Special forces strategy game. List of the best games about special forces

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Games for computers (PC) are presented today in huge quantities and for every taste. One of the most interesting genres is with the participation of the elite of law enforcement services - special forces. Among them there are very few that really deserve the attention of a gamer.

In our article, we selected games about special forces on PC - the top 10 best.

Code of Honor 3: Desperate Measures opens ten popular shooters. The player becomes the main defender of the entire country. In his hands is the well-being of France, which he must defend from the attacks of invaders and other criminals. The weapons in the game behave quite realistically, which allows the gamer to be completely immersed in the virtual world. The plot is not particularly original, but high-quality graphics and the completion of some missions will quite please the player.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 invites gamers to be the commander of one of the elite US squads. The player's squad will have to suppress the conflict that broke out between Mexico and America. The gamer is a strategist who must expose all the plans of the terrorists in order to catch them by surprise. The game offers enormous scope for conducting tactical military operations.

It's a horror-style action game that made it to the top ten. best games about special forces. The goal of the special forces soldier is not only the destruction of terrorists, but also his own salvation from afterlife spirits. The girl Alma is the embodiment of evil otherworldly forces and interferes with the heroes in every possible way. The game is replete with violent scenes, as well as mystical moments. Bright graphics, an encounter with a poltergeist, and numerous murders make the game unusual and exciting.

It is a continuation of the shooter in which American special forces defend the whole world from dangerous criminals and villains. The gamer's task is to free hostages from the hands of terrorists. A cunning and intelligent enemy acts in groups, its numbers significantly exceed the number of special forces. Only an experienced strategist will be able to deal with the enemy. Terrorist Takedown 2 is equipped with modern graphics, spectacular special effects, and unsurpassed dynamics. The second part significantly outperforms the first not only in terms of graphics, but also everything else. That's why she was the one who entered TOP 10 games about special forces.

— a shooter from German developers was received ambiguously by gamers. Nevertheless, the game was highly rated by critics and entered the TOP 10 best games about special forces on PC. The action takes place in the United United Arab Emirates. The main military forces are the Delta special forces and a battalion of American infantrymen. The operation takes place against the backdrop of ruins - all that remains of the former city of Dubai as a result of catastrophic sandstorms. The place became a haven for smugglers and other villains. In the ruins, the gamer and his team will have to find the commander of the 33rd battalion, Colonel Conrad, with whom contact was lost. In addition, the player will face brutal battles with the enemy and the terrible realities of war.

Quite an old but popular game. Special forces storm the premises where criminals and invaders are hiding. The shooter is captivating with its unpredictability: you never know what awaits the player behind the door. Killing is not recommended in this game. Criminals are intimidated or arrested. The gamer is at the head of the command of the elite law enforcement agencies, on his shoulders is the responsibility for the release of hostages and the punishment of offenders. The game turned out to be action-packed and exciting.

Represents the projection of a real battle between the US military and Iraqi insurgents. The shooter features 5 modes for 32 participants. The players' task is to fight for territory, destroy the enemy, as well as other particularly important goals. The weapons here are presented in 20 variants along with additional equipment. Only a clear sight will help you hit the enemy, and the 3D VOIP communication system allows you to correctly determine where your partner’s voice is coming from. The game captivates with realistic moments during the game.

– the shooter of 2012 entered the top three. The popularity of the game is explained by its simplicity; it is ideally suited for novice gamers. The special forces team is actively fighting the terrorists who have seized the territory. One of the most interesting modes is perhaps “Arms Race”. The main goal is to be one of the first to score 27 kills. After each destruction, a new weapon appears in the hands of the gamer, which cannot be replaced. The player will have to be smart and defend with what he has. Only experience and skills will help you win this game. The next mode, “Object Destruction,” involves planting a bomb on very small maps. Terrorists need to plant a bomb in the very middle of the territory. This place is perfectly shot from all sides. The player in this mode also does not have the opportunity to purchase other weapons. New ammunition is awarded for killing when moving to the next round. Only accurate targeting of the target guarantees success in defeating the enemy. Players should not rely on an accidental hit.

(Siege) is one of the newest and most exciting special forces games. Terrorist Hunt mode allows five real players to capture a specific location and hold its defense. Gamers will be confronted by a strong group of terrorists. The special forces are waiting for ingenious traps, ambushes at every turn and an endless stream of enemy force, cordoning off from all sides. The Siege mode provides the opportunity for gamers to fight each other. To do this, they are divided into two teams: attacking and defending. Only the right tactics will be the key to the success of one of the teams. absorbed Newest technologies, modern exciting graphics, many modern gadgets and ammunition.

Heads the top ten best games about special forces. The player acts as the commander of the Rainbow squad. Its main goal is the fight against terrorism and the liberation of Las Vegas from the impending threat. The commander has a partner with whom he acts together. The well-being of the city, engulfed in a terrorist attack, depends only on these two main characters. The shooter provides the player with an excellent choice of weapons to overthrow the enemy. Rich, vibrant graphics, paired service and a full range of modern weapons make the game exciting and unforgettable.

PC games today offer a variety of genres and themes. Some of the most popular are shooters about Russian special forces and not only. The best games are in our review!

Code of Honor 3: Desperate Measures

The top ten most popular shooters opens with the game Code of Honor 3: Desperate Measures. Here the player is the main defender of France. The well-being of the entire country depends on the gamer: he has to defend the state from local residents who have fallen into despair and are organizing pogroms, and from the terrorist group “Syndicate”.

Immersion in the virtual world, as noted in reviews, is facilitated by realistic pictures, good weapons and high-quality graphics.

Operation Flashpoint

Which game deserves special attention on the list? On PC a game about Russian special forces! She is in ninth place in our Operation Flashpoint TOP. The plot is based on a fictional conflict between Soviet Union and NATO, taking place in the background cold war. It is worth noting that two additional campaigns were released for the game, which made it possible to see the development of the conflict from different sides.

Among the advantages of the game are a huge amount of military equipment, incredible locations, authenticity of what is happening and an ideal level of difficulty.

F.E.A.R. 2

For those who like to tickle their nerves, Monolith Productions released the game F.E.A.R. 2. This horror-themed game ranks eighth on the list of best special forces games on PC. The player's goal is not only to destroy terrorists, but also to confront otherworldly forces! The embodiment of the latter, by the way, is a girl named Alma. Who is Alma? This is a telepathic girl who is trying to take revenge on a huge corporation for using the little girl’s supernatural powers for financial gain.

Hallucinations, violent scenes, big number murders, mystical moments, excellent graphics - that's what makes the game exciting.

Terrorist Takedown 2

The fight against terrorism in the Middle East became the basis of the game Terrorist Takedown 2, developed by a Polish company. The gamer's task is to free the hostages. The terrorists in the game are quite cunning, they act in groups, and the number of opponents significantly exceeds the number of special forces. Only a well-thought-out strategy will help you deal with the enemy.

Why is this game included in the TOP 10 special forces games on PC? It's all about modern graphics, amazing special effects and unsurpassed dynamics!

Spec Ops: The Line

Are you looking for a third-person shooter about elite fighters? Try playing Spec Ops: The Line. It is no coincidence that this development was included in our list of PC games about special forces. Its action takes place in the UAE. After sandstorms, the city of Dubai is almost completely destroyed. It is on these ruins that the Delta special forces and American infantrymen clash with smugglers.

The gamer will face not only brutal battles with the enemy, but also a search for Colonel Conrad, contact with whom was lost.

S.W.A.T. 4

This is one of the oldest series of games about divisions. The first game in the series was released in 1987! By the way, the developers brought in a former police officer from Los Angeles to develop the project. Thanks to this, the game turned out to be as realistic as possible.

Like other special forces games, S.W.A.T. is a tactical shooter. The gamer plays the role of the head of the command of an elite unit, the success of the special operation to free the hostages depends on him. The main goal is to carefully think through the plan and only deliberate actions. In the story, special forces storm the premises where criminals are hiding.

The main advantage of the game is its unpredictability: the gamer cannot even imagine what is hidden behind a certain door. By the way, killing in this game is not recommended, the best option- intimidate or arrest intruders.


Insurgency occupies a special place in the list of PC games about special forces. This is a multiplayer tactical shooter for 32 players, set against the backdrop of the Iraq War. The main task is to fight for territory and completely destroy rivals. Players have access to 5 modes and 20 weapon options. Equally important is the presence of 27 maps, both cooperative and multiplayer. They are located in 12 places around the world; you can fight in Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan.

A high-precision sight will help you hit the enemy, and a unique communication system will allow you to determine the location of your partners. During the game, the gamer will enjoy realistic moments of battle.

Counter Strike: Global Offensive

Opens the top three in the list of PC games about special forces. Global Offensive was released in 2012 and immediately won the love of gamers. The popularity of the game is explained very simply - it is quite simple, and therefore excellent even for beginners. As in the entire Counter Strike series, special forces and terrorists once again compete here.

According to player reviews, the most interesting game mode is “Arms Race”. His goal is to destroy 27 opponents as quickly as possible. After each kill, the weapon in the player's hands changes; it cannot be replaced. Only ingenuity and experience will help you win in this mode. Another mode worthy of attention is “Object Destruction”; within its framework, a team of terrorists will have to plant a bomb on a very small map, which is under fire from all sides. There is also no possibility of purchasing other weapons - they will be awarded for killing when moving to the next level.

Rainbow Six: Siege

Silver in our TOP goes to the great tactical shooter Rainbow Six: Siege. In the Terrorist Hunt mode, five real gamers have a goal - to capture a certain place and hold its defense. The players are facing a powerful terrorist group.

Endless ambushes, cunning traps, an endless stream of enemies - this is what awaits fans of games about special units. A great mode that allows players to battle each other is called Siege. Gamers are divided into two teams - defending and attacking. Only the right tactics will bring success in this mode.

Rainbow Six: Vegas

Topping the list of special forces games on PC is Rainbow Six: Vegas. Here the gamer has the opportunity to become the leader of the Rainbow squad. The goal of the game, of course, is the fight against terrorism and the liberation of Las Vegas. You don't have to fight alone - the commander has a partner. The well-being of the city depends on the interaction of these two heroes.

To overthrow the enemy the player has huge selection weapons. And bright graphics and teamwork will help make the process fun and unforgettable!

Release date: 1998-2015

Genre: tactical shooter from first person

Rainbow Six a series of computer games in the tactical first-person shooter genre where you take on the role of the leader of a super-secret organization engaged in the fight against terrorism, which includes professionals from all over the world, including Russia and Israel. Before each mission, you will prepare a team of the best fighters, arm them with appropriate weapons, divide them into groups and send them to specified points on the map. Each mission has its own objectives, but in most cases you will be rescuing hostages, obtaining secret information, or completing other secret missions.

The game series has gained great popularity among players. For example, Events in Rainbow Six Siege are based on real anti-terrorist operations. It is worth noting that the most popular games from this series are Vegas and Siege.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon series

Release date: 2001-2017

Genre: first person shooter

A series of third-person shooters. Each of the games tells about an ultra-modern special forces unit called Ghosts. These are the best fighters who are equipped with the latest technology. Their main tasks are the fight against global terrorism, reconnaissance, the release of hostages, as well as sabotage activities behind enemy lines.

The Ghost Team uses modern devices and gadgets such as combat drones, EMP grenades, sensors, etc. The squad consists of four members, each of whom has their own specialization and performs a unique role. The entire series of games is distinguished by an exciting plot and dynamic gameplay.

Delta Force Series

Release date: 2003

Delta Force - a series of tactical first-person shooters. The player acts as a unit fighter special purpose US Army Delta performing various tasks in different parts of the world, depending on what part of the game. For example, in Delta Force: Black Hawk Down, events are based on real events.

The player completes a series of missions in various hot spots on the planet. Each time the player takes on the role of a special unit fighter and begins to complete assigned tasks. There is a significant arsenal available to equip the soldier, but only a few basic weapons are used for progression. All weapons and equipment are based on real samples.

Series of games F.E.A.R. (First Contact Assault Unit)

Release date: 2005-2011

Genre: First person shooter,

(First Contact Assault Unit) is a series of first-person shooter video games with horror elements, consisting of three main games and two add-ons. The police are catching the criminals. Special forces neutralize terrorists. The army is ready to repel the attack of another army. With their help, the government is able to destroy any enemy of flesh and blood. But there are opponents that conventional military forces cannot cope with. When something truly unusual happens, when a murder could only be the work of ghosts, when another world rebels against the human world, F.E.A.R comes into play.

Sparks, smoke, fog, realistic liquids, objects flying into tiny particles - the game demonstrates all the capabilities of modern computers. F.E.A.R. fighters armed with the latest achievements of engineering: from ultra-modern hand weapons to a subnuclear blaster that turns opponents into mountains of ash. Unexpected situations. A helicopter crash, a high-speed chase with gunfire, an attack by enemy motorcyclists - you never know what awaits you in the next minute. But main mystery games - a plot whose unexpected twists will keep you in suspense until the very end.

SWAT 4 (Special Tactical Unit 4)

European Police: Special Forces- an action game in which you have to enter into a confrontation with well-organized, armed and ready for anything groups of terrorists and free innocent people caught in their networks. The location is European countries: France, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, Italy and Russia. Game tasks are created based on real special operations. Your team includes fighters from elite special forces units: GSG-9, NOCS (Italy), Alpha Group and SAS.

With terror, compromises are impossible. It is impossible to come to an agreement with those who turn people's lives into bargaining chips - nonhumans who play with destinies in order to achieve their goals can only be destroyed. And this must be done quickly, clearly, calmly, without a shadow of a doubt. Otherwise they will destroy us. Lead a counter-terrorist squad of one of the six European powers and destroy an insidious, cruel, resourceful enemy. In your hands are the lives of innocent people, the lives of children, women and old people who have fallen into the clutches of a masked beast. Save them. Don't let the terrorists do their dirty deed.

Terrorist Takedown series of games (War on Terror)

Release date: 2004-2010

Genre: first person shooter

Terrorist Takedown is a first-person action game based on real events. You will lead a special forces squad that will fight terrorist organizations, drug lords and other bad guys in different parts of the world. Over the course of 16 missions, with the help of a rich arsenal of weapons, you will administer justice and avenge all innocent victims at the hands of terrorists. List of games in the series: Terrorist Takedown, Terrorist Takedown: Payback, Army Ranger: Mogadishu, Terrorist Takedown: War in Colombia, Terrorist Takedown: Covert Operations, Terrorist Takedown 2, Terrorist Takedown 3.

At your disposal will be a rich arsenal of weapons and the latest equipment, which is in service with real special forces. Choose weapons and tactics, kill enemies with a sniper rifle or organize a quick capture with light machine guns, act as a team, and also master the skills of fighting in the dark.

Specnaz: Project Wolf

Release date: 2007

Genre: first person shooter,

Special Forces: Project "Wolf" – a computer game in the first-person shooter genre, released in 2007. A wave of terrorist attacks swept across Europe, for which no terrorist group or extremist organization claimed responsibility. During a large-scale investigation carried out by intelligence services, the alleged location of the terrorists was established - Iran. NATO's hands are tied because a military operation in Iran could lead to a nuclear crisis.

The only reasonable way out of this situation is to seek help from Russia: firstly, as a country in diplomatic relations with Iran, and secondly, as a power with sufficient military and intelligence potential necessary to establish the location and destroying terrorists. The operation, codenamed “Project WOLF,” is entrusted to the elite of the Russian army - special forces soldiers.

The player will have 5 campaigns taking place in Iran, Yemen, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Myanmar; day and night operations in desert, urban, jungle and other environments; a variety of combat missions: from the elimination of leaders of terrorist organizations to the evacuation of cargo and documents. Ability to select single and team game modes; wide choose weapons: AK-47, AS "Val", OTs-14-4A-03 "Groza", VSS "Vintorez", RPG-7, APS Stechkin with a silencer; explosives; RGD-5 grenades.

SAS: Secure Tomorrow (SAS: Guarding the Future)

Release date: 2008

Genre: action, first person shooter

SAS: Guarding the future– a game on PC, made in the best traditions of shooters. The fight against terrorism is not just individual intelligence operations. This is real war, and the SAS Special Forces understand the importance of every mission like no one else! After all, as soon as even one terrorist escapes deserved punishment, hundreds of militants will rally around him. The head of a large international group has escaped from a heavily guarded prison. He thirsts for revenge and is preparing a terrible blow that should shake all Western countries to their core.

The time has come to transfer the war to enemy territory! Pursue the enemy among rioting prisoners, destroy militants in the center of London and the snowy ice ridges of Greenland. Free the hostages using original SAS equipment - night vision, gas mask and stun grenades. Try your hand at a fun multiplayer game with up to 16 simultaneous players. And remember: you stand guard over the future of all humanity!

Special Forces 2: Hunt for the Oligarch

Release date: 2008

Genre: first person shooter

Special Forces 2: Hunt for the Oligarch– a first-person shooter with a fascinating plot and high-quality 3D graphics. The Russian President is fighting disgraced oligarchs by nationalizing the property they illegally acquired. At this time, some governors gain strength and become de facto rulers in their regions, subjugating all branches of government. And in this mess, secret weapons are being sold to terrorists. An American tank is shot down in Baghdad, and the matter threatens to turn into an international catastrophe. Military intelligence learns what happened and immediately sends an immediate response team, the Special Forces, to Iraq.

There are 19 missions in the game. The entire arsenal of weapons of the Russian unit was used, from Gyurza pistols to Dragunov SVDs and Pecheneg machine guns. The markings, ballistics and tactical and technical characteristics of the weapon exactly repeat the original ones. 6 types of grenade launchers. In addition, the game features about 30 types of transport, civil and military, for land, air and sea movement. Two game modes give you the opportunity to become the commander of an elite unit, or carry out command directives alone. And also laser guidance of missiles to a target using a satellite, reconnaissance and defense operations, blowing up enemy buildings and equipment, destroying smuggled caravans, “cleansing” the territory in search of documents and people.

G.B.R: Rapid Response Team

Release date: 2010

Genre: first person shooter

G.B.R.- a first-person shooter will tell about the secret organization G.B.R., which includes intelligence agents, the best military experts and operatives of internal affairs agencies. Equipped with the most modern technology and with unlimited powers, the Rapid Response Group will set out on the warpath against global terrorism.

Over the course of 12 missions, players will have to participate in anti-terrorist operations in Russia and other countries of Eastern Europe. Advanced physics based on AGEIA technology will make fighting spectacular and realistic, allowing you to destroy military equipment and other objects of the surrounding world.


Release date: 2010

Genre: first person shooter

Alcatraz – computer game, made in the first-person shooter genre, released in 2010. When former general The US Army leads a terrorist group, expect trouble. He has four nuclear warheads at his disposal, and he is ready to sell them to Third World countries at any time.

To destroy a dangerous enemy, an elite fighter from the famous Navy Seals squad is sent into battle. Together with him you will go to Alcatraz - a former prison, and now a safe haven for terrorists and mercenaries. Use special forces equipment and weapons, crush the general's elite guards and prevent a nuclear cataclysm! The salvation of the world is in your hands.

Chernobyl Terrorist Attack (Chernobyl: Exclusion Zone)

Release date: 2011

Genre: first person shooter,

Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone- a first-person shooter in the best traditions of the genre on the advanced Argon 4 engine. A squad of well-armed terrorists captured the Pripyat area and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. They want ten billion euros in 24 hours or they will blow up nuclear power plant. It is unthinkable to pay such a sum of money to extremists. A Spec Ops squad led by Captain Yuri was sent to eliminate the threat and prevent an explosion.

The player expects 11 extended levels, from the outskirts of Pripyat to Chernobyl nuclear power plant, recreated from historical documents; dynamically developing plot - the headquarters is always in touch and ready to make adjustments. Experienced enemies who know how to fight in groups, take cover in the area, and use various weapons and explosives. A thoughtful, living world with birds, animals and weather effects.

Code of Honor 3: Desperate Measures

Release date: 2009

Genre: First Person Shooter

Tactical first person shooter. The plot will tell about the events that began to happen in Paris after the onset of the global crisis. Thousands of protesters destabilized the situation and created all the conditions for terrorism and complete anarchy to flourish. The authorities bring the forces of the Foreign Legion into the city and this leads to an open armed battle.

The game offers a large arsenal of modern gadgets, as well as a wide selection firearms. The confrontation is between well-equipped terrorists and the best special forces of the Foreign Legion. The project has many locations and an action-packed story.

Spec Ops: The Line

Release date: 2012

Tactical third person shooter. The game takes place in the city of Dubai, which was almost destroyed due to large-scale natural disasters. Bandits and terrorist organizations have settled in the remains of the city and are holding civilians hostage. The Delta special forces team is sent to save people.

The game features dynamic changes in weather conditions and constant deformation of levels. This can be used for various tactical actions, such as ambushes or silent penetration behind enemies. The project also features co-op playthrough of the main campaign and multiplayer.


Release date: 2014

Genre: First-person shooter, realism, MMO

Hardcore multiplayer first-person shooter. The game takes place during the Iraqi fighting. Two teams enter the battle - the forces of the Iraqi militia and the special forces of a private military company.

Insurgency is a hardcore project with elements of realism. During the game, the player does not see the number of cartridges in the magazine, and the interface does not display the sight, health reserve, or mini-map. It only takes 1-2 hits to kill an enemy. From others distinctive features present big choice Soviet and imported firearms, as well as ample opportunities on modernization. The player will be able to install different sights, select types of ammunition, and also equip the weapon with a flashlight, handle, bipod, etc.

Counter Strike: Global Offensive

Release date: 2012

Genre: First person shooter,

A competitive team-based first-person shooter. The game is based on combat confrontation between a terrorist organization and special forces soldiers. Each of the game locations is a separate scenario in which two teams compete against each other.

The game features a unique economic system. For each active action (planting/defusing a bomb, killing, rescuing a hostage, etc.), players are awarded money that can be spent at the beginning of each round to purchase weapons, body armor and other equipment. Winning a round depends entirely on team interaction, which is why the new part of Global Offensive, like its predecessor 1.6, is one of the most popular e-sports disciplines.

Point Blank

Release date: 2008

Genre: First person shooter, special forces,

A multiplayer first-person shooter, reminiscent of the famous Counter-Strike in gameplay, in which three groups “Rebels”, “Peacekeepers” (analogous to terrorists and special forces) and “Dinosaurs” (prehistoric creatures revived in the game world as a result of the cataclysm) confront each other friend in various modes on various maps. Interestingly, the player can choose a side in the conflict immediately before the match, and each new match can be played for a different faction.

The game currently has 8 game modes and 3 match types, more than 30 maps, 140 weapons, 7 specializations and 13 characters. Some will be available from the start, while others will have to be purchased. Since 2010, the game has become an eSports discipline.


Release date: 2012

Genre: First-person shooter, team-based shooter, competitive

Warface - is a military shooter set in 2023. The game will offer both classic full-fledged PvP (player versus player) battles and character classes, as well as cooperative missions in the PvE concept (player versus bots). You will have to fight in different parts of the globe, starting from cities and ending with the most dangerous places on the planet. The innovative design of the project combines simple controls and unique gameplay, allowing you to plunge headlong into the harsh world of the future.


Finally, Warface offers ample opportunities for team play. In the cooperative mode, interesting tasks await you, to complete which you will need not only the ability to shoot accurately, but also well-functioning team interaction. In a variety of PVP modes, players will be able to choose the class of their fighter and feel the real intensity of passions in exciting battles.

Share on social networks! This is an order, soldiers!

3D games about special forces on PC will delight you with their dynamics and arsenal. Epic shootouts, explosions, ambushes, victories and defeats await you. Learn to shoot accurately, hide, perform combat missions and help your allies. Most often, special forces oppose terrorists in games. If you want to win, shoot all the enemies, prevent the explosion of the object, escort the target. You can transform into both a lawyer and a bandit. Now it’s time to learn more about the best 3D special forces games on PC.

F e a r 2

The plot of F e a r 2 will definitely not please you. Events develop parallel to the first part, but other heroes are involved. This time the protagonist was Michael Beckett, a member of the Delta special forces. The hero was ordered to arrest Genevieve Aristide, but the Sarcophagus exploded. Waking up in the hospital, the character realized that his mind was synchronized with Alma. You need to get rid of the influence of AI immediately, because it is controlled by enemies.

Delta Division must find the telesthesia amplifier and end Alma's life. The player will experience shootouts with mutants, monsters and survivors. Explore the destroyed city, look into houses, look for secret places. As for weapons, F e a r 2 has machine guns, plasma guns, nail guns, grenades, and flamethrowers. Having acquired cool guns, you can safely go to your final destination - Alma's mind. But don’t rush, first learn how to control the combat robot, slow down and stop time.


SWAT 4 is a first-person shooter. Beginners can hone their shooting skills in battle against bots, but multiplayer modes await professionals. Single sessions go like this: four bots join you and a shootout begins. You can try to use tactical maneuvers by giving orders to your allies or kill everyone on your own. Depending on the map, you will also have to perform combat missions - free hostages, prevent explosions, steal documents. And now about the network modes:
· Assault: you need to earn as many points as possible. One point is awarded for a murder, and five for an arrest;
· Security: special forces must escort the VIP to a safe place. The bandits' task is to kill or take hostage all members of the opposing team;
· Emergencies: the defenders must defuse all the bombs, and the bandits must prevent this;
· Joint battle: every man for himself. The session lasts until time runs out.
Before the battle, you should purchase a special special forces kit. In the store you will find body armor, various grenades and weapons.


First you need to select a special forces soldier, and then a mode. Heroes differ in equipment, which also affects their style. Shoot from machine guns, rifles, grenade launchers or swing a knife. Having completed the fighter, wait until the team gathers. Most often, battles take place in an 8 vs 8 format, but the map can accommodate 32 people. The main task is to cope with opponents and various missions. There are tasks different types- free the hostage, mine the object, escort the target.

Insurgency will delight you with graphics, guns and modes, which are divided into two groups:
· Tactical: find and kill, escort, fight to the death. To win, learn to interact with your team. Capture points, give orders, cover your rear;
· Long-term: fight, blow, suppression. Get ready to destroy an object, capture a weapon or an enemy flag.

The list of modes is periodically updated with new ones. Today the developers will delight you with a map, and tomorrow with a new hero, weapon, and tournament. The more often you participate in battles, the faster you will buy cooler uniforms. Equipment points are awarded for various merits - hitting the head, winning, scoring the most frags.

Counter Strike Global Offensive

Military operations in Counter Strike Global Offensive are full of special effects and dynamics. Ready for epic shootouts? Then all that remains is to choose a side and join the terrorists or special forces. The task of the former is to mine objects, take people hostage, protect securities. The task of the latter is to prevent an explosion, steal access codes, and free civilians. As for weapons, you will be able to shoot from pistols, rifles, machine guns, Uzis and shotguns. And now about the modes:
· Classic: the task of the terrorists is to set the charge, and the special forces are to prevent the explosion. The fight lasts 15 rounds;
· Competitive: the shootout takes place in a 5 vs 5 format. The first team to score 16 points will win;
· Arms race: the session will be completed only after one of the participants kills enemies with different weapons. The final test is to stab with a knife;
· Destruction of the object: forget about hostages, it's time to think about preventing explosions. It sounds banal and primitive, but the peculiarity is that for killing an enemy you will receive a new gun. If you die, you will reappear with a gun. There are 11 rounds in total, so if you want to pick up a machine gun, try not to die;
· Deathmatch: The battle lasts 10 minutes. During this time you need to score as many points as possible. But, for killing with different guns they will give a different number of points, and you will also get +1 if you deal with the chicken.

Counter Strike Global Offensive has an advanced matchmaking system. So that you always fight with equal forces, the developers came up with titles (18 in total). You will start as a recruit, but you can become a general. The better the title, the more opportunities.

Rainbow Six Vegas

Rainbow Six Vegas belongs to the tactical first-person shooter genre. You will join the elite Rainbow unit and devote time. To attract more gamers, the developers came up with new features. First, without a strategy you cannot win a battle. So learn to break doors, jump through windows, set up barriers, connect to surveillance cameras. Secondly - the arsenal. Shoot from pistols, shotguns, machine guns and rifles. And also don’t forget to use additional devices designed to make aiming and shooting easier. As for the modes, they are standard - bomb, hostage rescue, escort, team battle.

Only Rainbow Six Siege can outshine the success of Rainbow Six Vegas. A first-person shooter awaits you. Read more about the series below. The plot, as always, centers on a terrorist organization. If you want, complete 10 epic missions and uncover a secret conspiracy, or if you want, take part in online battles. Matches against gamers differ only in combat missions. You have to free hostages, mine objects, break into buildings, and escort the target.

A few years ago the phrase “Polish shooter” was a meme gaming industry and, as a rule, referred specifically to the Terrorist Takedown series. The thing is that every game with a similar name is made according to a certain formula: there are always beautiful graphics, there is always the most cranberry and stupid plot, and the scenery is always repeated. Each new Terrorist Takedown is always a struggle between American intelligence services and terrorist forces somewhere in the jungle. Not the best, but the most stable representative of the genre.

Delta Force Series

Another interesting series that practically did not change from part to part. Delta Force was produced by American studios in collaboration with the military, so the calling of the series was clear - to glorify state intelligence agencies as much as possible and show the heroism of soldiers. Therefore, very often Delta Force showed real events - in different parts The games demonstrated Operation Desert Storm, the long-suffering Black Hawk Down, and many other famous military events of recent times.

Another feature of Delta Force was its precision in the creation of weapons. American soldiers here wore exactly the armor and weapons that corresponded to the time and space period. A kind of patriotic textbook inside the game.

Battlefield 2: Special Forces (2006)

Perhaps one of the main statements on the topic of intelligence services in the entire gaming industry, it is only in eighth place for one simple reason. Special Forces is only a small addition to Battlefield 2 itself, which, however, brought the special services of different states into the game. There are British counterintelligence, Russian special forces, and even Navy SEALs here.

Each side of the conflict was equipped with the latest military fashion, had its own set of equipment and vehicles, and the maps themselves were significantly reduced in size, which is why each new session in Battlefield 2: Special Forces really resembled a special operation.

Spec Ops: The Line (2012)

Spec Ops: The Line is one of the main military statements in the gaming industry. Quite unexpectedly, the shooter, which at first glance seemed like a class B action movie, started talking to players about serious topics and turned into a kind of “Apocalypse Now” from the world of video games.

The game places a special squad of the American military in Dubai, defeated by a natural disaster. However, the further the American intelligence officers enter the city, the more they plunge into the atmosphere of the utter hell that is happening in the war.

Ghost Recon series

Ghost Recon is another cool idea from the French studio Ubisoft, which for some reason glorifies the American army. According to the scenario of each game, a small and super-secret Ghost Recon squad was sent to one of the small countries near the United States to carry out secret military-diplomatic missions.

The games in this series have always been distinguished by several details. The Ghost Recon special squad was equipped with all possible futuristic gadgets, which allowed the military to remain in the shadows while carrying out their sabotage missions. At the same time, the game did not go into blind tactics, often letting you shoot and periodically turning the game into a regular shooter with many enemies.

F.E.A.R. (2005)

In fifth place is a game that allows you to follow the actions of special forces in conditions of a local and inexplicable apocalypse. According to the plot, F.E.A.R. - a special forces unit called in in cases of inexplicable, paranormal incidents that fill the entire game.

Interestingly, during the game the main character will have to visit both sides of the barricades, which is why at some point you yourself will be able to observe the actions of special forces directed against you. Artificial intelligence F.E.A.R. is considered the standard of the genre: enemies surround you, squeeze you out with grenades, use objects on the map and generally behave like real ones.

Counter-Strike (1998)

Counter Strike is the most banal, but at the same time one of the most accurate examples of a game about special forces. If only because one of the two playable groups here is called “Counter-Terrorist”.

The game itself is built on a simple formula: special forces and terrorists fight on a small map in a 5 vs 5 battle (but more is possible). At the same time, the game has a large set of real arsenal of special forces, and in one of the versions of Counter Strike there was even a special special forces shield, which infuriated most of the players opposing it.

Rainbow Six series

Briefly, the entire Rainbow Six series can be described as follows: a group of special forces, led by the player, captures a house in which terrorists have entrenched themselves.
However, the game changed the formula frequently. If the first parts of “Rainbow Six” were all-out tactics, where we spent hours drawing up a breakthrough plan and, in a successful scenario, destroyed the terrorists in five minutes, then the game later moved into the category of shooters, where tactics took second place.
However, in the last of its parts (Rainbow Six: Siege), the game again returned to the original formula, although it switched to multiplayer rails. However, in terms of simulating the actions of special forces, the Rainbow Six series is one of the most reliable gaming works.

SWAT 4 (2005)

Already in the title of the game it is clear what this game is about. At the same time, SWAT 4 does not care at all about such things as plot or narrative, devoting its campaign entirely to the everyday life of a capture team employee. We storm drug dens, capture terrorists, neutralize schools, and generally delve into the work of special forces in every possible way.

And the meticulousness with which SWAT 4 is made helps us in this. The game forces us to be careful and cautious: one wrong move and you’re dead. Therefore, we have a wide arsenal of possibilities: lay a cable under the door and inspect the room for enemies, throw a stun or smoke grenade in front, knock down the door with a battering ram or shout out loud “all face to the floor” - this is just part of the tools that you can use when passing SWAT 4.

Series A.R.M.A.

Perhaps the main game about troops and intelligence services today. Any game from the A.R.M.A. series features amazing realism: a lot is real here existing technology and weapons, huge maps on which the action takes place, and an absolute disregard for human life. We can lie in the bushes for half an hour and die from a flying stray bullet.


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