Whose name is Innocent? Folk signs and customs

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Short form named Innocent. Ina, Inya, Kesha, Inyusha, Kenya, Kena, Kekha, Innokentyushka, Inek, Chencho.
Synonyms for the name Innocent. Inocencio, Inocente, Inze, Inakent, Innocens, Innocens, Innocenciu.
Origin of the name Innocent. The name Innocent is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic.

What does the name Innocent mean? The name Innocent is of Latin origin. This male name means “innocent”, and it comes from the Latin word “innocens”, which has possible various variations interpretation. So this is “innocent”, i.e. “one who is not guilty”, “one whose guilt is not”, “innocent”; and “innocent” in the meaning of “harmless”, “kind”; and “harmless”, “one who does no harm”; and “honest”, “impeccable”, “impeccable”. Many Popes bore the name Innocent.

Spanish and Portuguese retain spellings and pronunciations of the original Latin word, but general meaning“innocent” was preserved, a nuance was added – “simple-minded”. In Poland, the female version of the name is also used - Innocenta, Innocentia, but is considered very rare. It is possible that the name Inessa is a transformation female name Innocenta, modernized in the past, since it has a general meaning - “innocent”.

Innocent is a rather peaceful and calm person, but at the same time he is easily excitable and vulnerable. He is a born romantic who believes that the most important thing in any person is intelligence. In childhood and youth, Kesha was sensitive to the excessive fragility and sometimes apparent femininity of her name. At the same time, he is practically not characterized by conflicts characteristic of these ages. The name, first of all, inclines Innocent to calmness. Therefore, he likes activities such as communicating with loved ones and reading books.

Innocent, born in the fall, is characterized mainly by such character traits as frivolity and isolation. In his work, he is characterized by inconstancy, which, oddly enough, suits him quite well. Winter Innocent is characterized, first of all, by irritability and hot temper, which, however, are compensated by a rather quick quick temper. Overall, it's very a kind person, loving children and animals. Although outwardly he usually has a rather menacing appearance.

Innocent finds excellent use of his character traits in professions related to art. He is hardworking, but often lacks the strength of character to build a career. And this is only due to excessive vulnerability and temper. Therefore, to succeed, Kesha needs to learn to combine her intelligence with the ability to defend her point of view.

Innocents usually marry once and, as they would like, forever. IN family life he values ​​trust, love and mutual understanding. Inya is a very caring, sensitive and faithful husband. Very often his wife does not work, since this man always provides for the family himself. Innocent is quite jealous, although he knows how to control his emotions. His wife's infidelity becomes a real blow for him. But, even being disappointed in the woman he loves, he behaves politely and tactfully, parting with her without unnecessary reproaches and stormy scenes.

Innocent's isolation in childhood continues with him into adulthood. He tries to avoid close acquaintances and communicates little with people. This man is always himself. At work he often behaves differently than at work. free life. With colleagues he is polite and correct, but at the same time restrained and distant. Innocent never asks people for help, preferring to solve his problems on his own.

Name day of Innocent

Innocent celebrates his name day on February 22, April 1, April 13, May 7, July 19, October 6, December 9.

Famous people named Innocent

  • Metropolitan Innokenty (in the world Ivan Evseevich Popov-Veniaminov; Bishop of the Orthodox Russian Church; Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, saint, apostle of America and Siberia. Became the first Orthodox bishop of Kamchatka, Yakutia, the Amur region and North America, associate of the Governor General of Eastern Siberia Count N.N. Muravyov-Amursky in the development Far East and the education of its indigenous peoples (1797–1879))
  • Innocent I (saint, pope (d.417))
  • Innokenty Annensky (poet Silver Age, playwright, translator (1855–1909))
  • Innokenty Gerasimov ((1905–1985) geographer and soil scientist, academician)
  • Innokenty Smoktunovsky ((1925–1994) Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1974), Hero of Socialist Labor (1990))
  • Innokenty Melchakov ((1907 - ?) artist of Russia)
  • Innokenty Kuznetsov-Krasnoyarsky ((1851 - 1916) Siberian gold miner, philanthropist, archaeologist, ethnographer, historian)
  • Innokenty Omulevsky ( real name– Fedorov; Russian prose writer and poet)
  • Innokenty Bezpalov ((1877 - 1959) Russian Soviet architect and sculptor)
  • Innokenty Smolin (Russian officer, prominent figure in the white movement in Siberia and the Far East)
  • Innokenty Balanovsky ((1885 - 1937?) Soviet astronomer. He worked in the field of astrophotography and astrophotometry, discovered many new telescopic variable stars. In 1922, using photographs from 1919, he discovered a supernova in the Virgo A galaxy (M87), having an apparent magnitude of 11, 5m)
  • Archbishop Innocent (in the world Ivan Alekseevich Borisov; (1800 - 1857) bishop of the Orthodox Russian Church; since 1848, archbishop of Kherson and Tauride. Famous preacher)
  • Innokenty Popov ((1923 - 1991) prominent Russian musicologist)
  • Innokenty (Ekkendey) Safyanov ((1873 - 1953) revolutionary, participant civil war in Siberia, founder of independent Tuva, Soviet economic leader)
  • Innokenty Ivanov (Russian journalist and TV presenter)

Names: origin and forms

Innocent- (from Latin) innocent, immaculate.

Derivatives: Innokentyushka, Ina, Inyusha, Kenya, Kekha, Kesha.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Innocent- innocent (Latin).
Nowadays the name is very rare.
Zodiac name: Fish.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: light brown.
Talisman stone: jade.
Auspicious plant: euonymus, gentian.
Patron name: gazelle.
Happy day: Thursday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Main features: emotionality, kindness.


Saint Innocent, April 1 (March 19). He lived in the 16th century, was from the Okhlebin boyars. He founded a monastery in the Vologda province.
Innocent, Saint, December 9 (November 26). Lived in the 18th century. The first Bishop of Irkutsk, enlightened the pagans of Siberia with the faith of Christ, built schools for them.



Little Kesha has a gentle smile and naive eyes. He grows up timid, insecure, always imagines himself in a fairy tale, but in life he is very sensitive and mentally vulnerable. Kesha is poorly adapted to reality, at school he is considered a little crazy, he dreams. It takes a lot of parental attention and care, patience, wisdom and love to teach him to relate dreams and hopes to reality.

Adult Innocent is a complex, reflective personality; peace of mind is unfamiliar to him. Internally, he is isolated, isolated from others, but sometimes he can open up even to unfamiliar people. He painfully experiences failures, wants, but cannot sincerely forgive the insult, which, if inflicted, is not due to malicious intent, but as a result of human weakness. He does not distinguish between genuine hostility and just a rude joke.

Innocent is very kind and sympathetic, talented, endowed with excellent intuition, almost clairvoyance. Best use spiritual qualities of Innocent in real life- become an actor, musician, artist or poet. He can also be an excellent psychologist. His ambition is developed, and gradually, as he improves in his profession, his firmness and perseverance increase, which leads to success in his career.

Innocent does not easily part with people. Since childhood, he considers intelligence to be the highest dignity of a person, and so is his social circle. Among friends, he becomes sociable, cheerful, and his wonderful sense of humor manifests itself.

Innokenty loves solitude in nature, gets a dog, they understand each other amazingly.

Innocent is a delicate, vulnerable nature, so he marries late, sometimes unsuccessfully and gets divorced quickly. He will live happily with the woman who will love him like a child and show a lot of tact and restraint.

Surname: Innokentievich, Innokentievich, Innokentievna, Innokentievna.


Innokenty Mikhailovich Smoktunovsky (1925-1994) is a wonderful Russian artist. The sparkling power of his talent was amazing. They said about Innokenty Mikhailovich that a certain inner radiance was felt in him, that he was a man full of intelligence, wit, with an amazing instinct for the only right gesture. But with all his flexibility, with his aristocracy and external “otherworldliness,” he knew the value of life and went through many trials. There was a war behind him, and he was always proud that he was a soldier in this war, and remained faithful to the front-line brotherhood in his soul. This explains a lot in his thoughts about time and about himself: “Tracing life, sometimes it seems: I was “specially”... left by some force or, if you like, “by someone” in order to create my Myshkin in the future , Hamlet... It’s worth imagining what would have happened to these characters if it weren’t for my sacrificial essence, the nature of self-forgetfulness and confession in them.”

In Innokenty Smoktunovsky’s book “To Be!”, published after the death of the great actor, there is a caption under the photograph where he is depicted in the role of Prince Myshkin from the play “The Idiot” staged by G. Tovstonogov: “In dramatic art, I don’t know whether it can be higher. And not because this has already happened once. But where and when, and most importantly, from whom can dramaturgy so rare in human inclinations be born, as shown by Fyodor Dostoevsky in his “The Idiot,” that is, in Prince Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin. If we speak Frankly, none of my work, either before or after, has come close to this level. Unfortunately, this is true!!!"

This is how the artist, strict with himself, wrote, who had brilliantly played roles from Russian classics - Pushkin’s “Mozart and Salieri” (1962), where he played the role of Mozart, so close to his own genius; “Crime and Punishment” based on F. Dostoevsky (1970) with his amazing Porfiry Petrovich; "Uncle Vanya" by A. Chekhov (1971, role of Voinitsky); “Late Love” by I. Turgenev (1983, role of Margaritov); and a little earlier again Pushkin’s “Little Tragedies” (1980, self-incinerating villainy in the person of Salieri, as well as the role of the Baron - the “miserly knight”).

Even earlier, we saw in the cinema the images of our contemporaries - the talented, unusually conscientious and therefore naive and touching Detochkin ("Beware of the Car", 1966) and the young scientist, hero of the sixties era Kulikov ("Nine Days of One Year", 1962). And it’s hard to even imagine how capacious Shakespeare’s words spoken in “Hamlet” (1964) by such an actor as Innokenty Mikhailovich Smoktunovsky can become. The ability to convey to the viewer not only direct action and the text of the role, but also to discover all the diversity behind them spiritual world The hero is distinguished by the performance of the great Russian artist Smoktunovsky.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology. (2)

The male name Innocent today is not as popular as it was in the past. post-war period, but is still found throughout the post-Soviet space and is considered one of the most beautiful. Available in the name book of Orthodox names. The meaning can endow a man so named with a rare, but quite positive character in every sense, and excellent compatibility with most Russian and foreign names...

History and origin of the name

Adolescence will bring a lot of problems and troubles, both to Kesha himself and to his parents, who will often be called to school due to unsatisfactory behavior - the reason is that, having learned about the opportunity to liberate himself, he will become too liberated and disobedient, and this will lead to conflicts and a lot of troubles. But in subjects, especially the humanities, he always does well, even if he doesn’t study lessons - usually he has a good photographic memory and a penchant for the humanities. Relationships with peers are unpredictable - he may become a leader and acquire organizational skills, or he may end up in the category of “unspoken leaders.” Relationships with the opposite sex adolescence will be tense, and does not rest on the shyness and indecision remaining in him. It’s the same at the adult stage of life, although, depending on the influence of the time of year and the zodiac sign, everything may be different.

An adult Innocent will already demonstrate the ability to think independently and independently, commitment, perseverance, cheerful disposition, optimistic attitude, hard work, diplomacy and non-conflict, the ability to compromise and the readiness at any moment to come to the aid of any person in need. It will also be simpler with women, although the desire to see the first step from a lady will still remain in him - this is the fault of upbringing and the influence of astrological symbols, including the animal


The meaning of the name Innocent

Innocent, immaculate. “Innocent” (lat.) The character is flexible, reserved. IN early childhood often get sick. They are very modest and move towards their goals slowly. They live a rich spiritual life. It is difficult to get along with people and just as difficult to part with people. They manifest themselves both in art (writers, actors) and in production, and can be clergy. They look like their mother in everything. They do everything at home themselves, good family men - their family comes first. They love loneliness and solitude in nature. They feel sorry for animals. Neat and somewhat squeamish. Good diplomats. “Summer” people are indecisive and vulnerable, so they often get married late and often unsuccessfully. They are kind and sincere, their friends simply adore them. Homebodies are reluctant to go on business trips. They don’t leave their parents with their worries. “Winter” people are irritable, stubborn, but not conflict-ridden, do not rush to conclusions, do not take other people’s opinions as an axiom, and love accuracy in everything. They are obstinate at work, so they make a bad career. “Autumn” are reserved, they always think about their words so as not to inadvertently offend anyone. Live rich inner life. Chess is preferred over all games.

Name days: February 9 (22), March 19, 31 (April 1, 13), June 7 (30), July 6 (19), November 26 (December 9) (April 1) - St. Innocent, boyar Okhlebin; founded a monastery in the Vologda province (XVI century). (December 9) - Saint Innocent, first Bishop of Irkutsk. In the 18th century, he enlightened the pagans of Siberia with the faith of Christ and built schools for them. NAME DAY: February 22 (9) - St. Innocent, Bishop of Irkutsk (Russian) (discovery of relics). April 1 (March 19) - Venerable Innocent of Komel, Vologda (Russian). April 13 (March 31) - St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow (Russian). May 7 (April 24) - righteous Innocent. July 19 (6) - Martyr Innocent. October 6 (September 23) - St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow (Russian). December 9 (November 26) - St. Innocent, Bishop of Irkutsk (Russian).

Numerology of the name Innocent

Soul Number: 4.
Those with name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and scientific approach to everything in the world. "Fours" are excellent scientists, engineers, designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious. They are respected by friends and colleagues. “Fours” rarely quarrel and are not prone to hostility. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, or creative manifestations of character from the “fours”. Their whole life is calculated in minutes and there is little that can displace them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, the “fours” are reliable and you can rely on them in any situation. life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.

Hidden Spirit Number: 6

Body number: 7


Planet: Jupiter.
Element: Air, warmth-dryness.
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces.
Color: Raspberry, blue.
Day: Thursday.
Metal: Tin, electrum.
Mineral: Sapphire, beryl, hyacinth.
Plants: Basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, apple of paradise, apricot, eucalyptus.
Animals: Deer, elephant, sheep, swallow, pelican, partridge, peacock, dolphin.

The name Innocent as a phrase

N Our (Ours, Yours)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
To Kako
E Esi (Is, To Be, To Exist)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
T Firm
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
Y Izhe (If, If, as well as the meaning of i - Unity, One, Together, Unite, Perfection, Union, Unification)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Innocent

N - protest sign inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
K - endurance, which comes from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, the “all or nothing” life credo.
E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
T - intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
Y - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.

Forms of the name Innocent

Common name options: Ina, Inya, Kesha, Inyusha, Kenya, Kena, Kekha, Innokentyushka, Inek, Chencho. Synonyms for the name Innocent. Inocencio, Inocente, Inze, Inacent.

Name in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 無辜 (Wúgū). Japanese: イノセント (Inosento). Laotian: ຄືຊິ (khusi). Hindi: मासूम (Māsūma). Ukrainian: Inokentіy. Greek: Αθώος (Athó̱os). English: Innocent (Innocent).

Origin of the name Innocent

This is a very ancient name, it came to us from Byzantium and is translated as “innocent.” The character is flexible and reserved. They often get sick in early childhood. They are very modest and move towards their goals slowly.

Character of Innocent

Innocent, born in the fall, is characterized mainly by such character traits as frivolity and isolation. In his work, he is characterized by inconstancy, which, oddly enough, suits him quite well. Winter Innocent is characterized, first of all, by irritability and hot temper, which, however, are compensated by a rather quick quick temper. In general, he is a very kind person who loves children and animals. Although outwardly he usually has a rather menacing appearance.

Innocent finds excellent use of his character traits in professions related to art. He is hardworking, but often lacks the strength of character to build a career. And this is only due to excessive vulnerability and temper. Therefore, to succeed, Kena needs to learn to combine her intelligence with the ability to defend her point of view.

The secret of the name Innocent

Innocent often devotes his life to the church. It manifests itself in production or in art.

Innocent looks like his mother, not only externally, but also internally. At home he prefers to do everything on his own, without resorting to outside help. Innokenty's family comes first; he loves animals. Innocent can indulge in loneliness and solitude in beautiful areas. Such a man is somewhat squeamish and neat. He is an excellent diplomat.

Summer Innocent is indecisive and vulnerable. Often such a man marries unsuccessfully and late. He is sincere, kind and simple. Innocent has many friends, but prefers to spend time at home.

Autumn Innocent always thinks about his words and is very restrained. Such people can make good actors or writers.
Winter Innocent is stubborn. He is irritable, but does not like conflicts. He loves precision and makes decisions himself. Professionally, they may experience failure due to their obstinate nature.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Male name


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