What is cheaper to build a house from? What should we build a house: what is better, what material should we choose, which house is better and cheaper? What to build a house from with high quality and profitability.

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The costs of building a house of the same area can vary by two or more times.

You can reduce the construction budget if you invest your own labor, knowledge, energy, and talents into this matter.

An inexpensive house should not be:

  • Very small. Its size should suit your family's needs.
  • Inconvenient. It should suit your family's lifestyle.
  • Low quality. You can use cheaper, but high-quality traditional solutions. Typically, such decisions are easier to implement.

What can you save on?

1. You can save a lot by choosing house project, which should have economical planning solutions and structural elements Houses.

Architects offering finished projects, not interested in the cost of the house. Their task is to charm the developer with a beautiful facade and sell the project.

A beautiful picture acts like a drug - the developer decides at all costs build a large, complex and therefore very expensive house.

The project is not expensive housecottage With gable roof finely buried foundation with floors on the ground. Total area 123 m 2 . The house has no interior load-bearing walls. Attic floor absent - suspended ceiling attached to roof trusses roofs. The angle of inclination of the roof slopes is 20 degrees. In summer living space increases due to large, more than 20 , a terrace completely covered and protected by walls, pos. 13.

An inexpensive house project is:

A rectangular house with gable roof;
one-story house without expensive interfloor ceiling, stairs and numerous windows;
a house without a basement, because if there is one, costs will increase by at least 30%;
house on low and ;
house without unusual elements– bay windows, arched windows, tympanums, columns, balconies, pilasters, stairs, two-level rooms, winter gardens;
a roof with two, or at most five slopes (sometimes there are fifteen of these slopes!). Corners, valleys, hatches, skylights and a lot of tin elements - such a roof can cost 40% of construction costs;
external walls, the simplest to construct;
window standard size;
simple interior and exterior wall decoration;
traditional facade made of cement-lime plaster.

The simple form of the house is the epitome of ultra-modern architectural style Barn house. Distinctive feature style is the exquisite conciseness that is achieved the right choice proportions, as well as texture and color exterior finishing harmonizing with the surrounding space.

Devote maximum time and energy to your choice economical project Houses.

Read articles on choosing the main parameters of a house project:

2. At finishing works. Option “minimum”: walls with traditional plaster or plaster, laminate on the floor, simple plumbing in the bathroom.

3. On materials. You can entrust the selection, purchase and delivery of materials to the construction site to the construction contractor - you have less worries. But if you want to save money, then take on this work yourself.

You can buy materials from famous brands or purchase the same materials locally or less famous manufacturers. Moreover, they will not be inferior in quality to the first ones, but their price will be lower. To save money and not make a mistake in choosing, collect all available information about the manufacturer, prices on the construction market in your and neighboring cities, as well as reviews about the quality of the product.

However, remember the basic rule of the market - quality costs money.

Many sellers give seasonal discounts from prices during a period when demand for building materials falls. This usually happens from November to February. Follow prices and purchase expensive materials in this period.

What to build a house from, what material?

SNiP 02/23/2003 proposes to carry out, by making appropriate calculations, optimization of the building shell according to.

For different designs shells of the house (walls, floors) calculate the total cost of construction 1 m 2 wall or ceiling surfaces, rub/m 2. The heating costs of a house built using these different shell designs are then determined. For each design, a payback period is found - the period of time during which construction costs will be recouped.

IN different regions, depending on the cost of the fuel and building materials used, as well as the severity of the climate, different results are obtained for the payback period of a particular wall or ceiling structure.

If you do not have specific preferences on what to build a house from, then find out the results of such calculations from local designers. Choose the wall and ceiling design option with the shortest payback period for construction costs in your region.

Calculations and construction practice show that in places with a harsh climate and/or expensive fuel It is more profitable to invest in highly efficient insulation materials.

Advantageous in harsh climates or when heating with electricity build double-layer walls with a thin but durable, and therefore relatively cheap, load-bearing layer (, etc.) with a masonry thickness of 180-250 mm. and insulate them with a fairly thick layer effective insulation — 100-300 mm.

In areas with very harsh winters in a double-layer wall It may be advantageous to lay the load-bearing part from less durable but warmer blocks: aerated concrete, gas silicate, foam concrete or porous ceramics, density 600 - 1200 kg/m 3. This solution will reduce the thickness of the layer of highly efficient insulation, but due to lower strength wall material you will have to increase the thickness of the walls.

One square meter frame wall contains maximum amount highly effective insulation. This is probably the most profitable wall design in terms of return on construction costs.

Frame wall inexpensive house for harsh climates:

  • Between the frame posts there is a mineral wool insulation board with a density of at least 45 kg/m 3, thickness 100-200 mm.
  • Externally, insulation boards made of extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) or polystyrene foam or facade slabs from mineral wool density not less than 125 kg/m 3, thickness 40 - 100 mm.

However, frame house has, which not all developers like.

It is profitable to build a house with frame walls and in areas with less severe winters. The outer layer of insulation on frame wall in areas with milder climates this may not be necessary.

In areas with mild winter houses made from lightweight, warm porous ceramics or without additional insulation and masonry thickness no more than 510 mm.

Wooden walls from timber or logs in most climatic zones of Russia do not provide modern requirements to heat conservation. Wooden walls of houses for year-round residence need additional insulation.

In the comments, please justify your choice: cheaper, warmer, more durable, etc.

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Live in own home has significantly more advantages than even the most luxurious apartment. A private house– a place where you are free to do whatever you want. You won't be disturbed here noisy neighbors, who decide to do repairs early in the morning or late. Here you do not run the risk of being flooded or experiencing the inconvenience that apartment residents face. Many people are accustomed to believing that buying a plot of land, much less building a house on it, costs fabulous money. However, with the development modern technologies in construction, the most cheap technology building a house has become several times more affordable. Now we will look main question: where to start, and most importantly, what to build the cheapest house from?

Preparatory stage

The first point that needs to be determined initially is the functionality of the house. What is it for?

If this is a country cottage for seasonal living, then only materials are needed,

if this is a full-fledged home for permanent residence, then completely different.

To decide what kind of house will be, you should thoroughly study the climate and weather region where construction is planned. After all, the choice of building materials directly depends on the temperature conditions throughout the year. A house for regular living must be constantly heated during the cold season, which entails certain financial expenses. Therefore, when choosing a material for a building, you should be guided by thermophysical properties: thermal conductivity and heat capacity, as well as shrinkage.

Each climatic region has its own temperature regime, wind speed and protection class based on the level of thermal insulation properties. Therefore, when choosing a material and calculating the thickness of walls, you need to be guided by two main parameters: coefficient thermal resistance and thermal conductivity.

For each region, its own specially calculated thermal resistance index of the CTS is used. In order to gain clarity on upcoming heating costs, you need to calculate the CTC future design. To do this, the width (δ) of the wall is divided by the thermal conductivity coefficient (λ), which is indicated in technical specifications building material R = δ/λ. The calculated value of heat transfer resistance must correspond to the standard value.

As an example, consider using cellular concrete, which has a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.12 W/m* ºС. Let's take a block 0.3 meters thick and calculate: R = 0.3/ 0.12 = 2.5 W/m2 * ºС. This figure is below the norm and is suitable only for construction in southern regions Russia. A block 0.4 meters wide gives a heat transfer resistance of 0.4/0.12 = 3.3 W/m2 * ºС, which is slightly higher standard indicator and can be used in the construction of buildings in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The calculation is relevant only when laying blocks on glue.

The wall thickness corresponding to the best generally accepted standards in terms of energy efficiency can be determined using the same formula, where it will be equal to the product of the heat transfer resistance value and the thermal conductivity coefficient δ = λ x R.

From this it follows that in order to obtain the standard value of resistance λ = 3.2, the wall thickness is from solid wood coniferous species(pine, spruce) will be 0.18 x 3.2 = 0.576 m, from brick 0.81 x 3.2 = 2.592 m, and from concrete 2.04 x 3.2 = 6.528 m. In this case, the mineral wool insulation is thick 140-150 mm corresponds to the standard: 0.045 x 3.2 = 0.14 m.

Therefore, when choosing a material and determining the thickness of the structure, heat transfer resistance and thermal conductivity should be taken into account.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity,

specific heat

and change linear dimensions different for each material.

In addition, when choosing materials for building an inexpensive house, you need to study the market for building materials typical for a given region. Delivery of materials, as a rule, takes up a significant share of their cost.

Now you need to decide on the size of your future home. For example, do you want to build a one-story house inexpensively or will the house have more floors? What will be the area of ​​the house in relation to the area of ​​your plot?
You can calculate the area of ​​your plot online.

Windows of standard sizes;

Practical layout without frills;

Simple roof;

Available building materials;

Flat small fireplace;

One should also take into account important nuance, if you have small area, then you can choose a simple project two-story house. This solution will be much cheaper than building a one-story large house.

The cost of a future home is determined by three components, on each of which you can save:

  • the architectural layout is compact, maximum functionality and comfort and allows you to achieve 20% savings;
  • simple constructive solution must be rational and not contain any architectural frills will provide another 10% savings;
  • modern materials make it possible to use the latest technologies in construction, allowing you to do the work with your own hands or using a minimum amount of work force from the outside, which ultimately guarantees up to 40% savings.

The optimal solution for a family of 2-3 people is housing consisting of three rooms with total area approximately 50 m2. A suitable option could be a 6x9 house, including: two bedrooms, a living room in the form of a studio, with a kitchen, a combined bathroom and toilet, and small hallway.

Layout: maximum functionality and comfort

The main principle of space planning is to extract maximum benefit from every square meter of space. In our case, this is the ratio of total and usable space. This house, consisting of three rooms with a total area of ​​54 m2, will fully satisfy your needs for modern housing. Moreover, the ratio of total and usable area (52 m2) is 96.3%.

But over time, you will want to increase its area. This structure is most suitable for transformation. It can be expanded in width and height.

Second option

Important! The construction of the second floor must be thought out in advance in order to lay the appropriate foundation.

Third option, first floor

Third option, second floor

Exterior view of the house, economy option

Exterior of the house after expansion

The key to savings: simplicity of design

Designs should also be approached as simply as possible, without additional frills. When building economically, there are a number of points that need to be taken into account:

  • The selected house width of 6 m will allow you to install floor slabs without difficulty. The standard size will not require the construction of an additional load-bearing wall.
  • Combining the dining room, kitchen and living room into a modern living room, according to European standards, will save on the absence of walls and doors.
  • A sufficient width of the walls will be 30 cm, and heat resistance can be achieved due to the thickness of the layer of thermal insulation material when cladding the house. In this case, the width of the base is reduced to 25 cm.
  • It is advisable to make the walls in the house from plasterboard; they do not require a foundation and are easy to install.
  • The roof is made gable, without unnecessary frills - this is the most cost-effective design.

Building a cheap house with your own hands is the most economical option

Approximately half of the construction costs are fees for performing the work. When building a cheap house, it is more advisable to do the maximum amount of work with your own hands, without the involvement of hired workers.

Why do you need to purchase only modern material? Its installation technologies are designed for the average person, so construction will not require professional skills from you and will provide an opportunity to save money. One assistant can be recruited as labor. If you do not have free time to build a house with your own hands, hire a team of two people with appropriate qualifications, retaining control over the work.

Another option is to build according to standard designs. Here you do not need to participate in construction; it is enough to accept the finished house into operation, be sure to draw up an acceptance certificate for the work performed, specifying the developer’s warranty obligations.
This 6x9 house is a great version of a two story conversion.

Reviews and disputes: which cheap house is better?

To explain which cheap house is better, we suggest you read the comments we collected from various forums:

Alexander V.

I want to talk about building a cheap house. Moreover, I will touch upon not only the monetary side of the issue, but also the labor-intensive one. We buy modern materials, preferably from a construction hypermarket, where prices are much cheaper. We discard ideas about buildings made from scrap materials (clay, straw, wild stone) as untenable. In the 21st century, we can talk about clay walls and rubble foundations. We're talking about modern housing, not Grandpa Pumpkin's house. We won’t even consider the environmental friendliness of building materials. At the time of the developed world wide web, you can find the most conflicting opinions about any material.
We will not consider hired builders either. This multiplies the estimate by at least two times initially. We carry out the construction ourselves; anyone can do it. The question is the duration of the process.
And so the foundation. When building a house you cannot do without it. The most appropriate and cost-effective is a strip foundation on piles. The task is not difficult. Every 2m we drill piles, the length depends on the soil, and fill in the grillage.
Still, the cheapest construction will be a frame house insulated with mineral wool or expanded polystyrene. Building a house from brick or sides with cement mortar will increase the cost of the estimate, take a lot of time, and as a result we will get a cold structure that requires insulation.

Bogdan S.

I was going to build a 6x9 house. For two months now, I have been working on a personal project and drawing up a construction estimate. I read smart books, participate in forums on all topics of interest, and watch videos. Now I’ve read it and understand that I have everything as you said: a pile foundation, a frame house, a slate roof. Interior finishing: plasterboard, OSB boards and wallpaper. Of course, plus heating and lighting. One thing I can say is that I am not investing in 10 thousand conditional raccoons. A bit more.

Sergey Zh.

I developed a project for a 50 m2 house for a friend of mine. Nothing special, a budget option, but a home for year-round use. The foundation is solid. Wooden frame house insulated with mineral wool. There is a vapor barrier film on the outside, hardboard on the inside. The roof is slate. Quite a warm building, suitable for winter use. The appearance is not very good. Just covered with vapor barrier. You can subsequently cover it with siding. But the budget is the most modest. An acquaintance spent only 4 thousand USD. True, I built it myself, I didn’t even want to hear about any hired crew.

Looking at my house, I am increasingly convinced that it is unlikely that anything can be built cheaper than a frame house. I insulated the walls, rollers, and roof with 15 cm thick mineral wool. In addition, I built an attic floor. My roof is the simplest gable roof, covered with zerolin. The outside was finished with siding, and the inside was covered with OSB and wallpaper. It cost me the pleasure of $9500.

The frame is the cheapest and warmest, but this does not mean that it is free. Everything is relative. Some friends of mine built a house from sibit. They were happy until winter came. They were frozen through the winter, and now they are deciding how to insulate themselves and what it will cost.

Of course, the main costs are building materials, which we will talk about in more detail.

Modern building materials are the cheapest way to build a house

There is enormous competition in the modern building materials market. Therefore, having made a short walk around the main points of purchase, building materials such as a hypermarket, bazaar or warehouse, it will not be difficult to find the most reasonable price. But different materials differ significantly in price.

The author of the article does not pursue the goal of promoting this or that building material, since the site is not engaged in their sale. The main thing is that a person with a limited budget for construction can become the owner of a good and solid home.

Before reading the various house options, pay attention to Compared to other houses, it is cheap to build.

Cheap brick house?

  1. Brick.

As many people know, brick is one of the most durable, but also the heaviest materials. Based on this, it has both advantages and disadvantages.


  1. high strength and durability;
  2. excellent sound insulation;
  3. availability;
  4. environmental friendliness.


  1. large mass - a solid foundation will be required;
  2. insufficient energy saving;
  3. difficult to process;
  4. long process of building a building.

Modern brick allows you to build a house of any size and design.

Cheap steel structure house

  1. Durable steel structures.

Today it is one of the most durable and affordable building materials, which allows you to build reliable structures, houses, etc. in the shortest possible time.


  1. affordable price;
  2. quick and easy installation;
  3. versatility - you can build any structure;
  4. Using modern finishing materials you can create a unique exterior.


  1. low strength;
  2. poor thermal insulation and sound insulation without additional insulating materials.

Durable steel structures today are becoming increasingly popular in the construction of private houses.

Cheap wooden house - is it true?

  1. Log or timber

A modern, stylish house made of logs looks amazing, and its high environmental friendliness, strength and thermal insulation make this building material stand out from others.


  1. high strength;
  2. environmental friendliness;
  3. excellent sound insulation;
  4. quick and easy installation;
  5. high thermal insulation;
  6. easy to process;
  7. relatively light weight;
  8. amazing appearance.


  1. price;
  2. the need for additional treatment against pests;
  3. fire hazard without special impregnations;
  4. low hydraulic stability.

A modern house made of logs or beams is stylish, practical and comfortable.

Favorite: cheap house made of foam concrete

  1. Foam concrete is the most profitable material for building a house.

A lightweight building material that surpasses others in its characteristics.


  1. quick and easy installation;
  2. high load capacity and low weight;
  3. high strength over time;
  4. excellent sound and heat insulation;
  5. light weight;
  6. reasonable cost;
  7. easy to process;
  8. environmental friendliness.


  1. the first few years after manufacture it has low strength;
  2. the porous structure of foam concrete will require additional finishing work;
  3. hot in summer.

Foam concrete is the cheapest way to build a house.

We looked at some of the most affordable building materials that can be used to build an inexpensive home. Today they are also widely used: twin blocks, monolith, ceramic stone, etc.

For example, the cost of a one-story frame house with two rooms, a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom will cost 600-700 thousand rubles. Thus, the cheapest frame houses can be built for relatively little money.

We also recommend:

If a person wants to build a house, then very often this dream becomes an obsession and when the opportunity arises to purchase a plot, especially in some beautiful place (near the water, next to a park or an old estate), he no longer controls himself and no questions asked pays the seller the required amount. But in vain! After all, a house cannot be built on any piece of land.

Before buying a plot, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what is possible and where, and what is not allowed under any circumstances. So that later there will be no problems with obtaining a building permit or, God forbid, of course, you won’t have to demolish the already built house.

There are areas where construction is prohibited in principle, and areas where it is possible to build a house, but subject to certain sanitary and hygienic requirements.

So, where should you not build? First of all, at the very edge of the water. Any construction is prohibited within a 20 m strip. In general, any restriction of free access of citizens to this territory (erecting fences, etc.) is considered illegal. Remember this if you are offered an elite plot on the shore of a lake or river.

Housing construction is not carried out in sanitary zones of roads, industrial enterprises, gas pipelines, gas stations, cemeteries, and wastewater treatment plants. The length of the sanitary zone can reach 2 km. If the housing has already been built, then, on the contrary, it is impossible to build an object nearby, in the security zone of which such housing will fall. If such an object is important, the site along with the buildings may be seized. The repurchase occurs at market value. It is probably worth checking with the local committee for architecture and urban planning before purchasing a plot to see if the plot will subsequently be subject to any town planning restrictions.

As a rule, the construction of housing in the protected zones of objects recognized as the cultural heritage of the nation is not allowed. Each of them has an individually defined protected area. Any construction in such zones, if permitted at all, must be agreed upon at the design stage with the authorities for the protection of historical and cultural monuments.

Lands designated for environmental protection and their protective zones have a similar regime. These include many forest lands, parks, green areas, and water protection zones.

In particular, there are restrictions on the use of lands located in water protection zones. Art. 65 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation gives the following definition of these zones: water protection zones are territories that are adjacent to the coastline of seas, rivers, streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs, where a special regime for carrying out economic and other activities is established in order to prevent pollution, clogging, siltation the indicated water bodies and the depletion of their waters, as well as the preservation of the habitat of aquatic biological resources and other objects of flora and fauna.

Coastal protective strips are established within the boundaries of water protection zones, in the territories of which additional restrictions on economic and other activities are introduced.

Outside the territories of cities and other populated areas, the width of the water protection zone of rivers, streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs and the width of their coastal protective strip are established from the corresponding coastline.

The width of the water protection zone of rivers or streams is established from their source for rivers or streams with a length of:

Up to 10 km - in the amount of 50 m;

From 10 to 50 km - in the amount of 100 m;

From 50 km and more - in the amount of 200 m.

For a river or stream less than 10 km long from source to mouth, the water protection zone coincides with the coastal protective strip. The radius of the water protection zone for the sources of a river or stream is set at 50 m.

The width of the water protection zone of a lake, reservoir, with the exception of a lake located inside a swamp, or a lake, reservoir with a water area of ​​less than 500 square meters. m is set at 50 m.

According to the latest Water Code, adopted in 2007, within the boundaries of water protection zones it is prohibited:

Use of wastewater for soil fertilization;

Placement of cemeteries, cattle burial grounds, burial sites for production and consumption waste, radioactive, chemical, explosive, toxic, poisonous and noxious substances;

Implementation of aviation measures to combat pests and plant diseases;

Movement and parking of vehicles (except for special vehicles), with the exception of their movement on roads and parking on roads and in specially equipped places with hard surfaces;

Plowing the land;

Placement of dumps of eroded soils;

Grazing farm animals and organizing summer camps and baths for them.

Within the boundaries of water protection zones, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, operation of economic and other facilities are allowed, provided that such facilities are equipped with structures that ensure the protection of water bodies from pollution, clogging and depletion of water in accordance with water legislation and legislation in the field of environmental protection .

According to the Water Code of 1995 (old version), construction in water protection zones was prohibited, but the new document does not prohibit this. But be careful! If you are purchasing a home that was built before 2007 in a water conservation area, you may have problems because the current code only applies to properties built after January 1, 2007 (the law is not retroactive). In other words, if, according to the old legislation, the house was built with violations, that is, it is an unauthorized construction, then the new norms do not make the existence of this house legal. In addition, remember: the possibility of construction in a water protection zone does not negate the inviolability of the twenty-meter coastal strip.

Before purchasing a plot, read its documents: whether the land is owned or leased, what its intended purpose is. This information is indicated in the cadastral passport of the site and in an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights, which any person can obtain from the Federal Registration Service.

The Land Code lists categories of land according to their intended purpose:

Agricultural land;

Lands of populated areas;

Lands of industry, energy, transport, communications, radio broadcasting, television, computer science, lands for space activities, defense lands, security lands and lands for other special purposes;

Lands of specially protected territories and objects;

Forest fund lands;

Water fund lands;

Reserve lands.

Housing can only be built on the lands of populated areas and, in some cases, on lands for agricultural purposes. The best option for the construction of individual housing construction (individual housing construction) land, which is located within the boundaries of populated areas, then comes DS (dacha construction) - these are lands of agricultural settlements and gardening. The lands of private household plots are intended for growing agricultural products, but if they are located within the boundaries of settlements, then it is possible to build a house there. On KFR (peasant farm) lands, only farmers have the right to build housing for themselves.

When purchasing a plot in a populated area, be careful. In the near future, land use and development rules will be adopted in all settlements (they are already in force in St. Petersburg). The entire territory of the settlement will be divided into zones, the permitted use of which will be established by urban planning regulations. In some zones (industrial, special, public and business, etc.), residential construction may be prohibited.

Text: Marina Ivanova

Consultant: Yuri Khalimovsky, senior lawyer at the law firm Kachkin and Partners

When starting to build your own home, you want to choose the cheapest material for building a house - in order to maximize savings. But the pursuit of low prices for building materials can result in both expensive maintenance in the future and an increase in the cost of construction as a whole. How to build a cheap house?

What determines the cost of a home?

The final price tag for construction depends on several factors. Materials play an important, but not the only, role here. So, the construction estimate will include:

If you do a monolithic fill, you will need a large amount of wood for the formwork. And working alone on weekends, construction is delayed indefinitely, which is also not always economically profitable.

The cheapest materials for building a house are those made by yourself?

There is an opinion that materials made with your own hands will be much cheaper than those purchased from the manufacturer. Of course, there are recipes for different brands of concrete; you can build your own walls from straw or even fill the frame with sawdust.

This is economically justified in the following cases:

  • the presence of free assistants - it is difficult to stir, fill and press alone, which can lead to poorly performed work;
  • no need to travel to work five days a week - otherwise construction will often have to be postponed due to weather conditions;
  • opportunities to obtain equipment and raw materials for building materials at very low prices - delivery of sawdust from another region will not be cheap.

So, the cheapest construction options:

  1. Straw walls with clay coating. They have good thermal insulation, but require repairs due to rodents that live in the thickness of the wall.
  2. Abrolite or sawdust concrete. You can make it yourself or purchase ready-made blocks. In the first case, you will have to wait a long time for the sawdust concrete to dry, in the second, you will have to build the walls as quickly as possible and do the exterior finishing, since wood concrete is hygroscopic.
  3. Clay burr or cordwood. Dry logs and logs, cleared of bark, are used. They are laid across the wall on a clay mortar. The ends of the wood must be impregnated with antiseptics or fired, otherwise they will strongly absorb moisture.
  4. Backfilling with sawdust or expanded clay. To do this, a permanent formwork is made on the frame from edged boards, into which the insulation is poured.

The appearance of a house made from these materials is rather unsightly. And if it’s quite easy to beat up straw walls or peeking out logs, you’ll also have to make a screed on top of the wood concrete. Another significant disadvantage of homemade materials is that they are not strong enough. But this is a problem with all frame houses. To hang shelves or install kitchen units, you need to provide embedded boards at the construction stage.

Economical building materials - what are they?

If, out of common sense, you decide to abandon independent production, you should take a closer look at the prices on the market. What is the cheapest building material? Paradoxically, almost any:

  • wood - can be purchased extremely cheaply in the forest belt, but in the steppe zone it is expensive;
  • brick – when building next to a brick factory, you will be able to buy red brick at manufacturer prices;
  • aerated concrete and foam concrete are lightweight and relatively easy-to-construct materials that have good thermal insulation;
  • frame construction is the most budget option, suitable for any climate, but requires the organization of forced ventilation.

Not every carpenter can assemble a log house with high quality, so you will also have to take into account the cost of the builders’ work. The same applies to a brick house - the distortion of the masonry will result in large-scale alignment of the walls.

So when choosing materials, you need to take into account the cost of working with them. For example, aerated concrete is laid with a special glue, due to which the gaps between the blocks are minimal.

This allows you to save on finishing costs, but requires careful attention from builders. Foam concrete does not differ in the quality of its geometry - the blocks can be skewed and differ in size. It is unpleasant to work with such material; it is difficult to level the walls.

As a result, the cost of work is higher.

How to save money globally on construction?

It is not building materials alone that can reduce the cost of building your own home. To save as much as possible, you need to:

  1. Think over a plan for the future building. The simpler the layout, the cheaper it is to equip it. You shouldn’t place bathrooms at different ends of the building - laying pipes will cost a pretty penny. Placing the kitchen next to the bathroom will also save on pipes. The even geometry of the walls, the absence of non-functional niches and differences in floor heights, although they look simple, do not require extra costs. Together this will give up to 20% savings on the total cost.
  2. Refuse architectural excesses. Balconies, terraces and a multi-level roof can increase the value of a home by 10-15%. It is much more rational in the future to build a small gazebo or add an open terrace.
  3. Use building materials produced in your region, abandoning popular and advertised ones. This will not only allow you to buy them cheaper, but also not overpay for delivery. Thus, houses made of shell rock in the Altai Territory are among the most budget-friendly, but Moscow cannot boast of a low price for this material.
  4. Lighten the rafter system as much as possible by using lightweight roofing materials. Then, instead of a 10x10 cm beam, it will be possible to use a 5x10 cm board laid on the end, without reducing the pitch of the rafters.
  5. Avoid the basement. Activities for pouring, waterproofing and rough finishing of the basement will add another 20% of the cost to the estimate.

Selection of building materials

If the building materials market offers several types to choose from, that’s great. Indeed, in this case, you can compare all the advantages and disadvantages and purchase materials that combine low price and good quality.

General characteristics to look for:

  • durability - if the house lasts for a maximum of 10 years, savings on materials are quite doubtful;
  • simplicity and accessibility of installation - the need to use heavy equipment at a construction site can negate all savings;
  • environmental friendliness - maintaining natural humidity in the house is achieved through “breathable” materials, otherwise you will have to take care of forced ventilation;
  • heat capacity and thermal insulation are two parameters responsible for future efficiency, because the house should not only be cheap during construction, but also during operation.

Having considered the most popular building materials, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Wooden houses

Houses made of timber are considered the most environmentally friendly and one of the best at maintaining an optimal microclimate. Wooden construction has advantages:

But this structure also has disadvantages. Thus, the quality of literally every log is very important - an undried tree will begin to twist, longitudinal cracks may appear, the ends must be “sealed” with an ax to prevent the tree from becoming waterlogged due to precipitation. If you deviate from the classical processing of logs in favor of using modern antiseptic and fire retardant solutions, the house ceases to be environmentally friendly.

Ready-made kits are expensive, but only professionals can assemble an inexpensive log house from round timber. After all, you will have to adjust each log! In addition, in regions with cold winters, the thickness of the walls of a wooden hut should be at least 50 cm to ensure minimal heat loss during the heating season. Finding logs of this diameter will also cost a pretty penny.

To allow the house to “breathe”, it cannot be insulated with polystyrene foam, only with vapor-permeable mineral wool. And to prevent the insulation from getting wet, be sure to install a ventilated façade. There are also certain restrictions for interior decoration - it is better to use modern vapor-permeable membranes if you plan to cover the house with plasterboard or clapboard.

But the log house is beautiful in its original form. To get a cozy and draft-free home, you need to regularly check and caulk cracks in the walls. Particular attention is paid to the system of corner locks - a simple cut into half a tree will not provide the necessary insulation and will lead to the formation of cold spots.

Brick houses

Brick has excellent heat capacity. This means that when heating is started, the house will warm up for a long time, but then cool down for just as long. For permanent residence - an excellent option. But for a country house visited on weekends, this will be a waste of money on heating. After all, by the time the house warms up, you need to go back to the city.

For one-story buildings, walls of 1.5 bricks will be sufficient. But this wall thickness is completely unsuitable for winters, where the temperature drops to -20 degrees.

In order not to increase the cost of brickwork, the house will have to be insulated from the outside. What’s especially nice when building brick buildings is that you can use any insulation! Thus, by choosing foam plastic with a thickness of only 5 cm, you can reduce heat loss at home from 125 kWh per square meter to 53 kWh per heating season. In other words, you can cut your heating costs in half.

The disadvantages of brick houses include:

  • large weight of the structure - you will need a buried strip foundation, which will significantly increase the cost of construction;
  • duration of construction - a team of five people can lift the frame of a house in three weeks, subject to continuous work, but working alone increases the time significantly;
  • finishing work - if you can live in a log house immediately after construction, a brick house requires mandatory screeding of walls and floors followed by finishing.

Houses made of aerated block or foam block

These buildings have all the advantages and disadvantages of brick houses. At the same time, they have their own characteristics:

At the same time, the price per cubic meter of brick and aerated block is almost the same. And given the need for insulation on the facade, the advantages of aerated concrete over ceramic bricks are quite illusory. But due to the large size of the blocks, building a house is quite simple, which determines the low cost of the work.

Frame houses

For those who are really strapped for money, frame construction is a real salvation. A house on a wooden frame with mineral insulation is several times cheaper than all previous options. And that's why:

But, despite the obvious advantages of frame construction, preference is still given to brickwork. All because of no less significant shortcomings:

On the other hand, by approaching the construction of a frame house wisely and without skimping on building materials, you can get a good and reliable structure that will last for decades. And in the future, it will be just as easy to dismantle the frame and put a solid brick house in its place.

You can build a small and cozy house in a few months, and this video confirms this:

So, you have finally decided to build your own home. And, of course, the first question that arose before you was “What is cheaper to build a house from?” Budget is quite often an obstacle to getting a nice, warm home that you can live in comfortably all year round. But should it be this way? Maybe it's a matter of incorrect calculations and illiterate selection of materials? But there is also no desire to save on your housing. The house should be reliable, strong, warm and cozy. How to achieve this? What is cheaper and better to build a house from?

The Teplo Doma company is engaged in the construction of all types of houses. Do we know which house is better and which is worse, which house is more expensive and which is cheaper? An objective assessment of the construction of houses from various materials has been prepared especially for you. The analysis will determine which material is cheaper to build a house from.

You can contact a specialist from our company and discuss all the nuances in person, or you can first familiarize yourself with the information provided.

Let's get started.

Note! The cost calculations given in this article are based on the example of a house of 180 sq.m. with the interior of Savoyardi 250. The foundation of the building is pile-grillage, the roof is metal profiles or metal tiles. A standard set of engineering works - electricity, plumbing, septic tank, sewerage, heating, air conditioning and so on. The design and estimate are free. Prices for work and materials in 2017 were used in the calculations. In your specific case, the cost of construction may vary significantly, both up and down.

We DO NOT build houses from timber cheaply

You've probably heard about the construction of wooden houses at a low price. A house made of timber seems like an elegant structure. Yes, its appearance deserves special attention. But is it effective to build a wooden house? Why is wood used as a material for building walls? So that the house can “breathe”. Right? But timber is not the best material in terms of resistance to heat transfer. Yes, this indicator is the most important if year-round living is planned in the housing. How to create comfortable living conditions inside such a building? According to GOST, the thickness of the walls should be approximately 55 cm.

Half-meter wooden walls are, at a minimum, an expensive pleasure. Moreover, such thick walls of wood are not built anywhere. It turns out that a wooden house needs to be insulated, as well as do exterior and interior decoration. A this in turn will prevent the house from “breathing”.

The Teplo Doma company does not take this option seriously, so we do not build turnkey log houses cheaply. But you can do this yourself. However, all of the above should be taken into account. It will be cold in an uninsulated house, and building 55 cm walls is expensive.

Brick house

Now this is another matter. We are used to seeing brick houses everywhere. This is an affordable and not very expensive material. However, it is also impossible to say that we are building the cheapest brick house.

Firstly, I would immediately like to note that the thickness of the walls in such a house should be at least one and a half solid bricks. But this, of course, is not enough to create a comfortable temperature in the house in winter, or even in summer. Such thin brick walls have strong thermal conductivity. Therefore, they need to be supplemented with 100 mm of insulation. Of course, the thickness depends on what material will be chosen as insulation (mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, and so on). If you do not want to use insulation, be prepared to build brick walls 52 cm thick. This way you can meet the requirements of GOST R 54851-2011 and not freeze in the winter.

Please note that a wall 52 cm thick will “eat up” a large area either in the house or on the site. In addition, the high cost of a foundation for heavy brick walls will prevent you from building a house cheaply on a turnkey basis. It is also worth considering that brick walls are far from perfectly smooth, so finishing them will also cost a lot of money and effort. Plus, to build a brick house you will need quite a lot of cement mortar. Well, let's not forget about the two-layer lathing of the facade. All this will ultimately significantly increase the final cost.

In fact, it turns out that building a house from brick is the most expensive, not the cheapest. For example, let’s take a building with a total area of ​​180 square meters. m. Its average turnkey cost with finishing and engineering in Moscow and the region will be approximately 7,125,000 rubles. This is 57,000 rubles per 1 sq.m.

House made of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks

Building a house from aerated concrete blocks is a good choice. This is an excellent material that is very easy to work with. Walls made of autoclaved aerated concrete are considered warm. However, they still need to be insulated. The thing is that at high humidity this material loses its heat transfer properties. 5 cm of insulation is enough to achieve positive results.

The walls, as in the case of brick, of such a house should be quite thick - 49 cm. But the cost of the foundation will be slightly reduced due to the fact that the foam blocks have less weight. It’s difficult to say that building foam blocks at home is cheap. But it will be cheaper than brick.

Average the cost of a house made of aerated concrete will be 6,558,000 rubles. By the way, this is almost 500,000 rubles cheaper than building a brick house.

House made of ceramic block ST300

Building a house from porous ceramic block ST300 is a good choice. This material does not require insulation, which reduces the final cost of housing. However, when working with the ST300 ceramic block, you must strictly follow the instructions. Otherwise, technology disruption may become a serious problem in the future.

Here are just a few nuances you need to know about:

  • Ceramic blocks are cut using special equipment.
  • To fasten the sheathing, liquid nails should be used together with dowel nails.
  • The blocks are placed on warm glue using a grid.
  • To lay internal communications, you will need to plaster the walls with a layer of 30 mm.

It should be noted that all these nuances, or rather the time, effort and money spent on the technology of working with a ceramic block, will be included in the price of the house.

The nice thing is that we have finally reached a material that does not require large wall thicknesses. 34 cm is enough to make it comfortable inside the house. And this takes into account the fact that no insulation is used outside. The small thickness of the walls allows you to save useful space.

But perhaps the most important advantage of warm ceramics is a relatively inexpensive foundation. At least this work will cost the owners significantly less than in the case of building a brick house or a foam block building.

Average the cost of a ceramic house is 6,298,000 rubles(we are talking about a building with an area of ​​180 sq.m.). Such housing is in the middle of the conventional table of the cost of houses made of various materials.

Houses made of reinforced concrete panels with stone wool insulation and BENPAN+ ventilation façade

Building such a house will not only be cheaper than all those listed before, but also easier. Thanks to the special BENPAN+ technology, as well as the properties of reinforced concrete panels, some stages of work are eliminated. For example, there is no need to plaster interior walls. During construction, all communications are laid within the thickness of the walls. The outer surface does not need to be separately prepared for cladding.

Savings on everything: interior work, exterior work, laying utilities.

Of course, you can choose the option “we build cheap houses from blocks,” but if you want to save a little more without losing quality, then you should opt for reinforced concrete panels and BENPAN+ technology.

The cost of building such a house with an area of ​​180 square meters. m. is 6,235,000 rubles.

You can discuss the conditions for building houses using the BENPAN+ technology right now in an online chat.

Frame houses

Well, finally we have come to the last option that we would like to offer you - this is the construction of a frame house. If you were looking for the cheapest accommodation, you have found it. Which house is the cheapest to build? Exactly this one.

Frame houses are in no way inferior to housing made from any other material. And in most cases, on the contrary, they have advantages. Perhaps the most important of which is the price.

I would like to immediately note that cost of a frame house with an area of ​​180 sq. m. is 5,268,000 rubles. This is almost 2,000,000 cheaper than a house made of solid brick.

Cost reduction is achieved at all stages of construction, excluding the roof and interior finishing.

The walls in such houses are built from wooden beams, which are covered with OSB on both sides. Polystyrene foam insulation is placed inside. The outside walls are finished with siding and the inside with plasterboard. In a frame house you will be both warm and comfortable. But the main thing is that you will be able to move in and live in it within 90 days.

Final table comparing prices of houses made of different materials

Is it cheaper to build or buy?

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is cheaper to build a house or buy a ready-made one. In fact, one can speculate on this topic. The cost of a finished house may vary depending on the situation on the construction market, as well as the investor’s desire to quickly sell the building. All the nuances of building a house are discussed in advance, so the final price will not change. You cannot influence a house that has already been built; if you wish, you can only redo something, and this is an additional cost. Should they be included in the total cost? Or you will decide something from the category “Nothing, and so in principle it’s good.” At the project development stage, you can influence the development of events. As a result, at the exit you will see what you wanted. No additional expenses. I would like to say that a finished house will cost more, but this is not entirely true. At the design stage, you can make changes that you did not initially plan. Changes will increase the price and you will overpay. You'll want to move quickly, so force the construction crew to deliver the house early. This will also significantly increase the final cost. There are a lot of factors influencing the price of a finished house and a house under construction. It is possible to consider the situation in a vacuum, but there is no point in doing so.

What is cheaper to build or buy? There is simply no answer to this question.

Which house is cheaper? Frame. Which house is better? The one in which you will be happy.

We build houses in Moscow and the region

The Teplo Doma company is engaged in the construction of houses from various materials. We can easily choose the option that suits you. If you decide to order the construction of a house from us, then the project, estimate and other documents and drawings can be obtained free of charge. We are a serious company that knows everything about building houses. Our craftsmen are experienced specialists who know their work well.


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