Innovations in transport logistics. Innovations in warehouse logistics today

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Over the next five years, it is predicted that more than 85% of all business will move online. Warehouse operators and logistics companies need to quickly respond to this trend by implementing the latest technological advances. Not only will this help these companies future-proof their business, it will also ensure their supply chains are running as efficiently as possible, benefiting both customers and companies themselves.

By 2018, about 66% of warehouses plan to increase investment in technology. With this in mind, we decided to introduce you to ten of the most promising technological innovations in the warehousing sector that logistics and warehouse operators should take a closer look at.

The use of EDI communications continues to expand

In the near future, big data will increasingly find application in the warehouse industry. In particular, EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) follows this trend. In a nutshell, EDI technology allows documents to be exchanged between two computer systems using a common data format. The warehouse industry has long adopted it, but its use is likely to expand.

Thus, EDI is often used to exchange documents such as:

  • purchase order;
  • loading order;
  • warehouse receipt;
  • notice of shipment;
  • inventory list.

Being integrated into effective system Warehouse management system (WMS) EDI provides numerous advantages: first of all, it is a smooth and transparent flow of information between two different computer systems. Business partners may have different computer systems. Standard format and the wide interoperability of EDI documents provide high efficiency, transparency and close interaction between all participants in the process, which in turn leads to increased operational stability.

Drone attack

Drones are devices that seem to have stepped out of the pages of science fiction novels and become reality. Suitable for use in a wide range of applications, drones are starting to appear in warehouses in various countries ah, as firms look to increase levels of automation.

Why drones? They can help solve problems that require large quantity man-hours. One of them, according to specialists from DroneScan, is barcode scanning. Warehouses are often loaded to the ceiling with goods. This can make some barcodes difficult to reach, requiring multiple lifts and multiple personnel to scan them.

DroneScan is confident that its 800-gram drones equipped with scanners can inventory in two days the amount of goods that would take an 80-person team equipped with forklifts and hand-held scanners three days. The widespread use of drones in the warehouse business is still hampered by the unresolved problem of safe navigation inside the warehouse, but given the desire of such major companies as Amazon and Walmart to grow their business through their use, these aerial assistants have a bright future.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is already widely used in the warehouse industry, and will become more advanced in the coming years. For the uninitiated, RFID technology uses radio waves to record and read information stored on tags attached to a product.

Benefits of RFID include greater control and greater visibility into inventory, resulting in easier inventory control and reduced theft. Scientists from the Institute of Material Flows and Logistics named after. Fraunhofer in Dortmund (Germany) is trying to combine drone technology with RFID to further automate the inventory process. By attaching a reader to a drone, you can significantly reduce the time spent on inventory. RFID, combined with the agility of drones, will also optimize the size of warehouse space by increasing the height at which goods can be stored.

Warehouse "on demand"

Due to the reduction in the share of free warehouse space, up to 10% of required area in Russia and even at a lower level in the UK and USA, the on-demand scheme is becoming the next stage in the development of cooperation in the field of logistics. FLEXE, which calls itself the "warehouse marketplace" - new system search for vacant warehouse space, available to all clients.

The idea is very simple. By registering on the FLEXE website, you can see the vacant space offers posted by operators. In the same way, operators can advertise free space for those who need it urgently. Some visitors to the site call it the "Airbnb of warehouse space" after the popular service for renting housing from individuals.

The goal of the project is to offer companies the opportunity to have a more flexible approach to warehouse storage. For example, to save space, seasonal items may be stored separately from main inventory, or product returns may be processed more quickly. All this is offered by FLEXE, whose revenue model is based on receiving commissions. FLEXE, currently only available in North America, could well change the future of the logistics industry towards greater flexibility in the provision of warehouse services.

Head in the clouds

Cloud data storage has revolutionized many industries, and logistics is no exception. Being self-updating and centralized, cloud storage systems provide warehouse businesses with many benefits, including reduced operational, infrastructure and labor costs associated with installing and upgrading warehouse management systems.

For the reasons above, many warehouses using legacy systems that are outdated and inadequate will move to the cloud. Another advantage is that cloud storage systems are often self-updating. This means that instead of having to find a replacement for a tech-savvy team member who leaves, you can simply implement a system that is low cost and easy to use for all employees.

Of course, there are some factors to consider before deciding to move to cloud computing. Who will own your data? Where will the data be physically stored—that is, where are the servers located? Will it really be low cost? Logistics and warehouse companies should weigh everything carefully before making such a decision.

Work with seamlessly integrated channels

E-commerce and seamlessly integrated channel solutions (omnichannel) are inextricably linked. Since the future is most definitely digital, warehouse businesses will have to adapt to the needs of this commercial sector that has reached a whole new level. Radius Group, a Russian company operating in the field of warehouse and industrial real estate, implemented a solution based on seamlessly integrated channels in its latest project.

To meet the increased needs of the Russian e-commerce market, Radius Group, together with French DIY building materials retail giant Leroy Merlin, is building new warehouse facilities with an area of ​​100,000 sq. m. m. This complex will be the largest and perhaps the most efficient distribution center in the history of the Russian Federation.

The growth of omnichannel distribution is paralleling the development of RFID and EDI technologies, and drones are also waiting in the wings to provide even greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Rise of the Robots

Automation is a key factor in the logistics sector. Process automation often leads to significant increases in supply chain efficiency. In increasing the level of warehouse automation, the use of robots plays an important role.

Several global robot manufacturers, including Kiva (which was acquired by Amazon in 2012 for $775 million and is now called Amazon Robotics), Swisslog and Grenzebach, offer robotic solutions that speed up inventory and order picking processes.

Let's take Amazon's robots as an example. Each of them has his own area of ​​work and knows where to get the right product, which he takes and moves to a warehouse employee who is engaged in further assembly of the order, or takes it directly to the truck. Each little orange robot moves around the warehouse with ease, carrying what appears to be a pallet on its “back.”

Mechanisms like these that change the schema " man walking for the goods” to “the goods go to the person” is just one example of how robotization can radically change logistics.

The bright future of warehouse technology

This is just a brief overview of future technology developments in the warehousing and logistics sector. With the rise of e-commerce and digital distribution, technology continues to evolve rapidly and the challenge for companies is to stay on top of the latest innovations. In the 21st century, implementing these innovations will be key to keeping supply chains running smoothly. Make sure your business keeps up with the times.

Gnoshova Olga Yurievna, head of the section “Terminal and warehouse logistics” of the non-profit organization “Ural Logistics Association”

Warehouse logistics costs can reach 40% of the cost of goods. The key to the company's success lies largely in optimizing warehouse logistics by reducing the cost of processing and storing a cargo unit, flexibility and customer focus of the services provided.

In fierce competition, it is the introduction of the latest technologies that helps increase the speed of cargo turnover, reduce warehouse costs, optimize logistics processes and allows companies to take leading positions in the market.

Conditionally innovation in warehouse logistics can be divided into two directions:

    “Product to person”(introduction of drones, radio shuttles, robocars, automated stacker cranes with automatic conveyors, etc.)

    Innovations in the order picking system “Man to Product”, more familiar in Russian warehouses (introduction of technologies such as: Quick pick– quick selection, Pick-by-Voice– voice selection, Pick to light– selection by light signal, RFID– radio frequency identification, SMART-glasses – “augmented reality”, etc.)

Let's take a closer look at innovations that allow warehouse workers to spend less working time moving around the warehouse to record, place and complete orders.

  • Drones, used in warehouses, have become excellent assistants in solving problems that require a large number of man-hours. One of them is scanning barcodes on the upper tiers. For example, drones equipped with scanners quickly take inventory. It is likely that in the future, drones will deliver the necessary cargo from the main storage area to the picking and shipping area.

  • Robots. British online supermarket Ocado uses robotic carts in its warehouse, equipped with lights and antennas, that move along overhead rails and select goods for delivery.

At the UPS fulfillment center, automated sorters process 190,000 packages per hour.

In warehouses Amazon Robot loaders are working.

Courier service DHL uses collaborative robots that work in the same environment with people. Automated robotic handlers help employees pack items into boxes and increase productivity by 15-20%. Robots understand the simplest sign language and are easy to train.

In the terminal TraPac At the port of Los Angeles, robot loaders lift containers weighing 5 tons, and automated stacker cranes sort them and move them onto approaching tractors.

Company FedEx Ground uses autonomous unmanned tractors (robocars) to transport large goods in a warehouse. The tractors are equipped with sensors and are well oriented in the warehouse.

Using driverless tractors for repetitive, simple tasks allows a company to increase productivity by focusing on more skilled work.

Innovations that allow you to increase the speed of order selection using the “Man to Product” work system

    Order picking technology QuickPick Remote allows you to radically improve the process of low-level order picking. Typically the operator moves from row to row of racks. From section to section, must constantly return to the loader (stacker) cabin to move it to the next picking location. The operator makes such movements about 1,200 times per shift. QuickPick Remote technology eliminates up to 70% of these operations. Order pickers remotely move the forklift to the next picking point with just one push of a button on a wireless remote control remote control(“smart glove” from the Crown company), located on the picker’s hand in the form of a glove. The productivity of the configuration increases from 10 to 25%.

    Smart glasses successfully used for order picking in logistics, providing intelligent operation with hands-free communication. The computer, through a headset and an image on the glasses, instructs the worker, indicates the route and highlights the required selection cells in color. The employee’s hands always remain free from papers or a mobile terminal. The experience of introducing smart glasses at DHL showed an increase in efficiency by 25%.

    Voice selection technology Voice Picking– a new method of automatic identification in the warehouse. This order selection technology has been successfully implemented in the X5 RETAIL GROUP company. The computer instructs the worker through a headset and indicates the route when performing standard picking tasks. The employee’s hands remain free from papers or a mobile terminal.

Feedback allows you to track the progress of a process in real time. After the assembly is completed, the computer sends a new order to the freed operator. The process is simplified and accelerated, productivity increases by 10-35%, and the number of errors during picking is reduced to 0%.

The order picking time is reduced and assembly accuracy is increased;

Inventory errors are detected and tracked in a timely manner;

Increases turnover and warehouse capacity;

    Automated loading/unloading systems (ALS), significantly increase the efficiency of the warehouse, reducing the time for loading/unloading vehicles. For example, the average time for loading and unloading a truck is 30-60 minutes, and with the help of ASZ, the time is reduced to an average of 8 minutes. The high speed of cargo turnover allows you to significantly increase the company’s profit and customer loyalty (by reducing delivery time).

    Internet of Things (IoT). This technology impacts many aspects of warehouse management, from inventory management to potential safety issues.

QR code, RFID and other tracking technologies allow warehouse management to know what items are in the warehouse and what route they are taking. IoT also helps improve the accuracy and speed of warehouse staff managing inventory. The time required to search for and deliver goods to the warehouse is reduced to a minimum. IoT helps reduce the number of incidents in the warehouse. Warehouse employees connected to devices via IoT sensors can be alerted to nearby vehicle hazards, and forklift and stacker speeds can be automatically reduced in high-traffic areas.

Radio Frequency Identification (Radio Frequency Identification, RFID) is already widely used in the warehouse industry, and will become more and more advanced in the coming years. The benefits of RFID include greater control and greater visibility into inventory, resulting in easier inventory control as well as reduced theft. RFID tags contain much more information about the cargo than a barcode. In addition, RFID tags transmit information via radio waves, which, for example, allows you to receive information about cargo without opening the packaging, which significantly increases the speed of cargo turnover.

EDI(Electronic Data Interchange, electronic data interchange) allows you to exchange warehouse accounting documents between two computer systems using a common data format.

Being integrated into a warehouse management system (WMS), EDI provides high efficiency, transparency and close interaction between all participants in the process, which increases operational stability.

Among the new trends, it is important to note the so-called "uberization" logistics and warehousing in particular. Integration with warehouse information systems ( "Warehouse on demand") is already successfully used by a North American company FLEXE. On the Russian market, the first steps in this direction are being taken by

With the development of e-commerce and digital technologies, companies must stay up to date with the latest innovations, the implementation of which is key to the smooth operation of the entire supply chain.

In conclusion, I note that the development of the industry and the introduction of modern technologies is impossible without good economic development of the country, a state program for the development of transport and warehouse logistics, as is being implemented, for example, in Kazakhstan.

Currently, such type of economic activity as warehouse logistics has formed and is actively developing in Russia. To increase the economic efficiency of any company, it is necessary to minimize costs, which is achieved by reducing warehouse costs. To optimize such costs, warehouse logistics is used, which helps to find modern solutions in organizing a warehouse and in managing logistics processes there.

Warehouse logistics: this is the management of the movement of material resources within the territory of a warehouse complex. q warehouse design, organization and management of a warehouse q is the management of the processes of acceptance, processing, storage and shipment of goods in warehouses.

Tasks of warehouse logistics: 1. Making a decision to create a warehouse, or making direct deliveries of goods. 2. Selecting a warehouse type. 3. Calculation of the optimal number of required warehouses. 4. Determination of the location of warehouses and their sizes. 5. Drafting a warehouse logistics system.

Reasons for using warehouses in the logistics system: 1) reducing logistics costs during transportation by organizing transportation in economical batches; 2) coordination and alignment of supply and demand in supply and distribution through the creation of insurance and seasonal reserves; 3) ensuring an uninterrupted production process by creating reserves of material and technical resources; 4) ensuring maximum satisfaction of consumer demand through the formation of a product range; 5) creating conditions for maintaining an active sales strategy; 6) increasing the geographical coverage of sales markets; 7) ensuring a flexible service policy.

Modern companies constantly have to think about how to improve their work, thereby attracting and retaining customers. It is in such conditions that business begins to think about new technologies, about introducing an information system, in other words - about innovation.

Automated warehouses KARDEX Vertical high-rise automated warehouse for industrial warehouse systems, consisting of modules and designed on the principle of building up vertical blocks. Each piece of cargo is controlled by a computer-controlled manipulator, which delivers the required pallet to the unloading point and returns it to a free shelf using a lift device. Main indicators automated storage systems - warehouse elevator systems space saving expansion possibility ergonomics maximum variability computer control highest access speed

KARDEX MEGAMAT RS is an automated warehouse of the carousel (elevator) type. The principle of operation is that all cargo is located inside the machine (cabinet) on special shelves, the dimensions of which (height, width, depth) depend on the size of the stored cargo. With the help of an electric motor and powerful roller chains, shelves with cargo are moved vertically along a closed circuit (elevator, carousel principle of movement). Depending on the location of the shelf with the required load, the system moves along the shortest path.

CONTAINEX storage containers üwooden or steel floor covering üloading by crane or forklift ümaximum possible loading up to 2 tons üequipped with electricity and safety package (on request) üstorage of any goods and cargo in a warehouse container ügalvanized rods of the locking mechanism

The Radio Shuttle is a unit of advanced drive-in or walk-through racking. The improvement is the automation of loading rack equipment using a radio-controlled mechanical trolley. The trolley (radio shuttle) is equipped electric motor, hydraulic lifting device, radio control device.

ROCLA AGV automatic loaders, robocars, automated electric forklifts, which provide operations for moving goods without driver participation with a lifting capacity of up to 5 tons and a lifting height of up to 8 meters.

ROCLA robot cars are ideal for transporting pallets, rolls, reels and other loads up to 5 tons (on request and more) qoperated without human intervention automated system qrobocars ROCLA innovative technologies qlabor is used for more skilled work, and not for monotonous work qquick return on your investment qpossibility of long-term rental of robotics

BRAVI lifting platforms have a number of undeniable advantages 1. Long battery life between charges 2. Incredibly low maintenance (no chains to check annually, no lubrication on the column, no maintenance required) 3. Motorized cargo rack adjustable at the touch of a button on the platform.

ERP system for resource management of a company ERP system is a type of combined management systems, which is a unified centralized database, a single application and a common user interface for managing production, economic and financial, sales and purchasing activities, as well as storage inventories. An ERP system is a set of software and management solutions that allows required deadlines fulfill the consumer's order with maximum accuracy, through proper planning, redistribution and orientation of material and intangible resources of the enterprise.

WMS warehouse management system, implementation of wms programs For the most efficient functioning of a warehouse, a specialized information system is needed that will allow warehouse operations to be carried out quickly and smoothly. This system involves dividing the warehouse into zones for receiving, storing goods, processing and shipping. Thus, working with the product becomes organized and error-free. Advantages: Flexible implementation of IT technologies that allow automating the warehouse management process; Individual work with each customer, thanks to which the WMS warehouse program is customized to the requirements of each client; The object-oriented technology of the system provides the ability to adapt LVS both by the integrator and by the user; A training program specially developed for each customer that will teach your employees to work competently and quickly with LVS;

ERP and WMS: purpose, similarities and differences ØWMS and ERP have different technological orientations ØWMS is an employee management system with a large number of “small” transactions with minimal response time (less than 1 second). ERP is an employee-driven office system with fewer "big" transactions but more for a long time their implementation Ø In ERP, retroactive operations and document adjustments make sense, in WMS any actions not in real time do not make sense Ø Storing data for a long period (more than 1 year) in ERP makes sense, in WMS it does not make much sense. WMS archiving should be performed once every 10 minutes, since it is impossible to restore data in WMS using pieces of paper; you will have to take an inventory of the cells that were worked with during this time. ERP can be archived 1–2 times a day. In this regard, the operating mode of the two systems is different: different backup periods, different archiving periods of old data, different approaches to support, data protection, separation of rights, different update regulations

Voice Picking Voice Picking: More Productivity, Accuracy and Efficiency Voice-based computer systems are among the most important developments in order processing in the last 10 years and are fundamental to competitive advantage. Advantages of implementing voice-based selection systems: üPicking according to the “hands-free, free-look” principle üIncreased productivity by 35% üIncreased picking accuracy to 99.9% ü Fast learning personnel üDirect pairing with most WMS applications üFast return on investment

Among the most interesting solutions in the field of automating cargo identification processes is radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. In the future, RFID tags will replace the barcode. They allow you to “hardwire” a significantly larger amount of data, which can be read remotely and at very high speed: an RFID reader receives information from several hundred tags within one to two minutes. This leads to a reduction in acceptance and shipment times by saving time spent on checking the contents of the pallet and entering information into the WMS (warehouse management system), which is especially important for small, expensive goods. It is no coincidence that in the last two or three years, manufacturing companies and distributors of consumer goods X 5 Retail, Airbus, Marks & Spencer, etc. have been implementing this technology.

The Gloria Jeans company began construction of an automated logistics complex in Novosibirsk with an area of ​​11.6 hectares. The launch of the complex will allow the retailer to organize acceptance, storage and uninterrupted supply of more than 300 stores in Siberia, the Urals and Far East. The shipment capacity will be 100 million units per year. The total area of ​​the first stage of the complex is more than 20,000 sq. m. m. The estimated duration of the project is 2015. “We have created something innovative. This will be one of the most modern warehouses, fully robotic, comments Vladislav Golovkin, senior vice president for sales and real estate at Gloria Jeans. - Saving on logistics is not the key point. Speed ​​and quick turnover of goods are important to us.”

The article conducted a study on innovative technologies in the field of logistics. In this article, I examined new technologies that are gradually being introduced in logistics organizations.

  • Research and analysis of the main aspects of resource and inventory management used in logistics systems
  • Modeling the logistics system of a tourist and recreational region
  • Management of logistics activities of an agro-industrial enterprise
  • Research of problems and analysis of new logistics opportunities in the Republic of Crimea

Progressively developing and spreading at present, logistics at different levels, regional, national, international, spaces and borders, constantly requires and uses modern innovative achievements in the evolution of logistics systems and structural elements of supply chains.

IN general view innovation is a new formation, an innovation, it is a process of transformation of theoretical and practical scientific and technical activities, the result of which is innovations of a technical, technological, methodological, organizational or managerial nature in business.

Innovative logistics is the most relevant component of logistics activities, designed to study the need and possibility of introducing progressive innovations into the organization of current and strategic management of flow processes in order to identify and use additional reserves by rationalizing (optimizing) this management.

Logistics innovations in theoretical terms are based on four logistics concepts, which represent the main initial basis for the development of flexible logistics models of systems and supply chains for various areas of production, economic and socio-economic activities. The following are accepted as postulates of logistics concepts:

  • the concept of total logistics costs in a complex - the determination of differentiated logistics costs, the constant preparation of their calculations, analysis and monitoring of total costs to strengthen competitiveness at the national and international level;
  • the concept of reengineering business processes in logistics - identifying interconnections and relationships between functions and the degree of intermediation and cooperation;
  • concept of an integrated logistics strategy - quality of customer service based on constant monitoring of demand and supply forecasts;
  • The logistics concept of managing the complete supply chain is the organization of the entire complex, integrated and harmonized product distribution process - from the initial supplier to the final consumer.

Logistics innovations, as a direction of logistics activity, consider innovations in the entire integrated and harmonized logistics complex, and in this regard, provide for the addition of existing and development of new tools (methods, methods, criteria, indicators) in the field methodological support logistics and its structural elements used in the organization and management of material production and the service sector, as well as improvement of operations, activities and procedures used in logistics business processes.

At the same time, logistics innovations, experiencing the need for regular renovation of technical means and equipment, actively influence the development of scientific and technological progress, which stimulates research and development work (R&D) in the field of new equipment, technology and materials used in logistics business. processes.

Currently, the development and dissemination of information technologies has covered almost all areas of socio-economic and production activities, including education, training of professional logistics specialists, and, without a doubt, logistics itself in general, its systems, supply chains, structural elements, transformation process flows and functions. This development, dissemination, improvement occurs at the level of regional, national, international logistics spaces and borders in accordance with its purpose, principles and objectives in the process of evolution.

Let's look at examples of information technologies used in logistics. To practice Russian organizations The functions of a 3PL provider, that is, a full-fledged logistics partner of the company, are gradually beginning to be introduced. 3PL provider or provider (operator) of logistics services is an organization that provides comprehensive logistics services to clients: transportation, forwarding, warehousing, customs clearance, and so on. The abbreviation 3PL stands for Third Party Logistics - third party logistics. In other words, the term 3PL is synonymous with the concept of outsourcing, which means transferring part or all of the logistics functions to a third party, which is a logistics service provider.

Transport services are most often outsourced to logistics providers. Unlike simple freight carriers, 3PL providers do not just provide various types of transport services. They perform the full range of work necessary to promote goods throughout the supply chain, including forwarding, receiving, shipping and storing goods in warehouses, insuring goods, customs clearance, cargo transshipment and much more. The most serious logistics operators specialize in international transport. They require experience and specialized knowledge from the company. Along with 3PL, other terms are also distinguished: 1PL, 2PL, 4PL and even 5PL. Unfortunately, opinions on the definitions of these terms vary widely. Here is one of the most common options that will help you understand the difference between these concepts. .

1PL (First Partu Logistics) – all logistics functions are performed by one company, which is the owner of the cargo. This is the so-called autonomous logistics.

2PL (Second Partu Logistics) – simplest form outsourcing, when a third-party company provides a traditional set of transportation and inventory management services.

3PL (Third Party Logistics) is a more advanced form of outsourcing. A specialized logistics company, in addition to standard logistics services, provides the client with other additional services with a significant share of added value.

4PL (Fourth Party Logistics) means the integration of all companies involved in the supply chain. The 4PL provider manages all logistics processes of such companies for the benefit of the supply chain.

5PL (Fifth Party Logistics) is a 4PL level, but with the support of modern network information technologies.

It should be specifically noted that many experts do not consider it correct to single out logistics service providers at all levels except 3PL. After all, 3PL is simply third party logistics. That is, in addition to the two main parties - the manufacturer and the consumer, there is a third - a company that provides logistics services to the first two. From this point of view, the definitions of the terms 1PL, 2PL, 4PL, 5PL, etc. very doubtful. A study of the logistics services market showed that 3PL operators are already working in Russia, but mainly in the field of consumer goods. In the field of manufacturing logistics, the 3PL market is at an early stage. Another example of innovation in logistics is RFID tags that help track the location of cargo or the contents of the cargo. Currently, the RFID (radio frequency identification) system is being actively introduced into everyday business. The use of these technologies allows us to achieve significant cost reductions, including in logistics and customs clearance.

RFID is a unique, breakthrough technology that can revolutionize the way we identify and label goods. She has already entered our daily life and is widely used in a variety of areas - from reusable travel tickets to control of goods in supermarkets. The potential for using RFID tags is especially great in production and warehouse logistics. Their use in supply chain control can bring enormous strategic benefits to an enterprise. However, the pace of introduction of this innovative product on the Russian market is still relatively low, while in Western countries it is extremely popular.

First of all, it should be noted that the use of RFID is especially effective in controlling the movement of objects within a certain, clearly defined area of ​​activity. A living example of such use can be the identification of returnable containers of an enterprise. In this case, computer systems automatically keep track of the consumption and return of containers, while at any time you can track all stages of the movement of an item and its participation in various technological processes. Information about the movement and processing stages can be stored both on the tag itself and in the enterprise database. The size of the territory through which the item travels does not matter: it can be either a separate workshop or the entire country. In any case, the system remains closed and the returnable funds, having gone through a full cycle, return to their starting point. At each point in time, it is possible to estimate how many items are located on the territory of a certain area of ​​the enterprise, and which are still located outside, while the analysis can also be carried out regarding the speed of circulation of goods, including identifying counterparties that exceed the normal turnover time of marked items. items.

A similar principle is used when identifying individual components and parts used in the assembly of a product. The enterprise administration can check the number of items at any point at any time. Each item can be marked with its own unique mark, which will help distinguish it from its millions of brothers and sisters. Often, special RFID-protected identifiers are used for such purposes, which can cost several euros. This leads to the next advantage of tags - the ability to use them to uniquely identify objects. True, in this case there are exceptions - such tags cannot be used to mark metal products and liquids. However, it is possible to read all indicators from tags packed on pallets or boxes. The operator can almost instantly obtain information about the contents of the package and place the information in the enterprise database.

But, despite the complexity of solving the issue with metals and liquids, a solution to this problem is in principle possible. So the RFID tag can be placed directly on the packaging or between layers of stretch film. In any case, the applied tags must be placed under a radio-transparent coating within the direct line of sight from the reading devices. Thus, this technology benefits from the widely used barcoding method, because unlike a barcode, it can be located in a protected place, for example, on the inside of a package or under several layers of packaging material. The reading range of radio frequency identification tags is significantly greater than that of optical barcode recognition.

Contactless identification allows you to create a company database that reflects the movement of goods in real time. The system can contain information about any movement of goods along the production line or in the warehouse. Business processes become open and transparent, and the speed of work increases significantly. For example, to recognize information from barcodes on a pallet containing 25 boxes, an average of 17 minutes is spent, while a similar process, but carried out using radio frequency tags, takes about 30 seconds. A well-organized storage system using RFID tags can significantly reduce the time required for inventory of goods.

Saving time when using RFID identification is not the only advantage of this innovation. Obtaining data on the movement of goods in real time allows you to organize an audit of production and logistics processes at a qualitatively new level. The company's administration receives a unique opportunity to evaluate and review activity tactics, the possibility of its targeted and precise adjustment, which will undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on overall competitiveness.

The most popular question is the cost of implementing RFID technologies in an enterprise. Top managers often believe that the cost of the RFID tag itself is the determining factor when deciding whether to switch to an RFID system. However, it seems reasonable to consider the issue holistically. The decision should be preceded by a detailed analysis of the company’s business processes, during which specialists will evaluate the costs and benefits of integrating RFID into the management system. At the same time, the question of the cost of the radio tag itself cannot be decisive. Just a few years ago, the cost of tags was about one and a half dollars, and yet the implementation of an RFID system allowed companies to save millions. There is no doubt that the drop in tag prices that has occurred in recent years may encourage a wider range of companies to change their labeling and accounting systems. Now the cost of RFID tags fluctuates around the price of a few cents.

Some obstacle to the re-equipment of production and logistics for radio frequency identification may be the inconsistency of national legislation in permitting the use of a certain frequency range. Currently, in warehouse logistics, the use of RFID is dominated by two main standards: European, using 868 MHz and used in Africa, Europe and Russia, and American, using 915 MHz, common in both Americas, Asian countries and Japan.

In 2004, in relation to warehouse logistics, the Gen2 standard was developed and adopted, which is followed by various global manufacturers. The application of a single standard means that equipment manufactured in different countries can be easily integrated into a single system at a specific enterprise.

Despite the idea of ​​modernization of production being vigorously pushed by the country's leadership and the progressive public, the use of radio frequency identification, unfortunately, has not yet become widespread in our country. The experience of implementing pilot projects on the use of RFID tags shows that our entrepreneurs, as a rule, expect stunning results here and now from the implementation of any innovation. Planning horizons Russian business quite narrow. In addition, the introduction of high-tech tools usually starts with establishing basic order. Chaos and chaos that initially exist in a warehouse or transport logistics It is impossible to suddenly win by acquiring super gadgets.

Let's look at innovative technologies using the example of well-known companies:

The French company Savoye has developed the E-Jivaro packaging machine, which itself calculates the required height of boxes in accordance with the contents and seals them. It is capable of packing goods into boxes that easily fit into mailboxes (packaging format - A4, minimum thickness - 30 mm). The first to introduce the new product was Photobox, a company known in Europe for its achievements in the field of reproducing and storing photos on the Internet. The machine is expected to revolutionize e-commerce.

The Australian company Quattrolifts has released a trolley that can be used to move and install glass in workshops, warehouses and construction sites. To use this device to transport sheet glass weighing up to 400 kg and a length of 4500 mm, as well as lift it to a height of up to 4.5 m, one or two workers will be required. Glass can be unloaded directly from the truck rack, transported and installed in window openings. In addition, the trolley itself is easily dismantled.

Radius Group, a Russian company operating in the field of warehouse and industrial real estate, implemented a solution based on seamlessly integrated channels in its latest project.

To meet the increased needs of the Russian e-commerce market, Radius Group, together with French DIY building materials retail giant Leroy Merlin, is building new warehouse facilities with an area of ​​100,000 sq. m. m. This complex will be the largest and perhaps the most efficient distribution center in the history of the Russian Federation.

The growth of omnichannel distribution is paralleling the development of RFID and EDI technologies, and drones are also waiting in the wings to provide even greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

The introduction of high technologies is a complex and comprehensive process, not least of which is the proper motivation and training of company employees. Vaguely written job descriptions, unclear administrative regulations can negate any good undertakings. In this regard, the urgent question arises of selecting a competent integrator who is able to understand in detail all the business processes existing in the company, conduct a thorough analysis and identify all the bottlenecks. Unfortunately, few of the companies existing on the Russian market that advertise services for the implementation of RFID identification can boast of such an integrated approach. When contacting an inexperienced specialist, the top management of an enterprise may receive such a negative experience that it will discourage them from introducing any innovations for a long time.

Each warehouse, each production or logistics process, supply chain is a unique living organism, which, despite the many general characteristics has unique, unique features. Only consultations with truly competent specialists with experience in successfully implementing high-tech systems can give a company a competitive advantage from innovation.

Thus, we can conclude that in the world and in Russia, innovative technologies in logistics are developing at a rapid pace. It is expected that investments in this area will continue to grow due to the need to increase the competitiveness of companies in the market by optimizing logistics costs.


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"Innovation is what distinguishes a market leader
from those trailing behind." - Steve Jobs

The development of courier companies, like any other type of business, involves the introduction of innovations based on the needs of clients and the needs of the organization itself: in management, in technology, in the services provided. In this article we will look at innovative approach in logistics and delivery, which is just beginning to appear on the global market.

Innovations are introduced to eliminate current problems, as well as improving the work of the company as a whole. Let's consider typical problems in the work of courier logistics companies.

Late delivery

Even those companies that have their own fleet of vehicles have many problems, especially in large cities during rush hour. Another problem is the coverage of an excessively large region by one branch of the courier service, which inevitably leads to a decrease in the quality of services. Similar problems are solved transport innovations .

Low level of customer loyalty

The attitude of customers towards the company and the regularity of their orders are a key success factor, since competition in this area is quite high. Such problems are solved customer-oriented innovations .

Return of delivered orders

Carrying out warehouse operations

Routine warehouse management operations occupy most of the work of a courier service. Properly registering an item on a delivery order avoids confusion and increases the speed of shipment. The same applies to the process of inventory and order sorting, where quality and speed of work are important. Similar problems are solved warehouse innovations .

Damage to goods upon delivery

The main reasons for cargo damage are either poor-quality packaging or non-compliance with transportation rules (this is especially true for orders maintaining a certain temperature regime, fragile and high-tech goods). This problem is being solved innovations in packaging and delivery .

Low level of service at pick-up points

When delivery occurs not from hand to hand, but by pick-up from a courier service office, there is a need for quick service without creating a queue and a long search for the item. They can help service innovations .

There is often a need to calculate the optimal loading of vehicles due to different sizes of cargo in order to avoid additional transport costs. This issue concerns logistics innovation .

High level of transport costs

The higher the level of transport costs, the higher the price level for transportation by courier service. Optimization of pricing policy through an integrated approach to innovation allows reducing transport costs, that is, with the help integrated innovation .

Environmental pollution

Many countries have a tax on vehicle emissions. Compliance with business rules, taking into account environmental factor allows you to increase customer loyalty by introducing environmental innovation .

Unpredictability of demand

Often companies, when providing services, experiment to identify what innovations will be in demand, and this leads to additional business costs. Forecasting from implementation can help in this matter technological innovation .

Let's look at the TOP 5 examples of innovations to solve the above problems.

TOP 5 modern innovations in courier companies

Below are real examples innovations of leading courier delivery companies.

No. 1. Logistics Innovation

To solve problems with returned goods, the following approaches are used:

  • software that allows you to plan single and multi-item returns, create invoices, track incoming and outgoing return orders;
  • reuse of packaging in which the cargo was stored during transportation;
  • collection of the return along with delivery of the replacement item in one trip. This will allow the customer to receive the goods immediately. The courier service will reduce transport costs, the processing time of one order, increase the turnover of goods in warehouses and the number of errors in income receipts.

An example of software is UPS Returns Plus, which operates through WorldShip. The program allows you to control return shipments also on weekends by creating a return invoice in advance using the order number, which the courier will provide along with the replacement product. You can request a refund through the courier service website, as well as control the entire process, starting from scanning the barcode.

Changes in the principle of grocery delivery are expected thanks to delivery services such as AmazonFresh. All purchases are made online, the client sets a time to pick up the products, and the goods are loaded directly into the client’s car by the responsible manager. That is, the usual concept of shopping and going to the supermarket will change.

Innovative trucks with a 3D printer on board will speed up the delivery of goods. Such a truck will go to the order delivery address and “print” the necessary goods for the client right on the spot. It will be possible to print many products: from spare parts to toys. In the future, there are also plans to develop technology for printing complex products such as laptops and smartphones.

The Quantum View Notify system sends information to the client by email about the status of the order, timing, delays, changes in the status of shipments (dispatch, emergency or delivery). This development also notifies the most responsible manager about changes in delivery status, delays, etc.

To optimize the delivery route, glasses similar to Google Glass are currently being developed, displaying a 3D map of the route, and showing the optimal direction to reduce delivery time. They will have a built-in barcode scanner.

Reading watermarks and QR codes using a smartphone will allow you to find out the type of cargo, contact information of the sender and client. Special Smart Sensors will show temperature regime goods or container as a whole. If the temperature deviates from the norm, the system will give a signal. Thus, customers can monitor the temperature readings of the cargo at all stages of delivery.

In the near future, it is planned to develop a network of stores-representatives of courier companies with parcel lockers that will be available around the clock for picking up items.

No. 2. Warehouse innovations

The introduction of robotics in warehouses will save time during inventory, the process of receiving and shipping goods. Incoming cargo will be scanned and photographed from all sides by a robot before being placed in the warehouse. Based on the scanned image, the robot will sort the shipment by type, size and weight, pack it and place it in the appropriate warehouse cell. To move a pallet or rack, warehouses of the future will be equipped with a prototype robotic arm.

The central system will allow you to simulate the optimal option for placing goods depending on delivery times, dimensions, as soon as the cargo arrives at the warehouse space. Robots will also be able to read barcodes in hard-to-reach areas of the warehouse in a few seconds. These technologies will significantly reduce the time of routine operations in the warehouse, as well as optimize the use of its space.

No. 3. Transport innovations

Due to the presence of a tax on automobile emissions and given that many customers prefer companies that protect the environment, competitive advantage may be the use of electric vehicles. They can be recharged in any part of the city.

Self-driving cars and aerial drones are making inroads into the delivery space. It will be possible to manage these systems using an Internet connection. They will solve the problem of failure to meet deadlines and also help avoid traffic on the roads. Delivery will be available at any time of the day, both letters and oversized cargo.

Hyperloop innovations in terms of tunnel infrastructures, which will solve the problem of growing congestion on metropolitan roads, will be able to ensure fast delivery of transit networks within and between cities.

No. 4. IT innovation

The next step after the introduction of a network of parcel terminals will be technology that allows you to receive a parcel by simply holding a mobile phone with the item number to the scanner of the parcel terminal. This development will find the shipment in a matter of minutes and automatically write off the payment.

The introduction of Big Data, cloud technologies and logistics-as-a-service business models at all stages of a courier company’s operation will allow optimizing warehouse and delivery, reducing risks through prompt data exchange and activity analysis.

Electronic approval of applications for ships, vehicles and trains will speed up customs clearance: the application will be submitted even before the transport arrives at the border.

For cargo delivery by air, it will be possible to reserve a place online, depending on the size of the goods, using just registration.

#5: Customer-centric innovation

A personal courier, present at all stages of cargo delivery, will solve problems with its damage and breakdown. This is especially true for large-sized, container transportation with maintaining a certain temperature regime.

To increase customer loyalty, avoid queues and provide quick service at pick-up points, a special service will be used. It will display a cell, rack or pallet in the warehouse by the invoice number or by voice pronunciation, and the robot will be able to quickly find it and transfer it to the manager.

To prevent breakdowns and damage to goods, electronic notifications about the rules for packaging a specific client product with a 3D model will be added to the customer’s personal account.

An innovation in the field of eco-delivery will be the introduction of online reporting and monitoring of carbon emissions when transporting a specific client’s cargo. For courier services, this service will provide emission control models and provide recommendations for making strategic decisions.


Modern technologies allow you to automate and simplify many work processes in courier and transport companies. Innovation today helps reduce costs, increase business profitability and improve the quality of services provided. What seemed incredible 20 years ago is now a reality for large companies in the courier services market. Over time, these technologies will become available to medium and small businesses, which will also take them to a new level.

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