The name Eugene in the Orthodox calendar (Saints). The meaning of the name Evgeniya, the fate and character of the girl

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The name Evgeniya is the feminine form of Evgeniy. It has Greek origin, derived from ancient word“eugenes” means “noble”, “with good genes”. It was very popular in Rus' in the mid-19th century, when nobles used the masculine version of the name, pronouncing it in the French manner - Eugene. Gradually, the diminutive form Zhenya took root among the people, which began to be used for both girls and boys.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Patron Planet: Mars
  • Talisman stone: emerald
  • Color: dark green
  • Tree: fir
  • Plant: thistle
  • Animal: mountain goat
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character traits

Little Zhenya is an independent, quiet and calm child. She can play with her toys alone for a long time and come up with different stories. Active noisy games do not excite her. At the same time, the girl is sociable and open, easy to teach. She enthusiastically sculpts, draws or reads in kindergarten, at school - a diligent and successful student. Evgeniya is very thoughtful and inquisitive, and knows how to focus on her classes.

She is an obedient and caring daughter, a loyal and reliable comrade. Her peers respect her for her fair judgment and responsiveness. However, in the team, Evgenia keeps herself aloof, slightly aloof. He is very upset when he does not see or feel mutual equal treatment, so he prefers not to get close to his classmates.

The secret of the name hides the irritable, vulnerable, stubborn and quarrelsome personality into which the adult Evgenia turns. Often the reason for quarrels is her hot temper. But she knows how to control herself and may not show her true attitude towards her interlocutor. If necessary, she is able to defuse the situation and extinguish the conflict brewing in the team.

The owner of the name Evgenia is a very rational and economical girl. She does not like to spend money on trifles, she knows how to “give a second life” to old things. She always relies on common sense and from the outside it seems that nothing can surprise her. A woman tries to maintain equanimity in any situation, which, together with her inherent self-confidence, is sometimes mistaken for arrogance.

Interests and hobbies

Zhenya's childhood hobbies include books, computers, and floriculture. A mature girl is interested in science, natural history, and psychology.

Profession and business

Evgeniya tries to complete any task and do it efficiently. A punctual and hardworking woman quickly becomes a professional in her field. She is decisive and self-confident, not burdened by unnecessary doubts and thoughts. A modest and inconspicuous worker at some point becomes simply irreplaceable. She makes a good and talented Researcher, lawyer, doctor, assistant. Can work as a teacher. The ability to make non-standard and creative decisions is useful when choosing creative professions and in leadership positions.


Evgenia's general condition is more than satisfactory. She rarely gets sick and almost always endures colds on her feet. Emotional instability, which a woman has to control, leads to disruption of biorhythms and manifests itself in insomnia, irregular menstrual cycle, and chronic ENT diseases. To cope with these ailments, it is very useful to relax in warm countries by the sea, follow a diet and sleep schedule.

Sex and love

In love, for Evgenia, the same principle works as in life: “all or nothing.” Feeling a reciprocal attraction, she is able to throw herself into the ocean of passions, without thinking at all about the consequences. The girl is inclined to experiment in bed, so not every partner is able to withstand her temperament.

Family and marriage

Evgenia takes marriage very seriously. She prefers conservative men, smart, hardworking and much older than her in age. With such a husband, she becomes a faithful wife and a happy housewife. She likes to take care of the house and children. The woman gets along well with her mother-in-law and her husband's relatives.

Evgeniya – Greek name, which is translated into Russian as “noble”. This form is the feminine version of the name Eugene. In fact, about thirty years ago the name was more common in cities, but now it has become common in the villages.


Evgenia’s type is extremely difficult to determine, but at the same time, a woman can charm and inject at the same time. In some cases, actions are taken at random. Especially in youth one feels a hot temperament. Unfortunately, in some situations a woman finds herself in serious situations, from which it is almost impossible to find a way out.


Evgenia strives to establish contacts with the outside world. She has a developed imagination, in which a touch of extravagance is felt. At the same time, Evgenia strives to make slaves and subordinates out of all her people. The girl strives to gain the upper hand even over her parents. In nature one can feel passion and irrepressibility. At the same time, it is necessary to note the development of imagination. There are no self-restraint mechanisms, and the sense of approaching danger is also not developed. For this reason, once Evgenia starts any activity, she practically cannot stop. This behavior tactic often leads to falling into the abyss and serious situations.


Evgeniya has a certain confidence that she has sufficient experience and perfect knowledge about life, so she can rely on common sense. Hard work allows you to achieve initial success. To actively advance in the direction of interest, a woman will have to demonstrate increased efficiency.


Evgenia has unstable morality. Due to the fact that a similar trait is present in the character, a woman strives to get exactly what she wants. At the same time, Evgenia is ready to help her loved ones in the most difficult moments of their lives, excluding any pity for herself. All means and methods can be used to provide assistance. Close people can especially count on support.

Features of the implementation of talents in society, development prospects.

Evgenia strives to ensure that everything is constantly in motion. She can practice medicine and paramedicine, travel frequently, and is especially willing to travel for business, no matter how long. Evgenia is distinguished by her ability to quickly and easily adapt to the current situation. No matter what obstacles in life she has to face, her tenacity of character shines through. Unfortunately, a woman can be influenced by other people.

Talents and character traits allow you to try the potential for the position of director educational institution, lawyer, doctor, secretary. In addition, Evgenia can be a good housewife who will regularly manage the household and maintain the house in perfect condition.

Positive and negative character traits.

Evgenia is noble and honest. These positive character traits contribute to a successful search large number friends who can be sure that they will definitely be supported. Evgenia is ready to be a loyal friend, because she values ​​relationships in which she is needed. Close people do not have to worry about problems, because any evil is eliminated.

Evgenia cannot be patient with lies. In addition, she strives to avoid any lies. Evgenia always strives for justice and equality of people in relationships and in social activities. A woman respects the interests of others as well as her own.

Among negative traits character, it is necessary to note an increased level of anxiety and the ability to search for secret dangers. Analysis of actions that were committed by other people suggests the ability to avoid dangerous and risky situations caused by envious people, but at the same time, you need to understand that a woman’s character flaws can independently lead to certain difficulties and dangers.

Character traits.

The girl's character feels calm and even. She's ready long time spend alone, enjoying peace and games. Evgenia can learn to read, draw... Developed imagination and creative inclinations contribute to the ability to come up with a variety of stories. In childhood, interest is also shown in active games, but there is no particular enthusiasm.

Evgeniya is doing well at school. She always shows a desire to gain knowledge and is ready to ask various interesting questions related to lessons. To intensively replenish knowledge, the girl reads a large number of books. The desire for curiosity and the ability to absorb a large amount of knowledge allows her to lay the foundation for a successful education and valuable knowledge. Among the worthy abilities, it should be noted that there is no risk that the girl will be constantly distracted by foreign objects.

Evgenia does not have any conflicts with her parents and behaves obediently, but at the same time it is extremely difficult to get along with her peers. At the same time, the girl will definitely have friends whom she can support. Evgenia is ready to come to the aid of her comrades, forgetting about herself. If equal treatment is not evident in communication, serious grievances arise.

In adulthood, Evgenia is ready to win over people and at the same time keep her distance. The character shows the ability to take offense and be stubborn. In some situations, a woman hides her true attitude towards her interlocutor. In order to soften the situation and eliminate the conflict, common sense and amazing self-control are shown.

Evgeniya is ready to become a real specialist. Confidence in accumulated knowledge helps in career advancement. Despite the amazing successes, humility shows. Evgenia does not want overwhelming success and recognition, but she wants to be indispensable. Non-standard thinking and readiness for development, punctuality and responsibility help in the work. Such character traits and inclinations lead to the opportunity to become a teacher, lawyer, physician, assistant, or director of a cultural organization. Hard work allows you to achieve the desired heights.

Evgenia can participate in social activities, showing reliability and loyalty to principles, a desire for savings, and a reasonable approach to all matters. It is interesting to note that even old things can be put to good use.

A strict attitude is shown towards men. In communication, Evgenia often avoids talking a lot. There is a certain sarcasm in the wit. Only real love can make the character soft and feminine. Evgenia communicates with older men who are ready to conquer with tact and a developed intellectual. Evgenia is ready to be a good housewife and surprise her chosen one delicious dishes. In addition, the woman will be able to get along with her mother-in-law. Children will be brought up in a certain rigor, which will allow them to lay down worthy life principles.

We choose a profession.

Evgenia does not want power, but at the same time she is ready to honestly fulfill her own obligations. Amazing successes have been achieved in the field of pedagogy.


Evgenia strives for a prosperous life and understands that she must rely on herself.

Love and family relationships.

Evgenia is ready to give her life for her beloved man, and at the same time she knows how to feel his wishes. A woman shows a special attitude towards her chosen one, being confident that he is right. At the same time, it is not possible to forgive betrayal and deception.


Evgenia has a risk of poor vision, weak nervous system. You need to deal with this from childhood. In communication, it is necessary to avoid raising the tone, which can lead to irritation, anger and even a nervous breakdown. Many girls who have this name are allergic, including to sweets. Evgenia needs to be accustomed to healthy image life and sports to strengthen the immune system, maintain spirit, ideal physical fitness. Your lifelong potential largely depends on this.

When is Eugenia’s name day according to the church calendar:

January 6 – Eugenia of Rome, virgin, martyr, who labored in male guise; July 31 – Eugenia of Serbia, princess.

Evgeniya is a promising name. An example is the fate of Countess Eugenie Montijo, who became the last Empress of France. While playing in the imperial garden, little Louis saw the lovely Mary admiring the violets. It was Louis Napoleon III. They met and played for a long time; a tender childhood friendship began between the children. The next day Louis gallantly presented his lady with a bouquet of blue violets and Golden ring, which later became the fate of her daughter. Meanwhile, Empress Josephine was looking for something that had disappeared without a trace. wedding ring, exactly the one that Maria gave to her daughter Evgenia for happiness. And when in 1851 a young girl appeared at the ball with a bouquet of violets and Josephine’s gold ring, Louis did not let her go anywhere else. This is how she became the French Empress. If you are interested, the further content of the text will reveal the secrets and meaning of the name Eugene.

Brief meaning of the name Evgeniya


We owe the origin of the name Eugene to the ancient Greeks. The name Eugenia comes from the Greek eugenis, which means high-born, noble. Is the female form male name Eugene. The name is popular all over the world, differing in sound derivatives. In England it is Eugenia, in China - Eugenia, in Japan - Eugenia, in Spain - Eugenia, in Germany - Eugenia, in Poland - Eugnena, in France - Eugenie.

The name's roots go back to the distant 3rd century. Ancient Rome, where the noble girl Evgenia lived. Being in the pagan faith, she began to worship the Lord and converted to Christianity. Dressed as a man, in secret from her father and mother, she ran away to monastery and became a monk. Over time, Evgenia became the abbot of this monastery. She was decapitated for her faith in Christ. She was subsequently canonized by the church as a great martyr.

Characteristics and meaning of the name Evgeniya

Evgenia’s character, due to her masculinity, is solid. She is distinguished by a highly developed sense of justice, duty, and rigor in judgments and assessments. He always rushes to help, rarely becomes the cause of conflict, knows how to make friends, and loves smart, honest people when communicating. She gets along with men more easily; the female half seems too flighty to her.

At the same time, she keeps men at a distance, preferring friendship. The choice of girlfriends matters to her great importance, Zhenya treats him extremely carefully, usually she has one girlfriend, maximum two. Prefers to communicate with people who are courteous and reserved, endowed with slightly old-fashioned manners. Its secret lies in contradictions, which means that optimism and cheerfulness directly border on firmness and restraint.

The meaning of marriage and family

Evgenia is distinguished by her hospitality, friendliness, ability to cook and set the table. However, it is worth noting that all this must be agreed upon in advance. She does not accept unexpected visits. A woman named Evgenia is thrifty, doesn’t waste money, and tries to give old things a new life.

An excellent wife, but her personal life is not easy. In relationships with her husband and children, misunderstandings sometimes arise, which disappoints Evgenia. The owner of the name Evgenia, as a rule, has two or more children. Finds it faster with daughters mutual language, they bring less hassle than sons. This happens due to isolation, excessive pride, independence, which sometimes even those closest to her, children, cannot reach her. She carries the image of a cold woman with her throughout her life, unless her grandchildren can draw out her feelings.

The mystery of the name

The character depends on the time of year:

  • Winter Evgenia has masculine character, shows persistence and stubbornness, and is sometimes nervous and quick-tempered.
  • Autumn is not distinguished by its verbosity and isolation; it lives based on the conditions in which it finds itself and at the same time knows exactly its capabilities.
  • Summer Evgenia has a softer character, shows responsiveness and participation.
  • Vesennaya is eccentric, prefers her own interests above all else, and is narcissistic.

Evgenia's character means determination. With perseverance, she can turn everything upside down in one day and start all over again. Although the owner of the name is considered non-conflict, her severity often goes beyond the limits and becomes the cause of not only scandals, but also divorces. She is offended very often and does not forgive this to anyone.


As a child, a girl named Zhenya shows activity and curiosity. He has a strong-willed character. She loves to invent and fantasize; her personal space is sometimes invented by her from beginning to end. Zhenya is not one of those who can easily come up and get acquainted. But he will not mind communicating with the child if such an acquaintance has occurred. She prefers to play together; noisy company is not for her.

School time

Her mother and father consider her an example for others. At school, she has difficulty communicating with her peers due to her great desire to take a leading position in the class. If someone has a different opinion, he gets very offended by him.

Evgenia is a favorite among teachers because of her thirst for knowledge and diligence. She enjoys participating in public life at school and when he grows up. However, Zhenya requires encouragement and constant monitoring from her parents. If she is given freedom, she will easily abandon her studies and social activities. Evgenia, it is worth noting, is very easy to re-educate.

Zhenya will be happy to go into nature, forest walks, hiking and traveling - this is for her. She loves to grow flowers and tinker in the zoo corner. If she has a pet at home, she will create the best conditions for it.

Zhenya matures sexually very early, parents must show maximum attention when communicating with their daughter so that the girl does not do anything stupid. Little Zhenya requires increased sensitivity and love from her parents. Too strict an attitude on their part can lead the girl to a nervous breakdown.


As a child, Zhenya practically never got sick, but a simple cold sometimes turns into all sorts of complications. Father and mother should pay attention to strengthening the immune system and hardening. It is necessary to constantly monitor your posture to prevent the development of scoliosis. From childhood, a child should be limited in sweets, especially chocolate; the girl is predisposed to allergies.

For a girl, constant visits to a urologist and gynecologist are of great importance, due to the high likelihood of diseases of the genitourinary system.

In old age, Evgenia often develops polyarthritis, and infectious diseases can occur. Her character changes fundamentally, making her conservative, grumpy and uncooperative.

Personal life

The girl often falls in love, and feelings intensify to the point of depth and despair. For her, fate means love to the point of self-forgetfulness, dissolving in a partner, guessing his desires, feeling his moods. She is inclined to forgive him anything, however, she will never forget the betrayal. Her old-fashioned outlook on life, her inherent integrity, and morality forbid her to frequently change sexual partners. You can't buy Evgenia's love.

In sex, the owner of this name attaches great importance to foreplay, in which she reaches the height of bliss. Rudeness is not welcome, only tenderness and passion. He will always treat his partner favorably, support him if necessary, give him confidence, and will never laugh in case of failure. However, not every man can give satisfaction to such a passionate and sensual partner. Therefore, according to fate, Evgenia is often lonely. Their passionate love sometimes scares men away. A representative of this name will not initiate a breakup; the separation occurs at the request of the man.

Profession and career

Evgenia does not have talents; she is distinguished by responsibility and honesty in relation to her functional responsibilities. Main characteristics, which is of great importance to her, material support, so she easily changes both her place of work and the profession itself.

In Evgenia's profession will find application as a teacher and doctor, educator and lawyer, actress or designer. But still, vocation and success will come to her in social activities. The owner of the name has non-standard approach to solving problems. For her, a leadership position does not matter, but if this happens, she gets a strict and fair boss.

Promotion by career ladder Evgenia is due to her imperious character and the ability to manipulate people. She tends to bring any task to the end and achieve positive results. But own business will fail due to excessive conservatism and emotionality.

Name forms

In a short affectionate form, the name Evgenia will sound like: Zhenya, Zhenka, Zhenechka, Zhenyura, Zhenyusha, Evgesha, Eva, Enya, Ena, Enyuta, Enyukha, Enyusha, Enyakha, Enyasha, Evgenya, Genya, Zhenya, Genika, Henya, Jenny, Jenna, Jenica.

Declension by case

Based on cases, the name Evgeniy can be declined as follows.

Eugene - Greek Eugenios - noble.

Evgeniy's birthday church calendar:

  • January 21:Evgeniy, martyr
  • February 3rd:Evgeny Trebizondsky, martyr.
  • 25 February:Evgeny Vifinsky, Rev.
  • March 4:Eugene of Antioch, Mauritanian, smch., presbyter
  • 10th of March:Eugene
  • 20th of March:Eugene of Chersonesos, smch., bishop
  • August 3rd:Evgeniy, martyr
  • October 8:Evgeny Damassky, martyr.
  • 20 November:Evgeny Melitinsky
  • December 7:Evgeniy, martyr
  • December 23:Eugene of Caesarea, martyr.
  • December 26:Evgeny Sevastiysky, martyr.

Characteristics of the name Evgeniy

As a child, Evgeniy was a rather obedient and friendly boy. He begins to read early, is very trusting and simple-minded. Evgeniy is inquisitive, tries to learn and comprehend everything at once.

Evgeniy has a sharp mind and good memory. It is easy to learn, both in the humanities and in the exact sciences. Already at school, he selects the subjects that, in his opinion, are most interesting, and devotes his time to them. free time. He does not understand and does not like various adventurous undertakings, although he can argue with teachers, especially if he is absolutely sure of his position.

Evgeniy has a clearly expressed need for self-expression. If he does not find his purpose in life, then he will be relentlessly haunted by a feeling of dissatisfaction and unfulfillment of his talents. Evgeniy has exceptional intuition and is able to foresee events. He is hardworking, but only out of necessity. In fact, work often irritates Evgeniy, and failures drive him crazy. He will become a good lawyer or psychologist. His abilities allow him to choose the profession of a writer, artist or musician. Evgeniy can take any leadership position.

Evgeniy doesn’t know how to make friends at all. He has a special sense of humor, he is ironic, even sarcastic, and skeptical about life. Evgeniy is easily capable of making fun of a person, even good friend. With his caustic remarks, he can deeply hurt feelings. For Evgeniy, this is the norm; such behavior is in his blood. He does not understand and does not accept insults; he will not ask for forgiveness under any circumstances. Naturally, he has almost no friends, mostly friends or colleagues.

But Evgeniy is a ladies' favorite! He has some inexplicably attractive power. With women, Evgeny is chatty beyond measure, conquers them at first sight, although there are no special effort does not make an effort, cares reluctantly. He has many partners. Evgeniy, as a rule, does not burden himself with obligations. However, he marries for love. He chooses a wife who is smart, capable of understanding and accepting him with all his advantages and disadvantages. “There must be some kind of secret in a woman,” this is Evgeniy’s motto and the criterion for his choice. He will not become a zealous family man. He will take care of children, love them, but stay somewhat aloof, afraid to show his feelings.

The female name Eugene has Greek roots, and comes from the male name Eugene (Eugenes), translated it means “noble”. In Russia, the name began to spread in the 19th century - mainly the children of nobles were called this way. But the name Evgenia or Eugene most often sounded in the French manner - Eugene, which is how the diminutive form of the name Zhenya appeared.

Today the name is in the top ten in popularity, but boys are still called this more often than girls.

Among the famous owners of this sonorous and beautiful name there are actresses, writers, athletes and singers. For example, Russian actresses Evgenia Dobrovolskaya and Evgenia Simonova, French empress Evgenia Montijo, Russian artist Evgenia Lurie, psychic Evgenia Davitashvili (Juna), ballerina Evgenia Kolosova.

Name day and patron saints for Eugenia

Eugenia's name day is celebrated on January 6th - on this day the Venerable Great Martyr Virgin Eugenia of Rome is remembered.

She was born into a noble Roman pagan family, but as an adult she firmly believed in Christ. Evgenia, secretly from her parents, changed into a man's dress and went to a monastery. There she took monastic vows, and long years She led a quiet, righteous life, even becoming the abbot of the monastery. But she was exposed, and after much torture she was beheaded.

Characteristics of the name Evgeniy

Evgenia fully lives up to her name - nobility, this is her main advantage, which is difficult not to notice. She is a passionate lover of truth and does not tolerate even the slightest injustice. Protects the interests of others as if they were his own. Her strong point is endurance and common sense.

The masculine component of the name leaves its mark on the woman’s character - it is also absolutely masculine for her. Evgenia is a strict, unsentimental, fair person in her judgments. It is much easier for her to find a common language with men than with women. She never lies and does not tolerate hypocrisy in others.

Zhenya is always ready to help, is non-conflict, and takes friendship very seriously. She has few friends, one or two, but for life. She is a rather reserved person, and it is not easy to get her to open up.

She is often too harsh, straightforward and touchy. One harsh word is enough, and Zhenya can be offended for a long time or even lose his temper. Moreover, most often she herself provides the reasons for conflicts. But Zhenya knows how to be restrained and not show her true attitude towards her interlocutor if it benefits her.

Evgenia is conservative and even a little old-fashioned, she does not like surprises and impromptu things. He treats people with distrust and is always looking for a trick. Analyzes the words and actions of people, looking for secret meaning even where he is not. She is very punctual, prudent and thrifty, never wastes money and tries not to throw anything away.

Determination and perseverance are the main character traits of Evgenia, which help her achieve good results in life, despite the lack of obvious talents. She is persistent and strives to get what she wants at any cost. Having become truly carried away, she loses the mechanisms of self-restraint and does not feel danger; moreover, Evgenia has weak intuition.

At the same time, Evgenia is no stranger to sacrifice; she can come to the aid of a person even when everyone turns away from him, and will help without sparing herself or stinting on resources. Zhenya will never refuse support to a loved one.

Evgeniya in childhood

Little Zhenya is a great inventor and dreamer; she is never bored in her imaginary world. She has an even and calm character, easy to adjust. The girl has few friends, she is not one of those who makes acquaintances easily. It is not easy for her to approach a peer and start playing with him, even if she likes him. But if the acquaintance takes place, then Zhenechka will be happy to play with him. She does not like large and noisy companies, preferring to play with one child.

Parents are not overjoyed at their exemplary daughter, but at school it is difficult for her to find a common language with her classmates. Zhenya claims to be the leader in the class, and is very offended if she does not feel enough respect for herself.

The girl is drawn to knowledge, she is inquisitive and diligent, for which teachers love her. She is no stranger to social activities; at school and in adult life, Zhenya can engage in them successfully and with pleasure. Parents need to strictly monitor their daughter’s progress at school, encourage her success in every possible way and scold her for laziness and unnecessaryness. If we leave everything to chance, then Zhenya can slip into twos and threes. Fortunately, Evgenia is easy to educate.

Zhenya loves communicating with nature, she enjoys forest walks, hiking and traveling, growing flowers and working in a zoo corner. WITH early childhood and all her life the girl will feel the need for extensive contacts with the world. If her parents allow her to keep animals in the house, then her pet will always be well-groomed, fed and caressed.

Evgenia shows her sexuality early, and parents need to talk a lot with their daughter so that she doesn’t do anything stupid. Little Zhenya requires a lot of attention to herself; she is in dire need of parental love. She cannot stand raised voices; rude shouts can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Evgenia's health

Evgeniya doesn’t get sick often as a child, but colds are always severe and complications can arise. Parents need to toughen up the girl and strengthen her immunity. You should also pay attention to your posture, as scoliosis may develop. My wife should not eat a lot of sweets, especially chocolate - the girl has been predisposed to allergies since childhood.

The girl Zhenya may have urological and gynecological problems, she needs to be seen by a gynecologist.

In old age, polyarthritis may develop and a susceptibility to infectious diseases will affect. In addition, the elderly Evgenia's character deteriorates greatly, she becomes grumpy and quarrelsome, and the conservatism inherent in all Eugenes becomes especially acute.

Eugenia's sexuality

Evgenia is in love, and every time her feeling is heightened to the extreme, to the point of self-forgetfulness. She dissolves completely in her partner, guesses his slightest desire, feels all the shades of his mood. She will forgive her loved one for any shortcoming, but she will never forgive betrayal. Old-fashioned views on life and strict moral principles do not allow her to change sexual partners frequently. Evgenia is not one of those women whose love you can buy.

Zhenya attaches great importance erotic game and foreplay - without them she cannot reach the peak of pleasure. Does not tolerate rudeness - only sensual tenderness and passion. She will always support a doubting partner, try to instill confidence in his masculine qualities, and will never offend or mock him in case of failure.

Not every man can satisfy this sensual woman, so Evgenia is often alone. Many men are simply put off by the intensity of passions and feelings emanating from a woman in love. Zhenya herself very rarely breaks up with partners on her own initiative; more often the breakup occurs at the request of the man.

Evgenia married, compatibility

Evgenia takes marriage seriously; she will never marry a man who cannot provide for his family. The girl will make a choice in favor of an old-fashioned and courteous man who knows how to look after beautifully and for a long time, but will avoid ladies' men and ladies' men.

Zhenya will make a devoted and caring wife who will do her best to hold on to even an unsuccessful marriage. But she will always claim leadership in the family, and this can greatly complicate the relationship. Zhenya can be offended over trifles, stir up a quarrel literally out of nothing, so she needs a patient and calm man.

Zhenya will run the household zealously, bringing every penny into the family. She is an excellent cook and knows how to create coziness in the house. However, it cannot be said that home economics is her calling. Zhenya does everything at the behest of her soul, when she is in the mood.

Evgenia will become a caring mother, but her children will not only love her, but also be slightly afraid of her. She will not spoil her children, she will raise them with love and severity. Excessive severity can cause some coldness in relationships with older children.

An alliance with Vladimir, Gleb, Egor, Arkady, Arseny, Valentin, Konstantin and Peter may be successful for Evgenia. Marriages with Eduard, Stanislav, Felix and Roman should be avoided.

Business and career

Evgenia does not have any special talents, but she is a responsible person and honestly fulfills the duties assigned to her. But she can easily change her place of work and profession; she is not one of those people who can be devoted to one thing all her life. For Evgenia, financial support is very important, so she will always look for a more profitable profession.

A woman can become a successful teacher, doctor, educator, lawyer, actress or designer, but she is best at social activities. Evgeniya is easy to train and can find a non-standard approach to a problem. She does not seek power, but can become a strict and fair leader.

Wife's imperious character and ability to manipulate people will help her reach career heights. She knows how to achieve her goals without abandoning the job halfway. But it is still better for Evgenia not to start her own business; it may be unsuccessful, since the woman is prone to conservatism and emotional decisions.

Talismans for Evgenia

  • The zodiac sign of the name is Capricorn.
  • Patron planet - Mars.
  • Lucky color - emerald, green, beige, lemon.
  • A good time of year is winter, a good day of the week is Saturday.
  • The totem plant is thistle. Thistle's motto is "no one will touch me without getting hurt." The plant symbolizes challenge, asceticism and vindictiveness.
  • The totem animal is the mountain goat. The animal symbolizes activity and good spirits, helps to get rid of sadness, depression and despondency.
  • The talisman stone is emerald. The stone relieves stress and fatigue, normalizes sleep, gives peace of mind, and is considered the key to love, happiness and prosperity. An emerald can only be a talisman for honest and sincere people, like all Eugenes are. Otherwise, the stone is either lost, or cracks and becomes cloudy, and most importantly, it loses all its magical properties.

Horoscope for Evgenia

Aries- sincere and impulsive Evgenia, not ready to bear responsibility for her often rash decisions and actions. Many men try to win her favor, but the woman is fickle. In pursuit of new sensations and bright colors she may not notice a truly worthy man next to her.

Taurus- an integral and reliable nature that you can always rely on. She is distinguished by enviable tenacity in achieving her goal, but vanity and envy have absolutely nothing to do with it; these qualities are alien to Eugene the Taurus. She will give her man a sea of ​​love and unconditional devotion.

Twins- This is a playful and reckless young lady, and completely irresponsible. He prefers to shift matters to others and put off decisions until “later.” Easily flits through life, often changing place of residence, work and partners. She cannot be relied upon at all, and her promises should not be trusted.

Cancer- a sensual and vulnerable nature, devoid of physical and spiritual strength. She is not suited for any work; her lot is contemplation. Any failure confuses her, it is very difficult for her to pull herself together and start all over again. Evgenia-Cancer has a fragile appearance, which men are very susceptible to. Due to the inability to resist, a woman is often unsuccessful in her personal life.

a lion- a selfish and absurd person who loves only himself. Her moral principles allow her to “go over her head” and commit betrayal. She never admits her mistakes. Evgenia-Leo attracts men with her extravagance, but the latter often do not even suspect that they are just a weapon to achieve a selfish goal.

Virgo- reserved and reasonable Evgenia, who tries to sort everything out. He is obsessed with cleanliness and cannot stand disorder, both in thoughts and in deeds. He always thinks through all his decisions, plans everything in advance, and does not like surprises. She's a little boring, but reliable. Violent manifestations of feelings are alien to her, but she knows how to love and be devoted.

Scales- an indecisive nature, terribly afraid of making a mistake. He often turns to friends and acquaintances for advice, which can cause irritation. She does not trust her intuition at all and always tries to do as she was advised. In marriage, she will always yield to her husband in everything.

Scorpion- a defiant and even extravagant personality, incredibly stubborn. He often suffers from his stubbornness, but cannot overcome himself. Vulnerable and vulnerable deep down, Evgenia-Scorpio wears the mask of a confident woman. She really needs a person whom she can completely trust. But it is very difficult to reach her, since she herself pushes away the man she likes - simply out of a feeling of contradiction.

Sagittarius- generous and sincere Evgenia, who has a huge number of friends. She knows how to make the right contacts and use people to her advantage. Evgenia knows how to make friends and knows how to be grateful. She is fickle with men, quickly gets carried away and also quickly cools down.

Capricorn- responsible and persistent, prone to the most ruthless self-criticism. He never hopes for “maybe”; he achieves everything through his own work. Very secretive, it is almost impossible to provoke her into frankness. She can date only one man to whom she will be selflessly faithful, but she will also demand the same from him.

Aquarius- a freedom-loving person who says little but does a lot. In business she is guided by common sense, she has excellent business acumen. She has many envious people, and she is very worried about this - gossip and rumors deeply hurt her sensitive soul. She treats her partner with respect, but does not risk fully revealing her soul to him.

Fish- a dreamy, vulnerable, touchy young lady with developed intuition. She makes a strange impression on others and is difficult to understand. She trusts her intuition, so she rarely makes mistakes in people and matters. Her main drawback is excessive impressionability, which prevents her from living.


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