How to quickly clean a microwave oven. How to clean the inside of a microwave using baking soda or other means

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Every housewife has more than once encountered such a problem as the need to wash the microwave from grease stains, pieces of recently heated food, and drips of accidentally spilled drinks. Every time we clean the kitchen, we ask ourselves how to clean a microwave at home so that it is quick and effective.

TV screens are full of advertisements about new miracle products that help clean any surface, but many housewives deliberately refuse to use chemicals when cleaning their microwaves. Often chemical substances They are not completely washed off with water, remain inside the microwave, and when heated, they enter the air and, accordingly, into the heated food. We all know the harm these can cause. That’s why it’s especially important to find quick ways to clean a microwave using available tools that will allow you to do this without dangerous consequences.

In this article you will find several secrets on how to clean a microwave at home in 5 minutes, which will save your time, nerves and money. We'll look at three quick ways cleaning using:

  • Vinegar;
  • Lemon;
  • Soda.

Methods for cleaning a microwave oven at home

Secret technologies

Attention, secret number 1! How to quickly and effectively clean a microwave with vinegar at home.

Vinegar is an inexpensive and convenient product that is found in every kitchen. Plus, when cleaning with vinegar, you get the bonus of getting rid of unpleasant odors. The cleaning recipe is simple, performed in 3 steps:

  1. Take 9% vinegar (or dilute 70% vinegar to the desired concentration) and add 3 tablespoons to a plate of water.
  2. Stir the liquid and heat for 5 minutes at high power.
  3. Wait 15 minutes, open the microwave and use a soft sponge to remove grease and dirt from the walls.

Cleaning the microwave with vinegar

Attention, secret number 2! How to quickly and effectively clean a microwave with lemon at home.

Using lemon is very similar in algorithm to using vinegar, it is the same fast, simple and effective method. Lemons and citric acid are famous for making it easy to clean grease from your microwave. So, cleaning with lemon is also carried out in 3 steps:

  1. Take lemon slices or lemon peels and place them in a bowl of water.
  2. Place the plate in the microwave for 5 minutes at maximum heating power.
  3. Remove the plate and clean the inside of the microwave with a soft sponge.

You can also save lemons for tea drinking and use citric acid for cleaning. It is also simple to use: dilute it in water and follow the above scheme. When heated and evaporated, citric acid forms vapors that settle on the walls microwave oven and eat away greasy stains.

Cleaning the microwave with lemon

Attention, secret number 3! How to quickly and effectively clean a microwave with baking soda at home.

If your microwave has been standing without cleaning for a very long time, stains, carbon deposits, and grease seem too persistent and difficult to remove, then you need to use an emergency remedy - baking soda. Baking soda is more effective than lemon and vinegar due to its properties. Baking soda has cleansing properties because, in combination with water, it creates an alkaline environment, which allows you to dissolve fat, remove plaque, and remove unpleasant odors.

So, you can clean the microwave with baking soda in 5 minutes in 3 steps:

  1. >Dissolve 2 tablespoons of baking soda in water and place in the microwave.
  2. Heat on high for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove the solution and rinse the inside of the microwave with a soft sponge.

Cleaning the microwave with baking soda

If you still have questions, you can watch a video on how to quickly and effectively clean a microwave at home using the products we described.


These three products we described have benefits that make millions of housewives turn to them for help when cleaning the kitchen. Benefits of baking soda, lemon and vinegar for using them as cleaners:

  • Environmental friendliness. By washing off food residues from the walls of the microwave, you don’t have to worry that it will all end up in our rivers through the drain and have Negative influence on the environment.
  • Non-toxic. The fumes generated by heating these products do not pose a health hazard, so you will feel protected and calm when you put food in a microwave that has been cleaned with lemon, vinegar or soda to heat up.
  • Cheapness. Detergents cost a pretty penny, are quickly used up and therefore become a rather expensive item on the monthly shopping list. Soda, citric acid, vinegar will not hit your budget.
  • Economical. For one cleaning, a small amount of these substances dissolved in water is sufficient.
  • Speed. The entire cleaning will take you 5-7 minutes.
  • Simplicity. All microwave cleaning is done in 3 steps. At the same time, there is absolutely no need for knowledge of complex technologies or any super-skills.
  • Efficiency. The products we describe clean the microwave to perfect condition and help get rid of old and especially greasy stains and drips. In addition, they are an excellent means of getting rid of unpleasant odor inside the microwave oven.

In order not to forget anything and not to look for the same information on the Internet several times (and we don’t always have access to the Internet), we suggest that you read, print and hang the following table in the kitchen as a reminder:

To prevent means to neutralize!

Cleaning is not an easy task, which takes a lot of time for every woman.

You can reduce the time spent cleaning your microwave by proper care for her. Timely cleaning of the walls of the microwave oven helps prevent the appearance of stubborn greasy stains and the drying out of food residues.

  • Buying and using a special lid for dishes is the first step to avoid food splashing and flying in all directions. And accordingly, the microwave will become much less dirty!
  • After using the microwave, you need to walk along the walls with a damp cloth. Or you can wipe it down at the end of the day. This will prevent the occurrence of unpleasant odors and contamination.
  • You can avoid unpleasant odors by opening the microwave door after heating food. If this is not done, the smell of recently heated food will persist for some time and mix with the smell of other heated food. Because of this, you will not be able to fully enjoy the aroma of new dishes.
  • If an explosion occurs when heating food, it is necessary, without delay, to thoroughly clean the inside of the microwave, removing all remaining food particles.

Timely cleaning of the microwave helps prevent stubborn grease stains from appearing.

You can't warm it up!

I would also like to touch on one important topic - foods that are not recommended to be heated in the microwave. The reasons why you should not use a microwave with these products are different: loss of beneficial properties, loss of appetizing appearance, inevitable contamination of the microwave oven, which is of particular interest to us within the framework of the topic of maintaining cleanliness in the microwave.

So, yours beneficial features Lost when heated in the microwave - honey, fermented milk products, mushrooms, berries and fruits, chicken.

On appearance microwave radiation has a negative effect when heating fresh herbs, lettuce, and berries, as they quickly dry out and wither.

Not all foods can be heated in the microwave

Many people have experience reheating frozen meat. We all remember that the edges of the meat seem to be cooked while the inside is raw. In addition, due to the rapid and uneven distribution of heat, the rate of bacterial growth increases. But some microwave ovens have a special defrost function that minimizes the negative consequences.

And finally, there are foods whose heating will certainly lead to the need to clean the microwave - eggs and dairy products. When heated, eggs begin to literally explode due to the strong pressure that arises inside the shell. If you do try to heat an egg (at least for the sake of experiment), take a look in advance at our table of quick and effective ways Clean your microwave at home – you’ll soon need it!

Fermented milk products, especially milk and kefir, quickly boil and pour out of the container. You have all heard the catchphrase from Carlson: “And your milk has run away!” This is exactly what can happen, then immediate cleaning of the microwave is inevitable!

Foods that should not be heated in the microwave

Speaking about what should not be heated in a microwave oven, it is also necessary to mention dishes that are not suitable for heating food. Do not use metal utensils, utensils with any shiny edging or metal pattern, cling film, foil, or thin plastic utensils in the microwave. Heating food in such a container will cause sparks, explosions, and fire.

Thus, you have learned not only about cleaning methods, but also about how to care for a microwave oven and the limitations of its use. Now you also know the secrets of how to quickly and effectively clean a microwave at home, using inexpensive, non-toxic and simple remedies. Share these secrets with your friends, mothers, grandmothers, so that their life becomes easier and more enjoyable!

A microwave oven is an indispensable assistant in cooking, heating dishes and defrosting food. Behind the microwave oven, as well as behind the other kitchen appliances, must be properly cared for. Experts advise regularly cleaning the microwave from carbon deposits inside and preventing it from getting too dirty. A thick layer of dirt and greasy deposits can lead to short circuit, and using such a device is unhygienic. How to clean a microwave at home without much effort? Let's look at a few quick and proven methods.

Basic information and some rules

The inner surface of the oven chamber is covered thin layer, which is designed to reflect microwave waves. It can be damaged, so do not wash the device with harsh detergents, rags, or metal sponges, which can scratch the surface.

Adhere to the following rules:

  1. Before cleaning the microwave, unplug it from the power supply.
  2. During the procedure, do not touch the ventilation openings.
  3. Clean the outer surface with insulation with a damp cloth, otherwise you risk flooding the sensitive elements. Wipe it dry. The same applies to the panel with control buttons.
  4. Do not disassemble the device even if grease and dirt have penetrated deep inside.

Special substances

Almost every manufacturer household chemicals You can find special products that will quickly clean the microwave from grease inside. But not every housewife can afford them because high cost, they contain harmful substances, and you can’t buy them everywhere.

You can always use folk ways for cleaning, allowing you to keep the microwave clean.

We all know that where food is being prepared, there are splashes that are very difficult to clean up. The kitchen is a place that requires constant cleaning, but every housewife dreams of finding a way that will help deal with dirt faster. It takes a lot of time, especially from the inside, since getting to the back wall is usually not always convenient.

Modern technologies against dirt

Modern models of microwave ovens have a special program, thanks to which
you don't have to worry about how to clean the inside of the microwave. But if your assistant doesn’t have such a function, don’t be upset, your path to cleanliness will just be a little longer.

You can go to the nearest store and choose a detergent. But be careful! Read the instructions carefully, as some of them must be diluted with water before use. They will help you clean the inside of the microwave, but will definitely leave a chemical smell and residue on the walls of the oven. It is impossible to completely wash off cleaning agents, which means they will get into the food during cooking. "So what?" - you say, because we are surrounded everywhere chemical compounds that harm our body. Of course, there is some truth in this, but why poison yourself? After all, there are verified traditional methods, which will help you cope with pollution using absolutely safe available means.

Traditional methods of combating pollution

The easiest way to clean the inside of a microwave? - put a glass of water in it for 10-12 minutes. The main thing is to pour water only halfway to avoid splashing. The steam will quickly soften the fat that has got on the walls of the microwave oven, and you can easily remove it with a regular napkin. To combat severe stains, you can add vinegar or citric acid to the water, and for a pleasant smell, add a few dried orange peels.

It's no secret that baking soda can replace almost any detergent. And to the question of how to clean the inside of a microwave, you can safely answer: “With soda.” If this universal assistant is often used by many housewives as an excellent abrasive agent, then in our case ordinary cleaning will not work, because soda will easily damage protective covering, hopelessly damaging the electrical appliance. soda? Easy and fast! Take a deep container, pour a couple of tablespoons of soda and add plain water. 10-15 minutes of heating such a liquid will not only help to cope with the most difficult stains, food splashes, but also with unpleasant odors that have settled in the microwave oven.

Lemon is a universal helper

How to clean the inside of a microwave with lemon? Yes, this is possible. It will even do
old, half-dried fruit. It should be cut in half, placed on a plate or saucer with the flesh side down (this is important) and heated for 5 minutes. During this time, the door glass will become covered with condensation. As usual, all you have to do is wipe the inside surface with a damp cloth without adding any cleaning agents. In addition to cleanliness, you will also get a fresh lemon smell that will quickly disappear.

What you use is up to you, but using baking soda, lemon and plain water can quickly and safely clean your microwave without any effort.

Modern technologies have firmly entered our lives. It is already difficult to imagine a kitchen without a refrigerator, food processor and microwave oven. This device helps us always enjoy hot dishes.

In order for your microwave to last as long as possible, you need to regularly clean it of accumulated grease and dirt. It is not necessary to use expensive cleaning products with aggressive chemical composition. After all, it is quite possible to get by with improvised means, for example, lemon juice.

Preparatory stage

Before you begin the process of cleaning your equipment, you need to perform a few simple steps. An example algorithm looks like this:

  • Disconnect the equipment from electrical network(unplug the cord from the outlet).
  • Stock up on soft sponges and rags. Do not use hard bristle brushes or steel wool as this may damage the surface of the equipment.
  • Depending on the size of the citrus fruit and how dirty the microwave is, prepare 1 or 2 lemons, a special bowl and not a large number of clean water.

Cleaning process

Now it's time for the main work. Take a cup or microwave-safe container and add one and a half cups of water (about 300 milliliters). Next, cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice into a container. Then place the bowl inside the microwave, turn the oven on maximum power, leave the container for five or ten minutes.

The main task is to create conditions for steam from containers with water to condense on the walls of the equipment. After the specified time has passed, you need to remove the container with lemon juice from the microwave. Now all that remains is to clean the inside surface of the equipment using an ordinary kitchen cloth made of soft material.

Before cleaning the bottom of your microwave, be sure to remove the drip tray. This way you are guaranteed to completely wash not only the pallet itself, but also the surface underneath it. Just be sure to wipe it dry before putting it back in place. And with outside The equipment can be easily cleaned using any special cleaning spray that you probably have in your home.

Despite the fact that this method is very simple and inexpensive, its effectiveness will seem incredibly convincing to you. You will need absolutely no effort to quickly wash away even the most stubborn stains.

This is one of best options equipment care at home, without use special means. However, if you are faced with incredibly difficult greasy spots, you can repeat the procedure of heating the container with the solution or lightly wipe the problem area using a small amount of soda. The result will be a perfectly clean microwave and a wonderful citrus aroma filling the whole house. It's very refreshing and uplifting.

The mechanism of action of this method

The effectiveness of this technique lies in the fact that the vapor of evaporated water successfully softens and loosens dried stains and food debris that remain on the walls of the microwave oven. As a result, even old stains can be easily washed out.

If you don’t have lemon on hand, it’s not a big deal. Citrus juice can easily be replaced with regular white vinegar, which you can probably find in any kitchen cabinet.

Don't worry about the sour smell of vinegar spreading throughout your home. The unpleasant aroma will disappear as soon as the liquid is completely dry. And if you have prepared too much cleaning solution, use it to clean the refrigerator. Simple lemon juice will do the job perfectly, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results of such simple manipulations.

Things to remember:

  • If you have even minor symptoms of an allergy to citrus fruits, it is better not to use this method. Contact with lemon juice can adversely affect your health.
  • You should not try to disassemble the microwave oven yourself, even if its parts are heavily soiled. It is better to entrust such a task to a person who has the appropriate skills and knowledge.
  • Do not use too much water. Electrical appliances consist of many elements that are sensitive to moisture. Better to be careful with this.
  • Before removing the container with the heated solution from the microwave, it is better to wait at least half a minute. This is necessary so that the plastic cools down a little and you do not get burned. But don't wait too long, because then the stains will harden again and the cleaning process will become more difficult.

  • There is no need to close the container tightly, otherwise it may simply burst under the pressure in the oven.
  • Make sure that the liquid does not completely boil away from the container, as this will lead to damage to the container or even burns.
  • If citric acid gets on the eye mucosa for any reason, be sure to immediately rinse your eyes with plenty of water. Untimely Taken measures may cause serious burns.
  • Always use protective gloves when performing such manipulations.

Once you achieve perfect cleanliness of your microwave oven, you will definitely want to maintain this result for as long as possible. That’s why there are a few simple tips that will help keep your equipment clean for a long time:

  • Use deep containers for defrosting. During the defrosting process, a large amount of liquid and small thawed food particles appear. To avoid staining the microwave tray, choose deep bowls rather than flat plates. Then the food will defrost and the microwave will remain clean.
  • Don't forget about the lids. Food will heat up better if you cover it with a special film and a lid that is not too airtight. In addition, the likelihood of contamination getting onto the internal surface of the equipment is significantly reduced.
  • Clean your microwave oven regularly. After heating the food and removing the container, simply wipe the inside walls and bottom with a dry cloth. This procedure takes only a few seconds, but it significantly saves time during further deep cleaning of the equipment.

Is it possible to replace citrus juice with citric acid?

This question interests many when there is no natural lemon at hand. Then the powder citric acid it will be very useful. Take 250 milliliters of water and add about 25 grams of acid. What follows is exactly the same algorithm of actions as with real lemon juice.

The effect of cleaning the oven with citric acid will not leave pleasant aroma citrus fruits, but the effectiveness of this method is not in doubt.

What else can you use to clean a microwave?

In addition to lemon juice, vinegar and acid, there are many other homemade microwave cleaning recipes. For example, ordinary soda can easily cope with any stains, including even the most stubborn ones.


It's no secret that old stains can be easily removed if you simply rub them with a little baking soda. However, such a substance is abrasive, and therefore it can damage the surface of the equipment if it is rubbed excessively. But there is an even faster and easier option using regular soda.

You will need a deep plastic or glass bowl, a couple of spoons of baking soda, pure water. Pour a small amount of baking soda into a container, fill it with water and place it in the microwave.

It is necessary to turn off the equipment only after the solution in the bowl begins to boil.

But you don’t need to immediately open the oven and take out the containers. Wait fifteen minutes. This is necessary not only to avoid getting burned, but also for this method to work. While the solution remains inside the microwave, the evaporation of the alkali will greatly soften old stains of grease and food.

After the specified time, all you have to do is carefully remove the container from soda solution from the microwave. Afterwards, remove dirt with a soft cloth or sponge. Use any additional detergents won't even be needed.

Laundry soap

A brown bar of soap with a characteristic smell, familiar to everyone since childhood, will help you quickly and easily clean up your microwave oven. To do this, you need to take a clean rag or sponge, then soap it thoroughly with laundry soap. There is only one rule - the more foam, the better.. Wipe the internal and outer walls technique, leave the foam for a few minutes. Then simply remove any dirt with a damp cloth or towel.

It doesn’t matter what kind of microwave you have, but it should look great! This can be achieved through quality care.

Whether you have a built-in microwave or not, you will have to work hard. Fortunately there is enough for this folk remedies, it is not necessary to use any modern detergents.

Vinegar essence and microwave

How to clean a microwave with vinegar? There are many options with salt and a paraffin candle, but you can stick with vinegar. It is in every home, and when using it you cannot scratch the surface, which cannot be said about salt.

For the washing itself, use soft sponges, rags, old and unnecessary towels. This applies to both external and internal washing.

When washing, try to prevent water from getting into the inside of the microwave itself. It is so easy to damage an electrical appliance.

Cleaning method

How to clean the inside of a microwave with vinegar? The method is quite simple and common. To do this, you will need dishes that can fit in the microwave. Pour water into a bowl and add a few drops of essence. Place and turn on the device for 5-7 minutes. Then put away the dishes and start wiping the inside walls.

Another good thing about vinegar is that it doesn’t damage inner covering. But if possible, it is not recommended to use various detergents for such cleaning.

Typically, the vinegar method helps clean the inside of the microwave from grease and burnt marks. The parts of the microwave oven that you can remove (stand and wheels) can then be soaked separately in a solution of vinegar or soda.

Are there any alternatives?

Why clean your microwave with vinegar when there are other options? There is nothing bad to say about soda, in principle it’s the same effective way. Speaking about vinegar, we can add that it can be easily removed from the walls of the device, no traces will remain, when heated it will simply evaporate and will definitely not damage the insides.


Cleaning with vinegar is very quick and effective. Many housewives use this method. Dirt and grease with carbon deposits are removed in one go. To remove the smell, you can then wipe the inside of the microwave with lemon juice or, conversely, to get rid of the smell.


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