Plasterboard niches for TVs, selection and installation. Plasterboard niche for a TV Design of hanging TVs made of plasterboard

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Hiding the TV in the wall partially or completely would be a good solution, especially if there is already a system of shelves, niches, or a false wall that hides communications. We suggest considering the main options hidden installation household appliances and instructions for their implementation. Let's talk about how to make a niche for a TV from plasterboard with your own hands.

Design task: how to fit equipment into the interior

Many people are familiar with Yugoslav walls with a niche for installing a TV or an aquarium. Televisions of that era, unlike modern panels, were massive, oversized and could only be hidden in a furniture cavity of the appropriate depth. Despite the fact that today a recess in the wall for a TV is more decorative than functional purpose, both the design side of the process and the engineering side require close attention.

You can find countless concept images on the World Wide Web, but it’s one thing to create visual design, and quite another thing to implement it technically correct. In the most simple version a classic niche is offered, the back wall of which is either a load-bearing wall with minimal layer finishing, or a plasterboard surface with a minimal, again, indentation from the rough plane.

A niche extending from ceiling to floor is otherwise called a portal and has a slightly different construction scheme. Such designs make it possible to realize the idea even when the walls do not have continuous leveling sheathing. At the same time, the portal looks like a completely finished and independent element of the interior.

The portal is flanked by two wide columns. You can choose absolutely any form factor: it does not affect the functionality in any way, but in the end, a niche with a complex configuration may require considerable time to level, smooth and finish it.

Unlike primitive imitations of pilasters rectangular shape, more complex columns may have curved front or side faces. It is also possible to have a radius design of the rear plane of the niche; such structures are called exedra, and in them TVs are rarely mounted in a hinged manner. An arbitrary number of smaller niches or shelves can be embedded in a niche or portal, as well as in the framing columns, for installing a home theater and other equipment or household items.

Mounting and load from the TV

Although modern television equipment has become more compact, it remains quite massive. This must be taken into account when assembling the niche frame in order to securely strengthen it in the right places.

Typically, television panels are installed on hanging brackets at a level of 100-120 cm from the floor. This installation does not require the installation of a reinforced shelf, due to which the portal as a whole looks quite light and discreet.

Otherwise, you can use a standard TV stand to install it on a horizontal plane. This option is not very attractive due to the fact that there is almost no way to tear the TV off the hanging bracket, but with a loose installation it is quite easy for even a small child to knock it over.

Mounting the television panel on a plasterboard wall has certain requirements, which relate to both the internal configuration of the structure and the fasteners used. Only one thing can be said with certainty: the model of the TV and the type of mounting bracket must be known at the design stage. Depending on the weight of the equipment, an adequate method of reinforcing the rear plane is selected. Some people prefer embedded profiles directly at the fastening point, others limit themselves to two-layer reinforced sheathing.

The bracket should be attached according to the instructions. For reliability, at least four attachment points are used

Among the fastening elements for mounting equipment weighing over 30 kg, the metal dowel “umbrella” and the mount called “Hartmut” are well suited. Note that if there is a brick or concrete wall with a minimum setback of false walls, it is better to fasten them with bolted or chemical anchors. A guarantee of reliability is good, because no one knows how fasteners will behave after several years with different conditions operation.

Frame assembly

Unlike other popular designs, a niche or portal for a TV has special assembly specifics. As in most cases, the frame consists of a main part and load-bearing shaped elements that have no other function other than shaping.

The main set of profiles for creating a frame of almost any shape. Profiles CW and UW are used to form the base, CD and UD to strengthen the planes on which the drywall will be attached

For curved shapes it's better to use a special one bent profile, capable of recreating a curve of the correct shape

Assembly of the main part begins with the installation of guide profiles. Since niches are rarely made with a depth of less than 60-70 mm, the most suitable profile size for adequate load absorption is 50 mm. At least four vertical rows of guides are nailed to the rough plane of the wall, or, if continuous sheathing has already been completed, to profiles hidden behind the drywall. In the latter case, the section of wall for constructing a niche must be reinforced with horizontal crossbars every 40-50 cm - the assembled structure is attached to them.

All profiles in direct contact with the main wall, floor or ceiling must be glued with damping tape made of foam polyethylene

At the very bottom of the niche it is necessary to mount a small podium, which in plan will protrude beyond the rest of the structural elements. Its height is purely symbolic - up to 10 cm, and its purpose is to ensure correct installation floor plinth. Using suspended ceilings similar design may be useful at the top as well.

For side columns, if they are straight, the guide profiles are duplicated in a position opposite to those already fixed to the wall. Fixed-length jumpers are inserted between them, which determine the depth of the recess. For the smallest niches, the second group of guides is simply inserted into the first.

If the columns have a curved front surface, the second row of guides is made with a segmented profile. Before installing it, you need to cut out the side segments of the sheathing, fold the drywall in four layers and follow the common marking line with a jigsaw. After sewing the sidewalls, a flexible profile is rolled along their edge; in the simplest case, this is a self-made “herringbone”.

It is a little more difficult to make the side edges curved: both groups of guides must be made of a flexible profile, and it is attached to the wall according to the marking line, which, in turn, is formed by tracing a template cut from plasterboard with a pencil. It will subsequently be used to sew the front edge, but first you need to screw a flexible profile around the perimeter of the wrong side. The structure is fastened, as in the general case, using spacer inserts.

Profile connection options. 1. Connection using bent “wings”. 2. Using a connecting “crab”. 3. Special insert for profile extension. 4. It is best to connect the profiles to each other using a cutter

The space between the columns forms a niche, which can be divided by a shelf for installation, or have a reinforced rear plane. In the first case, the frame is assembled in the same way as for columns: two profile lines connected by jumpers. If the shelf is slightly recessed, a pair will be required vertical racks for more rigid support. It is also necessary to strengthen the structure with braces, so loaded shelves are usually sheathed all the way to the floor, hiding the details of the frame structure.

Reinforcement of the rear wall is carried out using the counter-lattice method, applied to the rear side of the frame, repeating the step of installing the vertical posts. Here it is allowed to use a ceiling profile with a width of 60 mm, however, profiles in both directions must be attached to the wall with direct hangers.

Before sewing up the frame, lay the power cables for socket groups and lighting, television wires and twisted pair inside the frame cavity. If the conductors used are not self-supporting or armored, they must be encased in a corrugated sheath. The cable train should not be attached to the frame - only to the wall, while at the exit point the wire is folded into a loop and laid in such a way that it can be easily reached through the hole under the socket installation box.

Niche cladding and finishing

In conclusion, a few words about finishing. The cladding is not particularly specific; all work is carried out by analogy with the installation of multi-level ceilings or arches. Drywall for covering curved surfaces must be prepared by soaking or making cuts on outside bending

In the case of television niches, the requirements for protecting joints and corners are the most stringent. General structural reinforcement with non-woven fiberglass scrims is also encouraged. From the options for finishing internal cavities, choose paint with a pronounced antistatic effect. For reasons of practicality, it is better to cover horizontal shelves of any size with thin glass of appropriate sizes.

In a modern design approach, it is fashionable to hide household appliances into plasterboard niches, leaving only the facade of the equipment. A niche for a TV made of plasterboard is made simply and quickly.

Once upon a time, the TV stood on a stool or wooden bedside table, then on a special cabinet, now it is hung on the wall, hidden in a niche.

An example of a multi-level plasterboard niche for a TV

  • the niche should be located opposite the bed;
  • it must fit into the interior;
  • for more convenience.

Once all issues have been resolved, you can proceed.

Decoration and design of a niche for a TV in the room
  1. Profile. It is advisable to take galvanized ones with stiffeners.
  2. GKL up to 12 mm thickness.
  3. for fastenings in the wall.
  4. Connectors for profiles.
  5. with a set of blades.
  6. Screwdriver Set.
  7. Pliers.
  8. You may need a hammer.
  9. Hacksaw, spatula, .
  10. Antifungal primer.
  11. Wires, switches, connectors.
  12. Protective sleeve.
  13. Tape measure or meter.
  14. Pencil, marker.
  15. Water or laser level.
  16. Grout – sandpaper or a special mesh.

You will also need pure water, first aid kit.

Technology for creating a design for a TV with step-by-step instructions

There are different niches:

  • Curvilinear structures;
  • Square and rectangular;
  • Additional departments for audio, video systems;
  • With and without backlight.

If the TV is heavy, then the frame should be strengthened wooden partitions. A niche for a plasterboard TV can also be open (the sides are open), built-in (the TV is completely hidden, only the facade is visible). You should decide what the niche will be and start drawing a sketch.

Drawings and calculations

When starting a drawing, you need to carefully think through everything down to the smallest detail. Due to minor omissions, the design may not work.

Drawing with dimensions for installing a plasterboard niche for a TV
  1. Taking a sheet of paper, draw each line, put each point and write down all the dimensions and numbers obtained during the calculations. You should take into account the dimensions of the TV so that the niche does not end up right next to each other. Space should be left for ventilation of the equipment.
  2. You should draw the wiring and locations of the lamps. This is important because during installation of the frame, and not after complete installation designs.
  3. The locations of the switch and sockets should be indicated on the drawing.

Read also

Installation and installation of a corner box or niche made of plasterboard

If, after drawing, something else appears, it should be added to the drawing. The sketch should be made carefully, without ignoring millimeters.

Preparation for assembling a metal profile structure

Before, you should clean the wall (if it is not glued or painted). Check the wall covering for depressions and protrusions.

Metal profile niche frame design

If such are present, use putty and make the surface smooth; if there are bumps, they must be carefully brushed off. In some cases. When the surface is prepared, the drawing is transferred from paper to the wall, observing all dimensions.

For ease of application, the wall covering can be divided equally, having previously designated external dimensions niches for TV.

Placing all the points and drawing the routes for the sleeve with wires. In some cases, the wires should be hidden in the wall. To do this, you should cut a channel for the wires, fix them there and seal the channel with putty. Wait for it to dry.

Assembling a metal frame

Assembling a frame for a TV with your own hands has its own peculiarities. In addition to the main installation of the frame, the design has curved shapes that serve only for decoration.
Installation of the frame begins along the drawn lines. The dimensions of the profiles should be no more than 5 cm; the recess of the niche should be 7 cm, depending on the design of the niche; there should be 4 guide profiles on the wall base. If the plasterboard wall is already ready, it should be reinforced with wood or horizontal crossbars every 5 cm.

At the bottom of the TV box you need a “podium” protruding beyond the façade of the structure. The height of the “podium” is 10 cm. It is used to adjust the installation of the floor plinth. If a plasterboard niche goes up to the ceiling, then you should also make such an indentation from the ceiling.

Sketch of a plasterboard niche for a TV

In order to do this, you need to install the same profile guides as on the wall. Between the guide profiles (NP), jumpers are inserted, the length of which is equal to the depth of the niche.

The curved side edge is made with curved NPs. On the wall, a curved line is attached along the line, the remaining curved lines are made using a plasterboard template. Curvilinear profiles are attached using the standard method. The space between the columns determines the niche for the TV shelf. The frame for the shelf is assembled in a standard way, the only thing is that when the shelf is “recessed” into a niche, it should be supported from below with vertical posts.

Read also

Assembly and installation of a plasterboard niche in the wall

Example of stands supporting a TV shelf

In general, to make the support rigid, braces should be made. To do this, the niche should be sheathed with plasterboard almost to the floor. This will hide the entire frame made of metal profiles. The rear wall is reinforced with vertical stacks and lintels, which are repeated at a certain distance. It depends on the width of the structure itself.

After installing the frame, you need to do the wiring. All wires are hidden in a corrugated sleeve so that there is no contact with metal profile. Wires for lighting and sockets are laid out in advance.

If you plan to hang the TV on the wall using brackets, then you should retreat 1 m from the floor or 1.2 m with this option; the shelf does not need to be strengthened. It will serve for light accessories (discs, remote controls). Or play as an interior detail.

When you need to hang a TV on the wall, when installing a plasterboard wall, you need to know the brand of the TV (weight) and what type of bracket it is. For strength, a reinforced structure is used, as well as double gypsum board cladding. Suitable fasteners include a metal umbrella dowel or a Harmut fastener.

Niche cladding and finishing

There is no specification for cladding that is separate from other work. , as in other designs.

Option for finishing a niche for a TV

After sheathing with plasterboard, fiberglass reinforcement should be applied at the corners and borders. After or, craftsmen and designers strongly recommend covering the shelf with thin glass. The video shows step by step process assembly and finishing of a plasterboard niche for a TV.


After installing and finishing the frame, they begin installation lighting fixtures. In addition, many craftsmen use more practical and durable LED strip. With its help, you can create not only dim lighting, but also combine colors. A niche for a TV made of plasterboard with such lighting will make the interior of the room more interesting and cozy.

Spotlights can be placed above additional shelves, where, for example, there are speakers or disks.

The lighting will look interesting from bottom to top - the lighting fixtures are located at the bottom. Eat different ideas installation of lighting fixtures that create harmony of light.

Design option for a niche for a TV with LED backlighting

The plasterboard niche for the TV should be painted in a light tone(wallpaper should be lighter in shade than the main one). An interesting option design, is to finish the niche with stone, but this is if the room has a niche underneath, which is decorated in the same way. The peculiarity of this finish is that it gives the interior naturalness and rigor. In a row design solutions, in a small room a corner niche is made for a small TV.

In the era of thin plasma and LCD TVs, the approach to their placement in the interior of the room has also changed. Now it is not necessary to clutter the room with a standard wall or TV stand, because the panels have wall mounts allowing you to hang them on the wall. For convenience and aesthetics, the TV is most often placed in a niche. But it cannot be done in a thin or load-bearing wall, so drywall comes to the rescue.

Plasterboard construction for TV

Drywall is a universal and easy-to-install material for creating all kinds of decorative designs. It’s easy to make a niche for a TV from plasterboard yourself. Moreover, the process will not require significant costs, expensive tools and special skills.
Advantages of placing TV in a niche:

  1. A TV recessed into a niche will fit harmoniously into the interior.
  2. Lighting in the niche for the TV will create decorative effect and the room will look brighter. And the backlight can be used as a night lamp.
  3. On the niche shelves you can place books or decor in the form of figurines and vases.
  4. The decorative recess guarantees the safety of the TV - it cannot be touched or damaged.
  5. All cords and cables will be securely hidden behind the false wall.
  6. A beautifully designed niche can become the central element of the interior.
  7. Soundproofing effect - a niche will help minimize sounds from the neighboring apartment. If the wall is side, then the plasterboard wall can serve as a kind of insulation.

This design has one drawback - it will reduce the area of ​​the room slightly.

A niche may look like a shelving unit

Niche types

Plasterboard niche can be mounted on a wall made of any material - brick, concrete or wood. The design can be rectangular, oval or combined. The first type is divided into rectangular-horizontal or rectangular-vertical. The most common is the rectangular-horizontal option due to the ease of its implementation. Such a niche will look natural even in a small apartment.

The most common niche option is rectangular

An oval niche is more difficult to make, but it looks more interesting. For small rooms an oval niche is not suitable, as it visually reduces the space.

The oval looks very catchy

Niches may also differ general design. For example, a niche can look like a decorative frame with a recess the size of a TV, or like a wall with shelves or stained glass windows.

Niche arrangement

  1. Before starting work on a plasterboard structure, you should carefully consider its design and the location of all communications (sockets, lighting switches, etc.). There are many options for designing a niche for a TV.
  2. It is advisable to illuminate the niche with spotlights or LED strip- then she will look impressive. Moreover, the lamps can be mounted both in the upper and lower parts of the structure. The rays of light coming from below look interesting.
  3. The back of the niche can be finished with different decorative materials- wallpaper, photo wallpaper, stone. You can also paint it a different color - lighter or darker than the entire wall.
  4. A niche can consist of several sections in which shelves, speakers or decor will be located. You can even place an aquarium or an electric fireplace in the section.
  5. IN special cases a plasterboard structure for a TV can even zone a room. If you make it rotating, then you can watch TV from different angles.
  6. The stylistic arrangement of elements is also important. Symmetrical design is inherent classic style and will look good in the bedroom. The asymmetrical composition is suitable for high-tech, modern and minimalist styles. It is most often used in cases where it is impossible to allocate an entire wall for TV or if there is a door nearby. Asymmetry is good for zoned or combined rooms - kitchen-living room, child's room.

Photo gallery: design options for niches in the interior

The niche can be made in a false wall made of plasterboard Stone trim imitates a fireplace Very often, several niches with different functions are made in one wall.
If you paint a niche a different color, it will serve as a zoning function. Making a semicircular niche will be more difficult You can also sew a real fireplace into the niche
You can combine several types of finishes
A niche can act as a bright accent For Scandinavian style the niche is painted in White color
If space allows, the niche can be made deeper False niches look beautiful The simplest design looks like a recess in the wall
Asymmetry is a good technique for rooms in the Art Nouveau style

Creating a Sketch

The more data from exact dimensions will be on the sketch, the less likely there will be alterations. First, a sketch is made, which is checked and corrected during the process. Stages of creating a sketch:

  1. Drawing metal carcass from profile for plasterboard construction. All nuances are taken into account - load, location, reinforcing jumpers.
  2. The sketch includes electrical wiring - sockets, wires and lighting circuit (if any). Sockets can be located both below and behind the TV, adding space for bending the wire and the plug itself.
  3. Cost-effective cutting of plasterboard sheets is carried out.

The sketch should be as detailed as possible

At this stage it is already necessary to decide on the finishing, because certain materials have their own thickness, which also needs to be included in the drawing. If it is tile or finishing stone, then at least 5 cm, plus the same amount for tile adhesive.
At least 10 cm in each direction is added to the diagonal of the TV, the same applies to other equipment, for example, speakers. The depth of the niche should be such that you can stick your hand between the wall and the TV.

Tools and materials

To create a niche you will need the following tools:

  1. Drill (perforator).
  2. Construction knife or jigsaw.
  3. Grinder and metal wheels.
  4. Metal scissors.
  5. Level.
  6. Roulette.
  7. Pencil.
  8. Sandpaper (mesh) and skinner.
  9. Spatulas.
  10. Mixer or drill attachment for mixing the solution.

In addition, you need to purchase the following materials:

  1. Drywall 12.5 mm.
  2. Aluminum profile CW and UW.
  3. Self-tapping screws for metal and self-tapping screws with dowels (drive-in) for the frame.
  4. Corner for slopes.
  5. Finishing putty.
  6. Primer.
  7. Decoration Materials.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a niche

  1. If the sockets are in suitable place no, then first of all it is laid in the wall electrical wiring(as well as Internet cable and antenna wire). Channels for it are cut with a grinder, hammer drill or chisel. The wires are laid in the channels, and, after checking their functionality, the channels are covered with starting putty. The wall on which the niche is mounted must be puttied and rubbed in advance - before installing the frame.

    All wires are sewn into the wall

  2. The frame is marked on the wall using a level. This is painstaking work requiring maximum precision.

    Markings are applied using a level

  3. UD profiles are mounted on the marked places on the dowels. CD profiles are attached to them with self-tapping screws (for reliability, you can use U-shaped fasteners). The distance between them should be no more than 60 cm.

    The profile is attached strictly according to the markings

  4. Now you can start attaching plasterboard frame. The sheets are cut into segments according to size. The cardboard is cut on one side, and then broken, and then cut off on the other. The finished parts are attached to the frame with special self-tapping screws for drywall, the heads of which are recessed so that they are not visible under a layer of putty. The distance between the caps should be 10–15 cm. Excess millimeters of plasterboard are removed with a knife.

    The sheets are attached to the profile with self-tapping screws

  5. After the cladding is carried out Finishing work. All seams and corners are puttied using reinforcing tape. When the putty dries, it is cleaned with a mesh or sandpaper. Next, a primer is applied.

A convenient solution for placing a TV is a niche made of plasterboard; it looks stylish and is part of the interior composition, adding coziness and comfort to the room. TVs with thin LCD, LED and LCD screens look most impressive in a niche.

Advantages and disadvantages of this design


  • the room becomes completely different modern look, so only such a design can improve the room;
  • can be used in any room - in the kitchen, in the living room, in the bedroom, in the living room, etc., installation of the structure is no different;
  • the niche ensures the integrity of the interior, the TV will not look separate element, but will become part of the entire design project;
    allows hide all wires and cables, it is very convenient and aesthetically pleasing (as is the case with the toilet);
  • the versatility of such a box - in addition to the TV, you can place other equipment here (speakers, stereo system, DVD player, TV tuner, etc.), books, vases, figurines and other decorative elements;
  • in such a niche the TV is located at eye level, which is convenient when viewing it;

A popular idea for decorating a TV niche is to introduce lighting around the perimeter. As a rule, a diode strip is used for this.


  • replacing an old TV with a new one with a larger diagonal will not work, since the niche is designed with only small gaps on the sides, unless the difference between the TVs is 5-10 cm;
  • weight of the TV that can be hung on plasterboard wall should not exceed 35 kg. Very large TVs It’s better not to put it in a niche. Otherwise, it is necessary to think over the design of the niche, and cut out a place for fastening on the back side of the niche so that the bracket is attached to the concrete wall;
  • the room should be enough large area minimum 16 sq. m, otherwise the space will look cluttered. Or create a small, compact niche.

Features of accommodation

You can build a structure from plasterboard with a niche for a TV in absolutely different forms: rectangular, square, oval, round, etc.

Keep an eye on the distance between the TV and its diagonal; a distance of 2 m from a 65 cm (27-inch) TV will be comfortable for vision. In this case, the screen itself should be located at eye level; a low or high position negatively affects vision.

In rooms with irregular shape, a niche can also serve to zone the space, divide it into a sleeping and relaxation area, or a dining and kitchen area.

The TV is mounted on a special bracket, which is very convenient and safe. It is not recommended to install it on the lower edge of the niche, especially if there are children or animals. It is more reliable to use mounted option or make a wide edge under the TV leg.

Finishing a deep niche with photo wallpaper. The niche was made larger so that a larger diagonal TV could be installed there later.

The forms of the niche itself can be absolutely diverse. Flights of fantasy are open here. A niche could be:

  • strict rectangular geometry, best option for modest design and wide rooms;
  • vertical niche with placement from ceiling to floor,
  • with many projections and shelves;
  • in the shape of an arch;
  • round or oval shape;
  • niche “under the fireplace”.

Design and design ideas

There are many design options, here are some of them:

  • spot lighting of structural elements, lamps can be placed both below and above the shelves, it looks very interesting when the light spreads from the bottom up on the top shelf of the structure;
  • LED lighting, which can be combined with musical equipment, and you get light music;
  • the back side of the niche can be decorated using decorative stone, photo wallpaper or paint a couple of tones lighter than the whole room;
  • You can cut out different shapes, and when the backlight is turned on, they will glow;
  • on the sides of the TV, you can make separate niches for speakers, under or above the TV - for other equipment (VCR, amplifier, etc.)
    can be placed under the TV artificial fireplace, unless it radiates heat;
  • the shelves around are perfect for placing various items interior, books, boxes, you can even install an aquarium;
  • For lighting it is necessary to use special LED bulbs that do not heat up.

One of the options for finishing a niche for a TV is natural or artificial stone

If you use a niche to zone the space of a room, then you can use a through niche, installing the TV on the lower edge (then it will play a role). Here it is necessary to take into account the width of the TV pedestal so that it fits stably in the niche. When creating a rotating base for TV, you can watch it one by one in different zones rooms.

Don't highlight dark color elements made of plasterboard, as it will visually look like there is a hole in the room.

Light colors should be preferred pastel colors, matching the color of the walls in the room.

How to make a niche for a TV with your own hands

Required tool:

  • drill;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • screwdriver;
  • stationery knife;

Materials for creating the structure:

  • plasterboard sheets 9.5-12.5 mm thick, to create curved surfaces it is necessary
  • take sheets 6.5 mm thick.
  • aluminum profile;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • reinforcing mesh, putty;

Work progress:

Detailed project for installing a niche for a 48-inch TV and installing an accompanying home theater.

Price issue

The cost largely depends on the size of the structure. Let's take, for example, an average niche; it will require 3 sheets of drywall (about 500 rubles), a profile (about 400-500 rubles), putty, corners, grouting grids, screws (about 700 rubles). The total is 1700 rubles.

TV stands are a thing of the past; now it has become the norm to hang the TV on the wall, thanks to the thin body and wide diagonal, the TV looks great in a specially designated niche. Practicality of design, space saving and variety of design - all this positive sides plasterboard niches.

You can finish a niche without focusing on it. Then the TV will attract all the attention.

Video: Implementation of a project for installing a niche for a TV

Due to our design abilities and skills, we can independently shape the interior of our home, we can create minimal projects reconstruction, adjusting them to the repair estimate and thus making the apartment more attractive and comfortable. Huge opportunities we get using plasterboard systems. This is a light and pliable material with which you can independently perform any decorative element- from multi-level ceiling and arches, to the simplest niche for a TV.

The feasibility of building a niche for a TV

Flat-panel LCD TVs look good anyway, but may not be perceived in every interior. An excellent solution to this issue could be a plasterboard niche for a TV. We will look at the photo of the design and the main stages of building a niche today, all that remains is to decide on the structure and design. Another big advantage of a niche is the ability to camouflage network and signal cables, but before you make a niche with your own hands, it’s worth considering even the most original options design and choose those that are most compatible with the chosen interior style.

There are several ways to construct such a niche - it can be a structural part of the entire wall, which is covered with plasterboard, or separate design protruding from the wall. Depending on the interior design, you can choose either one or the other, but it is worth considering that if the wall is covered with gypsum board in any case, then installing a niche in this case will be both cheaper and simpler. A separate niche will make the television center more functional by arranging shelves there for small items.

We think over a sketch and plan

Depending on the room in which the TV will be located, a niche is designed. For example, for a niche in the bedroom, the photo of which is located below, it is not necessary to make the TV visible from anywhere in the room, that is, it can be installed deep enough, and this will make the niche more spacious and functional. Niche lighting in this case will be very useful. In the case when a niche is installed in a large living room, this assumes that the TV will be watched not only from one point, which imposes certain requirements on the design parameters.

Here's what you need to consider and do during the design process:

  • calculate the metal frame on which the gypsum board will be attached, think about the placement of the profile, all the stiffeners, reinforcements and spacers;
  • be sure to include in the graphic sketch the laying of communications - power and signal cables, take into account and think over the lighting scheme;
  • After this, you can estimate the cutting scheme for gypsum boards to avoid waste of material.

It is also worth immediately deciding what plan the finishing will be. The point is that everyone finishing material has its own thickness and it can affect linear dimensions structures in general.

Preparing materials and tools

To build a niche of any design you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. Metal profile for drywall. Can also be used wooden beam, however, if the design is quite complex, then the profile will be preferable. It is lighter, better processed and, if necessary, it can be bent and made into an arch or a niche complex shape. The tree will not allow this.
  2. You can take the thinnest and most inexpensive gypsum plasterboard, ceiling-mounted. It will not bear a special load, and it is processed better.
  3. Dowels for attaching the frame to the wall.
  4. Materials for the manufacture of lighting, if provided, are wires, switches, light sources.
  5. Finishing. Here everyone acts according to their own taste, but the minimum that needs to be done is to putty the seams and level the surface with finishing putty.

As for the tool, everyone should have it in their arsenal - this hammer drill, screwdriver, building level, jigsaw, metal scissors, dowels, screws, grinder, several types of sandpaper, spatulas for putty.

Stages of work

Since the sketch is already ready, all that remains is to go directly to the place where the niche will be built and start marking. The dimensions from the sketch are transferred to the wall, once again everything is adjusted in place and, if necessary, some changes are made. The first step is to draw the lines along which the profile will be attached. Guide profiles are fixed according to horizontal lines, checking building level horizontal. In principle, the supporting struts can be replaced wooden blocks of a suitable cross-section, but they are heavier, so dowels should be placed more often.

If the design involves several plasterboard boxes, they should be attached in order from bottom to top. When the frame is ready, you can start covering. The sheets are marked as accurately as possible and cut sharp knife or a jigsaw. In some cases on simple designs You can first strengthen the sheet, and then cut it in place. The screws are screwed in at a frequency of at least 10 cm. The screwdriver is adjusted to a small torque so that the caps do not damage the surface of the plasterboard, but also do not stick out above its surface.

After assembling the niche, it is puttied, and a reinforcing mesh is used. The niche is finished in accordance with the chosen room design. This can be wallpaper, stone tiles, painting or polyurethane panels. Good luck to everyone and enjoy watching TV!


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