Izospan D technical characteristics: features, laying schemes and price for isospan D. Izospan A: features of use and installation rules Izospan types and application

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Izospan A, B, C is a new generation building material, successfully used in the construction of modern buildings. Izospan is a hydro-vapor barrier that provides excellent protection for the insulating layer and structures from wind and moisture (including internal moisture) in various elements of the house.


Izospan A, AM

Today, almost every house claims to be an energy efficient building and is already initial stage It is covered on all sides with a layer of thermal insulation. Such measures help protect owners from unnecessary waste on heating.

However, the cold barrier itself often needs protection. Covering the insulation with hydro-vapor barrier A, it provides a good barrier for moisture on top, and leaves sufficient permeability at the bottom to remove vapors, which makes it impossible for condensation to accumulate in the thermal insulation.

Unlike variety A, type B is vapor-tight. The vapor barrier membrane protects the insulation from vapors emanating from inside the building. Type B has a different surface structure in appearance and touch: the top is smooth and should fit as tightly as possible to the inside of the thermal insulation, and the bottom is covered with small fibers. The main task of this fleecy covering is to retain moisture and prevent condensation from draining onto the finish.

This variety is made from ultra-dense polypropylene fabric. Allows you to completely protect elements from capillary moisture, condensation, steam and the like. The structure is similar to type B (same surfaces), but has a greater margin of safety and, as a result, is more reliable. Used as protection for “cold” roofs, floors, interfloor structures. The cost of type C is higher than type B.

Vapor barrier isospan: technical characteristics

Vapor barrier A, B, C – 100% polypropylene. This allows it, despite its thinness, to have high strength and successfully withstand pinpoint pressure and various attempts to rupture. However, this property does not complicate the installation work: the material is easy to cut and has good elasticity.

Other advantages of a hydro-vapor barrier include environmental friendliness (it does not emit substances hazardous to humans or nature) and the possibility of some modifications at the production stage, for example, adding certain substances to the composition makes the material fireproof.

The vapor barrier has a temperature range of use from –60 °C to +80 °C and sufficient ultraviolet stability. Depending on the type, specifications hydro-vapor barrier can vary significantly, so “A” has good vapor permeability (at least 3500 g/m² per day), while “B” and “C”, on the contrary, retain any vapor (vapor permeability no more than 22.5 g/m² per day for the first and no more than 18.5 g/m² per day for the second).

hydro-vapor barrier: application diagram

Features of installation of vapor-waterproofing

Below you will find some specific instructions for using Izospan, but you need to pay attention to the fact that all the work is done quite simply and it is almost impossible to make a mistake.


Vapor barrier isospan consists of two layers:

1.Top glossy (with the inscription Izospan) this side is directed outward or towards possible moisture ingress.

2.Bottom perforated this side is laid against the insulation to remove possible dampness.

Izospan A instructions for use

When constructing walls, type AM is laid in layers on top of insulation. The work is carried out from the bottom up, strengthening the material with an overlap, with a smooth surface facing out. The inner side should be close to the thermal insulation, and the top should have some gap with the lining for normal moisture drainage. Fixation is done with a stapler and should not allow the material to swell or sag - if there is a strong wind load on the façade, this can create unnecessary noise (popping noises).

During steam-waterproofing, A is rolled out and cut directly onto the rafters on top of the thermal insulation. Laying is done horizontally with an overlap. Start from the bottom of the pitched roof. Fastening is done with slats using nails (sometimes self-tapping screws). Between bottom side It is recommended (but not necessary) to leave a space of about 5 cm between the hydro-vapor barrier A and the insulation, and there must be a gap between the top and the covering; usually its width is the size of the slats.

Hydro-vapor barrier B instructions for use

Vapor barrier B is mounted on the thermal insulation from the inside using a stapler or galvanized nails. Laying is done from the bottom up, overlapping, with a tight fit to the insulation. The fleecy surface should have a gap of about 5 cm.

Hydro-vapor barrier C instructions for use

When constructing “cold” pitched roofs, type C hydro-vapor barrier is installed horizontally with an overlap (150 mm) from bottom to top. It is recommended to glue the joints with a special tape. Fastening to rafters is carried out, as in the case of Izospan A, with slats using nails.

When making floors, hydro-vapor barrier C is laid over the insulation overlapping with gaps of about 5 cm between the thermal insulation, the film and the finished floor.

When waterproofing concrete floors, hydro-vapor barrier C is placed directly on the slab, and a screed is mounted on top of it.

The name of the material comes from the name of the company that produces it. It refers to several polymer films that are completely different in properties and purpose. All products of this brand are usually divided into three main groups:

  • Izospan A membranes protecting from water and wind. They are widely used in roofing, as well as facade works as protection of roof structural elements, as well as the interior from precipitation. In this case, the film is able to pass steam through itself, bringing it out. This property of such membranes prevents moisture from forming condensation on the insulation or parts rafter system roofs. Some varieties have fire retardant treatment. The average vapor permeability is determined to be around 3500 g/m² per day. It must be said right away that the material cannot be used on a roof with a slope angle of less than 35ºC. A mandatory requirement is that installation must be carried out only in normal weather;

  • films that do not allow water and steam to pass through belong to the Izospan V line. Unlike its brother, it is mounted indoors. After all, its task is to prevent steam from penetrating from the room into the thermal insulation layer and forming condensation there. Insulation boards covered with such a membrane always remain dry, which protects them from the formation of mold and fungal colonies. Instructions for use of Izospan B will be described in more detail;
  • Izospan S is designed not only to protect the insulation layer from the wind, high humidity and steam, but also create an additional insulating effect due to a special coating that can reflect infrared rays. This greatly reduces the energy consumption of the home, creating good savings on heating costs. It has a structure consisting of two layers. One layer is always smooth, and the other is rough, which better holds condensation. The material is very waterproof, more than 1000 mm. water Art. Its resistance to steam penetration is 7.0 Pa/mg.

Technical characteristics of Izospan films:

Vapor-permeable membranes ISOSPAN
Brand Density, g/m² Compound Vapor permeability, g/m²/day, not less
A 110 100% pp 177/129 1000 250
AM 90 110/90 850 880
AS 115 165/120 1000 1000
Steam-waterproofing ISOSPAN
Brand Density, g/m² Compound Longitudinal/transverse breaking load, N/5cm Water resistance, mm.water column, not less
B 70 100% pp 128/104 7 1000
C 90 197/119
D 105 1068/890
DM 105 560/510
Reflective vapor-waterproofing ISOSPAN
Brand Density, g/m² K thermal reflection, % Longitudinal/transverse breaking load, N/5cm Vapor permeation resistance, m²hPa/mg, not less Water resistance, mm.water column, not less
FB 132 90 330/310 vapor-tight waterproof
FD 800/700
D.S. 92 120/80
Brand Thickness, mm K thermal reflection, % Longitudinal/transverse breaking load, N/5cm Vapor permeation resistance, m²hPa/mg, not less Water resistance, mm.water column, not less
FX 2-5 90 176/207 vapor-tight waterproof

Helpful advice! The instructions for use of Izospan B suggest that if the film breaks on any sharp objects, it can and should be repaired. To do this, the damaged area is glued with a special adhesive film.

All of the listed varieties, despite their differences, have a number of positive qualities common to them:

  • they are easy to install and are supplied in roll form;
  • are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation;
  • do not allow moisture to pass through;
  • their cost is quite suitable for anyone who is engaged in construction or insulation of their home.

Next, we will consider in detail the instructions for using Izospan B and its technical and quality characteristics, since it is this type of membrane that is in greatest demand, thanks to its very good combination consumer properties and prices.

Technical characteristics of vapor barrier Izospan B

TO this species These include two-layer vapor barrier membranes that can not only retain moisture, but also prevent steam from penetrating through them. They are 100% polypropylene. These films are produced in rolls with a width of 160 cm. One roll can cover a surface of 70 m². The film density is 70 g/m². These membranes are quite strong, since their tensile load along the fibers is 128 N/cm, and across the fibers is 104 N/cm.

Vapor permeability rates are very low and are around 22.4 g/m²/day. Water resistance - 1000 mm. water Art., which is enough. Resistant to ultraviolet rays observed within 4 months of continuous exposure. The technical characteristics of the Izospan B vapor barrier allow it to be used in a wide temperature range, which ranges from -60 to 80ºС.

Instructions for use of Izospan B

Before using this material for vapor barrier purposes, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the requirements for its installation:

  • when covering insulation mounted on vertical or inclined surfaces, work must be carried out from top to bottom. The strips of material are fastened horizontally with an overlap of 15 cm. A special adhesive film allows you to isolate the joints;
  • Not everyone knows which side to put Izospan B insulation on. Meanwhile, this is very critical, since improper installation completely eliminates the effect of using this material. It is necessary to remember that the smooth side is always placed on the insulation, and the rough side is directed into the room;

Diagram of the correct use of vapor barrier film in a process using expanded clay

  • attach the membrane to the protected surface using wooden blocks, clamping strips and construction stapler.

Since this vapor barrier material has a wide range of applications, we will consider the features of installation on several types of surfaces. When creating a vapor barrier layer in the attic, the membrane can be attached to the rafters in two ways.

  • vapor barrier material allows you to protect the insulation from saturation with moisture vapor, which increases its thermal insulation properties, as well as protect building structures from excessive moisture;
  • waterproofing allows you to protect building structures from the penetration of condensate;
  • moisture insulation protects building structures from both the penetration of water vapor and capillary moisture;
  • using reflective thermal insulation, the thermal resistance of roofing structure elements increases with the same insulation thickness characteristics;
  • the use of insulating materials protects the roof structure and insulation from both condensation and weathering;
  • Izospan insulation is a universal protection against moisture and steam for building structures.

Izospan A

Wind-moisture-proof vapor-permeable membrane

According to Euromet specialists, vapor barrier membrane Izospan can be used in buildings of any type for the purpose of protection internal elements roofing structure and insulation from the effects of condensation, as well as from wind. The membrane is installed under the roofing or wall cladding material with outside insulation. Outside surface Izospan A material is a smooth water-repellent layer. The inner side of the membrane has a rough anti-condensation structure, specially designed to retain condensation and then evaporate it into ambient air. The use of a membrane eliminates the possibility of condensate penetrating into the roof structure and insulation from the external environment, and also ensures the removal of water vapor accumulated in the insulation.

The use of the Izospan A membrane makes it possible to significantly increase the heat-shielding properties of the insulation, as well as increase the service life of the entire roofing structure. In the manufacture of membranes they are used modern views polymers. The use of Izospan A has a number of advantages over similar previously used materials:

  • the material has increased mechanical strength;
  • ease of use;
  • the material does not emit harmful substances during operation, it differs environmental safety;
  • maintains performance characteristics for a long time;
  • It is resistant to chemical and biological influences.

Areas of application of Izospan A materials

In the design of an insulated roof

In insulated roofs, the slope of which is over 35°, Izospan A is used as an under-roof wind and moisture protective membrane. The material is used with various types roofing coverings: soft tiles, natural tiles, metal tiles, profiled sheets, etc. The membrane is installed on top of the rafters under the sheathing with a mandatory gap of 5 cm above the insulation. The membrane plays a role protective material to prevent the impact of condensation on load-bearing roofing elements and insulation. Additionally, the membrane acts as a windproof material.

Attention: Izospan A material cannot be used as a temporary roof!

In the construction of walls of low-rise buildings of frame, panel or combined construction, as well as in buildings made of timber, Izospan A is used to protect walls from atmospheric moisture and wind. The material can be used with any type of external cladding - siding, lining. The material is installed under the building skin on the outside of the insulation.

Izospan A can be used in the construction of ventilated facades in multi-storey buildings with external insulation. The purpose of Izospan A in this case is to protect the insulation from the effects of atmospheric moisture and precipitation, wind and cold air, which penetrate the outer cladding through the ventilated gap. Izospan A also ensures the evaporation of water vapor from the insulation.

Installation instructions for Izospan A materials

When performing work on installing insulated roofs, the insulating material is rolled out directly on the rafters on top of the insulation and cut there. The material is laid overlapping in horizontal panels. The smooth side of the membrane should face outward. Installation begins from the bottom of the roof. At horizontal joints, the overlap of the panels should be at least 15 cm, at vertical joints - at least 20 cm. A ventilation gap of 5-8 cm is provided between the roof panels in the ridge area. The material is stretched on the rafters and reinforced with wooden counter-battens impregnated with an antiseptic composition. The diameter of the slats is 3x5 cm. Fastening is carried out using nails or self-tapping screws. Depending on the used roofing material A continuous flooring or sheathing is mounted on the counter-battens. In order to ensure free ventilation of condensate, a ventilation gap of 3-5 cm is left between the insulation and the membrane, the same gap is provided between the roofing covering and the membrane. The membrane is stretched so that the sag between the rafters does not exceed 2 cm. It is necessary to ensure that Izospan A does not come into contact with the insulation, since in this case the waterproofing ability of the material is significantly reduced. The lower edge is positioned so that moisture from the surface of the membrane naturally flows into the gutter. In order for water vapor and condensate to erode unhindered, ventilation must be provided in the under-roof space. For this purpose, ventilation holes are made in the ridge area and in the lower part of the roof to ensure continuous air circulation.

Attention: Izospan A insulation cannot be used as the main roof covering. If it is necessary to temporarily protect building structures, Izospan C or Izospan D insulation materials are offered for use.

When using Izospan A material in the construction of walls of low-rise buildings with external insulation, the membrane is installed on top of the insulation on wooden frame. Work begins from the bottom of the wall. The panels of material are positioned with the smooth side outward in the horizontal direction. The overlap in the vertical and horizontal directions must be at least 10 cm. Insulation material fastened to the frame using galvanized nails; it is possible to use a construction stapler. After the installation of the covering is completed, wooden counter-battens are placed along the frame, which are necessary for installing the outer cladding (siding, lining, etc.). Between the membrane and the outer skin there must be a gap equal to the thickness of the counter-batten (3-5 cm). The lower edge of the membrane is positioned in such a way as to ensure the removal of moisture flowing from the surface of the material into the drainage drain.

When installing Izospan A as part of ventilated facades multi-storey buildings, it is placed with the smooth side facing out on top of the insulation, on the inside of the gap intended for ventilation. Installation is carried out depending on the type of external facing material in accordance with applicable installation system. However, regardless of the installation method, it is necessary to ensure that the material fits tightly to the insulation, and that the material does not sag. The fastening of the material must be strong. The presence of loose sections of the membrane can lead to acoustic “pops” that occur inside the ventilated gap under the influence of a sharp wind. The panels are placed in such a way that moisture penetrating under the cladding drains naturally.

  1. Rafter
  2. Insulation
  3. Izospan A
  4. Lathing
  5. Roof covering
  6. 3x5 cm slats along the rafters
  7. Gutter
  1. Ventilation gap
  2. Lathing
  3. Ventilation gap
  4. Roof covering
  5. Ventilation gap
  6. Rafter
  7. Rail on the rafters
  8. Izospan A
  9. Vapor barrier Izospan B
  10. Insulation
  11. Internal lining
  12. Rail 3x5 cm
  1. Insulation
  2. Izospan A
  3. Ventilation gap
  4. External cladding
  5. Waterproofing
  6. Foundation
  1. Internal lining
  2. Ventilation gaps
  3. Rail
  4. Vapor barrier Izospan B
  5. Rough sheathing
  6. Insulation
  7. Izospan A
  8. External cladding
  9. Waterproofing
  10. Foundation

Technical characteristics of materials Izospan A

Izospan B

The material “Izospan B” is used as a vapor barrier to protect building structures and insulation from moisture vapor that rises from inside the room. The material is intended for use in buildings of all types. Installation of insulating material is carried out on the inside of the insulation; it can be used both in the construction of insulated roofs and external walls, and in the construction of interfloor ceilings. The two-layer structure of the material is a combination of layers with a smooth and rough surface. The rough surface is designed to retain drops of condensation, which subsequently evaporate from it.

The use of vapor barrier "Izospan V" can significantly improve thermal insulation characteristics insulation, and also significantly extend the service life of the entire building structure. At low temperatures ambient air, the material prevents the formation of condensation and corrosion of building structure elements, and also eliminates the possibility of fungal infection. Another functional property of the material is protection against the penetration of fiber insulation particles into the interior of the building.

Areas of application of Izospan B materials

In insulated roof structures:

Izospan B is used as vapor barrier material to provide protection against the penetration of water vapor into the insulation and elements of the building structure. Izospan B also helps protect interior spaces buildings from the penetration of particles of insulation having a fibrous structure into them.

Attention: Izospan B cannot be used as a temporary roof!

Izospan B material can be used as a vapor barrier to protect internal structural elements of walls and insulation from the penetration of water vapor rising from the premises of the building. Izospan B also protects inner space buildings from penetration of insulation fibers.

Izospan B is used in interfloor ceilings as an insulating material. It can be used with all types of insulation. Izospan B is laid between beams (floor joists) on a black ceiling or floor on both sides of the insulation.

At laying parquet and laminate floors

Izospan B is used as a vapor barrier when installing parquet and laminated floors on cement, concrete or other inorganic substrates. The material is laid under the floor covering on a screed.

Installation instructions for Izospan B materials

When installing insulated roofs and in houses with external wall insulation, the vapor barrier material “Izospan V” is mounted on the elements of the supporting frame (posts, rafters, beams) on the inside of the insulation. Installation of a vapor barrier can also be carried out over rough sheathing. The material is fastened using galvanized nails or a construction stapler. On sloping roofs and walls, installation is carried out from bottom to top. Horizontal panels of material are laid overlapping with an overlap of 10 cm. If the room is being finished decorative panels, clapboard or plywood, the vapor barrier is attached to the frame using wooden slats 3x5 cm, impregnated with an antiseptic composition. If the room is finished using plasterboard, the vapor barrier is secured with galvanized profiles. When installing the material, you must ensure that its smooth side fits snugly against the insulation. Finishing material attached to a galvanized profile or frame made of slats with a ventilation gap of 3-5 cm. In order to ensure the tightness of the vapor barrier layer, it is recommended to fasten the panels of material to each other, as well as to building structures– penetrating (antennas, ventilation or chimneys) and enclosing (ceilings, walls). Izospan SL connecting tape is used for fastening.

In walls with external insulation, the material is installed directly on the inner surface of the walls so that its rough side faces the inside of the room. To install material on block or brick walls, connecting tape “Izospan SL” is used. The insulating material is attached using counter-battens or galvanized profiles, onto which the internal cladding material is mounted - plasterboard, plywood, lining, etc.

When using insulating material for basement or attic floors, regardless of the type of insulation used, Euromet specialists advise laying it on the subfloor between the floor joists so that the rough side faces outward. The material is fastened using wooden slats or a construction stapler. The insulation is tightly laid out between the lags (beams). Rolls out between the beams upper layer vapor barrier, with the rough side facing outwards. The vapor barrier is secured using slats. The vapor barrier panels are superimposed on each other so that the overlap is at least 20 cm.

If the material is used when laying parquet or laminate on inorganic bases (cement, concrete), it is laid out with an overlap of 20 cm, allowing for a slight overlap on the walls. Longitudinal seams are sealed using Izospan SL connecting tape.

  1. Ventilation gap
  2. Lathing
  3. Ventilation gap
  4. Roof covering
  5. Ventilation gap
  6. Rafter
  7. Rail on the rafters
  8. Vapor-permeable membrane Izospan A or Izospan AS
  9. Vapor barrier Izospan B
  10. Insulation
  11. Internal lining
  12. Rail 3x5 cm
  1. Internal lining
  2. Ventilation gaps
  3. Rail
  4. Vapor barrier Izospan B
  5. Rough sheathing
  6. Insulation
  7. Izospan A
  8. External cladding
  9. Waterproofing
  10. Foundation

Technical characteristics of materials Izospan B

Izospan S

The material for the manufacture of Izospan S is laminated polypropylene fabric, which is characterized by increased density. Izospan S is used as an additional moisture and vapor barrier on non-insulated roofs. The use of the material allows you to protect wooden roofing and attic floors from the effects of condensation, precipitation and wind, which can penetrate through holes formed as a result of loose laying of the roofing material.

“Izospan S” is installed as a vapor barrier material in interfloor ceilings and serves to protect the insulation from exposure to high humidity. The material can be used in basements, unheated attics and basements.

Another area of ​​application of the material is laying parquet and laminated floors. If floors are installed in basements, basements or wet rooms on moisture-permeable bases, Izospan S is used as a waterproofing layer.

Areas of application of Izospan C materials

Non-insulated sloping roofs

When using insulating material in the construction of non-insulated sloping roofs, it is installed on a continuous boardwalk or sheathing. Horizontal panels of material are laid with the smooth side outward, installation begins from the bottom of the roof. At horizontal joints, the overlap of the panels should be at least 15 cm, the overlap at vertical joints should be at least 20 cm. Euromet specialists recommend fastening the insulating material using a construction stapler or using wooden slats. The joints of the panels are fastened using Izospan SL connecting tape.

When installing Izospan S insulating material in attic or basement floors, regardless of the type of insulation used, Euromet specialists recommend laying it according to subfloor(ceiling) between the floor joists (joists) so that the rough side faces outward. The material is fastened using wooden slats or a construction stapler. The insulation is tightly laid out between the beams. The top layer of vapor barrier is rolled out across the beams, with the rough side facing outward. The vapor barrier is secured with wooden slats. The overlap of panels on top of each other when laying vapor barrier material is at least 20 cm.

The insulating material “Izospan S” can be used for waterproofing floors laid on a concrete base. Waterproofing is installed directly on the slab. The cement screed required to level the floor surface is mounted on top of the Izospan S material.

Technical characteristics of materials Izospan C

Izospan D

Izospan D is a universal vapor- and moisture-proof material. It is made of polypropylene fabric, on one side of which a laminated coating of polypropylene film is applied.

Used when conducting construction work to protect structures from the effects of condensation and water vapor, as well as capillary moisture. Distinguished by its high strength, Izospan D can withstand significant mechanical loads during installation. The material can withstand snow loads for a long time.

“Izospan D” can be used as a universal vapor barrier material in cases where it is necessary to protect insulation and enclosing structures from the effects of water vapor rising from the interior of the building.

“Izospan D” is used in the construction of non-insulated roofs as an additional moisture vapor barrier to protect attic floors and wooden roof elements from the effects of condensation accumulating in the under-roof space, as well as from atmospheric moisture and wind penetrating into the under-roof space.

“Izospan D” can also be used as a waterproofing layer, which is mounted in a cement screed when constructing floors in basements, basements and wet rooms on concrete, earthen or other moisture-permeable bases.

“Izospan D” is used when installing flat insulated roofs as a vapor barrier. In this case, it is laid under the insulation on top of the concrete floor.

Insulating material can also be used to protect walls and roofs from rain and snow as a temporary covering.

Non-insulated sloping roofs

In non-insulated sloping roofs, the installation of insulating material is carried out on a continuous flooring made of boards or on lathing. Horizontal panels of material are laid with the smooth side facing out. Installation begins from the bottom of the roof. At horizontal joints, the overlap of the panels is at least 15 cm, at vertical joints - at least 20 cm. The insulating material is fastened using wooden slats or using a construction stapler. The joints are fastened using Izospan SL connecting tape.

In flat roof structures

On flat roofs"Izospan D" is used for protection roofing structures and insulation against water vapor. The insulating material is rolled out onto the floor slabs or other existing base so that its smooth side faces outward and the overlap of the panels is at least 20 cm. The panels are fastened to each other using Izospan SL connecting tape. Placed on top of panels of material cement strainer, on top of which the insulation and coating material are located. When laying the material under the screed, its ends are placed on the walls to a height of 5-10 cm.

"Izospan D" can be used for waterproofing floors laid on a concrete base. The insulating material is laid directly on the concrete slab. In order to level the floor surface, a screed is mounted on top of Izospan D.

Technical characteristics of materials Izospan D

Izospan AQ

Izospan AQ proff is a professional three-layer super-diffusion hydro-windproof vapor-permeable membrane, used to protect insulation and roofing and wall elements from wind, condensation and moisture from the external environment. The material is laid directly on the insulation without a ventilation gap, which avoids the cost of lathing between the insulation and Izospan AQ proff. Thanks to modern technologies, Izospan AQ proff has high vapor permeability, water resistance and light resistance, as well as increased strength, allowing installation work to be carried out under any weather conditions. These high consumer properties of the material can significantly increase the service life of building structures in low-rise and capital construction.

Areas of application of Izospan AQ materials

Technical characteristics of materials Izospan AQ

Certificates for water vapor barrier Izospan

Certificate of conformity

The roof covering is necessary element to build a house or any other building. The roof performs the function of protection from sun rays and precipitation. The article discusses the types, performance characteristics and features of Izospan vapor barrier, one of the most popular on the domestic market.

Source promizolufa.ru

Why is waterproofing required?

Izospan is used to insulate the roof and protect against moisture accumulating due to the presence of air currents in the room. If you do not take care of protecting the roof, then water gradually accumulates, ultimately leading to the destruction of the insulation system. Because of this, the building becomes cold, and the insulation has to be replaced.

But in order for Izospan to show all his best qualities, it is necessary to prepare for the installation of the protective layer. Before the procedure, you need to make sure that there are no gaps or joints in the insulation. The result is a high-quality layer of an insulation system that does not allow vapors to penetrate from the room and protects the roof from precipitation.

Vapor barrier Izospan technical characteristics

In the manufacture of membranes we use modern technologies, thanks to which Izospan received the following advantages:


    possibility of application in various fields;

    high strength during tear tests;

    fire resistance;

    ease of installation;

    resistance to precipitation;

    resistance to temperature changes;

    resistance to ultraviolet from direct sunlight;


    ecologically clean compound.

Source teplostroi-i.ru

Types of Izospan

There are several types of Izospan, which are marked with letters. Each type is designed for its field of application and has its own special functions and characteristics.

Izospan A

Such membranes allow, on the one hand, the release of steam so that moisture does not accumulate in the thermal insulation, and on the other hand, Izospan allows the insulation to be ventilated. And moisture from the outside, which causes condensation to form, and wind cannot get inside the structure at all. The opposite side of the membrane is waterproof.

The best way to extend the life of thermal insulation is to install an Izospan membrane, which, thanks to its waterproofing properties, will protect the insulation from moisture and wind. Regardless of the quality of the insulation itself, when exposed to the atmosphere, it will quickly lose its properties.

Installation of Izospan A should take into account three basic rules:

    Roof angle may exceed 35 degrees.

    Installation of the membrane in mandatory passes into windless and dry weather.

    Required air gap, created by control slats installed on the rafters.

Source krovly.com.ua

Due to the fact that Izospan A works on the principle check valve, the membrane must be installed outside on top of the insulation. The smooth side should face outward. The membrane is laid in wide strips overlapping the next layer.

Roof vapor barrier

Vapor barrier is carried out starting from the bottom. Installation of Izospan A has important condition: The material must not come into contact with the thermal insulation. Otherwise, the waterproofing properties of the film will be seriously reduced.

An example is a canvas tent, which during rain will leak in the place where a person runs his finger inside. To prevent such a situation, Izospan A is laid using double lathing.

When installing Izospan, it is necessary to ensure that various swellings and sagging do not occur, which will become a source unpleasant sound in gusty winds. Fastening the canvas is possible using a thin strip.

This type of Izospan roofing waterproofing is necessary to protect against internal vapors. Type B consists of two layers: with a smooth structure and with a fleecy structure. The first one is used for better connection with insulation, and the second - to absorb accumulating condensate.

Source baseel.ru

Type B film insulation is used to insulate walls, roofs, and ceilings inside a building. Counts universal remedy protection against condensation.

Due to the peculiar structure of Izospan B, it is laid with the fleecy side down; it is also necessary to maintain a gap to collect condensate and weather it. The membranes must be overlapped with an overlap of more than 10 centimeters.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer services roof design and repair. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Izospan C

This type of insulation consists of two layers identical to Izospan B: the first has smooth surface, and the second - fleecy. Izospan C is used to prevent the accumulation of condensation by absorbing moisture particles indoors. The area of ​​application is identical to type B membranes.

Izospan S performs the following functions:

    Roof protection.

    Insulation moisture and steam.

    Protection wooden and concrete elements from the effects of water.

Izospan C will protect wooden and concrete elements from exposure to water Source yourhome.su

But Izospan S is distinguished by its increased membrane density. For this reason, the cost of the canvas is approximately 50% higher than type B.

Durable material that is completely waterproof. The canvas is one-sided: it is a laminated coating. Thanks to its distinctive feature, Izospan D has a wide range of applications in all types of structures.

Izospan D is used as a barrier that prevents under-roof condensation from collecting. The material resists atmospheric influences well. Often used on construction sites for temporary roofing. Mounted when installing concrete blocks that must be in contact with the ground.

The Izospan D membrane is capable of coping with the most complex tasks:

    Waterproofing floors in contact with the ground.

    Insulation basement floors.

    Creation temporary roof.

Izospan D is completely waterproof Source doorsan.by

The membrane can easily withstand moderate mechanical loads, due to which a large snow load will not damage the material. Type D is the most durable and reliable option. But along with this, the price of the film also increases.

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New developments - energy-saving materials

There are modern Izospan films produced under the FB, FD, FS and FX types, which, thanks to their unique abilities, can reflect up to 90% of infrared radiation. Isolation is the right way protecting the roof from steam, moisture and wind, which also allows you to save on energy costs for heating the house.

Izospan types FD and FS are developed on the basis of polypropylene double film. FX is made from polyethylene foam, and FB is made from kraft paper. All these types have a common element - a metallized side used as a reflective screen, which can often be found when creating warm home. This use of reflective surfaces can be found:

    in the baths, saunas;

    How lining for insulated floors;

    during installation floors;

    at wall cladding(behind batteries or radiators).

Modern Izospan films can reflect up to 90% of infrared radiation Source yaroslavl.tiu.ru

You can also find other types of membranes that are created for certain areas of construction: AM, AS, DM.

Instructions for installing Izospan on the roof

Correct installation of Izospan will directly affect the quality and duration of its operation. Each of the nuances and stages of installation is important and necessary to take into account.

Each type of Izospan is accompanied by separate instructions. In accordance with it, Izospan A must be installed on the outer part of the insulation. To do this, it is cut into strips that overlap each other.

During installation, there should be no swelling or sagging on the film. This is an indicator poor installation membranes

The canvases can be temporarily secured using a construction stapler, but only if the slats are subsequently installed on the structure of the canvases. The slats must be treated with antiseptic compounds. The membrane on the fleecy side must have a gap of 5 centimeters, which is necessary to ventilate moisture and condensation.

Correct installation of Izospan will directly affect the duration of its operation Source pestovodoma.ru

The first Izospan sheet must be installed so that water gets into drainage system. Only after this can the builder proceed to installing the sheathing. If Izospan D is not used, then the flooring must be completed as soon as possible, since these types of membranes are not intended for use as a temporary replacement for roofing. Only Izospan D is suitable as a temporary roof due to its increased density.

The vapor barrier of a building must be approached with full responsibility. The reason for this is the catastrophic consequences of a mistake that a builder can make. After all, after the liquid evaporates (which happens in the bathroom or kitchen), it gets into the insulation, which is why that layer loses its performance. Mold, high humidity rafters, freezing of the roof and much more can await the owner of the house.

Experts advise taking into account several nuances when installing Izospan and its analogues:

    Before installing the vapor barrier, you must read the instructions for the membrane, since when using Izospan type A, B or C, fixation is allowed exclusively indoors, otherwise the necessary qualities will be lost;

    if installation is carried out on the roof attic room, That Counter rails will be required, which will perform two functions at once: put on it interior decoration and the tightness of the joints of the insulation and rafter legs is ensured;

    Izospan AM can be stacked from any side, the main thing is that the layer is placed exactly on the insulation;

    material should not be stretched during installation, the presence of holes and other defects is also not allowed;

    the vapor barrier must be installed on the gables or neighboring slopes, so there must be an allowance of at least 15 centimeters in length.

Material should not be stretched during installation Source pechiexpert.ru

Correct installation of vapor barrier for Izospan roof is necessary condition to protect the house from atmospheric influences.

Video description

From the video you can learn the features of installing Izospan waterproofing:


Properly installed roof insulation from liquid and steam will allow the building to last longer. One of the options for insulation is Izospan, which has excellent performance. The product is characterized as high quality and inexpensive, which makes it one of the most popular methods of vapor barrier.

Today, not a single construction site can be built without vapor barrier membranes: they are used for cladding a house, laying a roof, and insulating a bathhouse. The use of films extends the life of structures and also protects them from the appearance of fungus and mold. Vapor barriers are produced by many manufacturers, but Izospan (Gexa company) has been among the leading brands for several years. Let's look at his example of how to select and correctly lay a building membrane or film.

Vapor protection of the roof and walls serves one purpose - to prevent the formation of a “dew point” inside the structure. This term refers to the temperature at which excess moisture turns into condensation. Indicators vary depending on the initial air humidity - for example, in most residential premises the dew point occurs at a temperature of +10 degrees.

To understand what we are talking about, imagine the room as balloon. If the air inside the room is warmer than outside (and in the middle zone this happens for almost 9 months a year), it will tend to go beyond the “ball”. Cold air, on the contrary, tries to penetrate inside the house. If you do not build a proper barrier that allows warm steam to escape, but does not allow icy air to penetrate inside, they will meet somewhere in the thickness of the wall and fall out as condensation. The result of such a rendezvous is usually not pleasing - wet structures freeze and become covered with mold that is difficult to remove.

Dew point offset

How does a vapor barrier film work? When using it, moist air comes out without being trapped in the insulation, the dew point moves and condensation does not fall out. Installation of a membrane is not always justified. If there is no temperature difference, then no dew point will form. But in many cases Izospan is necessary:

  • when insulating external walls mineral wool;
  • in frame wall structures;
  • on ventilated facades;
  • on slopes and flat roofs, insulated with bulk or fibrous materials;
  • in buildings where there is no constant heating (dachas, country houses);
  • in rooms with high humidity.

It is better to entrust the selection of vapor barrier to a specialist. Of course have general recommendations, but in each case many factors must be taken into account. The most important of them is which side to lay the vapor barrier towards the insulation.

Technical characteristics of Izospan

Types of vapor barrier Izospan

The website isospan.gexa.ru presents a wide range of membranes for all occasions, but we will consider the most common ones.

First, let's learn a few important terms:

  1. Vapor permeability is the ability of a material to allow steam to pass through. The data presented are the result of testing Izospan at the certification institute Central Research Institute of Industrial Buildings.
  2. Maximum tensile force – highest value tensile strength without breaking the material, recorded during testing. Measured in longitudinal and transverse direction.

IN trademark Izospan presents all types vapor barrier films

Waterproofing windproof vapor-permeable membranes

The materials are intended to protect the building structure and insulation from unfavorable factors: accumulation of condensation, as well as the entry of moisture and wind from the external environment. Membranes only work in one direction, so the question of how to install a vapor barrier is very relevant.

The vapor barrier is attached with an overlap

Comparative characteristics

View Areas of use Peculiarities Vapor permeability, not less Roll area, m2
Izospan A Laying the insulation on the outside - under the wall cladding 2000 35,70
Izospan AM
  • frame walls
  • external insulation
  • ventilated facades
  • attic floors
  • insulated sloping roofs
Three-layer membrane. Installs without ventilation gap. Maximum tensile force – 160/100 N/50 mm. 880 35,70
Izospan AS Three-layer membrane. Installs without ventilation gap. Maximum tensile force – 190/110 N/50mm. 880 35,70
Izospan A with OZD ventilated facades Used when conducting welding work or application blowtorch. Contains fire retardant additives. 1800 70
Izospan AQ proff
  • frame walls
  • external insulation
  • ventilated facades
  • attic floors
  • sloping roofs with and without insulation
Three-layer reinforced waterproof membrane 1000 70

Vapor barrier waterproof films

Internal water vapor barrier for walls and roofs protects the premises from the penetration of the smallest particles of insulation, and also prevents the formation of condensation.

Roof waterproofing scheme

Comparative characteristics

View Areas of use Peculiarities Vapor permeability, not less Roll area, m2
Izospan B
  • walls – frame and internal
  • ceilings – attic, basement, interfloor
  • insulated sloping roofs
Double layer structure. The smooth side is attached to the insulation, the rough side is attached to the outside. The second side is responsible for retaining and evaporating condensate. Izospan S is also suitable for concrete floors. 1000 35,70
Izospan C 1000 35,70
Izospan D
  • concrete bases floors
  • roofs – flat and uninsulated sloping
  • basement floors
High-strength woven material, resistant to mechanical stress. Can be used as a temporary roof. 1000 35,70
Izospan RS, RM
  • all types of floors
  • concrete floor subfloors
Three-layer insulation reinforced with polypropylene mesh. Breaking load RS – 413/168, RM – 399/172. 1000 70
Izospan DM
  • roofs – sloping with or without insulation, flat
  • all types of floors
  • concrete floor subfloors
  • walls – internal and frame
Woven vapor and waterproofing with high density. Protects the insulation from atmospheric influences. 1000 70

Reflective insulation with energy-saving effect

Metallized materials not only protect the structure of the house, but also reflect infrared radiation, reducing the time it takes to warm up the room.

Reflective vapor barrier conserves heat

Comparative characteristics

View Areas of use Peculiarities Vapor permeability, not less Roll area, m2
Izospan FB saunas and baths Kraft paper coated with lavsan. Can be used in a steam room. Vaporproof, waterproof 35
Izospan FD
  • warm floor
  • reflective screens
  • sloping roofs
  • frame walls
Polypropylene woven fabric with metallized coating. Breaking load – 800/700. 70
Izospan FS Polypropylene non-woven fabric backed with metallized film. Reduces heat loss. 70
Izospan FX
  • ceilings – attic and basement
  • warm floor
  • reflective screens
  • sloping roofs
  • frame walls
  • underlay for parquet and laminate
Foamed polyethylene, backed with metallized lavsan film. Thickness – from 2 to 5 mm. 36

Important! Detailed information on each type of films and membranes is presented on the official Izospan website.

Installation of vapor barrier

Work on laying films and membranes does not require special qualifications. The most important thing is to comply simple rules installation and monitor which side the vapor barrier is placed on the insulation.

General installation rules

  • Before starting work, carefully study the packaging of Izospan. The manufacturer provides a detailed description of each type of vapor barrier.
  • The material must fit tightly to the surface; a small edge is required in corner areas.
  • Woven and non-woven fabrics are laid with an overlap (at least 15 cm).
  • The vapor barrier is fastened along the perimeter with a construction stapler, and at the joints it is fixed with metallized tape.
  • When installing metallized materials, the shiny side always faces the inside of the room. Films of this type are laid end to end and secured with special adhesive tape.
  • Two-layer vapor barrier Izospan is attached with the smooth side to the insulation, and the rough side - inside the room. When installing floors, the scheme is reversed.
  • Izospan AQ proff, AM, AS, the white side should be adjacent to the insulation.

Vapor barrier Izospan is used for interior and exterior work

Instructions for use of Izospan A

When insulating walls, type A is mounted on top of the insulation, while inner side the film should fit tightly to the thermal insulation, and the outer film should leave a small gap between the vapor barrier and the sheathing. The material is laid from bottom to top (do not forget about the overlap) and fixed with adhesive tape.

At roofing work Izospan A is rolled out over the rafters and the thermal insulation layer, installation is carried out in the direction from the bottom edge to the ridge. After the vapor barrier layer comes the sheathing. Instructions for use of Izospan AM are absolutely identical.

Important! The film should not be stretched too much, but you should not allow it to sag. In the first case, the material may tear, in the second, it may flap under high wind loads.

Instructions for use of Izospan B

Subsequence installation work as follows:

  • The film is attached to the rough sheathing or rafters with the smooth side facing the insulation, the joints are sealed with metallized tape.
  • Installed on top of the vapor barrier metal profiles or wooden slats (recommended size - 40*50 mm) for mounting the sheathing.
  • The finishing material is sewn onto the prepared slats, leaving a gap between it and the vapor barrier.

Important! When installing floors, Izospan V is laid directly on a cement or concrete screed.

Izospan is attached over the sheathing

Instructions for use of Izospan S, D

Vapor barriers S and D are used in several areas:

  1. On non-insulated pitched roofs the material is laid along the rafters, starting from the bottom. The overlap is at least 15 cm. Fixation with a counter-batten - required condition.
  2. On flat roofs, the canvas is placed on the base (floor slabs or other surface). Overlap – from 20 cm.
  3. TO basement floors the film is attached from below using a stapler or wooden slats.
  4. When installing concrete floors, Izospan is also laid directly on the base.

Video instructions: installation of vapor barrier Izospan

As you can see, the range of vapor barriers is not limited to a couple of items, and each item has its own installation features. Even if you decide to attach the film yourself, consult with professionals about the selection of material. Remake roofing pie or removing siding because of one mistake will be extremely costly.


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