Horoscope of love and relationships for September for different zodiac signs. Love horoscope for September for all signs

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The beginning of autumn promises to be interesting, profitable and exciting for many zodiac signs. Don't despair that you weren't able to spend your vacation at sea. It is possible that in September of this year you will have such an opportunity. In our article we will tell you the best places. You can not only have a wonderful rest, but also spend a “velvet” season in the desired country. By the way, even if you meet an interesting person, how do you like this prospect? The horoscope for September promises many zodiac signs love story away from home. If you are free, then do not miss this chance. The main thing is, do not try to draw hasty conclusions, but take a good look at your new chosen one. The horoscope for September advises to be more careful about everything that is unfamiliar. This is especially true for professional matters. Those who are diligent and responsible will be lucky in early autumn. Profitable contracts and business connections with Western partners are possible. Creative personalities will successfully bring to life everything that has long been planned in thoughts. In mid-September 2017 there is a chance not only to fall in love, but also to get married.
The financial situation will be stable, as predicted by the horoscope for September 2018. But too much fuss can get in the way, so you need to plan your investments and purchases in advance. In order not to undermine your health, strengthen your body and play sports. Well, don’t forget about your diet to strengthen your immune system in the midst of colds.

Throughout September, Aries will face various tasks that need to be completed. Putting off work or any housework is not recommended. After all, Aries, full of strength after the end of summer, can not only do everything well and quickly, but also simply should not delay in doing it. Otherwise, small matters will grow like a snowball and, as a result, representatives of the sign will have to deal with an entire avalanche. In addition, such indifference and laziness can lead to problems with superiors and quarrels in the family.

Love horoscope Aries

Astrologers advise Aries to spend as much time as possible with their family and communicate with young children as often as possible. It will be great if you buy your loved ones a movie or theater ticket in September. Joint leisure will give you many pleasant emotions, relieve tension and understatement.

For Aries, the arrival of autumn means that all difficulties, like all outbursts of passion in their personal life, are already behind them. It's time to pay attention to your permanent partner or think about making your current relationship more serious. In the middle and end of the month there will be a favorable time for making serious steps - moving, buying a car or traveling. Coordinate any of your intentions with your other half, and it is then that this step will bring true satisfaction to both of you. The motto of the month is to work, work and work again to make your dreams come true.

The horoscope for September 2018 advises Taurus to be more restrained in his feelings, even if he really wants to confess his love or pour out his soul. You may not be understood as you need to be understood. A person will appear in your personal life who will help solve all your pressing problems. The work sphere will allow Taurus to escape from troubles, and at the end of the month it will bring the desired profit. Just don’t try to artificially change everything that has already happened. Sometimes it's good to go with the flow rather than against it.

For all Taurus, the horoscope for the beginning of autumn is very positive. Everything will be fine at work, family and friends will treat the representatives of the sign with understanding. You just need to not be lazy and complete all the assigned tasks. As for health, it will help Taurus to eliminate colds Special attention to your body. A large amount of vitamins will help them survive the cold snap. But the horoscope for September also draws the attention of representatives of this sign to right choice clothes according to weather changes.

Love horoscope Taurus

Love awaits single Taurus in September. And not the next one, but the former one. So be prepared for surprises in September. The main thing is not to make the mistake of thinking that past relationships can be resumed. Weigh all the pros and cons, but who cares? love relationships weighing something? Everyone is guided by emotions. So listen to yourself and your heart.

In September, friends will invite Taurus to a large number of interesting events where there is a high probability of meeting a worthy future life partner. In this matter, you should rely on the opinions of others, because Taurus does not always make decisions that benefit him. In family relationships, Taurus has peace and quiet, but everyday life does not destroy feelings, because Taurus strives to make even familiar everyday things more romantic.

In September 2018, Gemini will have to prove their professionalism, both in words and in deeds. In your personal life, disappointments and separations are possible, but you should not despair. Especially if you were already mentally prepared for such radical changes. The horoscope for September 2018 advises communicating more with relatives, solving economic problems and arranging your home.

At the beginning of autumn, Gemini is destined for special important events. The stars promise them a meeting with new people who can radically change the fate of the representatives of this sign. But before creating a partnership at work with a new person or letting him into your life (which is especially important for single Geminis), you should find out everything about him. Perhaps new relationships cannot develop into friendships, business or romantic ones. And we still have to meet that same person before the end of the month.

Love horoscope Gemini

Gemini suddenly gets support in September. And not from anyone, but from the most loved/beloved. It is advisable not to delay the return visit.

With the arrival of cool September, Gemini will again have everything turned upside down. Relationships will hang by a thread, because Geminis constantly doubt whether they made the right choice. In the middle of the month you will face trials - difficulties at work, conflicts with your other half, misunderstanding of friends. To top it all off, at the end of the month you will meet your long-gone, but most powerful love, which will completely confuse you. It will be more difficult than ever for Gemini to make decisions about their own lives. The star advises to let everything take its course and wait for October. He will put everything in its place.

The horoscope for September 2018 for Cancer predicts a far from cloudless mood, which true friends and loved ones will help you cope with. Over the course of a month, you will experience all the “delights” of life - from depression to emotional outburst. But, if Cancer looks at some moments with a sense of humor, he will emerge victorious. At the end of September there is a chance to express yourself in creativity.

In the first month of autumn, the horoscope warns Cancers about the possible appearance various kinds problems. They will mainly relate to work and previously made plans. Only patience and endurance will help you avoid negativity. It is better not to worry about what is happening, but to solve problems as they arise with your head held high. Cold calculation and correct prioritization will help representatives of the sign cope with difficult situations.

Cancer love horoscope

At the start of autumn, Cancers will finally understand their loved ones and will be able to reassess values. Astrologers advise family representatives of this sign to devote a lot of time to children, and lonely Cancers are encouraged by a long-awaited meeting.

In September, Cancers need to pay a lot of attention to their surroundings: friends, family, close people. Now dedication is exactly what will bring positive emotions to Cancer. Among your old acquaintances there is probably a person who has been in love with you for a long time; in September he will appear in a completely different light and will help Cancer in a controversial situation. In general, the month will pass without any major shocks, but strong love is already waiting for you very close, and you are almost ready for it. Cancers who already have a family should pay more attention to raising children this month.

In September, Leo will come up with a variety of thoughts, so you need to clearly analyze everything that happens. Don’t even think about crying and crying if the unpredictable happens in love. The horoscope for September 2018 recommends being more restrained in your feelings so as not to harm yourself. The beginning of autumn will bring many pleasant surprises, so dry your tears and look at the world with a positive outlook.

Throughout September, Leos will constantly face the question of morality. Leos will receive a career promotion this month. But representatives of the sign can earn it only by denigrating or substituting their colleagues. Pavel Horoscope for September advises Leos to evaluate the importance of their own ambitions before warm relationships with employees and subordinates. And it is not at all necessary to receive new position can bring them true satisfaction: maintaining normal working connections can be a hundred times the best solution.

Leo love horoscope

In the first ten days of September, conflicts await you, especially with relatives. Perhaps they will be related to your desire to finally build a personal life and bring native home chosen one/darling. Prepare for this in advance and, if possible, do not quarrel.

At the beginning of September, it’s time for Leos to engage in self-development. You can sign up for courses or buy a new one interesting book, in any case, it will benefit you. Your significant other will definitely appreciate the fact that you are striving to develop, otherwise, she may get bored with the same image. For Leos who have only recently started dating someone, it’s time to think about where this relationship will lead. If they have no prospects, then it's time to break them off, because you can meet a much more worthy person very soon.

September horoscope for Virgo

The horoscope for September advises Virgo to think more about her life, and not to be a “vest” and assistant for everyone. Please note that good deeds are good only when they do not run counter to personal plans and desires. In September 2018, you need to boldly take on work and new projects. Well, don’t forget about household and household chores. Practical by nature, Virgo will be able not only to preserve accumulated funds, but also to increase capital.

Virgos will have a hard time at the beginning of autumn: this period for them will be associated with apathy and depression. They can overcome negativity and regain happiness by starting a new business. Don’t be afraid to try something unusual, because the stars will be favorable to representatives of this zodiac sign. Virgos desperately need something new interesting activity related to creativity.

Virgo love horoscope

Whom the relatives will support is Dev. In September, single representatives of this zodiac sign are predicted to have an affair with a resident from another city or a foreigner. Your loved ones won’t be against it, so don’t hesitate.

Family Virgos will also be lucky this month, if, of course, they manage to put aside all important matters and allow themselves a romantic trip with their loved one. This is exactly what astrologers advise to do. Such a joint trip will help bring the relationship back to normal and just relax. If you decide to reproach yourself for vacationing at the beginning of autumn, remember that September is the velvet season.

This month will be completely different for the male and female half of the representatives of this sign. For girls on the love front, everything will be fine, pleasant acquaintances and male attention will be around you around the clock. In order not to be considered flighty, it is better to behave with restraint and go on a date only with a person who really interests you. Virgo men will not meet their fate this month; their fleeting romances now have no prospects. At the end of the month, married Virgos are likely to have quarrels with their significant other over relationships with relatives. Try to find ways to approach your mother-in-law and mother-in-law in advance.

In September 2018, Libras need to do everything possible to make life happier and more promising. Let the autumn blues go away, because you are so optimistic by nature. You will get a lot of pleasure from communicating with new and old friends. Your personal life will also sparkle with rich colors, as the horoscope for September 2018 promises. Let changes not scare you, but delight you. Moreover, your loved ones will not leave you alone with problems and apathy.

The horoscope at the beginning of autumn predicts some difficulties for Libra. They will involve the need to make a choice in favor of the past or the present. There is a high probability that representatives of this zodiac sign will meet their old love. And here Libra will face a difficult question: who to give preference to. Returning to a past relationship can help rekindle love with new strength, and completely destroy the trusting relationship built with the current companion.

Libra love horoscope

A favorite job or a professional hobby is wonderful. But it is precisely this that can negatively affect relationships with the opposite sex. It is likely that this is exactly what is happening to Libra now. Right now you may be in the process of breaking up. Astrologers advise to be careful when taking important decision. If you are aiming to put an end to the relationship, do so, but if you give yourself a second try, take the risk of making the most of it.

It's time for Libra to decide on serious actions. If now everything is smooth in your relationship with your partner, then you can think about a wedding, because it can be played as next summer, and in winter, it will be beautiful and incredibly romantic. If conflicts do arise in the love field, Libra will have to make compromises. The person who is next to you now deserves you, and you deserve him, so try to smooth out all the rough edges to show your serious intentions.

The horoscope for September 2018 advises you to be more careful, even if everything around you seems achievable and easy. Even if you are overwhelmed with energy, still think a hundred times about your steps towards your goal. Envious people may appear at work and in their personal sphere. Scorpio can become a target for those who do not know how to achieve results with the same confidence and seriousness.

For Scorpios, September will be a great time to open up new perspectives. They can get profitable proposition, which will bring representatives of this zodiac sign a good income. True, they should not hope for the exceptional favor of the stars. Only patient work will bring money. And if Scorpio shows himself well, then new job may become permanent for them. Also, representatives of the sign should not push friends and family into the background. Communication with loved ones will help them achieve their goals without problems and eliminate misunderstandings in relationships.

Scorpio love horoscope

For you, the first month of autumn is spent under the motto of flirting. But be careful when playing a double game. Because the consequences can be dire. September will be a very changeable time for Scorpio. Fate will either be favorable to him, forgiving minor mistakes, or suddenly turn away. This month you should rely solely on your own strength in all endeavors. If Scorpio wants to achieve mutual love, then he will have to work hard, but it is not at all necessary to buy expensive gifts or go to restaurants. Discover your talent as a poet or singer; your chosen one will like it much more. Scorpio girls and women who are already married may receive news of pregnancy this month.

In September 2018, Sagittarius himself will not understand what to do with the energy and strength that he has in abundance. Maybe aim for active and productive work? Or finally start organizing your personal life? The horoscope for September 2018 advises Sagittarius to delve less into their thoughts and start acting constructively. When working with competitors, behave more principled so as not to lose what you have been striving for for so long.
During the first autumn month, Sagittarius should be especially attentive to their health. During this period they may worsen chronic diseases or new diseases will appear. If any illness occurs, you should immediately contact a specialist: such a precaution will help them prevent deterioration in health in the future. If possible, the September horoscope recommends that they go to health resorts.

Love horoscope Sagittarius

Sagittarians were the luckiest in September. Both single representatives of this sign and married ones are at this time in harmony with themselves, their partners, and the world around them. You can rejoice, because you are guaranteed attention and support at the beginning of autumn.

Sagittarians are ripe for serious relationships and are ready to be faithful until the end of their lives to one and only person. All that remains is to take a closer look at your soulmate to see if this person gives himself fully. A small test of loyalty will be useful in mid-September, but the stars say that there is a high probability that the chosen one will pass it with honor. At the end of the month, love dramas will develop around you, close friends will separate or divorce, but your union will remain strong for a long time.

The horoscope for September for Capricorn predicts a difficult month, when there will be no glimmer in either love or finances. Life will seem so problematic that you will truly despair. Capricorn will be helped by close friends who will offer a wise way out of the situation. If you pass all the tests with dignity, then life will give masses of bright events and impressions. At the end of September, it doesn’t hurt to travel and relax.
Capricorns will have perfect time to implement any plans. All projects can and even need to be implemented during this period. The favor of the stars will ensure easy advancement at work and will allow you to easily open your own business. All friends and relatives will come to the aid of Capricorns, so they should never refuse the support of their loved ones. But in the last week of the month, representatives of this zodiac sign can simply enjoy the results obtained, because they will most likely experience fatigue and loss of strength.

Love horoscope Capricorn

Everything is less joyful for Capricorns, because they are on the verge of getting rid of everything old. This refers to things, relationships, and partners. Yes, it may be difficult now, but changes for the better will definitely happen. Believe it.

Now Capricorns new page in life. They are ready to love and be loved, and can also do very unpredictable things. Young girls who were born under this sign are advised by the stars not to take the first steps in a relationship, so as not to seem too weak-willed; on the contrary, keep a zest in yourself, so you will make a man fall in love with you even more. Capricorn men must be decisive at the end of the month, because responsibility for the family can fall entirely on their shoulders.

In September 2018, Aquarius will have to plan their life in such a way that they have enough time for work and love. Single Aquarians can meet worthy person, which you won’t want to part with. But the horoscope for September 2018 recommends that Aquarius avoid frivolous novels. They will drive you into a corner and lead you to depression. Take care of your financial situation so you don't have to count every penny.

The first month of autumn promises Aquarius enlightenment in romantic relationships. They will be able to restore a passionate relationship with a partner or meet their soul mate during this period. The only thing that is required from representatives of the sign is to make some effort. The lack of any movement on the part of Aquarius will become a problem in creating a strong relationship.

Love horoscope Aquarius

Aquarians also have nothing to boast about in love relationships. Conflicts, quarrels, lack of mutual understanding - this is exactly what the majority of September can be like. For those who are already mentally prepared for troubles in their personal lives, astrologers hasten to console them: at the end of the month everything will get better.

The time has come for young Aquarius to settle down, get married or have children. At the beginning of the month, this desire will not leave you, and you can safely persuade your partner to take such responsible steps. However, it is very possible that already at the end of September you will again want a free and irresponsible existence. Try not to make a mistake when choosing the right decision not only for yourself, but also for your lover. Serious steps should definitely be taken if your chosen one is Scorpio, Sagittarius or Libra.

The horoscope for September for Pisces predicts a successful resolution of even those problems that come from the past. You don't even have to try very hard to overcome difficulties. Pisces realize themselves well in creativity and will be able to receive promising proposals for the future. Financial profit will strengthen your financial situation throughout the fall.

For all Pisces, the beginning of autumn will be the beginning of a new life. To do this, they just shouldn’t be afraid to start new relationships or try themselves in a new work area. Representatives of the sign are also advised to give up bad habits this month and be mentally prepared for positive changes.

Pisces love horoscope

Lonely Pisces will be popular in September. Family - will rush to novelty and change in better side. This is a very good trend and an excellent recommendation for representatives/representatives of all zodiac signs. At the beginning of a new season, you can and should change something in your life for the better. Don’t think that lyrical autumn is not good for bringing grandiose plans to life. On the contrary, it fits very well. Start something new this fall, believe in the comfort and coziness of this time of year.

September pleases Pisces with its calmness and tranquility. You will not feel any sudden changes in your mood or weather, all your activities will be normal, and your relationships will be bright. This month, your partner is responsible for the outburst of emotions, and if he belongs to the sign of Fire or Earth, then rest assured that he will definitely do something eccentric. By the end of the month, you will have to be very patient, because the love problems of your friends will fall on your fragile shoulders. Let them cry into their vest and draw conclusions from the mistakes of others.

Communication problems will resolve as you begin to understand how to use your confidence to support your relationships rather than destroy them. Love will play a major role in everything you do. If you don't have a partner, then there is a huge chance that you will find one now. Mars and Venus come together to push you towards love. Find a way to communicate that respects your boundaries and desires, while still showing respect for your current or potential partner.


There will be plenty of time for adventure in the second half, and you will enjoy it more calmly if you devote the first half of the month to solving pressing matters. On September 20, Venus moves into Virgo and you'll feel more comfortable in love. This comfort will only increase as we get closer to the end of the month. So take your time. If you feel that you are not ready to plunge headlong into the pool of love, then you should not do it. The stars will give you a sign when the time is right, trust your inner voice.


Life is too short to cling to relationships that don't make you happy. Your priorities are in order. Mercury meets Mars and eventually moves into Libra towards the end of the month. This means that by August 30th, sorrows and difficulties will be forgotten, and September will be cheerful and playful. Enjoy ease, new emotions and flirting. This month serves to ground you in your sexual self to make room for new love in October. After a series of suffering, you must remember that love can and should be fun.


You view love solely as a source of joy and comfort, but not as a series of life lessons and a way to give something back to this World. Can you love someone truly even when they make mistakes or don't satisfy your desires? By the time the Moon moves into Cancer on September 14, you'll realize this and feel at ease in love again. For the rest of the month you can enjoy it!

a lion

In the middle of the month you realize that everything is in your love life quite monotonous because your partner is stuck in a comfort zone, in a routine. If you want to shake up your relationship, help your significant other feel safe around you, no matter what happens. With the sun in Virgo, you will carefully observe all the minor details. This will help you tune in to your partner's needs and, despite all the circumstances, you will feel great love for your person.


You withdraw into yourself and sometimes overanalyze everything around you. On the one hand, analysis creates uncertainty, but on the other hand, it makes you understand why you love the one you love. Find balance. Perhaps you are worried about the desire for perfection. On September 22, the Sun leaves Virgo and moves into Libra, bringing some balance and ease to your busy mind. But you will increasingly need to feel needed. If you have a partner who satisfies this need, inner harmony will not be long in coming.


You tend to diligently plan everything that needs to happen in your life, including in romantic relationships, but this month love helps you relax and enjoy the moment without thinking ahead. On or before September 14, you will meet someone interesting or simply have unforgettable pleasure in the company of your significant other. The more time you spend with a certain person, the more your romantic connection strengthens.


In the first half of the month, you will discover new levels of sexual pleasure. This opening leads to an intense sexually satisfying period from September 17th to 30th. Mercury is moving away from Mars while Venus is getting closer. It combines your emotional, love and sex life with your penchant for personal growth and transformation. Passions will run high, as sexual pleasure comes easily and regularly, and this will entail positive changes in your personal life.


Whether it's a long-term or fleeting relationship, how you treat your partner can tell a lot about how you treat yourself and vice versa. Don't project your insecurities, insecurities, and traumas onto your partner and don't let any of this infiltrate your relationship. During the period from September 25 to September 30, coldness may arise in your relationship for this reason. Do not panic. If this happens, try to figure out exactly where you were being unfair or too judgmental and try to correct it.


Circumstances try to teach you how to love yourself and how to grow, but with Pluto exalting Jupiter, growth doesn't come easy. You try your best to learn lessons, but your insecurities can be a disappointment to any partner as they feel pressured to prove their love and affection for you. From September 17, it will be easier for you to open up to your person and, at a minimum, talk about what’s on your soul, and perhaps make such a broad gesture that will put everything in its place.

How will love relationships between representatives of the Zodiac signs develop in September 2017? What awaits Pisces, Aries, Leo and Capricorn in love? An accurate love horoscope for September will tell you what they should expect on the love front in September.

Love horoscope for September 2017 for Aries

The romantic horoscope for September recommends that lonely Aries not give free rein to their negative emotions so as not to scare off members of the opposite sex. In September 2017, many married representatives of this Fire sign can expect increased feelings and passion in relationships with their other half, which should not be missed.

Love horoscope for September 2017 for Taurus

The love horoscope promises many Taurus people in family relationships calm and harmonious communication with their spouses in September 2017. For those representatives of the Earth sign who have not yet found their soul mate and have not gotten married, this time will be very successful for making new acquaintances and communicating with the opposite sex.

Love horoscope for September 2017 for Gemini

The exact horoscope for September 2017 for Gemini warns lonely representatives of this air sign Zodiac sign that bright success does not await them on the love front. For those Geminis who have already created their own family, multiple professional concerns and matters not related to personal relationships can distract attention from their personal lives.

Love horoscope for September 2017 for Cancers

Love horoscope for September advises lonely Cancers to try to understand the events themselves, not trusting their secrets even to their loved ones. The curiosity and advice of strangers, shown in the personal life of family representatives of the element of Water, can also greatly disrupt relationships with loved ones.

Love horoscope for September 2017 for Leo

The astro forecast for September 2017 for married Leos warns that their bad mood in the first month of autumn can affect not only relationships with their spouses, but also other aspects of life. Lonely representatives of this fire sign in the first month of autumn should not give up and despair: if desired, they can arrange their personal life even at this time.

Love horoscope for September 2017 for Virgos

The love horoscope for Virgos who have not yet found family happiness predicts some difficulties associated with communicating with the opposite sex. The astrological forecast for family representatives of this Earth sign warns that in September 2017 they should do their best to avoid conflicts with their other half.

Love horoscope for September 2017 for Libra

The love horoscope for September 2017 warns that these representatives of the Air element do not need to get carried away with soul-searching. Obsessing over your emotions is not the best assistant in finding personal happiness. Married Libras should control themselves so as not to cause conflicts with their loved one.

Love horoscope for September 2017 for Scorpios

The forecast for September 2017 tells free Scorpios that their relationships with the opposite sex will be successful, but the absence of difficulties is not guaranteed. Those representatives of the Water sign who have already celebrated their wedding will experience pleasant emotions from communicating with their soulmate in September.

Love horoscope for September 2017 for Sagittarius

The love horoscope for the beginning of autumn predicts this fire sign successful changes in your personal life. The main thing is not to refuse this opportunity to find your love. In September, many married Sagittarius will face a showdown with their spouses, which is best avoided by all available means.

Love horoscope for September 2017 for Capricorns

The horoscope for September 2017 promises lonely Capricorns a real chance to find their soulmate and build harmonious relationships. For those representatives of this Earth sign who have already gotten married, the support and attention of their spouse will help strengthen the emotional connection and make each other closer.

Love horoscope for September 2017 for Aquarius

The sexual horoscope for September has prepared a great opportunity for single Aquarius to create a strong couple. Married representatives of this sign will experience a new wave of romance and tenderness for their significant other. This period of time can even be compared to a honeymoon in its atmosphere.

Love horoscope for September 2017 for Pisces

The astrological forecast for free Pisces warns that they should not act out Brazilian passions in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Naturalness will better help you attract attention in September. At the beginning of autumn, family representatives of this sign of Water need to control their emotions more than ever and not allow them to prevail over the arguments of reason.

In September, you should build love relationships very carefully. After all, September is an ambiguous month; many will want innovations and changes. Married couples - try not to quarrel with your loved one, because harsh words can cause separation. Single people should not join yet serious relationship. Feel free to meet someone, flirt, but don’t make any promises.

September 2017 promises to be a very interesting month. According to astrologers, the planets will have a great influence in the love sphere. For some this will bring long-awaited happiness, while others should be more careful so as not to destroy what they already have. For whom love awaits, and for whom September promises loneliness will reveal individual horoscope for each sign.

The most accurate love horoscope for September 2017: The stars will tell you about love in September

In September, the love horoscope foretells Aries a wonderful month, in which there is room for both engagement and a magnificent wedding and even a wedding. If you have been planning for a long time to propose to your soulmate and start a family, then your time has come. Lonely Aries will experience love at first sight, which will be the beginning of a strong relationship. Someone is about to break up, and it can be excruciatingly painful. But don’t despair, because life goes on, and real love will come again.

At the beginning of autumn, Taurus and their halves suddenly want the warmth and solitude that awaits them in own home. Family comfort at this time for Taurus it will become the main source of pleasure and inspiration. The arrival of autumn will expose the sensual sides of Taurus’ nature. You should listen to your instincts and follow random impulses in solving personal problems. Luck awaits representatives of the sign in making new acquaintances. And yet, at the beginning of the month you should not weave secret plans and lie to people to whom you owe something.


For Gemini, September promises sudden declarations of feelings from someone with whom you yourself are secretly in love. Love will force you to choose, because both chosen ones will be very dear to you. Lonely Geminis should look for their soulmate among those born under the sign of Fire. They are passionate fans and generous suitors. In September, there is a high probability of meeting a person who was once very dear.

The most accurate love horoscope for September 2017: A month of changes and new relationships

The September horoscope does not advise Cancer to put feelings first in their life. Pay attention to those around you and, quite possibly, one of them will become a loving and reliable person for you. Your demands for love are very high, and this month it’s worth coming down to earth. If you continue the pursuit of the ideal, then there is a big risk of remaining alone. At the end of the month, you will have a passionate romance, which will result in a flurry of stormy emotions and vivid impressions.

Leos should be more generous and noble in September. Your loved one is waiting not only for declarations of love, warm hugs and passionate kisses, but also for gifts, wonderful surprises, and social outings. There are chances for Leva to face rivals in September. But you shouldn’t create scenes of jealousy and decide everything rashly. Try to have a heart-to-heart talk with your chosen one and find out how he feels about you.

The love horoscope recommends Virgo not to miss the chance to find happiness. Singles may unexpectedly meet their soulmate this month. You need to take a very responsible approach to the decision about civil or official marriage. If you are ready to radically change your personal life, then do not listen to other people's advice. And don’t forget about the classic, noble ways of courtship, because they will only strengthen your feelings.

The most accurate love horoscope for September 2017: September will help you radically change your personal life

The horoscope predicts disappointments and resentments in love relationships for Libra. You should change internally, otherwise the situation may only get worse. Your lover will often make complaints about your workload. In September, you should become softer and more romantic, and devote more time to your significant other. Pay attention to those born under the sign of Fire, but it is better to avoid Scorpios, Capricorns and Virgos in love affairs.


September promises Scorpios fateful meeting, so take a closer look around. Maybe your loved one has been among your acquaintances for a long time, but you couldn’t even think about him. If this month you miss your chance to create strong long-term relationships, then the next one will not come soon. Lonely Scorpios should meet people in the gym, theater, or by participating in public events.

For Sagittarius, September will be a month of new meetings and interesting acquaintances. There is a chance of meeting an old love and, quite possibly, feelings will flare up again. But in the family you should be more restrained and patient, because September promises a lot of quarrels and conflicts for you. Sagittarius should reflect on their role in the family and shift some of the household responsibilities to themselves.

The most accurate love horoscope for September 2017: This month will bring a wedding or separation

Capricorns will experience unrequited love in September, which will lead to apathy. Don’t be discouraged, because things don’t always work out the way we want. As a last resort, seek advice from relatives. In September, it is better for you to throw yourself into work or change your environment so as not to get hung up on problems in your personal life. Dating Aquarius and Virgo will be successful.

Aquarians should be more frank and bold in their confessions. For the sake of the person you really like, do everything to be together. Leave gossip and intrigue in the past, they will drag you down. In September, you should not hide your desires and feelings, but sincerely admit them. Love is quite likely with a fire sign.

Pisces can expect dramatic changes in their personal lives. At the beginning of autumn, you will meet a person with whom, perhaps, you will connect your destiny. Pisces will marry their loved one down the aisle without hesitation. Already established couples will have a desire to diversify their relationship. To attract the attention of a companion, Pisces should demonstrate all their passion and show excitement.

The horoscope for September 2017 promises an ambiguous month. You will want innovation and drastic changes. The desire to fulfill desires is so great that control of feelings and emotions will fade into the background. In September 2017, you need to be especially judicious and attentive even to little things. Severe criticism is possible from close people, but you should not be offended by it.

At the beginning of September there is a chance to increase energy, as well as establish the necessary relationships with people. Even the wildest dreams will come true in the first autumn month. Personal life will play bright colors, many will want to change it radically.


Aries woman promises many pleasant meetings and romantic dates. Don’t think that love has passed you by, because there is a person nearby who has adored you for a long time. Look around and draw appropriate conclusions in September. This month is favorable for Aries who dreams of getting pregnant.

Love horoscope for September Aries man recommends being wiser towards your life partner. You often argue over trifles, and you also get offended and find fault with each other. Aries will be truly proud of the achievements and career of the chosen one. If you have long wanted to talk about living together, even as a “guest” marriage, then do not be shy with the proposal.

Aries family in September

The horoscope predicts many everyday problems that will have to be solved alone. It’s your own fault for delaying repairs, fixing equipment and buying things for the home. Aries will have to make up for lost time, otherwise conflicts and misunderstandings will definitely arise in the family. Relations with relatives are stable, but the spouse’s parents will begin to escalate the situation. Pay close attention to the health of your children, do not allow them to manipulate you. At the end of September, Aries will have to travel on family matters.


Love horoscope for September Taurus woman recommends occasionally listening to what older family members advise. If they do not approve of your choice in terms of the chosen one, then it is better to immediately find out what the reason for such rejection is. Bright changes may occur in Taurus’s personal life in September - from a wedding to the birth of a child.

Love horoscope for September Taurus man predicts a fateful meeting, as well as an engagement or divorce. In general, there will be a great many changes and events in your personal life, but you need to treat everything with understanding and patience. In September, Taurus needs to solve the problems that arise together with his loved one. Especially if they relate to pregnancy or moving to another apartment.

Taurus family in September

The horoscope predicts a month rich in emotions and events. You will be torn between your family, children and relatives. Everyone will have to help, advise something and even pay for treatment at the clinic. In September, Taurus needs to organize small holidays for household members from time to time. Behind common table you can calmly discuss any topics related to each other. In September, Taurus will often have to work on summer cottage, and forget about the trip for now. Moreover, the financial situation has not yet returned to normal.


Love horoscope for September Gemini women predicts dizzying success among men. Moreover, these will be not only wealthy fans, but also real gigolos. Consult with your friend more often about your chosen ones, she will tell you which gentleman to choose.

Love horoscope for September Gemini men advises to be generous not only with gifts, but also with beautiful and flattering words. Don't forget that women love with their ears. But imaginary promises in September may cause your partner to lose trust in you and ultimately leave you.

Gemini family in September

The horoscope predicts minor everyday troubles that will darken their happiness for some time. There will be a lot of trouble with children, especially if they have gone to study in another city. There may be problems with payment for public utilities. In any case, ask your relatives for help. With their spouse, Gemini needs to communicate more on unrelated topics, go to the cinema and just walk in the park. All these little things hold the family together and give relationships a “new breath.”


Love horoscope for September Cancer woman recommends giving your chosen one a pleasant surprise. This could be a joint trip to another country, or a romantic candlelit dinner. Stay alone more often, but not to sort things out, but in order to create another “ Honeymoon" Now it depends on Cancer whether his personal life will be happy or remain unchanged.

Love horoscope for September Cancer man advises you to decide for yourself who your beloved is and pay more attention to her. In September, Cancer will be seductive and gallant as never before.

Cancer family in September

The horoscope promises so much trouble and worry that there will be no time left for other things or entertainment with friends. The second half will be demanding, so it is better not to upset her in September. Events may occur in Cancer’s family that will dramatically change the usual way of life. Whether this will all be for the benefit of the family depends only on you. Cancer tends to deeply analyze everything that happens, so he will definitely make the right choice. You need to behave more strictly with teenage children.

a lion

Love horoscope for September Leo woman predicts problems in amorous affairs. It is possible that the relationship with the man you love has become cooler, and even more complaints have appeared against each other. Leo does not need to “cut from the shoulder.” Show wisdom and a little cunning. It is in your power to do everything so that the chosen one does not leave, but again flares up with love for you. By slightly changing her external image, the Lioness will become even more attractive.

Love horoscope for September Leo man does not advise making your partner jealous. You can’t even imagine how this situation could turn out. If Leo begins to stubbornly “pump up his rights,” then his beloved is unlikely to remain even his friend.

Leo family in September

The horoscope predicts a difficult and “airy” relationship with your spouse. You will want obedience from your household, but they resist this in every possible way. Maybe you shouldn’t prove your opinion so hard and strive for leadership? It is advisable for Leo to take care of everyday issues, calculate the budget for the fall together with his spouse, and think about the next vacation. By the way, are you already saving money for your trip? You should not solve accumulated problems alone. In 2017, only “working on mistakes” together with family members will help you come to the right decision.


Love horoscope for September Virgo woman recommends first getting to know a man well, and then making long-term plans for him. If this is a real feeling, then it will not go away. Many Virgos will have to make a serious choice - a chosen one or a job. But keep in mind that there may not be a second chance to meet your loved one.

Love horoscope for September Virgo man predicts frequent showdowns with your beloved. You will be so tired of empty talk and moral pressure that you will decide to remain in splendid isolation. In September, the Virgo man will become too jealous and suspicious. Romantic encounters are expected at the end of the month.

Virgo family in September

The horoscope predicts an established life, when all household members are nearby and feel great. Most importantly, do not forget to sometimes call or visit your parents, and also supervise your children. If Virgo decides to arrange family celebration, then all responsibility and organization of the event should be taken upon yourself. Don’t be afraid to once again confess your love to your spouse, because you can never have too much of this feeling. Flowers, sweets, compliments - all this will help Virgo maintain harmony in the family at the beginning of autumn.


Love horoscope for September Libra women promises difficulties in communicating with your chosen one. He will begin to command you and criticize you in the presence of strangers. In September, Libra will be constantly jealous of their loved one for no particular reason. Be more confident in yourself. And find some hobby - it will help Libra take his mind off personal problems and become more decisive.

Love horoscope for September Libra men recommends transforming into a noble knight. The chosen one is waiting for bold actions from you, and perhaps an official proposal. If Libra is already mentally ready for marriage in September 2017, then you should not hesitate on this issue.

Libra family in September

The horoscope predicts the month when you want to retire for a while and become free. Of course, your household is unlikely to approve of your desire to leave or distance yourself, but you will have to decide. In September 2017, Libra needs to be closer to their spouse and children. Parents will also need your moral and financial support, so do not refuse it and become more involved. In the middle of the month you will be moving or purchasing a home near relatives. Libras should be wary of frivolous intimate relationships, otherwise family relationships will be under threat.


Love horoscope for September Scorpio woman she does not advise waiting for the prince on a white horse to gallop under her window. You need to act on your own, and also radically change your external image. It is possible that Scorpio will have to completely update his wardrobe, become a brunette, and also buy an exercise bike to become slimmer.

Love horoscope for September Scorpio man predicts real hassle in a relationship with a partner. She will be terribly jealous of your friends and work, which will completely exhaust you. Although, Scorpio should also reconsider his views on his personal life. Maybe we should say goodbye to our bachelor status?

Scorpio family in September

The horoscope advises solving problems that arise immediately, rather than putting them off for later. Moreover, if it is on everyday grounds that a scandal constantly flares up in your family. Be more attentive and gentle towards your spouse and children in September. Scorpio's work absorbs him headlong, and this can only negatively affect relationships with loved ones. At the end of September, the family Scorpio will start an affair on the side, which will be the last straw in the relationship with the spouse. If you use prudence, then save everything that you have been building for many years.


Love horoscope for September Sagittarius woman predicts a bright and passionate hobby. It will make you much softer and more sentimental, and maybe make you do sweet things that until now seemed absurd. Sagittarius may have conflicts with a partner, but everything can be resolved if you compromise and not stubbornly stand your ground.

Love horoscope for September Sagittarius man advises inviting your companion on a date more often. Well, even if you have known each other for more than one year, you still can’t do without romance and tenderness. Sagittarius will be so devoted to his chosen one that he is unlikely to respond to flirting from other women.

Sagittarius family in September

The horoscope promises many difficulties in your relationship with your spouse. Relatives will begin to “poke their nose” into your personal affairs and help solve problems. Think about whether you need third-party advisers? In September 2017, Sagittarius in the family will face the question of having a child. At the end of the month, an old friend, classmate or colleague will come to visit Sagittarius. You will have a great time, have fun and remember the past years.


Love horoscope for September Capricorn woman does not advise showing your leadership skills and a commanding tone in relations with a partner. Men don't like to be manipulated like puppets. If in September Capricorn gains wisdom and patience, then in return he will receive respect and love from the man he likes. Perfect date Capricorn may have it on a yacht or on the sea coast.

Love horoscope for September Capricorn man promises an unexpected turn in personal relationships. You yourself will become so witty and charming that there will be no end to the fans. In September, do not sit at home, but rather attend parties, events and meet people more often.

Capricorn family in September

The horoscope recommends being generous in words, actions and purchases. Give gifts to those you love more often. There will be misunderstandings with relatives in September, but this is due to your carelessness and negligent attitude towards everyday life. In September, Capricorn will do a lot to strengthen family relationships - he will start building a house, take care of the garden, and even organize a trip abroad. There will be complete mutual understanding with children, especially if Capricorn wants to become a friend to them, and not just a parent.


Love horoscope for September Aquarius woman recommends listening more often to what the chosen one says and advises. You fell in love with him for his excellent character and intelligence, and not just for his attractive appearance. If Aquarius in September strives too persistently for leadership in the relationship, he will remain in splendid isolation. In intimacy, you should not be afraid to become more liberated.

Love horoscope for September Aquarius man promises many difficulties on the way to harmonious relationships with the chosen one. She accuses you of being despotic and incontinent. If Aquarius manages to convince his beloved in September or correct himself, then the union promises to be strong and long.

Aquarius family in September

The horoscope recommends talking less about your personal life and discussing it with friends. In September, Aquarius will have to work hard and take care of teenage children. Especially for those who study in another city or country. Protect your home from those who are unpleasant to you and too intrusive. September is great for family travel, so Aquarius needs to save money for the trip and get an international passport.


Love horoscope for September Pisces women I don’t recommend spending so much time on personal problems. They won't go away because you constantly discuss them with your partner. You need to act, take initiative and bring romance into the relationship. Then in September Pisces can count on the novelty and reliability of the union. At the end of the month, an affair with a colleague is possible.

Love horoscope for September Pisces men predicts a lot of quibbles and dissatisfaction on the part of the chosen one. She will think that you are too meticulous, soft and reserved. In September, Pisces should not start a showdown, but make their own decisions regarding their beloved.

Pisces family in September

The horoscope advises less gatherings with friends, and more communication with household members. Otherwise, quarrels and conflicts in your family will simply arise out of the blue. Pisces should also solve everyday problems together with their spouse. Advice from relatives regarding financial situation don't sweep it aside. Especially if the money situation is really tense in September. Walk with your children more often, go to nature or to the countryside.


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