Year of the Rooster horoscope for Virgo the Bull. Financial horoscope: money issue

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If Virgos decide to make their cherished dreams come true in 2017, then they will succeed. Fire Rooster will be favorable to representatives of the Earth element and will open up new prospects for them. After reading the horoscope for 2017, Virgo will understand in which direction she needs to move. In their personal lives, Virgos will see big changes: some will decide to break up with a boring partner, while others, on the contrary, will find their own personal happiness after a long period of loneliness. If representatives of the earthly element spend more time with their family, they will feel the desired inner harmony and tranquility.

“An interesting fact is that the most favorable time for change for Virgos will be mid-spring. During this period, individuals will be able to build love relationship, A married couples good news will await. For those who have long dreamed of a child, in 2017 luck will smile and a miracle will happen. The horoscope recommends organizing a wedding ceremony in September, April and December. These months will be the most favorable in the coming year for starting a new family.”


The horoscope for 2017 warns Virgos that many family worries will fall on their shoulders. Representatives of the earthly element will have to not only arrange their everyday life, but also think about how to improve financial position families. Women should not count on free gifts from fate, since in order to achieve what they want, they must work hard in the coming year. The horoscope indicates that it is better for Virgos not to enter into conflicts with their superiors during this period. If earthly women can establish friendly contact with colleagues and management, then they will find the desired comfort in the workplace.

Those born in the year of the Tiger will have to try to zealously defend their interests in 2017. If perseverance in work allows the Tiger woman to achieve the desired heights, then in relationships such behavior will only lead to conflicts. Representatives of the eastern animal – the Pig – can count on free gifts from the stars. In 2017, the horoscope indicates that the Pig woman will be able to find female happiness and improve her relationship with her husband. During this period, it is best for the Rooster to rely only on his own strength and not ask his partner for help where he is sure that he can handle it himself.

The horoscope recommends the Snake to overcome their fears in 2017. The Snake’s love relationship in a couple will become stronger if she begins to trust her partner and once again not suspect him. Lonely Snakes can count on bright and memorable novels, but they won’t have to talk about a wedding ceremony. After reading the horoscope for 2017, the woman (Rat) will understand her main mistakes. The stars indicate that the Rat woman always tries to be ahead of everyone and lead her partner - the time has come to change the strategy.

The horoscope advises the Dog to enlist the support of loved ones. It will become easier for a Dog woman to solve work problems when the friendly smiles of her family or beloved husband are waiting for her at home. The time has come for the Monkey to think about who he can trust, and which friends he should refuse to communicate with. Having concluded a successful deal, she will be able to feel comfortable in financially. In front of the Goat in 2017 they will open great opportunities in business (some Virgo women will be able to expand, while others will open their own business).

In 2017, the Ox should enjoy life more often and worry less about tomorrow. All problems will literally bypass women born this year. The horoscope advises Horses to think about self-development. If she takes the course foreign languages, attend trainings and start reading more, you will be able to improve your current position at work. The horoscope recommends the Dragon to think about starting his own business; with the support of his loved ones, everything will work out for him. In 2017, the Rabbit should spend more time in the company of friends, since the brightest moments will be associated with them.


Much will depend on Virgo’s decision in 2017. The burden of problems will hang on the shoulders of earthly men at the beginning of the year, however, they will find a solution to successfully resolve them. The stronger sex in 2017, according to the horoscope, will be career-oriented. Those Virgos who will spend literally 24 hours a day at their workplace will be able to reach financial heights. The fatigue of earthly men is compensated by bonuses in the form of bonuses or even promotions. At the end of spring, it will be useful for representatives of the earth element to go on vacation with friends or a significant other.

In 2017, the horoscope strongly discourages rats from getting involved in dubious enterprises. If a Rat man invests his money carefully, he will avoid many troubles. The Tiger needs to become kinder and more responsive to the requests of family and friends. If the Tiger establishes friendly contact with the management, he will benefit from this doubly. The Goat will be able to build strong love relationships in 2017 (family men will be able to strengthen the existing union).

In 2017, the horoscope warns the Rooster that he will have to change his field of activity and look for himself in something else. If the Rooster endures all the troubles, the stars will reward him with financial profit. Count on free gifts from heavenly bodies not worth it for the Dog. A representative of such an eastern animal as the Dog will have to fight to maintain his relationship and not destroy it. A man (Horse) with the Virgo sign must study the horoscope for 2017 carefully, since excellent career prospects await him during this period if he takes action!

It's time for the snake to say goodbye to bad habits and go in for sports. The horoscope says that if the Snake man begins to get enough sleep and abuse alcohol less in 2017, he will begin to feel much more cheerful. Tying the knot and deciding on a wedding ceremony is important for the Snake who has managed to test her feelings. If the Pig man is more organized during this period, he will easily reach the desired heights. The ideas of someone born in the year of the Pig will appeal to management, so he will be able to succeed in his career.

The Dragon will have to solve love problems in 2017. Even if a man born this year wants to work on his relationship, his beloved may not be ready to continue it. The Ox will be able to improve his current state of affairs completely free of charge. An unexpected inheritance or profitable proposition at work will make you feel better. The horoscope does not recommend that the Monkey decide to have a wedding ceremony in 2017, since there is a high probability of divorce. The Rabbit man will be able to solve all his current issues and build strong love union.

The well-known astrologer Globa recommends that all Virgos in 2017 try to remain calm even in difficult situations. The 2017 horoscope for Virgo from Pavel Globa will become a reliable assistant. The main advice from astrologer Globa in the coming year is to listen to your intuition more often and communicate less with ill-wishers. In his year, the Rooster will be able to improve his financial well-being. Globa indicates that the Rooster will be lucky and will receive a tempting job offer.

In the Snake’s relationship, according to Globa, love problems will brew, which friends will help solve. Globa believes that with the help of advice from friends (or even a family psychologist), the Snake will be able to preserve feelings and a fragile union. Snakes will not be able to achieve great heights in their career. Globa believes that the Tiger will experience positive changes in the coming year. Moving to another city or changing jobs will allow the Tiger to look at life differently, according to Globa.

With the help of free advice from colleagues, the Dog will improve his situation at work. Globa recommends that those born in the year of the Dog find a faithful ally and listen to his advice. In 2017, the Rat will have to pay for his frivolity. Globa indicates that paying off loans and repaying debts will be the main thing for the Rat in the coming year. At a wedding celebration, the Goat and the Horse have a good chance of meeting their soulmate, according to Globa.

Astrologer Globa advises Monkeys to flirt less often and not give reasons for jealousy. Globa points out that if she is not careful in her actions, she risks losing her love relationship. The Dragon and the Ox should not count on an improvement in their financial situation. Unexpected and absolutely free prospects will open up for the Rabbit. career growth. Globa believes that the Pig needs to be patient in 2017. If the Pig shows restraint and calmness in important matters, then he will spend this year as fruitfully as possible, according to Globa.


The horoscope for Virgo has many surprises in store for 2017. The stars advise representatives of the earth element to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Try to quarrel less often with your significant other and show wisdom. During this period, Virgos will be very emotional and principled, which will not be reflected in their marriage. The biggest troubles can await: Tiger, Snake, Rat and Goat;
  • Go out into society more often and communicate with the opposite sex. Virgos will not be able to count on a quick wedding ceremony if they do not get rid of their modesty and begin to take the initiative in getting to know each other. The following people will be able to meet their soulmate in a crowded place: Rooster, Dog, Pig and Horse;
  • Try to go out with your loved one more often interesting places. Virgos will be able to strengthen their love union if they are also more interested in the life of their partner and his problems. Tiger, Dog, Dragon and Monkey need to pay maximum attention to their personal lives;
  • Try not to quarrel with your loved one while preparing for the wedding ceremony. If Virgo peacefully and calmly resolves current issues related to the wedding celebration, then she will be able to avoid conflicts. The happiest marriages in 2017 will be those concluded with such oriental animals as: Rat, Rooster, Ox and Rabbit.

If Virgo reads the horoscope for the new year 2017 carefully, she will understand how she can feel happy in a love tandem and quarrel less with her partner. The stars warn that the most favorable period for a wedding ceremony will be: March, September and December.


To improve their financial situation, the horoscope does not recommend lending money to the Pig, Ox and Dragon and borrowing funds. If this trinity learns how to manage money correctly, they will avoid many difficulties. You can expect free gifts from the stars in 2017: Dog, Rooster, Goat and Horse. It is for these four that in the coming year everything will turn out the way they dream. Tempting offers will come quite often, so those born in these years do not need to miss the ideal opportunity.

There will be no prospects for career growth for: Pig, Tiger, Ox and Snake. Provide yourself good mood this trio can do it if they find a hobby they like. In order not to feel a lack of financial resources, they need to spend less money on entertainment and become more practical. The Rabbit, Rat and Snake will have to choose between personal happiness and career. The work will take up a lot of time, so they will not be able to receive gifts from the stars for free.

Those who manage to improve their financial well-being should not forget about a successful investment. If Virgos start saving money for a deposit or expand their business, they will only increase their money. The horoscope warns this sign that he should stop relying on free gifts from parents and loved ones and begin to solve problems on his own. In 2017, Virgo will have to think about self-education and getting a first or second diploma.

After reading the horoscope for 2017 carefully, Virgo will understand how to avoid pitfalls and live this period in harmony with herself.

The Goat horoscope for 2017 will help representatives of the sign to reveal their inner potential and attract the attention of others. Many people will rush to seek advice from self-confident Goats, which will further elevate the latter in the eyes of others. There is a huge chance that bearers of this sign will demonstrate themselves in innovative developments during 2017, as well as develop creative abilities.


The coming year promises Goats strong immunity and no serious health problems. A craving for healthy image life, awakened in most representatives of the sign. Goats will want to get rid of bad habits and introduce a clear daily routine, according to which there will be time for both work and rest.

The only risk of going to the hospital for Goats is injuries associated with fights. Representatives of the sign have an intolerable character, which often provokes conflicts. You will have to try to control yourself, otherwise the summer months will pass on sick leave.

Love and relationships

The Fire Rooster will help lonely Goats improve their personal lives in the coming year. They will be able to find a soul mate and build strong relationships with her, even starting a family.

The life of family representatives of the sign will not be so cloudless. There is a huge risk that Goats will become unbearably demanding of their spouses and will wear them down with jealousy and reproaches. This unfair attitude will force loving people leave the stubborn representatives of the sign. If Goats do not take the path of changing their life positions and do not try to prove their feelings to their soulmates, the relationship will be lost forever.


The Goat horoscope for 2017 promises rapid growth in career ladder, but only for peace-loving representatives of the sign. All factors will be favorable to achieving the goal, but the majority will have a desire to achieve the pinnacle of success through conspiracies and weaving intrigues against colleagues, who at a certain moment will understand where the threat is coming from and will make the life of Goats unbearable. A damaged relationship with the team will force you to change your job, which will be a serious blow and an insurmountable challenge.


In 2017, Goats will really want to improve their financial situation, but they do not intend to use hard work. Representatives of the sign will be ready to take advantage of any chance, be it a generous patron or winning a lottery, so as not to waste their inner potential. This is their huge mistake, because they will only be able to achieve prosperity through honest means.

The Fire Rooster will help increase the Goats' cash flow, but with the expectation that they will be generous with their loved ones. The patron of the horoscope expects sacrifice from the horned stubborn people, and if this happens, then success is guaranteed.

Horoscope for the Goat man

The horoscope for the Goat man for 2017 advises to establish relationships with workmates, otherwise there is a high risk of losing the trust of colleagues and being left without good place. Otherwise, the strong half of humanity will prefer to let everything go on its own, without making any effort. special effort to achieve goals.

In a family, the head of the family will prefer to delegate all issues to his wife, but one should not lose sight of the needs of the children, because this is the year they need the support of their father. Single men will spend the whole year meeting new girls, but it is unlikely that at least one will be able to win the heart of a womanizer.

Horoscope for the Goat woman

The horoscope for the Goat for 2017 is imbued with optimism. A woman will face both gifts and blows of fate with a smile on her face. She will bravely endure all adversity and emerge victorious from any trouble. Pleasant changes are expected in the personal lives of single girls, because very soon they will meet their soul mate. True, married ladies run the risk of being disappointed in their spouse. You shouldn’t cut rashly, perhaps such an impulse will be a big mistake.

The Fire Rooster wants to warn cheerful ladies against large expenses. At a certain point, you will have a desire to please your beloved, for which you will have to ask for a loan. Such a desire will not bring satisfaction, but will only worsen the financial situation.

Horoscope according to Zodiac signs for Goat

Goat – Aries

Representatives of the sign will be able to feel the favor of the Rooster, but only if they use their sixth sense when resolving even minor issues. In the coming year, intuition will sharpen to a significant extent, so well-being will become an integral part of life. One of the most striking changes for Aries-Goats will be the long-awaited marriage, and those who have already tied the knot will be content with less significant changes. Some will make repairs, others will expand their circle of acquaintances, and others will change jobs.

Goat – Taurus

Taurus-Goat should spend 2017 taking care of their loved ones. It's time to rest and gain strength. Exercise will bring enormous benefits, as it will improve your health, fill you with positivity and have a positive effect on your figure. Swimming and running – best ways benefit your own body. For those who cannot find the time and desire to engage in physical activity, you can simply visit a spa or change your image. The main thing is that Taurus must look at themselves in the mirror and realize that they are good-looking. By increasing their own self-esteem, representatives of the sign will attract the attention of the Fire Rooster, who will help cope with all problems and add good luck.

Goat - Gemini

In the first months of the coming year, representatives of the zodiac circle will solve unfinished tasks, but as soon as they are completed, they will have to plunge headlong into a completely different area of ​​life. Such races will continue until luck turns its face towards Gemini. A pleasant incident will help you understand that fortune is on the side of the two-faced Goats. Some will have a new friend who helps with advice and action, while others will have competitors give up their claims. Any of the cases will have a positive impact on the future fate of Gemini, which is why they will fully enjoy the remaining months of 2017.

Goat – Cancer

Luck will become a faithful companion of Cancers in 2017. Those around you will be surprised at how easy everything happens in the lives of these lucky people who constantly rejoice in every day, enjoy life and still manage to win the lottery or receive a bonus. Of course, Cancers will not be able to avoid minor difficulties, because life cannot run perfectly smoothly, but when solving any problems, helpers will instantly appear, and the other half will happily solve any problem that is within its competence.

Goat – Leo

2017 for Leo-Goat is a time of big changes in everyday life and family. Representatives of the sign may suddenly want to move from the city to countryside, build a house and start a farm. In addition, the already great authority of Leo can be significantly increased in the coming year. Naturally sociable jungle owners will have to make new acquaintances, get involved in the thick of things and offer their support to others. So active public life will attract attention to Leos and bring positive changes and success.

Goat – Virgo

The Virgo-Goat will enjoy pleasant changes in the new year. It is recommended to spend 2017 in diligent and painstaking work, while colleagues will play an important role in achieving success. It is important to take into account the opinions of others, listen to advice and provide assistance. Then it will become easier to work in a team, which means you will be able to achieve all your goals. True, the Fire Rooster does not advise Virgos to throw themselves into work, forgetting about rest, because excessive overload will provoke health problems.

Goat – Libra

If Libra dreams of organizing his own business, then 2017 will be perfect time to start. This is due to the fact that it is the Fire Rooster who will fill the representatives of the sign with confidence in their abilities and endow them with leadership qualities that others will be drawn to. Even on regular work the opinion of Libra-Goats will be taken into account, colleagues will become infected with the ideas being propagated and will support them during their implementation. As a result, the middle of the year will become a period for representatives of the sign to receive a worthy reward for their activity. A bonus or promotion is just a small of the possible bonuses.

Goat – Scorpio

Scorpios will have good luck in 2017, so they may think about making major changes in their lives. The desire to change your field of activity or get involved in creativity will easily come true and will bring significant income. New connections will play a significant role in the well-being of representatives of the sign in the coming year. It will be easy to get them, because Scorpio-Goats will often change their environment and get acquainted with different people. Social life will help in business matters and, if necessary, find a life partner; it is at such events that the chance of meeting a like-minded person increases.

Goat – Sagittarius

Sagittarius-Goat is forced to spend 2017 looking for compromises. Many controversial situations on which the well-being of the representatives of the sign depend will force them to moderate their obstinate character and more often listen to the opinions of others. The Fire Rooster will help in solving complex issues if Sagittarius is accommodating and will thoroughly punish for insolence. The time has come to choose between one’s own self and the needs of others, because decision taken the further situation depends.

Goat – Capricorn

The coming year promises to be stable in all areas of life. The work will proceed in the same direction, harmony and mutual understanding are expected in relationships. Capricorn’s selfish attitude towards his partner can disrupt the idyll, but timely conversation will help resolve conflicts. In the middle of the year, the usual course of life will be disrupted by small difficulties, but the person who appears will help resolve all the troubles, and Capricorn will as a result make a new friend.

Goat – Aquarius

Selfishness will take over Aquarius in 2017, but the Rooster does not like this quality. If representatives of the sign do not want to reap the fruits of their excessive pride, they will have to restrain themselves more often, stepping on the throat of desires. It is worth asking the question of what is important for colleagues, relatives and, especially, a loved one, since it is the other half who can suffer to a greater extent from the inattention of Aquarius, born in the year of the Goat. The patron of the horoscope for the coming year advises organizing romantic evenings more often and making surprises for your soulmate, then harmony will reign in all areas of life.

Goat – Pisces

Pisces are luckier than ever: everyone loves and appreciates them, things are going well at work, and their bosses keep the representatives of the sign in good standing. It would seem, what else is needed? But Pisces-Goats will express dissatisfaction with everything. They will feel that those around them are clinging to them, greatly underestimating them, and even neglecting them. You shouldn’t spend time beating yourself up, because such thoughts are complete nonsense. It's time to enjoy being treated well, rather than looking for hidden subtext in everything.

The Year of the Rooster promises major changes in life for many signs. The horoscope for Virgo says the same thing, according to which representatives of this sign, accustomed to the calm flow of life, will face several significant shocks throughout the year. This will definitely affect their character. Calm and balanced Virgos will become more irritable and impulsive. If this is not typical for you, try not to succumb to provocation.

Horoscope for Virgos for 2017

In general, the year promises to be successful, because you will be able to avoid financial losses or excessive unjustified expenses, and also forget about health problems for a while. You are not afraid of winter and off-season colds and flu epidemics, but if you suffer from chronic disease, take care of the prevention of its treatment, so that in the fall you can rest peacefully on vacation, and not on sick leave.

The horoscope for the Virgo zodiac sign is also favorable in matters of love. This is a fairly calm year for married Virgos: you are not in danger of divorce or violent outbursts of emotions, but the stars still recommend spending more time with your spouse. Work is just part of your life. Lonely Virgos should not be upset either, because they will be able to meet several interesting people already at the beginning of summer, perhaps among them will be the one you have been so desperately looking for in recent years.

Don't forget to pay attention to yourself: the year of the Rooster is the best time to critically analyze your lifestyle and appearance. If you suddenly want to change something, now is the most favorable time for this: hairstyle, wardrobe, even the color of nail polish - every little thing will bring you joy.

Virgo Horoscope: for men

Your year will begin very actively and fruitfully: new ideas will find their implementation in real ongoing projects. The main thing is not to stop or retreat at the sight of the first obstacles. The horoscope for men promises that all efforts will be rewarded a hundredfold. Just not right away. In general, the year will be “wave-like”; periods of success will be replaced by periods of calm, during which you will also have to try to achieve your goals, even if it seems that all this is useless.

The stars recommend that you focus not only on work, but also on family. Throughout the year, you will have to find a healthy compromise between work and love affairs. Your family - and we’re not just talking about your spouse - will require a lot of attention from you, try not to take it out on them for this. It’s better to make time in your busy schedule for joint trips, picnics or simple walks. Your family will be grateful to you, and you will take a short break in the race for success.

Virgo horoscope: for women

This year it is important for women to understand their place and purpose. You will be torn between the desire to self-actualize and devote yourself to your children and husband. You will be drawn into creativity in a way that you have never experienced before: don’t resist, try yourself different types art, express yourself even in simple little things. Such as, for example, serving ready-made dinner on the table. A leaf of lettuce under the cutlet will be an excellent decoration and a cute detail.

But don't forget about your career. The horoscope for women does not predict big promotions or major personnel changes, but it does talk about a possible change of job. Maybe your creativity will become not only your new lifestyle, but also your income.

The stars recommend taking a closer look at your surroundings and cutting off those people with whom communication does not bring you pleasure; you should not waste time on these people; it is better to focus on those who bring you joy and make you smile. And take care of the children, they will need your attention and support more than ever this year.

Financial horoscope for Virgo for 2017

Virgos are one of the few who will be able to resist and not spend all their fortune on meaningless trinkets. The impulsive Rooster, who loves everything bright, will tempt you into thoughtless spending. But Virgos will be able to avoid this by listening to the advice of intuition; it will be she who will guide their financial flow this year.

If you believe the horoscope for 2017, this is a successful time for opening own business. You can start a new business from nothing and it will be successful. But you should hurry up, because the opportunity will only be “open” until mid-spring and the slightest delay will cost you a good profit. If you already own your own business, please be patient. big profits this year you should not wait, but stability is also good. You will put in more than you receive. Consider it an investment in the future.

For those who have not yet decided on their own startup, the stars recommend that they prove themselves at their main place of work, so that their superiors know that you are a very important employee. After all, in the fall they promise personnel changes, thanks to which you will be able to take the position that you have long dreamed of.

Financial horoscope for men for 2017

You will have to work hard for the future. And it’s worth starting in January. Your zeal and talents will be appreciated by your superiors. However, don't expect to immediately receive cash rewards or promotions in the form of a new position. All this will happen only by the end of the year, so all this time you need to keep yourself in good shape and not work carelessly at the first opportunity. Learn to plan your time so that your work is proportionally distributed throughout the week, otherwise you will face nervous exhaustion and irritability.

Colleagues will be on your side and will support most of your endeavors in every possible way, and if you still encounter resistance, try to convince your opponent with arguments in order to turn him from an enemy into your friend. You will also have to try hard to promote your ideas: make acquaintances, establish connections, advertise yourself and your achievements in every possible way. This tactic will bear fruit at the end of autumn.

As for specific cash receipts, you are guaranteed a stable cash flow throughout the year with small bonuses in the spring and autumn: this could be a bonus or a fee for a project. Don't rush to spend money, you may need it.

Financial horoscope for women

For women, the Rooster promises financial independence and confidence. But you will have to “pay” for this in time taken away from your family to implement work projects. You will spend a lot of time among colleagues, which can lead to strife and irritation. Don’t worry, the situation will improve by the fall, but you should show patience and restraint, talk less and try to refrain from harsh statements towards employees. This will not go unnoticed.

If you're into creativity, consider making it yours additional income. This will be a good help not only for you, but also for your family. And perhaps it will become your new life’s work.

Frequent business trips and trips await you this year: don’t refuse. Firstly, this is a good opportunity to travel, and secondly, you will make several useful contacts. But this must be done not to the detriment of the family. After all, this year your loved ones will need you. You will become both a referee in family disputes and a voice of reason in making risky decisions.

As for financial risks, you should refrain from making large purchases until the fall. It's better to save your money for a vacation abroad. You will be able to spend time with your family and relax, as well as “reboot” after hard work. If a vacation abroad is not part of your plans, in the fall you can start arranging your home: a new sofa or kitchen stove will come in handy.

Love horoscope for Virgo for 2017

This year, Virgos need to learn to keep their mouths shut and stop conflicts in time, because most often they are the cause. Try to be more understanding about the problems and requests of your spouse, even if they seem trivial and stupid to you. They will look to you for support and support, don’t make a mistake. That's why you should plan your schedule more carefully: make time in your work schedule for family dinners, playing with children and visiting parents. They will be very grateful to you and will be able to become a reliable support when things don’t work out at work or you are in another jam.

For those who are free, the horoscope for 2017 for the zodiac sign Virgo predicts fateful meeting this summer. But you will be so stressed and busy achieving your goal that you may miss out on your happiness, be more attentive to the people around you. The stars recommend that you finally start setting priorities: what do you want from a partner, what kind of relationship are you striving for? This year you will have to take complex solutions: It is possible to break a relationship based only on sex. If she no longer suits you.

  • Love horoscope for men. Your year will be controversial and exciting. Your significant other will be very sensitive to your mood swings, so try not to take your anger out on others. Find time for romance in your relationship, even if you have been married for more than ten years: a bouquet of flowers, a small but significant gift, a candlelit dinner - all this will come in handy somewhere in the middle of spring, when your work begins to pick up. decline, and the partner’s patience, on the contrary, will be on the verge.

If you are single and puzzled about finding your soul mate, stop for a moment. This year has been given to you to realize and analyze your previous actions. Perhaps you did something wrong, which led to the fact that you are still single. Try to change yourself or the direction of movement, suddenly your love is waiting for you next door.

  • Love horoscope for women. The stars, of course, recommend that you devote yourself entirely to your family this year, but it’s up to you whether you take this into account or listen to the recommendation. A series of events at the beginning of spring will make you think that the relationship has outlived its usefulness and it’s time to pump it up. But don’t rush, your spouse will improve by your birthday: expect a surprise and a valuable gift. Try to be grateful for his efforts, even if he fails to please you completely. A little patience on your part can significantly smooth out the rough edges in your disputes.

Spend time with your children: they will be silent and secretive this year, try to establish friendly and trusting relationships with them. Firstly, you will be able to know what is happening in their life and help in time, and secondly, it will never hurt.

As for older relatives, do not dismiss their help and support, even in words, but this will be your little outlet when needed.

Children's horoscope for Virgo for 2017

Virgo children in the year of the Rooster will surprise you with the riot of their imagination, which is why you will often have to figure out where their words are true and where they are fiction.

Kids will be unusually capricious. Their desire to do everything in defiance will irritate you very much. But you just need to be cunning: the child will do everything you tell him exactly the opposite. Doesn't it take you a long time to go to bed? It's simple - forbid him to sleep at all and you won't notice how your fidget will end up in bed hugging his favorite toy. He will also require a fairy tale from you.


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Astrologers call 2017 the year of the Fire Bird - the Red Rooster, which every now and then will stick its beak into everyone’s affairs and will not leave any of the representatives without its ardent attention zodiac horoscope. In this article, astrologers and former participants of the popular in the territory of modern Russian Federation television project “Psychics are investigating on TNT” will tell..

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Family and relationships Virgo in 2017

And astrologers, and all the upcoming events compiled by their hands 2017 instructs Virgos to conduct large quantity time with family. Representatives of this sign will do everything so that their loved ones do not feel all the difficulties and complications that will fall on Virgos in 2017.

Many of the Virgos will begin to take the family union and the institution of marriage as such more seriously. You just can’t avoid small problems with spouses because of former lovers and girlfriends.

The Red Rooster warns all those born under the sign of Virgo that if they do not stop secret communication with the opposite sex and do not begin to honor their wife (their husband), then most likely the whole situation will be resolved by divorce.

You should also expect that in the second half of 2017 Virgo will change permanent place residence. Difficulties may arise in communicating with your children. Virgo children in 2017 are prone to infectious diseases and their most serious complications. Due to the conjunction of Neptune and Fiery Mars in the constellation Pisces, Virgo parents will notice the emergence of secrets in their children.

Astrologers, as well as psychologists, recommend that Virgo parents have to sort out their relationships with their minor children as little as possible. It is better to try to direct their energy in the right direction. For example, you should keep your child busy with a new hobby that he will like. It is likely that a child will be captivated by music or art. You can also send your children to sports clubs or photography clubs.

Virgo health in 2017

Of course, the stars affect not only love relationships, family well-being and a person's career. The heavens can also tell you about Virgo’s health in 2017.

So, some astrologers claim that in 2017 physical health a person born under the zodiac sign of Virgo will be incredibly strong, because the harsh Saturn takes full responsibility for him. And not just Saturn, but Satur, which is located in the constellation Sagittarius. This situation implies a beneficial effect on the physical and psychological health Virgos.

But for some representatives of this sign, such an arrangement can also mean serious illness. Chronic forms of diseases may worsen. Often the pressure will increase, as well as the temperature. The likelihood of physical injury also remains high.

Red Rooster claims that in 2017 Virgo’s energy will be incredibly increased. For this reason, any illness situation will be resolved without serious problems and losses.

What do you think, relatively horoscopes and forecasts made by clairvoyants and psychics? Can one general forecast describe and capture aspects of all people belonging to the same zodiac sign? Or should each person use individual horoscope?

Until January 28, 2017, Virgos will be accompanied by the Monkey, but then she will be replaced by the Red Fire Cockerel. Don’t be afraid to say goodbye to the Monkey, because the Rooster is ready to protect you no worse.

Already on this day, get ready to unwrap the gifts prepared for you by the Cockerel, he tried very hard, choosing surprises for you. From the very beginning of the year, changes will begin, especially in work.

The boss will become more understanding; it is at this moment that you can safely ask for a promotion or increase in salary.

Pay more attention to your health, consult a doctor if you feel unwell, it’s better to be safe than to self-medicate and harm yourself.

  • Virgo 1st decade (24.08-2.09) Pay attention to what you eat. Surely in the diet of any person there is harmful products which can harm the stomach. Replace all the unhealthy foods with porridge, and so that they don’t get boring and are not so tasteless, add fruits or berries to them. To improve your stomach condition, you can become a vegetarian for a while, but don’t torture yourself; a piece of meat or fish sometimes won’t do any harm.
  • Virgo 2 decades (3.09-13.09) Have you ever noticed that your legs often start to hurt? This is a completely possible phenomenon this year, even if they don’t hurt you, you can do procedures for prevention, take baths, they will relieve fatigue and maintain health. Also, go jogging, at least for short distances; a 15-minute morning jog will only do you good. If you try hard enough, you can and may even win the race and get a gold medal.
  • Virgo 3rd decade (14.09-23.09) Try to think through your daily routine, be sure to get enough sleep and not sit at the computer for several hours before going to bed. Great options there will be an evening walk, breathe fresh air. After such a walk it is guaranteed deep sleep. Brew calming herbs and drink them before bed, they will help you relax and have a good rest.

Family horoscope for 2017 for Virgos

In general, family relationships will not upset you; on the contrary, they will only delight you with warmth and calm. You shouldn’t leave everything as it is, come up with something new for your family, organize a holiday.

  • Virgo 1st decade (24.08-2.09) In 2017, you will most likely travel frequently for work. In this regard, all household chores will be transferred to your relatives. Try to provide them with money; they can handle the rest themselves and will not be offended by frequent absences. Still, try to somehow pay attention to your children; you can educate them even from a distance.
  • Virgo 2 decades (3.09-13.09) Clean up your home, you can change anything in it, the main thing is to make it more comfortable. Friends will not mind coming to your family events; they know what a friendly atmosphere is at such gatherings. Distant relatives may often come. Try to be hospitable, your family will definitely appreciate it and thank you.
  • Virgo 3rd decade (14.09-23.09) 2017 is great time for family travel. Choose a nice cozy place together and go straight there. New experiences will bring the family together and improve relationships. Perhaps older relatives will often be indignant, but try to understand them, what would you do if you were in their place?

Children's horoscope for 2017 for Virgos

In the year of the Rooster, Virgo babies will begin to show unprecedented imagination. It is quite possible that they will start to lie a little and make up different stories. Don’t punish them for this, but rather, make up some kind of fairy tale with them.

  • Virgo 1st decade (24.08-2.09) This year, Little Virgos will do a lot of mischief and do something forbidden on purpose, out of interest. But don't get mad at it, you'll need some trickery here. When it's time to go to bed, and he doesn't want to do it, forbid him to get into bed. Believe me, the baby will immediately jump under the blanket, hugging his favorite toy, and will soon fall asleep on his own.
  • Virgo 2 decades (3.09-13.09) In 2017, it's time to teach your child good manners, he will be happy to learn all the rules and behave decently and civilly in front of people who are strangers to him. Don’t get carried away with this, you don’t want the children to start bowing when they see guests, that would be too much. And it’s better not to say such things to the little Virgo, otherwise you too will get moralizing.
  • Virgo 3rd decade (14.09-23.09) In the Year of the Rooster, begin to develop a competitive spirit in your child. But don't give in, in this case Virgo may understand that you want to please her and will not take it seriously. Stop babysitting your baby, try talking to him like an adult. He will definitely surprise you with his smart thoughts beyond his years.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Virgos

In 2017, Cupid may shoot at you many times, but be careful, in case he is just playing. Think with your head when choosing your mate.

  • Virgo 1st decade (24.08-2.09) You don’t like defeats on the love front; in principle, you don’t have them thanks to your charm. The Cockerel will definitely help you achieve your goal in 2017. You will notice your long-awaited chosen one immediately, so go ahead, take advantage of the moment and act on your own. He certainly won’t be able to resist such pressure; you can already choose your wedding invitations.
  • Virgo 2 decades (3.09-13.09) In your personal life, try to be more understanding, don’t be capricious and very picky. Listen to your other half, this is the only way to resolve any issue and save the relationship. And for single Virgos, the Cockerel is already looking for a couple, the main thing is that you yourself are ready to give up your freedom.
  • Virgo 3rd decade (14.09-23.09) This year you will have a lot of opportunities to find your other half. To do this you will have to put in a little effort, because nothing happens for nothing. Go to various events more often, some kind of parties, evenings will do. Even in a store you can meet your future chosen one, be careful.

Business horoscope for 2017 for Virgos

In 2017, you will be very lucky in any field, no matter what you undertake, everything will go quickly and will soon bring profit.

  • Virgo 1st decade (24.08-2.09) In the year of the Fire Cockerel, creative and teaching activities will be most beneficial for you, pay attention to this. An easy approach to finances should not hinder you; on the contrary, it can help increase your capital. It’s easy to achieve stability; get ready to collect coins and bills in bags.
  • Virgo 2 decades (3.09-13.09) Yours will be well appreciated in 2017 leadership skills and fighting spirit. You can try public sphere activities, these qualities will help you. Also, don’t be afraid to show your imagination and come up with something new. After all, the craziest idea can become simply brilliant and lead to success. Get involved in advertising, then you can fully express your imagination.
  • Virgo 3rd decade (14.09-23.09) Although you will not get into the working rhythm too quickly, then great success will appear in any business. Thanks to this, you can change social status. Such changes will help you forget about the crisis and lack of money. So you will have to work hard, but soon the victories will definitely come one after another. Don't forget to say thank you to the Fire Cockerel, he always helps you.

Horoscope by year of birth


In 2017, you can become a cute white fluffy mouse, but you can only do this next to your closest people and family. They manage the house themselves and prepare delicious food for you. But at work you can’t be so gentle, otherwise your partners won’t take you seriously. So sometimes you have to show your fangs so as not to relax.


Your persistence can help you achieve any goal in the Year of the Rooster. Time to open your own business, find a couple of partners who will help and think about what you would like to do. If you lack funds, go to government agencies for help. Tell us about your plans and ideas, some official will not refuse you profitable loan. If you would like to change your home, then in 2017 this is quite possible.


It's time to learn how to build good relationships with people, hide your claws, it's better not to use them. You can easily find a compromise in business matters. Such talent will lead you straight to a new position, it’s time to buy a new suit, especially for negotiations. You will only be concerned about the independence of your children; you should not worry too much about this. There will be no problems in your personal life.

Virgo-Rabbit (Cat)

In 2017 you will be very punctual and pedantic. It’s better not to overdo it, because nothing bad will happen if your colleagues are a minute late. Be more understanding towards your family, don’t start a showdown over improperly arranged things. Try scattering your things throughout the room once, you may like it. Don't be so demanding, become softer.


Luck has been knocking on your door for a long time, run to meet it quickly. In the year of the Rooster, she will accompany you constantly, and the Rooster himself decided to take on you. Expect the arrival of very important guests. To make things go better, deal with the things left over from last year. After that, you can come up with a business plan. From all the many ideas in your head, try to choose the most successful and profitable ones.


The Cockerel has long since dispersed all your enemies, don’t even worry. Many successful people your city without spoiling to conclude an agreement with you, perhaps they are already waiting for you right under your window. Don’t rush to run out to them in pajamas and slippers; at least put on a suit. Otherwise you will scare all the people away. Your family will always be happy to see you return home, and you won’t mind coming home from work, plunging into the bathtub and then having a delicious meal.


There will be more than enough work in 2017. Receive good income Creativity will help you. Come up with your own business, what you do best, and your loved ones will quickly spread the word about your talent and attract many buyers and fans. So there shouldn't be any problems with money.

Virgo-Sheep (Goat)

You won’t have to fight for a solid position; Cockerel took care of this and freed up a good place for you. Success is also expected in your personal life; many love affairs and romantic surprises await you in 2017. All these interesting events can turn your head, but be always ready to make a choice that you should not regret in the future.


Get busy intellectual activity, that is, buy a lot of useful books and start reading every day, education has never hurt anyone. Moreover, this way you can train your memory, and it will be useful to you. Having gained new knowledge, you can easily wipe the noses of those who think that only connections decide everything in the world. Have a good relationship with business people will not be superfluous, but the Cockerel himself is able to help you.


Your appearance can play a role important role in relationships with respectable people. A brand new suit and a neat appearance will do the trick, conquer everyone first with this, and then prove with your intelligence and professionalism that you are worth something. You can succeed in everything yourself; use your charisma and humor, this will help you more than once. The money is already waiting for you on the new card, run to withdraw it.


Who else but you is so capable of working, certainly no one can compare with you in this regard. Thanks to this, victories are just around the corner. You just need to try a little. New position is already waiting for you, don’t forget to bring your resume with you and you can get started. You will achieve good relations and with the opposite sex, there are no problems in personal life. Singles will most likely find their soul mate for life and the wedding march will soon begin to play.

Virgo-Pig (Pig)

The Cockerel will definitely protect you throughout 2017; he will do everything for your comfort. You will become more respected at work. Your boss will treat you better, and your colleagues even more so. You have no equal in your business, and you will not find competitors in it. But don’t forget about your loved ones, they also want a little attention. They tried and helped you as best they could, so you need to thank them for that.

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