How to make a katana out of paper. How to make a wooden sword (bokken, bokuto, ninjato) Drawing of a wooden katana

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The katana is a long, two-handed, slightly curved sword invented in Japan. In this article we will tell you how to make a katana with your own hands. In this case, we will talk about a real katana made of hardened steel, and not just about paper and wooden crafts.

Tools and materials

The first stage of making a katana begins with collecting necessary materials and tools. We will need a hammer, anvil, smelter, forge and various polishing and grinding tools for final processing of the product. From materials you need to stock up on ferrous sand (it is advisable to find good black sand, if not from Japan itself, then at least of decent quality), as well as charcoal, sandstone powder, clay, water and rice straw. If you have everything you need, you can start making a katana.


First we light it charcoal and immerse black sand in the smelter. The melting point of sand must be at least 1500 degrees. We need to smelt about 4 kilograms of steel. Now we divide the steel into high-carbon steel and low-carbon steel (gray-black). We place large and small pieces of charcoal at the bottom of the forge and set it on fire, and then place high-carbon steel there. Next, grind the charcoal and place it evenly along the bottom of the forge along with rice straw. After that, we put high-carbon steel on top (one layer) and fill it with charcoal on top. We quickly pump the bellows until clean steel remains in the forge.

Forging and hardening of the product

Now we take out the steel and begin to forge flat sheets from the pieces. The thickness of the sheets should not exceed 5 mm. We place pieces of high-carbon steel on a steel blank with a handle, wrap it in paper and apply clay. Next, we put the steel in the forge, fill it with charcoal and heat until white(about 30-40 minutes). Then we do this: we take out the resulting piece of steel, hit it with a hammer several times and heat it again. This procedure must be repeated at least 5 times. After this, we take the low-carbon steel that was set aside in advance, forge a bar from it, roll it up and forge it again - we do this about 10 times.

Finally, we start preparing the blade. To do this, we split the block and forge a rectangular plate. Now we stretch the plate perpendicular to the length, giving the blade the required shape. We process the edges of the blade with a file until the desired quality is obtained. All that remains is to make a handle for our katana. To do this, you can use a couple of bars, which can then be wrapped with leather and cotton cord. That's all - our katana is ready.

Katanas made of wood and paper

A few words about how to make a katana out of wood. There is nothing complicated here. For a wooden katana we need wooden blank, which just needs to be processed with the appropriate tools: jigsaw, chisel, hammer and files. Cut out the desired shape and then sand it down. Of course, such work requires perseverance and patience, but making a katana from wood will require much less effort than making a combat katana. Before cutting out the workpiece, it is advisable to mark it with special marking tools so that you get exactly the shape you want. And finally, how to make a katana out of paper? Making a katana from thick paper is quite simple: you need to mark its contours and then simply cut out along them.

They have survived to this day and do not lose popularity. Since ancient times, the katana has been made from damask steel - “Anosov” steel, but fighting with such a tool is dangerous, so let’s put the original samurai weapon aside for now, let it decorate the interior.

If you decide to study ancient art samurai, then a bokken, a wooden analogue of a blade, is perfect as a training weapon. “How to make a katana from wood?” - Many people asked themselves this question, but only a small number of samurai mastered the wooden bokken technique.

Features of a wooden katana

Japanese culture is rich in traditions. Training swords have been used in samurai art for hundreds of years. There are many schools of martial arts in the East. Depending on belonging to a particular school, the bokken sword has its own parameters and name. For example, to make a Bokuto bokken, white wood is used. The length of such a blade is 102 cm, and the weight varies between 580-620 grams. As for the Keishi-Ryu bokken, such a weapon is heavier and, with its length of 102 cm, weighs 730 grams.

Bokken - exact copy katanas, made of wood, which have been used since time immemorial to learn the samurai craft. Having learned how to make a katana from wood, you will be surprised, because this process is not labor-intensive.

The shape of the bokken completely duplicates the shape of the katana, but due to the material used to produce the weapon, it weighs less. How to make a katana from wood with your own hands and get a quality product? Choose the right material. The following types of wood are mainly used to make bokken:

  • oak: white, red, black, brown;
  • hornbeam.

The blade of a wooden bokken, like a real katana, is beveled at an angle of 45° at the end, and the profile of the blade has a flattened oval or round shape. It depends on the type of weapon.

A distinctive feature of samurai bokken is the absence of a guard, a transverse pad that protects the hand from the enemy’s weapon sliding along the blade. A shallow slot is made along the entire length - “hi”, thanks to which the bokken makes a characteristic whistling sound when struck.

How to make a wooden katana

Today you will learn how to make a katana from wood, following simple instructions.

Mastery training takes place specifically with a bokken, which is why the need to make or purchase this instrument is so common.

Step by step guide

  1. To get started you will need a drawing. You can draw a rough drawing of a katana or download ready-made template from the Internet.
  2. Having made the workpiece, begin processing, starting with the handle. Process the area under it using a file and a plane.
  3. Shape the blade by removing excess wood using a template using tools.
  4. Round the tip and smooth the corners of the handle.
  5. Sand the handle and blade using sandpaper.

If desired, you can cut out and attach a guard, but most bokkens are made without this element.

Now you know how to make a katana from wood. It turns out that this is not as difficult as it might seem. Even a beginner in this matter can cope with such a task.

Katana is a long, slightly curved two-handed sword, first invented and made in Japan. It was one of the samurai's weapons. Later in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill, the katana began to excite many people. How to do it yourself katana ?

You will need

  • An anvil, iron sand (special black sand from the coast of Japan that is used to smelt iron), hammer, smelter, charcoal, forge, sandstone powder, water, clay, rice straw, and grinding and polishing tools to process the resulting steel. If you were able to discover all this, then let’s proceed to making the sword itself.


1. Immerse charcoal, light it, place sand in the smelter and at 1500 degrees, smelt approximately four kilograms of steel. Divide the resulting metal into a little - and high-carbon iron. Low-carbon iron is gray-black in color. Place small and large pieces of charcoal at the bottom of the forge, then light it. After this, place high-carbon iron in the forge and also add a little charcoal.

2. After this, spread rice straw ash and pre-crushed charcoal over the bottom of the furnace, place a layer of high-carbon steel and fill it all with charcoal. After this, begin to rapidly pump the bellows until only one piece of iron remains in the forge. Carefully remove the pieces of steel and begin to forge them into flat sheets. Make sure that they are no more than five millimeters thick. Divide iron into high- and low-carbon.

3. Place pieces of high-carbon steel on a steel blank with a handle, wrap it in paper and apply clay. After this, put it all in the forge and fill it with coal. Heat for approximately 30 minutes until white. Take out the resulting block, place it on the anvil and hit it several times with a hammer. After that, put it back into the forge, heat it up perfectly and hit it again with a hammer several times. Repeat this procedure five to six times.

4. You have obtained iron, which is called “kawagane”. Take the low-carbon iron that you have previously set aside, make a bar out of it by forging, and then roll and hammer it another 9-10 times. Now you have received the Shingane iron.

5. The next step is to prepare the blade. Split the block and forge it into a rectangular plate. By stretching the plate perpendicular to the length, you will give the blade the desired shape. File the shank of the blade. Complete the process of making a katana as follows. Make a handle from a couple of blocks of wood, which you first wrap with leather and then with cotton cord.

The aura that surrounds the mythical samurai sword, the katana, has maintained interest and admiration for this type of weapon for hundreds of years. Katana is a strong, light and elastic sword. It becomes this way due to the special materials from which it is forged, the special forging technique and, according to legend, the true heartfelt attitude of the master.

You will need

  • Ferrous sand
  • Smelter
  • Hammer
  • Anvil
  • Rice straw
  • Clay
  • Sandstone Powder
  • Tools for grinding and polishing steel


1. In order to forge the right katana, you need to stock up on special “black sand” from the Japanese coast. These are ferrous sands from which you will have to smelt tamahagane - traditional Japanese iron used for forging samurai swords.

2. Load the ore sand into the smelter - tatara - and smelt about 4 kilograms of steel using charcoal. Temperature in melting furnace should reach 1,500 degrees Celsius.

3. Sort the iron into low-carbon and high-carbon. High carbon tamahagane is heavier, clear silver in color. Low-carbon - rougher, gray-black in color.

4. Cover the bottom blacksmith's forge crushed charcoal, add huge pieces of coal and set them on fire. Lay down a layer of mild steel and add another layer of charcoal. Wait until the iron sinks to the bottom of the forge.

5. Cover the bottom of the furnace with rice straw ash mixed with powdered charcoal, lay a layer of high-carbon steel in a mound, and cover it with charcoal on top. Start actively pumping the bellows. Wait until only iron remains in the forge.

6. Take your tamahagane pieces and start hammering them into flat sheets half a centimeter thick. Cool the sheets in water and break them into 2-square pieces. square centimeter. Sort the iron into high-carbon and low-carbon.

7. Take selected pieces of high carbon steel and place them on a steel plate with a handle. Wrap in paper and coat with clay. Place in the blacksmith's forge. Pour in charcoal and heat for at least thirty minutes until clear yellow or white.

8. Remove the block from the forge, place it on the anvil and hammer it. Place back into the forge, heat and forge. Repeat this cycle several times.

9. When your block is ready, make a dent in it with a chisel and roll it towards you. Reheat and hammer until the top and bottom halves are fused and the block returns to its original length. Repeat this cycle six times.

10. Before continuing forging, cut the block into four equal parts. Stack them one on top of the other and weld them together by heating and forging. Repeat rolling, heating and forging six more times. You now have kawagane iron.

11. Take the low-carbon iron you have set aside, forge it into a bar, and then roll and hammer it ten more times. You have got “singane” or core iron.

12. Forge a flat plate 40 centimeters long from kawagane, roll it in the shape of the letter U. Place a shingane block inside this plate. Heat the workpiece in the forge until it turns clear yellow and begin to bind. Reach full welding plates between each other.

13. Make a blank for the blade by heating a block in a forge and forging it into a rectangular blank. Shape the blade by stretching the blank perpendicular to its length. Form the cutting edge, tip, side ribs and butt.

14. With the support of a scraper knife, process the surface of the sword. Use a file to file the butt and cutting edge. Using a carborundum stone, pre-grind each blade.

15. Prepare the sticky clay mixture from clay, crushed charcoal and sandstone powder in equal proportions. Dilute with water and apply to the cutting edge with a spatula. A thick layer along the butt and on the side surfaces and hefty thin layer along the very edge. Wait until the clay hardens. Heat the blade in a forge to 700 degrees Celsius and cool it in a container of water.

16. Adjust the curve of the blade and polish it.

17. Use a file to file the shank of the blade.

18. Finish the production of the katana by making a handle from 2 halves of wood, first wrapped in leather and then with cotton cord.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice
You can learn the art of making a regular katana in person from a genuine master. There are a lot of subtleties and secrets that are passed on only from teacher to student.

A real katana, being a samurai weapon, is made from certain types of iron, forged in several layers. But modern katanas, as usual, are forged from spring steel. Consequently, sharpening Japanese remake swords has its own characteristics.

You will need

  • – katana;
  • – stones for sharpening;
  • – electric emery;
  • – marker;
  • - protective glasses.


1. Take the sword in your hands and mentally divide the blade into three parts. The upper part will require especially sharp sharpening(it will cut), the middle one is sharpened at a huge angle (the load will be placed on it during an impact) and, finally, the lower part, which is closest to each guard, is sharpened minimally (there is really no load placed on it). Mark these parts with a marker.

2. First, sharpen the blade minimally. To do this, turn on the electric sander, put on safety glasses, wait about one minute until it spins completely, and bring the tip of the sword perpendicular to it. With a light movement, without pressing the blade tightly against the emery disk, move the sword from right to left, then turn it over and draw it from left to right. Repeat the procedure until you can clearly feel a sharp angle on the cutting edge with your finger. The same result can be achieved by running a sharpening stone along the blade, but this will take much more time and effort.

3. Now sharpen the top of the blade. Bring it up again katana to the sandpaper, place the blade flat on the disc. Tilt it so that cutting edge lightly touched the rotating disk. Using movements from left to right and right to left, move the blade from the tip to the mark of its middle part. This will reduce the sharpening angle.

4. Sharpen the middle part of the blade. The sharpening angle should be 40-45°. Move the blade along the sandpaper, pressing it tightly against it - from the middle part mark to the bottom mark using the method described above, until you achieve the desired sharpening angle. Do the same with the bottom of the blade. Here the sharpness of the sharpening is not so significant, therefore an angle of 50° will be enough (but no one is stopping you from making it smaller). Sharpening the lower part should end 2-3 cm from the guard (it will be difficult to sharpen further, but the guard can be easily peeled off).

5. Now bring the sword to the required sharpness sharpening stones. First, run them evenly along each length of the blade in order to remove any permissible irregularities. After this, purposefully sharpen each part individually with short, sharp movements, starting from the bottom.

The smaller the sharpening angle, the lower the strength of the blade. Cutting hard materials requires huge cutting angles, but cutting soft materials requires much smaller cutting angles.

Helpful advice
After chopping swords, jagged edges will inevitably remain on your blade (to preserve it, it is better to repel enemy weapons with the flat side of the blade), so repeat the sharpening procedure with whetstones after the entire battle or once a week.

A katana is a long, two-handed, curved sword with one sharp edge. Along with the short wakizashi sword and the auxiliary tanto dagger, it was part of the core set of weapons of the Japanese samurai. The katana was the soul of a warrior, a jewel, a family heirloom and even a philosophy. Nowadays, Japanese culture and martial arts are extremely famous in Russia, and therefore samurai swords are in great demand. Knowing to positively prefer a katana is also an art that needs to be learned.


1. Decide for what purpose you want to purchase katana. The size of the sword, equipment and even material will depend on this.

2. If you need a sword for training, buy a bokken - a wooden model of a katana. The bokken must withstand powerful blows; therefore, it is made from hard wood (beech, oak, hornbeam) and impregnated with varnish or resin to increase density. With intense training, the sword will last 1-2 years. In Japan, bokken are treated with about the same respect as real katanas.

3. If you choose to train with a real sword, pay primary attention when choosing a katana not to decoration, but to size and shape. Take the sword in your hands: holding it should be comfortable and glorious. The length of the katana varies from 95 to 120 cm. In order to positively select the length of the sword for yourself, stand straight and grab it by the base of the blade near the round guard (tsuba). The tip of the blade should actually touch the floor. The length of the katana (tsuka) handle should be approximately three of your fists (about 30 cm on average).

4. When purchasing weapons as a gift, as an interior decoration, give preference to a set of 2 swords (katana and wakizashi) or 3 (katana, wakizashi and tanto). It will look more significant and rich. Unlike European sabers, dirks and swords, Japanese katanas do not hang on the wall, so you will definitely purchase a special stand.

5. In order for the katana to take its rightful place in the interior, take care of the accessories. A distinctive feature of samurai swords is the possibility of disassembling them into combined parts. Due to the fact that the handle was usually made of wood and covered with leather or fabric, it quickly wore out and needed to be replaced. Choosing katana, purchase an additional set for her frame (soroi-mono). It includes the tsuba (guard), menuki (handle decorations), kashira and futi (handle head and sleeve).

6. Remember that a samurai sword, like any other weapon, must be properly cared for. Be sure to purchase a special katana care kit. It includes natural stone powder for polishing, rice paper for cleaning, oil for lubricating the blade, and a mekugitsuchi, an extraction tool. wooden nails(mekugi) with which the handle is attached.

Video on the topic

If you want to buy a katana as a gift, not as a piece of furniture, but for martial arts practice, be sure to come to the store together with the future owner. Of course, there will be no surprise, but only the warrior himself will be able to determine whether the sword has a positive length and whether it will be convenient to work with it.

The Japanese katana sword is created over several months. The process is so difficult because the weapon must be sharp, strong and not brittle at the same time. To achieve this, craftsmen combine several types of metal in one blade. If you decide to draw katana and if you want the drawing to be believable, consider the design features of this weapon.

You will need

  • - pencil;
  • - paper;
  • – eraser;
  • – paints/colored pencils.


1. Draw a straight line. It will serve as the basis for the essay. If there are other objects or people in the picture besides the katana, determine their proportional relationship. Consider the length of the weapon - about 70-100 cm.

2. Divide the line into three equal parts. The upper segment indicates the length of the handle. Since the sword should be curved, slightly bend the drawn segment. The most “convex” point is located in the middle of the segment.

3. Mark the width of the katana. The width of the blade is approximately 30 times less than the overall length of the weapon. Make the handle a little wider than the blade. The tip of the blade should be beveled - “cut” the end of the sword at an angle of 45°.

4. Draw a guard at the border of the handle and blade. This is a metal attachment that protects the warrior's hand. Its diameter is on average 8 cm, and its thickness is 5 mm. You can choose the shape of the guard as you wish - it can be round, oval, quadrangular, polygonal, divided into parts. On the surface of this part of the katana it is possible to depict carvings or edging with non-ferrous metals. The guard is secured at the top and bottom with washers - draw them in the form of thin stripes.

5. Draw a stripe under and above the guard, make the top one tighter. These are couplings made of brass or bronze.

6. Remove the auxiliary construction lines and draw in detail the surface of all parts of the katana. You can make a watercolor background in advance and add pencil strokes to the dried paint.

7. The handle of the katana should be covered with leather. It is wrapped with ribbon on top. Invent a winding pattern or copy it from a photograph of an authentic weapon. You can add voluminous decorative elements between the turns of braid. Closer to the guard, draw a small pin that attaches the handle to the blade.

8. The blade of a katana can be made of one or more metals. The best specimens are made from strong metal along the edges and more soft - in the center of the blade. Draw the boundaries of these “layers”. While angling the blade, determine where the light source is and mark the highlights and shadows on the blade.

9. Draw the katana sheath in the form of a curved rectangle. In its upper part there should be a cord threaded into a loop.

Japanese weapons have long ago become famous all over the world. The long katana sword was even included in the Russian weapons state standards of edged weapons, where it was called a two-handed saber. A well-made katana appears monolithic, but in fact it can be disassembled. For example, it is recommended to disassemble it during transportation. There may also be a need to replace the handle. In addition, collectors are often allowed to see individual parts of this sword.

You will need

  • – small hammer;
  • – brass tongue:
  • - gloves.


1. The sheath is an inseparable part of the katana. In Japan, they were most often made from stingray skin. Now this material It is used mainly in expensive models, and for the rest, the sheath is made from any kind of leather, including unnatural leather. Katana the sheath is traditionally placed in the obi belt. This fashion arose in the 17th century and has survived to this day. Before removing the hilt, remove the sword from its sheath.

2. The tsuka (handle) of a classy katana is attached with the help of one or several pins - mekugi (in another transliteration - mekugi). The pins were usually made of bamboo and were not glued in place. Now mekugi are made from other materials, and inexpensive models the handle parts are repeatedly placed on glue. Therefore, when buying a katana, you need to ask the seller to disassemble it. Wear gloves before you begin removing the handle. You can get by with one - on the hand with which you will hold the blade.

3. Place the katana on a horizontal surface. If you are not very sure that the pins will come out easily, you can carefully fix the sword in a vice. But usually this is not done. Place the point of the brass tongue against the pin. Carefully hit the head of the brass piece with a hammer to knock it out. That's right, knock out the rest of the mekugi in the same way. It’s rare that there are more than 3 pins; traditionally, one or two are enough. Set the mekugi aside or in a small box so they don’t get lost. Tsuka was traditionally made from magnolia wood. Nowadays different plastics are often used.

4. With a gloved hand, grasp the sword by the blade next to the guard. Pull the handle firmly. It must be removed from the shank, the one called nakago, with some effort. Remove the footy coupling located between the handle and the guard.

5. The next part that needs to be removed from the knife is the seppa, an original washer that makes the connection stronger and prevents the handle from splitting. It’s true that the same seppa is on the other side of the guard.

6. Remove the guard, which is called a tsuba on a katana. After this, it remains to remove one more washer and another coupling, which is called habaki. Occasionally you can disassemble the handle by removing some decorative elements. But on modern working swords these decorations are traditionally not removed.

Helpful advice
A short Japanese sword can be disassembled in a similar way and with the help of the same simple devices. The hammer does not have to be very huge. They don’t need to knock powerfully, brass is enough soft material, and the tongue may become deformed. Katana care items can be purchased in the same store as the sword itself.

Charcoal is one of the products of wood combustion. A black porous substance that consists of carbon and hydrogen with a small number of mineral impurities in the form of carbonates and oxides of various metals.

You will need

  • – wood for transformation into coal
  • – wood for the fire
  • – steel container
  • – scoop


1. Charcoal is obtained by the thermal decomposition of wood without air flow. This process is called pyrolysis. Depending on the combustion conditions, a product with different properties is formed. The main parameter affecting the quality of coal is the pyrolysis temperature.

2. When wood is charred, moisture and oxygen are removed from it, leaving only flammable substances - carbon and hydrogen. The pyrometric parameters of the resulting product increase in comparison with the initial material. To purchase coal, wood must be heated slowly, and the temperature of the process should be about 400°C. Rapid heating up to high temperatures will lead to the formation of tar and volatile combustion products.

3. You can also make charcoal at home by building an analogue of a charcoal stove. A steel barrel with a sealed lid is suitable for this. Prepare a place and wood for the fire, as well as wood prepared for transformation into coal. Place the barrel on a stand, say, on stones or bricks. Fill your makeshift charcoal kiln with wood, pre-cut into small pieces. Close the lid tightly. Provide small openings for flammable gases to escape. Light a fire under the barrel.

4. After a few hours, when gases stop coming out of the holes, heating can be stopped. But the barrel should not be opened until the resulting coal has completely cooled without access to air. Otherwise, the combustion process in air may resume and the coal will burn out completely.

5. You can easily burn wood in a stove or fire until red coals form. After this, scoop the coals into an iron container, close it tightly and leave without air flow until it cools completely.

Attention! When working, take precautions! Wear gloves and good lighting.

Helpful advice
Do not start making a katana until you have all the necessary components ready.

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist

This question is asked by many parents of mischievous boys. All the guys play different games role-playing games or imitate their favorite ninja characters from cartoon series. There are many toys, swords, and laser weapons on store shelves, but it is much nicer for a son to receive a gift that mom or dad made with their own hands.

How to make a katana out of paper - diagrams with photos

This process is not at all difficult, the main thing is to start. WITH step by step instructions everyone will figure out how to make a katana out of paper. Involve your child so that he doesn’t get bored at this time, or prepare a pleasant surprise for him in the evening. You can make a Japanese sword with your own hands from plain paper, cardboard, or use the origami technique.

DIY paper katana using origami technique

If you are wondering how to make an origami sword out of paper, follow the instructions:

  1. Take half of a regular landscape sheet. It is advisable to use colored paper light shades.
  2. Prepare similar parts of the sheets, but in a dark color - this will be the handle and sheath of the katana. Apply the resulting blade to one, mark the length of the future handle and separate the dark-colored sheet.
  3. Make a sheath out of most of it. Bend the edge that will be located at the tip inward, the opposite, on the contrary, outward.
  4. Wrap the blade in a dark sheet and secure the sheath with glue.
  5. The remaining small leaf is the handle. Insert its edges into the slit of the blade and wrap it around. In order to practically understand how to make a sword out of paper and please your child, it’s time to glue the two halves of the finished Japanese sword.

How to make a sword from cardboard

To prepare a pleasant surprise for your son or husband, you need to know how to make a katana out of paper. To do this you will need:

  • cardboard (you can use regular boxes);
  • PVA glue);
  • knife (stationery);
  • glue (carpentry);
  • paint different colors– silver, black, red, blue.

If you still have no idea how to make a sword out of cardboard, know that it should be at least 60 cm in length. This should be used as a starting point when calculating the size of parts. Toy weapons, just like in Japan, are easy to make:

  1. From cardboard you need to cut five rectangles 50-70 millimeters wide. In this case, take into account how the wavy stripes are located on the material. On two of them they should be located vertically, on three - horizontally. Next, you need to stack them on top of each other, starting with those with stripes in the vertical direction.
  2. Glue the pieces together. For a stronger connection, you should place the workpiece under a heavy object (then the sword will become as dense as wooden block).
  3. When the workpiece dries, you need to draw a drawing in the shape of a weapon and cut it out of cardboard.
  4. Apply glue (carpenter's glue) to the sidewalls where the corrugation is visible. It is better to pour it in two layers, then let it dry for about 10-12 hours.
  5. Final stage before the paper katana is ready, painting. We cover the blade with silver paint, make the handle black, and paint the invented design on it with the remaining colors.
  6. If desired, coat the blade with clay and sand before painting - then the sword will be even denser.

DIY samurai weapon made of paper - Deadpool's katana

Before you make a paper sword, you need to prepare:

  • cardboard;
  • compass;
  • marker (black);
  • paper tubes (two thick, two thinner);
  • scissors;
  • braid.

The easiest way to make a katana out of paper:

  1. We make 3 circles on the cardboard, one equal to the diameter of the smallest tube, the second equal to the diameter of the other. The last circle will be 1-1.5 cm larger than the second. Trimming extra cardboard, cut out a small circle using stationery knife.
  2. We flatten the smaller tubes, get two rectangular plates, and fasten them with tape. This will be the blade. We perform similar actions with large tubes that will serve as sheaths.
  3. We make the tip of the blade: we draw what it will be, cut it off, and seal it with tape.
  4. We insert two tubes inside the blade, adding volume.
  5. To make the katana look like steel, wrap the blade in foil several times and secure it with office glue or tape.
  6. We make the handle: we fix the main tube on which it will be held with glue. We color the plate that will serve as a tsuba with a black marker. We wrap the tube-handle with tape and secure the edges with tape. We put on the tsuba, then the handle.
  7. We paint over the entire surface of the scabbard with a bright black marker.


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