The perfect date. How to make a man fall in love with you on the first date

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Each free woman dreams of the ideal man, each married woman remembers fondly the date that made her happy in her marriage.

The perfect date is a wish and a dream

It all starts with desire - if you don’t want to communicate, learn new things about men, the world, and, ultimately, yourself - then no formula or secret technique will help you! For not only does water not flow under a lying stone, but Love does not flow either! So - if you would like to be on a romantic date, that is, for your date to be the perfect date - start putting effort into it! The fact that you are reading this article is already good sign- you can say the first big step!

The perfect date. Best places to meet people

A little history. In Bible times perfect date and his formula looked like this - “Go for water more often”! Why? Because people met in ancient times at the well. If you don’t believe me, here’s the evidence: at least three biblical pairs of heroes met at the well - Isaac and Rivka, Jacob and Rachel, Moshe and Tzipporah. In the Middle Ages - the ideal date and its formula looked like this: “Dance well. Go to balls more often!” - and there is no need to explain why - people met at balls! In the last century, the ideal date and its formula was: “Write advertisements correctly. Drink tea. Dance at parties.” Nowadays, everything has become simpler - the ideal date today is “Drink coffee. Be on the Internet.” Some girls manage to combine this - they drink coffee in an establishment with the Internet and actively communicate on social media. networks! So what can you do to get the perfect date today? The first is to answer the question: What kind of man would you like to receive an invitation to a date from? Describe what he looks like, what is his income level? How old is he and what color are his eyes? Second - Find one in in social networks and ask him for advice on some topic that interests you. For example: how to change tires on a car. How to fix a door to a balcony. What to do if the shelves in the closet are about to collapse. Having received advice from a man, develop communication, and you will soon find yourself on a date with him. This is it perfect date Today. Because men love to give advice and are willing to help girls!

The perfect date. How to behave correctly

When you're on a date, consider the following:

1. The Best Topics to Discuss on a First Date to Make the Date Look Like perfect date.

1.1. Sports and any kind of activity. Feel free to ask questions on the topic: What kind of sport does he prefer, tell him, in turn, what are you passionate about in terms of sports.

1.2. Pets. They are so cute that they will help two people find mutual language and a general topic of conversation, but if he's a dog lover and you're a cat lover, don't try to fix him - he's not broken, he's just different!

1.4. Travel and trips. Even if you haven’t traveled anywhere for the last three years and stubbornly carried out plans at work, remember something from the field of travel and tell us when the opportunity arises!

The perfect date. How not to behave

2. To ruin a perfect date, do the following:

2.1. Talk a lot and don't listen to your interlocutor at all.

2.2. Be silent, like a partisan during interrogation.

2.3. Lie about your age, name, or job.

2.4. Be meticulous. Ask: Why did you get divorced, And how much do you earn?

2.5. Teach a man how to live correctly. Become for him - Freken Bock. Raise a man like Malysh or Carlson!

2.6. Be in negative state, feel free to be offended by all men.

2.7. Be a regiment commander, stern and principled. Those who served in the army do not laugh at the circus!

The perfect date. Modesty adorns

3. The appearance of a girl on an ideal date. In fact, a man does not need a model appearance from a woman. Moreover, men are afraid beautiful women, they cause a lot of dangers and troubles! A man doesn’t need a woman 90-60-90 at all; it’s enough for him that she’s pretty and smiles. That's why:

3.1. Don't try to look like Beyonce, don't dress flashy and provocative. This scares men.

3.2. Take the example of Lady Diana - no frills, but everything is very strong, restrained and sexy.

3.3. No strong odors, let alone perfumes with pheromones. Don’t listen to the sellers of this potion - they just want to sell, and the fact that these pheromones awaken interests in a man below the belt - they no longer care!

3.4. Jewelry - like clothing - is discreet and “discreet”. (No need for shoulder-length earrings and half-chest pendants).

3.5. Miniskirts and maxi-cutouts - away, these can only ruin a perfect date.

Hooray! Perfect date

4. Signs that the date went perfectly and you will receive an invitation to a second one:

4.1. He talked twice as much as you.

4.2. He talked about his family, parents, friends, children, etc.

4.3. He told you that he felt like you had known him for a thousand years.

4.4. He asked what restaurants, cinemas, resorts do you like, where would you like to go?

4.5. He told you what dreams he has in life.

4.6. He had good mood, and he looked at you with tenderness. Do it right and it's yours perfect date it will work: one day he will come up to you - tall, slender, stylishly dressed, and say: - I beg your pardon, allow me to invite you to dinner today. I really liked you! Forgive me for my arrogance, but I couldn’t do anything - you are a very beautiful Girl! You say: - Okay, I'll think about it!

Be prepared for such a scenario, and you will be ready for even the most unexpected development of events in your life!

In today's dynamic world, some have already forgotten how to go on a date correctly, and in general, what an ideal date is. Can a meeting of a guy and a girl in a nearby cafe over a cup of coffee be called a proper date? If the date is also the first, every little detail of this, possibly fateful, meeting is very important. Any nuances can turn out to be fatal - whether your first date will be your last, or will develop into something more. Therefore, we invite you to talk about the ideal first date.

Room for two

What is a first date for? It would seem a strange question, because it is clear that in order to get to know each other better. Then why do some people go to the cinema or even to a museum on their first date? A date generally presupposes some kind of intimacy, but what kind of intimacy can there be in a room where there are several dozen other people besides you? The ideal option for a first date is a walk that ends in a restaurant or cafe. It’s good if such an establishment has dim lights and pleasant music. In this case, the situation is conducive to intimacy and intimate conversations.

Romantic attributes

Usually a girl prepares in advance for a date, especially for the first. Many representatives of the fair sex wear Nice dress, doing their hair. Therefore, a man should also look appropriate so that the girl does not feel uncomfortable. Gifts are not given on the first date, but a bouquet is a must - how else can you emphasize the importance of the moment? It is better not to buy a large bulky bouquet, which the girl will then have to wear all evening, but to choose several beautiful flowers on long stems.

Topics for conversation

Psychologists note that 30 questions and answers are usually enough for a superficial acquaintance. Talk about general topics at first to relieve the awkwardness that often occurs in the first minutes. As the conversation develops, as a rule, new topics are gradually discovered. It is advisable to turn it off during the date Cell phones. On a date, you are wasting not only your time, but also the time of your interlocutor, so it is very rude to be distracted by phone calls.

Having gotten to know each other a little better, you can touch on the topic of relationships. It should be understood that there is nothing shameful in this. People go on a first date with different plans, some just want to have fun, while others plan to start a serious, long-term relationship. If you have suspicions about your partner's status (whether he is in a marital relationship or not), you need to find out on the first date. Otherwise, there is a high risk of awkward situations in the future.

Who pays?

Usually in our country it is the man who invites you on a date, he most often chooses the restaurant, and he is expected to pay. However, it is gaining strength new trend, when each person you meet pays their own bill, but still, for now, this is more related to ordinary business meetings, not for dating.

The evening is over

The rules of good manners suggest that after a date the man walks the girl home. Another one modern trend among young people - do not accompany girls home. However, by doing this, you can emphasize your attention and care. Even if the date didn’t work out, you should call the girl a taxi instead of leaving her alone. Not every perfect date is the beginning Serious relationships, but almost always remains in memory.

After the date

The day after the date, you should thank the person for the meeting. Perhaps you didn’t like him, and you don’t intend to continue the relationship. However, the person spent his time on you, and that is worth gratitude. A good option is also to write an SMS thanking you for the evening. Of course, it is better if a man does this as the inviting person, but nothing will be terrible when the girl thanks first.

If you have a desire to meet again, to continue the relationship, you should say so directly. However, in no case should you say this just out of politeness. You don't have to date if you don't want to, and you have the right to say no. It is better to clarify this question after you thank her for the first date. This may not seem very convenient, but it is much better to find out everything right away than to ignorance and vain expectations.

The first date will be remembered regardless of whether it was perfect. In reality, it doesn't always matter, and being perfect doesn't guarantee that a date will turn into something more. No matter how the date turns out, after it, listen to yourself, your feelings and desires, trust them. This is the best clue whether you should move on together.

Text: Galina Goncharuk

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I’ve been training guys with Roman for many years, I attended a live training, and I think that the training “Date: from meeting to sex” is the only most informative information product in RuNet on this topic. Roman is an experienced trainer and has been involved in the topic of seduction for many years; he himself has learned a lot from him. I came to Novosibirsk to see Roman for personal coaching. I was very pleased, as Roman changed my life in better side and taught me how to get the most out of everything I do. I also found myself and my path, now I have a business, I have a beloved girl nearby. Everything is fine!

Eduard, Ulan-Ude, 39 years old

From Roman’s video courses, I learned that seducing girls can be easy and simple and you don’t have to have a lot of money or be a delusional pitt! I improved, although before the training I was a complete zero, so to speak. Roman changed me, he is truly a practical trainer, he publishes excellent courses...

Ivan, Saratov, 33 years old

Good video courses that contain neither fluff nor empty words - only specifics and valuable information on all aspects of the course topics. The dates are discussed in great detail. The relationships are shown in detail and clearly. After studying both courses, I can safely say that there are no more questions. There is only a desire to develop and achieve success. Thank you, Roman, for your invaluable work on the courses!

Peter, Omsk, 22 years old

Passed individual training from Roman Vinilov on the topic of dating girls and getting to know them. All classes were very productive. There were many exercises that gave results instantly. Roman showed his skills, gave advice, motivated. I learned a lot, understood a lot and am very glad that I studied with Roman. For this reason, I even came to Novosibirsk from distant Tyumen)

Sergey, Tyumen, 26 years old

Roman, I want to express my gratitude for the fact that your course changed my life dramatically and for the better! I couldn’t believe that after a few weeks of studying your course I would already have the first significant results!

Ilya, Riga, 23 years old

Got the book on email address and started studying... so much useful information and no water! Thank you, Roman, for such hard work...

Ivan, Serpukhov, 21 years old

Rum, well, I seduced that girl I told you about... I spent 2 whole years pursuing her, but to no avail. Your course upgraded me and now I’m just happy!!! and only ONE WEEK!!!

Mikhail, Omsk, 25 years old

Your course on relationships, Roman, opened my eyes to reality. Previously, I imagined everything completely differently and was very mistaken. Now everything has changed and I am building a full-fledged quality relationship with the girl of my dreams!

Vladimir, Khabarovsk, 23 years old

I spent the first date according to your course and according to your advice - damn, the girl herself began to seduce me!!! This works amazingly, I did not expect such an effect. Now I go on dates all the time, several times a day - out of 10, 8 end in sex, and 5 of them on the first date!!!

Evgeniy, Novosibirsk, 22 years old

Thank you for your newsletter lessons and books. Although they are free, the information they contain is very valuable! I whole year I was scouring the Internet for information on how to seduce girls on a date, there was nothing worthwhile... just a pickup truck, RMS, some Western things... and then I got acquainted with your work. That's what our Russian guys are missing! Everything is our way, for real, without falsehood. I really liked your approach to seduction. Not stupid sex, but something more... although for those who only want sex, that’s the same thing))) I wanted a relationship with a beautiful girl and got it thanks to your lessons. Thank you, Rom!

Alexander, Moscow, 26 years old

Your advice helped me a lot. Only 4 Skype conferences and I learned how to have dates and get sex on them without spending a lot of extra time, nerves, money and everything else) Success is not difficult! The main thing is to learn from a good coach. It's such a novel :)

Vsevolod, Minsk, 22 years old

How could I seduce before beautiful girls? No way. No car, no apartment. But after undergoing training with Roman Vinilov, I did the impossible. I’ve changed myself so much that girls are now just staring at me!!! It’s very cool to study with Roman, the motivation is effective, the kicks are magical, the experience is limitless. I am very glad that I once became acquainted with such a person as Roman.

Artyom, Samara, 24 years old

Thank you, Roman, for your courses and advice! They always help, I’m very glad that I know you and your materials.

Ilya, Novosibirsk, 22 years old

For me, an ideal date is one after which I want to meet again. And this is not so much about the decorations - candles, roses, mimosa, but rather about the resonance that arose between people. Ideally, they can be truly sincere.

Perhaps my best date was not a date. We agreed to meet with an old acquaintance. I lost tickets to a concert. Mozart's Requiem. It was spring, I was 23, I had just broken up with my boyfriend. And enjoyed the sun and freedom. I had no plans to look for a new relationship. We never made it to the concert. They walked, chatted in a friendly manner, were glad that they didn’t have to pretend to be anything, they could talk openly. !I wonder if we could work out something?” - asked my companion. “Of course not,” I answered mentally. The walk took us to visit his friend, the bartender of a small cafe. There was no one at the tables except us. Libertango was playing. He asked me to dance. A month later we began to live together. Two years later they got married.

first of all, pay attention appearance: yes, they greet you by their clothes; but here we are not talking about style, but about grooming: take a shower, use deodorant (or cologne, but most importantly, deodorant), shave (if you don’t have a beard), comb your hair, brush your teeth, clean your nails, put on clean clothes. It seems obvious, but for some reason not everyone follows it :(

About communication: I personally feel comfortable starting conversations about nothing, which smoothly turn into stories from life, exchange of opinions, etc. You can ask how she spent the day (if the meeting is in the evening), or tell yourself what happened to you that day. There is no need for a particularly romantic mood (IMHO), deep feelings are built on spiritual intimacy.

About the meeting place and spending money: purely my opinion, the best option- walk; definitely not a movie (sitting in the dark without looking at each other - what?). You can treat them to a drink or something sweet. If it’s cold, of course, there’s still a cafe; although, you can visit some exhibition or festival (if you both are interested); I personally feel uncomfortable when they pay a lot for me, but girls are different, so I’m not much of an adviser here

Bottom line: if you saw her and you liked her, try to make friends with her and determine her interest, see what kind of person she is, how close her ideas are to yours, etc. If you don’t like it, leave

So that you feel interested, communication is easy and relaxed, and there is attention from the guy. It’s nice to know that they didn’t go on a date with you out of boredom, but because they really liked you. It’s cool when a guy has a sense of humor, it helps get rid of awkwardness and shyness, you feel more relaxed. The choice of place, in principle, does not play a special role, but for a date I would prefer a quiet place where there are few people, or a walk, if the weather permits. Regarding gifts, huge bouquets and other things - well, all this has no place on the first date, for me it looks downright vulgar. Well, in general, an ideal date is when a guy and a girl mutually like each other :)

A girl is always pleased to feel ease and freedom from accepted standards. You need to behave naturally (not fart and burp, but show some of your moral weaknesses), be humorous - establish contact and show with all your appearance that you will accept her for who she is. Girls love with their ears - it’s true. You shouldn't shower people with compliments if you don't know how to come up with something fresh and original. She will consider you a banal guy who stupidly picks up a chick. Personally, I use the “hint of a compliment” method, that is, when you lead the dialogue into a direction where she is assessed yes or no and hint at yes, but do not say it openly. This way she understands that she arouses your sympathy, that there is a “mystery” between you. Girls need to open up - they love it. Cultured girls, I mean. I take the average type. It would be nice to take her somewhere where you know the area and are familiar with it. This way she will feel more confident next to you than without you. Wow. Well, tell interesting stories, express opinions about everything, share impressions about what interests her, lay out the most dashing humores on the table. This is how a first date should go (from my point of view). So far this is the most effective method for intrigue and continued communication. In 10 cases out of 10, the relationship continued. I don’t know how comfortable this or that girl felt on the first date with me in this way, but no one expressed anything negative to me about this for sure

I think it should be friendly. With a friendly atmosphere. The whole romantic thing is starting to make you nervous. Condition: fainting from excitement and fear. :-)) That's why I always thought ideal option a relaxed friendly meeting.

Under no circumstances should you bring any flowers to your date. Only mercantile individuals will need them. After all, it’s stupid to bring flowers if it’s your first date and you don’t know anything yet, you’re going to see each other and chat. All these flower brooms are the most ridiculous thing that can happen in in this case. The degree of nervousness is growing. :-))

The best thing is to find some common cause. This usually brings people together. And the worst option is sharing food. :-)) You can come up with many different other adequate options. It depends on your interests and your imagination.

It will be different for every girl. An ideal date is one that makes your eyes sparkle and think positive thoughts. I had this happen. After a year of correspondence on social networks, the meeting took place in a chic city, which was ideal for a first date. It was Peter. We walked the streets, listened to street musicians, drank delicious coffee and enjoyed our surroundings and conversations. It was best time, after that the fairy tale began. And you don't need flowers or expensive gifts. The main thing is what happens between people at this moment - whether something lights up inside or not.

A first date is a long-awaited event for both girls and guys. As this long-awaited meeting goes, so will your boat for two continue sailing.

You have already accomplished one feat and were able to invite her on a date, now it’s worth thinking about the continuation heroic deeds. What should a first date be like?

Now we will start talking about those tips that will help the guys not to get caught in a storm, not to run aground, not to be left without food and water on a desert island.

There is no single answer on how to behave on a first date, but there are small tips that will add courage to young people.

Below you will find out where you can meet the lady you like and what you should not do during your first date with a girl.

First stage

Your thinking should be directed in several directions. Decide for yourself: what do you want, and whether your fantasies coincide with the cash in your wallet. Find out about the girl’s preferences, choose a cozy place for both of them.

We will not talk about laws for all couples in love here. I'll just discuss it with you various variations for selection suitable interior and the exterior of the first date.

If you are a successful businessman, then you have your own preferences, and if you are an ordinary guy from the provinces, then you should not count on the opportunity to visit expensive nightclubs or prestigious entertainment venues.

Even if you have been saving money for several years, but live in a sparsely populated village, it will be difficult for you to invite your lady to a concert of world stars or a skating rink that is open all year round.

Parks and natural assets

If you live in a small town, then a city park is perfect for a first date. Just imagine how nice it is to walk under majestic trees, take your girlfriend on a swing, talk on a bench surrounded by peacefully pacing pigeons.

During your walk, you can treat the lady to the most delicious ice cream, tell a little about yourself and learn more about her life. Even though you are already adults, children's fun always evokes Nice memories and help create a cozy atmosphere in the present.

Gatherings in a cafe

If it’s frosty outside or you’re not really tempted by the possibility of a walk in the park, then you can use the traditional meeting place – a cafe. In such an establishment you can have a nice chat, choose cakes while listening to the sounds of soft and melodic music. This is, of course, a banal place for a first date, but quite worthwhile and suitable.

The cafe will be cozy and warm. You can talk on any topic, look each other in the eyes and agree on the next meeting.

Activity at the first meeting

The first date cannot be repeated, so take everything very seriously. You most likely already know what your friend likes. If she doesn't mind active recreation, then together you can ride the skating rink, ride bicycles, or merge with the breeze on skateboards or rollerblades.

If you both love active recreation and enjoy it, then you will definitely win an invitation to a second meeting and a rather promising continuation of the relationship.

The role of the cinema

A cinema is also a good place for a couple to relax, but for a first date this is not the best option, since the darkness does not help the first communication and acquaintance, but is suitable for later dates, when you can hug, clasp hands and even give a kiss.

For a first date, some games in the park or shooting at a shooting range are better suited. The competitive spirit fills the atmosphere with happy moments.

What to talk about on the first date?

You already know which places you can choose for this important event, now it won’t hurt to discuss topics that can be discussed on the first date.

The best thing is if you don’t endlessly talk only about yourself and your merits. Talk more about general topics and try to get your lady to talk.

Neutrality in topics is the focus of the first meetings.

The magic of naturalness

How to behave correctly on a first date?

Behave naturally, not in an artificial way. She will be pleased if she sees your smile and a beautiful bouquet.

Everything should go naturally and easily, and not forced and unnatural.

Your duty is not just to put her in a taxi, but to take her exactly to the place that she indicates.

But if she doesn’t want it herself, then you shouldn’t insist and very zealously assure her otherwise. Your date should end on good notes.

If the girl likes your meeting, then there will be no need to doubt the possibility of continuing communication.

Kiss on the first date

If you open up to her the world of an exciting journey for two, you will be able to thank her as a gift with your first mutual kiss.

But don't rush into such a surprise.

You must understand for yourself whether she is ready for such caresses or whether it is still worth showing your restraint and ending the first date with the most neutral, but pleasant SMS wishing good night.

Signals of readiness for a kiss

If the lady does not flinch from your touches, agrees to lay her head on your shoulder, and does not move away when your face approaches, then such signals should tell you that the girl is ready for the first kiss.

This is the end of my story about what a first date should be like. You don't have to follow my advice, you can listen or just read it and do it your own way. But, having chosen either nature, or sports, or quiet gatherings in a cafe or a walk on a river bus, remember that you must be gallant, friendly, compliant and moderately restrained, then your first date will continue, and not end immediately after started.


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