Mount Kailash: myths, secrets and riddles. Unsolved mysteries of Mount Kailash

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Secrets of Mount Kailash

However, as it turned out, the ancient pyramids were oriented not only to the North Pole, but also to Mount Kailash. It is located in the Himalayas in Tibet. It is believed that the height of Kailash above sea level is exactly 6666 meters. The southern slope is cut through by two giant cracks, vertical and horizontal, which seem to deliberately form an ancient Indian symbol. And the top has the shape of a regular pyramid and is also strictly oriented to the cardinal points.

But is it possible that this geometry was given to Kailash not by nature, but by people? What then were their technical capabilities to hew a six-kilometer mountain? And most importantly - why?

Ancient manuscripts say that another, invisible, energy pyramid is directed from Kailash into the depths of the Earth. This creates a structure in the shape of an octahedron. He talks about this professional traveler Alexander REDKO:

“I am convinced that this mountain is actually an octahedron. The same pyramid that goes up also goes down, like a crystal. This octahedron is both a time energy receiver, a capacitor, and an emitter antenna. Through one part of the octahedron, the Earth perceives the energy of time coming into the universe, and through the other it radiates it back as waste material.”

Thousands of pilgrims flock here in search of enlightenment and to find purpose in life. Scientists believe that Kailash generates special electromagnetic fields that can affect the human brain. Comments on these views pyramid researcher Gregory BOSS:

Kailash is a mountain in the mountain range of the same name in the Gandhisishan mountain system in the south of the Tibetan Plateau.

“There’s a different tension there. electromagnetic field, everything is different there, that is, the body finds itself in a completely different environment. Accordingly, he needs to somehow adapt to this environment, and this environment promotes the mood to change oneself, grow, change consciousness.”

It is believed that Kailash wakes up once every sixty years. Alexander REDKO specially organized an expedition at this moment. The researchers headed to one of the seven secret valleys. It leads to a crack that cuts the southern slope of Kailash in half.

Tibetan lamas warned the Russians: you will pay with part of your life for entering a sacred place. The scientists placed control chronometers and GPS navigators around the perimeter and went. He talks about what happened next Alexander REDKO:

“We were near this crack in the chronal node for about 24-26 hours and when we returned, we had signs that biological time in the body had passed very quickly and we had lived during this time for about two weeks. Because we had two-week-old beards and two-week-old nails.”

A day passed on the travelers' watches and on the control watches. And they themselves felt immense fatigue. This is how this feeling describes Alexander REDKO:

“That is, physical time has remained the same, there are no changes on the clock, but biological time, that is, the time of life processes in the body, has accelerated several tens of times...”

There, in the Himalayan mountains, on the border of India and China, there is a mysterious White Pyramid, which may be even higher than Kailash. The first to describe it US Air Force pilot James KAUSMAN. During one of his flights he flew over Death Valley. One of the engines almost stalled, the fuel began to freeze, and the pilot had to descend. Suddenly, right below, the crew saw a giant pyramid made of white shiny material. At its top was a huge crystal. The plane could not land near the structure, only flew around three times... For half a century, no official data about this pyramid has appeared. Only a couple of notes and photographs from military satellites made it to the press. Testifies archaeologist Hartwig HAUSDORF:

“My archive contains clippings from American newspapers from the 1940s. They talk about a white pyramid 1000 feet high, that is, in terms of about 300 meters.”

The White Pyramid is located at the same latitude as the Cheops Pyramid, but 72 degrees to the east. And it’s impossible to get close to her. The Chinese authorities strictly protect the White Pyramid from foreign guests.

Hartwig HAUSDORF for many years he sought permission to explore the pyramids. And only recently he succeeded. He became the first foreign scientist to gain access to the White Pyramid area. Hartwig HAUSDORF describes his impressions:

“I was allowed to visit this restricted area west of the city of Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi province. I became the first foreigner in the world who was allowed to examine the Chinese pyramids, photograph them, that is, document them. It turned out that there are more than 100 pyramids of the most different sizes. That same white pyramid is located 65 km southwest of this region. Most of these pyramids are built on flat terrain, but the white pyramid is built in the mountains. American military pilots also claimed this. True, they never let me get very close to her.”

But why is the White Pyramid shrouded in such strict secrecy? The hundred remaining pyramids under the city of Xi'an attract millions of tourists and are open to the public. all year round. Is this related to her technical capabilities? Or is everything much more prosaic? That's what he told me Hartwig Hausdorf:

“I managed to find out that there is supposedly a launching pad for launching new Chinese space rockets, that’s why the zone was declared prohibited.”

Most pilgrims and pilgrims reach Kailash specifically for the purpose of performing kora. It is believed that even a single circumambulation of Kailash eliminates all sins in life. And 108-fold ensures the transition to Nirvana in this life. Rounds 3 and 13 are also considered favorable. Perfect on a full moon, the kora counts as two!

Kailash is surrounded by valleys, so the kora does not require special preparation or equipment. Distance 53 km. Many pilgrims from India, Nepal and Tibet overcome this part of the Path around Kailash in one day, from early morning to late evening. For our tourists, the desire for Nirvana is usually not so high, so one round is usually done at a more measured pace, over 2-4 days. There are many local attractions around the mountain and beautiful views, so slow and thoughtful progress is fully justified.

The highest point when going around Kailash is the Dromla La pass with an altitude of 5630m. Before you start walking around, make a wish. In order for Kailash to influence you, you do not have to be a religious person. It works like this too.

Mount Kailash, Tibet

In one of the hard-to-reach areas of Tibet there is a mountain range called Kailash. Here, in the Trans-Himalayan mountain system, lies one of the most unusual peaks in the world. The fact is that she is surrounded by an atmosphere of mystery, which will be discussed below. The basic facts regarding Mount Kailash in Tibet are as follows.

Ancient Tibetan books talk about the “precious snow mountain,” which translated into Tibetan is Kang Rinpoche. The Chinese call the mountain Gandhisyshan, and in the Tibetan tradition Bon - Yundrung Gutseg. In European countries, the generally accepted name is Kailash, by which this mountain is also known to us.

Kailash is the highest mountain in this area, but it stands out not only for its height. Its unusual shape is a pyramid with four sides that correspond to the cardinal directions. The top of the mountain is crowned with a snow cap all year round, giving Kailash an even more mystical look.

Four large rivers flow in the Kailash mountain range. These are Karnali, Indus, Barhmaputra and Sutlej. Hindu mythology says that it is with sacred mountain Kailash is where all these rivers originate. In fact, this is not entirely true: mountain streams from the Kailash glaciers form Lake Rakshas Tal, from which only the Sutlej River begins.

Secrets of Kailash

Many secrets surround this unusual Tibetan mountain. Even its location makes the mountain inaccessible. Surprisingly, this peak, one of the few in the world, remains unconquered to this day. This is largely due to the views of ancient Eastern religions. For example, Hindus consider Mount Kailash to be the abode of the god Shiva, and therefore the path for mortals is supposedly prohibited. Buddhists think that Buddha stayed here in one of his reincarnations, and make annual trips to Kailash. The mountain is also revered by followers of two more religions - Jains and adherents of the Bon tradition. Another version says that Kailash was created by a certain highly developed civilization, which is why it looks like giant pyramid. Be that as it may, until our time no human foot had ever set foot on the top of Mount Kailash. There have been several such attempts in our time. The Italian Reinhold Messner and an entire expedition of Spanish climbers wanted to conquer this peak, but they failed due to the protest of thousands of pilgrims who blocked their path.

The height of Kailash is also surrounded by mystery. In local beliefs it is believed that it is equal to 6666 m, no more and no less. The exact number cannot be calculated for two reasons - firstly, due to different measurement systems, and secondly, due to the continuous growth of the young Tibetan mountains.

The Kailash swastika is one of the most sensational mysteries of the mountain. She is a giant vertical crack in the southern part of Kailash. Approximately in the middle it intersects horizontally and forms a cross. During sunset, the shadows of the rocks lie in such a way that the cross turns into a swastika. There is still ongoing debate among believers whether this is a coincidence or a sign from above.

And, probably, the most incomprehensible secret of Mount Kailash is the extremely rapid aging of the human body located near it. The accelerated growth of hair and nails in any person near the mountain suggests that time here runs at a completely different pace.

Many myths and legends are associated with Kailash. Four world religions consider Kailash a sacred place. Hindus believe that Kailash is the cosmic center of the universe, and it is there that the powerful god Shiva lives, and the nearby sacred lake Manasarovar was created by the god Brahma. In Hindu tradition, there is a mythical Mount Meru, corresponding to Kailash. In the Mahabharata, she is described as kissing the heavens at their very highest, shining like the morning sun, like fire not obscured by smoke, immeasurable, and inaccessible to people who bear sin.

In the history of the Bon religion, the first master Tongpa Shenrab descended from heaven on Mount Kailash. In Buddhism, it is believed that Demchok, the wrathful form of Buddha Shakyamuni, lives on Kailash. Perfect on a full moon, the kora counts as two! Kailash is surrounded by valleys, so the kora does not require special preparation or equipment.

The sacred Mount Kailash - a mountain up to 6714 meters high, from which the four main rivers of Tibet, India and Nepal originate - is still considered unconquered.

Of course, one of the difficulties of such an ascent is that Kailash is located in a remote and inaccessible area of ​​Western Tibet. But there are two more reasons that do not contribute to such an ascent. The first is mystical. Its essence is that all treatises say that the mountain supports only the gods. She discards the others. And, supposedly, only Milarepa and Bon visited its summit.

There was a taboo on climbing Kailash, and even when, finally, in 1985, the famous mountaineer Reinhold Messner received permission from the Chinese authorities to climb, he refused it at the last moment. It is believed that everyone who attempted to conquer Kailash either died on the way to its peak, or returned without achieving their goal, but already “lost their minds.” They say that in Soviet time On the approaches to the mountain, two NKVD expeditions disappeared without a trace.

The second reason is that millions of believers around the world are protesting the conquest of Kailash, this protest is supported by the UN. In 2000, a Spanish expedition acquired permission to conquer Kailash from the Chinese authorities. The Spaniards failed to rise above the base camp at the foot of the mountain - thousands of pilgrims blocked their path.

Kailash is a regular tetrahedral pyramid, the sides of which are oriented to the cardinal points, and the top is rounded in the shape of an egg. The mountain is made up of thirteen horizontal stepped layers, and what is somewhat reminiscent of pyramids... The dome of the mountain is covered with a cap eternal ice. The southern wall of Kailash is entirely cut from top to bottom by a smooth, straight crack-cleft running exactly along its middle.

The layered terraces form a giant stone staircase on the crack walls, running from the base of the mountain to its top. At sunset, this crack and the shadows of the stone terraces form a pattern in the form of a giant swastika. However, the beds of the rivers originating from Kailash form a picture similar to a swastika. The exact height of the mountain has not been determined, since the mountain “breathes” - its height changes by several tens of meters every year.

It is believed that at the top of Kailash there is the abode of Shiva or Buddha, and there is also the entrance to the mysterious country of Shambhala. If you go around the mountain along a certain route, you can receive remission of all sins, if 13 times you don’t end up in Hell for five hundred subsequent rebirths - and you get the right to go around Kailash along a different route... Having done this 108 times, you will break out of the circle of rebirths and achieve Buddha’s enlightenment. Small but very important nuance- if you do all this to satisfy your own ambitions, it will be of no use and the mountain will take revenge on you.


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Drawing from the Internet

Attention readers! This work by the author is the original source! This is its value!

Dear readers, according to my dream vision, I was shown the following on this topic.

Mount Kailash is about 6700 meters high, from which 4 rivers of Tibet originate: Brahmaputra, Sutlej, Karnali, Indus.
According to Hindu tradition, it is believed that Mount Kailash is home to one of the gods of the Trimurti triad, possibly the formidable Shiva or Buddha. It is also believed that here is the entrance to the mysterious country of Shambhala!
In many eastern countries Kailash is considered the holiest place on planet Earth. It and the surrounding mountains of Kailash were built using the mighty power of the five elements: air, water, earth, wind and fire.
Around Mount Kailash there are pyramidal mountains that are part of the Mount Kailash complex, called the “City of the Gods”.
There are concave stone mirrors on the Western and Northern sides of Kailash. There are three mirrors in total: one on the West side and two on the North side: the main one and the additional one.
Again, scientists believe that these concave stone mirrors are capable of “stretching” and “compressing” time.
Academician Kozyrev made a mirror, which he admitted that it changes the course of time. People who visited Kozyrev’s mirrors felt dizzy, fearful, and transported back to their childhood.
The mirrors, named after Academician Kozyrev, did not exceed a height of 2 - 3 meters, while the stone mirrors of Mount Kailash had a height of about 1800 meters!
Very smart scientists of the world, these mirrors were recognized as a “Time Machine”, capable of transporting the initiate not only to different time periods, but also to other worlds!
At an altitude of 5680 meters is the well-known “Death Valley”. You can only pass through it along the sacred road. If you go off the road, you will certainly find yourself in the zone of some psychic, tantric force. The Kailas stone mirrors change the passage of time so much for those people who fell within the range of the mirrors that in a year or two they turned into old people!

“Living” and “dead” water were found in mountain lakes. Studies have shown that “living” water activates the “life gene” in cells, and “dead” water activates the “death gene” in bad cells. As a result of this, bad cells die, and weak and healthy cells activate their functionality.
In summer, these lakes are guarded by yogis, who believe that the lakes were created by God only for them and “enlightened” people.
These high-mountain lakes can be located at altitudes of up to 5000 – 5600 meters.
According to the results Russian expeditions in 1998-1999, “living” and “dead” water was found in the mountains.
Expedition leader E.R. Muldashev claims that “death activators” and “life activators” were found in the waters.
To the north of Mount Kailash is the “Valley of Death”, at an altitude of 5680 meters. It happens that yogis come to this valley to die.
To the northwest of Kailash, there is one of the entrances to the “Valley of Death”. This entrance is located in the area of ​​a small mountain, which received a bad reputation among people and was nicknamed by them - “The Abode of the Hungry Devil.”
All worshipers: pilgrims, tourists, Hindus, Buddhists, researchers, yogis, etc. walking in circles around Mount Kailash. There are brave souls here who crawl around Kailash, and this is a circle more than 60 kilometers long!
It is believed that if you walk around Mount Kailash 108 times, you will become a “saint”!
Some of the parishioners here: meditate, some pray, some “cut” circles around Kailash, some “suck” into themselves, like a vacuum cleaner, the healing energy of Tibet, etc. Everyone is busy with their own affairs, there are no idlers.
Dear readers, let’s find out what I dreamed about Mount Kailash? So….

Dear readers, I have already written several times in my dream essays that aliens, arriving on planet Earth, are looking for a place for a secret base.
Those aliens who arrived on Earth earlier are trying to drive the “newcomers” away from their “homes.” Therefore, between them, small military actions often arise.
After one such brawl, the “newcomers” were driven to the Tibet region. The wisest alien among the “newcomers” decided to build a “settlement” here in order to jointly repel aggressive alien civilizations.
It is clear that this “settlement” is not like our settlements, with streets, house numbers, restaurants, shops, etc.
The “center of the settlement,” and sometimes the aliens called this settlement a city, was Mount Kailash, around which there were pyramidal settlements of aliens.
Mount Kailash can be called a “watch and combat tower”, “Command post”, “Settlement Administration”, etc.
Inside Mount Kailash there was a so-called “duty shift” of aliens, which was on “duty” around the clock, according to early detection enemy.
In the event of an attack, an “alarm” was announced in advance and all local aliens were ready to repel an external attack!
A powerful combat laser was installed inside Mount Kailash, with which they shot down enemy aircraft. There was one such attack, and they successfully defended themselves.
The so-called stone and concave “mirrors” archaeologists call today were cut with a laser! There were only two aliens involved, one of whom was the son of the alien commander. It was this commander, his son and his son’s comrade who created this settlement here in Tibet!
One day, the son, while polishing the surface of the mirror of Mount Kailash with a special powder, fell from a steep wall due to the fault of a rope that broke. The son's soul emerged from his biological body and appeared to his father from time to time.
The father told the second alien to stop building “mirrors” in order to stay alive.
He answered the commander that before his death he promised his son to see the matter through to the end. The commander appreciated the devotion and friendship of this young alien and no longer stopped him from building “mirrors”, recognizing him as a “new” son!
The “mirrors” emitted such energy that it was as if they were covering the pyramidal houses with a blanket. The opponents could no longer do anything, and therefore were forced to fly to other places, looking for other victims who did not have this “protective energy blanket.”
The time came when this settlement gained fame, and other alien civilizations began to approach them, asking to take them under their protection. They considered the safest place to be a settlement near Mount Kailash on the laser side. But they were refused and sent to the background, which was protected by an “energy blanket.”

The “large stone mirrors” of Kailash worked like this: Inside Mount Kailash, aliens in their arms carried a combat laser from the “command post” to the mirrors, and through the holes in the mirrors, they launched the beam outward, onto the neighboring mountains. These mountains were of different sizes and were located from the axis of the large mirror of Mount Kailash to the right or left, closer or further.
On the surface of these mountains, in a secret place, there was one single small polished stone mirror!
The alien’s son polished this mirror for several days in a row, removing microns. It was necessary to maintain high accuracy of reflection in the desired direction and the beam hitting the “starting mirror” of Mount Kailash! That is, the laser beam reflected from this mirror and returned back towards the large mirror of Mount Kailash, but already to the “starting mirror”!
The large mirror of Kailash consists of many small mirrors, which, in a chain, reflect the laser beam among themselves, multiplying throughout the main mirror of Mount Kailash, which as a result will give a “Protective energy blanket”. This blanket covered alien settlements at a distance of up to 60 - 80 kilometers. Further, the strength of the beam decreased, and at a distance of 120 -140 km it was already harmless for attacking aliens, but dangerous for human life up to 170 km.
If the reflected beam illuminates the wrong mirror, let’s call it the “starting mirror,” then the effect of illuminating the entire large Kailash mirror will not work! If we miss, the reflected laser beam will only be partially multiplied, by a few percent!
Therefore, in order for the mountain mirror to illuminate 100%, scientists need to find one single “starting mirror” that will give the desired result.
The returning beam to the “starting” mirror is reflected to another similar mirror, which is located here on the large mirror of Mount Kailash, but on the opposite side of the mirror. So from mirror to mirror the beam passes sequentially about 111 mirrors, but strictly in the right order, as a result of which the “effect of a large stone mirror” occurs, which will glow with a soft blue light, like a spotlight and cover the surface in front with an “energy protective blanket”.
Behind Kailash, as we know, there are three large stone mirrors: Western, Northern and Additional. Everyone has working diagram the same, with the exception of the Northern Mirror, which has not one reflective mirror, but two!
During the battle, the alien enemies covered one mirror with the UFO body, then the defending aliens transferred the laser beam to another reflecting mirror!
Dear readers, I think you guessed that since there were 2 reflecting mirrors, it means that there were 2 “starting mirrors” at the Northern Mirror!
The commander's son made the additional mirror last.
The alien enemies knew how the stone mirrors worked, but during the battle they could not find these reflective mirrors. Ray combat laser“Aliens of Mount Kailash” did not allow enemy aircraft to hover in the air aircraft so that they block the reflected laser beam with their body.
Since the aliens of Mount Kailash had only one laser, they had to carry it from one mirror to another, not forgetting about the “command post”. At the “command post” there was an alien who shouted the alarm when the enemies began to destroy the settlement in front of Mount Kailash.
The weight of the laser was such that it was difficult for the alien commander to carry it, but his son had difficulty carrying it alone!
Dear readers, those of you who want to check the veracity of my dream in reality can look for these same reflective “mirrors”, which are located in more accessible places for climbing than Mount Kailash.
Dear readers, Mount Kailash, in my dream, was hollow, i.e. had a room where the laser was located. Down the corridor, along the steps, there was a narrow room where the same combat laser, carried by hand, was installed. Each stone mirror had a hole for the laser beam to exit.
These “rooms” are formed by cave voids, but where changes were needed, aliens worked there.

Dear readers, as for the so-called “living water”, it really exists!
When the commander’s son fell off the mirror and fell down, he was in a dying state. The commander regretted that he did not have “living water” to heal his wounds. As a result: the son died, but the soul moved away and began to wander around the Tibet region. The commander, resorting to alien magic, created in the lake “ living water».
A couple of times, local residents fell from the mountains and fell down, whom the aliens revived with “living water.” The rumor about living water quickly spread throughout the villages of Tibet and many of the villagers rushed to look for this water.
They searched for a long time, but could not find the lake that contains “living” water.
One day, one cunning young strong guy from the village followed the yogis who were walking along a mountain path to the lake for “living” water.
At the top of the mountainous hill, two yogi guards remained, and the other two went down to the lake for water.
To a young guy I couldn’t wait to see where the two yogis went to get water, so he pretended to be such a simpleton and approached the guard.
The guard immediately began to drive him away, but the guy was stubborn, then the guard used force, but it was not enough to defeat the strong guy. Then a stronger yogi, who was hiding behind a stone, came to the aid of the first yogi. The guy could not defeat the second yogi and was forced to leave this place, going down the path. The path meandered among the stones and was visible from the mountain on which the yogis stood. The yogis warned the guy that if they didn’t see him walking along the path, they would kill him if they caught him!
The strong guy was ashamed of himself, because... No one had ever humiliated him like that before. He was the strongest in the village and never knew defeat in random power clashes.

Winter came. The yogis stopped guarding the path leading to the lake. The guy, taking a friend with him, being careful not to meet the yogis, went to the place from which the yogis drove the guy away.
Thus, they found this place and descended from the mountain to the lake. The lake was frozen. Swim in ice water they didn’t want to, but the “living” water encouraged them to take this step.
They broke through the upper ice that covered the lake with stones and began to dive one by one into the hole. On the side of each of them hung a bag made of thick material that resembled a tarpaulin.
Having dived into the lake several times, the guy’s friend began to express doubts about the presence of “living” water here.
The guy claimed that it was from here that the yogis took water, because... he managed to spy on them while he was going down the path. Hiding from the sight of the yogis who were watching him, he quickly went up to the lake and saw all this with his own eyes.
After that, he just as quickly returned to the path and appeared in view of the yogis, who were already wanting to go down to kill him. Seeing the guy walking down the path, the strong yogi still went down and began to find out the reason for the guy’s delay.
The guy explained to the yogi that he had blistered his heels and sat down to rest.
Having received a couple of slaps in the face from the yogi on the path, the guy hurried to retire to his village. Thus, the guy learned the place: where the yogis took the “living” water from.
The guy and his friend examined upper layer water, which was empty of anything. However, diving to a depth of 30 meters in the lake, they discovered a second layer of ice under the water. Previously, they thought that the ice formed at the very bottom of the lake, because... Aquatic plants could be seen through it.
The guy had one last thought: to break through the bottom ice and look for “living” water underneath, because... all the upper water layers of the lake had already been examined by them.
He expressed his thought to his friend and dived into the depths. The friend began throwing stones into the water, but the ice did not crack. Then the guy and his friend, being under water, simultaneously began to break the ice with stones.
Finally, by some miracle, the ice cracked and through the hole they saw another deep layer of lake water. This was not bottom ice covering the rocks of the lake bottom itself, it was another layer of water.
The guy dived into this hole again and found “living” water there! He put the “living” water in his bag and floated to the surface of the lake, rejoicing in front of his friend with his find!
Dear readers, some of you will ask me: why did the guy put “living” water in his bag? I answer: because the water was in the state of transparent pieces of ice! That’s why all the locals called “living” water “solid” water!
Thus, the guy and his friend brought home “living” water, which could be used to treat all people’s ailments. “Living” water was used to treat elderly parents, injuries to young people, given to relatives, sold to strangers or exchanged for something.

Dear readers, in addition to the “living water,” among the local residents there was a scientist who became friends with one of the aliens.
This alien really wanted to help people, and therefore he answered all the scientist’s questions, revealing some secrets of the universe.
Other aliens noticed these meetings and complained to the commander, who forbade the alien these friendly communications.
Local residents communicated with the aliens, bringing them some souvenirs or household items for their collection. All household items were exchanged by local residents for “living water.” The aliens especially liked honey.
When the alien was forbidden to communicate with the scientist, they began to meet early in the morning while everyone was sleeping.
When they were exposed in the morning meetings, they began to agree on these secret meetings, for example, every other day, two, or only once a week, a month. Sometimes they met during the day, hiding behind stones. As if going to the toilet, the alien went behind a high stone and quickly exchanged information with the scientist. After this, the alien came out to his colleagues as if nothing had happened.
When these meetings were noticed, then the alien was sent to distant settlements. But even then, the scientist found him, and, unnoticed by the other aliens, took him aside, behind some natural shelter. Information was exchanged quickly, the alien received a pot of honey, and the scientist went to his village to write scientific works, some of which have survived to this day! In this way, Tibetan scientists obtained part of Tibetan knowledge!

Dear readers, the scientific works of this scientist became known in other places, and therefore another scientist arrived in Tibet, who tearfully asked the first scientist to open him the source of sacred knowledge.
Finally, after long and tedious requests from the second scientist, the first scientist took pity on him and revealed his secret to him.
The second scientist doubted the existence of aliens, and therefore demanded from the first: to show this alien if he really exists!
The first scientist’s pride was hurt, and he set a day for a meeting with an alien, who had previously given his consent to this meeting.
Finally, this meeting took place and the second scientist saw the alien with his own eyes, whom he immediately began to examine for his knowledge of his scientific subject in order to make sure that he was not being played.
The alien's deep knowledge convinced the second scientist that the alien was real, but the mind refused to believe its eyes!
By this time, the first scientist had already obtained all the knowledge he needed from the alien, and therefore took his leave and went to his home. Thus, another piece of knowledge was obtained, which the second scientist, as well as the first, gave out to the whole world for his scientific works!

Dear readers, none of the scientists know: Why does Mount Kailash have a layered, stepped structure, unlike the other mountains surrounding it? I am 100% sure that scientists will never give the correct answer to this question! The last, dying wish of every scientist will be: to find out the correct answer from me! Thus, I will reveal this secret to the scientists while they are still alive, and give them the opportunity to choose a different dying request for themselves! So….
These stepped layers represent the "Family Tree" of these aliens who occupied Mount Kailash! Each layer represents their deceased alien ancestor! The thicker the layer, the more high position ancestor occupied the position in society.
The work to create these layers was quite labor-intensive, and therefore the “commander dad” told his son not to continue cutting layers with a laser! But my dad’s son was stubborn and persistent, and he brought this work to the end.
The “palace” of the alien commander, whose role was played by Mount Kailash, was very popular with other aliens, and they all began to ask the commander to do something similar for them.
How much was enough? physical strength, hard work and time from the commander’s son, so he reproduced pyramidal dwellings for strangers, but aliens friendly to them.

Dear readers, I will reveal a few more secrets that still excite the minds of scientists! So….
Two young aliens who lived with the commander in Mount Kailash were recognized by people as “Sons of the Gods”! The alien settlement itself was recognized as the “City of the Gods”!
The radiation emanating from alien vehicles was
The area of ​​the alien settlement is contaminated, which “Smart” people recognized as “divine energies”. People, being in these radioactive anomalous zones, experience various paranormal effects, and therefore they gave these miracles a new additional definition - “Time Machine”.
By registering with instruments the residual contamination of the area by the energies of UFOs and the aliens themselves, very “Smart” scientists convince us of the existence here of a “fault in the earth’s crust”!

Not knowing the true state of affairs, many people on planet Earth began to visit these “holy places”!
The aliens were extremely unhappy that they were deprived of freedom of movement and freedom of life! If there were people, they could not move freely outside their homes, because... This is forbidden to them by the Plans of God - to show themselves to people!
The aliens sat in their mountain dwellings like mice in a barn, afraid to reveal themselves to people! Their discontent grew, and therefore the first to “boil” was the commander’s son, who by that time was dead in his biological body, but alive in his Soul!
Being invisible, the son suggested to his father to kill all the people who come here!
A wise father forbade his son to kill people, but it was better to think about how they could get rid of people peacefully? All the aliens, the entire settlement, were simultaneously connected to these lofty thoughts!
Not finding the right solution to this problem, the commander’s son decided to kill people! Being angry, he killed in a row all tourists, climbers, pilgrims who showed their curiosity about Mount Kailash and other places where they lived. Thus, the “son of the god of Mount Kailash” gave temporary freedom of movement to aliens and the departure of UFOs!
Each time, rumors about the death of people reached the commander, who called his deceased son to his “carpet” and carried out explanatory work with him: that there is no need to kill people!
The son famously lied to his dad and convinced him that he had nothing to do with it!
Then the wise dad accused his son of the fact that people could not get such injuries themselves!
Dad strictly reprimanded his son, and the son once again made a promise to dad: not to kill more people! This happened several times.
The son began to kill people in such a way that it looked extremely like an accident.
Dad guessed whose hands it was, but every time his son proved to dad that people themselves were to blame for their own death.
In the end, the son rebelled against his dad and declared that he could not help but kill people who interfere with their existence! The son reproached his father for not loving him, that the father lives a normal life, and the son’s soul is lonely in spiritual world and finds no peace!
The dad heeded his son’s confession, and in order to make his son’s life easier in the spiritual world, he allowed him to kill only those people who would look back and see him! Dad was sure that there would be no such people if they were warned about it in advance!
People learned about this warning from dad, but every time they looked back, violating the ban, after which the son attacked the violator and he fell down the mountain, or was scared to death!
The invisible son flew up to any person from the group and tried to make such different sounds behind him so that he would become interested in what was happening behind his back? As soon as the man looked back, he was immediately attacked by an invisible man!
After this tragic scene, other people went home safe and sound, which angered the invisible son.
Then the invisibility began to be used against such people, as well as other people." black magic"! The Invisible Man cast a spell on these people, who returned home, quickly grew old, and died within up to two years! Medical scientists are shocked: how can you grow old and die so quickly? These scientific idiots don’t yet know how damage affects the human body?!

The valley where people died was nicknamed “Valley of Death”! it was possible to pass through it only along the sacred road. If you leave this road, you will certainly find yourself in the zone of some psychic, tantric power.
In fact, in the “Valley of Death”, the deceased son of an alien was “operating”! Since he was invisible to people, people attributed all his criminal deeds to tantric and psychic energies.
“Death Valley” has several convenient “entrances”. One of these frequently visited “entrances” was chosen by the Spirit, the same deceased son of an alien. This was one of his favorite places for criminal “activities”!
Either he will push a pebble from the mountain onto the heads of tourists, or he will personally attack a tourist who is slightly behind the group, for example: he stopped to take a photo of the “Valley of Death”, sat down to remove a pebble from his shoe, the couple retired to kiss, went away to relieve themselves, etc. .d.
If the “Invisible Man” does not like a person, then he can visit at night, find this person and kill him while he is sleeping! “Alien Invisible” strictly monitors people and will not tolerate disrespect for his habitat!
This “passage” is located northwest of Kailash. This mountain has a very ominous glory. It is with this mountain that they associate ancient name Tibet - Titapuri, which translated from Tibetan means “Abode of the Hungry Devil”.
Dear readers, I think you can guess for yourself: who is this devil? That's right, this is the Spirit of the alien's son! All the troubles in this mountainous region are connected with him!

Dear readers, at one time the Germans “SS” from the Ahnenerbe order were interested in this region of Tibet. They treated the local population peacefully and took with them several cans of water.
There are “cave voids” in the mountains, and therefore they were interested in studying them and meeting with the “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”, sorry – sorry: meeting with those who “live” in these voids and make this zone anomalous.
One of these meetings took place, but the alien commander replied that they had other tasks, and could not provide magical knowledge yet!
The Germans from the Ahnenerbe have always been interested in occult magical dark knowledge, which was supposed to give them superiority over all other peoples!
IN ancient times, it was the Aryans who possessed perfect occult magical knowledge while living in Germany!
The forces of light warned the Aryans several times not to use their magical knowledge in their lives, because... this knowledge is not intended for their physical material world! This knowledge belongs to the world of Spirits!
When the Aryans once again violated God's prohibition, then a warning followed about their complete destruction! That’s when the Aryans fled across the “White World”: some to India, some to Tibet, some to the Middle East, some to the Mediterranean, etc.

Dear readers, the time has come to draw a conclusion for those people who, with their tedious visits to Tibet, have been interfering with the secretive life of aliens since ancient times! Aliens, according to God's Plan, should not reveal themselves to people! Therefore, it is difficult for them to do this when people come here like cockroaches into a public canteen.
There are many similar “residences” of aliens on our globe. They are scattered all over the globe, and therefore, do not stop the aliens from hiding from you and me! Do not go or visit anomalous areas!

Dear readers, please note that this is just my dream, and therefore: Believe it or not! You never know what each of us can dream about.

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The most Interesting Facts and the secrets of Mount Kailash

“Strangers have rarely visited this wild land. In places we could look across the border of Tibet and see Mount Kailash. Although Kailash is only 6,666 meters high, Hindus and Buddhists consider it the most sacred of all the Himalayan peaks. Near it there is a large lake Manasarovar, also sacred, and famous monastery. At all times, pilgrims came here from the most remote parts of Asia.” Tenzing Noghray, conqueror of Everest.

Fact No. 1. Many names

Mount Kailash (Kailash) is one of the most mysterious places on our planet. She is also known by other names: Europeans call her Kailash, the Chinese call her Gandhisyshan (冈底斯山) or Ganrenboqi (冈仁波齐), in the Bon tradition her name is Yundrung Gutseg, in ancient texts in Tibetan she is called Kang Rinpoche ( གངས་རིན་པོ་ཆེ; gangs rin po che) - “Precious snowy one.” Many interesting secrets and legends about Kailash do not leave people, both pilgrims and researchers, indifferent.

Fact No. 2. Center of 4 religions

Mount Kailash is the sacred center of 4 religions: Hinduism, Jainism, Tibetan Bon religion and Buddhism. The dream of every Hindu is to see Kailash with his own eyes at least once in his life. Related to this desire are serious visa restrictions issued by China for Indians wishing to visit these places. In the Vedas (ancient texts of this religion), Mount Kailash is the favorite place of residence of Shiva (cosmic consciousness, personifying the masculine principle of the Universe).

Tibetan ancient religion Bon considers Mount Kailash to be the origin of life in the Universe and the center of power. According to their legends, this is where the mystical country of Shangshung (Shambhala) is located, and the first Jain master Tongpa Shenrab descended into the world from Kailash.

Buddhists revere this mountain as the abode of Buddha in one of the main incarnations - Samvara. Therefore, every year during the Buddhist religious holiday Vesak (other names - Saga Dawa, Visakha Puja, Donchod Khural), dedicated to the enlightenment of Buddha Gautama, thousands of pilgrims and tourists from all over the world gather at the foot of Mount Kailash.

Fact No. 3. Beginning of 4 rivers

According to Hindu mythology, the four main rivers of Tibet, India and Nepal originate on the slopes of Mount Kailash: Indus, Brahmaputra, Sutlej and Karnali. Jains believe that at Mount Kailash their first saint, Jina Mahavira, achieved enlightenment, after which he founded his own teaching - Jainism.

Fact No. 4. Swastika symbol from the shadows

Swastika Mountain – another name for Kailash. The appearance of this name is associated with the pattern formed by two cracks on its southern side. In the evening, the shadow cast by the rock ledges depicts a huge image of a swastika on it. The swastika is a sacred symbol for many peoples of the world. In India, for example, the swastika is considered as a solar sign - a symbol of life, light, generosity and abundance, closely associated with the cult of the god Agni. Was made in the shape of a swastika wooden instrument to produce the sacred fire. They laid him flat on the ground; the depression in the middle served for a rod, which was rotated until a fire appeared, lit on the altar of the deity. The swastika was carved in many temples, on rocks, and on ancient monuments in India. The swastika is one of the symbols of Jainism.

Fact No. 5. Orientation to cardinal directions

Mount Kailash has a pyramidal shape, strictly oriented to the cardinal points. There is also evidence to suggest the presence of voids both in the mountain itself and at its foot. Some researchers who have studied the mountain and its secrets claim: Kailash is an unnatural artificial formation, erected in ancient times by an unknown person and for what purpose. It is possible that this is some kind of complex, a pyramid.

Fact No. 6. Liberation from sins

In the Bon religion and Hinduism, there is a legend that says: walking around Kailash (kora) allows you to cleanse yourself of all sins committed in a given life. If the kora is performed 13 times, the pilgrim who completes it is guaranteed not to go to Hell; if the kora is performed 108 times, he breaks out of the circle of rebirths and reaches the degree of enlightenment of the Buddha. A kora performed on a full moon counts as two. That is why there are always many pilgrims around the mountain today, making their way to atone for sins.

Fact No. 6. Climbing Kailash is impossible

Mount Kailash is closed to climbers: not a single person has yet visited its peak. This is due not only to the fact that climbing it is officially prohibited. There are legends that Kailash is able to incomprehensibly change the desire of climbers to climb, thereby not allowing anyone to approach him. Those who get too close to it, and those who intend to climb to its top, are suddenly instructed to go in the opposite direction.

Whether this is true or not, the top of the mountain still remains unconquered. In 1985, the famous mountaineer Reinhold Messner received permission to climb from the Chinese authorities, but refused at the last moment.

In 2000, a Spanish expedition for a fairly significant amount purchased permission to conquer Kailash from the Chinese authorities. The team set up a base camp at the foot, but were never able to set foot on the mountain. Thousands of pilgrims blocked the expedition's path. Dalai Lama, UN, a number of major international organizations, millions of believers around the world protested the conquest of Kailash and the Spaniards had to retreat.

Fact No. 7. Mirrors of Time on the surface of Kailash

Another mystery of Kailash, around which there are numerous disputes and judgments, is the mirror of time. They mean many rocks located near Kailash, having a smooth or concave surface. Whether these surfaces were created artificially in ancient times or are a play of nature is still not known.

There is an assumption that these formations are a kind of “Kozyrev mirrors” - concave mirrors, at the focus of which the speed of time can change. A person who comes into the focus of such a mirror may experience various abnormal and psychophysical sensations. According to Muldashev, the mirrors around Kailash are placed in a certain system in relation to each other, which creates something like a “time machine” capable of transporting the initiate not only to different time periods, but also to other worlds.

Fact No. 8. Lakes Manasarovar and Rakshas Tal - so close, but so different

Two lakes located at the foot of Mount Rakshas Tal and Manasarovar are located nearby and are separated from each other by only a small isthmus. However, both these lakes are strikingly different from each other, which represents another mystery of Kailash.

The waters of Lake Manasarovar, revered by Tibetans as sacred, are fresh. According to legend, Lake Manasarovar was the first object created in the consciousness of Brahma. This is where its name comes from: in Sanskrit “Manas sarovara” means “Lake of Consciousness” from the words manas (consciousness) and sarovara (lake). According to one of the Buddhist legends, this lake is the same legendary Lake Anavatapta, where Queen Maya conceived Buddha. Manasarovar, like Kailash, is a place of pilgrimage, around which a ritual circumambulation - kora - is also performed in order to cleanse karma. Pilgrims come here to take ceremonial baths in the purifying waters of Manasarovar. It is believed that this lake is a place where “purity” lives; in its bottom layer, near the northwestern shore, the water is alive. Anyone who touches the sacred land of Manasarovar or bathes in this lake will definitely go to heaven. Anyone who drinks water from the lake will ascend to heaven to God Shiva and be cleansed of his sins. Therefore, Manasarovar is considered the most sacred, revered and famous lake in all of Asia. The area around the sacred lake is 100 km.

Near Manasarovar there is a salty dead lake Rakshas tal (also Langak, Rakas, Langa Tso (Chinese: 拉昂错, pinyin: Lā'áng Cuò). In Hindu mythology, this lake was created by the lord of the Rakshasas, the demon Ravana, and on this lake there was a special island where Ravana sacrificed one of his heads to Shiva every day. On the tenth day, Shiva gave Ravana superpowers. Lake Langa Tso is contrasted with Lake Manasarovar, created by the gods. Manasarovar has round shape, and Langa-Tso is elongated in the form of a month, which symbolizes light and darkness, respectively. Touch the water dead lake According to local customs, it is prohibited, because it can bring bad luck.

The number of legends, stories and various traditions associated with this place is simply enormous: it is unlikely that any other place on our planet can boast so many secrets and mysteries.

“Strangers have rarely visited this wild land. In places we could look across the border of Tibet and see Mount Kailash. Although Kailash is only about 6,700 meters high, Hindus and Buddhists consider it the most sacred of all the Himalayan peaks. Near it is the large lake Manasarovar, also sacred, and the famous monastery; At all times, pilgrims came here from the most remote parts of Asia.”
Tenzing Noghray, conqueror of Everest.

Mount Kailash (Kailash) is one of the most mysterious places on this planet. This mountain is known by many names: among the Europeans it is called Kailash, among the Chinese - Gandhisishan (冈底斯山) or Ganrenboqi (冈仁波齐), in the Bon tradition its name is Yundrung Gutseg, in ancient texts in Tibetan it is called Kang Rinpoche (གངས་རིན་པོ་ཆེ; gangs rin po che) - “Precious Snowy One.” Many myths and legends associated with Kailash even today do not leave many people, both pilgrims and researchers, indifferent. Since our club is planning a trip in April-May 2014, we have tried to present here a small overview of the facts, legends and myths that circulate around Kailash.

Mount Kailash
First of all, it should be said that Kailash is a sacred center for 4 religions: Hinduism, Jainism, the Tibetan Bon religion and Buddhism. The dream of every Hindu is to see Kailash with his own eyes at least once in his life. Related to this desire are serious visa restrictions issued by China for Indians wishing to visit these places. In the Vedas, the ancient texts of this religion, Mount Kailash is the favorite place of residence of Shiva - the cosmic consciousness, personifying the masculine principle of the Universe (Purusha). According to Hindu mythology, the four main rivers of Tibet, India and Nepal originate from the slopes of this mountain: Indus, Brahmaputra, Sutlej and Karnali. Jains believe that at Mount Kailash their first saint, Jina Mahavira, achieved enlightenment, after which he founded his own teaching - Jainism. The Tibetan ancient religion Bon considers Mount Kailash to be the place of origin of life in the Universe and the center of power. According to their legends, it is here that the mystical country of Shangshung (Shambhala) is located and the first Jain master Tongpa Shenrab descended into the world from Kailash. And finally, Buddhists revere this mountain as the abode of Buddha in one of the main incarnations - Samvara. Therefore, every year during the Buddhist religious holiday Vesak (other names - Saga Dawa, Visakha Puja, Donchod Khural), dedicated to the enlightenment of Buddha Gautama, thousands of pilgrims and tourists from all over the world gather at the foot of Mount Kailash.

Swastika Mountain is another name for Kailash. The appearance of this name is associated with the pattern formed by two cracks on its southern side. In the evening, the shadow cast by the rock ledges depicts a huge image of a swastika on it. The swastika is a sacred symbol for many peoples of the world. In India, for example, the swastika is considered a solar sign - a symbol of life, light, generosity and abundance, closely associated with the cult of the god Agni. She is mentioned in the Ramayana. A wooden tool was made in the shape of a swastika for producing sacred fire. They laid him flat on the ground; the depression in the middle served for a rod, which was rotated until a fire appeared, lit on the altar of the deity. The swastika was carved in many temples, on rocks, and on ancient monuments in India. The swastika is one of the symbols of Jainism.

Mount Kailash has a pyramidal shape, strictly oriented to the cardinal points. There is also evidence to suggest the presence of voids both in the mountain itself and at its foot. Some researchers who have studied the mountain and its secrets claim: Kailash is an unnatural artificial formation, erected in ancient times by an unknown person and for what purpose. It is possible that this is some kind of complex, or the so-called. - part of it.

In the Bon religion and Hinduism, there is a legend that says: walking around Kailash - kora - allows you to cleanse yourself of all sins committed in a given life. If the kora is performed 13 times, the pilgrim who completes it is guaranteed not to go to Hell; if the kora is performed 108 times, he breaks out of the circle of rebirths and reaches the degree of enlightenment of the Buddha. When calculating the Kora, a full moon is counted as two. That is why there are always many pilgrims around the mountain today, making their way to atone for sins.

Climbing Kailash.
Mount Kailash is closed to climbers: not a single person has yet visited its peak. This is due not only to the fact that climbing it is officially prohibited. There are legends that Kailash is able to incomprehensibly change the desire of climbers to climb, thereby not allowing anyone to approach him. Those who get too close to it, and those who intend to climb to its top, are suddenly instructed to go in the opposite direction.
Whether this is true or not, the top of the mountain still remains unconquered. In 1985, the famous mountaineer Reinhold Messner received permission to climb from the Chinese authorities, but refused at the last moment.
In 2000, a Spanish expedition for a fairly significant amount purchased permission to conquer Kailash from the Chinese authorities. The team set up a base camp at the foot, but they were never able to set foot on the mountain. Thousands of pilgrims blocked the expedition's path. The Dalai Lama, the UN, a number of large international organizations, millions of believers around the world expressed their protest against the conquest of Kailash and the Spaniards had to retreat.

Mirrors of Time.

One of the mysteries of Kailash, around which there are numerous disputes and judgments - the so-called. mirrors of time. They mean many rocks located near Kailash, having a smooth or concave surface. Whether these surfaces were created artificially in ancient times or are a play of nature - the debate continues to this day. There is an assumption that these formations are a kind of so-called. “Kozyrev mirrors” are concave mirrors at the focus of which the speed of time can change. A person who comes into the focus of such a mirror may experience various abnormal and psychophysical sensations. According to Muldashev, the mirrors around Kailash are placed according to a certain system in relation to each other, which creates something like a “time machine” capable of transporting the initiate not only to different time periods, but also to other worlds (Shambhala?).

Lakes Manasarovar and Rakshas Tal.
Two lakes, located at the foot of Mount Kailash, Rakshas Tal and Manasarovar, are located nearby and are separated from each other by only a small isthmus. However, both of these lakes are strikingly different from each other, which represents another mystery of Kailash.

The waters of Lake Manasarovar, revered by Tibetans as sacred, are fresh. According to legend, Lake Manasarovar was the first object created in the consciousness of Brahma. This is where its name comes from: in Sanskrit “Manas sarovara” means “Lake of Consciousness” from the words manas (consciousness) and sarovara (lake). According to one of the Buddhist legends, this lake is the same legendary Lake Anavatapta, where Queen Maya conceived Buddha. Manasarovar, like Kailash, is a place of pilgrimage: around which a ritual circumambulation is also performed - kora - in order to cleanse karma. Pilgrims come here to take ceremonial baths in the purifying waters of Manasarovar. It is believed that this lake is a place where “purity” lives; in its bottom layer, near the northwestern shore, the water is alive. Anyone who touches the sacred land of Manasarovar or bathes in this lake will definitely go to heaven. Anyone who drinks water from the lake will ascend to heaven to God Shiva and be cleansed of his sins. Therefore, Manasarovar is considered the most sacred, revered and famous lake in all of Asia. The area around the sacred lake is 100 km.

Lake Manasarovar Lake Rakshas

Near Manasarovar there is a salty dead lake Rakshas tal (also Langak, Rakas, Langa Tso (Chinese: 拉昂错, pinyin: Lā'áng Cuò). In Hindu mythology, this lake was created by the lord of the Rakshasas, the demon Ravana, and on this lake there was a special island on which Ravana sacrificed one of his heads to Shiva every day. On the tenth day, Shiva gave Ravana superpowers. Lake Langa-Tso is contrasted with Lake Manasarovar, created by the gods. Manasarovar has a round shape, and Langa-Tso is elongated in the shape of a month , which symbolizes light and darkness respectively. dead water Lakes are prohibited according to local customs because it can bring bad luck.

The number of legends, stories and various traditions associated with this place is simply enormous: it is unlikely that any other place on our planet can boast of such a combination of mysteries. That is why our club is planning in the spring of 2014, to which we invite everyone to join to touch the secrets of the most sacred place in Tibet.


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