Why do you dream about little yellow ducklings? Dream meaning: ducklings

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When you have a strange dream, a person involuntarily begins to think: what is this for? Why did you have such a dream? What does it mean? And it doesn’t matter whether he considers dreams a game (he is also not easy to understand) or an appeal from higher powers.

So it is in this case. A city person, having seen such an “agricultural” dream, will inevitably wonder why little ducklings are dreaming about. You can immediately assume that something good is coming: they are such sweethearts!

Indeed, most dream books consider this dream to be quite good: it means the fulfillment of hopes and pleasant plans. Often, many ducklings are dreamed of as a symbol of family joys. However, sometimes it means that you will have to work hard to achieve a goal.

Interpreters see even more pleasant prospects if the duckling swims in the water. A dream in which ducklings swim towards him promises wonderful changes and surprises, good news. A long journey, perhaps by water - if the direction of the ducklings lies in a different direction.

A dream in which white ducklings walk in front of village house. But if the ducklings are black and running around a city apartment, then this is time for cleaning.

In general, there are many different thoughts about why little ducklings dream. Those interpreters who are sure that any or almost any dream means trouble, and here, unlike everyone else, they see something bad.

Why do you dream about a lot of ducklings?

A lot of troubles and worries are guaranteed! A duckling in the water, according to interpreters, means injury; chasing a duckling can cause you to become the object of a crime, and a duckling running after a duck even means that those around you perceive the sleeping person as a weak-willed person.

And dreams of chickens are not good: mainly, they mean an increase in problems. Actually, if you think about it, in reality a lot of ducklings and chickens mean the hassle of caring for this naughty scattering flock (I wonder if the teacher dreams about them primary school– is this for a field trip?). So, what little chickens and ducklings dream of is already clear: a lot of problems.

Why do you dream of newly hatched ducklings?

In general, dreams about ducklings and chickens promise only pleasant and cheerful events. Therefore, worries about why I dreamed similar dream, it shouldn’t be, because little ducklings don’t mean anything bad.

Charming ducklings, which evoke tenderness or anxiety in a dream, are interpreted by dream books, as a rule, from the point of view family well-being. Finding out what funny fluffy balls mean in dreams is both interesting and useful.

Dreams with these chicks are pleasant to remember, and in addition, it is useful to know their interpretation.

Symbol of home comfort and freedom

If you dreamed of ducklings - such touching, cute creatures, what do dream books say about this? Such dreams are very ambiguous. On the one hand, these chicks are a symbol of a pastoral, serene life, a home, and love for neighbors. On the other hand, these are free migratory birds.

Why did you dream of little ducklings, helpless, obviously from a village farmstead? Dream books promise an unexpected gift that does not have much material value, but is infinitely expensive, which will make family life even happier. Perhaps this will be a sign of the attention of a loved one or an addition to the family is expected.

Miller’s dream book interprets seeing ducklings learning to fly in a dream as a desire for marriage. Miller predicts charming offspring and his own good home. If you already have a spouse, there is a journey ahead in which he will open up from a new side, and Freud’s dream book advises using this information correctly.

If in a dream you observed a brood of wild chicks, the craving for a free life will prevail over sober calculation. There are journeys ahead that are not limited to a specific route. It may happen that the desire for independence will even lead to a severance of family ties.

Seeing many small ducklings in a dream, unaccompanied by adults, reflects the dreamer’s independence and portends a creative takeoff and the implementation of business projects.

Ducklings in trouble are a sign of trials

Sometimes sentimental dreams leave a heavy aftertaste. Why do you dream that ducklings are crying restlessly? Islamic dream book interprets this as bad sign. Increasingly, the unfortunate will cry out for help, needing your immediate intervention and participation. However, do not confuse the desperate cries of birds with the cheerful hubbub that promises a house full of guests.

In a dream, feeding hungry, exhausted ducklings means that not just anyone, but relatives will cause serious trouble. If the chicks look for food themselves, diving deep in search of it, dream books say that the person will be forced to do hard, forced work, receiving nothing for this slave labor.

The most unfavorable predictions from dream books concern what dead ducklings mean in dreams. If they lost their mother, but remained alive, it means that the dreamer still has the opportunity to correct the consequences of unseemly actions, but if they died, all that remains is to lament their rashness and missed opportunities. All hopes, all plans can collapse overnight.

I wonder what yellow ducklings dream about - it speaks of infantility, unpreparedness for decisive independent action, and innocence. Even a child can outwit such a person. The time to expect good news comes when they are trying to catch ducklings in a dream. If you manage to catch it, a streak of success awaits.

Brood as a sign of family happiness

Seeing a duck with ducklings swimming on calm water in a dream means that a white streak is coming in a person’s life. Fate, more than ever, favorably sends pleasant surprises and good luck - this best moment for new projects. Fame, recognition and financial independence lie ahead.

Dream books also give other interpretations of why a duck with a brood of ducklings dreams - according to one version, a long-awaited addition is expected in the family, according to another, the dreamer is tired of household chores and needs rest. Good sign Seeing newly hatched ducklings in a dream is a symbol of liberation from obsessive fears. All worries will be left behind, the burden of overwhelming responsibility will be dropped.

Seeing goslings and ducklings in a dream, according to the dream book, is a sign of useful acquisitions that will make the house even more comfortable. In a dream, ducklings and chickens appear at the same time as an unexpected wealth that strengthens the well-being of the family. If there was a chicken nearby, married woman dream books say that household chores bring her peace and pleasure.


Dream meaning: ducklings

If you are wondering why ducklings dream, the dream book will give you the answer.

To correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember where you saw the birds, what they were doing, and what color they were.

Friendly family

If you had a dream in which a duck with ducklings appeared, the dream book regards this as a good, encouraging sign. Prosperity, constant income and recognition from others await you.

But don't think that this will happen very soon. To reach a certain level you need to work hard. It will be better if you can do it yourself, without outside help.

You dream of a duck with its babies swimming after it when you are standing on the threshold of a new, more beautiful life. And seeing them in the grass means being on the right path.

Chicks that a duck hugs with its wings means that you have a reliable patron. And if you dream about birds taking off, then a swift career and a significant increase in salary.

A dream where a duck hatches eggs and ducklings emerge from them can be seen in front of important meeting, where you will learn a lot of new things. And a bird that abandoned its chicks dreams of independent adoption important decision, which will become fateful in your life.

Seeing a duck with chicks swimming in your bathroom is a sign of dear, influential guests. And if the birds are located on your bed, then a pleasant acquaintance awaits you, which over time will develop into a romantic relationship.


Seeing a lot of ducklings in your yard means you will soon get useful information. And if the chicks were at your home, then the dream book promises a noisy holiday that you will remember for a long time.

A dream in which not only ducklings, but also chickens were present, speaks of your versatility and erudition. And ducklings next to a cat or dog promise reconciliation with a long-time offender.

  • To dream that you are holding a duckling in your palm is good news.
  • Seeing him trying to take off is a risky act.
  • The dream in which babies sleep is a sign of a calm, productive conversation with a competitor.
  • Little ducklings fight among themselves - to disagreement with friends.
  • Buying them means doing a profitable business.

If chicken eggs produce ducklings rather than chickens, then your loved ones may deceive you. And when in a dream you count them, but you are unable to do it, then in reality you will receive a good material reward.

As the dream book writes, chicks dream about the nest before renovation. And to see them swimming in a pond means to enjoy a quiet, peaceful family life. Dead ducklings promise long years lives filled with bright events.

If you had a dream about ducklings, be sure to look into the dream book and decipher this dream.


Dream Interpretation Duck with ducklings

Why do you dream of a Duck with ducklings in a dream according to the dream book?

Seeing a duck and ducklings in a dream is a harbinger favorable events. On the way to your desired goal, wealth awaits. You will be able to gain respect from your work colleagues.

Don't expect the plot of your dreams to come true in the near future. In order to achieve all this, you need to work hard. Otherwise there will be neither wealth nor respect.


Dream meaning: chickens

We perceive dreams as an integral part of life and often do not pay attention to them.

But if we dreamed unusual dream, its content makes you think about the interpretation of dreams. Indeed, for a city dweller to see chickens in a dream is at least unexpected.

Small fluffy yellow lumps evoke positive emotions, but most modern people does not collide in real life with domestic chicks.

Such a dream arouses curiosity, and makes skeptics think about the unconscious. You can find out why chickens dream with the help of dream books.

What exactly did you dream about?

Since chicken is the most common food in many countries Domestic bird, living with humans for many centuries, the interpretation of dreams in which her chicks appear coincides in most dream books.

Little chickens and ducklings cause a lot of trouble not only for their mother, but also for their owner, so the main meanings of sleep are various troubles and problems. When interpreting a dream about chickens, one must take into account:

  • Age of chicks.
  • Their number.
  • The circumstances under which you saw them in a dream.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book indicates that if you dream:

  • A brood of chicks - in the future, various worries and troubles await you that can benefit you.
  • Like chickens entering the chicken coop in the evening, you have ill-wishers who are plotting some kind of evil against you.
  • Small, recently hatched chicks promise success in your endeavors, but this success will require serious physical effort.
  • If you eat chicken, your affairs and personal relationships are at risk. Moreover, your image will suffer in the future due to your selfishness.
  • If you dream of a chicken (or there were a lot of them) and a hen, pleasant meetings at home or a new addition to your family await you, and chicken eggs in the nest they dream of wealth and a happy marriage.

Sometimes in a dream, chickens are accompanied by ducklings, which, according to Miller, portend a pleasant surprise in the material sphere that can positively affect your life.

What do other dream books say?

1. An ancient Persian dream book states that men dream of a chicken sitting on eggs to indicate that a friend is unexpectedly pregnant.

2. And Tsvetkov’s dream book interprets a dream about hens with chicks as impending losses.

At the same time, chickens and their chicks pecking at grain dream of guests or money.

3. The English interpreter claims that a dream about a hen and chickens warns of the loss of a loved one. And for a farmer, this is a harbinger of a bad year.

4. If you dream that a hawk attacked a chicken, the chicken rushed to fight it off, and you yourself rushed to save the chicken, it means that your defender needs your help (this is how this dream is interpreted by Aesop’s Dream Book).

5. According to the Chinese dream book, eggs hatched by chickens are a great joy in dreams.

6. Interpretations gypsy dream book They are somewhat different from the rest due to the specific traditions of this people. Thus, dreaming of chickens promises dreamers a large income. If you dream:

  • A chicken laying eggs means good luck awaits you.
  • Hens and chicks foretell receiving influential support that you have long sought.
  • The chickens you feed - expect minor troubles.

7. Noble dream book Grishina interprets the dream about hens and chicks as future family joy. And eggs laid by a chicken are like a joyful event in the future.

According to this dream book, seeing chickens in a dream means good luck, and feeding them means poverty. Dreamed about large quantities chickens promise hard work in the future.

8. Interpreter Shereminskaya claims that guests dream of a lot of chickens, and birds pecking at grain portend profit.

A dream in which chickens are present may have a psychological background, so for accurate interpretation It is important not to limit oneself to its brief meanings.

Interpretation of dreams taking into account psychological factors

A small chicken or duckling evokes sympathy and tenderness, and the defenselessness of the chick is a desire to show care, so the chicken symbolizes a weak person in need of care. If you dreamed:

1. A chick rushing about and squeaking, in reality you will protect a resigned and unrequited person, while gaining the respect of others.

3. The chick is in your hands - do not rush to accept the (at first glance profitable) offer, otherwise you risk causing unnecessary trouble.

4. A chicken trying to fly, good news awaits you (ducklings trying to fly portend wealth, and ducklings diving to the bottom - loss).

5. The hatching chick promises the implementation of your plans and projects with efforts on your part.

Freud's Dream Book notes that small chickens are a sign that draws your attention to your health. Freud associated feeding the chicks with the inexperience of your sexual partner and your role as a mentor in the world of sex.

If you pay attention to esoteric dream book, chickens indicate an emptiness in your life, filled with small chores and trivial worries.

If you compare the dream meanings in various dream books, you can correctly interpret your dream!


Little ducklings a lot

Dream Interpretation Little ducklings a lot dreamed of why there are a lot of little ducklings in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of little Ducklings in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing an incongruously small nose, mouth, ear, or any organ of the body in a dream is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small portends that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Finding yourself in a small house or small room in a dream means that in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Play with small stones - a noble son will be born.

Small fish lay eggs - great happiness and benefit.

A small door to the room opens - predicts a love affair.

Small sprouts, opening buds - portends many unpleasant situations.

Seeing yourself in hemp thickets portends illness.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Become small size, growth in a dream (especially in comparison with someone) means fear, danger that you are afraid of, defenselessness, weakness of spirit. Such a dream also means that you have strong enemy. If you dream that some objects have decreased in size, then see the interpretation: them by name. Such a dream foreshadows a weakening of the meaning of these objects. See interpretation: little things.

Dream Interpretation - Little girl

The dream promises losses in the house. Perhaps one of the relatives (close or acquaintances) will leave home or city forever. If a girl talks to you in a dream, then one of your friends will die a “not natural” death.

A dream in which you see a little girl whose hair someone is braiding, foretells the appearance of a child in your home. A child will naturally require care and attention, but will also bring with it a lot of joy and pleasure. Perhaps the plans you have made will come true. If you have adult daughter, time to take care of the dowry for her.

Dream Interpretation - A lot of something

Many snakes - indicates matters related to the afterlife.

Many people dressed in white clothes indicate matters related to service.

Many people dressed in blue clothes - indicates separation from family, separation from loved ones.

Lots of people wearing purple or purple clothes - indicates abuse.

Stabbing a person repeatedly with a knife brings joy and benefit.

Many people gathered around the stove in the house - portends harmony in relationships and happiness.

Many people dressed in red clothes indicate great happiness and good luck.

Lots of fruits fruit trees- indicates that children and grandchildren are in good condition.

There are a lot of fruits on fruit trees - this indicates that children and grandchildren are in good condition.

You lift a basin or a bucket, and the bottom falls off - foreshadows ruin.

Dream Interpretation - A lot

If you dream that you have a lot of something, then do not expect your hopes to come true. This is a dream in reverse. He encourages you to be thrifty and appeals to your common sense. If in a dream you have a lot of food, then you will have to starve; if there is a lot of money, then a long period of need and deprivation awaits you; if there is too much health, then you should save it in life without wasting it.

Dream Interpretation - Small house or house where the individual was born

Mother's body, womb: perhaps a regressive fantasy of avoiding problems.

Stable home life.

Dream Interpretation - Little boys

Achieve long life, health and great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Little guys

You have a lot of work and work ahead of you.

Dream Interpretation - Small nose

Damage awaits you.


Many chickens, ducklings and goslings

Dream Interpretation - Geese

In general, seeing a lot of geese for a widow means a new marriage, as well as pleasant acquaintances, guests or income. Here you also have men flashing in your dreams. However, fragmentary dreams or dreams with an active change of pictures, flickering are more likely a reflection of the internal plan than a dream for interpretation.

Dream Interpretation - Geese

Good evening Tatyana! Geese are both dangerous and very good. This is a kind of security, independent and very strict. If you treat her not politely, rudely, you can fall under their heavy beak. In addition, geese are a significant profit. It’s very good when in a dream a person strokes or feeds geese, and it doesn’t matter how they behave, the main thing is that they eat. Other people's geese are also not bad, since some share of the profit will still stay with you. Good luck to you!

Dream Interpretation - Geese

It's time to start healing...

Dream Interpretation - A lot of blood

Your relationship with life (fingers) is complicated due to your own perception of yourself (clothing), this perception requires a radical and rapid change (blood, operations). Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Many small vipers

Snakes in a dream are always your enemies. And if there are many of them, then this speaks for itself. It's good that they were small. The fact that you descended the mountain relatively safely indicates that some troubles, most likely of an official nature, will be resolved successfully.

Dream Interpretation - A lot of people

There are conversations about your personal life and relationships in your environment (there are a lot of people in your dreams), you try to stop them, as they cause fear (hiding in the room), especially since you feel that there are unpleasant people associated with your past relationships , or they will appear very soon (mice, bird), although they are not directly related (small). Soon your relationship with this young man will resume - (skating in the snow in winter - a love date)

Dream Interpretation - A lot of people

Rats or mice in a dream mean the loss of some thing from the house, and this thing is dear to you as a memory rather than materially valuable. But the most interesting thing is not this, but the fact that you will find out who will steal this thing from you, it will be your acquaintance (not a stranger), and as a result there will be a cooling in love. (3 winter in a dream)

Dream Interpretation - A lot of people

You are tired of depending on other people's opinions, on other people (reaction to the crowd), you hide from it in your little world (room). This will not save you and you feel an internal need to expand your perception, worldview, horizons, since it has become “crowded within the walls” of your own worldview (balcony), this is the path for good. But the motivation for this need, both for and against you, is still weak (mice, bird), you are not ready for change (close the door). The second part of the dream - a reflection of your current thoughts, desires and experiences - does not contain any clues. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Many crocodiles in clear water

Such a dream means danger. But they didn’t touch you in your sleep, so I’m inclined to think that the danger will pass

Dream Interpretation - Many keys

Good night, Tatyana! There is a saying: “There are many apartments, but no money to get there.” You have a biased attitude towards life and others. Think again - my advice to you. It's not about apartments or education. For a person, there is only one criterion of his importance in this world - the level of Spiritual Development. Everything else is nonsense. I assure you that every day you can see homeless people at the trash bin, who, in fact, can be your spiritual teachers, and they are the Light of the World. The main thing is that you do not become his darkness...

Contents [Show]

Ducklings in a modern dream book

Domestic ducklings dream of mutual understanding in the family and future prosperity. If they swim away from you, get ready for an exciting journey. If they are swimming towards you, good news awaits you. If you dreamed about ducklings on Wednesday night, they will come good days, you can go on vacation in nature. But on Thursday night such a dream says that you will try to save a drowning man by giving him your hand, but this will not help him. Seeing white ducklings walking around a farm in a dream means prosperity and a rich harvest.

Ducklings in Miller's dream book

Ducklings swimming in clean ponds, promise you successful, possibly sea voyages. Ducklings white good things are predicted in the peasant yard bountiful harvest. If you dreamed of very little ducklings, expect a pleasant material surprise that will change your life for the better. Duck hunting speaks of surprises that will change your plans. And if the hunt is successful, then people who are negatively disposed towards you will interfere in your affairs. The flight of ducks promises generous gifts from fate, including happy marriage, new home, beautiful kids.

Ducklings in Freud's dream book

Swimming ducklings predict a trip in which you will learn interesting information about your partner. You need to use the acquired knowledge correctly. If you see yourself eating ducks, then you are in vain hoping that your partner’s behavior or attitude towards you will change. Therefore, decide right away whether you can put up with his behavior or whether you need to end the relationship immediately. Hunted ducks in a dream - this is advice to you that you don’t need to pay too much attention to strange behavior loved one. It is difficult to draw conclusions about his true attitude towards you from his actions.


Their appearance in a dream often predicts various childhood memories, communication with children, pleasant surprises and incidents.

Usually, several babies with beautiful yellow or black feathers or just fluff mean that soon you will meet your childhood friend or girlfriend and will spend time with these people. Or you will play with interest with the kids.

If you want to understand why ducklings dream, pay attention to what kind of ducklings they were.

Live, real or toy? This is what they dream about most often.

Real, live

The dream book interprets their appearance differently for urban and rural residents. Usually, ducklings in a dream represent profit, prosperity in the house, or the successful completion of some business or activity. Modern books indicate that very soon you will receive good news or learn about success.

Sometimes seeing a lot of little fluffy balls in someone else's house is a sign of envy or a new addition to the family. For example, a child may be born there very soon or a woman may become pregnant. Sometimes dreaming of little yellow chicks predicts the birth of twins or the same age. At the same time, children will be loved and cherished in the family.

In some cases, the dream book writes why you dream of little yellow ducklings in someone else’s house or yard, like this: soon grandchildren or great-grandchildren will visit the house, and they will be greeted with great celebration and fun.

Sometimes one duckling dreams of the birth of a grandson or granddaughter, as well as the appearance of twins in the house. For childless couples or those who cannot have an addition to their family, a dream about little ducklings means profit and successful completion of work, as well as a deal, as a result of which what has been started will be successfully completed. There will soon be a significant improvement in your material life or you will learn about a pleasant event or profit.

Domestic bird

The little ducklings you see in your dream may come as a surprise. The dream book gives several interpretations here. Seeing ducklings in a dream means profit, successful completion of some business or household chores.

Newlyweds may dream of their appearance as a sign that the woman will soon become pregnant and twins may be born.

Sometimes such a dream, if seen immediately after the wedding, predicts that the family may subsequently become large or your future activities will be related to children or kindergarten. In some situations, the dream book of ducklings is interpreted as a symbol of childhood memories and happiness.

The dream book writes that in the near future you can visit a house where there will be many kids, as well as an event where there will be many children’s performances and performances.

If you had a dream in which a little duckling is running around the room, then such a vision predicts a surprise for you.

Rural residents have such a dream that they will make a profit or that a boy or girl will visit you. For those who have children, the duckling dream book means that they can bring a pet into the apartment, for example, a kitten or puppy. In some situations, the dream book writes that very soon you will make some profit or successfully complete some business.

Sometimes the dream book writes why you dream of a yellow and cheerful duckling, like this: very soon your child will delight you with some kind of surprise. For example, he will take a place in a competition or come up with some business that will turn out to be very interesting and reasonable.

Healthy or not

A sick, skinny and non-viable duckling in a dream predicts trouble for you. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you yourself will feel sorry for yourself, and that those around you will not understand or perceive you. This negative meaning a dream in which a little duckling dreams.

If he has died, then qualities such as self-pity may disappear in you, and you will feel beautiful, vigorous and vital. For those who have small children, a non-viable and sick duck chick in a dream predicts a misfortune that could happen to them. Sometimes a dream predicts a hooligan act that will have adverse consequences.

A duck in a dream usually predicts a female mother. Unlike the hen, she will be quite pretty, feminine and not obsessed with her children and home, but she may turn out to be a big and self-confident brawler who will hiss at everyone who, as it seems to her, is encroaching on her babies.

Why little ducklings dream about her is not difficult to guess: they will show her inner world, well-being and happiness, as well as what she fiercely protects and protects. Modern dream book writes that a duck with babies means a meeting with a young mother, bright and bold, brave and even hot-tempered, jealously guarding her well-being and family hearth.

Children's dreams

Children and teenagers dream of little chicks for joy, children's party and an event where they will simply be happy. A modern dream book writes that such a dream often means good news, small pocket money or the addition of a family.

Sometimes such a dream is about some kind of performance, holiday or event at which you can show your own charm or artistic abilities.

Toy and cartoon characters represent childhood memories or working with children. It is possible that a mother and children will soon visit your home, and you will have to receive them.

In some situations, baby ducks, including those on T-shirts, can dream of love, joy, and also the fact that very soon you will be immersed in childhood or allow yourself spontaneity and memories. But giving toy daughters and sons to ducks, throwing them away or leaving them - for some dreamers means saying goodbye to childhood and the beginning of growing up.

The toilet duck predicts unpleasant chores or getting rid of troubles if you manage to clean this place.

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Seeing ducklings in a dream is a very good sign, which predicts that soon everything will get better in your life and all your hopes will be fulfilled. Of course, this can only be interpreted if you did not dream about dead or crippled ducklings.

In this case, we can say that all your plans will be violated in the most rude way, and you will have to go through more than one difficult day, mourning missed opportunities.

If you dreamed of ducklings swimming after a duck in clean water, then in reality pleasant changes and surprises await you. If you dreamed that you were killing a duck, but the ducklings remained alive, it means that in reality you have committed an unseemly act, but you still have the opportunity to correct everything.

If you had a dream in which a mother duck teaches ducklings to fly or swim, then fate will become more favorable to you than it was before. You can hope that this period of your life will be initial stage building a happy and harmonious life.

This is the time that is most favorable for starting a family, having children, starting your own business, and so on. If you dreamed that in a dream you heard the cries of ducklings, then in reality they will very often turn to you for help.

In addition to explanations of why ducklings dream, you can find out the interpretation of other dreams - to do this, use the alphabet at the top of the page.

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Why do you dream about little ducklings?

In chapter Dreams to the question Why do we dream about little goslings and ducklings??? given by the author Yovetik the best answer is Birds have always symbolized receiving news or the appearance of guests.
Seeing many different birds in a dream is a harbinger of a process or meeting in which you will have to take part.
A goose in a dream is a symbol of anxiety, news from a friend who will warn you of danger. Hearing his cry in a dream means success in business, which will be accompanied by the revelation of a certain secret and condemnation. A goose in a dream also symbolizes stupidity and unwise actions.
A duck in a dream means marital harmony, family happiness. Fat domestic ducks in a dream are a sign of wealth and prosperity for your family. wild ducks in a dream foreshadow failures, obstacles in business and indicate the irretrievability of losses.
If you dream that someone pinched you, then do not believe false rumors.
Blood in a dream is a symbol of life, health, prosperity, kinship, surprise. Blood pouring from a wound is a sign of an unsuccessful deal, which will cause you a lot of trouble and losses.

2 answers

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Why do you dream of little geese and ducklings???

Answer from Natalia Sirotkina
Seeing ducks swimming on clear water in a dream means that you will soon have interesting trips, perhaps by sea. If you dreamed of white ducks walking around the yard around the house, then this year there will be a rich harvest. A dream in which you hunt ducks foreshadows changes that may occur in your business. Seeing shot ducks means that enemies will try to interfere in your personal affairs. A dream in which you see flying ducks is favorable, as it promises bright prospects in business. You will also be pleased with obedient children and an accommodating wife. Contextual Runner
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If in a dream you hear a goose cackling and it annoys you, then in reality your home will be in trouble. Seeing geese swimming portends favorable changes. Seeing geese nibbling grass in a dream means great success. A dream in which you call geese to one place means that career growth awaits you. If you dreamed that you were eating a goose, in reality you should be prepared for disagreements with your colleagues at work.

Answer from [email protected]
Small animals in a dream are often small children in real life. Not necessarily yours - maybe you met yesterday - so I dreamed :))
Good luck! May the Force be with you! Elleanelle

Answer from Marina Mikhailovna
to profit

Answer from Liliya Kravchenko
To pregnancy

2 answers

Hello! Here are more topics with the answers you need.

Small, fluffy ducklings evoke tenderness in many people. Dream books interpret what ducklings dream about from the point of view of family well-being.

What do they symbolize?

Touching and cute baby ducks, if you look at some dream books, have a very ambiguous interpretation. On the one hand, ducklings serve as the personification of a serene and peaceful life, a home center of love for loved ones. But on the other hand, these are free creatures who do not stay in one place for long. Little ducklings in a dream foretell the dreamer an unexpected, non-material value gift that will make family life even happier. It is quite possible that this will be a surprise from a loved one or a long-awaited pregnancy. Here are a few more interpretations of why ducklings dream:

  • Watching wild duck chicks is a craving for free life. The thirst for freedom will triumph over cold calculation and, perhaps, it will happen that this will cause a severance of ties with the family;
  • Seeing a lot of ducklings without a duck is a sign of creative takeoff and the implementation of business projects. Such a dream perfectly reflects the independence of the sleeper;
  • The Ducks Flying Away is an interesting ride;
  • Birds swim in clear water - a sea voyage;
  • A flock of ducks with a brood are heading towards a pond - reconciliation with a friend or lover;
  • Ducklings with white plumage, walking freely around the yard - prosperity and happiness;
  • Ducklings are sleeping - a calm and fruitful conversation with a competitor;
  • Buying ducklings means starting a profitable business;
  • Holding a small chick in the palm of your hand is good news.

If in your dream, in addition to ducklings, there were other baby birds (for example, chickens), then this indicates that you are a very erudite and versatile person. Chicks sitting in a nest, according to the dream book, are usually dreamed of before renovations, and chicks swimming peacefully in a pond represent the joy of a quiet family life. Dead baby ducks, despite the negative connotation of the plot, promise the dreamer longevity and a life filled with bright and positive events. If in your dream you are trying to count ducklings, but nothing works out for you, rejoice: a solid financial reward awaits you ahead.

Ducklings and family happiness

A duck with ducklings swimming in a pond is a sign of the onset of a white streak in the dreamer’s life. Fate, more than ever, is favorable to you and sends you success. Now best time to start a new project, don't miss out unique opportunity: Fame, success and financial independence await you.

Dream books offer other interpretations of a dream about a duck with a brood:

  • Seeing a duck and ducklings is a long-awaited addition to the family. According to another version - the need for rest;
  • Seeing newly hatched chicks is a sign of liberation from phobias. The burden of responsibility will fall from your shoulders, and worries will remain a thing of the past;
  • Seeing goslings and ducklings in a dream is a useful acquisition that will make your home even more comfortable;
  • Baby ducks and chickens are an unexpected wealth that will strengthen family ties.

If there was also a chicken next to the chicks, then for married ladies such a dream can mean chores around the house, which, contrary to expectations, will bring pleasure and peace.

Freud's dream book about ducklings

In your dream, do you watch babies learning to swim or fly? Prepare your bags: an exciting trip awaits you soon, thanks to which you will learn a lot of valuable information about your chosen one or business partner. By wisely using the information received, you can increase its value several times. Hunting ducks in order to shoot the youngest ducks in a dream will result in strange behavior of one of your loved ones in reality. However, you should not take this too seriously: it is unlikely that one case can make a final conclusion about this person’s true attitude towards you.

If you ate duck in a dream, then there is no point in waiting for your loved one to change his views and habits if you really want it. You will have to make a serious decision: are you ready to accept your partner for who he is? Perhaps, as a result of long thought, you will come to the conclusion that this relationship is burdening you and the best way out would be to end its existence.

Charming ducklings, which evoke tenderness or anxiety in a dream, are interpreted by dream books, as a rule, from the point of view of family well-being. Finding out what funny fluffy balls mean in dreams is both interesting and useful.

Dreams with these chicks are pleasant to remember, and in addition, it is useful to know their interpretation.

Symbol of home comfort and freedom

If you dreamed of ducklings - such touching, cute creatures, what do dream books say about this? Such dreams are very ambiguous. On the one hand, these chicks are a symbol of a pastoral, serene life, a home, and love for neighbors. On the other hand, these are free migratory birds.

Why did you dream of little ducklings, helpless, obviously from a village farmstead? Dream books promise an unexpected gift that does not have much material value, but is infinitely expensive, which will make family life even happier. Perhaps this will be a sign of the attention of a loved one or an addition to the family is expected.

Miller’s dream book interprets seeing ducklings learning to fly in a dream as a desire for marriage. Miller predicts charming offspring and his own good home. If you already have a spouse, there is a journey ahead in which he will open up from a new side, and Freud’s dream book advises using this information correctly.

If in a dream you observed a brood of wild chicks, the craving for a free life will prevail over sober calculation. There are journeys ahead that are not limited to a specific route. It may happen that the desire for independence will even lead to a severance of family ties.

Seeing many small ducklings in a dream, unaccompanied by adults, reflects the dreamer’s independence and portends a creative takeoff and the implementation of business projects.

Ducklings in trouble are a sign of trials

Sometimes sentimental dreams leave a heavy aftertaste. Why do you dream that ducklings are crying restlessly? The Islamic dream book interprets this as a bad sign. Increasingly, the unfortunate will cry out for help, needing your immediate intervention and participation. However, do not confuse the desperate cries of birds with the cheerful hubbub that promises a house full of guests.

In a dream, feeding hungry, exhausted ducklings means that not just anyone, but relatives will cause serious trouble. If the chicks look for food themselves, diving deep in search of it, dream books say that the person will be forced to do hard, forced work, receiving nothing for this slave labor.

The most unfavorable predictions from dream books concern what dead ducklings mean in dreams. If they lost their mother, but remained alive, it means that the dreamer still has the opportunity to correct the consequences of unseemly actions, but if they died, all that remains is to lament their rashness and missed opportunities. All hopes, all plans can collapse overnight.

I wonder what yellow ducklings dream about - it speaks of infantility, unpreparedness for decisive independent action, and innocence. Even a child can outwit such a person. The time to expect good news comes when they are trying to catch ducklings in a dream. If you manage to catch it, a streak of success awaits.

Brood as a sign of family happiness

Seeing a duck with ducklings swimming on calm water in a dream means that a white streak is coming in a person’s life. Fate, more than ever, favorably sends pleasant surprises and good luck - this is the best moment for new projects. Fame, recognition and financial independence lie ahead.

Dream books also give other interpretations of why a duck with a brood of ducklings dreams - according to one version, a long-awaited addition is expected in the family, according to another, the dreamer is tired of household chores and needs rest. It is a good sign to see newly hatched ducklings in a dream - this is a symbol of liberation from obsessive fears. All worries will be left behind, the burden of overwhelming responsibility will be dropped.

Seeing goslings and ducklings in a dream, according to the dream book, is a sign of useful acquisitions that will make the house even more comfortable. In a dream, ducklings and chickens appear at the same time as an unexpected wealth that strengthens the well-being of the family. If there was a chicken nearby, dream books tell a married woman that household chores bring her peace and pleasure.


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