The name Polina means the name according to the church. Pauline

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The fate of some Russian names is very happy. Appearing as a borrowing from foreign language or as a result of linguistic (or even ideological) experiments, they organically coincided with the phonetics of the Russian language, with cultural traditions, the character of the people themselves. Such luck is female name Pauline.

Russian pop singer, composer, actress, model, participant music competition Eurovision 2015


There are two main versions of the origin of the name Polina and, accordingly, its meaning. According to the first of them, the origin of the name Polina refers us to a majestic and beautiful culture Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome. Pauline is a shortened version of the name Apollinaris, the feminine form of the ancient Roman male name Apollinaris – dedicated to the god Apollo. Apollo is the ancient Greek god of the Sun, patron of the arts, and predictor. In this context, the decoding of the name Polina is belonging to Apollo, art, Solar, significant. The second version indicates the French roots of the name: Polina (Paulina, Pavlina) is the female version of the male name Paul (Paul, Pavel). The name Paul comes from the Latin word "paulus", which means "small", "baby". Thus, the interpretation of the name Polina is small, modest. In the crosshairs of these meanings, it becomes clear what the name Polina means and what determines the character of its bearers.

The sound of the name Polina is pleasant and melodic, there are no sharp sounds or nervous jumps in it. It is long and harmonious. For native speakers of the Russian language, the name Polina quickly became familiar - after all, it senses the boundlessness of Russian steppes and fields, the melodiousness of folk songs, the gentleness of character and the beauty of Russian women.

Characteristics of the name Polina

The history and meaning of the name Polina determines the fate and character of the owners of this name, full of softness and tenderness.

The girl Polina is an affectionate and cheerful child. Despite her active nature, she will not cause trouble to her parents, including in terms of health. The interpretation of the name Polina in the sense of “small”, “baby” suits this playful, but sweet and gentle child perfectly. The charming appearance of the girl Polina and her easy-going character endear her to those around her. People are fascinated by her spontaneity and cheerful disposition. The main thing is not to spoil little Polina, otherwise it may develop vanity and arrogance in her.

What the name Polina means in adulthood can be found out by referring to the biographies of famous women with this name. Most of them are writers, singers, and actresses. And this is no coincidence, because the meaning of the name Polina is dedicated to Apollo, the patron of muses and the arts. The fate of many Polinas is determined by this high value, directs them into the creative sphere. It is very important here that Polina’s parents are still in early childhood began to develop the child’s talents. If there are no talents, and Polina strives to become an actress or singer, life’s drama and unfortunate fate cannot be avoided. The uncompromising character of a failed actress can lead to depression and a depressed state. Therefore, it is so important to identify little Polina’s abilities as early as possible and direct them in the right direction.

Polina's femininity and gentle character attracts many men to her. But make no mistake - Polina has a strong will and a high opinion of herself. Behind her external pliability and pliability lies a steely character. She will not allow herself to be treated disrespectfully and unworthily.

In business, Polina trusts reason more than feelings and intuition. She loves to plan, distribute, subordinate her life to achieving some goal. Pauline - good hostess, home for her is an important part of her life project, in which everything should be on top level. Polina surrounds her husband and children with the most reverent care, but her family should not forget about reciprocal gratitude and give her small but heartfelt gifts.

Polina has few friends, but friendship with them lasts a lifetime.

Religious meaning and forms of the name

Polina is a name common in European countries. Options - Paulina, Pavlina, Paolina.

IN Orthodox calendar There is no name Polina, but girls with this name are baptized under the names Apollinaria, Pelageya and Paul. The feast day of Venerable Apollinaria is January 18. This is the Saint of Alexandria Orthodox Church, healer and nun. April 4 is the day of the martyr Apollinaria.

The full form of the name is Polina. Diminutives - Polya, Polinka, Pusya, Pupsik, Polyunya, Panyulya, Polyusha, Polyusya, Pana, Panya, Pasha, Lina. Declension by case:

  • nominative case – Polina;
  • genitive case – Polina;
  • dative case – Polina;
  • accusative case - Polina;
  • instrumental case - Polina;
  • prepositional case – Polina.

Writing in other languages:

  • English – Pauline;
  • Italian – Paolina;
  • Spanish – Paulina;
  • Chinese - 波莉纳;
  • German – Pauline;
  • Ukrainian language – Polina;
  • French – Pauline;
  • Japanese language – ポリナ.

Famous women with the name Polina:

  • Pauline Bonaparte – sister of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte;
  • Polina Annenkova - French, bride, later the wife of the Decembrist Ivan Annenkov, who followed him to Siberia;
  • Pauline Viardot - French singer, lover of Ivan Turgenev;
  • Polina Strepetova - Russian theater actress;
  • Polina Osipenko - Soviet pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union;
  • Polina Dashkova – Russian writer;
  • Polina Kutepova - Russian theater and film actress:
  • Polina Gagarina is a Russian singer.

The female name Polina is common in Russia, popular among newborn girls. There is quite a lively and varied interest in its origin and interpretation. The name is associated with ancient Greek god sun by Apollo and give it the meaning “solar”, “dedicated to Apollo”. The French version of the origin leads to the names Pauline (Pauline) - the feminine form of Paulin (Russian version - Pavlin) and Pol (in Russian - Pavel). IN in this case The name means “small”, “modest”.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Patron Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman stone: selenite
  • Color: light blue
  • Wood: poplar
  • Plant: lotus
  • Animal: swan
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character traits

Polina is a charming, approachable, proud and very wayward woman. In judgment - independent, capable of dictating and coercing. She seems unapproachable, a kind of lady with big “pretensions”. He hides his feelings under a mask of indifference and cold observation. She doesn’t know how to argue at all, rarely trusts anyone, and can be quick-tempered and aggressive. He is very critical of himself and may engage in self-criticism.

The girl Polya attracts attention with her exceptional neatness, carefree and cheerful character. Her friends trust her with secrets, boys show attention. Polina is a born fashionista, she has a developed sense of perception of beauty. He plays music, writes poetry, and loves cinema. This is a comprehensively developed personality. She loves luxury, convenience, strives to get married successfully, improve social status.

The secret of the name Polina is that a girl, depending on her upbringing and environment, can receive different directions development of life priorities. Arrogance and arrogance, as pronounced character traits, always interfere with achieving your goal. A woman trusts only the logic of her judgments. There is no intuition in this name. Her friendliness and responsiveness are valued among her friends. She is capable of being harsh and straightforward, but sincere. Does not refuse help, understands and does not judge.

Interests and hobbies

Most often, a child's passion for fashion turns into a real hobby or even a profession. Polina is a sports fan, loves television shows, takes part in various events, competitions, and exhibitions. She has a delicate taste, so many influential people listen to the girl’s opinion. She is seriously interested in collecting and knows a lot about the intricacies of this work.

Profession and business

Prudence, caution and focus are the main driving forces career growth girls. Polina strives for public recognition, so she is looking for ways of personal recognition. Education, the ability to adapt, and stand out greatly help her in this. The profession of a fashion designer and art expert is considered successful for her. Success comes from working as a television presenter and actress. The professions of an animator, florist, hairdresser, jeweler, and photographer give such a woman pleasure.

Achieving your goals and self-realization in your career is most often hampered by marriage, attachment to home, and ordinary surroundings.


Polina's health is poor. Depends on nervous stress, stress, physical fatigue. Home seclusion and hobbies are contraindicated for her. gambling, diets. Cold and dampness are the first enemies of such a woman’s health.

Sex and love

Polina always hides her emotions, but she chooses very sexy man. The complex of a rational approach to all life's problems prevents her from revealing her feelings. But she has her own “trick”, she hides behind an imaginary weak character.

Family and marriage

Polina was created for the family and home comfort. She is a wonderful mother, a brilliant housewife. Her thriftiness and thriftiness surprise those close to her. Such a wife is capable of taming any obstinate husband, making him an understanding, caring and affectionate father.

Pauline(Appolinaria) - has ancient Greek roots, translated means - dedicated to Apollo - the god of light and predictions. However, another version of the birth of the name cannot be ruled out. According to some researchers, it came out of England as a derivative form of the name Peacock. Polina is a fairly rare name, but it is this rarity that makes it so noticeable and attractive.

Polina - character traits

As a child, Polya is active and energetic, she wants to do everything, to do everything. She is extremely independent and gets along with other children. With her characteristic cunning, she gets from her parents whatever she wants, but remains an easy-going and obedient child. She is relaxed and friendly with guests; shyness and modesty are not her element.

At school, Polina is a good student. She just has so much to do that she doesn’t have time to study at all. Besides school curriculum The girl also has various clubs, dances, etc. The child miraculously combines several things at the same time.

Growing up physically, in her soul Polina remains the same little girl who is not characterized by self-interest; She, like a child, rejoices at every little thing. The girl is very clean and loves order in everything. In addition, she is a big fashionista, has excellent taste and experiments with her appearance, but Polina cannot be called a spender.

She is indifferent to her career and professional success; simple and unenvious, sincerely happy for other people, and in grief she will lend her shoulder and cry with you. But if a girl is greatly offended and humiliated, she can take revenge - Polina does not spare her enemies. The girl is characterized by independence in decision-making; Polina does not succumb to the influence of others and does everything her own way. If Polya has her mind on something, you can’t convince her!

In relationships with men, Polina is often reserved, but when she gets to know her partner well, she opens up like a flower, showing her true passion. She is a wonderful wife and mother, capable of turning family nest to a cozy oasis.

Polina – name compatibility

A reliable marriage is most likely expected with Alexander, Efim, Vitaly, Yuri, Denis and Konstantin. You may not be lucky with Anatoly, Igor or Vadim.

Famous people named Polina

P. Gelman - hero of the S. Union (made almost 900 combat missions), P. Dashkova - writer, P. Kutepova - actress, P. Osipenko - pilot, P. Strepetova - famous theater actress, P. Gagarina - singer, P. Petrova is a poetess.

Polina - interesting facts about the name

— zodiac affiliation – Capricorn;
- planet - Moon and Saturn;
- name colors - red (the most auspicious), light blue, light green, golden;
- plants - lotus, poplar, strawberry;
- animal - swan;
- talisman stone - ruby.

The wonderful name Polina has more than one interpretation, including: “belonging to Apollo,” “meaningful,” “small.”

Origin of the name

The main version of the origin of the nickname speaks of its relationship to the ancient Greek deity Apollo. But perhaps the birthplace of the name is France; from the local male address Paul, the female version was formed - Polina. Alternatively, the word form could be formed from the female names Paulina, Apollinaria or Pelageya.

general characteristics

Little Polya is a special girl, she is sweet and friendly with everyone, flexible, and will always respond to requests for help. He never gloats over someone else’s misfortune; on the contrary, possessing an innate sense of compassion, he tries to console the unfortunate as best he can.

The girl does not envy the happiness of others; she is able to sincerely rejoice in the successes of others. It seems that this little man has a love for everything in the world. The girl is friendly with her classmates, always avoids conflict, helps teachers, and is often the class leader.

Porlyusha is very clean; you don’t have to force her to wash her hands after going outside or wear new shoes to school.

Positive character traits

Polenka is a sincere person. She always experiences their grief with her neighbors, rejoices in the happiness of others, envy is not inherent in her. People themselves are drawn to this bright girl.

Polina is an optimist. When an unlucky period comes in life, she does not give up, believes and hopes that everything will soon return to normal.

The girl knows how to control her impulses and will never take on an impossible task, no matter how sweet the reward may be. She knows how to be content with little and live happily at the same time.

From business qualities For Paulie, the most important thing is her responsibility. Whatever this person undertakes, she always calculates her capabilities and completes the task on time.

Negative character traits

The girl periodically exhibits unreasonable fear, a panicky feeling that something terrible is about to happen. Sports and regular trips to nature help to overcome anxiety.

Sometimes Polenka can be in a melancholic mood, immersed in deep thoughts, not paying attention to those around her. During such periods, she is cold to everyone.

Also, the girl is overly susceptible to criticism. Polina wants to hear only reliable information; she is not interested in unverified facts.

Zodiac sign

The combination of the name Polina with the sign of Capricorn is ideal. Negative traits in such a girl they will be smoothed out as much as possible.
Guardian of boundaries Saturn patronizes the nickname.

The most favorable color for Poly is sky blue and others light shades blue.
A girl must have a figurine made of selenite in her room; a product made from a talisman stone protects its owner from evil.


Fields, Polka, Polechka, Polenka, Polinka, Polinochka, Polyusha, Porlyushka, Polyusya, Lina.

Name options

Pauline, Paulina, Pauline, Paolina, Pavlina, Paulino, Polet, Polly.

Historical figures

1821 – 1910 – singer and composer, Frenchwoman Pauline Viardot-Garcia.
1907 – 1939 – pilot Polina Osipenko.
1910 – 1992 – Ukrainian actress Polina Kumachenko.
1936 – 2005 – gymnast Polina Astakhova.

Polina of our time

poetess Polina Barskova;
actress Polina Kutepova;
biathlete from France Pauline Macabis;
romance singer and actress Polina Agureeva;
ex-soloist of the group “Brilliant” Polina Iodis;
figure skater Polina Shelepen;
singer Polina Gagarina;
Polish artist Polina Olowska, supermodel from the Czech Republic Polina Porizkova, Russian figure skaters Polina Korobeinikova and Polina Agafonova.

Name day

The meaning of the name Polina has several variants of origin and interpretation. different languages. The ancient Greek interpretation comes from the name of the god Apollo and is translated literally as “solar”. The Russian decoding of the variant of the name Apollinaria is “liberated”. There is a French version of the origin of the name Polina from the masculine Pol, meaning “small”. Another French variation is the name Paulina, which comes from the masculine Peacock.

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Church Slavonic variation of the name - Pelageya or Apollinaria. Name day by church calendar Polina celebrates January 18, the day of the Venerable Virgin Apollinaria.

    Childhood and youth

    Little Polya is a very gentle and touching child. The girl is friendly and responsive, always helps her parents, and is filled with love for animals and the entire world around her. She's always happy to share her last cookie with a friend or let her play with her new doll. The baby is not envious, her parents are not happy with whims and hysterics. If you instill a love of spiritual values ​​from childhood, then Polya will grow into a selfless and righteous nature.

      At school she chooses a leading position, she has many friends, and her classmates respect her opinion. Studying is easy for the girl; she loves languages ​​and literature, music and choreography. He has an excellent ear for music and a gentle voice. Polly has enormous creative potential, she can easily become outstanding creative personality- an artist or performer.

      Polina's young years are spent surrounded by loyal and devoted friends. She is sociable, has natural attractiveness and charm, so she has no end to fans. Dresses tastefully, does fashionable hairstyles and loves beautiful jewelry. The girl is cheerful and energetic, does not like to brag and knows how to save money. She is responsible and hardworking, prefers useful activities and loves to learn new things.

      The time of year in which Polina was born is important for the development of personality:

      • Winter is strong-willed and brave, she achieves everything on her own. One can only envy the girl’s tenacity and perseverance. She does not show her tears and weakness to anyone, but in her soul she remains very vulnerable and tender, requiring increased attention.
      • Spring is resourceful and cheerful, loves noisy companies and entertainment. She is a little arrogant, which annoys those around her, but she is a devoted and faithful friend.
      • Summer is smart and well-mannered, has a cheerful disposition and a kind soul. She is talkative, even a little talkative, witty and knows her worth.
      • Autumn is generous and good-natured, knows how to manage money rationally and has oratorical talents. She can convince almost any person that she is right, even if her opinion is wrong.

      How to determine if a guy is suitable for a girl - compatibility of names in love and marriage

      Love relationships and family

      Fate adult woman is going well. She is financially secure and socially significant. She chooses a strong and wealthy man as her partner. She good friend and a great mother.

      For Polina, money comes first. When choosing a lover, she pays attention to his social status and financial situation.

      A man should be caring, gentle, sensitive, and have a beautiful appearance. To win Paulie's favor, you need to work hard. The woman is very cold and unapproachable, at first glance. Having become a wife, she will sincerely and devotedly love her husband.

      Children are very important to her; a family without them is unthinkable. She herself is involved in their upbringing, devotes everything free time kids. Dissolving in her loved ones, a woman forgets about herself and does not pay attention to her appearance. This may cause divorce.

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      Polina can become both a good housewife and a prosperous careerist. She works conscientiously, sparing no effort. Ability to achieve goals and achieve in everything good result Any boss will appreciate it.

      She gets along easily with her boss and finds mutual language with colleagues. Thanks to her professional talents and serious approach to work, Polina easily and quickly climbs the ladder. career ladder.

      Astrological horoscope

      In women born under different signs zodiac, various qualities and character traits predominate:

      • Twins. Kind and responsive. He will never leave a person in trouble, he will always lend a helping hand. She is trusting of people, especially men, so she is often disappointed in love relationships. A woman is used to relying only on own strength, does not show his weakness to anyone.
      • Cancer. Impulsive and hot-tempered personality, very vindictive and sensitive. The woman is selfish and arrogant, has a difficult character, and therefore cannot find a suitable partner for a long time.
      • A lion. Determined, daring, smart and talented. She has good ingenuity, knows how to correctly analyze information, quickly finds a way out of any situation, is enterprising and active.
      • Virgo. Light in all respects, cheerful and energetic. Prefers leisure and entertainment. She is calculating and shrewd, starts short-term affairs and uses men for consumer purposes.
      • Scales. Feminine and attractive nature, sometimes cunning, knows how to turn even the most negative situation in its favor. An optimistic and joyful woman who values ​​her freedom and independence.
      • Scorpion. She is constant and unyielding in her decisions, devoted to her chosen one until the end of her days. Polya has a very powerful and strong personality.
      • Sagittarius. A born leader, she is used to bringing any task to perfection. Generous and sociable, it is not easy to win her favor.
      • Capricorn. A pessimist by nature, she is often subject to emotional mood swings, closed and secretive. A woman has few friends, but she doesn’t need them.
      • Aquarius. Temperamental and cheerful, harmless and sociable. She loves to do extraordinary things and be the center of attention.
      • Fish. Unsure of herself, complex, prone to melancholy. The woman is talented, but because of the fear of doing something wrong, she will not achieve much success.
      • Aries. Straightforward and self-confident, courageous and decisive. Polina independently solves problems and achieves her goals by any means.
      • Calf. Cautious and calculating, a little slow and stubborn. A woman never takes part in dubious activities and does not commit risky acts.


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