Innocent's name day. Translation of name, in different languages

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Knowing your own elegance gives you a sense of self-confidence. It is important for you to be “well dressed,” smart, respectable. Sometimes yours appearance can serve as a kind of shield for you, allowing you to isolate yourself from people with whom communication with you is currently undesirable for some reason. At the same time, your appearance, sometimes quite colorful, but always correct, endears you and evokes sympathy.

Compatibility of the name Innocent, manifestation in love

Innocent, for you, marriage symbolizes the beginning of the ascetic path, and your partner must be prepared for the fact that every day he will receive the “moon from the sky.” At first glance, this is wonderful, but there is a small problem: you definitely need the same “moon” in response, since the adequacy of the reaction, gratitude and admiration are necessary for you to peace of mind. The slightest doubt that you are selflessly loved and highly valued demoralizes you, and then your carefully built well-being can collapse overnight.


Your heart is full of love and compassion for others. The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to protect everyone for whom you can do this from troubles. Even to the detriment of their own interests. To do good and not ask for rewards for it is your choice in any situation.

At first glance, this is the life of a saint. But not everyone enjoys constant care and intrusive expressions of participation. Even the closest people can get tired of everyday care. Moreover, you will suffer, because by relieving them of the need to do at least something on their own, you deprive them of the opportunity to develop, turning them into “plankton”.

This means that sooner or later you will probably hear a reproach. And your confidence that self-sacrifice can really bring the results you expected will be dealt a severe blow. Then instead of satisfaction you will get disappointment.

Therefore, the desire to nurture and protect should be limited within reasonable limits. Remember this, and your peace of mind will be preserved.


The male name Innocent today is not as popular as it was in the past. post-war period, but is still found throughout the post-Soviet space and is considered one of the most beautiful. Available in the name book of Orthodox names. The meaning can endow a man so named with a rare, but quite positive character in every sense, and excellent compatibility with most Russian and foreign names...

History and origin of the name

Adolescence will bring a lot of problems and troubles, both to Kesha himself and to his parents, who will often be called to school due to unsatisfactory behavior - the reason is that, having learned about the opportunity to liberate himself, he will become too liberated and disobedient, and this will lead to conflicts and a lot of troubles. But in subjects, especially the humanities, he always does well, even if he doesn’t study lessons - usually he has a good photographic memory and a penchant for the humanities. Relationships with peers are unpredictable - he may become a leader and acquire organizational skills, or he may end up in the category of “unspoken leaders.” Relationships with the opposite sex adolescence will be tense, and does not rest on the shyness and indecision remaining in him. It’s the same at the adult stage of life, although, depending on the influence of the time of year and the zodiac sign, everything may be different.

An adult Innocent will already demonstrate the ability to think independently and independently, commitment, perseverance, cheerful disposition, optimistic attitude, hard work, diplomacy and non-conflict, the ability to compromise and the readiness at any moment to come to the aid of any person in need. It will also be simpler with women, although the desire to see the first step from a lady will still remain in him - this is the fault of upbringing and the influence of astrological symbols, including the animal

  • I.p. Innocent
  • R.p. Innocent
  • D.p. Innocent
  • V.p. Innocent
  • etc. Innocent
  • P.p. Innocent

Innocent — male name, Roman in origin.
Option to spell the name in transliteration (Latin): Innokentiy

Meaning of the name

Innocent, blameless. "Innocent" (lat.)
The character is flexible and reserved. IN early childhood often get sick. They are very modest and move towards their goals slowly. They live a rich spiritual life. It is difficult to get along and just as difficult to part with people. They show themselves both in art (writers, actors) and in production, they can be clergymen. They are like their mother in everything. They do everything at home themselves, good family men - their family comes first. They love loneliness and solitude in nature. They feel sorry for animals. Neat and somewhat squeamish. Good diplomats "Summer" are indecisive and vulnerable, so they often get married late and often unsuccessfully. They are kind and sincere, their friends simply adore them. Homebodies are reluctant to go on business trips. They do not leave their parents with their worries. “Winter” are irritable, stubborn, but not conflict-prone, do not rush to conclusions, do not take other people’s opinions as an axiom, and love accuracy in everything. They are obstinate at work, so they do not make good careers. “Autumn” are reserved, they always think about their words so as not to inadvertently offend anyone. Live rich inner life. Chess is preferred over all games. Name days:
February 9(22), March 19, 31(April 1, 13), June 7(30), July 6(19), November 26(December 9)
(April 1) - Venerable Innocent, boyar Okhlebin; founded a monastery in the Vologda province (XVI century). (December 9) - Saint Innocent, first Bishop of Irkutsk. In the 18th century, he enlightened the pagans of Siberia with the faith of Christ and built schools for them.

February 22 (9) - St. Innocent, Bishop of Irkutsk (Russian) (discovery of relics).
April 1 (March 19) - Venerable Innocent of Komel, Vologda (Russian).
April 13 (March 31) - Saint Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow (Russian).
May 7 (April 24) - Righteous Innocent.
July 19 (6) - Martyr Innocent.
October 6 (September 23) - St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow (Russian).
December 9 (November 26) - Saint Innocent, Bishop of Irkutsk (Russian).

Numerology of the name

Soul number: 4.
Those with name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and scientific approach to everything in the world. "Fours" are excellent scientists, engineers, designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious. They are respected by friends and colleagues. “Fours” rarely quarrel and are not prone to hostility. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, or creative manifestations of character from the “fours”. Their whole life is calculated in minutes and there is little that can displace them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, the “fours” are reliable and you can rely on them in any situation. life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.

Hidden Spirit Number: 6
Body number: 7

The name - Innocent, has an ancient Greek root, came to Rus' from Byzantium and means “innocent”. A person with this name is very modest, reserved, who often lives his own rich inner life. He is very diplomatic and careful. He always prefers loneliness and has difficulty getting along with people, but it is also difficult to part with them. Who was born in winter - irritable and stubborn. He never makes premature decisions and never rushes to conclusions before thinking things through carefully. Such Innocent loves precision in everything, which is perhaps why he moves very slowly towards his intended goal. And his obstinacy, not the most in the best possible way, is reflected in his career.

Innocent, who was born in the summer, is too indecisive, very vulnerable. This Innocent is a homebody who always takes care of his parents. “Autumn” Innocent is more restrained than his namesakes. He always thinks about his words so as not to inadvertently offend anyone. This kind of person always lives his own rich, inner life. Almost all men with this name treat women very well. They always try to protect them from bad influences. It is worth noting that he is a very gullible person who can be quite easy to deceive. Perhaps this is the reason for his numerous novels.

Innokenty is too indecisive and vulnerable person

In love he is very gentle and trusting, but you should never take advantage of his kindness, because if he understands that he is being used harshly and brazenly, he will withdraw into himself forever. And his disappointment in people can often be the cause of mental illness or a nervous breakdown. Although in his youth Innokenty is most often promiscuous in sex, sometimes he may seem like a womanizer, but if he marries, he becomes a good family man, for whom family always comes first.

Name day of Innocent

Innocent celebrates his name day: January 6, February 22, April 1, April 13, July 19, October 6, October 23, October 26, December 9.

  • Name Innocent by zodiac sign: suitable for Pisces.
  • Talisman of Innocent: jade.
  • Patron saints of Innocent: Saint Innocent.
  • Compatibility of the name Innocent: favorable relationships with names: Evgenia, Inna, Marianna, Nonna, Polina, Renata.

The name Innocent comes from the Latin word "innocens". The meaning of the name when translated into Russian sounds like “harmless”, “innocent”, “harmless”. This is a very ancient name, it was borne by some men living in the Byzantine Empire.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Pisces
  • Patron Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: jade
  • Color: light brown
  • Plant: gentian
  • Animal: gazelle
  • Favorable day: Thursday

Character traits

The secret of the name Innocent is hidden in a certain double-sidedness of its owner. For some, this is a very reserved, modest, uncommunicative man who is impressed by his stylish image. He is businesslike and does not show unnecessary emotions. This is how his work colleagues and people unfamiliar with him characterize him. With those who are close to him in soul, with family and friends, he is a completely different person - flexible, friendly, always ready to help, without unnecessary pretentiousness, a witty interlocutor.

From an early age, the bearer of the name Innocent is a charming pearl hiding in an inconspicuous shell. You need to love him very much and be truly close so that he allows himself to reveal his rich inner world. Having become an adult, he still remains vulnerable, and it is extremely difficult to forgive insults. It is difficult to bear separation from loved ones, but at the same time strangers He doesn’t let anyone get close to him. Loves to be alone in nature. Loneliness is a feeling with which he is comfortable in life. Internal indecisiveness and a soft character somewhat hinder progress towards the goal.

Despite the fact that Innocent has been a very smart and well-mannered boy since childhood, he approaches any difficulties with great caution. When they occur, he immediately withdraws into himself, displays stubbornness and even a slight temper. As a result, he rarely brings the work he has started to its logical conclusion. The representative of this name has few friends due to his aloofness, he does not like noisy games and always prefers the company of intellectuals, in which he is really interested.

Hobby and profession

From an early age, Innokenty showed a passion for learning and reading. Pays great attention to self-education. Prefers calm ones logic games, loves chess most of all. His enormous internal potential, which contains fantasy and dreams, can be clearly expressed in creativity, but subject to greater perseverance and self-confidence.

At work, among his colleagues, he is reserved, always loyal, correct in his statements, and sociable. However, the slightest failures can unsettle him, cause a storm of indignation, and as a result depression may even begin. The name Innocent allows its owner to express himself best in art, psychology, and analytics. He can become a successful artist, physician, economist, and even a clergyman.

Love and family

Innocent is a great romantic, capable of pure love and loyalty. Most often monogamous. Never marry for convenience. His family always comes first. He values ​​his parents, always shows concern for them, and then treats his wife and children with the same reverence.

For the wife, this is a real gift of fate. Loving, caring, affectionate, economical, such a man is always nearby. This is a jack of all trades who values ​​order and comfort. One minus is that he is not very demanding in his intimate life; he prefers romance to sex. She treats children with great attention and is involved in their education and development.


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