How to quickly and easily clean kitchen utensils. How to clean a plastic cutting board How to clean mold from a wooden cutting board

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How often do you wipe your cutting board dry after work? Not always, but in vain. That is why black spots of mold form on it. Getting rid of them is not so easy. Boards are made from the most different materials, but wood and plastic remain the most popular. Everyone knows how to clean a cutting board? We’ll talk about this so that you have no doubts about whether you are doing everything right, or if you missed something.

Features of wood and plastic

Of course, these materials have been at the top of popularity for more than a dozen years, but they have both positive and negative sides.


The positive properties of this material are:

  • strength;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Low cost;
  • Ease of use.

Important! The disadvantages can be called obvious, they are presented:

  • Rapid wear and tear;
  • Possibility of absorption of vegetable and fruit juice by the material.


This material is distinguished by the following advantages:

  • Lightness;
  • strength;
  • Rapid disappearance of odors;
  • Color variety.

Important! The cons are presented:

  • Lack of environmental friendliness;
  • Often slippery surfaces;
  • Lack of antibacterial coating.

Cleaning a wooden board

The most common cleaning method is to wash the board in hot water with detergent for dishes.

Important! A cutting board made of wood should not be soaked in water, because after drying, the wood will crack, and then bacteria will grow.

classic mistake

It seems that there is nothing difficult in washing the board, but many housewives make a common mistake: to wipe the washed cutting board they use kitchen towel. Thus, the transfer of bacteria and microbes occurs. This bad habit must be abandoned. After the board is washed, it is rinsed and placed upright to dry.

Important! Do not wipe the board either with a sponge or with a kitchen towel. If it is needed immediately dry, a paper towel should be used for wiping.

Disinfection - the best ways

To disinfect a wooden cutting board, you can use baking soda:

  1. Baking soda (1 tsp) dissolves in hot water (500 ml).
  2. This mixture is used to wet the surface.
  3. After ten minutes, the board is washed and put to dry.

Important! Soda can be replaced with hydrogen peroxide, which is used in the amount of two teaspoons.

To disinfect, clean and remove unpleasant odors, you can use half a lemon:

  1. The board is wiped with lemon.
  2. Ten minutes later, rinse and dry.

Important! White table vinegar has the same antibacterial effect, which is able to remove salmonella, E. coli and staphylococcus aureus.

To clean a wood cutting board, you can combine several methods. For example, using lemon and salt:

  1. Rub a cutting board with half a lemon.
  2. Sprinkle salt on top.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, rub the surface with salt again with lemon. In this case, you need to make small efforts, press.
  4. Rinse the board with water, dry.

Important! If there are scratches or cracks on the wooden board, it should not be used.

Cleaning the plastic board

Many housewives have long preferred plastic cutting boards. The main reason for this is inexpensive price And quality manufacturing. But after a while, the inventory will begin to absorb odors and become covered with unsightly spots. So how do you clean a plastic cutting board? It is important to understand that such a procedure certainly benefits health. Let's look at a few recipes.

Method 1:

  1. We collect water in a container.
  2. Add bleach in a tablespoon per liter of liquid.
  3. The board is lowered into the solution for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Rinse the surface thoroughly.

Method 2:

  1. mixing soda, lemon acid and water.
  2. The resulting paste is applied to the surface.
  3. After half an hour, the board is washed with a mixture of hot water and soap solution.

Important! This eliminates natural stains and unpleasant odors.

Method 3

Suitable for removing carrot stains:

  1. Vegetable oil is used to wipe the board.
  2. The surface is thoroughly washed with detergent.

Important! It is necessary not only to know how to wash a plastic cutting board, but also how to remove foreign odors from its surface. In this case, table vinegar is used for processing. Thanks to him, an acidic environment is created and microbes are destroyed.

  • For all products it is better to have a separate board. Disinfection is required, after which the inventory is thoroughly washed and dried.
  • For cleaning, it is better to use one tool, and it is better to opt for the least toxic one. How to clean black plastic cutting board? It is better to use not aggressive chemicals, but a mixture of water and vinegar. Such a composition will help to cope with mold, bacteria and even viruses.
  • In the kitchen, you should have a spray bottle with a mixture of water (2 tablespoons) and essential oil tea tree(2 tsp). It will help kill mold.

Important! To essential oil dissolved better, alcohol or vodka can be poured into a container in a small amount. In addition, the oil can be dropped on salt, and then dissolved in water.

  • In order to prevent fungal damage, a mixture of five percent vinegar (⅓ capacity) and water (⅔ capacity) is prepared. With the help of a spray gun, not only boards are periodically processed with such a mixture. It can be used to disinfect tables, sponges and other kitchen utensils. This solution does not need to be washed off immediately. It can even be left to dry on the surface, and the characteristic vinegar smell will not be heard after a few hours.

Important! Thanks to this tool, dishes and sanitary ware will be cleaned of mineral deposits, powdery mildew, soap traces, wax or grease.

A cutting board in the kitchen is an indispensable item. This item is environmentally friendly, it is convenient to store it, but it has one significant drawback. Such cutting boards get dirty very quickly and require some care. But even this does not make the board less popular than modern cutting boards made of glass, silicone or plastic. And, it seems, to surrender their positions is not included in their plans.

The wood has a porous structure, so the board, after cutting the products on it, very well absorbs the juice and smells of the products. But the point is not even the smell from the board, but the microscopic particles of products that always remain on its surface. They serve as an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and microbes. And these microorganisms can pose a threat to the health of family members. A huge number of poisonings are known, which are caused by poor-quality cleaning of a wooden board for cutting food.

Board cleaning rules

The best and most common way is to wash the board after working on it. hot water with the addition of any means for washing kitchen utensils. But there is one secret: you can’t wipe it dry after processing the board. kitchen towel. So you can easily transfer germs and bacteria from the towel to the board.

Leave this habit. Just wash the board clean, rinse it thoroughly and leave to dry. You don't even need to wipe it with a clean kitchen towel or a new sponge. If the board is urgently needed, then you can only wipe it with a paper napkin or paper towel.

Board disinfection

The wooden board must be disinfected. It can be soaked in water with the addition of chlorine. But the chlorine-containing liquid should be very small. One tablespoon will be enough for 5 liters of water. Disinfection should last no more than half an hour. Then the board should be washed very well. Dry the board should be in an upright position.

There are more safe way disinfection with soda. A teaspoon of baking soda should be dissolved in hot water (0.5 l). Next, moisten the surface of the cutting board with the resulting solution. After 10 minutes, rinse the board thoroughly and leave to dry.

Hydrogen peroxide is also suitable for processing a wooden board. The washing solution is prepared as follows: 2 teaspoons of peroxide are taken in 0.5 liters of warm water.

Does a great job of removing germs and odor from the lemon board. You just need to lightly wipe the board with a piece of fruit and leave it for ten minutes. Then rinse and dry the board. Table vinegar also has a similar antibacterial effect.

Do not use for cutting food wooden board with cracks and scratches. Buy new board for cutting. So you will avoid possible problems with the health of the whole family.

Cutting boards are essential in every kitchen. We cut all products on them, from vegetables to hard cheeses. We do not always have a separate board for each food group, and fruit and raw meat can be cut on the same board. And although the board is washed after each use, the result is not perfect. Ordinary soap and detergent are not as effective as they should be. After a few years of use, the board almost completely fails. But don't rush to throw it away until you try it. original ways cleaning.

1. Salt and lemon

This method works very well for cleaning wooden cutting boards. Sprinkle coarse salt on the board, and then start rubbing it with half a lemon, squeezing the fruit so that the juice begins to stand out. Rub until a gray liquid forms on the board. After the salt has dissolved, simply rinse off the remaining mixture with water and wipe the surface dry.

2. Lemon juice

If fresh lemon is not on hand, you can change the recipe with salt by simply adding lemon juice from a bottle. Wipe the board with gruel using a hard sponge. If the pollution is very strong, leave the slurry of salt and juice for a couple of hours. In this case, you need to make the mixture thick enough, and there should be more salt in it.

3. Vinegar

Vinegar is great for getting rid of stains. You can use it in pure or dilute with water in proportions 1:1. Vinegar not only cleans the board, but also kills bacteria. Pour the solution into a spray bottle, and add to the board after each use. Then wipe with hydrogen peroxide, and then simply rinse the surface with running water.

4. Bleach

Bleach is the most the best remedy for cleaning plastic boards. Fill a sink with hot water and add half a cup of liquid bleach or bleach. Leave the board in the sink for 20-30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with soapy water to remove any traces of chemicals.

5. Baking soda

If your board is starting to smell bad, try using a paste of water and baking soda to get rid of the smell. Make a thick slurry on the board, and leave it for a while. Rinse off the baking soda and dry the board with a towel. The bad smell should be gone.

6. Vaseline

Wooden boards should not be left in water for a long time, because of this they become covered with ugly spots. And although they do not interfere with the use of the board, it will no longer be possible to put it in a prominent place. Just rub the stain on the board with petroleum jelly and leave it for 12 hours. After the Vaseline has been absorbed, wipe off the residue and wash the board. The spots should be gone.

7. Toothpaste

If the board has become rough over time, you can polish it with a mixture of baking soda and toothpaste. Just choose pasta white color not a gel. Wipe the surface along the grain of the wood. Then wipe the board with a damp cloth and dry.

8. Grated apples or potatoes

One more effective way eliminate bad smell- cover the board with gruel from a grated apple or potato. Leave the gruel for 10-15 minutes and then simply rinse with water. The smell will be much better.

9. Microwave

Small boards can be disinfected in microwave oven. The method is not suitable for thin plastic. Do not leave the board in the oven for more than one minute. You can pre-wipe the board with soapy water and lemon.

10. Laundry soap

Be sure to lather the board with thick foam after cutting raw meat on it. It is better to immediately apply the foam, and only then wash off the traces of blood with water. Wipe down the board immediately after cutting to prevent stains from penetrating deep into the wood fibers.

11. Steel sponge

In the most advanced cases, you will have to turn to mechanically cleaning. A steel sponge actually removes a thin layer of wood, cleaning the stain. You should not resort to this method too often, but with some pollution you can not do without it.

12. White spirit

If the stain is too ingrained, soak a steel sponge in a solution of white spirit and rub it well. After that, you need to thoroughly wash off the chemical with soapy water. Dry the board for outdoors for the vapors to evaporate completely.

13. Vegetable oil

Another way to polish scratched boards. Mix 3/4 oil with 1/4 vinegar and polish the board. It should become smooth.

Any of these tips will make cleaning your kitchen much easier. Try everything and choose the best one!

To clean a wooden cutting board you need to have:

  • Baking soda;
  • Lemon;
  • coarse salt;
  • vinegar;
  • hot water;

After using your cutting board, wipe it down with a cloth dampened with a small amount of dishwashing liquid or liquid soap.

Mix baking soda and water, about 1 teaspoon per liter of warm water. Then pour it into a spray bottle and spray onto the board. Spread the liquid completely on the board where there may still be food leftovers. Plain water and hydrogen peroxide can be used instead of baking soda, especially recommended for cleaning boards after use on them raw meat or fish.

Rinse the board warm water and dry with a kitchen towel.
Divide the lemon in half and squeeze the juice directly onto the board, especially where it comes in contact with the knife, and sprinkle with salt. I use half a lemon with salt to rub the board in a circular motion. Rinse the board in running water, rinse off the salt and lemon juice.

Wipe the board dry with a paper towel.
Apply vinegar to the board, and then wipe it again with a kitchen towel. Vinegar has a disinfectant effect.
When cutting board frequently used, it must be cleaned regularly to prevent food poisoning. Cleaning removes bacteria, viruses and fungi that are very harmful to humans, especially children. Regular cleaning of the cutting board is a basic hygiene operation that must be maintained in homes as well as canteens and catering establishments, restaurants.

Many people wonder how to quickly and easily clean kitchen utensils. After all, there are so many of them in the apartment. And they all have such a not very good property get dirty.

And now, the recently bought teapot no longer shines, the pans are covered with a layer of fat, and the cutlery has darkened from time to time.

How to deal with such unpleasant changes. Let's figure it out together.

If the board has darkened over time, and has become somewhat greasy to the touch, then you can clean it using the following method. And this can be done quite easily and simply.

We will need:

  • a little coarse salt
  • half a lemon
  • the board we want to clean.

How to clean:

  1. Pour salt onto a damp cutting board so that it covers the entire surface fairly tightly. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Take half a lemon, and with light pressure, begin to rub the board. It looks like you're rubbing salt.
  3. Now rinse the board with water and dry with a clean cloth.
  4. That's all! Your board will be like new.

How to clean old fat from pans

We will need:

  • dry mustard

How to clean:

  1. Mix baking soda with mustard powder in a ratio of 1/3.
  2. Pour into an old jar with holes in the lid
  3. Use as you would normally use detergent.

Very optimal, and at the same time safe remedy for dish washing.

How to remove scale from an electric kettle

We will need

  • vinegar

How to clean:

  • Mix water with vinegar, in a ratio of 2/1. Pour the mixture into the teapot.
  • Close the spout of the teapot with a paper stopper.
  • Boil the kettle for as long as necessary to remove the cork.
  • Pour out the rest of the water and rinse the kettle well under running water.

The scale will fall off and be washed off with cold water.

How to clean cutlery

We will need:

How to clean:

  • Prepare a solution. A tablespoon of soda and the same amount of salt are added to a liter of hot water, mix everything.
  • IN enamel pan aluminum foil is laid out at the bottom. Above it are cutlery.
  • Pour the prepared solution into a saucepan with appliances and put on fire.
  • Boil for 5-10 minutes.
  • Further spoons, stainless steel forks are washed conventional means for dishes and a sponge. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe drawings, you can use a coarse brush with polymer bristles.

And here is another way. For him you will need:

  • Lemon acid
  • Or a glass of vinegar

How to clean:

  1. Half a glass of vinegar or 100 grams of citric acid is poured into a liter of water.
  2. Dip spoons and forks into the solution, bring to a boil. As soon as it cools, all this can be washed in running water and wiped dry with a towel.

You can just clean with one soda. How to do it.

  1. Dilute three parts baking soda with one part water. You will get the simplest cleaning paste.
  2. It remains only to rub the forks and spoons to a shine and rinse in clean water, wipe dry.

Baking soda is a strong enough abrasive and not aggressive enough to damage the steel surface.

This method is also used to clean silver cutlery.

These are just some examples of how you can quickly and efficiently, without using chemicals, clean household utensils.


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