Games on the theme of city building. VseTop - only the best from the Internet

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Sometimes you don’t want to run around with a gun in some shooter, fight zombies, trying to save your life, solve intricate mysteries in order to achieve some goal. Sometimes you want to relax, use your brain and analytical thinking, and not just reaction and good speed key presses.

In this case, urban planning simulators can come to our aid. Usually in toys of this genre you need to build your own metropolis and then manage all the processes that happen in it. The better you perform the duties of a mayor-builder, the faster your city develops and the higher the quality of life of its population. Usually, there is no global goal in such toys - the construction process itself is your mission.

And who would refuse to feel like the ruler of an entire city, where they can set their own rules?

So for those who want to take the reins and also learn how to create entire megacities from scratch, we have selected the TOP, which includes the best city planning simulators of all time.

10. Banished

Banished is a simulator where you need to build a village

In tenth position was city ​​building simulator, which appeared in the public domain 3 years ago. It ended up on the last line of the TOP because in terms of volume and gaming world it is the smallest. You won't see a huge metropolis here. You must build a village. But this doesn't make the game any worse.

According to the plot, you are given several exiles who must survive in the wilderness. The nature around is beautiful, there are also plenty of resources: from wood to water, animals, etc. So it’s quite possible to start settling in this place.

Your charges can engage in crafts, of which there are already 18 in the game. Here the characters can be farmers, hunters, blacksmiths, doctors, and so on - it all depends on what you order them to do.

Also, this urban planning simulator does not require a strategic plan - there is no specific scheme for the appearance of the necessary resources in certain areas, etc. - everything is random. The most difficult test for a gamer will be winter: this season in the game is really harsh. You will need to sew a lot of warm clothes, and you must also worry about the houses in advance - so that there are a lot of them, and so that there is something to heat them with.

You will also have to remember many details that will decide the fate of your charges.

Even though the toy looks like a small city-planning simulator, it is very difficult. And it was created by only one developer - Luke Hodorowicz. And this deserves respect.

9. Empire - Rise of the Middle- Kingdom

Popular series

City planning simulators are sometimes created one of a kind, and sometimes they come out in entire series. Emperior - Rise of the Middle-Kingdom - represents exactly the second type. Its history began almost 25 years ago, and since then we have received ten wonderful game simulators in the series.

Emperior - Rise of the Middle-Kingdom tells about China, namely its Ancient era. And this, you see, does not happen often. The historical basis practically ends there: the surroundings of Ancient China create the necessary atmosphere - the rest is almost identical to other simulators.

In the game, you need to constantly ensure that the city’s residents do not starve, that they constantly work, and that the gods whom the population worships receive their offerings on time and do not get angry.

In addition, in the game you will need to trade, fight if enemies suddenly attack, and also obtain the resources necessary for construction.

8. City Life

City Life is a city-planning simulator that is very reminiscent of the very famous game Sim City 4. Sometimes they can even insult you by calling this project a clone of the above. But no - this is wrong.

Firstly, all city planning simulators are somewhat similar. Secondly, City Life was created by French developers from the Monte Cristo company, and they released a full-fledged and independent thing.

The developers have worked well on the social levels of the population and their roles in the life of the city. So it will be important to monitor the relationships between each group, avoiding conflicts between them. There are also many infrastructure processes that can be run in the game.

Well, how could we do without this - we need to make sure that the entire population is happy without spending a lot of money.

7. CivCity - Rome

Ancient Rome- a popular setting in the genre of city planning simulators

Almost everyone knows about games like Civilization and Stronghold. So, for the sake of creating this game, the developers of both projects began to work together. This is how a city planning simulator appeared, which combines best sides the above games.

From Stronghold CivCity - Rome received huge garths, tasks related to the conduct of battle, as well as external design and location style. But from Civilization we got seven wonders of the world, seventy-five special units, a little more than a hundred buildings, about 70 different technological achievements that can be researched.

And although critics did not greet the new product very warmly, gamers rated this game positively.

6. Caesar

Not all city planning simulators offer huge maps and unlimited city sizes. There are ones like the game on the tenth line, or like this one - Caesar.

This city building does a good job of demonstrating to the public that you don’t have to worry too much about the plot or introduce huge changes with each new part of the series. So, for example, all the games after the second part received light cosmetic improvements, but the game still did not have fewer fans.

And the reason is that Ancient Rome is so captivating that you don’t want to stop managing your favorite city.

This toy has a small map, so once you reach a certain level of development, you will not be able to find a place to create new buildings. You will only monitor the condition of what has already been built. Also a minus was war and sometimes trade.

If you don't pay attention to these three components, you will definitely like the way the Caesar series works: here you can create a religion and have fun with the gods. Gamers also like to manage colonial settlements and so on.

5. Tropica

Tropica: Populate your island

Sometimes city planning simulations deal with topics that are important to society. For example, in the game Tropica it is affected cold war and the relationship between two warring countries: the USA and the USSR.

You will become the ruler of a country on an island located off the coast of Latin America.

This city planning simulator combines politics, economics and construction. There is also a good storyline and an interesting multiplayer mode.

There are also situations that arise from time to time in order to affect the gameplay - they can suddenly change the course of your story.

Initially, you will settle in a vacant lot, which needs to be turned into a busy area. There are few financial resources, so it is necessary to manage them correctly. In some cases, you will build strange shacks - but all this is so that the population at least somehow exists.

You will receive your first profit from the sale of resources, of which you have a lot. Also, the source of income will be the USA or the USSR (depending on which of them you make friends with).

4. Cim City

The first part of the game is already 30 years old!

City planning simulators became famous as a genre thanks to this toy. It appeared about 30 years ago, and gradually won its place on the shelves of gamers of that time. However, the game gained real popularity after the release of part 4 - at that time Sim City 4 had become a very complex strategy with many details. It also had a beautiful visual component.

The game has 3 modes that can be changed - you can even be a god in one of them, with the power to modify any area on which you will later build. You can also send Godzilla against those you don't like or who don't obey orders. And then watch the characters die.

There is a mayor mode in which you will prove yourself as a real owner of the town. You will decide what to install and where, with whom to interact, etc.


Anno appeared in 1998, and takes fans of the series to the islands in the Pacific Ocean. You can trade, establish diplomatic relations with others, and even fight battles - although the game is more focused on the economy and everything connected with it.

Your colonies must be constantly developed in order to capture the islands in the neighborhood - otherwise, at one moment you can look around, and other territories will be occupied. And you will have to huddle in a very limited space on the island.

2. Settlers

This game differs from others in that the units do everything themselves - you just give them required number buildings that you need, and also provide the required amount of resources.

Economics also plays a huge role - this urban planning simulator is provided “from start to finish” with all the possibilities for economic development in any direction.

1. Stronghold

Stronghold: Build a medieval stronghold!

In this medieval strategy, the main place in the game belongs to the city building, which has many advantages. There are a lot of elements here that cannot be described so easily - they are all part of the development of a medieval settlement. You will have to pay attention to the economic component: build houses, sawmills and quarries, store food, and also protect all this by erecting various fortifications.

So choose a city building simulator and create the metropolis of your dreams!

Game version: 1.11.1-f4

Cities: Skylines is a city building simulator with almost limitless possibilities. Create the city of your dreams, starting from small residential areas to huge business centers. You have complete control over the city, tax profitable areas, create new jobs, unite cities with highways, make decisions that are profitable, but not popular for the people. Cities: Skylines is a huge sandbox in which the player is given the opportunity to create the city of his dreams. You have to take into account the smallest details of the city, think through public transport routes, build various factories, take care of the water supply, separate industrial areas from residential areas, etc. Cities: Skylines is another attempt to create a realistic city-building simulator. Although system requirements quite low, the game has excellent graphics, you can always watch the vibrant life of people in your prosperous city.

A Kingdom Rebuilt v2.1.1

Townsmen is a city planning strategy set in the Middle Ages. Build a real one shopping mall around his small castle. Start collecting resources, build taverns, markets, knightly arenas, barracks, decorate your city with gardens and majestic monuments. Make sure your residents are happy, this is the only way you can expand your village, turning it into a real city. Dozens of buildings await you with the possibility of improving them. A fairly complex economic simulation will force you to rack your brains to ensure your city prospers. The presence of robbers and thieves will force you to create a real army to protect your citizens.

Foundation is a medieval-themed city-building sandbox with a unique construction system that allows you to build cities and houses in any shape. This game will truly unleash your potential as an architect. No more worrying about being unable to place a building due to unsuitable terrain. You can design a house or even a cathedral yourself, adapting it to any surface. Unique style each house, its location - this is what will allow you to build the city of your dreams. Foundation is an ambitious project that provides unprecedented construction opportunities. You are no longer limited by building templates.

Depraved is an urban survival game in the style of the Wild West. At the beginning of the game you have only one wagon with resources, but in capable hands even this cart can become the beginning of a prosperous city. Take care of basic resources, protect your residents from robbers - do everything to make your people happy, and then your settlement will grow and prosper.

Cliff Empire is a city building simulator set in a post-apocalyptic world. After a nuclear war, humanity is on the verge of extinction, and the only refuge from radioactive dust is the mountains. It is in these places that you will have to establish new town. Fortunately, scientists have long predicted a possible conflict and its consequences, which is why special bridgeheads were created on the tops of the mountains. Build a city, organize trade, develop and study new technologies, adapt to difficult terrain and weather conditions. Your task is to create a prosperous city.

Poly Universe is a city-building simulator that differs from others in that you will build on a tiny planet, so small that it can only accommodate one Big city. The first thing you should take care of is the construction of a defensive system, because the galaxy is teeming with alien invaders who quickly capture poorly defended colonies.

Kingdoms and Castles is a medieval city-building simulator in which you start with a small settlement and try to create a powerful city with a well-defended castle. Protect your residents from Viking raids, and also be prepared for surprises, because a simple dragon raid on your crops can leave you without provisions and doom your residents to starvation.

Forebearers is a city planning simulator set in medieval times. Due to the fact that there are quite a few games of this type, the developers decided to hook players with pleasant graphics and gameplay. You can judge for yourself how well they did it by downloading this distribution. It's worth noting that the game is still in development.

How to make the game better and attract players? Maybe just replace people with cute cats? Great idea! Meet a new city-building simulator in which you will build a thriving cat village. Under your leadership is a group of kittens, which, with skillful leadership, will be replenished with new residents. Build a village and carefully monitor the condition of its inhabitants. Kittens are extremely picky about their living conditions. They love to eat and sleep a lot. If they don't like your conditions, they will leave your village.

To the delight of all strategy lovers, we are publishing another TOP, this time dedicated to such a rather narrow topic as urban planning simulators or city building strategies!

10. Banished

Tenth place was taken by a relatively recently released construction simulator. In a sense, the game can be called the smallest city planning simulator in our TOP. After all, we are not dealing with a city, but rather with a village.

You control a group of exiled settlers who are starting to... new life in the picturesque taiga wilderness. There are 18 different crafts in the game, from farming and hunting to blacksmithing, training and healing.

There is no universal strategy in the game; the number and ratio of resources on the maps is generated randomly. Surviving cold winters is one of the main and the most complex tasks for the player. To keep the settlers warm, your tailors will have to sew a lot of clothes, and your builders will have to build houses and prepare firewood.

You also have to constantly keep in mind many small details and nuances that determine whether your settlement will survive or die.

Although the game ranks last, it is an excellent example of a fairly complex simulator, especially considering the fact that it was made by one person - programmer Luke Hodorowicz. Although the gameplay Banishd Over time it begins to become boring, you will definitely experience the pleasure of another winter you have experienced.

9. Emperior – Rise of the Middle-Kingdom

One of the representatives of the so-called city building series, which began back in 1993. Since then, ten games have been released, including expansions.

"Emperor: Dawn of Heaven"- is the only representative of the series covering the territory ancient China, which is already interesting.

However, the rest of the difference between "Emperor" and the rest of the strategies in the series are not so great - we make sure that the residents are well-fed and employed, and the gods are satisfied with alms.

You will also have to deal with the production of resources and trade, as well as lead the defense in the event of an attack by invaders.

8. City Life

A game that is quite often compared to the well-known Sim City 4, and not just compare, but even call him the offensive word “clone”. However, this is not quite true.

Development French company Monte Cristo, although it repeats the concept of other games in the city-planning simulator genre, is an absolutely independent project.

In addition to the presence of a branched social system socio-cultural groups and relationships between them, City Life can offer players standard set production infrastructure tasks. As always, we will have to satisfy the whims and needs of citizens while trying not to empty the city's treasury ahead of time.

In general, this is another entertainment for more than one evening for lovers of construction and management.

7. CivCity – Rome

Imagine what could happen if the authors of the cult Civilization and no less cult Stronghold will team up to create a crossover between Stronghold And Civilization.

So, from Stronghold the game got the surroundings, the scale of the maps and the choice of military or peaceful missions. Inheritance from Civilization CivCity wonders of the world and a whole palette of features, including 75 unique units, 115 buildings and 70 technologies available for research.

And although the game did not receive solid ratings, many still liked the idea of ​​such a mix.

6. Caesar

Another series of games in the style of city building. Third Caesar is an excellent example of how a game series, having squeezed the most out of a concept, is content with only cosmetic changes. At the same time, it cannot be said that the game turned out to be mediocre - on the contrary, despite many shortcomings, the feeling of managing an ancient Roman city is incredible.

Among the disadvantages of the game we can highlight small size maps - from a certain point there is simply nowhere to build, all that remains is to observe the stagnation of the city and improve the attractiveness of already attractive areas. The second disadvantage is the military component, although on some maps it is the threat of invasion that forces you to completely reconsider the course of development of the settlement. Finally, trade was not always adequate.

The rest of the game is simply awesome. Here you have both religion with blessings and curses of powerful gods, many resources, goods and buildings. After all, where else will we be entrusted with the management of the Roman colonies, entrusted with the mission of making a city worthy of Caesar out of a deserted plain?

The fourth part of the game came out more impressive in terms of graphics, but the features remained the same.

5. Tropica

According to the plot, the player takes control of a small island state somewhere in Latin America. Everything happens during the height of the Cold War.

The game has economic, political and urban planning components, as well as interesting companies and multiplayer.

Adding new features such as random events, influencing the course of events, and additional sectors of the industry, made it possible to breathe new life into the series.

Your construction begins with an empty plain and almost zero plot. At first there will only be enough money for the most necessary things for the country, and even the people will have to live in makeshift shacks for some time.

You can make money by selling valuables left and right Natural resources and receiving handouts from the USSR or the USA, depending on which country you politically support. Over time, tourism and infrastructure will be possible.

Recently released Tropico 5, offering many innovations and a modern graphics engine.

4. Cim City

A representative of perhaps the most famous series in the urban simulator genre, which determined its high place in this TOP. It was Sim City, released by Maxis in 1989, that formed classic look city ​​planning simulators and a whole range of mechanics that later became standard.

The fourth part brought true success to the game. The game turned out to be a rather complex and detailed strategy with very sketchy but nice graphics.

You have three modes to choose from, including god mode, which allows you to transform a selected area of ​​the region where a city will later be built. This mode also allows players to create natural disasters, such as a volcanic eruption and several others. Even in the first games in the series, players were amused by the opportunity to send a gadzilla or an earthquake to an unwanted city and watch how everything collapses and dies.

In the mayor's mode, planning, construction and management of the city are carried out. The construction of roads, streets, subway lines, bus stops, and railway stations will fall on your shoulders. You will also have to deal with the exchange of resources with neighboring cities, garbage removal, medicine, and so on.

However, the fifth part of the game came out damp and in many ways did not live up to the expectations of fans.


The first game in the series called Anno 1602 was published back in 1998 / The series also includes Anno 1503, Anno 1701, Anno 1004, Anno 2070.

The first game in the series takes place in modern times. The construction of colonies and management of resources on an archipelago of small islands of the new world is under your control.

There is the opportunity to conduct research, trade, diplomacy, but the game is largely focused on the economic component, and you won’t have to fight much there. But you will have to constantly increase your income and expand to neighboring islands. What did you expect? Enemies are not asleep, and the faster your colony reaches a certain population level, the more opportunities and unique tasks will open up for you.

These and other features made the game memorable and unlike other representatives of the genre, which allowed Anno acquire an army of loyal fans and pave the way for playing the now popular online game.

The latest part of the game, which moved online and became completely free, uses the concept of the classic first part. But thanks to the Internet, the possibilities of the game have increased - now players can wage trade wars among themselves, compete in the level of development of their colonies, and much more.

The game is now completely free and you can play it directly in your browser. More about the game Anno Online read my review.

2. Settlers

In the second part of the most popular series of city-planning simulators, the authors polished the gameplay and greatly improved the graphics compared to the debut project, which was released many years earlier.

The game created a sensation thanks to several innovative gameplay elements. Units don't need to be told what to do. Instead, the player's task is to provide required quantity buildings and resources.

Needless to say, economic model Settlers is many times more detailed and deeper than other representatives of the genre, providing multi-level production chains executed with German pedantry. Settlers' game even laid the foundation for the so-called economic strategy of the German school. It also includes "Anno" And "Patrician".

All this, as well as multiplayer battles, make this meditative strategy worthy of your attention and guarantee its place in the hall of heroes of fame.

Read more about the game Settlers Online in my review.


In addition to the obvious military component, an important part in the games of the series Stronghold is the economy and the balance of many factors. So popularity is very important in the game. The higher the settlers' trust in you, the faster the number of peasants increases. When popularity drops below half, your residents begin to run away, and there is no one to work in the fields. Popularity can be increased by reducing taxes, expanding the diet, and building temples and taverns.

Almost all of these actions have at the same time a negative effect - emptying the treasury, barns, and even drunkenness, which reduces labor productivity. Of course, you can always build a gallows and other visual structures to motivate the population to work better and faster. But then the popularity will fall, so a dilemma arises that can be solved in various ways.

But still, the game is not about that, but about the garden and defense. Troops can take up positions on towers and move along walls, firing at the enemy below.

The player can also organize a fire or epidemic in the enemy’s country. Thus, we have at our disposal the widest arsenal of tactical and strategic possibilities. How to achieve victory is up to you!

Not long ago, following modern trends, Stronghold has moved online, becoming free-to-play. Read more about this game in my review.

An icy hell descended on Britain, plunging all living things into an eerie kingdom of cold and snow. It would seem that people have no chance of survival in such conditions, but no - the notorious human thirst for life helped them adapt here too. At a temperature of -100 degrees, they began to build huge steam generators, serving as a source of heat and energy at the same time, and around them to build other buildings and all the associated infrastructure. Of course, survival in such a new world required people to make fundamental changes in their ideological system and abandon many values ​​and moral attitudes that had become irrelevant and even dangerous. And all these troubles - economic, technological, legislative, moral, research - fall on the shoulders of the player.

16. Life is Feudal: Forest Village

14. Grand Ages: Rome (Great Epochs. Rome)

A game from Haemimont Games, released in 2009 and combining the features of not only a city planning simulator, but also a traditional real-time strategy, the setting of which is dedicated to the era of the Roman Empire.

The player will have to build and develop cities, go on epic military campaigns, fight barbarian tribes, in general, do everything to ensure that the empire expands and prospers.

Grand Ages: Rome has two single-player modes and one online mode. The "Career" mode will allow the player to go through four dozen exciting missions, including both construction and military operations, during which the player will be able to take control of eighteen various types combat units of the Roman army.

The next mode, “Free Play,” allows you to develop your empire on one of the selected maps without any specific tasks.

Finally, “Network Game” contains 6 additional modes with certain conditions, allowing you to test your skills as a city ruler and commander in confrontation with other players.

13. City Life (2008)

A 2008 construction simulator from Monte Cristo, with excellent detail and animation for its venerable age(10 years, after all, anniversary). It’s very nice that a game that is an ideal representative of the genre of city-planning simulators for low-end PCs is able to demonstrate such majestic and picturesque city panoramas.

However, the wonderful visuals are not the only advantage of City Life. The classic mechanics of city planning, where the player is asked to take care of an average town and gradually turn it into a large, prosperous metropolis, is successfully complemented by a deeply developed economic and social model. For example, the game contains several various groups population, each with its own needs and sociocultural characteristics that must be taken into account so as not to provoke social conflicts threatening to turn into a full-scale civil war.

The very convenient construction tools, arranged according to a modular principle, are also pleasantly pleasing. It is easy to use, while providing great freedom for creativity in the implementation of the most daring and unexpected architectural and construction plans.

12. Cities XL Platinum

Cities XL Platinum is another representative of the classic series of city planning simulators. The time-tested formula of SimCity 4 is juxtaposed here with what could later be seen in SimCity 2013. Namely, the division of cities into roles corresponding to each type of development.

In addition, almost the entire planet is available for building a settlement in Cities XL Platinum, which makes the landscapes more diverse. Tired of the usual green background? The snowy Alps or the hot sands of the desert await you. This brings much more variety to the routine life of virtual mayors.

Pleases and technical part games: the picture is beautiful, the sounds are high-quality, the views of the cities are pleasing to the eye. But owners of weaker PCs should definitely think twice before purchasing Cities XL Platinum, because the project’s optimization is not the best.

11. Lethis - Path of Progress

Skyscrapers from the future and the present and Roman landscapes are certainly interesting, but city planning simulators are not limited to this. The rise of the indie industry allowed the genre to move further, far beyond the usual settings. For example, the authors of Lethis - Path Of Progress moved the action of their game into a world made in the style of steampunk.

In this world, a very valuable resource was discovered, and as a result, the player’s state experienced incredible economic growth. As you might guess, this growth must not only be tamed, but also directed in the right direction, building up 20 campaign missions with Victorian houses.

Of course, the game world is not the only feature of Lethis - Path Of Progress. All micromanagement here is turned inside out. Are you used to the fact that the main ones are “warehouses”, where all your production stores resources? Well, you can safely forget about this, because here all the services for the citizens themselves are looking for ways to their homes. Both the road layout and signs indicating the direction are intended to regulate the flow of artists and bakers with buns. The picture is completed by pleasant graphics and music, which create a true atmosphere of relaxation.

10. Tropico 5

The fifth part of a very unusual city-planning simulator on PC, where the player will have the opportunity to become the dictator of a tropical island for a long time and lead it through several eras, developing and rebuilding everything on it at his own discretion.

In addition to the improvement and development of the island's territory, players have access to many other areas of activity that determine the direction and pace of development of the subordinate state: trade, science, diplomacy, religion, culture, and so on.

The game traditionally pleases with its wonderful graphic design, pleasant musical accompaniment in Latin style, and a rich, interesting story campaign, divided into fifteen episodes.

In addition, for the first time in the Tropico series, a multiplayer mode appeared, allowing you to play online with a group of two to four people at the same time.

9. Aven Colony

Perhaps one of the most unusual city planning simulators on our list. The fact is that a distant planet called Eiven Prime will have to be developed here, gradually turning it from an unfamiliar and deadly land on the other side of the universe into cozy home for colonists from Earth.

The Aven Colony game map is a huge open area divided into a large number of various biomes fraught with dozens of different surprises and dangers for newly arrived colonists. Therefore, you will have to be very careful when choosing a site for construction.

The strength and reliability of the settlements being built will be tested not only by the local destructive climatic phenomena, such as powerful thunderstorms and sandstorms, but also by representatives of the local megafauna, and even some of the most aggressive plant species.

The player will also have to protect the colonists from unknown types of diseases and hunger, fight crime, establish communications between settlements, provide them with air (the local atmosphere is very poor in oxygen) and electricity, monitor the morale and employment of their charges. In general, there will be a lot of things to do.

But if successful, the reward will be appropriate: immense gratitude and respect from the colonists, which will allow you to rise from the position of an ordinary colony manager to the post of president of a new galactic civilization!

8. SimCity 2013

Naturally, EA did not want to write off such famous brand, like SimCity, even after the failure of Societies. Therefore, in 2013, the last attempt to date took place to return the king of city planning simulators to his rightful place. Over the years since the game's release, many have already forgotten the hysteria that occurred due to problems with the servers. And, of course, time has only benefited the game.

And servers and their stability are truly the most important part of the latest incarnation of SimCity. The entire basis of the gameplay revolves around “specializations” for cities, which are now called upon to coordinate with each other. For example, one settlement is engaged in storing waste, while neighbors finance such a dump by making money from tourism.

At the same time, you can establish connections not only between your own cities, but also with the megacities of other players. This makes SimCity 2013 suitable even for playing with friends and planning a full-fledged ecosystem. In general, both the return to the foundations of SimCity 4 and the introduction of online functions benefited the successor of the series, making it fascinating and worthy of attention even today.

7. The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom

A wonderful game from Blue Byte, combining elements of a city planning simulator and a military RTS and quite different from all other games in our top high level difficulties.

The Settlers 7 gives the player the opportunity to grow his own huge and powerful kingdom from a small, run-down village. Moreover, success can be achieved here in three different ways: military, commercial or scientific.

Each successful action in any of the selected fields will bring special points, the number of which will determine the winner. At the same time, as already mentioned, the game is distinguished by a serious level of complexity, achieved due to the presence of dynamic, incredibly smart AI, which takes into account the player’s actions and, depending on this, changes its own tactics.

The game has multiplayer, which allows you to play online against another player, or together with him against AI.

I would like to note the excellent design and graphics of The Settlers 7, as well as the presence of a level editor that allows you to create your own maps.

6. Banished

A game from the independent studio Shining Rock Software, warmly received by fans of city planning and city management, despite a very unusual, one might even say risky concept at the time of release - the inclusion of a tangible element of survival in the gameplay.

Today, Banished is rightfully among the top city-planning simulators, precisely because of its unusualness: the main resource here is not wood, gold, oil or stone, but people. Outcasts who, after long wanderings, decided to settle on a wild, uninhabited land.

It would probably be more correct to call Banished a simulator of the first settlers. The player will have to take care of the construction of the initial rough and uncomfortable dwellings and obtaining food, establishing trade with other settlements, arranging arable fields and distributing occupations (the game has an extensive craft system).

At the same time, there are no strict classes or specializations in the game: any action (production, mining, construction, etc.) can be assigned to any resident, provided that the necessary resources are available for this.

5. Surviving Mars

Another game that combines the principles of urban planning and survival on an alien planet. This time players are invited to build their own colony on Mars.

3. Dawn of Discovery (Anno 1404)

Another game from Blue Byte with more or less focused on real story setting (Dawn of Discovery takes place in the 15th century), which goes beyond the usual city-planning simulators and provides ample opportunities in terms of diplomacy, trade, economics, and also, which is very atypical for the genre, pays a lot of attention to sea voyages and battles.

Dawn of Discovery has an interesting story mode in which the player will have to travel the sea, discover new trade routes and uncharted islands, and then colonize them, building and populating them at his own discretion. Many story missions involve the already mentioned elements of diplomacy and trade.

Finally, there are various military vessels that allow you to abandon diplomacy and peaceful coexistence and resolve disagreements with other powers using force.

In addition to the story campaign, there is also a multiplayer mode and a free play mode.

Anno 2205 takes place in the distant future, where humanity has finally begun to explore territories beyond the surface of the Earth. The player will have to take control of a powerful corporation that is engaged in complex scientific research, the extraction of rare and valuable resources, the production of a wide range of different products and, among other things, is developing new territories, in particular, placing its own colonies on the Moon.

However, there are other similar corporations here, leading fierce rivalries among themselves. And the factor of fierce competition will need to be taken into account when making even the slightest decision.

Also, local radicals who call themselves Orbital Watch and believe that the Earth’s satellite should remain inviolable will interfere with plans to populate the Moon. These guys don’t even shy away from open aggression and the use of weapons. So from time to time the player will have to take on the responsibilities of a commander, using his own navy to eliminate the threat.

1. Cities: Skylines

Today, the best city planning simulator on PC, according to player reviews, was released in 2015, that is, relatively new.

The game offers classic urban planning mechanics brought to perfection. The player gets the opportunity to literally create the city of his dreams from scratch, and then continue to take care of it and all its inhabitants in the role of mayor. His competence will include the financial and tax system, transport, education, healthcare, emergency services and much more.

Also in Cities: Skylines the influence that many constant and random factors have on the city: pollution environment, traffic flow, employment and level of well-being, sanitary and hygienic conditions, social factor And so on. All this leads to the constant formation of various unique game situations, which are incredibly interesting to unravel.

Cities: Skylines has a built-in special system that allows you to easily add your own modifications to it, which will delight modding fans and allow the game, already rich in content and mechanics, to be made even more diverse.


2018 promises us a large number of interesting releases, including several urban planning simulators, both completely new and continuing the glorious traditions of great series. And therefore they seem to us at least very interesting and worthy of attention.

Tropico 6

Continuation of the successful series city ​​building games about the dictator of a tropical island, a fifth of which also made it into our top. The traditional principle of developing your own island over several eras will be supplemented here with a large number of interesting ideas, not present in previous parts of the series.

For example, archipelagos will appear in the game for the first time. Wider opportunities await players in the field of transport and communications. There will be an opportunity to steal world architectural masterpieces from other states, sending their agents to hunt for them.

Anno 1800

This page of the website portal contains an extensive list of PC games in the city-planning simulator genre. Each PC game in this catalog has been carefully selected by us, and we are confident that all the games collected here are worth your attention! After reviewing the games in this category, you will definitely find the right game for yourself. Our list of PC games in the city-building simulator genre combines the best and most memorable computer games of all times. Games are conveniently divided by date from 2017 - 2016, and earlier years. It is also worth paying attention to our TOP 10 games on PC, for which we have selected only best games genre.


The amount of information on games may confuse you, but we have worked through it as much as possible, and you can easily select the game you need by watching videos and screenshots, or by reading the information in detail on the corresponding game page. The OnyxGame website has collected a large number of different game genres and sorted them into games on PC and other platforms. Now you will definitely find only the best computer games for yourself!


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