caught in a net
Says that there will be litigation in the future

A sign of good news and success in society

The spot is big
Bad luck symbol

Letter "R"

Letter "R"
Can you tell that you like to drink

Basically, only good and positive can be expected from this sign, even if you need to overcome difficulties.

Rainbow near the handle of the cup
All the wishes and dreams that you had in the future will come true

It's time to make decisions

Symbol of mood swings, illness, melancholy

Rocket br>Grand ideas - to be realized

rainbow at the top
You will soon receive an unexpected offer, so go ahead without hesitation

Such a symbol is good for creative people. He will help them achieve only success in everything.

A sign of troubles associated with children and the appearance of a newborn

Baby at the bottom of the cup
A child from the past is likely to appear in your life soon. Basically, such a sign can be seen in the cups of those people who once abandoned the child.

The symbol of the mirror of your feelings.

river with bends
Says that you are going through an emotional time for you

The river has few bends
Says that you are now in a bad mood and do not want to communicate

The river has two turns
We can say that your feelings are divided.

You should think about your figure, otherwise food does not go out of your head

Nice symbol - weddings or engagements

Sign of happiness and love

Mouth at the bottom
Bring good news

Mouth closer to the edge
You can safely rely on your friends in everything

Hand turned palm
Will bring good luck. By the way, the palm can be recognized by the presence of lines on it.

Hand from the back
Will bring misfortune.

You have to be careful, otherwise someone will tempt you.

A sign of the integrity of nature

Letter "C"

Letter "C"
Will bring an unexpected gift of fate

A sign of talent, creativity and creativity. But sometimes this sign may appear in the cup of a pregnant woman as she is expecting to be born.

You probably want to drop everything and break away, somewhere far away on a journey. Of course, such a symbol often appears in the cups of those associated with aviation.

Airplane at the bottom of the cup
Says that you are constantly in the clouds

The sign is good enough. Says that you are a shrewd person. Understand the mechanism of events.

Wish fulfillment symbol. It also means success, accompanied by spiritual discord and illness.

Correctly shaped heart
Says that in love you will be happy. You can see if there are initials nearby - they will tell you with whom exactly happiness awaits.

Irregular shaped heart
Says you have health problems. Passion for someone.

It can be said that someone is constantly watching you. The main thing is that this should be an observation out of curiosity, and not in order to intrigue you. Be careful.

Now is the time to invest

You can not be afraid, and boldly go forward.

jump rope
He says that for you there are no unsolvable problems, you will overcome all the obstacles facing you .. Whatever you undertake, everything will end in success.

Sign of poverty and ill health

Since it’s hard for you at the moment, you can turn to friends who will never refuse to help you. Power, wealth and strength.

Ahead is a meeting with a stranger. If you have plans to travel abroad, then you can expect a love affair. Basically, just a violin means a meeting of lovers in another city.

You can safely know that loyal friends are around you.

Here it is worth relying on the will of fate and not trying to change something in it, because everything will still go wrong. Get over it.

Symbol of death and serious illness

Such a sign speaks of a person's personality. You know how to lead people. Of course, basically such a sign can appear in the cups of politicians and teachers.

Your life will get better. Anxiety and difficulties will simply melt before our eyes.

Keep your hands busy

Such a sign is good for people who are engaged in various studies, as something new will open up for them.

Old woman
Talks about a strong love relationship

A sign of disorder in business and soul

Success is yours

Dragonfly at the bottom of the cup
Apparently, because of your quickness, you missed some kind of chance in life

Dragonfly in the middle of the cup
If something requires more effort - make it and do not treat it highly. Then the result will surprise you

Bring success and promotion

Gives answers to your questions

Arrow down
The answer to the question "No"

Arrow up
The answer to the question is "positive"

Arrow to the side
The answer to the question "Maybe"

Letter "T"

Letter "T"
You will have to make a choice between two people

Your harshness harms you and others

Anger. You need inner strength to succeed in life

Such a symbol means courageous deeds.

Obviously soon yours cherished desire will be fulfilled

Dots or short strokes
Luck awaits

Lots of dots

Dot and dash one
Reinforcement of the accompanying sign

Triangle closed
Unexpected luck coming soon. Luck

Triangle open
Talking about safety and security

If there are letters next to the cane, you need to trust someone with such initials.

Trumpet (musical instrument)
Clearly you are a noble, strong, wise man in life

Letter "U"

Buka "U"
Waiting for a change in life or a rearrangement of furniture

You don't have to worry about trifles

Snail at the bottom of the cup
You have many opportunities, but for some reason you do not use them

Snail in the middle of the cup
You are moving very slowly towards your goal.

Snail near the cup handle
Says that you were not looking for simple ways in life

Snail at the top of the cup
Says you're doing the right thing

You have too much work and obligations

Iron stands
You clearly lead the goals and ways to achieve

The iron fell on its side
You obviously have a lot of work, but little money

Letter "F"

Letter "F"
Unexpected guests will arrive with their problems

Says that you will be married to a rich man

Beware - attacks. Do not hurry.

You are clearly being watched, as they want to entrust you with a certain task. Or someone just admires you

Fruit at the bottom of the cup
Your relatives will arrive soon

Fruit in the middle of the cup
You can say that your family influences you favorably

Fruit on the top of the cup
Your family will not be your support.

Letter "X"

Letter "X"
Denotes marriage

Talking about lasting love

Letter "C"

Letter "C"
You should take a rest day, otherwise you will get away with it

Your wish will surely come true. Love is waiting.

Flower with a cross

All flowers bring happiness

Letter "Ch"

Letter "Ch"
They are waiting for the care of others, and even minor losses.

Teapot upside down

Teapot upside down
Quarrel in the family

You will receive guests or give gifts

man with animal
There is a person who cares about you

There is clearly a journey ahead.

You should go purposefully and with conviction

Job change ahead

Success in love is guaranteed


1 - they love you.

2 - illness and failure ahead.

3 - successful trade deal soon

4 - good luck ahead.

5 - empty talk and gossip.

6 - there will be problems with the wedding.

7 - family happiness.

8 - probably quarrel with a loved one.

9 - acquaintance.

0 - born under a lucky star.

100 - a happy life awaits.

Letter "SH"

Letter "SH"
Talks about low energy and depression

Brings honor and glory

Hat at the bottom of the cup
The man in the hat will come to you to find out information

Sloop at the top
An unexpected guest will suddenly affect your life

Hat in the middle of the cup
Someone will protect you from trouble

Letter "Sh"

Letter "Sh"
Do you have unfinished business?

Various small troubles will disappear from life

Letter "U"

Letter "U"
Bad old age symbol

Denotes troubles over trifles and a meaningless purchase.

Letter "I"

Letter "I"
Your life will get better

Good symbol. for those who are into the arts.

The symbol is associated only with money

broken egg
Loss of money

whole egg

cracked egg
You have to be careful with money

Anchor clearly drawn
Bring good luck in everything

Anchor poorly traced
Will bring disappointment and temporary difficulties

Two anchors (one is visible well; the second is bad)
Says that a person will not decide whether he is happy or disappointed

Relax, otherwise you have a lot of business ahead of you and unexpected events

Be careful - sudden danger.

Online fortune telling on coffee grounds

Most people, even those who are very far from esotericism, have heard the expression "guessing on coffee grounds." There is even such a catchphrase, meaning groundless guesses, assumptions built from scratch. However, for sure, it was introduced into use by losers who simply did not manage to master this one of the oldest and most popular methods of predicting the future! After all, with all the outward simplicity and accessibility, far from everyone succeeds in effectively guessing on the coffee grounds, but only for those who have the patience to delve into the nuances of the technology and observe them in practice. But you shouldn’t set yourself up for failure in advance - it’s better to brew coffee and try it on personal experience divination by which the inhabitants different countries have been addicted for centuries!

History is silent about who and when first thought of using the “by-product” of preparing a coffee drink for such sacred purposes as predicting the future. The Italians take credit for this and date their know-how, including the deciphering of symbols, to the 18th century. By the way, they honestly shared their thoughts that this seemingly innocent fortune-telling takes place with the participation of nothing less than Satan himself.

In ancient times, the procedure for divination on coffee grounds looked about the same as now: ground coffee was poured into a coffee pot and, poured with water, brought to a boil over a fire. An integral part of the ritual were the words accompanying the boiling of coffee - "Aqua boraxit vinias carajos". The boiled drink was stirred, saying “Fexitur et patricam explinabit tornare” several times, then it was drained, and the thick remaining in the cup was turned out onto a saucer (certainly unglazed, white color), saying "Nah verticaline, pax Fantas marobum, max destinatus, veida porol". Every self-respecting fortuneteller had to remember these magic spells by heart, because if she was silent during the ceremony, forgot the words or pronounced them out of place, in the eyes of the client, this reduced the value of her predictions to zero with all the ensuing consequences for the soothsayer.

In modern fortune-telling on coffee grounds, such verbal balancing act, fortunately, is not practiced. But what do we need in order to lift the veil over the future, to learn something new about our past and present? Very little! So, you need to stock up on just a porcelain coffee cup (not necessarily white, but it is very desirable - plain and light) and, of course, coffee - natural ground. If you brew a drink based on one cup of two tablespoons of coarse coffee and one fine, you will get a consistency that is considered optimal for fortune telling. We will look for signs of fate in coffee sediment, but first things first.

A person who wants to find out the answer to his question with the help of fortune-telling on coffee grounds must first of all think it over carefully, formulate it as specifically as possible, and for this it is necessary to concentrate, distract from everything that is happening around. If you have managed to tune in to the desired wave, pour freshly brewed (literally just) coffee into a cup, let it stand for three to five minutes, and then drink the drink, making sure that there is liquid at the bottom - a volume of one tablespoon will be enough. The cup should be in your left hand, so if you drank while holding it in your right hand, change hands. Inwardly concentrate on the question of interest to you even more strongly and clockwise make three circular movements with the cup - the remaining thick should be distributed more or less evenly along the walls. Manipulations with the cup must be vigorous enough so that the sediment reaches the rim when the cup is rotated.

The fortuneteller's next action is to quickly turn the cup and its contents on the saucer. Count to seven (out loud or to yourself - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is slowly). Turn the cup over again. Now your main and, perhaps, the most difficult task is to consider what kind of “picture” gives the coffee grounds distributed along the walls. It is believed that with the right inner mood, the subconscious mind itself will helpfully suggest the correct association, help determine what kind of image you saw in fancy spots and stains. Everything else is a matter of technique: you just need to find the meaning of a particular symbol in the lists below and finally get the long-awaited answer - of course, adapting it to your question and life situation.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most famous methods of predictions.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most famous methods of predictions. There is practically no person who has not heard or read about him. But few managed to find out their fate, destined by symbols in a coffee cup.

The Italians claim that it was they who in the 18th century developed the method of divination on coffee grounds and compiled a list of symbols used in it. Moreover, they are sure that not a single true prediction can do without the intervention of the devil himself.

The divination procedure in those distant times was not much different from the modern ritual. Ground coffee was poured into the coffee pot, filled with water, put on fire and brought to a boil, while saying the magic words: “Aqua boraxit vinias carajos”. While stirring the boiled coffee, they repeated several times: "Fexitur et patricam explinabit tornare." Then the coffee was poured out, and the cup with the remaining grounds was turned over onto a white unglazed saucer with the words: “Nakh verticaline, pax Fantas marobum, max destinatus, veida porol.”

It was believed that one should not believe the predictions of a fortuneteller who either does not know these magic words, or forgets to pronounce them at the right time.

So, for fortune-telling, a minimum of items is needed: a porcelain coffee cup, preferably light, painted in one color, and natural coffee (instant is not suitable for these purposes). The best drink for divination is obtained by brewing two tablespoons of coarse coffee and one tablespoon of fine grinding coffee per cup. The role of the oracle is performed by the sediment that forms at the bottom of the cup after the coffee is drunk by a person who wants to know his fate.

So, before proceeding to fortune-telling, one must concentrate and clearly formulate the question, the answer to which is the meaning of the moment being experienced. Then you need to take a coffee cup and pour freshly brewed coffee into it. Let the coffee stand for three to five minutes and drink, but not completely - about a tablespoon of liquid should remain at the bottom of the cup.

Take the cup by the handle in your left hand and, once again focusing on your question, make three circular movements clockwise with it so that the sediment is evenly distributed along the walls. It is necessary to rotate the cup quite vigorously, so that the coffee residues reach its edges.

Then you need to quickly turn the cup upside down on the saucer and slowly count to seven. Turn the cup over and carefully look at the spots formed on its walls. For prediction, it is important how they are located: from the top edge of the cup to the bottom, from left to right, from right to left, or at the bottom.

By the spots on the walls of the cup, you can judge future events, and the spots on the bottom tell about the past. The farther the spots are located from the upper edge of the cup and the closer they are to the center, the more distant events they speak of (see figure).

A thorough analysis of at least a few spots can give a complete picture of the prediction. This type of divination is based on “esociative connections that arise between the shape of the spot and the corresponding concept or object of the material world.

The value of spots depending on their location:

1. present or near future;

2.more distant future;

3. area of ​​unfortunate omens;

4. asking;

5. something that will soon leave the life of the questioner or significantly move away from him;

6. that which is approaching and will soon become part of the life of the questioner.

The meanings of the figures that can be seen in the coffee cup are given below. But I would like to warn novice fortune tellers: treat the proposed list with some skepticism. It goes without saying that he is not able to reflect all the variety of events that can happen in a person's life. Therefore, only experience and practice will help to correctly determine the meaning of a particular figure, and also, more importantly, the meaning of their combinations, taking into account relative position inside the cup.

Shape values

People and body parts

  • Eyes - you are waiting for a change in life.
  • Head - in a close environment there is a young man who will have a beneficial effect on you and your future destiny.
  • Head in profile - you are under reliable protection.
  • The head of a woman is love.
  • The head of a man is separation from his beloved.
  • Head turned up - you have a strong and influential patron.
  • Head turned down - be careful: there is danger ahead of you.
  • Lips - good news (at the bottom); the support of friends is provided to you (at the top edge of the cup).
  • Two heads in the center of the circle - a quick wedding.
  • Two heads facing each other - mutual love.
  • Two heads separated by a vertical line - a major quarrel, betrayal of a lover, separation, divorce.
  • A few heads - if you are in a difficult situation, then close people will help you get out of it.
  • An elderly woman is a strong love affair, a happy family life.
  • Hand - disappointment, the collapse of sh-luzy.
  • Man with an animal - in your environment there is a person who is ready to take care of you.

Animals, birds, insects

  • Butterfly is a love message.
  • Bull - you are in danger.
  • Bull on the hill - soon your financial situation will change for the better.
  • Bull in the lowland - in the near future you will not have health problems.
  • Camel - wealth, prosperity, financial success.
  • Raven - misfortune in the house.
  • Dove - in your immediate environment there is a person with a pure soul.
  • Hare - cowardice, inability to analyze the present in order to predict the future.
  • The snake is evil, deceit, a deceitful friend, an ill-wisher.
  • Cow - quick happiness, good luck.
  • Cat - poverty, financial collapse, bankruptcy, ruin,
  • Chicken - a person who is not yet familiar to you needs your help.
  • Swan - unexpected receipt of money.
  • Leo - power, nobility, breadth of soul, power.
  • Fox - deceit, cunning, lies, fraud.
  • Frog - good news, good luck, success, happiness.
  • A bear is a danger that can be avoided by chance.
  • Ant - chores, anxiety, restlessness, vanity.
  • Fly - inheritance, financial success, material well-being, wealth.
  • Deer - honesty, openness, wisdom.
  • Eagle - the struggle you are waging will end soon, a well-deserved victory awaits you.
  • A spider is an unexpected gift, a surprise.
  • Rooster - good news, happiness in the house; there is a person in your environment who is plotting against you (closer to the bottom edge of the cup).
  • Fish - a pleasant journey, good news.
  • Elephant - strength, power, influence, authority, wealth, financial success.
  • A dog is a faithful, reliable friend.
  • Owl - a serious long illness, death.
  • Tiger - anger.
  • The lizard is a surprise, an unexpected event.

Trees, flowers

  • Oak - a well-deserved victory, a triumph.
  • Willow - sadness, tears, depression.
  • Clover - do not be sad: all hardships will go away and problems will be resolved.
  • Bush - a recently undertaken business will be unsuccessful and end in failure.
  • The forest is a mistake in choosing a life path or life partner.
  • Lily - constancy in love, devotion in friendship (on the wall of the cup); quarrel (at the bottom).
  • Rose - engagement, wedding, marriage, marriage.
  • Violet - marriage to a rich man.
  • Chrysanthemum - late love.


  • A car is a journey, a trip.
  • Diamond - happiness and luck in love, mutual love.
  • Angel - good news, unexpected joy, surprise.
  • Fork - wealth, prosperity, luxury, enjoyment of the material side of life.
  • Coffin - misfortune, grief, sadness.
  • A coffin with a cross is death.
  • The coffin next to the bed is a severe and prolonged illness.
  • Door - success in the undertaking.
  • Home - a happy family life, luck, success, prosperity.
  • Dagger - enmity, anger, loss.
  • The key is that all doors are open before you, any undertaking will be successful.
  • The wheel is an adventure.
  • Ring - engagement, wedding, profitable union.
  • Hammer - you will have to act at random, but under any set of circumstances, the business you have undertaken will end in luck.
  • Knife - loss, damage, the need to sacrifice oneself.
  • Scissors - luck, success, prosperity.
  • Shoes are dangerous.
  • The weapon is a quarrel, a scandal that threatens to break.
  • Folder - a successful completion of the case.
  • The noose is one of the most sinister symbols, predicting big trouble or death.
  • The glove is the return of an old love.
  • Horseshoe - luck, success, happiness.
  • Dishes are an unexpected meeting.
  • Candle - dreams, dreams.
  • Chair - financial success, career growth.
  • The flag is a warning of danger: do not commit rash acts.
  • Hat - glory, success.
  • Anchor - success, luck, happiness (clear picture); temporary problems in personal life (blurred picture).

Shapes and lines

  • The arc is a dangerous and insidious enemy.
  • Star - freedom, getting rid of a painful situation or an annoying and unpleasant person.
  • Square - a happy, prosperous life.
  • St. Andrew's Cross - wedding, marriage, marriage.
  • Cross - bad news (solid cross); happy family life (cross with black outline but white inside).
  • Circle - you get along well with others (a vicious circle); a new acquaintance awaits you (the circle is not closed).
  • Line - adventure (zigzag); resentment, problems in personal life (the line intersects with straight or broken lines); happy and carefree life (straight and long line); illness, losses, indecision, uncertainty (dashed line).
  • Oblique lines are a warning of impending danger.
  • Broken lines - financial difficulties.
  • Oval - wedding, marriage, marriage.
  • Dots or strokes - luck, success, happiness.
  • Triangle - luck, unexpected success, good luck (closed triangle), patron, protector (open triangle).
  • Dashes - change of place of work.
  • Quadrangle - luck, luck in love.


1 - you are loved.

2 - failure, unpleasant event, illness.

3 - a successful transaction, financial success, profit.

4 - luck, success.

5 - empty talk, gossip, evil tongues.

6 - wedding, marriage, marriage.

7 - shared love, family happiness.

8 - a quarrel with a loved one.

9 - acquaintance.

10-100 - luck, success.

101 and over- long life.


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