Name days for boys and girls according to the church calendar in April. names of girls born in april

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Even the Slavs, before naming the baby, consulted with the priest, who chose the name of the child in accordance with the day of the guardian angel. It was believed that if you call a newborn that way, then the baby will be protected throughout his life, as if he was rewarded with strength with his help. What are suitable names a girl born in April? We will find out in the article.

Names for gentle April ladies

There is a belief that girls who appear in the fourth month of the year are more defenseless in our world. Therefore, moms and dads are advised to choose a name that can protect the baby from the sharp turns of life, which has a strong energy. What is the best name for a girl born in April?

1-20. First half of April

The beginning of the fourth month is under the sign of Aries. These are energetic and active girls who love attention. Here are the names for girls born in early April:

  • April 1: Maria, Daria, Ilaria, Matryona, Sofia.
  • April 2: Alexandra, Theodosia, Claudia, Julia, Svetlana, Olesya, Ulyana.
  • April 4: Polina, Aglaida, Taisia.
  • April 5: Maria, Lydia, Varvara, Anastasia.
  • April 8: Anna, Alla, Larisa.
  • April 9-10: Maria, Marina.
  • April 13: Miroslava.
  • April 14: Maria.
  • April 16: Feodosia.
  • April 17: Maria.
  • April 18: Theodora.
  • April 20: Evdokia.

From this list, it seems as if the author mixed up something, but no. You ask: “Where did April 3, 5-7, 11-12, 15, 19 go?” The fact is that Orthodox calendars do not allow any female names on these dates. This does not mean that mommy has to endure until certain day when you can choose a name. Just use any other April name.

end of the month

The second half was thoroughly occupied by Taurus - in April, May. Names of girls born at this time:

  • April 25: Athanasius.
  • April 26: Alina, Martha.
  • April 28: Vasilisa, Anna.
  • April 29: Martha, Maria, Aglaida or Aglaya, Susanna, Anastasia, Victoria, Irina, Galina, Tamara, Arina, Nika, Karina.

6 days out of 10 to church calendar left without a name. But on April 29 there are so many of them that two names are enough for each day of these six.

Meaning of names

  • Most often in the list you can meet Mary - 6 times. Let's move on to meaning and origin. The name is in demand, found in many European countries and on many pages of history, but the interpretation is not always happy, because of this, some families think for a very long time before giving it. Mary was mentioned in the Old Testament. Meanings: "sad", "rejected", "bitter" and "lady".
  • Daria. If you look in the top 10 popular female names, you will definitely stumble upon Daria. Spring, sounding, how even better to name a child? Before the adoption of Christianity, this name was not even heard of in Rus', but in Orthodoxy it was very revered. Interpretation: “endowed with good”, “winner”.
  • Ilaria. Extraordinary, beautiful and unique - these are the words that characterize it. By affiliation - Latin, by nature of the name - ancient Greek. Translation: "cheerful", "joyful".
  • Matryona. Or as they call it, Matrona. It comes from the Latin word, which translates as "lady."
  • Sofia. Popular Greek name. In England and France, a derivative interpretation of Sophia and Sophia - Sophie - is among the ten most popular names. Meaning: "reasonableness", "wisdom".
  • Alexandra. An unpopular and unfamiliar Greek name before the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. Interpretation: "protecting humanity."
  • Claudia. Enough rare name With incredible story: comes from part of the full name of Rome - Claudius, which means "lame" in translation. However, Claudia is not “lame” at all, but “revered”. After all, this name comes from the name of the most revered god Vulcan.
  • Julia. Such a spring and tender name Julia. It is interpreted as "fluffy", "wavy".
  • Svetlana. Name Slavic origin. Means "light", "pure".
  • Olesya. One of the options about the origin of the name is the ancient and long-forgotten Lesyan. Means "forest girl".
  • Theodosius. The history of the name goes deep into Ancient Greece. Means "given by God".
  • Pauline. Based on the first version, the name Polina can be interpreted as "baby", "small" in Latin. If we adhere to the second judgment, Polina is a derivative form from Appolinaria ("sunny").
  • Aglaida. An unpopular name these days. It translates as "magnificent", "shiny".
  • Taisiya. A Greek name that has been used since antiquity. Interpretation: “belonging to the goddess Isis”, “fertile”.
  • Lydia. Popular name in the last century. Meaning: "Inhabitant of Lydia".
  • Barbara. If you translate it into a European way, then you get Barbara, and in abbreviation - Barbie. Translation: "foreigner".
  • Anastasia. Nastenka - by no means Slavic name, it came with the baptism of Rus' from Greece. Interpretation: "resurrected to life."
  • Anna. It was used by the ancient Jews. Meaning: "favor".
  • Allah. No matter how funny it may sound, no one knows where it came from, but there are as many as 7 versions of the origin! Interpretation: "master of all trades."
  • Larisa. The Greek name of one of the granddaughters of the king of the seas and oceans, Poseidon. Translation: "seagull".
  • Marina. Comes from Greece, can be found as the name of the goddess Venus. Meaning: "marine".
  • Miroslav. That infrequent case when the name of the Slavs is still used. Interpretation: "glorified by peacefulness."
  • Theodora. Top 10 in Serbia, but not in Russia. Meaning: "God's gift"
  • Athanasius. Over the past few years, this Greek name has not been recorded. Translation: "immortal".
  • Vasilisa. The name allows the spelling of a double consonant S. Means: "ruler's wife", "queen".

Choosing a name, you choose the fate of your child, choose what character and attitude he will have towards the world. Review all the names of girls born in April, their meaning and origin. Then just make a choice.

Names of girls born in April according to the church calendar

Saints - indispensable assistant in this difficult choice. Every day, according to the church calendar, they pay tribute to the memory and honor of the holy righteous and the righteous, so you can always turn to him. What church names girls born in April? Anatolia, Domna, Melania, Praskovya and all those listed above.

April zodiac signs

Choice by zodiac sign is not the best the best option, but if you do not trust the Orthodox calendar, then a list of names for April signs is at your service. April is under Aries and Taurus, the names Lara, Sasha, Dasha, Galya, Maya, Elya, Rimma, Lida, Inna will suit them.

At the birth of a girl, people say - my mother's assistant and father's pride appeared. With these words, since childhood, such qualities as housekeeping, responsiveness, complaisance, determination and, of course, self-confidence are laid in a girl. And the right name will help multiply these positive traits girls. That is, if the path of the ship determines its name, then the child's life orientation is given by its name.

Character for those born in April

April- April people have a more solid character than "March" people. They are persistent in achieving the goal, bold and decisive. And this despite the fact that they do not always manage to fully realize themselves. They are practical and thoughtful. The material side of life excites them most of all. Easily promoted, they know what they want. Lucky enough, but overly ambitious. In marriage, they rely more on reason than on feelings. It is difficult to give up the usual way of life. For a man, the main thing is stability and material well-being. He would rather agree to endure an unloved wife and live in a family where no one needs him, than to destroy a marriage, to exchange material goods for love. But the “April” woman has an attitude towards family life somewhat different. She cherishes good relations with her husband, material security is in the background for her. "April" women are cheerful, witty, in every little thing they can find a reason for fun.

Names of girls born in April

You need to choose the name of the girl carefully, approaching this issue with all responsibility. Therefore, slowly look through all possible options, choose a name that will combine the expected qualities and character traits, and it should also be harmonious. An important role is played by the time of birth of the baby, that is, children in different time years are born with different abilities and characters, even if they are endowed with the same names. Spring babies are indecisive, they think about their every step several times.

Due to the fact that girls born in April are afraid of drastic changes, the process of development of events is slow, fear of something new interferes with everything. In addition, April children are selfish, stubborn and to some extent selfish. That is why the names of girls born in April should be somewhat tough, and then confidence and determination will be added to their characters. But this does not mean that the names should be purely masculine. The names of girls born in April can be Regina, Kira, Christina, Theodora, Victoria.

But even if you gave your daughter, born in April, a soft, gentle name, you can give her severity by inventing its derivative. For example, you named your daughter Margarita, instead of Rita, call her better Margo. In general, psychologists advise giving the child several derivative names from the main one, and then the child's character traits will be more diverse and richer.

It is better for April girls to give names: Alexandra, Lydia, Daria, Maria, Karina, Sabina.

Popular names for girls born in April:















If you want to give your baby an exotic name, you can contact a Muslim name book. For spring girls born in April, names such as:

Azalea (similar to an azalea flower)

Alsu (beautiful, pink-haired)

Gulnara (pomegranate flower)

Gulya (flower)

Daria (large full-flowing river)

Lily (tulip)

Laysan (first spring rain)

Nazira (blooming)

Rabia (snowdrop)

Ravila (similar spring sun)

Jasmina (similar to a jasmine flower) and others.

>>April names for girls

Names for girls born in April. April names for girls by day of the month

Distinctive character traits of April girls

Girls born in March are usually cheerful and sociable with others. The girls who appeared in April are very mobile and have energy that is not characteristic of many girls. They often grab onto a lot of things at once, so it’s hard for them to complete their undertakings, therefore, it’s quite difficult for them to cope with a monotonous and routine task.

The stubborn female nature is well manifested in the April girls. Their spontaneous actions and rash actions can drive their parents crazy and annoy others. At the same time, forbidding them to act one way or another is not just difficult, but sometimes impossible, because the girls turn all their anger and discontent on those who prevent them. Such girls are characterized by excessive selfishness, pride and stubbornness.

Girls born in April prefer stability and do not like strong changes, even if they feel that change can lead to better things. It is difficult for them to decide on any cardinal changes in their lives. That is why, such girls, first of all, are guided not by their feelings, but by their minds. This quality will continue in girls into adulthood.

Often these girls lack discipline. Therefore, when choosing a name for her, you should choose enough strong names but not too hard. Also, such girls should not be given names derived from male names. Men's names are underlined in them by no means the most best qualities such as stubbornness and selfishness.

What names were given to the girls who were born in April, according to the days of the month. Meaning of names

  1. Daria (1. from Slavic "gift, gift" 2.from Greek "owner of the good" 3.from Persian "winner" 4.from Persian "great fire")
  2. Illaria (from the Greek "cheerful")
  3. Sophia, Sophia (from ancient Greek "wise")
  1. Alexandra (derived from male name Alexander, translated from the Greek meaning "protecting the people")
  2. Claudia, Claudia (from Latin "limping")
  3. Mary (1. variously translated from Hebrew: "unfortunate", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  4. Svetlana (1. from the words light and lan, which means earth, literally "Light of the Earth" 2. from the words light and cheeks, which means cheeks, literally "fair-faced" 3. Slavic meaning "light")
  5. Julia (1. from Greek "curly" 2.from latin "july" 3.from Hebrew "divine fire")
  6. Ulyana, Juliana (1. from Latin "belonging to the Julius family" 2. Russian form of the name Julia)
  7. Praskovia (1. from Greek "Friday" 2.from Greek "holiday eve, cooking")
  1. Tatyana (1. Latin, derived from the name of the king "Tatius" 2.from Greek "organizer, founder")
  1. Vasilisa (from the Greek "royal")
  2. Vesselina (from Bulgarian "cheerful")
  3. Daria (1. from Slavic "gift, gift" 2. from the Greek "owner of the good" 3.from Persian "winner" 4.from Persian "great fire")
  4. Polina (this name has many variants of origin 1. from the ancient Greek "solar", "dedicated to Apollo" 2.from Greek "meaningful" 3.from latin "small" 4. from Greek "liberated" 5. from ancient Greek "strong")
  5. Taisia ​​(1. from Greek "wise" 2.from Greek "dedicated to the goddess Isis" 3.from Egyptian "fertile")
  6. "Girl from Lydia" 2. from Italian "musical")
  7. Aglaia, Aglaida (from the Greek "shiny")
  8. Apolinaria (origin unknown, presumably from Greek "sunny")
  1. Mary (1. variously translated from Hebrew: "unfortunate", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  2. Liana (1. from Latin "thin, slim" 2.from latin "youth" 3.from ancient Greek "sad song")
  3. Lydia (1. from the Greek name of the country in Asia Minor, literally "Girl from Lydia" 2. from Italian "musical")
  4. Pelageya (from the Greek "marine")
  1. Alla (1. from ancient Arabic "letter" 2.from Hebrew "goddess" 3.from Arabic "goddess" 4. from Hebrew "pistachio tree" 5. in the Gothic dialect "handyman of all trades" 6.from Greek "other" 7. from Hebrew "invincible")
  2. Anna (from Hebrew )
  3. Larisa (from Greek "gull")
  4. Dana (1. from Slavic "given, bestowed" 2.from Hebrew "God is my judge" 3.derived from the Irish goddess Danu)
  5. Leocadia (from the name of the island of Lefkada in the Ionian Sea, meaning "white, light")
  1. Matryona (1. Russian, literally: "noble woman" 2. from Latin: "venerable lady", "mother of the family")
  2. Mary (1. variously translated from Hebrew: "unfortunate", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  1. Marina (1. from Latin "marine" 2. derivative from Mary, the Old Slavic goddess of winter, the patroness of Rus')
  1. Stanislav (from Slavic "became glorious")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  2. Miroslav (1. from Slavic "glorifying the world" 2.from Slavic "famous all over the world")
  1. Mary (1. variously translated from Hebrew: "unfortunate", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  1. Ilona (1. from Hungarian "light" 2.from Greek "solar", "torch"
  1. Theodosius (from ancient Greek "Gift of God")
  2. Julia (1. from Greek "curly" 2.from latin "july" 3.from Hebrew "divine fire")
  1. Archelia (from ancient Greek "original")
  1. Akulina (from Old Russian or Latin "eagle")
  2. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek "favor", "enjoying glory")
  3. Odette (1. from German "heiress, owner" 2. from the Greek "fragrant")
  1. Ilona (1. from Hungarian "light" 2.from Greek "solar", "torch" 3. derivative on behalf of Elena)
  1. Anfisa (from Greek "flower")
  2. Martha (1. from Syriac "mistress, mistress" 2.from Hebrew "sad")
  1. Fomaida (from the Hebrew "twin girl")
  2. Marceline (1. from Latin "Dedicated to Mars" 2. from the name of the French city of Marseille)
  3. Martha (1. from Syriac "mistress, mistress" 2.from Hebrew "sad")
  1. Zita (1. from Latin "happiness" 2.from Persian "young woman" 3. from Italian "unmarried girl" 3.Sanskrit "furrow")
  1. Anastasia (from the Greek "resurrected")
  2. Vasilisa (from the Greek "royal")
  1. Arina (1. derived from Irina in ancient Greek meaning "peaceful" 2. derived from Slavic Yarina, formed on behalf of the sun god Yarila 3. derived from the Hebrew Aaron, meaning "high", "enlightened")
  2. Vasilisa (from the Greek "royal")
  3. Galina (from ancient Greek "quiet, calm")
  4. Irina (from Greek "possessive, peaceful")
  5. Irena (1.on behalf of Greek goddess Irena 2. variant of the name Irina)
  6. Nike (from the ancient Greek "victory")
  7. Nicole (French form of the Greek name Nicholas, "winner of nations")
  1. Askitreya (from the Greek "ascetic")

The fate of a person depends on the character, and the character largely depends on the name. Let's talk about the babies who were born in the most fun month of spring.

What is the best name for a girl born in April so that the name brings her good luck

Psychologists advise

Experts say that from spring babies indecisive people often grow up who are afraid of change and tend to hesitate. Therefore, it’s not bad if the name is sonorous, energetic, giving confidence: Alexandra, Arina, Valeria, Victoria, Wanda, Barbara, Daria, Evgenia, Kira, Christina, Larisa, Margarita, Maria, Maryana, Regina, Sofia, Tamara.

Great for girls born "in the young month of April", and flower names: Azalea, Oia (violet), Lily, Rose.

What is the best name for a girl in April according to the church calendar

Smart assistant - saints. In the church calendar there is always a holy righteous woman who is honored on the days when your baby appeared. By naming a child according to church custom, you attract a specific heavenly patron to guardianship over him. Orthodox calendar for April they offer the following options for girls: Anna, Anastasia, Vasilisa, Galina, Irina, Claudia, Lydia, Nika, Svetlana, Susanna, Ulyana, Julia, as well as old, rare - Anatolia, Athanasius, Evdokia, Domna, Martha, Melania, Praskovya, Fedora.

Astrologers do not mind that "April" is indecisive, but they argue that this does not prevent girls born under the sign of Aries from being selfish. A name can soften the line Eva, Zhanna, Katerina or Tatiana. But for those who appeared under the shadow of Taurus and are distinguished by thriftiness, homeliness, names are better suited Angelica, Lada, Isabella, Zinaida, Nina.

Reasoning sensibly

When going through the options, do not forget about the patronymic and surname: they should harmoniously combine with the name of the daughter, be a beautiful chord.

Of course, find out the etymology of the chosen name: where did it come from, what does it mean, what prominent people they wore it. Were they happy? Or maybe the name is not very lucky and therefore not worth the risk?

The same advice applies to the case when a girl wants to be named after one of the relatives. This in itself is very commendable: unfortunately, the tradition of naming great-grandparents has come to naught, but in this case, the ancestors feed their energy, wisdom, and the forces of the very young heirs of the family. However, if a relative, whose name you want, suffered a lot, got sick, died prematurely ... It is better to abandon the idea.

Say the name aloud - both full and diminutive forms. What associations does it evoke? Will the child be easy and comfortable with him, because it is luggage for life.

Every parent wants an obedient child with a complaisant character, moreover, if it is a girl. Parents very carefully analyze a bunch of names before finally deciding on a choice. Since almost everyone believes that in many respects the character and further fate of a person depends on the name. Also, when choosing, it is important to take into account that the name would be in harmony with the time of the birth of the child, since in different months there is a set, following which you can choose the perfect name for your child. In this article, we will look at what character traits April gives girls, and we will also give a list of names for each day.

Distinctive features of the character of girls born in April: cheerfulness, determination, courage. From negative qualities stubbornness can be distinguished. Being kind and sympathetic, because of this, they sometimes experience difficulties in communicating with others, but if you achieve their location, then these are the most faithful friends. Calmness and prudence make them approach any issue with special responsibility. Before any decision is made, no matter how serious, the pros and cons will be slowly and carefully analyzed. Still such girls are very bright conservatives. They can hardly endure any changes in their lives and resort to them only when absolutely necessary. Having become an adult, the April girl will always have her family and the interests of her household in the first place, then everything else, even if the importance of third-party problems is a hundred times higher than family ones. In addition, stability in family life is also important for them. Afraid of losing it, they are ready to get away with any offense to their relatives.

The name of a girl born in April is very dependent on the patronymic, a harmonious combination is very important. If the father's name is simple, then it is better to forget about non-standard names. A dissonant combination in the future will have a bad effect on the fate of the child.

Names for girls born in April by numbers

  • Ilaria - from the Greek. "cheerful".
  • Alexandra - from her husband. Alexander is the "defender of the people."
  • Euphrasia - distinguished by independence and courage.
  • Claudia - from lat. "limping".
  • Efimia - from the male name Efim "pious", "sacred".
  • Juliana, Ulyana - from lat. "belonging to the genus Juliev".
  • Anatolia - from male. named after Anatoly "eastern", "sunrise".
  • Svetlana - from Slavic. "light".
  • Taisiya - from the Greek. "wise".
  • Polina - from ancient Greek. "sunny".
  • Daria - from the Greek. "owner of the good".
  • Lydia - from the Greek. countries in Asia Minor "Girl from Lydia".
  • Larisa - from the Greek. "gull".
  • Matryona - from lat. “venerable lady”, “mother of the family”.
  • Marina - from lat. "marine".
  • Anna - from the Hebrew "mercy, good."
  • Mary - from Hebrew. "beloved, desired" also noun. other values.
  • Theodosius - from ancient Greek. "Given by God"
  • Akulina - from ancient Roman. "eagle".
  • Athanasius - from male. Athanasius "immortal".
  • Anfisa - from the Greek. "Anfos" - "flower".
  • Vasilina - from the Bulgarian "cheerful".
  • Vasilisa - from the Greek. "royal".
  • Galina - from ancient Greek. "quiet", "calm".
  • Nike - from the Greek. origin "victory".
  • Vasilina - from the Bulgarian "cheerful".
  • Theodora - from male. Fedor "gift of God".
  • Irina - from ancient Greek. "peace", "peace".
  • Nicole - from the Greek. masculine name Nikolai "victor of peoples"


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