Why do you dream about a box of chocolates? Eating candy in a dream

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Surprisingly, in dreams even the most seemingly ordinary, simple things sometimes acquire deep meaning, carry secrets, and open doors to the future.

Those who believe dreams and ask interpreters for answers are often surprised at how accurately one can decipher the signs that appear in dreams and how to successfully apply them in reality. It is worth paying attention to even the most ordinary objects - after all, in dreams they acquire different meanings than in reality.

For example, candy. Symbol of childhood, joy, pleasure and sweet life. Even in reality, a simple box of chocolates can speak of affection, express gratitude, become a romantic declaration of love or an apology.

Sweets are given for all holidays, they are presented simply to bring joy, they are not just a treat.

What can we say about dreams! In that mysterious world everything is not just like that, everything is more complicated. And if you already dreamed of candy, know that it has meaning and a message.

Just to decipher what sweets are in dreams about, you need to pay attention - and remember the details of these “candy” dreams. What were they like, what did you do with them in your dream? For example:

  • You just saw candy in a dream.
  • You dream of a lot of small candies.
  • I dreamed about various sweets.
  • You saw lollipops in a dream.
  • I dream of a display case in which sweets are laid out.
  • You make candy yourself in your sleep.
  • Eating crispy, crumbly candy in a dream.
  • There is a chocolate candy.
  • Sour candy in a dream.
  • You received a box of chocolates from someone in a dream.
  • You gave them to someone yourself.
  • Buying candy in a dream.
  • Or sell them.

“Candy” dreams can mean different things - but, without a doubt, they are not associated with anything bad. Surely, a dream in which they appeared delicious sweets, promises something pleasant - but what exactly will be revealed to us by the interpreter. So remember all the nuances, and we’ll find out why you dream about sweets - they’re so different.

Just watch!

In many dreams, sweets come as if in separate visions - in other words, the dreamer does not eat them, does not touch them, but only sees them from the outside. What does this dream mean? Let's ask the dream books.

1. If you dream of a candy, or several, the dream book says that you can safely expect pleasant emotions associated with communication and joyful events. Let these joys not be on a universal scale, but they will bring you a lot of pleasant and bright things.

2. Seeing a lot of small candies in dreams - caramels, chocolate balls, lollipops and so on - is a lot of pleasures, joys and surprises.

A bright streak awaits you, during which you will receive small but very pleasant gifts from fate in droves. Get ready to enjoy life, or better yet, start now!

3. Sweets come in a dream to predict wealth for you - and rest assured, this dream will come true. You may not even suspect where the money will come from, but you will probably soon become much wealthier than you are now.

4. Seeing lollipops or beautiful multi-colored caramels in a dream is a hint that some pleasures and pleasures await you. Do not deny yourself the joys, enjoy yourself to the fullest!

5. Seeing candies and sweets in a dream in a beautiful display case or on the counter candy store, this is a hint of your daydreaming. Dreaming is useful, as they say, and you must believe in your dream, but just don’t live completely in the world of dreams and illusions, do something real to make them come true.

So tasty and sweet!

You see candy in your dreams, perhaps, less often than you eat, buy, give, and so on. More often than not, we dream about action. But remember what it was like in order to find out exactly what sweets are about in your dreams and draw the right conclusion. What will the interpreter say?

1. If you dream at night about how you yourself, with your own hands, make sweets - chocolate, caramel and more - this is good. Such a dream, in which you made sweets, says that thanks to your diligence and hard work, your well-being will soon improve significantly.

You have a lot of strength and energy, talents and abilities! Use them actively, and soon you will live prosperously and comfortably.

2. It is not only easy to see from the outside, but also with pleasure to eat in a dream a crispy, light, crumbly candy, for example, waffle or with nuts - this is a dream that promises you luxury and pleasure from it.

Social pleasures and refined entertainment high level, good company and joy from these delights. Be worthy of it all and enjoy!

3. Such sweet Dreams, in which you eat delicious chocolate candies - this is a sign of imminent love that will knock on your life. Let her in - sweet experiences, romance and great happiness await you! Don't close your heart to new love!

4. Eating sour candy in a dream is a hint that you are very irritable. Think, maybe it makes sense to work on yourself, become more tolerant of people and events, try to perceive reality more calmly. Irritability does not suit you and significantly harms your precious health, to boot.

5. As the dream book says, candy, which in your dream you suddenly received as a gift from anyone, is a symbol of your speedy prosperity - both in the material sense and in the spiritual.

You will not only become richer financially, having received new opportunities and sources of income, but also, perhaps, you will become richer internally, spiritually, learn to be kinder and wiser, and give joy and light to others.

6. But such a “candy” dream, in which you yourself present candy to someone, indicates an excess of hopes - sometimes they can be empty.

This does not mean that you should not hope, and does not bode well. The dream book simply advises to be more real person, look at the world soberly - and not build unnecessary illusions.

7. Buying candy in a dream is a wonderful sign. If you dreamed about this, feel free to expect great luck and undoubted success in all your good deeds.

Fortune is simply beginning to relentlessly pursue you, which means that now you can implement bold projects and take decisive steps. You'll be lucky!

8. A dream in which you sell candy is very good for the dreamer - it indicates his best qualities that need to be actively implemented. You have a lot of goodness and desire to help those in need, do it - give joy, love, help to other people, this will make you happy.

Such different “candy” dreams, and they are all good and pleasant. What does the dream promise you? Love or pleasure, goodness or good luck - in any case, you should never have the slightest doubt that this will soon come true.

Believe in the best - and your life will change rapidly and confidently better side day after day, joyful events will simply magically happen in your everyday life, and luck will become your companion forever. Without any doubts! Author: Vasilina Serova

In a dream, sweets promise joy, pleasure, satisfaction from life, some kind of holiday. But under the influence of the law of inversion, the interpretation of a dream can change exactly the opposite. Dream books will help you find the correct answer.

Why do you dream about sweets according to Miller’s dream book?

To dream that you are enjoying melted or soft candy is a sign of love joys. A dream in which you make candy with your own hands means pleasant changes in material wealth due to your assertiveness and hard work.

Unsweetened or rancid candy is a sign of irritability and distress. Also this dream means illness. If you are presented with candy, it is a sign that you are being harassed by a persistent and insincere person.

If in a dream you yourself give candy, then in reality you will make someone a constructive proposal of a personal or business nature, but it will not be successful, your hopes will not come true.

Sweets in a dream - Vanga’s dream book

A dream about chocolates means that in reality you are collaborating with fairly conscientious and serious partners who will bring good profits to your work. Trying missing or tasteless candy in a dream means troubles and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A dream in which you savor chocolate treats means that you have a desire to change your life and make it easier. In addition, this dream suggests that you are perfectly adapted to self-development and during this period you will experience incredible luck in everything.

Dreams about candy - Women's dream book

If you receive candy in a dream, it is a sign of great success and prosperity. Presenting a box of chocolates yourself in a dream means that in reality you will be able to make a risky offer that may be rejected. A candy with fruit filling promises erotic adventures to a sleeping person.

What does it mean if you dreamed about sweets in a dream. Dream Interpretation of Medea

The candy symbolizes naive childhood joy and carefreeness. Eating delicacies in a dream means prosperity. Seeing candy means realizing hope.

A delicacy in a bright and colorful wrapper symbolizes a meeting with a pleasant person. If you liked the taste of candy, then meeting this person will be fateful. If the candy is not tasty, you will be disappointed in your opponent.

For the female half of the population, seeing candy in a dream is a sign of popularity among assertive men who cannot always live up to expectations. Buying candy means the imminent arrival of close relatives. Chocolate confectionery are considered a symbol of receiving an impressive amount of money, and caramel is considered to be small change.

Family dream book - why do you dream about candy?

A dream in which you eat chocolate treats is a sign that you will soon find mutual and sincere love. Tasting sour candy means illness.

Receiving these sweets as a gift is a sign of speedy material well-being. A dream where you yourself give someone candy means that your plans will not come true.

Why do you dream about sweets - Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Seeing chocolate candy in a dream means falling in love for the sleeping person. Gifted sweets indicate an imminent invitation to a pleasant celebration. Eating sweet candies symbolizes falling in love or light flirting.

What else can you dream about about sweets?

  • chocolate treats - to a positive mood. In reality they can come to you non-standard ideas however, should not be ignored in the future;
  • buying candy means pleasant pleasures in real life;
  • a lot of sweets means you are not decisive in your relationship with your significant other.
  • steal, steal candy - to achieve your specific goals, thanks to diligent work;
  • candies with nut filling - for intellectual reflection;
  • refusing candy in a dream means the possible development of diabetes;
  • treat, treat someone with sweets - to a pleasant conversation;
  • making sweets - improvement in well-being;
  • trying, sucking lollipops in a dream - to pleasant and varied entertainment.

Have you ever eaten candy in a dream? Perhaps this is one of the most pleasant and “sweet” night visions. However, it is not always worth taking dreams literally. Sometimes, they can carry a deeper (or even opposite) meaning, and also contain omens and warnings.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller is a famous psychologist who, based on his knowledge and observations, developed his own dream book. Based on it, eating candy in a dream means success in love affairs. In addition, your diligence and hard work will certainly be crowned with an improvement in your financial condition.

If you were given candy in a dream, then in real life you should be more picky about making new acquaintances. Most likely, among your surroundings there will be people who pursue selfish goals. If you give candy, then the business or personal relationship you are planning to start will turn out to be a failure.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga believed that eating candy in a dream is a very auspicious sign. If they taste good, this indicates your desire for self-development and improvement. financial situation. Be confident that everything will work out for you. However, if the candy turns out to be bitter or spoiled, you should pay attention to your health.

Sweets are a pleasant dream. Chocolates are evidence that there are only reliable and professional people in your environment. Cooperation with them will bring you career, as well as significant profits.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

A lot of candies and other sweets symbolize the fact that even in adulthood you do not lose your childish spontaneity and carefreeness. This vision also symbolizes the achievement of material well-being.

Adds flavor to delicacies great value dream book There are sweets with pleasant aroma, means meeting a reliable person with whom you can start a family or conduct business productively. If the treat seems rancid to you, then your partner will disappoint you.

If a young girl sees a lot of candies in a dream, then in real life she will have no end of fans. However, you should be very careful when dealing with them. Be selective in your search for your prince. If you dreamed of buying candy, you should expect guests. Most likely, relatives will come to you in the near future.

Women's dream book

Women are so mysterious and unpredictable that a separate dream book was created for them. Eating candy means having a pleasant time with friends and family. If you try a lot of colorful delicacies, then bright entertainment awaits you.

Treats are one of the most pleasant things you can see in your dreams. Eating chocolates means being in good location spirit. Most likely, good luck and inspiration will accompany you in the near future.

Buying sweets promises joy and pleasure. However, if you cannot decide on the choice of sweets, it reflects your indecisiveness and hesitation in real life. Think about what you want to achieve and what you expect from your relationships with others.

Not the most pleasant sign is refusing a treat in a dream. If you don't want to eat candy, you should pay attention to your health. First of all, donate blood to determine the sugar content in it.

Eastern dream book

The wisdom of the East helps to answer any questions. Seeing candy in a dream means that in the near future you will have interesting events, meetings with friends and entertainment. However, if the treats turn out to be bitter or sour, you should be careful not to get into an unpleasant situation.

If in a dream you make candy yourself, then in real life you are a self-sufficient and successful person. Without anyone's help you will achieve your goal. However, you should be careful because many people will want to benefit from your labor.

Seeing candy that someone gave you in a dream means that you will soon have a fan with serious intentions. If you give sweets, this promises you love and a desire to start a family. Nevertheless, you should be more attentive to your chosen one so as not to be disappointed in the future.

Modern dream book

Modern life makes its own adjustments to everything. And even in the interpretation of dreams. Treats are associated with joy, fun and pleasant emotions. What does it mean to eat chocolates in a dream? This is a sign of good health and longevity. If you are currently sick, such a dream promises you recovery.

Multi-colored lollipops or sweets in bright wrappers portend strong jealousy. Most likely, your soulmate is surrounded by too many beautiful and interesting people, in which you see a potential threat.

If in your dream you put candy wrappers in a secluded place, in reality you should reconsider your attitude towards money. Most likely, you are prone to At the same time, you deny yourself pleasures.

Romantic dream book

The consciousness of a person in love changes radically. And even his dreams begin to take on a completely new meaning, which is certainly associated with romantic feelings. So, eating a candy with a pleasant and rich taste in a dream means a happy and carefree life with your chosen one. If the delicacy turns out to be sour, then the relationship will only bring you disappointment.

If in a dream you bought candy, then soon you will receive a pleasant gift from your soulmate. If the sweets are wrapped in shiny paper, then most likely the surprise will be very valuable and expensive.

If you unwrap a candy wrapper in anticipation of a sweet taste, but it turns out to be empty, then this is an illustration of disappointment in your relationship. Apparently, you idealize the object of your adoration too much, but all its shortcomings will soon be revealed.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud invented his own theory, according to which all human motives and aspirations are inextricably linked with sexual instincts. That is why his dream book pays attention to the intimate sphere.

Candy in large quantities means that in real life you are very frivolous about sexual relations. You are driven solely by the desire to have fun, but possible consequences you don't even think. Perhaps it's time to start being more reasonable.

If you buy a box of chocolates in a store, then in real life you have many partners. However, with none of them you have Serious relationships. If one of the candies differed from the others in its wrapper, shape or other characteristics, then you are close to making the final choice.

Esoteric dream book

The interpretation of the dream largely depends on whether there was a wrapper on the candy. If yes, then most likely the people around you are insincere towards you and are pursuing selfish goals. If the candy in the dream was without a wrapper, then you can be sure that you have surrounded yourself with loyal and reliable friends.

If you dreamed of a lot of small candies, then in the near future you will experience many minor, but very pleasant events. If the candy is large, then some great joy, success in business, or a valuable gift awaits you.

If in a dream you try to eat candy, but it crumbles and crumbles, you should reconsider your life values and landmarks. Most likely, secular pleasures, entertainment and idleness are not what you really need.

If the candy was presented as a gift, then you will become a victim of gossip and hypocrisy. If you saw a specific person who presented you with sweets, in life you should keep your distance from him.

A lot of empty candy wrappers is a symbol that your efforts are not leading to the desired result. It is quite possible that the time has come to change your profession to a more interesting and profitable one.

Why do you dream about chocolate candies?? You ask, and the answer to your question will be interpretations from popular dream books.

Do you want to know what chocolate candies mean in dreams?

If you dreamed a lot of chocolates, you can expect:

  • success in the financial sector;
  • good changes;
  • wedding or addition to the family;
  • wealthy patron;
  • successful financial deal.

Miller's Dream Book. What does it mean to see chocolate candies in a dream?

Miller interprets chocolate in a dream very positively: a person seeing in a dream a lot of chocolates, is someone who is able to take care of others, provide for his family and knows how to choose the right partners for joint business. However, Miller suggests that buying stale chocolate may face illness and disappointment in various fields. Unlike Freud, he gives a different explanation for the dream in which a person drinks hot chocolate. In his opinion, this is a process meaningful that the cycle of failures and disappointments is over, and you are on the verge of new beginnings that promise you prosperity and success.

Freud's Dream Book. What does it mean if you dreamed about chocolate candies?

If a person dreamed chocolate candies, Freud claims that such dream can explain a person’s experiences, as well as provide an assessment of his sexual activity.

  • Human, giver chocolate, tender in bed, and capable of satisfying the most demanding partner.
  • If you dream that you are drinking hot chocolate, the psychologist advises you to take it easier on failures in the sexual sphere and not take them personally. Very often the cause of problems is a partner’s bad mood or simple fatigue.
  • If you were burned by hot chocolate in a dream, a person will appear in your life who will amaze you with his temperament and evoke previously unknown emotions and feelings in you.

Hasse dream book. Chocolate candies

Hasse views such dreams as nothing more than a promise of prosperity and excellent health.

What is the interpretation of the dream: Longo’s dream book gives chocolate candies

Longo-like dream interprets it in his own way:

  • Human, eating This delicacy in a dream, in real life, looks for easy ways and strives for an existence unencumbered by vanity and hassle. A person who consumes chocolate in a dream considers himself undeservedly offended, because people around him underestimate his merits, which is the cause of an internal conflict.
  • Giver If you give chocolate, it is likely that someone will try to deceive you for profit, so you need to be especially vigilant in the first three days after you were treated to chocolate in a dream.
  • If you find yourself in this role, it means that you are also looking for an approach to a person for selfish purposes, trying to bribe and appease him in order to achieve what you want.
  • The one who is busy with the process of making sweets is a bright, unusual personality who likes to be the subject of discussion and envious glances.

What else could a dream about chocolates portend?

This favorite delicacy for many people brings pleasure both in life and in dreams. However, the circumstances that accompany a person’s actions in a dream can more clearly decipher the interpretation. If box of candies in a dream was intended for you, prosperity and success await you. If you have seen a picture where you acted as a gift giver of sweets to your partner or girlfriend, most likely in life your offer will not be accepted, and you will be bitterly disappointed.

If you see chocolate candies in a dream, should you prepare for good things or expect problems?

You can find confirmation or refutation of your own interpretations by trusting experts in this field, most of whom interpret such dreams as something pleasant and joyful, but there are exceptions, which can be identified by an accurate reconstruction of the picture and circumstances surrounding the fateful moment.

Every night people dive into Magic world dreams. Some people remember what they dreamed, others don’t. Some remember the night's tale with rapture, while others cannot recover from the horror they experienced. Each dream has its own interpretation. For what dream about chocolates- let's try to explain.

Basic interpretations of sleep

It has long been believed that seeing delicacies in a dream means observing pleasant changes in real life. How more people remembers from a dream, so its interpretation would be more accurate:

  1. All children love candy. Chocolate dreams can visit them too. If a child sees such a dream, it means that he needs the attention of his elders. Parents should pay more attention to their child. When a child loses a sweet find in a dream, this may indicate that in real life he will be separated, but not with sweets, but with best friend. The child's pride will not allow the return of friendship.
  2. It happens that both friends can have the same dream. They eat chocolate candies together. This means that very soon the guys will go on a trip together, where they will relax to the fullest.
  3. Seeing how other people gave chocolate to each other is a sign of envy of someone else's happiness. To prevent this, in reality it is better not to deny yourself “pleasures” and buy something for yourself more often.
  4. Why do you dream about a lot of chocolate candies? Definitely, to good luck and fun. But to hesitate for a long time whether to take them or not is an inability to make responsible decisions in life. Someone does it for you.
  5. For a pregnant woman to see similar dream. There are chocolates for girls who are in an interesting position in life - a prediction that childbirth will take place without complications.

We must not forget about the nuances, every detail is important.

Miller's chocolate candies

In Miller's dream book the following definition is given to sleep with sweets: good luck will smile on a person, life will change for the better. For some, this may be a long-awaited vacation, but for others, just a well-spent day off. Gustav Hyndman Miller draws the attention of his readers to the fact that in a dream every smallest detail is important, which can very accurately explain the dream:

  1. A box of chocolates given to you means success in financial matters, increasing your own capital. Great time for investing in various projects or for a deposit.
  2. If the gift box contains sweets without wrappers, these are dreams in reality that will never come true. So while you can’t rush things, it’s worth thinking carefully about all your plans for the future.
  3. Seeing unusual chocolate figures, beautiful colors - development in a creative direction, career success, meeting necessary and important people. If the chocolate crumbles before your eyes, it means betrayal. It's better to take it now independent decisions, don't trust anyone.
  4. Eating chocolate candies and experiencing a pleasant taste means the emergence of new perspectives or ideas. Bitterness is not a very pleasant conversation with a relative or acquaintance.
  5. If in a dream the filling leaks out of a sweet product, you will definitely have to blush in reality, because your secret skeletons may fall out of the cabinets.
  6. Buy chocolates - for the imminent arrival of relatives whom you have not seen for a long time. There are troubles and a lot to do about this, but the joy from the long-awaited meeting will overshadow all worries.
  7. Making chocolate in the kingdom of Morpheus means improvements in financial affairs, but no one canceled the efforts. You have to work hard to get some benefit.
  8. Seeing expired chocolate products and eating them means an imminent illness or separation from a loved one.

There are many interpretations. Miller draws attention to the fact that it is necessary to take into account all the details and details, as well as the mood in a dream. This will make it easier to determine your future fate in reality.

Dream according to Freud

Sigmund Freud interprets dreams in which sweets are present in his own way. He says that this means changes in intimate life. For example, if a young lady eats chocolate in a dream and enjoys it, it will be the same in life - her partner will be completely satisfied in an intimate way.

For married ladies, everything is a little sadder. If a woman bites a chocolate candy, some ill-wisher will have her eye on her husband. You shouldn’t let everything take its course; it’s better to control your husband and prevent any relaxation in his behavior. But excess emotionality can only do harm.

Interpretations in other dream books

Esotericists have a completely opposite opinion about chocolate products in a dream. They say that this will lead to poor health and problems in business. If you eat chocolate in a dream without pleasure, you need to expect trouble. This can be a serious illness that will take a long time to treat and cost a lot of money.

When an expectant mother gives out sweets to other people's children, it means that she interesting situation someone is jealous. Envy is very bad. If young unmarried girl eats candy in a dream, she is out of balance in life. A guy treats his beloved with sweets from his own hands - a quarrel.

Dream Interpretation of the White Mage interprets dreams about chocolates a little differently. A person who sees such a dream subconsciously wants an easy life. This is the only way to wait a long time, but nothing good will come of it. You need to make efforts for a rich and beautiful life. Sweets also speak of difficulties with finances and large debts. Treating someone with your sweets means hiding your shortcomings.

You shouldn’t completely immerse yourself in the definitions of dream books and follow the prompts, but you can believe in the changes. In life, a person can go for a long time to some important decision, sometimes, dreams come in handy and tell you what to do best.

It is also better not to worry about bad interpretations. Perhaps the troubles will not seem so significant, and the upcoming life prospects will relegate them to the background.


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