An interesting scenario for a 25 year old girl. Yubileev

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Presentation of the Golden Star Award

Costumes and scenery: microphone and TV screen frame
Friends play the role of fans of the birthday girl - they stand with pre-prepared congratulation posters, wall newspapers, flowers
Presenter (reporter): Hello, dear TV viewers! Today we came to the mansion of our star - famous NAME for an exclusive interview on the occasion of her 25th birthday.

Our report today is dedicated to this greatest, to the most beautiful girl, which drives all men crazy. Today she gathered a crowd of fans at her mansion who came to congratulate her (fans applaud). The plot will be dedicated to her life this year, a congratulations competition, in which the birthday girl will act as a jury, and our program will end with the presentation of the Golden Star award. Meet our birthday girl! (the presenter approaches the birthday girl, holds the screen alternately in front of him and in front of her during the conversation)
- Our television company wants to ask you a few questions. Tell me, have there been many interesting events this year? Could you tell us about the most striking and impressive ones?
(the birthday girl says that she will remember)
- Your loyal fans followed the life of their favorite star, and prepared a story about your life this year (friends show a presentation with photographs of this year, if not good photos, you can make a comic presentation of events that did not happen: frames from cartoons and films, where the characters are signed with the names of the birthday girl and her friends).
Fans throw down placards, take microphones, and turn into journalists.
Questions are asked to the birthday girl one by one. Sample questions
- Name the funniest event this year!
- And the saddest thing?
- What new things have you learned this year?
-Who are you currently in love with?
- How old do you feel?
Presenter (reporter): Our dear birthday girl! Your friends would like to speak to you with congratulations.
Girlfriend 1:
My dear friend,
You are my ray of sunshine, because you are the best.
We always understand each other,
We hear thoughts without any interference,
I'm always interested in you,
Give us the light of a smile.
Let your eyes shine with love,
May your whole life be in love!

Girlfriend 2:
I wish you a rich groom
I wish you many suitors,
Always be slim and pleasant -
So that without diets, and there are cakes,

Best friend:
If we are together it will be fun
Wherever we meet! Should we frown?
People with boring, insipid faces -
Beware! We went outside!

Chip and Dale to the rescue!
If necessary, they will make you all laugh!
If one of us becomes sad,
So the other one will push her away!

I wish you not to lose heart,
Wake up and get up with a smile in the morning,
Walk down the street with a smile, and let you
Passers-by are jealous and admiring!

Other examples of congratulations:
Charming lady
We always wish you
Go to success and victory,
Be so beautiful, young
Always be as friendly
Let the house be full of guests,
Be kind, affectionate and smart,
Don't forget your friends!

Most best girl in the world
I wish you lots and lots of happiness.
May your luck shine brighter.
After all, today is your wonderful holiday,
A holiday that brings together all your friends,
All relatives and friends at the table.
You are joy, you are our pride.
Congratulations on your holiday!

Presenter (reporter): The first part of our story has come to an end. I invite all viewers to the show “Star fever”. I will host it, and we invite our beautiful birthday girl to the jury! Instead of tokens, the winning participants will be given autographs of the star, and we will count them to determine the winner.
1 competition: Participants - guests - take turns saying epithets and compliments to the birthday girl. The one who repeats himself is eliminated from the game.
2nd competition: “Autograph”. Participants are divided into pairs. One holds a marker motionless, the other is blindfolded and given a sheet of paper. While blindfolded, moving a piece of paper over a marker, the participant must write his name. Then the participants in the pair change roles. The one who wrote the name most accurately wins. The winner is determined by the birthday girl.
Competition 3: “Hollywood Stars”. Participants portray their favorite Hollywood stars. The birthday girl guesses. Artistry is assessed, how similar the image is, etc.
4th competition: “Variety Stars”. Participants take turns performing songs. The best performance is judged. Competition options: who knows more birthday songs, sing a line of a famous song, whoever forgot the words is eliminated, etc.
Competition 5: “Stargazers”. Objects (buttons or beads) are laid out on the chair under the fabric. Participants take turns sitting on a chair and trying to count the number.
6th competition: “Movie Stars”. It is proposed to play a scene from the film. Scenes are written on pieces of paper. Participants are divided into pairs and draw lots. Examples of scenes: a gladiator fight, a cowboy shootout, a declaration of love, a bride escaping from a wedding, etc. Artistry and humor are assessed. Both members of the winning pair are awarded.
The show ends with the presentation of awards in the categories “Funniest Actor”, “Most Charming”, “Most Artistic”, “Most-Most”, etc. All participants receive diploma awards
The holiday ends with the presentation of the Golden Star award (a cup with a star can be cut out of foil)
Leading: Do you think that only famous actors, singers, and presenters become stars? Our star is special. Her merit and main talent– in the ability to be friends, to love, to illuminate our lives with joy. She sings well, dances, and, if necessary, will play any role - a housewife, a successful worker, a stylish lady, flirtatious or strict... But we love her because with us she is real! Cheerful or sad, kind, tired, energetic - she is dear to us in any form. The Golden Star Award is awarded to our brightest star!
One of your friends: We, your friends, today helped you imagine yourself as rich and famous. They say that if you imagine what you dream about more vividly, your dream will definitely come true. We all sincerely wish you to be happy, rich, creative. And when you achieve your goals, whatever they may be, be it career, family, creative development, remember this day, remember your friends, and never forget about us, as each of us always remembers about you. Now we want to give gifts not to the celebrities from our scenario, but to you, our simple and cheerful friend (gifts are given to the birthday girl’s favorite music).
Leading: This concludes our program. Before the second part of the evening begins with feasting and dancing, I want to make the first toast.
Let's drink to the power that today has brought us together, so different, with different plans and moods, in one place, with one desire - to arrange a cheerful holiday for our birthday girl - let's drink to the power of this girl's charm. We all love her very much. And we wish her to realize her strength and, with its help, fulfill all her dreams!

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, friends and just relatives and, of course, children! We are glad to see you at the award ceremony Nobel Prizes. A total of 20 awards will be awarded today, and maybe more.

Prizes will be awarded in the following areas in the region:
- science, culture and production;
- housekeeping;
- procurement of preservatives;
- raising a spouse and children;
- berry harvesting and others.

Why will “20 prizes” be awarded? Yes, because 4 multiplied by 5 equals exactly 20. I think that today we will not limit ourselves to 20 liters and kilograms of what we drink and eat. Some will get more, some will get less. Well, the awards themselves will go to the nominees.

I hope you will allow me to introduce all of our nominees today!

And this:
- Chef and the director of today's restaurant Filatova A.M.

Beloved wife Alyonushka, she is also a beloved mother!
- Daughter of a good and beloved mother Alyonochka Dolgova!
- Younger (older) sister of Andrey Marshev and Vyacheslav Dolgov! - Beloved daughter-in-law Alena!
- Reliable neighbor and friend Alenka!
- if there are others during the nomination process, we will add to this list.

The people are languishing in anticipation,
And there is no reason to delay any longer.
That's why it's his birthday,
To make the glasses clink.

And the right to present our 1st nominee for the award is given to our beloved and reliable spouse! (I will ask all speakers to introduce themselves before the award ceremony begins.)

Dear guests!. You all know very well that there is a short break between the first and second. Naturally, you have not yet had time to “digest” what you ate and think about what was said about the first nominee.

And now, friends, the moment has come
Fill a glass for your parents!
For those who gave life to Alena
And opened the doors to a beautiful world,
For those who taught her kindness
And he gave her the wisdom of generations.
For those thanks to whom, now
She sits among us with a smile!

So, the floor is given to mother Valentina Sergeevna!

Dear passengers, so we drank a couple of glasses and didn’t notice it. As they say,
The first glass is lumpy,
The second is a falcon,
And the Third must fly by like a little bird,
And shouldn't we have another glass?

We still have a lot of nominees and we should all be congratulated and rewarded.

While the glasses are being poured,
And in them there is a reflection of amber,
And the faces of our passengers light up,
Like spring dawn!
With wine, everyone's melancholy is carried away,
Become lighter
And the heart asks for a toast -
Now, we will drink to the anniversary!

Who, if not the relatives of the nominees I presented earlier, know everything about Shasha Alena and will now tell us about it. Word from the second parents Natalya and Victor. I would like to ask you to say a few words about yourself and more about the nominee for the award. _____________________________________________________

Glasses and forks,
Let's have a drink to warm up,
To ease the heart
I need to pour a glass

While the glasses are being filled, I invite all passengers on the train to sing together a song for Alyonushka! :

To the tune: The blue ball is spinning and spinning!

Where is this street, where is this house,
Where are we singing this song now?
Together we found this street,
We came to visit Alena Filatova!

The blue ball is spinning, spinning,
Year after year flies by.
The wind will blow away the gray clouds for us
It's our company's anniversary again!

We wish Alena to live without worries,
Accident-free railways,
Happiness without measure, health in full,
Let's drink some intoxicating wine for this!

We celebrate, Alena, your anniversary,
Do not be sorry to fill your glasses with wine!
Let's drink to the bottom for the birthday girl,
So as not to leave evil to the hostess!

The word of congratulations is presented to the brothers and daughters-in-law.

5 toast:
Dear passengers:

The hen clucks, the cockerel sings,
And we'll pour a glass of vodka into our mouths!

It was a saying, but now we will continue the fairy tale together.
Now Alena and Slava will pass the test! How well they know each other. (they write 10 animals, insects and birds each) And so, he, the husband, -
Affectionate as...
Strong like...
Sociable as...
Authoritative as...
Independent like...
Smiling like...
Neat as...
Amorous as...
Brave as...
Beautiful as...
Then the representatives of the fauna chosen by the wife are named. So, "Your Wife":
In transport like...
With relatives like...
With work colleagues like...
In the store it's like...
At home it's like...
In a cafe or restaurant like...
With the boss how...
IN friendly company How...
In bed like...
In the doctor's office it's like...

And the floor is given to the sister-in-law and son-in-law!

Dear guests,

Somewhere in the field there are lights, somewhere the wind is tossing!
Well, we’re supposed to drink to the hero of the day

Before you need to pour a drink, and the pack is being poured, we will continue the performance of our “drunk” Choir of the repair team “Depot - sorting Abdulino - 2” let’s sing together another comic song for a birthday, you all know it, this is Cheburashka’s song

We didn't come in vain
This is clear to everyone
And sit down at this table!
Congratulations to our Lena,
Leave it as a keepsake
This song that we will sing!

Let the years not age you!
You will be visible in life!
Sorry birthday
Only once a year.

From our hearts we wish
Long life and health,
And good luck - with great luck.
So that it’s always in your home
There was happiness, but sorrow
Let him bypass you!

The chorus is the same.

Vera, dear friend,
Sit in a circle with us,
And pour us a glass quickly,
From friends on your birthday
On your significant anniversary!

The chorus is the same.

Let it run year after year -
Get younger
Never grow old in your soul.
We wish you a lot of happiness
On this day we are today
For years, for years - forever!

The chorus is the same.

Dear guests

Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather!
Everyone is now seventeen years old!

Let's remember our youth and introduce the word to the children.


All men of the celebration are invited. The presenter offers to play fishing. “Let’s take imaginary fishing rods, throw them into the imaginary sea and start fishing, but then suddenly the imaginary water begins to wet our feet and the presenter suggests rolling up our pants to the knees, then higher and higher.” The funny thing is that when everyone’s trousers are already pulled up to the limit The presenter stops fishing and announces a competition for the hairiest legs. there will be laughter!!!

Dear passengers:


The floor is given,,,

Dear choristers!!! I invite everyone to sing one more comic song, everyone has heard it many times, to the tune of “It’s time to hit the road,” but this does not mean that we are about to leave, “DO NOT HOPE”:

It's time to hit the road

September evening, evening, evening,
When without Faith we would have nothing to do,
We came to her for her anniversary,
Gathering all my friends with me,
And we all repeat the same thing: “pour it for us”!

Pour it - don't regret it
The glasses are full, full, full of wine!
Let's sing more cheerfully
Whoever can sing, let’s sing and drink to the dregs!

Let it be fun, fun, fun,
It’s a shame your hostess didn’t weigh us before dinner.
We'll drink many times in a row
For this anniversary ceremony,
And we will eat everything that the owners tell us!

The chorus is the same.

We are brave, brave, brave guests,
They came cheerful, elegant, curly,
We'll drink once, we'll drink two
For our Faith, everything to the bottom,
But so that you don’t have a headache tomorrow!

The chorus is the same.

Which of our guests has not yet congratulated...

Dear passengers, while we were singing, congratulatory telegrams arrived in our mailbox (at least the computer was at hand) for Alena, but all of them were unsigned. We all need to work harder and guess the sender. These are people known to everyone. And even fairy-tale heroes!












BIG HELLO FROM MOM! ......... ORBOKAYE (Pugacheva)


Whichever guest guessed the most gets the right to once again congratulate our birthday girl.

Dear passengers, I suggest you play the game:

Everyone urgently needs to decipher the name Alena
Let's say:
- Active
- Darling
- The only one
- Tender
- Ambitious
- I’ll give you a minute to think, and let’s start in a circle.

The birthday girl chooses the option that she liked best, and the winner has the right out of turn to congratulate again and be the first to open the prize:

I suggest you play a game. The essence of the game is as follows. Here is a package, there is a riddle written on it, if you guess it, you tear off the paper, there is the next riddle, you guess it, and again you tear off the paper. If you give the wrong answer, you pass it on to your neighbor in the circle and it’s their turn to guess it. And so on until we find out what’s in the package.

And in the package there are two tennis balls, for further play, look immediately after the riddles

Riddles to test your wits

1. In this white chest we store food on the shelves.
It's hot outside, but the chest is cold. [fridge]
2. We saw him dressed in the spring and summer.
And in the fall, all the shirts were torn off from the poor thing? [tree]
3. What horse doesn’t eat oats? [chess]

4. What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? [from empty]

5.Which car wheel does not spin when turning right? [spare]
6. The rain is warm and thick, this rain is not easy.
He is cloudless, cloudless, ready to go all day!? [shower]
7. How many months of the year have 28 days? [all months: Nason Dina:.]
8. Which month is the shortest? (May)

9. Military weapons housewives, a “symbol” of warmth and comfort?

10. What is the cow in front and the bull behind? [letter "K"]
11. She dresses everyone in the world, but doesn’t put them on herself? [needle]
12. A red-headed lineman climbed onto a pine trunk using his claws.
He worked hard, but no light flashed in the forest? [woodpecker].

GAME with tennis balls:
(EGGS – Tennis balls)
They take it boiled eggs(ideally raw). The goal of the competition is to roll an egg from one partner’s pant leg to the other the fastest without breaking the egg.

Partners (man and woman) stand opposite each other, holding a small rubber ball between their stomachs. Task - rotational movements roll the ball to the chin of the shorter partner.

Other competitions that can be held during breaks:

All guests stand in a circle and put their hands on each other's shoulders. The host says “duck” or “goose” in everyone’s ear (scattered, say “duck” to more players). Then he explains the rules of the game: “If I now say: “Goose,” then all the players whom I called so will tuck one leg. And if “Duck,” then the players whom I called “Duck” will tuck both legs.” You are guaranteed a heap.

In a spacious room, chairs are arranged in a circle. The players, men and women, sit on them. The driver is selected. He is blindfolded. The music turns on and the driver walks in a circle. As soon as the music stops, the driver stops and sits on the lap of the person he stopped next to. The one he sat next to must hold his breath and not give himself away. The rest ask: "Who?" If the driver guesses who he is sitting on his lap, then he becomes the driver.

The presenter invites several couples (two to three). Each couple consists of a man and a woman. The presenter gives candy wrappers to the competition participants. Initial fee. The players’ task is to “open jars, not glass ones of course,” as many as possible. The partner will serve as the bank. Banks can serve as pockets, lapels, clothing and underwear in general, i.e. where you can put it so that the bill doesn’t fall out, and you can put only one piece of paper in one place in the allotted time - 1 minute. The players stand in pairs.
The presenter shouts: “Start!” and records the time. After a minute everyone stops. Women change places, their task is “to withdraw money from the account, i.e. find hidden bills” and the young ladies brazenly go into all the secret places of other people’s partners to “stash” within 1 minute. The pair that hid it better or found more wins, or all 4 participants are given prizes.

Each of the players chooses a name for themselves based on the name of one of the kitchen items, for example, a plate, fork, knife, poker, etc. One of the players begins to ask about the most various items from their surroundings, about themselves, about their interlocutor - his appearance, habits, attachments, etc. For example: “What do you have instead of eyes?” Or: “Who do you kiss most often?” or: “What do you like to treat your guests to?” or, “What whets your appetite the most?” The main task of the driver is to pose a question, the answer to which involuntarily causes laughter, both from the specific interlocutor and from all the players. When answering questions, the person answering must resort to only one word - the name with which he identified himself - fork, knife, etc. Additionally, only prepositions are allowed. The player who laughs is eliminated from the game.

Now stand in a circle facing each other. One of you must stand in the center blindfolded. Spin him/her around until the others switch places. Stop. The person in the center of the circle must identify by touch who she is touching. If the answer is incorrect, the process continues. If correct, then another participant in the game stands in the center of the circle.

On large sheet drawing paper, draw a full-length portrait of the birthday boy (birthday girl). Each player turns around himself several times and, blindfolded, tries to pin a paper rose with a pin to the portrait of the birthday boy or girl. While the guest is blindfolded, you can move the portrait so that the rose is pinned where you want.

The leader is randomly selected. His task is to perform an action with the neighbor on the right so that one of those present laughs. For example, the leader takes his neighbor by the nose. Everyone else in the circle must do the same. When the circle is closed, the leader again takes his neighbor, this time by the ear, knee, etc. Those who laugh leave the circle. The winner is the last participant standing.

Two people play. One is a wife who has just given birth, and the other is her faithful husband. The husband’s task is to ask everything about the child in as much detail as possible, and the wife’s task is to explain all this to her husband with signs, because The thick double glass of the hospital room does not allow outside sounds to pass through. See what gestures your wife will make! The main thing is unexpected and varied questions.

We need 1 more men than women. Line up in lines opposite each other. When the melody starts, the men “snatch” the ladies, and the odd one out dances with a mop. It's quite funny to watch the "gentleman" in a jacket and tie tenderly hug the mop.

Presentation of the Golden Star Award

Costumes and scenery: microphone and TV screen frame
Friends play the role of fans of the birthday girl - they stand with pre-prepared congratulation posters, wall newspapers, flowers
Presenter (reporter): Hello, dear TV viewers! Today we came to the mansion of our star - the famous NAME - for an exclusive interview on the occasion of her 25th birthday. Our today's report is dedicated to this greatest, most beautiful girl who drives all men crazy. Today she gathered a crowd of fans at her mansion who came to congratulate her (fans applaud). The plot will be dedicated to her life this year, a congratulations competition, in which the birthday girl will act as a jury, and our program will end with the presentation of the Golden Star award. Meet our birthday girl! (the presenter approaches the birthday girl, holds the screen alternately in front of him and in front of her during the conversation)
- Our television company wants to ask you a few questions. Tell me, have there been many interesting events this year? Could you tell us about the most striking and impressive ones?
(the birthday girl says that she will remember)
- Your loyal fans followed the life of their favorite star, and prepared a story about your life this year (friends show a presentation with photographs of this year, if there are no good photographs, you can make a comic presentation of events that did not happen: frames from cartoons and films where sign the characters with the names of the birthday girl and her friends).
Fans throw down placards, take microphones, and turn into journalists.
Questions are asked to the birthday girl one by one. Sample questions
- Name the funniest event this year!
- And the saddest thing?
- What new things have you learned this year?
-Who are you currently in love with?
- How old do you feel?
Presenter (reporter): Our dear birthday girl! Your friends would like to speak to you with congratulations.
Girlfriend 1:
My dear friend,
You are my ray of sunshine, because you are the best.
We always understand each other,
We hear thoughts without any interference,
I'm always interested in you,
Give us the light of a smile.
Let your eyes shine with love,
May your whole life be in love!

Girlfriend 2:
I wish you a rich groom
I wish you many suitors,
Always be slim and pleasant -
So that without diets, and there are cakes,

Best friend:
If we are together it will be fun
Wherever we meet! Should we frown?
People with boring, insipid faces -
Beware! We went outside!

Chip and Dale to the rescue!
If necessary, they will make you all laugh!
If one of us becomes sad,
So the other one will push her away!

I wish you not to lose heart,
Wake up and get up with a smile in the morning,
Walk down the street with a smile, and let you
Passers-by are jealous and admiring!

Other examples of congratulations:
Charming lady
We always wish you
Go to success and victory,
Be so beautiful, young
Always be as friendly
Let the house be full of guests,
Be kind, affectionate and smart,
Don't forget your friends!

To the best girl in the world
I wish you lots and lots of happiness.
May your luck shine brighter.
After all, today is your wonderful holiday,
A holiday that brings together all your friends,
All relatives and friends at the table.
You are joy, you are our pride.
Congratulations on your holiday!

Presenter (reporter): The first part of our story has come to an end. I invite all viewers to the show “Star fever”. I will host it, and we invite our beautiful birthday girl to the jury! Instead of tokens, the winning participants will be given autographs of the star, and we will count them to determine the winner.
1 competition: Participants - guests - take turns saying epithets and compliments to the birthday girl. The one who repeats himself is eliminated from the game.
2nd competition: “Autograph”. Participants are divided into pairs. One holds a marker motionless, the other is blindfolded and given a sheet of paper. While blindfolded, moving a piece of paper over a marker, the participant must write his name. Then the participants in the pair change roles. The one who wrote the name most accurately wins. The winner is determined by the birthday girl.
Competition 3: “Hollywood Stars”. Participants portray their favorite Hollywood stars. The birthday girl guesses. Artistry is assessed, how similar the image is, etc.
4th competition: “Variety Stars”. Participants take turns performing songs. The best performance is judged. Competition options: who knows more birthday songs, sing a line of a famous song, whoever forgot the words is eliminated, etc.
Competition 5: “Stargazers”. Objects (buttons or beads) are laid out on the chair under the fabric. Participants take turns sitting on a chair and trying to count the number.
6th competition: “Movie Stars”. It is proposed to play a scene from the film. Scenes are written on pieces of paper. Participants are divided into pairs and draw lots. Examples of scenes: a gladiator fight, a cowboy shootout, a declaration of love, a bride escaping from a wedding, etc. Artistry and humor are assessed. Both members of the winning pair are awarded.
The show ends with the presentation of awards in the categories “Funniest Actor”, “Most Charming”, “Most Artistic”, “Most-Most”, etc. All participants receive diploma awards
The holiday ends with the presentation of the Golden Star award (a cup with a star can be cut out of foil)
Leading: Do you think that only famous actors, singers, and presenters become stars? Our star is special. Her merit and main talent is her ability to make friends, love, and illuminate our lives with joy. She sings well, dances, and, if necessary, will play any role - a housewife, a successful worker, a stylish lady, flirtatious or strict... But we love her because with us she is real! Cheerful or sad, kind, tired, energetic - she is dear to us in any form. The Golden Star Award is awarded to our brightest star!
One of your friends: We, your friends, today helped you imagine yourself as rich and famous. They say that if you imagine what you dream about more vividly, your dream will definitely come true. We all sincerely wish you to be happy, rich, creative. And when you achieve your goals, whatever they may be, be it career, family, creative development, remember this day, remember your friends, and never forget about us, as each of us always remembers about you. Now we want to give gifts not to the celebrities from our scenario, but to you, our simple and cheerful friend (gifts are given to the birthday girl’s favorite music).
Leading: This concludes our program. Before the second part of the evening begins with feasting and dancing, I want to make the first toast.
Let's drink to the power that today has brought us together, so different, with different plans and moods, in one place, with one desire - to arrange a cheerful holiday for our birthday girl - let's drink to the power of this girl's charm. We all love her very much. And we wish her to realize her strength and, with its help, fulfill all her dreams!

Having decorated the room, the walls with daisies, in winter time daisies can easily be made by hand. Also inflate the balloons and tie them in the shape of a daisy, i.e. The center is yellow, the petals are white.

Poster Happy Anniversary, 25 years must be hung on the wall. And prepare bright markers so that guests can leave their good wishes for the hero of the day, in the colored squares of the poster.

The presenter begins the anniversary with the following words:

Oh, you, guests - gentlemen
Why did you come here?
Or is it bad to be at home -
But the clothes are simply wonderful.
Only the simple truth
Our (name) is young
Among family and friends
I decided to celebrate my anniversary.

Guests are seated in the following places:

We wish to stomp for a thousand years
Along your life's path,
Never get tired
Soul and head and legs.
May love be your faithful companion
Always accompanied you
Hope with a warm light
I lit your way.
So that the circle of friends does not thin out,
So that the heart beats with inspiration,
Not believing that there is a limit
And everything in the sublunary world is perishable.

The guests are given the floor, the opportunity to congratulate and give gifts to the hero of the day.

An anniversary comic "Chamomile Medal" is awarded

The comic medal must be enlarged and printed. Manufacturing instructions included:
Making a comic anniversary medal from paper.

Instructions for using the medal are included

A remade song to congratulate a girl on her anniversary. Motif "Let them run clumsily...".
We are all together today
Gathered in this song
To sincerely congratulate you,
Wish you more happiness
And there is more passion in love,
I'm getting better day by day!

Twenty years, Birthday,
This is an important step in life,
Let there be more inspiration,
To work, to friends and just because!

Let everything be as before
But maybe a little older
Because now you're older
And more responsibility
But we wish to live a simpler life,
And let it be more fun in your soul!
After congratulations, a musical break and competitions:

Competition for happy anniversary"Chamomile"
Details, attributes: after cutting out the core and petals with questions, assemble them into a daisy.

On the printed petals, write the questions that the competition participants will answer. Approximate questions:
Who was I sitting at the desk with?
Favorite color
Favorite name
Favorite treat
Favorite flowers
Date of Birth
Time of birth
Time of birth
Who is the godmother?
Who is the godfather
Middle name of the hero of the day

Two players are called.
Each player takes turns tearing off a petal and answering questions written on the daisy.
The player who answers the most questions correctly becomes the winner.
Details, attributes: Balls inflated with helium and long ropes reaching to chest level. Pencils, markers, scissors, blindfold.
Guests come and, to occupy the time before the start of the holiday, draw on paper what they would like to give to the dear hero of the day. Cut out and attach the picture to the ball.
The competition is held in the middle of the festive anniversary.
The hero of the day is blindfolded, then they disorient him a little by circling him a little and offer to cut the rope with the intended gift.
The hero of the day is asked to guess who drew this gift and if he guessed right, then the culprit (who drew the gift) says a toast.

Game for the anniversary feast: “Bluff Tour”

After the guests at the anniversary party
had fun, danced, sang, you can offer a comic game to test your wits. Your guests will be happy and the anniversary will be remembered for a long time.
Leading. I ask a question that begins with the words “Do you believe that...”, and you try to determine whether this is true or not.
1. In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)
2. In Australia, the practice is to use disposable school boards? (No)
3. The fountain pen was invented back in Ancient Egypt? (Yes)
4. Ball pen Was it first used only by military pilots? (Yes)
5. Vitaminized pencils for children are produced in Africa,
who have a habit of gnawing on anything? (Yes)
6. Do some types of colored pencils have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (No)
7. Did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)
8. If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)
9. Is it true that spiders feed on their own web? (Yes)
10. In one Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz. (No)
11. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)
12. If you put the flounder on chessboard, will it also become checkered? (Yes)
13. Spartan warriors Did you spray your hair with perfume before the battle? (Yes, this is the only luxury they allowed themselves)
14. Do mice grow up and become rats? (No, these are two different orders of rodents)
15. Can some frogs fly? (Yes, in the tropical forests of Asia and Africa)
16. Can children hear higher-pitched sounds than adults? (Yes)
17. Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with fluid)
18. Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)
19. In some places people still wash with olive oil? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)
20. The bats can they receive radio signals? (No)
21. Owls can’t roll their eyes? (Yes)
22. Is elk a type of deer? (Yes)
23. At night, do giraffes use echoes to find the leaves they feed on? (No)
24. Are dolphins small whales? (Yes)
25. Rhinoceros horn has magical power? (No)
26. In some countries, firefly beetles are used as lighting fixtures? (Yes)
27. Is a monkey usually the size of a kitten? (Yes)
28. Was Scrooge's lucky coin worth 10 cents? (Yes)
29. Was Duremar selling frogs? (No, leeches)
30. Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)
31. Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)
32. Are most turnips grown in Russia? (No, in America)
33. An elephant, meeting an unfamiliar relative, greets him in the following way - puts his trunk in his mouth? (Yes)
34. Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Swensen? (No, Hans)
35. In medicine, is the diagnosis of “Munchausen syndrome” given to a patient who lies a lot? (No, this diagnosis is given to a patient who has a constant desire to be treated)
36. The height of the Little Humpbacked Horse is two inches? (No, three)
37. High-heeled shoes ranked first among the causes of accidental death in Japan in 1995? (Yes, almost 200 Japanese women died from falling from high heels)

The festive evening ends with the words of the host

The evening is coming to an end,
And I still want to laugh with you,
It's time for me to know the limit,
I danced and sang with you!
And on my own behalf, I will say the words,
For the main maiden of the celebration:
Still truly young
There is a beginning for breathing,
Beautiful, sincere, gentle,
I haven't seen much yet!
And going on a good journey,
Which is called life,
I want to tell you the words
Let many people know them -
Be happy as ever
Love, without measuring anything,
Let the years go by slower
In each of them there is a simple truth,
May the sun shine brightest
And the sky will be blue
May success come to you
And only family will be nearby!

The twenty-five year anniversary is a wonderful age, when youth is still in full swing and there is still so much energy, tone and strength in the body and soul. But at the same time, this is the age at which certain experience is already acquired, and life wisdom already helps to accept more right decisions, take a calmer approach to everything and not give in to your impulsiveness. When you are writing a script for a twenty-five-year-old girl for her anniversary, keep in mind that the program should be eventful, fun and energetic, and the atmosphere should be relaxed and even a little “family-like.” You, as the host and organizer of this wonderful celebration, will need to make a toast in honor of the hero of the day during the festive banquet. You can use the toast we suggested below for this purpose:

Toast: Our dear and beloved birthday girl, today is your great date, today you are turning 25 years old, so to speak, your “silver” anniversary. Let your young years last forever, and you will always be a real super mega star, filled with inexhaustible energy and tone. Let you live in a world in which you want to constantly smile and laugh. Let all your dreams flutter around you like butterflies and become reality. Let you have a heroic spirit, and at any moment you will be able to perform any Olympic program just perfectly. Also, let the aspects always become a pleasant bonus or a wonderful surprise for you. Even if your purchases have no limit, like the income you receive. Money will become your good and bosom friends. Let success accompany you in everything, and let temporary obstacles make you even better, and let your will to win only become stronger, and let you achieve even greater, even greater achievements. best heights than the ones you've ever had. And, of course, you would like to wish this bright and faithful love. Let your relationship with your loved one become your guiding star. And you will always be together as one. And most importantly, smile more with your wonderful smile.

Afterwards you can go directly to the entertainment and competition program.

This mini-game can be played as a warm-up, and it’s best if no one in the company knows the rules of the game, or the majority, then the surprise will take effect. The game is called "Bears Boom". The presenter asks the participants to stand in a line, he himself becomes the first and declares that they are all bears. And the whole friendly company of them goes north. No one can leave the line; everyone must move in one line, rhythmically repeating everything the leader says to do. And so the game begins and the leader commands: All the bears go for a walk (all the other players, like bears, waddle slowly, stomp in place, while to cheer up the players can make various puffing sounds, as if they are heavy animals), the bears are tired and therefore sat down not to rest for long (all players squat down and pretend that they are tired). We rested and went again. They walked and walked and sat down tired. It is best to give commands abruptly and unexpectedly, to make it more fun, because someone will definitely doubt or hesitate, and then comical situations cannot be avoided. The game continues, the presenter continues: We walked, walked, and then sat down again to rest, we were tired. The story can be repeated several times, providing it with various funny and original commands and actions. You can also ask everyone to sing together, whether it be a funny camping song or a children’s song. Even if it is not a musical masterpiece, it will be sung with soul and will bring a clear charge of cheerfulness and smiles to the ranks of our players. When everyone relaxes and sits down once again, the presenter says: “Bears - Boom!” - and easily pushes the next player behind him with his shoulder. The “bears” lie one after another like dominoes. Everyone laughs in surprise: indeed, the bears are booming.

Next entertaining game, came to us from childhood, which we played on school evenings. Chairs are placed in the middle of the room, one less than the number of participants. Participants stand around chairs and begin to run in a circle to the music, then when the music stops abruptly, they need to quickly take up free place. Those who do not have enough space are eliminated from the game. And this continues until one participant remains, during which time the chairs are gradually removed. Whoever is the most dexterous and the fastest wins. Although this game is a little childish, it is always played with enthusiasm and everyone is eager to win. You can play several times and in several stages, because most often there are more than enough participants for this game, and those who have already played are not averse to playing again. So forget that

The next game is a little reminiscent of the children's game “Broken Phone” when players pass words to each other very quickly and in an incomprehensible way and the player at the end must guess the initial word, although this is a slightly different variation of it and it’s called "Broken Fax". Two teams of players play. Everyone lines up in two lines one behind the other, everyone receives a piece of paper, and a pencil shows the last players in both lines a simple drawing. Participants must draw the same with a pencil on their sheet, which is placed on the back of the player standing in front, who in turn reproduces the drawing on the back of the player standing in front of him according to his feelings. That is, with the help of tactile contact, the player tries to understand what pattern and what lines the previous player used. The game requires concentration and ingenuity. Surely this competition will go off with a bang. If the participants like it, then you can do it several times, while complicating the drawing and the task, as dexterity is developed over time.

After the event, be sure to give everyone small souvenirs as a keepsake of the wonderful holiday. ©

Scenario for a girl's day 17, 18, 20, 22, 25, 30 years old

Invitation: The text of the invitation can be written in a child’s handwriting, and drawings can be used in the design. The invitation card can be attached to a small soft toy or baby doll (for girls), to a car or toy gun (for boys).

Decor: the room is decorated balloons, on chairs, armchairs and sofas there are soft toys, dolls, balls, toy cars. There are childhood photographs of the birthday girl hanging on the wall. Another wall is decorated with a fence made from several pieces of whatman paper.

Hello, friends! Today we celebrate the Birth of a wonderful girl (name)

(age) - oh, what a date!

Let it not be anniversary, not round,

This is the dance of the waves and the riot of the garden.

There are two wings behind my back!

That's eight Fridays a week

A time of trial, error and dilemmas.

Beauty and spirit in a healthy body,

This is life without problems for now!

This is a reckless neighborhood

And now it’s forgivable

The epicenter of adolescence and childhood,

This is fermented wine.

It's time to assert yourself

This is the best time of life.

From birth!

Have the best birthday ever!

And still no fluff, no feather!

(Guests raise their glasses to the birthday girl).

Leading:(age) years is the beginning of adulthood, this is farewell to childhood. Therefore, we decided to celebrate today’s holiday in a way we never did as children. The Day of Disobedience is declared! Today we will be mischievous, have fun and tease each other, and also scream loudly. Shout: “Happy Birthday, (name)!”

(Everyone screams. This is done several times to make it loud and harmonious).

And today we will write whatever we want on the fences. I ask you to come to the fence and write on it to our birthday girl.

(Guests write congratulations to the birthday girl on the fence).

Leading: Birthday girl, now you have your own fence of wishes. And may these wishes come true!

Auction “Our Birthday Girl”.

The presenter announces that the winner of the auction will be the one who is the last to say a kind word - the definition of the birthday girl. The winner receives a prize - a large lollipop or a bag of sweets for the sweetest speeches addressed to the birthday girl. And the host offers to raise a glass to such an extraordinary birthday girl.

"Desert Relay"

The presenter suggests remembering the ritual of growing up. A game is played with a pacifier, which participants must spit out as far as possible. The winner receives a prize - a bright pacifier.

"On a stool"

The presenter talks about the importance chairs played in our childhood. We used them to get to the farthest corners of the sideboard or cabinets where sweets were hidden from us. We built entire castles out of them. And how many times did we have to stand on it, recite rhymes and sing songs to the approving cries of adults and the proud gaze of our parents.

Guests pull strips of paper from the box with 1 line from a children's poem. Then 4 people each stand on chairs and read what happened.

"How it was"

Everyone gets forfeits. Participants must portray.

How the birthday boy learned to walk.

Depict how the birthday boy did rhythmic gymnastics as a child;

How the birthday boy, sitting on the potty, called his mother.

How the birthday boy selected his favorite toy

How the birthday boy demanded in the store to buy him a toy.

"Birthday Gifts"

From one box, guests draw cards with the names of the gift. The birthday girl pulls a card from another box describing what she will do with this gift.

"Mothers and Daughters"

The presenter suggests remembering the game of “mother and daughter”. Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of players. Each team is given a bow. The first one ties the bow to the second one, the other one unties it and ties it with the third one, etc. The last one ties first. The team that did it earlier and more accurately wins.

“We all sang songs”

The host reads the definition of the children's song, and the guests, guessing, sing it.


A song about a part of the land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from constantly eating tropical fruits (“Chunga-changa”);

A song about a heavenly-colored vehicle (“Blue Car”);

A song about being bad weather they cannot spoil the holiday (“We will survive this trouble”);

A song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical composition and at the same time takes sunbathing("I'm lying in the sun")

A song about a plant grown in conditions wildlife and cut down by a peasant (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”);

A song about how fun it is to march with a group (“It’s fun to walk together”);

A song about a small creature whose color resembles a certain vegetable (“A grasshopper sat in the grass”).

"Magic bag"

During the dance, guests pass the box to each other. When the music stops, the one who currently has the box in his hands takes out something from it without looking and puts it on himself. Game continues.

25th anniversary for a girl. 25th anniversary script for a woman

Indeed, a woman at this age reached her prime. There is also beauty and there is already intelligence and experience.

25 years is a kind of milestone; people pass this line like ships cross a watershed. From this moment on, everything in life changes a little. It is no coincidence that it is at this age that ladies decide on their personal lives.

Scenario for 25th anniversary for a girl should not be too long or boring. It is best to shorten the ceremonial part as much as possible. You can’t do without congratulations, besides, the birthday girl will feel a little deprived without them, but you shouldn’t drag them out, turning them into hours-long monologues.

But a competition for the best compliment will come in handy - firstly, the hero of the day will be the center of attention, and secondly, the guests will have a lot of fun. The reward for the most inventive person can be a dance with the hero of the occasion. But this is only if the man wins.

Toastmaster – required element Happy birthday girl. It is he who will be able to connect all parts of the script and voice it. If you don’t have the money or desire to hire a professional artist, then a very active and sociable friend will do just fine.

It is best not to drag out the feast, smoothly moving on to active entertainment, such as dancing.

But this is what traditional looks like" girl's 25th anniversary script"If you don't want to hold another banal holiday, then you can make absolutely original script which will allow you to spend time in a special way.

Great option for a couple in love or a young family – a romantic dinner for two. Moreover, it can be carried out in a variety of places - a restaurant, cafe, home or outdoors. Or you can climb onto the roof and drink a couple of glasses of wine with candles. Romance will be overflowing: sky, stars, light breeze. But this option is just perfect for summer, but not for winter.

A private party for selected friends should also go off with a bang. In a narrow circle there is usually no problem with what to do. Ideas can arise on their own.

We offer our own version of how to celebrate a girl’s 25th birthday


Beautiful, someone has already found their happiness, their family, someone is still searching. But regardless of personal life, it’s still best time– there is experience, intelligence, but at the same time, youth and beauty!


“There is magic in adult life too.” At this age, you often remember your childhood, and you really want to go back there. Feel what is joyful, kind and magical. Therefore, we invite you to spend this holiday as wonderfully as possible. Give the birthday girl warmth, comfort and magic. The celebration is celebrated at home or in a cafe.

Presenter(you can choose the appropriate clothes for the sorceress, for example, a cape with bright stars and a magic wand):

Good evening gentlemen,

All relatives and friends,

I welcome you to the country,

Where magic works everywhere,

And the main one will be the Fairy,

She is waiting for you, shy and timid,

So let's call her

And let's sing her name loudly!

(at the presenter’s command they call the hero of the day by name, and she comes out to them)


Hello our dear (name). We are all incredibly, endlessly glad to see you! And on this special day, we want to congratulate you on your 25th anniversary! And also, I want to give you the title of Fairy, because we have a magical holiday, and you are its heroine, give you a diploma stating that you graduated from the school of Magic and present this magic wand. With her you can wish for anything, both your personal life and financial position and friendly support and health, everything will improve in an instant. The main thing is to always believe in it, and the magic will come to you!

(you can make a magic wand and diploma yourself or buy it in a store)

Well, now, please, come to the table,

So that you can hear the clink of glasses!



And so, for our dear,

For undoubtedly dear to everyone,

Let's pour one glass of wine,

And let's drink it all down!

(The presenter takes out a very large wine glass or jug, which must be decorated in advance with tinsel and all sorts of sparkles, and also write the word “magical.” She informs all guests that everyone around the table should take it and say their wish to the Anniversary and take a sip from it. It should also be added that everyone can make a wish for themselves at this time, which will certainly come true. After all, this jug is magical)

(musical break, meal)


Now there's a surprise for everyone,

Take a piece of paper,

Pour water on it

And read everything on it!

(The presenter passes with a tray on which empty sheets of paper are laid out. But they are not quite simple, they are written on them in advance with a special pen, the ink of which disappears, but appears when wet. Each has its own text, with a name, with a souvenir gift as a keepsake about a festive evening: a stylish pen, a beautiful mug, a mini-figurine, a photo frame, etc.)

Presenter(passes with a large bag with magical colors):

Now we sort out the gifts,

Let's empty my bag!


And we'll raise our glass again,

Then there will be a magic ball,

In the meantime, for our Fairy,

I can call her the best!



Now we will dance

But it’s not easy to say so,

You will all be divided into pairs,

Call everyone magical!

Competition for a girl's 25th birthday

The competition is called: "Magic Dance!" Each couple is given 1 wizard's hat on a string (made in advance in the form of a cone out of paper and decorated), walking boots (we make spurs from cardboard, for beauty) - that's all for men: 1 cape, 1 magic wand– this is for women. They wear all this. As soon as the music starts, they dance; as soon as it stops, they quickly change clothes (exchange clothes); those who do not have time are eliminated. And so on until one pair. Prize: 2 wind chime pendants.



Well, how magical everything is with us,

Everything is somehow unusual,

Now another surprise

I'll bring the cake here for an encore,

And the cake will not be simple,

With twenty-five candles!

(The presenter brings in a large cake with 25 candles on it, but you need to purchase not simple candles, but ones that light up again, these are sold in many stores)


And so now the hour has come,

When dear Fairy (name), everything is for you,

Make 25 wishes,

From my most cherished dreams,

But these candles will not be simple,

Yes, you yourself will find out which ones!

(The hero of the day blows out the candles, but the whole surprise is that the candles light up again, it looks very beautiful and unusual)


Now there are no 25 wishes,

Now you can have a whole million

And he knows no excuses

After all, this is a holiday, this is it!

Well, to celebrate, I invite you to congratulations,

I call all relatives and friends hosts!

25th anniversary for women " anniversaries

The organization of any holiday begins with the choice of its location. When choosing a place, you need to take into account the preferences and interests of the birthday girl herself, as well as the time of year.

IN winter period you can start celebrating your anniversary at the skating rink outdoors. Having skated to your heart's content and having a lot of fun, you can continue the holiday in a cozy cafe near the skating rink or in a warm home environment.

One of the traditional places to celebrate an anniversary is a restaurant or nightclub, where, hiding from the weather, you can have a good time, dance, sing karaoke, play billiards or bowling.

In winter, when the forest is fabulously beautiful and if it is not very cold or in early spring When the first flowers bloom and streams flow, you can get out into nature. An excellent continuation would be a feast at village house with a heated stove and a bathhouse.

From late spring and early summer until the autumn cold, the most relevant place for a celebration is nature. You can go out of town and settle down on the edge of a forest, choose a picturesque place by the river, rent summer gazebo with a barbecue or organize a party at the dacha. You can go on a hike with friends.

On a hot summer day you can have a picnic on the beach, rent small boat or a yacht. Or celebrate your anniversary on a pleasure boat.

On rainy autumn days you can go to the karting club. Having received a dose of adrenaline and a bunch of unforgettable impressions, you will happily spend the rest of the evening in the nearest cafe. And if the weather permits, you can split into two teams and play paintball.

Organization of the anniversary

Friends of the birthday girl can organize the celebration; perhaps someone will take on the role of toastmaster. You need to start the anniversary with a ceremonial part, congratulations and presentation of gifts. Then you can start complimenting the hero of the occasion. Guests whose compliments the hero of the day likes the most can receive a kiss or a signed photo of the birthday girl as a prize.

The presenter should explain to everyone present that a birthday is an annual gift that is given to a person for joy. Wherever the celebration is held, it should be decorated festively. First of all, flowers should be present in the interior design. You can decorate the anniversary venue with balloons, cards, congratulations and wishes written on paper, photographs of the birthday girl, and festively decorate the table.

You should plan the 25th anniversary of a young woman so that neither the guests nor the birthday girl herself gets bored. The hero of the day must constantly be in the center of everyone's attention. Competitions, games and a disco should be prepared in advance, focusing on the preferences of the birthday girl.

Scenarios for a young woman's 25th birthday.

  • Scenario "Hawaiian Party"
  • Scenario “Giving a Holiday”
  • Scenario “My Anniversary”
  • Scenario "Women's Friendship"
  • Script “For Elena”
  • Scenario "Picnic"
  • Scenario "Birthday Butterfly"
  • Scenario "Arabian Night"
  • Scenario for a woman's anniversary in nature
  • Scenario "Chinese Party"

Scenario for a girl’s 25th anniversary - October 22, 2012 - script, skits, funny, new, New Year 2013

Of course, the anniversary begins with a ceremonial part. You can congratulate the hero of the day by singing together a song written in honor of the hero of the occasion, but you also cannot do without congratulations in poetic form and toasts.

If the hero of the day is young at heart, then you can arrange a little entertainment called Find a Treasure. The treasure will consist of gifts prepared in advance and hidden in different corners of the room. And so that the birthday boy does not get confused, he is solemnly presented with a “treasure map”, using which he will be able to find all the gifts. Everyone present at the celebration can help the birthday boy and suggest which direction to go, accompanying all this with the words “cold” and “hot”.

But you can also carry out this fun with humor; instead of the expected treasure, the birthday boy finds some kind of gift, for example, a glass of vodka with a note: “Your health!” or a bag of coins with the inscription: “Don’t have a hundred rubles,” etc. After the raffle is revealed, the birthday boy is given real gifts.

While everyone is at the table, you can hold one interesting competition:

Our hero of the day

Everyone present at the table takes part. On command, each person present takes turns complimenting the hero of the occasion. Compliments should be different and not repeated, and the beginning of the speakers will be the same for everyone: “Our hero of the day is the most...”.

Best Dancer

Several couples take part in this competition. For the competition, you need to select music of different genres in advance, for example, square dance, waltz, tango, lambada, etc. To the sounds of music, couples begin to dance according to the loss. After the end of the dance marathon, the best dancing couple is chosen by audience vote, and they are awarded the title: “Best Dancer.”

Catch a fish

Interested couples are welcome to participate. For this competition, you need to prepare in advance several fish cut out of paper, which are tied to strings; the strings with fish are tied to the belts of the partner participants in such a way that the fish drag along the floor. The music turns on and the couples start dancing. The task of men is to snatch the fish from other couples, and at the same time protect the fish of their partner. The couple that can keep their fish the longest wins.


All those present are divided into two teams. The first team sings a few lines from a song, and the second team must come up with and sing a few lines from a song, the meaning of which will be the opposite of the song of the first team. To make the task easier for the participants, you can set the themes of the songs, or in the song and anti-song there should be words that have opposite meanings, for example: black-white, day-night, water-earth, boy-girl, etc.

Honorary wind blower

For the competition you need to prepare several balloons. The hero of the day and several guests take part. Everyone is given one ball. The participants' task is to inflate and burst the balloon as quickly as possible. The competition will be more interesting if the shape of the balloons is unusual; such balloons are more difficult to inflate, but this will add fun to the competition. If the birthday boy himself wins the competition, he is awarded the title: “Honorary Wind Blower.” If another participant wins, he is awarded the title: “Assistant to the Chief Wind Blower.”

Any interested participant is welcome. The player is blindfolded and placed in the middle of the room. The presenter asks him to spread his arms to the sides, gives glasses in both hands, pours water into them and leaves. During all this action, then either the presenter himself or his assistant records all the statements of the participant. After some time has passed, the player begins to ask questions, for example: “What should I do next?” All those present must silently observe everything that happens. When enough phrases have been typed, the glasses are taken from the player and the bandage is removed. The presenter announces that now everyone will know what our... (name of participant) said during the first wedding night.

After all the titles and titles have been distributed, the birthday cake is brought out.

Scenario for 25th anniversary

At 25 we expect success

At 25 everything is ahead.

We fill the glasses and, as the ringing rings, we all say “Happy Birthday!”

2. And now, while everyone is having a snack, I will read out the rules for this evening.

Since they came for the anniversary

Congratulate boldly.

Don't be sad, have fun,

Those who are not in a good mood, leave.

If the stacks are empty, know

Pour, don't be shy.

To make the evening a success,

You must listen to me.

Smoke break - for ten minutes,

At the command of the toastmaster.

Feel free to rush to the toilet,

So that there is no trouble.

And then sit down at the table,

To continue the holiday,

If we accept the charter,

I suggest pouring it.

For you, today, Tanya,

There is one duty.

When the stacks are already full

Shout your words:

You should drink to this

And we don't mind.

3. Forecast for the evening.

4. Now tell me, on what basis can you distinguish the hero of the day from the rest of the guests? On the medal on the chest. Presentation of the medal.

5. Who knows the hero of the day best? Blitz poll:

Parameters at birth.

Favorite toy in infancy.

What color was the stroller?

First word.

Who better than anyone can know everything about our hero of the day? Of course her mother. The word for congratulations is given to the mother of the hero of the day.

6. A word of congratulations to the elder brother.

7. Sisters (separately).

8. Song “We got dressed up in the morning...”

9. And now the brothers want to congratulate Tanyusha.

10. Well, the last on the list, but far from the least important, the holder of the honorary title “Husband of the Anniversary” congratulates his wife.

11. And now the floor is given to Tanya’s friends.

(Song "Dolce Gabbana")

12. Someone is knocking, you don’t hear. Well, come in, whoever is so timid.

(The orderly's assistant also comes in)

13. And now there will be a hat. This hat is magical, it is capable of voicing the thoughts of anyone who wears it.

14. "Hostess"

Scenario for a girl's 25th birthday. "glade with daisies"

Having decorated the room and walls with daisies, in winter, daisies can easily be made by hand. Also inflate the balloons and tie them in the shape of a daisy, i.e. The center is yellow, the petals are white.

Poster Happy Anniversary, 25 years must be hung on the wall. And prepare bright markers so that guests can leave their wishes for the hero of the day in the colored squares of the poster.

Enlarge the poster

The presenter begins the anniversary with the following words:

Oh, you, guests - gentlemen

Why did you come here?

Or is it bad to be at home -

But the clothes are simply wonderful.

Only the simple truth

Our (name) is young

Among family and friends

I decided to celebrate my anniversary.

Guests are seated in the following places:

We wish to stomp for a thousand years

Along your life's path,

Never get tired

Soul and head and legs.

May love be your faithful companion

Always accompanied you

Hope with a warm light

I lit your way.

So that the circle of friends does not thin out,

So that the heart beats with inspiration,

Not believing that there is a limit

And everything in the sublunary world is perishable.

The guests are given the floor, the opportunity to congratulate and give gifts to the hero of the day.

An anniversary comic "Chamomile Medal" is awarded

The comic medal must be enlarged and printed. Manufacturing instructions included:

Making a comic anniversary medal from paper.

Enlarge joke medal

Instructions for using the medal are included

Memo for the anniversary medal.

Memo for the award medal.

Memo for the award medal.

A remade song to congratulate a girl on her anniversary. Motif "Let them run clumsily...".

We are all together today

Gathered in this song

To sincerely congratulate you,

Wish you more happiness

And there is more passion in love,

I'm getting better day by day!

Twenty years, Birthday,

This is an important step in life,

Let there be more inspiration,

To work, to friends and just because!

Let everything be as before

But maybe a little older

Because now you're older

And more responsibility

But we wish to live a simpler life,

And let it be more fun in your soul!

After congratulations, a musical break and competitions:

Competition for a fun anniversary "Chamomile"

Details, attributes: after cutting out the core and petals with questions, assemble them into a daisy.

On the printed petals, write the questions that the competition participants will answer. Approximate questions:

Who was I sitting at the desk with?


Favorite color

Favorite name

Favorite treat

Favorite flowers

Date of Birth

Time of birth

Time of birth

Who is the godmother?

Who is the godfather

Middle name of the hero of the day

Enlarge core

Enlarge petals

Two players are called.

Each player takes turns tearing off a petal and answering questions written on the daisy.

The player who answers the most questions correctly becomes the winner.


Details, attributes: Balloons inflated with helium and long ropes reaching to chest level. Pencils, markers, scissors, blindfold.

Guests come and, to occupy the time before the start of the holiday, draw on paper what they would like to give to the dear hero of the day. Cut out and attach the picture to the ball.

The competition is held in the middle of the festive anniversary.

The hero of the day is blindfolded, then they disorient him a little by circling him a little and offer to cut the rope with the intended gift.

The hero of the day is asked to guess who drew this gift and if he guessed right, then the culprit (who drew the gift) says a toast.

Game for the anniversary feast: “Bluff Tour”

After the guests at the anniversary party

had fun, danced, sang, you can offer a comic game to test your wits. Your guests will be happy and the anniversary will be remembered for a long time.

Leading. I ask a question that begins with the words “Do you believe that...”, and you try to determine whether this is true or not.

1. In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)

2. Is disposable school boards used in Australia? (No)

4. Was the ballpoint pen used only by military pilots at first? (Yes)

5. Vitaminized pencils for children are produced in Africa,

who have a habit of gnawing on anything? (Yes)

6. Do some types of colored pencils have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (No)

7. Did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)

8. If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)

9. Is it true that spiders feed on their own web? (Yes)

10. In one Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz. (No)

11. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)

12. If you put a flounder on a chessboard, will it also become checkered? (Yes)

13. Did Spartan warriors spray their hair with perfume before battle? (Yes, this is the only luxury they allowed themselves)

14. Do mice grow up and become rats? (No, these are two different orders of rodents)

15. Can some frogs fly? (Yes, in the tropical forests of Asia and Africa)

16. Can children hear higher-pitched sounds than adults? (Yes)

17. Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with fluid)

18. Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)

19. Do people still wash themselves with olive oil in some places? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)

20. Can bats receive radio signals? (No)

21. Owls can’t roll their eyes? (Yes)

22. Is elk a type of deer? (Yes)

23. At night, do giraffes use echoes to find the leaves they feed on? (No)

24. Are dolphins small whales? (Yes)

25. Does a rhinoceros horn have magical powers? (No)

26. In some countries, fireflies are used as lighting devices? (Yes)

28. Was Scrooge's lucky coin worth 10 cents? (Yes)

29. Was Duremar selling frogs? (No, leeches)

30. Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)

31. Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)

32. Are most turnips grown in Russia? (No, in America)

33. An elephant, meeting an unfamiliar relative, greets him in the following way - puts his trunk in his mouth? (Yes)

34. Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Swensen? (No, Hans)

35. In medicine, is the diagnosis of “Munchausen syndrome” given to a patient who lies a lot? (No, this diagnosis is given to a patient who has a constant desire to be treated)

36. The height of the Little Humpbacked Horse is two inches? (No, three)

37. High-heeled shoes ranked first among the causes of accidental death in Japan in 1995? (Yes, almost 200 Japanese women died from falling from high heels)

The festive evening ends with the words of the host

The evening is coming to an end,

And I still want to laugh with you,

It's time for me to know the limit,

I danced and sang with you!

And on my own behalf, I will say the words,

For the main maiden of the celebration:

Still truly young

There is a beginning for breathing,

Beautiful, sincere, gentle,

I haven't seen much yet!

And going on a good journey,

Which is called life,

I want to tell you the words

Let many people know them -

Be happy as ever

Love, without measuring anything,

Let the years go by slower

In each of them there is a simple truth,

May the sun shine brightest

And the sky will be blue

May success come to you

And only family will be nearby!

25th anniversary girl script - youtube

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