The ideal woman for men of different zodiac signs: what is she like? What kind of women do men of different zodiac signs like?

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Astrologers claim that many representatives of one or another horoscope sign have their own ideal image of a woman. It doesn't matter if your crush chooses women who are not like you. Having found out his preferences by zodiac sign, you will have every chance to win his heart, becoming the woman of his dreams.

So, what kind of women do men of different horoscope signs like?

Aries like active and purposeful women. It is unlikely that they will pay attention to the gray mouse. The woman of their dreams should always look good, be in a great mood and follow her goals. She should exude confidence, positivity and energy.

Taurus prefer smart and rational women. They will not appreciate frivolity and stupidity. Representatives of this sign want to see next to them an active woman who will prove herself and how good hostess, and as a devoted like-minded person. Taurus loves reliability, intelligence and courage in women.

Geminis love to conquer and solve women themselves. In representatives of the fairer sex, mystery and understatement are important to them. What gets them is when they are not entirely sure whether she loves her or not. They will like a woman who gives them the opportunity to think and express their imagination.

Cancers love strong-willed women, leaders who can help them solve their problems. They value thriftiness, beauty and spiritual world women. Cancers will admire the one who will become their guide through life, who will guide and give advice.

Leos love women who stand out from the crowd in some way. Appearance As a rule, they do not betray their chosen one special significance. The woman’s personality and how she presents herself are much more important to them. Representatives of this sign may be attracted by something that for others will not be a fundamental factor when choosing a life partner.

Virgos like careerist women. They will not like romantic and sensitive natures. What they value in women is their business acumen, ambition and willpower. Next to them they would like to see a practical woman who would occupy an important position and enjoy authority in society.

Libras love women who are sociable and sociable. The opinions of close people, especially friends, are very important to them. So they should like the woman of their dreams. In addition, the ideal woman of a Libra man should have excellent external characteristics, be smart, educated and have many interests.

Scorpios choose graceful, stylish, smart and strong women. They love female leaders, but in relationships they try to suppress her leadership qualities. Representatives of this sign love sincerity and diversity. The ideal Scorpio woman should never make him bored. She must for a long time keep him at a certain distance in order to make him fall in love with you.

Sagittarians love well-groomed, beautiful women. Their ideal is a neat, attractive and easy-going woman. She doesn’t have to be smart, Sagittarians don’t tolerate being told what to do, that’s why they choose simple-minded and slightly ignorant women. Representatives of this sign value loyalty, easy-going nature and childlike spontaneity in the fairer sex.

Capricorns want to see a woman with strong character. It's good if she already ranks high social status. If he just strives for this, that’s also not bad. For representatives of this sign, what is important in a woman is her demeanor in society, her intelligence, practicality, rationality, confidence and steadfastness.

Aquarians dream of someone who will share with them all their interests and views on life. However, these are quite difficult to find. Not all women will go with them to conquer Everest or calmly react to the absence of their chosen one at home for the whole day. Aquarians value a loyal attitude towards them, femininity and activity.

Pisces choose calm and romantic ladies. The woman of their dreams is beautiful, sensitive, trusting and economical. She must listen to his opinion and trust him in everything. Pisces will also be attracted to someone who admires him and constantly compliments him.

The girl met her only, desired and beloved man, choosing him from thousands of other men. Now the main and main desire for her is to please her chosen one. For this, the lady or lady dresses in her most stylish and beautiful dresses, does a variety of fashionable hairstyles and coquettishly looks into his bottomless eyes. But the young man does not want to notice her languid gaze and radiant smile, because love is not always mutual.

And yet you can try to win a man’s heart and make him pay attention to you. Find out what your chosen one is interested in, what his hobby is and, in the end, what kind of ladies he likes. Some, especially persistent ones, resort to various conspiracies and love spells. But if a girl wants to have a cheerful and worthy man next to her, then it is better not to think about how to bewitch her beloved. Better try to find out what zodiac sign your potential partner belongs to, and try to match the girl of his dreams.

What kind of girls do Aries like?

Aries, like most representatives of the stronger half of humanity, love to conquer women, but not simple ones, but original, spontaneous and unpredictable ones. Monotony is not for Aries, so don’t stop surprising them with something new and unknown, constantly change your image and the scent of your perfume, be a gentle, charming, feminine lady. The more and more diverse the surprises and pleasant surprises are, the greater the chances of receiving his love, burning with crazy fire, in return.

What kind of girls do Taurus like?

Taurus are quite slow and taciturn, but at the same time thorough and reliable. Before choosing an object of adoration, they look closely at him for a long time, weigh all the pros and cons, and only after that they begin their courtship.

Taurus men like calm, reasonable, and confident women who enjoy home-based and cozy hobbies, such as cooking and handicrafts. Hysterical and hot-tempered ladies are not at all interested in sentimental Taurus, so be gentle and affectionate with them, do not try to put pressure or control his actions.

What kind of girls do Geminis like?

Gemini and routine are incompatible. Charming and sparkling, spontaneous and unpredictable, fickle and unexpected, cheerful and superficial, and these are not all the contradictory qualities of the far from ideal, but so attractive Gemini.

But even such a carminative can be won over and kept around by a smart and beautiful woman, if she wants to be his eternal life partner. Freedom-loving Geminis do not like to turn to their lady for help, so as not to be obliged to her, and they do not like it when a lady needs something, so they choose more independent women. In addition, a Gemini woman should be cheerful, noisy, erudite, like himself, a dreamer and adventurer with a developed intellect and a sufficient sense of humor.

Sometimes you need to give him free rein and move away for a while so that he gets bored, and when we meet again he is happy that his loneliness is over. And one more piece of good advice: never show that you are completely lost in love with him, otherwise Gemini will immediately lose interest in you and go looking for a new source of inspiration.

What kind of girls does Cancer like?

Cancer is associated with the warmth of home, fragrant pastries, care and children, so he also needs a woman in whose life the main criteria for happiness will be a happy family, a well-kept sweet home and the noise and din of beloved and long-awaited children. Be a pure innocent nature with inner and outer beauty, affectionate and gentle, close to him in spirit, frank and kind. Then the Cancer man will feel emotional security, moral support, peace of mind and care for him.

In return, you will be able to find out what bliss is next to your soulmate, hear tender words of declaration of love, born of inner harmony. Under no circumstances should you laugh at his excessive sensitivity and romanticism, otherwise you will have to look for another life partner.

What kind of girls do Leos like?

Leo is a luxurious esthete with refined manners and excellent taste. Proud and vain, with a regal gait, they choose women to match themselves, extraordinary and bright, beautiful and spectacular, but at the same time flexible and non-offensive.

Leos themselves are vulnerable and touchy, so they are not able to listen to even a sweet, harmless joke. The Leo man loves to show off in society, so he chooses a woman who also loves and knows how to do this, but only in his shadow, so as not to overshadow his gloss and brilliance.

Leo's lady must be smart enough, must be able to conduct interesting conversations at social parties and receptions, conquer others with her beauty and wit, that is, live the beautiful life of a real socialite. But at the same time, never forget that only he is the center of the Universe.

What kind of girls do Virgos like?

Virgo is the most pedantic and intellectual sign of the Zodiac. It follows from this that they will choose a lady who is neat and smart. To please a Virgo man, you need to be patient, because they will choose for a long time and scrupulously. Try to be natural, not pompous, but serious and practical. If you also learn to manage your household rationally, not waste money, create a cozy atmosphere at home, cook deliciously and at the same time be kind, calm and patient, then you will definitely win this seemingly indifferent man with a subtle sense of humor.

And don’t expect romantic declarations of love and dizzying meetings from Virgo, but know that if he fell in love, then the steady fire of love will warm you all your life.

What kind of girls does Libra like?

Libras prefer strong and independent women who would solve all problems without their participation. For a Libra man to pay his precious attention to you, you just need to put on an expensive dress from a famous fashion designer, do a neat, stylish hairstyle and put a drop of expensive perfume behind your ears.

But in the future, you must learn to cook delicious dishes, constantly decorate your home and take care of it. What Libra values ​​most in a woman is her beauty and grace, grace and elegant manners. They will never pay attention to a vulgar and scandalous woman. The main value in their life is harmony, so they will not tolerate any criticism.

What kind of girls do Scorpios like?

Scorpio is very hot and impudent, quite self-confident and a terrible owner, follows fashion trends and is always up to date with modern innovations. Only a mysterious, cunning and resourceful intelligent person with natural charm can win such a man.

Scorpios like it when relationships are like a subtle and intricate game, the rules of which no one knows. Since childhood, they have been spoiled by the attention of female representatives, so they understand a lot about female beauty. A jealous lady will never be near such a man, because he will always be surrounded by beautiful and beautiful women whom he attracts with his magnetic energy.

Only an honest and devoted, stylish and beautiful, mysterious and modern, sexy and sexy coquette has a chance to be close to an energetic Scorpio.

What kind of girls do Sagittarius like?

Sagittarius is very easy-going and ready for new achievements and adventures at any time of the day or night. This suggests the conclusion that he will choose a lady of his heart who is very energetic, cheerful and cheerful.

The most romantic, gallant and freedom-loving knight would rather choose an educated and intellectually developed woman than a boring and monotonous beauty. Femininity and sexuality play an important role in choosing a companion, but not the main one. Sagittarius only needs an intelligent woman with a lot of knowledge, very well read, who will win the heart of the irrepressible Sagittarius.

What kind of girls does Capricorn like?

Capricorn is a closed and shy sign of the Zodiac; he speaks little about love and feelings, so he chooses a woman who is self-sufficient and does not need words of love. The young lady should be well-groomed and stylish, but without fanaticism. It must have some mystery or zest.

A potential partner should choose clothes according to his taste; they do not have to be expensive. Capricorns have a very negative attitude towards bright makeup, so to please him, use a minimum of cosmetics.

What kind of girls does Aquarius like?

Aquarius is a free and independent man, open and sociable. Handsome Aquarians are a sweet morsel for lovely ladies. But the mystery of Aquarius is that he himself does not know what kind of lady he needs.

Therefore, give him the impression of novelty and recklessness. Be unconventional and unusual, but be sure to be the most beautiful and stunning, especially on the first day of dating. He will leave this first impression of you for a long time.

What kind of girls do Pisces like?

Pisces are very sensitive and vulnerable, so they choose strong women who will guide and guide them. The Pisces man feels protected if his significant other takes a leading position in the relationship. But do not reproach, blame or criticize dear Pisces, having such authority, so as not to mortally wound them.

Pisces prefer women who are gentle but decisive, modest but with a strong character. Pisces also appreciate beautiful ladies patience, the ability to unconditionally forgive and mercy. These character traits are the standard of beauty for his lady love. Trust yourself completely to the mysterious Fish, and then boundless love, responsiveness and romance will be guaranteed to you.

Aries are real conquering men. Not every lady will attract the attention of these stubborn and persistent men. If you are unpredictable, mysterious and spontaneous in your actions and emotions, then the Aries man will certainly give you his attention. However, conquering Aries will not be so easy! Men of this zodiac sign simply cannot stand any kind of routine.

Monotony and routine kill their feelings, so a woman will have to surprise her chosen one again and again. This applies to both appearance and behavior. A girl should carefully take care of her appearance: regular shift hairstyles, manicure, wardrobe. Even new scent eau de toilette will arouse in Aries an increased interest in your person. Be different, and then the boundless burning love of the Aries man will cover you completely.

What kind of girls do Taurus like?

Taurus are those men who can truly and rightfully be called “ stone wall" They never immediately go on the offensive, slowly and leisurely looking closely at the object of desire. Only after they are truly convinced that the girl is worth fighting for her do Taurus move on to active action. Laconic and often very slow, in family life they become that reliable shoulder that will support a woman in the most difficult moment and walk with her side by side throughout her life.

Taurus' attention will be attracted by erudite, intelligent, and self-confident people. Men born under this zodiac sign love it when a woman is interested in some kind of hobby: embroidery, knitting, cooking. If a lady throws hysterics and scandals at Taurus, she will not stay in his life for long. Taurus values ​​softness, tenderness, and attentiveness. They really don’t like it when people try to lead them.

What kind of girls do Geminis like?

Geminis are not men who value stability and monotony in relationships. Routine is something that can ruin the feelings of restless Gemini. Men born under this zodiac sign combine many of the most seemingly incompatible qualities. They are unpredictable and spontaneous, slightly flighty and surprisingly cheerful, easy-going and absolutely intolerant of any boundaries. Yes, Gemini cannot be called an example ideal man, but that’s their beauty!

Many girls think that it is simply impossible to tame a Gemini man, but this is not so. Freedom-loving Gemini will only be close to someone who will not regularly “strangle” a man in her arms. Geminis prefer strong, self-confident, independent ladies. The Gemini man loves intellectual women with whom he can have a good laugh and discuss actual problems modern society. A woman who has chosen a Gemini man should remember one simple, but very, very important rule: representatives of this zodiac sign do not like it when a woman expresses her feelings too sincerely and very intrusively. As soon as a man realizes that the girl has completely and completely fallen in love with him, he will gradually begin to grow cold towards her until the passion fades away completely. Therefore, do not give Gemini a reason to think that you will not live a day without them. Let the man pursue you, not you him.

What kind of girls do Cancers like?

Cancer men associate a woman with home warmth, tenderness, care and comfort. That’s why such men like women who are special: those who are their main life goal They see exclusively only the construction of a happy unit of society, the birth of children, the creation and arrangement of a family home. If your priority is your career, then a Cancer man probably won't be right for you.

Cancers really value cute, even childishly naive girls, who are beautiful not only externally, but also internally. Affectionate, caring, frank, kind - all these qualities should be possessed by the chosen one of a Cancer man. One more thing important condition: a woman should be close to her chosen one in spirit, in other words, she should share his views on life and understand him. For a Cancer man, it is very important that harmony and mutual understanding reign in relationships. Men born under this zodiac sign highly value moral support from their partner.

Cancers are accustomed to not only taking, but also giving in return. If you give a man warmth, care and tenderness, he will return all this to you tenfold. You shouldn't laugh or make fun of Cancer's excessive sensitivity, otherwise your chosen one will simply leave you.

What kind of girls do Leos like?

Leo men have excellent taste. This applies to both appearance, and relationships with the opposite sex. Leos are very proud and often even arrogant. And they choose a woman to match them: beautiful, slender, spectacular, attracting the gaze of men. But at the same time, Leo’s companion will never contradict him or put her man in an awkward position: men really don’t like this.

Representatives of this zodiac sign do not tolerate jokes or ridicule addressed to them. They are touchy and vulnerable when it comes to their own person. The Leo man loves to be the center of attention. In any company it is always easy to calculate. And Leo himself makes exactly the same demands on his woman. Wit, the ability to be the center of attention - all this should be inherent in a real Lioness. At the same time, Leo’s companion should never forget who in their couple is the center of the Universe.

What kind of girls do Virgos like?

A pedantic intellectual. This is how we can briefly characterize people born under the Virgo zodiac sign. Next to such a representative of the stronger sex there will never be a woman who does not know what it is perfect order in the house. In his demands, a Virgo man can be not only categorical, but even very, very despotic in some ways. To please a man born under the Virgo zodiac sign, a woman should be neat, well-groomed, and smart.

The Virgo man is not one of those who will make decisions hastily. Virgos need to weigh everything well and think it over; they look closely for a very long time before taking a decisive step. Therefore, a woman should be patient and understanding. You cannot rush a Virgo man in resolving important issues.

A woman who will definitely be preferred by Virgo should be practical in solving everyday issues, a skillful (and economical!) housewife, calm, patient, rational and kind.

You should not demand from Virgos a passionate expression of their emotions: they are simply not capable of this! But the chosen one of a Virgo man can be 100% sure of one thing: if she was chosen, then it is forever. Virgo will surround his chosen one with warmth and tenderness, and there will be no doubt about his fidelity.

What kind of girls does Libra like?

Men born under the sign of Libra choose not just a wife, but their second person. She must be able to cook gourmet meals, arrange a home, take care of all family members, and do all this on top level! Libras value in a woman both her intelligence and her elegance, her ability to behave well in society, her restraint and, to some extent, even her arrogance!

If you don’t want the Libra man to pay attention to you, be vulgar and behave provocatively. Libra can't stand this kind of behavior, so you simply won't have any chance. Libras really, really value harmony in the home, so a woman should be on the verge of perfection. And most importantly, never criticize your man.

What kind of girls do Scorpios like?

Scorpio men are famous for their daring and very difficult character. They are always watching fashion trends in an area of ​​life that interests them and strive to lead in any matter. Scorpios are very hot and sharp. The attention of a representative of the stronger sex, born precisely under this zodiac sign, will be attracted by a woman who has amazing natural charm, mysterious and enigmatic. Scorpios like women with a slight touch of mystery. Men born under this zodiac sign love to play intricate and subtle games with women. Moreover, no one knows the rules of these games.

Scorpio men are well versed in female psychology, since they have not been deprived of the attention of ladies since childhood. In adulthood, representatives of this zodiac sign are wildly popular among women, thanks to their exceptional natural energy. It is simply useless to be jealous of Scorpios.

Energetic Scorpio will choose a luxurious, sexy, mysterious representative of the fair sex as his life partner. And, of course, I’m not jealous at all.

What kind of girls do Sagittarius like?

Sagittarius men do not like to sit in one place. Staying home on a Friday night is akin to a crime for them. Energetic and sociable, they are always ready for new achievements and victories. Sagittarians are very, very easy-going and are looking for a life partner with a similar temperament.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are freedom-loving, so they will make their choice more likely in favor of an intellectual with modern views for life, rather than beautiful homebodies. The Sagittarius man, of course, pays attention to appearance, but still the main and determining factor in his choice is the inner beauty of a woman.

What kind of girls do Capricorns like?

Capricorn does not like to make long speeches about love. Therefore, his life partner should be self-sufficient in this matter. Capricorns prefer well-groomed women. But the beauty of a companion should not be too flashy. A heavily made-up woman is unlikely to attract Capricorn's attention. If you want to please a representative of this zodiac sign, use a minimum of cosmetics and dress in classic style. A man will definitely appreciate your subtle taste.

And don’t show him all the cards at once; Capricorns like to unravel women, and not read them out of sight.

What kind of girls do Aquarius like?

Sociable and open Aquarius is afraid of any encroachment on his freedom. Therefore, it is almost impossible to tie an Aquarius man to a skirt.

Aquarians are naturally very beautiful. When choosing a life partner, Aquarius can be very, very unpredictable. Therefore, he will be conquered by the one who can greatly surprise him. For an Aquarius man, the first impression is very important. A woman will be able to conquer a representative of this Zodiac Sign with her recklessness, unconventional thinking and natural charm.

What kind of girls do Pisces like?

Sensitive Pisces strive to choose strong women as life partners who will lead in the relationship. Men are quite comfortable if a woman decides everything in the family.

Pisces cannot stand criticism. Any inappropriately spoken word can mortally wound them. They value mercy, kindness, and modesty in women. A man will choose as his companion a woman with a strong character, but a kind heart, who will surround her spouse with love and tenderness. For Pisces, the devotion of the other half is also important.

Every man has his own ideal woman, just as every girl knows exactly what her prince should look like and what spiritual qualities he should have.

This article will focus on love preferences. A horoscope will help us in such a delicate matter. What zodiac signs do girls like? What are the preferences of the stronger sex - which zodiac sign do men like? Now everything will become clear.

What kind of women do men like - which zodiac sign is preferable

  1. Men of the earthly zodiac signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn prefer smart and rational girls, whose reliability, intelligence and courage they will not doubt. In addition, the woman you like must definitely prove herself to be a good, zealous housewife. Taurus needs a woman who is active in intimate terms, men of the Virgo sign value business acumen, and Capricorn likes a girl with a high social status.
  2. It is best for them to look for companions within their element. The zodiac signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn can give these men everything they like.
  3. Airy zodiac signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius prefer mysterious girls, such as representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces. In addition, their chosen ones must be energetic, active, sociable, charming, and must certainly share their views on life. Finding such girls is not easy, but Air men like women of the zodiac sign Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Taurus.
  4. Which zodiac sign do men of the Fire element like? Men of the zodiac sign Aries, Leo and Sagittarius appreciate a strong, bright individuality in women. They like relationships within their element; here they will find everything they need. A horoscope girl will be a good housewife, and a Capricorn horoscope woman can open doors.
  5. The fourth great element is Water, zodiac signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. These signs feminine energy Yin. Cancers and Pisces have to work hard in childhood and adolescence to develop masculine qualities in their character.
  6. As for the zodiac sign Scorpio, under the influence of Saturn, the ruler of times, the most unlucky planet in the horoscope, the entire set of masculine qualities, and primarily negative qualities, finds its development here. This sign likes beautiful, ambitious, strong girls.
  7. Men of the zodiac signs Cancer and Pisces also like women leaders, but unlike Scorpio, who is looking for an energy donor, these two signs, striving for selfless love, are luckier in love.

What zodiac signs do girls like?

With girls things are about the same as with men. Strong signs Zodiac signs are looking for strong partners in order to develop further in partnership or rivalry.

  1. girl with leadership qualities may choose a less assertive partner if she has a need to provide protection and patronage. This happens when male signs zodiac signs (all belonging to the elements of Fire and Air) are chosen by signs with feminine energy (all signs of Earth and Water). Girls with zodiac signs like Cancer, Pisces, Gemini.
  2. If a girl needs a strong-willed partner with whom she will be like behind a stone wall, then she needs to pay attention to men of the zodiac signs Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn.
  3. Therefore, to the question, what zodiac signs do girls like?, we will answer this way: it all depends on what the girl is looking for, what spiritual qualities she is looking for in her partner, whether she strives for submission in the family or wants to be a leader.

Every self-respecting girl has her own standard of a man. It is with this standard that she compares her gentlemen, checking whether they meet her requirements. And every time she chooses the same type of men. What kind of men do you choose?


Aries girls choose a man whom they are not ashamed to introduce to people. But, so you understand, a man who is not ashamed to be seen in public is not the one who, after the fifth glass, does not start telling jokes about Lieutenant Rzhevsky, passing them off as stories from life, and not the one who is not rude to the waiters. This is an intelligent, erudite, polite and witty man. Both handsome and rich - in general, this is the ideal prince that only an Aries young lady will get. Because this prince probably imagines too much about himself, and only an Aries young lady can knock down his arrogance.


Taurus girls choose men listed in the Red Book. It’s simply an endangered species, not because it is a valuable trophy, but because this species is completely unsuited to life. On the one hand, this is a classic Real Man, with testosterone dripping from his ears, and on the other, he is an absolute goofball. Such a cocktail will knock anyone off her feet, but not a Taurus young lady: she will spend her whole life measuring her strength with her dear Real man - Gouging and motivating him in every possible way. And that's because it's a lot of fun for a Taurus. They have a peculiar sense of humor...


Gemini girls choose an unknown animal. Well, from the point of view of Gemini, unknown, of course. Gemini girls are unusually insightful and usually see right through everyone, which is why they believe that most men are unbearably boring types. Maybe he's some kind of introverted idiot, incapable, it seems, of normal human emotions. The Gemini young ladies suspect that there, under this icy armor, something extremely interesting must be hiding, and therefore they grab the guy and begin to love him rapturously, and at the same time dissect him: what is there, what are the secrets inside? Secrets are usually not discovered, which, however, does not really upset Gemini: they are optimists and believe that someday they will come across a nut with a kernel.


Cancer girls choose status males. Moreover, status not from the point of view of stupid human civilization, but from the point of view of wise Mother Nature: the best man for a Cancer young lady, this is a man whom all other women desire, and everyone wants a son and daughter from him. And not at all because the Cancer young lady really needs everyone to envy her: on the contrary, the Cancer young lady cannot tolerate unnecessary attention to her person, and no one likes negative attention at all. But for the sake of a status male, you can endure it. Simply because the Cancer young lady does not choose a man for an affair. The Cancer young lady chooses a man with whom she can do anything at once, in the sense of getting married.

a lion

Lionesses do not choose men at all. They are condescending. Moreover, they do not condescend often, because the chosen one must have truly outstanding qualities: on the one hand, he must be the coolest in all respects, and on the other hand, he must not be cooler than the Lioness herself, because otherwise how will he worship her? But sometimes the Lioness can stoop to some ordinary one, from among her most pitiful vassals. And this “vassal” may consider himself lucky. The lioness will then leave him, of course, but only when she teaches the beggar to be a prince. And he will definitely teach you, you can be sure of that. Well, simply because Lionesses are really very cool.


Virgo chooses a standard handsome man for herself. Such that at the first glance at him your heart would skip a beat and fall somewhere. Because only perfect male beauty can make a Virgo turn off her brain. In fact, the average Virgo needs about 30 minutes to disassemble the personality of an average man into its components, carefully study, analyze, try it on for their life, recognize it as suitable and put it back together. And only after all this turn on the “oh, I lost my head from his beauty!” mode. Moreover, consciously include it so that you understand.


Libra girls choose simple guys. Quite simple. Just single-celled. This is exactly what she will be happy with. Because the beautiful impulses of her subtle soul need to be balanced with something. Well, so that perfect balance is maintained in her inner universe. Therefore, the Libra young lady chooses a cheerful and kind guy who is absolutely alien to snobbery. And in general, everything is alien to him, except beer, grilled sausages and the Sport newspaper. But it has a lot of other advantages. He can remove a cat from a tree, for example, without asking the Libra lady who will wash it, feed it and treat it.


Scorpio girls choose difficult men. Not like everyone else. Unrecognized geniuses, latent psychopaths, convinced misanthropes and creative alcoholics. Monsters, in general. All those from whom other signs run as if from fire, because THIS is beyond their strength. And the Scorpio young lady just finally finds someone who is within her power. Equal. Because she herself knows how to turn into a monster if such a hunt comes to her. Fortunately, hunting doesn't come very often (and that's why we're still alive).


Sagittarius girls choose a man with whom they are interested. With which your whole life will immediately turn into an endless holiday with surprises, blackjack and cakes. And that’s why all the other signs are fiercely jealous of Sagittarius: the life of a Sagittarius young lady, even without men, is full of interesting events and adventures, so Sagittarius chooses only the best of the best. Those about whom some are afraid to even dream. However, in this case, it is better for envious people to stay close to the Sagittarius young lady: she will soon find someone more interesting anyway, and the premium prince will remain out of work and can be pocketed. Unless, of course, someone other than Sagittarius needs a premium prince with an adrenaline addiction.


Capricorn girl, of course The Iron Lady, but only outside. She's normal inside living woman, and she needs a man who will independently understand her feelings. Another thing is that this sensitive man usually has to explain everything else: how to wake up with an alarm clock, how to make money, how to buy groceries. Because this most sensitive man will most likely turn out to be some kind of musician, poet or actor. Completely immersed in creativity. And the Capricorn girl is the only one who is able to endure the everyday helplessness of a creative person.


The Aquarius girl chooses a strong business executive. She is sure that this world is beautiful, but imperfect, and for complete perfection it is necessary to remove from it everything that daily demands the impossible from the Aquarius young lady: so that she finally stops soaring in the clouds and gets down to boring but necessary everyday chores. That is why the Aquarius young lady gladly delegates these responsibilities to a man who knows how to do everything: earn money, repair electrical outlets, cook borscht and give injections to the cat. And wake up the Aquarius young lady in the morning. Which, it should be noted, is almost a feat.


Pisces girls choose a caring man. Which always amazes all other signs, because smiling sharks always swim around the charming Fish: millionaires, aristocrats and the mighty of the world this. Choose - I don’t want it! So Rybka doesn’t want it, but chooses some nondescript herring for herself, and then all the other signs shout: “What did she see in him?!” And Rybka found a man who would become her mother. That is, he will carry his Fish in his arms all his life, feed him, dress him, put on shoes. Well, he will do everything else too. And Rybka will simply be capricious.


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