Cold calling tips. Effective cold calling: sales technique

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Don't be robotic when communicating with your potential clients. You know everything about the product, but what do you know about those you are calling? Cold call- this is a call that your potential client does not expect without preliminary preparation the chances of establishing contact with him are very low. Therefore, you should forget about a simple “calling the list”, because everyone with whom you communicate is a real man with your problems and worries. Try to collect as much information about it as possible before contacting the company. Talk to someone in the customer service department and find out what they offer their customers. The more you know about the company, the better: if the other day company X you are calling closed a profitable deal and wrote about it in the press, you can start the conversation with congratulations. Although the knowledge itself about what the company does will not be superfluous.

Rule 2. Get to the decision maker

The purpose of the call is not to sell, but to set up a meeting. Many sellers forget about this. How seriously do you take telephone “spam” that takes you away from important tasks in the middle of the workday in order to “push” something? It's never very pleasant. The main thing in telephone conversation- this is your voice and attitude. Even a smile can be felt over the phone. But don't overdo it.

If you realize that you are talking to a person who is not competent in making decisions about a meeting, ask to connect you to the one who is responsible for this - the decision maker (DM). Remember that you are not selling, but asking if the company is interested in the product or service you offer.

It is important that the phrase be said: “If you generally like the proposal, we can continue the discussion, if not, then no, okay?” As a rule, this clear position will find a positive response on the other end of the line. The main thing in this matter is how you control yourself and how you control your voice. When used correctly, this cold calling technique is very effective.

Rule 3. Respect yourself and your competitors

As a rule, the company you are calling not only has established relationships with suppliers of goods or services from among your competitors, but also periodically receives calls of this kind from dozens of organizations. You shouldn’t question the choice, try to denigrate your competitor, or turn the conversation into “but we have it better, we have it cheaper.” Never speak badly about your competitors! Praise them for their “beautiful eyes” and yourself for your professionalism: “Are you served by company X? Yes, they have a beautiful logo, but what about the quality of service? Are you satisfied with it?

Nothing devalues ​​a product more than the desire to sell it immediately. As a rule, the desire to give yourself more significance and phrases like “I will make you an offer that you cannot refuse” are alarming and cause the opposite effect of what was expected. It's just annoying.

People love to talk about themselves and share their problems. Be prepared to listen to them. Ask the question: “Are you completely satisfied with the quality of the services (products) that X provides you, or is there still a need to improve something?” By establishing contact and arousing interest, you can understand whether everything is really so perfect.

Rule 4. No doesn’t always mean “no”

In the case of potential clients, the reason for “no” may be a simple lack of time or workload with other, higher priority tasks at the moment. This is fine. For example, when they answer you on that line: “I don’t have time for this,” this is an objection, and not a refusal at all. And you can use this as an opportunity to make an appointment and instead of “okay, I won’t bother you,” offer to meet to talk in more detail. Do not forget to specify the time and place of the meeting. Make an appointment in person: “I understand, it’s inconvenient over the phone. At a wrong time. Let's do this: I'll come to you to tell you everything. Will Wednesday at 11 o'clock suit you?

The line between importunity and persistence is very thin. When they tell you a categorical “no”, this is already a refusal. Don't invite a storm on yourself negative emotions, because all the negativity that pours on you will leave an unpleasant aftertaste and discourage you from working.

This is stress from which you will not be able to be effective and will have to recover. In such a situation, it is better to end the conversation and not cause damage to your psyche. Call again after some time if you are sure that there is potential interest in your products or services. The situation in the company may change and, most likely, after a series of refusals they will tell you: “Okay, let me listen to what you have there.” As the Chinese say, a drop wears away a stone not with its force, but with the frequency of its fall, so that over time the cold call ceases to be cold, which increases your chances of success.

Rule 5. Don't sell

Once again: the purpose of the call is not to sell. The purpose of the call is to set up a meeting. Make the person on the other end of the line want to meet you in person. Try to be different from everyone else who, just like you, calls and wants to sell something. To do this, you just need to be competent, evoke a pleasant impression on your interlocutor, and dilute the conversation with humor (but in moderation). During the conversation, it’s better to forget about money altogether. Think not about how much you will earn when you sell something to someone, but about your goal - why you want to earn money.

A telephone call is a tool. Its effectiveness depends on the operator’s ability to correctly construct a conversation with a stranger.

You will learn:

  • How to make effective cold calls.
  • Basic rules of telephone sales.

To lead successfully effective cold calls, you need to study very well the technology of telephone communication, sales techniques and, of course, gain experience.

Typically, the return rate on cold calls is low. Even if operators have the necessary experience and sell a product that they know very well, follow a well-established call script, have an idea of ​​how to “get past” a secretary, what keywords to use to hook an interlocutor, the norm for them is one transaction per hundred calls. This is a statistic that is confirmed by my own experience: for every hundred cold calls, there really is an average of five meetings and one deal. That is, the sales funnel is approximately 100–5–1. This is normal because proper cold calling is the only way to market without cross-selling opportunities and without an existing customer base.

However, you can achieve a greater effect if you follow a number of rules. Let's take a closer look at them.

Effective cold calling: what you need to know

1. Shell base

The current database from which the operator takes phone numbers is the basis of his work. Due to an error in the number, all the work will be in vain, because the calls will not reach the recipient.

Proper sampling involves compiling a single reliable database. Can be used as a shell free programs. For example, at first we made databases in Microsoft Office Access - a system that allows us to differentiate the rights of different users and create separate help files for clients. The system was homemade and, of course, did not have the functionality of modern CRM systems, but it was much more convenient for us than Excel (it is very difficult to work with due to large number limitations and low ability to process information). I don't recommend using it if you want to create a good database.

2. Composition of the base

To replenish the list of potential clients, you can and should actively use paid information bases, which must be verified, up-to-date, and compiled from reliable sources. I would like to note the Interfax database, which contains a lot of useful information for sales managers about legal entities, individual entrepreneurs etc. Another good database is FIRA PRO, it includes information about legal entities, as well as data from the National Bureau of Credit History (NBKI). If you decide to use the Yellow Pages directory as a basis, be prepared for a large percentage of errors when making calls.

  • Training in the sales department: a step-by-step algorithm for organizing employee training

3. Experience and talent

Those who consider cold calls ineffective probably simply failed to organize them correctly. The most important thing is to put operators into comfortable calling mode. When your employees make calls every day, hundreds of calls over the course of a week, thousands over the course of months, cold calling sales techniques develop over time. Experience and practice tell them what the interlocutor will answer, what he will ask, and they calmly act according to their script. The main thing is not to take long breaks from work. It is very difficult to enter this mode again. Complexes appear, a feeling of discomfort appears, the voice becomes monotonous. And if the interlocutor feels this, the call is failed.

This is why experience and skills are so important for the operator. True, there are exceptions - people with an innate ability to persuade and convince. They can easily establish contact with the right person. However, such nuggets are an absolute minority; the rest need to “study, study and study.” Experts will tell you how to find talent and weed out losers

4. Effective cold calling script

The conversation script, or as professionals call it, the script, is extremely important for the operator. In essence, this is an extensive call algorithm, a clear conversation plan, a set of answers and questions that allow you to keep the interlocutor’s attention. different situations. Modify your cold calling scripts as needed to effectively convert them into sales.

Find out how to do this from the article in the “Commercial Director” magazine. In the same article you will find examples of selling and failing cold calling scripts.

5. The right attitude for cold calling on the phone

Managing emotions and getting the other person to respond to them is one of the most difficult skills an operator will have to master.

I once worked in a corporate department that included cold sales, and I noticed that the most effective cold calls were those made right before the New Year, on December 29 or 30. On the eve of the holiday, people were in high spirits; it was easier for them to call clients with whom they had previously been afraid to communicate, knowing about the high probability of being rejected. If the operator is relaxed and behaves more freely, then the interlocutor catches, feels his emotions and, as a rule, listens more loyally and interestedly.

6. Dealing with objections

The greatest fear of operators during a telephone conversation is waiting for the answer “No!” or complex objections. But experienced sellers know: no matter what we sell, objections are always typical and there are no more than seven to ten of them. I recommend writing down all possible objections on a piece of paper and trying to answer each one. Having done this work, the operator will feel more confident.

Table. Examples of working with objections. Six main cases

Objections Answer options
“No, thank you, we are happy with what we have.” "I understand you. The point is that we are not trying to replace your partners. My goal is to offer you an alternative that will allow you to not be dependent on the policies of one supplier. We have our own inventory and exclusive products to ensure you always get the product you need.
I suggest we meet and chat. Please see when it is more convenient for you for me to come to you, on Thursday or Friday?”
"We're not interested in that." “I understand your reaction, and at the same time, I have not yet offered you anything specific that you could refuse. My goal is to invite you to a meeting to chat and understand how we can be useful to each other. The meeting is not obligatory to anything. Let's get acquainted, and then we will draw conclusions whether we should continue to build some kind of partnership or not.
Tell me, are you planning to visit Kyiv in the next two weeks? Or is it better for me to come to you?”
"I am really busy". ("I have no time".) a) “Okay, I'll call you later. When will it be convenient for you to speak?”
b) “I understand you. I also plan my time. That is why I am calling you in advance to agree and schedule when it would be more convenient for us to meet. Moreover, our meeting will not take much time.
Tell me, are you planning to visit Kyiv in the next two weeks? Or is it better for me to come to you?”
“Send me some information.” "Fine. Tell me, do you use the Internet?
Then I can tell you the address of our website, where there is information about who we are. Please write down... Specific conditions and exclusive opportunities I can tell you about the partnership at the meeting. Let’s determine where and when we can get to know each other better.”
If the client insists on receiving information, send him a general brief presentation and a general price list.
Warn the client that the prices in the price list are general, and individual conditions and promotions can be discussed during the meeting.
Call the client back in a few days.
“Thank you, I’ll think about it and call you.” "Yes OK. Please clarify, what exactly will you be thinking about? After all, I haven’t offered you anything yet. The purpose of our meeting is just to get to know each other and find out how we can be interesting to each other. I think you will understand me: any cooperation, especially if it later develops into a long-term one, is very difficult to start and even discuss without ever seeing each other and communicating only by phone.
Let's meet and get to know each other, and then you and I will have the opportunity to think about whether we should continue to build some kind of partnership or not. For now, let’s just arrange a meeting.”
“What will be discussed at the meeting?” (“What can you offer me?”) “We are suppliers of products from Europe to stores selling beauty products. We have a wide range of products, ranging from professional combs and cosmetics to equipment for various beauty salons.
We also have own network stores, well-established logistics and own warehouse stocks.
We are currently looking for a partner in your city. Your store was recommended to me. I am sure we will find common interests and benefits for our cooperation. To begin with, I just want to get to know you. And it will be more convenient to do this at a meeting.
Let's agree where and when we can organize it. Will you be in Kyiv for the next two weeks?”

Making cold calls, that is, making calls to sell a product or service, is easier than you think. You will immediately understand that when you pick up the phone, you have no guarantee that the sale will be successful. There is only a guarantee that if you don’t pick up the phone, you won’t sell anything! What many people don't realize is that successful cold calling relies on a system. Read on and you will learn about proven and working methods.


Handling calls with a smile

    Make training calls to the people on your list. It seems that your call is not quite good? Need to correct the list? This is fine. Try it live on potential buyers and make sure the appeal works.

    • Rework the list or appeal if necessary. It's usually impossible to do everything right the first time.
  1. Enter your list into the organization system. You can use a simple spreadsheet or computer system, like In any case, you need to make records of conversations somewhere, so you will know when to call potential clients back.

    You should expect objections from the list and respond to them. When you made test calls, you should have received objections like “I don’t have money” or “I heard your company is terrible.”

    • You need to work out responses to objections.
    • Remember, the objecting prospect is still engaged and talking to you. This is good in itself, but it also gives you the opportunity to engage them in good conversation.
    • Many sellers hear, “I don’t have the budget for this purchase.” The best way to handle this will depend on the specific situation, but you can try to find out whether the potential client would be interested if there was no need to pay up front, or if a payment plan could be set up.
    • Objections give you the opportunity to ask questions and try to figure out whether the objection is genuine or a smokescreen, you can also offer alternative solutions Problems. Make a list of possible objections with responses when making a cold call, keep this list handy, along with the script.
  2. Call the rest of the people on the list. Make multiple sales appointments!

    • Note that if the person you are calling is not there, call back tomorrow.
  3. Keep polishing and call again. Remember good script adjustments are made all the time; it is not always possible to achieve the desired result on the first try. Ask yourself the following questions:

    • Looking back, were any of the questions on the prequalification list correct, and did anything need to be changed or added?
    • Were the claims made about the product's benefits strong enough, and were they communicated early enough?
    • Have I demonstrated the value of the product?
    • Do I need to redo my responses to objections?
    • Was I able to effectively use the opportunity and arrange a meeting.

    Practicing the point approach

    1. Find out more about your potential client. Once you determine that the company is a good fit, find out about the potential client and only then make the call.

      • To learn more about the company, check out their website and news. Write down a few key facts, this may be useful in the dialogue.
      • Find out as much as you can about what the buyer needs. In addition to browsing the Internet, you can also talk to someone relatively low on the corporate ladder. You can often find these people on LinkedIn. It is easier to reach them than to reach top managers.
    2. Contact the decision maker. And now you are ready to call the top manager!

      • Please review your notes before calling.
      • Calculate good time for a call. Many sales agents call potential clients first thing in the morning or at the end of the day. Top managers are very busy, so it's best to call before or after meetings begin. Plus, it increases the chances that you'll end up with someone you want, rather than an answering machine or receptionist. Calling early in the morning will also free up the day to communicate with existing and active prospects.
    3. Leave a message on the answering machine only in the most extreme cases. This is not recommended, and should only be done if you just can’t catch them.

      • If you leave a message on an answering machine and they don't answer, how long can you leave without going overboard?
      • If they call you back, they may catch you unprepared (what did he say his last name? From what company? What kind of message did I leave?), this can lead to anxiety on your part and loss of control over the dialogue.
      • If you've been trying to catch someone for weeks, leaving a message on their answering machine is a last resort. Make a note on the computer with the names and companies of those to whom you left messages, this will give you some advantage, the script should also be at hand.
    4. Consider talking to your assistant. Of course, it would be great if there were no them at all, and every time you would go straight to the boss. Still, if you ask politely, an assistant can be helpful.

      • Ask the receptionist if your 'contact' has an assistant, if so, ask for the name and enter it into your system.
      • If the assistant transfers you to a prospect and you go to voicemail, press "0" to speak to the assistant.
      • You need to sound like a busy professional. For example, say "Hello, Ekaterina, this is Alexander Popov. I just received Vladimir Potanin's voicemail. Is he in the office today?" If she says, “Yes, but he has a meeting,” ask him when he'll be free.
      • If the assistant asks what's wrong, it is advisable to answer with one word, for example, 'counters'. Before she can ask next question, ask if the contact will be available later in the morning or afternoon. Nine times out of ten, the assistant will provide you with this information, and you will not waste time calling someone who is not in the office. If your assistant asks if you'd like to pass on a message, you can say, "Actually, I have a meeting all day myself. I'll call Vladimir later."
      • Be sure to carefully record the results of calls. Review them before contacting the prospect at a later date or before any meeting.
    5. Be consistent. Develop reliable system so that you don’t have to think about it again. If you promised to send someone data or promised to call back in two weeks, then you need to write it down somehow so as not to forget.


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