What is insulation made of? Types and properties of thermal insulation materials

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What is insulation and how does it work? What kind of thermal insulation is there for different types of work? How do homogeneous types of insulation differ? Is it possible to add insulation to structural elements? Is there an alternative to conventional insulation methods? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Heat loss was a stumbling block for builders in earlier times. If they coped with the task of structural strength quickly (even in Ancient Egypt they used an analogue of today’s concrete), then with heat retention the matter was not so simple.

Not having our current technologies, they were forced to build walls of incredible thickness or intensively heat the premises from the inside. About 150 years ago, a compromise was found - a durable structure of small thickness (100-300 mm) plus insulation. And if everything is more or less clear with the structure - brick, wood, concrete, then today there are a great variety of insulation materials. We will talk about them.

How does insulation work?

The best and most accessible heat insulator is air. Strictly speaking, this is a rarefied gas, the molecules of which are relatively far from each other - many times further than those of denser materials (stone, water, wood). Due to this, the ability of air to receive (heat capacity) and transmit (thermal conductivity) heat is very small.

This suggests an “elementary” solution - to insulate the surface with a sealed shell filled with atmospheric air. This method will not even withstand theoretical testing - the cold surface of a denser medium (shell) will create heat exchange between itself and the air in contact with it, air movement in the shell will begin, it will begin to mix and over time the temperature will level out. Plus, condensation forms along the way. And the sealed body of the capsule will become an excellent bridge of cold.

What needs to be done to make the air work

The problem described above is solved by “immobilizing” the air. By dividing the chamber volume into separate cells, the researchers achieved increasingly better results. Ultimately, they concluded that the gas was best retained in a loose medium and by fibers. The principle of keeping air stationary is absolutely natural. Nature uses it in animal fur, in tree leaves shed to insulate roots, in a “dome” made from the paws of a spruce tree, covered with snow.

In order to clearly classify modern insulation materials, we will conditionally divide them into four groups: mineral wool (slabs and mats), polymer, backfill and alternative group.

Mineral wool boards and mats

The most common type of insulation today. It has excellent performance properties and manufacturability (ease of use).

How to obtain mineral wool

Mineral (stone) wool was experimentally obtained as a result of heating and blowing rocks of the gabbro-basalt group and marls. When using raw materials with a high silicon content, the wool fibers partially vitrified and the so-called glass wool was obtained - inconvenient to work with and harmful to health. However, its thermal insulation properties were at the proper level. This was a transitional stage in the evolution of technology, which was subsequently improved. To this day, the principle of producing stone wool has not changed, but it has become safer and more convenient to use (due to the combination of raw materials). All stone wool products are non-flammable and vary in density.

Interesting fact. In a similar way they make cotton candy, only instead of rock, regular sugar is used.

Mineral wool mats are fibers formed in the form of a mat 50 or 100 mm thick. Initially they were stitched. Designed for installation on horizontal surfaces with a slope of no more than 45 degrees.

Mineral wool slabs are fibers formed in the form of a slab with a thickness of 50 or 100 mm and dimensions of 500-600x1000-1200 mm. It differs from the mat in its greater density, due to which the slab is more rigid and is not subject to vertical settlement and clumping.

Scope of application: any type of “dry” insulation of residential and industrial buildings. Floors, walls, ceilings, roofing. Ideal insulation for frame houses.

Interesting fact. Why are most mineral wool boards 600mm wide? This type insulation came to us along with “ Canadian technology» construction frame houses. It provides a distance between the wall studs and the floor joists of 600 mm - insulation is installed in this space without additional adjustment.


  1. Non-flammability. Cotton wool itself does not burn, but burns out by transferring heat. This requires high temperature (from 600 °C) and constant access of oxygen - conditions are very strong fire in the wind.
  2. Soundproofing. It is a “bonus” for thermal insulation in all materials.
  3. Light weight. Due to the sparseness of the fibers, as we have already found out, the main material in cotton wool is air.
  4. Possibility of further finishing (for slabs). The board material binds perfectly cement adhesives, which allows them to be puttied.
  5. Self-supporting slabs. They can be fixed to the walls with dowels.
  6. Non-toxic. Everything that could evaporate was evaporated during production in the hot shop.
  7. Possibility of partial replacement of damaged areas.


  1. It is afraid of moisture and requires steam and water barriers. Even a small amount of water can permanently damage the insulation area and will have to be replaced.
  2. Settlement, compressibility. It does not allow the use of mineral wool for insulating screeds (filling with concrete or mortar).

Price range for insulation made of stone (basalt, mineral) wool depending on the brand and manufacturer:

Brand, manufacturer, volume, square footage, number of slabs per package Density, kg/m 3 Sheet size, mm Price 1 m 2, rub. Price 1 m 3, rub. Pack price, rub.
Hitrock P-75 LIGHT, 0.24 m 3 / 4.8 m 2 / 8 pcs. Smolensk, Russia 32-35 1000x600x50 66,6 1330 320
TechnoNIKOL ROCKLITE 0.432 m 3 / 8.64 m 2 / 10 pcs., Russia 30-37 1000x600x50 69,5 1390 600
IZOBEL PL-75 0.24 m 3 / 4.8 m 2 / 8 pcs. Belgorod, Russia 35-37 1000x600x50 73,0 1460 350
ROCKWOOL LIGHT BATTS 0.3 m 3 / 3 m 2 / 5 pcs. Denmark (factories in Russia) 35-37 1000x600x100 173 1730 520
ISOROC ISOLIGHT-L, 0.24 m 3 / 4.8 m 2 / 8 pcs. TZMM Tambov, Russia 35-37 1000x600x50 87,5 1750 420
TechnoNIKOL 40 0.48 m 3 / 4.8 (9.6) m 2 / roll, Russia 11-13 4000x1200x50 (100) 60 (118) 1190 570
Isover Classic-Twin-50 0.37 m 3 / 7.4 m 2 / roll France (factories in Russia) 11-13 6150x1200x50 60,8 1220 450
Ursa GeoM-11 F (foil) 1.08 m 3 / 10.8 m 2 / roll, Spain 11-13 9000/1200/100 266 2660 2880
TechnoNIKOL Rocklight 0.432 m 3 / 8.64 (4.32) m 2 / 10(5) pcs., Russia 30-37 1200x600x50 (100) 80 (160) 1600 690
ISOLIGHT-L-150 0.27 m 3 / 1.8 m 2 / 3 pcs., Russia 40-42 1000x600x150 245 1630 440
IZOVOL ST-50 0.3 m 3 / 6 m 2 / 5 pcs., Russia 50-52 1000x600x50 95 1900 570
ROCKWOOL ACOUSTIC BATTS 0.3 m 3 / 6 m 2 / 10 pcs., Denmark (factories in Russia) 45-47 1000x600x50 105 2100 630
URSA P-20-U 24 0.9 m 3 / 18 m 2 / 10 pcs., Spain 40-42 1250x600x50 110 2220 2000
Hitrock P-75 0.27 m 3 / 5.4 (2.7) m 2 / 10 (5) slabs, Smolensk, Russia 62-66 1000x600x50 (100) 120,3 (240,7) 2400 650

Polymer insulation

The two most popular types of polymer insulation are polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene (PP) and its derivative, extruded polystyrene foam (EPPR). They are obtained by extrusion (squeezing raw materials through a hole of a given shape).

Polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene) - foamed polyethylene in the form of a sheet with a thickness of 15-200 mm and dimensions of 1000-1200x500-1200 mm. Varies in density.

Advantages (compared to EPPR): low price

Disadvantages: looseness, even dense PP is not used for insulating screeds.

Dependence of the price of polystyrene foam on the brand and purpose using the example of products from Knauf, Germany:

Name Brand Sheet size, mm Packaging volume, m 3 Pack price, rub. Price 1 m 3, rub.
Knauf Therm Compack 15 1000x600x50 0,3 660 2200
Knauf Therm 15-T (for unloaded structures) 15 1000x1200x50 1,2 1700 1400
Knauf Therm 25 (for general building insulation) 25 1000x1200x50 1,2 2800 2330
Knauf Therm Facade 25 (for plaster facades) 25 1000x1200x50 1,2 3280 2730
Knauf Therm 35 for general building insulation 35 1000x1200x50 1,2 4200 3500
Knauf Therm Floor for floors and foundations 35 1000x1200x50 1,2 4500 3750
Knauf Therm F (5 in 1) for foundations, plinths, blind areas, roofs along rafters 35 1000x600x50 1,2 5200 4330

Extruded polystyrene foam is a gas-saturated melt of polyethylene. It has the shape of a sheet with a thickness of 30-70 mm and dimensions of 500-600x800-1400 mm. Varies in density and color.

Advantages (compared to PP):

  1. Significantly stronger than PP. Suitable for pouring concrete.
  2. It has an adapted tongue-and-groove system along the edges, which creates an overlapping connection - does not require filling the joints.
  3. Less thermal conductivity.
  4. Combined purpose - can serve as a waterproofing element.

Disadvantages: higher price.

Approximate prices for extruded polystyrene foam using the example of products from the company "PENOPLEX":

General characteristics for PP and EPPR


  1. Non-flammability. The material is foamed and saturated carbon dioxide
  2. Light weight (10-15 kg/m 3)
  3. Widespread. Simplified technology allows even artisanal methods to obtain material of acceptable quality.
  4. Not afraid of moisture


  1. Fusibility. The material is afraid of high temperatures (from 80 ° C)
  2. Toxic when melted

Scope of application: polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene are excellent insulation for frame houses, brick and concrete buildings, and foundations. Acts as a waterproofing element.

Interesting fact. Polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam with a thickness of 50 mm or more have a stable temperature of +5 ° C. That is, in any frost, the temperature inside the leaf will be positive.

Loose fill insulation

The most striking example of the history of the use of this type of thermal insulation is backfill wooden boards for prefabricated construction low-rise buildings in USSR. They were covered with sawdust, which was an absolutely justified decision at that time: literally all household products - from knife handles to window frames— made of wood. A huge amount of waste was put to good use. Other waste (shingles, slabs, trimmings) was also allowed onto these boards; many of these houses are still inhabited.

Today, fill-in insulation is much inferior in ease of use to slabs made of cotton wool and polyethylene. However, it has one insurmountable advantage - it can be mixed with the material of the walls and floors, thus introducing insulation into the structure. The most popular types- expanded clay, vermiculite and foam ball.

Expanded clay

An artificial stone produced by firing clay.

Properties: granules 5-30 mm. Density 350-600 kg/m3. Not afraid of moisture and organic matter. Has low bearing capacity. Does not require vapor barriers. Not flammable, does not sink in water.

Application: dry method - filling sinuses, lag wooden floor and floors. Wet method - mixing with mortar, concrete (insulating screeds).

The price of the issue is expanded clay in M-450 bags, fraction 10-20 (packed 0.043 m 3 per bag) costs approximately 150-180 rubles per bag. There are approximately 25 bags in 1 m 3 and the price is 3750-4500 rubles, respectively.


Natural stone (mineral) mined in quarries.

Properties: granules 1-5 mm. Density 350-750 kg/m3. The properties are the same as expanded clay. It is an adsorbent (absorbs odors).

Application: the same as expanded clay. When insulating walls and ceilings, it is first placed in a geotextile bag, and the bags are placed in place.

The issue price is 1 m 3 of vermiculite costs approximately 5,000 rubles.

Styrofoam ball

Individually frozen pores of polystyrene foam. Usually mixed with mortars and concrete when constructing starting and load-bearing screeds. They are also added to raw materials in the production of small-piece concrete blocks for construction. Improves thermal insulation while reducing load-bearing capacity.

The price of the issue - the cost of 1 m 3 balls ranges from 1300-1600 rubles.

Alternative group (old)

In this group we will include all other materials that can be used as insulation, and we will simply list them. These are mainly natural raw materials. It is worth noting that all these materials are absolutely environmentally friendly and harmless to humans.

Sawdust and straw: keep air from moving and heat exchange. They can be filled or laid between floor or ceiling joists. Performed in a mixture with dry clay additional function vapor barriers. To make building blocks, they are mixed with raw clay and shaped. A solution of clay with sawdust is used for plastering (coating) walls.

Reed: dry reed cobs are laid in the manner of mats.

Moss: used for local insulation - filling of sinuses and cracks, caulking of log houses. Absolutely not subject to rotting, but weathers. Exceptionally flammable.

Turf: laid directly on the roof. Requires waterproofing (usually clay).

Ash slag or “huzhal”: roasting by-product (fuel combustion waste). It has characteristics similar to expanded clay, but of much worse quality. It is poured dry and mixed with clay and cement mortars.

The asking price is free.

Alternative band (contemporary)

Here we will present one, but advanced, method of insulation - spraying polyurethane foam. The essence of the method is that the insulation is “manufactured” on site, immediately before application to the surface. Using a special machine, the raw material (polymer) is dissolved and mixed with air - liquid polyurethane is obtained. This method is actively gaining market position as convenient and high-quality insulation for frame houses and cottages, walls and roofs of any design. The process is completely identical to applying polyurethane foam using a gun.

The price of the issue is the cost of 1 m2 (up to 100 m2) of spraying hard polyurethane foam with a layer thickness of 50 mm - 650 rubles and less, depending on the volume. It will cost the same price to apply lightweight polyurethane foam 100 mm thick.

Proper insulation of the walls of private houses and apartments ensures a comfortable environment in the home and also allows you to reduce heating costs.

Market building materials currently offering different kinds new and traditional insulation for a private home. Choosing the optimal heat insulator can be quite difficult. It is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances, deal with technical characteristics one or another insulation, understand which products are suitable for the walls of living rooms, and which ones are more reasonable to use to protect balconies and loggias.

The correct choice of thermal insulation material guarantees the inhabitants of the home pleasant coolness in summer and beneficial warmth in winter.

This idyll is achieved due to the fact that insulating products eliminate drafts and reduce heat loss. They also ensure a healthy microclimate in the house and eliminate the risk of mold and dampness.

At making the right choice material for thermal insulation in the house will be cool in the summer and warm in the winter

The qualities of a good heat-shielding material are as follows:

  1. 1. Density from 30 kg/sq. m. If this figure is less, cold bridges will very quickly begin to appear on the walls due to the insulation sliding off the vertical surface and its deformation.
  2. 2. High moisture resistance. The optimal water absorption coefficient of an insulator is 0. In practice, it is quite difficult to find such a material. Choose those products in which the specified coefficient tends to zero. Then they will long time perform their duties by protecting wall surfaces from cold and moisture.
  3. 3. Thermal insulation index up to 0.032–0.039 W/m*K. The higher this value, the greater the thickness of the protective material. This means that you will have to spend extra money on the purchase of expensive products, and also suffer (literally) with the installation of thick and uncomfortable insulation. Moreover, the quality of thermal protection will not increase significantly when using them.
  4. 4. Operational safety. Choose these types modern insulation materials, which are characterized by non-flammability and non-toxicity, an increased level of environmental friendliness. The safety of thermal insulation for walls is evidenced by a special certificate issued by sanitary and epidemiological services. This document indicates harmful compounds and elements (ammonia, xylene, phenol, toluene, formaldehyde, etc.) released during use and combustion of the material.

An important property of insulating products is durability. Many irresponsible manufacturers heat-protective materials They claim that their products last for 50–60 years. Believe me, there are very few such products on the construction market. The actual effective service life of insulation is 10–20 years. And even then, subject to strict adherence to the rules of their installation.

Types of insulation products - what do consumers need to know?

Modern thermal insulators for walls are available for interior works and for external insulation. Materials of different groups differ from each other. There are universal products. They can be used for both external and internal work. External insulation of wall surfaces is usually carried out with polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene), bulk mixtures, basalt heat insulator, and special heat-protective plaster. For interior work, mineral wool, polyethylene foam, urea foam or penoizol are used.

Insulation materials are also divided into organic and inorganic. The first of these are not very durable and functional. At the same time, they are characterized high level environmental friendliness Organic heat insulators include tow, moss, cork, fiber, jute, and rubber. Inorganic products - polyurethane foam, glass wool, polystyrene foam and others are more toxic. But their service life is significantly longer. Next, we will take a closer look at the types of the most popular insulation materials and describe their main characteristics.

Mineral wool has been used for internal insulation for a very long time. Such material is produced by heat treatment of basalt or various metallurgical slags and their subsequent pressing on special units. Finished products are sold in the form of slabs and rolls up to 20 cm thick. A caveat: mineral wool can be used as external insulation. But in this case, it is necessary to additionally protect it from getting wet with a vapor barrier film or membrane, and also to cover it with plasterboard sheets (other finishing products).

Mineral wool- one of the oldest insulation materials

Mineral wool is described by the following operational advantages:

  • excellent sound insulation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to chemical compounds and high temperatures.

The disadvantage of mineral wool is that it eats up space inside the room, since its thickness is quite large. In addition, the installation process of this heat insulator is objectively labor-intensive (the need to carry out waterproofing work, use finishing materials, complexity of fastening).

A cheaper analogue of mineral wool is glass wool. It is obtained by melting waste glass, dolomites, sand, borax, limestone, and soda. Glass wool is an environmentally friendly material for walls. It is suitable for insulating external surfaces and internal partitions. Such a fibrous insulator does not burn and has high sound and heat protection potential. But working with him is difficult and unsafe. The sharp and thin fibers of cotton wool can injure a person. And small particles of brittle material easily penetrate the respiratory system, causing harm to health. For these reasons, installation of glass wool is always carried out wearing gloves, thick overalls, a respirator and safety glasses.

Classic insulation - technical foam plastic PSB. Made from plastic foam mass, pressed into finished form is a monolithic dense (15–50 kg/cubic meter) slab. PSB can be used for external and internal insulation measures. It does not lose its properties at temperatures from +80 to –40 °C, is easy to install, is light in weight, and has an acceptable cost. – no more than 0.039 W/m*K.

Polystyrene foam can be installed both indoors and outdoors

Disadvantages of the material:

  • fragility;
  • tendency to thermal destruction;
  • low vapor permeability.

Installation of polystyrene foam is carried out using anchor dowels and mushrooms (outside), adhesive composition (indoors). Sometimes the PSB is installed on wooden sheathing prepared on the wall in advance.

Extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex, EPP) is also popular. In a number of characteristics it is similar to the foam plastic discussed above. It has higher strength, resistance to moisture, and thermal conductivity. Compared to mineral wool, its thickness is smaller (maximum 8–10 cm). Due to this, it takes up little space when installed inside the house. – a simple operation. EPP can be easily attached to any wall surfaces (brick, concrete, plastered bases). Expanded polystyrene boards are fixed with hardware (if external walls are insulated) and with glue (internal partitions).

Penoplex easily attaches to any surface

A relatively new heat protectant for the walls of residential buildings - polyethylene foam - deserves special attention. It is compatible with most construction products, is described by excellent vibration, heat, water and sound insulation, low thermal conductivity, and absolute safety for human health. Polyethylene foam is sold under the brands Energoflex, Szopenol, Izolon. Such heat insulators are usually used to insulate internal surfaces. They can protect walls in brick, concrete, frame, and wooden houses from the cold.

Important point! All polymer insulation materials belong to the category of combustible products. When there is a fire, they release toxic compounds into the air. This should also be taken into account in mandatory protect the insulation layer with hanging systems and plaster, which eliminate the risk of accidental ignition of heat-insulating polymer boards.

Rare types of heat insulators - meet innovation!

Now owners of residential properties are beginning to actively develop new types of insulating products for walls. For example, lovers of environmentally friendly pure materials They use cork heat insulators, the raw material for which is Mediterranean oak wood. Such insulation materials are produced in the form of slabs, loose mass and plastic coating. Advantages of cork heat-shielding materials:

  • do not become moldy or rot;
  • very durable (no shifts or kinks when the house shrinks);
  • not spoiled by rodents;
  • do not emit harmful substances, carcinogens, toxic compounds;
  • completely natural.

Ceramic liquid heat insulators are characterized by an excellent level of environmental friendliness. These innovative compositions are applied to various wall substrates (wood, brick, concrete) without the slightest difficulty using conventional paint brush. Liquid insulation under the brands Tezolat and Corundum do not ignite when exposed to direct fire, have 100% antibacterial protection and uniquely high heat-shielding properties. Such compositions have only one drawback - high cost.

Choose the right insulation and enjoy the comfort of your home!

Nowadays, choosing the right insulation for your home is a rather difficult task. There are a huge number of types of insulation. But all this diversity faces one task - to ensure winter time maximum heat retention indoors, and in the summer, on the contrary, to prevent penetration as much as possible warm air from the street.

Variety of insulation materials

The insulation must ensure a constant indoor microclimate at any time of the year. It must be said right away that in nature there is not yet one single ideal insulation material that would be suitable for both external and internal insulation, would be effective in any climate and would cost mere pennies.

Each insulation has its own pros and cons. Therefore, the choice of a specific type is always determined by a number of initial conditions. And almost the most an important condition in this case are the financial capabilities of a particular person. Some people can afford expensive cork panels or polyurethane foam coating, while others have to make do with free sawdust from the nearest sawmill. The reality is that, despite the abundance of modern insulation materials, sometimes old, time-tested insulation methods work no worse, and in some cases much more effectively, than their modern, expensive counterparts.

physical characteristics

All insulation materials have certain physical properties, which can be used to determine in advance how effective a particular type is and how justified its use is under given conditions. Knowledge of these indicators greatly simplifies the task of choosing a specific material from the variety that modern technology offers. retail. It is important to know what properties insulation materials have, namely:

Classification of heat insulators

There are many classifications depending on which specific property in this case is the main one when choosing a particular heat insulator. For example, they can be classified depending on their density, thermal conductivity, material of manufacture, method of application, method of heat conservation, degree of flammability, etc.

The classification according to the heat-saving mechanism is the most comprehensive, as it covers almost all types of heat insulators. Effective heat saving is achieved through the use of a heat insulator with low thermal conductivity or through a thermal insulator that can reflect infrared radiation back into the room.

  • Thermal insulators of a preventive type of organic or inorganic origin.
  • Reflective type thermal insulators.

Organic type insulation

  • Chemical inertness.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Good fire resistance.
  • Relatively cheap.
  • Good mechanical strength.
  • High moisture resistance.

They are often used as intermediate layers in multilayer structures, for example, in sandwich panels. The main representatives of these insulation materials are:

Arbolite or wood concrete

The basis is wood chips; they are used as a binding agent. cement mixture and special additives that neutralize the sugars in wood and thereby make the composition more durable. This type of insulation can be used not only as a heat insulator, but also, given its good strength characteristics, can be used as an independent structural material with very good thermal insulation properties.

This type of heat insulator is environmentally friendly, as it does not contain potentially harmful substances.

Polyvinyl chloride foam (PPVC)

Thermal insulating foam plastic obtained by porousization of polyvinyl chloride resins. Has reduced flammability. Belongs to the group of low-combustible and low-flammable materials. The material is environmentally very controversial, since the combined chlorine contained in it can be released in the form of hydrogen chloride if corrosion occurs metal surfaces, which come into contact with this heat insulator.

Chipboards (chipboards)

95% consist of wood shavings, the remaining 5% are adhesive resins and water repellents. For greater resistance to impact environment chipboards treated with antiseptics. Thermal conductivity is slightly lower than that of wood concrete. One variety is fibreboard (fibreboard), which is less durable than chipboard.

Polyurethane foam

This environmentally friendly thermal insulator is a reaction product of two extremely toxic substances: diisocyanate and polyol. Feature this insulation is that it is prepared directly at the construction site and immediately applied to the surface to be treated. The material is completely environmentally safe and, given the method of application by spraying, is able to penetrate into all hard-to-reach places.

In the West, this highly effective insulation has been successfully used for several decades. It has just appeared on the market and is not yet known to everyone. Of the negative qualities, perhaps, only one can be highlighted: its high price.


Its characteristics are very similar to wood concrete, since the heat-insulating basis of this insulation is the so-called wood wool, which consists of narrow strips wood shavings. Cement is used as a binder. Special additives from liquid glass And calcium chloride make it unable to burn with an open flame. Depending on the brand of cement, fiberboard is divided into heat-insulating (F-300) and heat-insulating-structural (F-500).

The second name is ecowool. 80% consists of shredded newsprint, 20% non-volatile flame retardants. The latter are used boric acid and borax. Thanks to these additives, the insulation can withstand quite well open fire. It has very good heat-insulating properties. The main disadvantage is that after several years of use, ecowool cakes, loses up to 20% of its volume and partially loses its heat-saving properties.

Cork insulator

It is used mainly in the form of cork panels for internal insulation of floors and walls. The heat-insulating base is cork oak bark. The same bark contains natural glue suberin, which makes it possible to avoid the use of artificial adhesives. From an environmental point of view, it is the safest insulation material, resistant to rotting, and not eaten by insects. The best insulation for floors and walls. The only negative is the high price.

Inorganic insulation materials

Various mineral components are used as a heat insulator. For example, glass, slag, rocks, asbestos, etc. After special processing These components acquire pronounced heat-saving properties. The main properties of such insulation are:

  • High fire resistance.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Long term operation without loss of thermal insulation properties.
  • Chemical inertness.

Mineral wool

In addition to excellent thermal insulation properties, it has pronounced resistance to high temperatures and chemicals. There are three varieties depending on the initial products of production:

Glass wool is a material consisting of fibers 15−50 mm long and 5−20 microns wide. Glass industry waste is used to produce fibers.

In other words, in the case of glass wool we are dealing with glass needles of microscopic thickness. This causes one of the most unpleasant properties of this material: if it comes into contact with the body, persistent skin itching occurs, if it gets into the eyes it can lead to serious vision problems, and if it gets into the lungs it causes inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. At the same time, glass wool has very good thermal insulation properties, is chemically completely inert, and has high strength characteristics.

Slag wool is produced from blast furnace slag. It has medium-sized fibers: length 10-16 mm, width 4-12 microns. Like glass wool, it is quite prickly and causes skin irritation. It has very high hygroscopicity, absorbs water well, which makes it unsuitable for external insulation. In addition, in a room with high humidity may exhibit increased corrosive aggression towards metals due to the residual slag acids contained.

Stone wool is obtained from rocks by heating them to 1500 degrees and then stretching them into thin fibers. In terms of its heat-saving properties, it is approximately the same as the other two, but, unlike glass wool or slag wool, it has one significant advantage: the fibers of stone wool do not prick, so it is much safer to work with it.

Basalt wool does not contain any other components other than basalt. This makes it the most environmentally safe of all. four varieties mineral wool.

Reflective type

Relatively new reflective heat insulators have a fundamentally different type of action. It is based on the ability of these materials to slow down thermal convection. The absorbed heat is subsequently infrared radiation is again released into the surrounding space. Reflective heat insulators are capable of retaining up to 97% of thermal energy due to their reflective surface. To thermal insulators of this type include the following:

  • Penofol.
  • Armophone.
  • Porilex.
  • Ecofol.

This is very effective insulation materials, for example, penofol with a thickness of 4 mm corresponds in terms of heat-saving properties to mineral wool with a thickness of 10 cm. Types of insulation for walls are primarily determined by this list, since reflective heat insulators are most effective for interior decoration walls and ceilings.

Nowadays, the issue of insulation is becoming more and more relevant. residential buildings. Demands are increasing building codes on this matter, and the developers themselves want to reduce heat loss and heating costs. To create effective insulation that is safe for the health of residents, you should study various types of insulation for your home and then use them for their intended purpose.

  • reduce the cooling of buildings in winter and their heating in summer;
  • protect supporting structures from aggressive atmospheric influences;
  • minimize thermal deformation of power elements and extend their service life.

Properties of different types of insulation

High-quality material is selected after a comprehensive assessment of various parameters:

1. Low coefficient of thermal conductivity - the lower it is, the thinner the insulation layer will be. For example, the following types provide the same level of insulation:

  • mineral wool – 14;
  • basalt wool, ecowool – 8.7;
  • foamed polystyrene foam (foam) – 8.3;
  • extruded polystyrene foam (Penoplex) – 6.5 cm.

2. Moisture resistant. If the insulation does not absorb water, it is not prone to shrinkage and retains its insulating properties longer. The most moisture-resistant is Penoplex, and the most hygroscopic is mineral wool. To make mineral wool insulation more water-resistant, manufacturers impregnate them with special compounds.

3. Fire resistance. Inorganic fiber insulation materials are completely non-flammable. Polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam are easily flammable, releasing toxic substances. Low-flammable penoizol (urea foam) only chars at a temperature of 200 ° C, but it is non-toxic. To prevent polystyrene foam and ecowool from supporting fire, fire retardants are added to them, changing the flammability group from G4 to G1 (from high to low).

4. Vapor permeability. When insulating the roof internally, the material must remove wet vapors from the premises and building structures. Mineral, basalt and ecowool, penoizol allow steam to pass through well (they have a capillary structure). They are suitable for installation on all types of surfaces and do not allow them to rot. Expanded polystyrene boards do not have these qualities and are recommended for outdoor use.

Thermal insulation overview

Based on the type of raw material, there are three types of insulation materials:

1. Inorganic (natural). This includes materials made from molten glass or quartz sand (glass wool); rocks (basalt). The first variety is light yellow, weighs slightly less and is elastic. Stone wool is more fire resistant. The best brands insulation have a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.032 W/m°C (maximum – 0.045 W/m°C). The price of mineral wool, depending on thickness and density, ranges from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles/m3.

2. Organic (synthetic).

  • Foam plastic and Penoplex. They are made of polystyrene and have low thermal conductivity (0.035-0.045 W/m°C). The average price of foamed polystyrene foam is from 1,000, extruded - from 3,500 rubles/m3.
  • Polyurethane foam has better properties than expanded polystyrene and mineral wool. Spraying 1 m2 of a five-centimeter layer of foam costs 500 rubles.
  • Penoizol is a liquid foam produced directly on the construction site and pumped into the space between structural elements buildings. This type of thermal insulation is superior to traditional insulation in many respects: it is resistant to moisture and at the same time “breathes”, it is low-flammable and does not emit toxic smoke. Its thermal conductivity is 1.5 times lower than that of expanded polystyrene. average cost cubic meter of insulation - 1,500 rubles/m3.

3. Mixed.

  • Ecowool. It consists of 80% waste paper, the remaining 20% ​​is fire retardants. The material is presented in the form of loose fiber blown into insulated cavities. Thermal conductivity indicators are the same as those of expanded polystyrene. The price of insulation together with work is from 1,500 (dry method) to 4,500 rubles/m3 (wet blowing).
  • Foam glass is highly hard and non-flammable. It sticks well and cuts well. Its disadvantages are poor vapor permeability and cost - from 14,000 rubles/m3.

Sometimes exotic “ecological insulation materials” based on clay, straw, and reeds are offered for insulation. They, like inorganic backfills (expanded perlite, vermiculite and expanded clay), are characterized by high thermal conductivity and are ineffective.

Types of insulation depending on purpose

To properly select insulation, you need a comprehensive assessment of it. Applicability depends not only on the properties of insulating materials, but also on structural elements and the expected location of cold bridges (this is determined, among other things, by architectural features).

Different units of the same building are insulated in different ways.

  • Cellars, ground floors, balconies and loggias. Penoplex is used for external insulation. It is stronger than foam plastic, can withstand loads of up to 0.5 MPa, and is not afraid of water. When in the ground, the likelihood of it catching fire is low.
  • External wall insulation. For wooden house blowing with penoizol is acceptable. The properties and characteristics of the insulation make it possible to fill all the cavities between the beams, and also allow the wood to “breathe”. For insulation of brick, foam and gas block houses, glass wool and Penoplex are used.
  • Roof. If there are enough funds, polyurethane foam is sprayed onto it. Traditional roof insulation is mineral wool, protected by a layer of waterproofing. Manufacturers produce it, varying not only the size, but also the density. good roll options– they do not weigh down the structure.
  • Walls, ceiling and floor. When choosing insulation for walls, people often give preference to more environmentally friendly and low-flammability inorganic materials. Mineral wool insulation is placed in a frame onto which drywall is attached. The ceiling is treated in the same way: the slabs are covered with a vapor barrier - this protects them from moisture, and the residents of the house from the penetration of fibers into the respiratory system. If there are logs, you can cover the ceiling with ecowool. The floor in the house is insulated by filling with expanded clay (at least 100 mm) or by laying Penoplex sheets on the base. It is then filled with a finishing screed, laying a reinforcing mesh. Concrete prevents the synthetic material from burning.

Knowledge of the features of various thermal insulators and the use of practical experience of professional builders allows you to create optimal conditions for accommodation.

The market for building materials intended for thermal insulation offers a wide variety. Choosing the right insulation can be difficult. To purchase the best products, you need to take into account its main characteristics and application features.

What you need to know about insulation?

The main task of thermal insulation is to reduce heat loss in winter and reduce heating of the structure in summer. Also, thanks to the insulation, the load-bearing structures will be protected from negative external factors. This will help avoid deformation of building elements, which will have a beneficial effect on the service life.

It is important to remember that all types of insulation must have certain characteristics.

  • Thermal conductivity. If this coefficient is small, then the room will be quite warm. Thanks to appropriate materials, heat loss can be almost completely eliminated. It must be remembered that different types of insulation have different coefficients. If it is minimal, a small layer of thermal insulation will be required.
  • Moisture resistance. Due to its thermal insulation characteristics, the material will not absorb moisture.
  • Non-flammability. This property ensures that the product will not burn.
  • Vapor permeability. Using a layer of insulation helps remove water vapor.
  • Dimensional retention and strength. Due to the lack of shrinkage, the performance properties of the selected insulation will remain for quite a long time. Moreover, there will be no cold bridges at the joints.
  • Environmental friendliness. All thermal insulation materials must be environmentally friendly, so that during the execution of work and operation of the structure, the release of harmful substances will not be observed.

Modern thermal insulation materials are conditionally are divided into several groups:

  • cotton wool - mineral and glass wool, as well as mineral wool blocks and slabs;
  • sheet - extruded polystyrene foam and polystyrene;
  • foam - all materials that are usually sprayed onto the surface using appropriate equipment;
  • others - we are talking about such rare exotic insulation materials as cellulose, flax, etc.

Mineral wool insulation

Such soft insulation materials usually include mineral and glass wool. Such materials are very popular due to affordable price and good quality. Products are produced in slabs or rolls. In this case, the products can be cut using a regular knife.

The main disadvantage is considered to be insufficient moisture resistance, due to which the heat-protective characteristics deteriorate. Accordingly, such insulation materials are used for thermal insulation of structures where a waterproofing layer is provided.

Most often, glass wool is used to insulate pitched roofs. A material with a density of 35 kg/m³ is suitable for this. Modern manufacturers do not always indicate this parameter on the packaging. They usually write that the material is intended for pitched roofs. When using such products for roof insulation, it is important to remember that if there is a leak, moisture will even get onto the wooden rafters. For this reason it is necessary take care of reliable waterproofing. Mineral wool is not suitable for a flat roof, because it can be difficult to waterproof such a surface.

Other applications:

  • using glass wool you can insulate walls under cladding or plastering;
  • For floors, thermal insulation with a minimum density is suitable.

Foam glass

This type of insulation is produced based broken glass and quartz sand, as well as a foaming agent. Thanks to the use of an appropriate installation, a durable porous material with increased thermal protection is obtained. The product is not afraid of fire and moisture. It can be cut with a simple hacksaw. TO important characteristics refers to frost resistance and the ability to withstand high pressure. The material is produced in blocks and granules.

Most often, such products are used as fill insulation during well masonry walls. But if frame technology is followed, foam glass will not be suitable due to its heavy weight.

This material is used to insulate the facades of brick houses. The material is fixed with tile adhesive, and the process itself resembles bricklaying. After this, the coating is plastered or tiled.

Other applications:

  • since the material is moisture resistant and can withstand increased loads, it can be used to insulate flat roofs, but it is not suitable for pitched roofs;
  • Insulation is performed using foam glass interfloor ceilings, as well as the floors of the first floor;
  • foam glass is a good option for thermal insulation of blind areas, foundations and basements, since the material has a higher density.

Foamed perlite

This building material has recently appeared on the market. For its formation, frozen volcanic lava is used. First, perlite is crushed and then impregnated with special protective compounds. Products Available in slab form. For this purpose, the finished granules are mixed with cellulose and pressed. Properties finished material similar to the characteristics of foam glass. In general, foamed perlite is easy to process and is resistant to mold, moisture, and high pressure.

Application area:

  • the material is intended for insulation flat roofs, and in the case of thermal insulation of pitched structures, a significant load will be placed on the rafters;
  • when finishing walls, foamed perlite acts as a backfill insulation;
  • perlite in the form of granules is suitable for floors, as well as foundations and blind areas.

Expanded polystyrene

There is a lot of controversy surrounding this type of thermal insulation. Some believe that the material is harmful because it emits toxic substances, while others recognize modern types of expanded polystyrene as more environmentally friendly.

Naturally, technology is constantly evolving, and manufacturers want to improve product quality. Exactly because of this reason modern varieties materials are often used for external insulation of housing.

Application area:

  • Most often, walls are finished with polystyrene foam;
  • the thermal insulation material is suitable for installing floors on concrete or soil, but it is necessary to choose the right density;
  • A good option for using polystyrene foam is to insulate the foundation, but you should first ensure that there is reliable waterproofing.

On the building materials market you can find many heat-insulating materials that lose their relevance or appeared not so long ago.

Today there is a large selection of insulation products on sale. They all have advantages and disadvantages. To decide on the right option, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the application. Thus, lightweight insulation materials, including ecowool or extruded polystyrene foam, are optimal for roofs. The latter option is also suitable for thermal insulation of the foundation, but when finishing the walls you can use almost any materials.


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