How to make a chair from a chair with your own hands. Various hanging chairs for the home or garden - we make it ourselves

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Carpentry lovers are always wary of switching to upholstered furniture and prefer to buy ready-made kits sofas and armchairs, complementing them in style with tables and cabinets self-made. There is a reason for this: firstly, for this you need to master related disciplines, such as cutting and sewing or knitting, and secondly, you need to take care not only of the strength and appearance of the product, but also of the comfort of sitting or lying on it.

But trying is not torture; for testing, you can make a modest piece of carpentry using simple method upholstery made of foam rubber or ready-made cushions for furniture. Making chairs can become a fun team hobby; friends or family members with different applied skills can combine their talents and get involved at different stages of creation. upholstered furniture. This will open up a lot of scope for design solutions and material selection.

Classic armchair

The production of this small-sized chair consists of two main stages.

Preparing parts and assembling the frame

You need to work especially carefully on the hind legs to get curved shape which you need to use a ready-made pattern and a jigsaw. The vertical part of the backrest and the rear seat support are attached to the rear legs.

The front legs have a square cross-section and can be made from glued rectangular blocks. Their ends must also be narrowed using electric jigsaw. Fastenings are made with self-tapping screws, for which it is necessary to pre-drill holes with a diameter less than one third.

Before installation, wood glue is applied to the surface of the joints. The seat bars are secured in the corners by additional details, with edges cut at 45 degrees. For seating, you can use plywood or furniture fabric strips.

On last stage Assemblies are attached to the armrests and shaped backrest ears. The dimensions of the parts can be taken from ready-made drawings, or a pattern can be taken from old disassembled chairs.


The back and the inside of the armrests are covered with textile furniture tape. The seat is covered with layers of foam rubber, padding polyester and fabric, which should be 4-5 cm larger in size, due to which they will be folded in the front part and attached to the bottom of the seat.

Then the armrests and backrest are upholstered. To obtain a rounded shape, special recesses are made; after fastening, excess pieces of foam rubber and padding polyester are carefully trimmed. To master furniture upholstery skills, you will have to be patient and use video lessons.

Lattice chair with reclining seat

To make a lattice structure, you need a beam with a cross-section of 2.8, which is cut into strips of the same length 50-60 cm, depending on the selected dimensions of the product.

The workpieces must have a perfectly flat surface, and you must also try to mark as accurately as possible the places for attaching them to the rack.

For the manufacture of load-bearing structure– sidewalls, 3 cm thick plywood is used, from which the sides of the chair are cut according to the pattern. These two sanded pieces are then connected to each other by bases called drawers: at the bottom, at the top and at the level of the seat support.

Then the prepared bars must be secured to this structure with self-tapping screws at intervals of 2.5 cm. The edges should be rounded. The photo shows several different models armchairs made from bars, made independently using this technology.

Country chairs

These wooden chairs are a more simplified version of the classic ones. Assembly diagram wooden frame basically the same, but wooden parts They are not rounded; the simplest armrests and even legs are made from the bars according to the principle of a children's construction set.

Special attention is required when processing the end parts of furniture that will be located on outdoors. After thoroughly sanding the surface, it is treated with hot drying oil and coated with 3 layers of varnish. Softness country chairs add removable pillows.

Hanging chair hammock

To make this necessary attribute of relaxation on modern dacha You need to know how to knit using the macrame technique.

Basic materials:

  • two hoops, a small one for the seat with a diameter of 70 cm, and a large one for the back - 110 cm, which can be made from water pipes metal-plastic pipes. To secure the connection, you can use plastic or wooden inserts which are placed inside the pipe and secured with screws;
  • cord for weaving, possibly made of polyamide with a polypropylene core, the knots of which are easily secured, do not stretch and do not slip.
  • fasteners, wooden rods.

At the first stage, the entire circumference of the hoops is covered with uniform turns of cord, then inner space The seats are knitted with a double cord mesh made using one of the macrame techniques.

The seat and backrest are secured with two wooden rods, which are fixed using cuts; in the front part, the seat and backrest frame are connected using a winding and two thick cords.

To others convenient option For a summer house, you can use a hanging chair, which you can make with your own hands from thick fabric. For the base you will need one hoop with a diameter of 90 cm.

For the cover, a 3-meter piece of fabric is taken, which is divided into two identical squares with a side of one and a half meters. Then the circles are cut out and a double cover is sewn with an allowance. The groove for the hoop is reinforced with padding polyester tape, then holes are cut to secure the scabs.

The following ideas are suitable for sewing and knitting enthusiasts who want to apply their skills to making furniture.

Chair cushion

It is better to sew the first such chair with your own hands, using ready-made patterns in the shape of a pear or a ball, strictly adhering to the given dimensions, and only then can you improvise with the silhouette and dimensions. You will need: a bag of foam balls, fabric and zippers for the inner and outer covers and sewing machine.

The seams are made double for strength; when filling, a plastic or cardboard tube is used, which helps not to scatter the electrified foam chips.

You can improvise with the shapes and colors of such chairs. With this technology, if the work is completed, there can be no defects. Failed instances may become original pillows for children's games.

Bottle chair

This is the simplest know-how that does not require any special skills, just the desire to do something with your own hands.

To collect required quantity material needed certain time. It will be necessary to collect identical two-liter plastic bottles, clean them and make blanks by cutting off the top part and inserting them in pairs into each other. Then blocks of different sizes are prepared for the seat, armrests and backrest, secured with tape.

The chair is assembled into classic style, rectangular blocks of various sizes for a seat, backrest and two armrests. After assembly, you need to wrap the entire product with polyethylene stretch film, and then decorate it with stylish pillows or sew a cover.

Frameless chair-bed made of foam rubber

In order to make such a chair with your own hands, you need to delve into the instructions, especially in the part that explains how to attach ready-made blocks.

Once you grasp the essence, and it consists in a special method of sewing covers along the edges to each other, you can easily assemble soft folding structures - corners, armchairs and sofas of any size. You will also need to learn correct calculations when cutting out foam rubber and patterning covers.

DIY chair photo

In this article we will consider the topic of manufacturing classic furniture Almost all apartments and houses - a chair with your own hands. This solid wood chair with armrests will not be bulky and best use such products are tableware. Following these instructions, you can make it at home.

The production of the chair will take place in several stages. All of them will be presented below and you can easily make it in a few evenings if you have the tools and materials, because all the schemes will be presented below. There will be no ready-made drawings in this article, since everything is done from improvised means: from boards, plywood bars, which are available.


Let's call this stage the chair frame.

Of course, almost the entire skeleton will be covered with foam rubber and fabric. Only part of the legs will remain visible.

The back legs are the most important parts of a wooden chair because you need to make them at some angle.

Without thinking for a long time, to make the back part of the chair structure we took ordinary dining chair, which was available, although it did not have a seat. But he was well suited for the role of template. You can take some old grandma's chair.

Markings were made on a 50x150 board.

Be sure to mark the level of the seat of the chair, make it the same as for the chair. IN in this case it was approximately 410 mm from the floor.

For sawing out homemade legs fireplace chair use a jigsaw.

Then we used the finished part as a template to make three more legs, because we are making two chairs at once with our own hands from scrap materials.

The front legs will be straight and square - 55x55 mm. To obtain such a cross-section, you can glue the boards together and then saw them to the required size. We glued 2 pairs of 2 boards, 120 mm wide and 30 mm thick.

There is no glue between boards 2 and 3

Note. A chair with a solid structure is called a frame chair.

While the front legs were drying, we finished assembling the back frame - we made the upper part, the upper part of which has a slight rounding. Then we made the rear seat support bar.

Every person wants to make the environment of their home or apartment as cozy and comfortable as possible, but at the same time unlike any others.

You can achieve a unique interior with the help of hanging chairs. They can be purchased at furniture stores or make it yourself.

Today on the Internet and in specialized magazines you can find drawings of the chairs of the different designs and shapes.

In our article we will look at how to make such a chair with your own hands.

Types of hanging chairs

Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of hanging chairs, including those that you can make yourself.

Such furnishings can become an unusual accent in the design of a room. Below we will look at several options for chairs that you can create yourself.

Chair in the form of a swing

In the manufacture of original hanging swing chairs, the most different materials. Such models are characterized by an elegant appearance, a fairly simple design, and a hard or soft frame. They will perfectly decorate the cottage.

They can also be used as an original piece of furniture for a bedroom or children's room, or terrace.

Chair in the shape of a cocoon

This is one of the most common models of hanging chairs. The difference between this chair is the presence of walls hiding the inside of the chair.

This product was created to enjoy solitude; children also really like it, as it looks like a hanging house. To make a cocoon, only natural materials are used.

Chair in the form of a nest with a frame made of hoop

These chairs are the most popular. They can be equipped with a large amount of decor and perfectly complement modern interiors. For such models, the most different techniques weaving.

What are the chairs made of?

When choosing materials for a chair, it is necessary to take into account its specifics.

If you decide on the swing chair option, then you will need thick fabric, different types artificial ropes and blocks of wood.

To make a cocoon-shaped chair you will need rattan, willow twigs, bast, bird cherry or willow branches.

For a chair in the form of a nest, a hoop made of plastic or steel is suitable, durable fabric, wear-resistant, synthetic filler, special cords for weaving, various wooden blocks.

For the seat itself, the following techniques are used:

  • Macrame;
  • Patchwork technique;
  • Knitting;
  • Tatting.

Do not forget about the compliance of the selected materials and fasteners with the planned load.


Master class on creating a chair

This is the simplest type of hanging chair that you can make yourself. To make it you will need:

  • dense material – 2 m;
  • wooden beam - length 1 m, radius 3 cm;
  • several carbines (0.11 m), designed for a weight of up to 0.16 tons;
  • cable with a diameter of 1-1.15 cm with a tensile load of up to 3200 kgf;
  • paints, brushes, nylon threads.

The tools you will need are a drill, a sewing machine, an iron, scissors, and a ruler.

Step by step we create miracles

Step 1. Fold the material in half, measure 0.18 m from the top and cut off the resulting triangle.

Step 2. Fold the edges of the fabric by approximately 1 - 1.5 cm and carefully hem them.

Step 3. Make pockets for the cable. To do this, you need to bend the edges on the long part by 4 cm and stitch them on a typewriter.


Step 4. On each side wooden beam make 2 holes. There should be a gap of 5 cm between two adjacent holes, and approximately 0.8 m between pairs of holes.

Step 5. We insert the rope into the central holes and secure it with knots. First, we make a knot for the carabiner in the middle of the rope.

Step 6. Pass the ends of the cable through the prepared fabric, insert them into the free holes and secure with knots.

Step 7. We attach a pair of carabiners, which are connected to each other, to the hook previously attached to the ceiling. This will add reliability to the design. We insert the rope into the last carabiner.

You can decorate the swing chair with bright pillows.


Hanging chairs are a fairly popular piece of furniture. They can easily become the highlight of your interior.

We hope that this article has convinced you that sewing a stylish bean bag chair or a fashionable hammock chair with your own hands is not at all difficult.

Such self-made products have a unique charm. They will definitely amaze your guests with their uniqueness.

DIY chair photo

What if you try to make something out of furniture with your own hands? Interesting? Let's start by making furniture that doesn't require a frame, for example: from a bean bag chair (or, as it is also called, a pear chair).How to make a beanbag chair with your own hands at home? The key to an excellent result of your work is to do it right from the start make patterns and find good filler. You select the fabric (color, texture) to your liking, not forgetting the harmony of the future pear-shaped product with the rest of the furniture in the house.

The most important advantage of this bean bags self made the fact that it itself is light and freely takes the shape of the body of a person who wishes to rest on it. Therefore, it is very comfortable. You can even lie down on it, fluffing it up like a pillow. People who spend a lot of time “on their feet”, or sitting for hours in the office, perfectly relax and rest their back muscles when they sit in bean bag chairs. And what delight this furniture causes in children! Be sure to take your child as an assistant when you start making a bean bag chair with your own hands.

The next important point is filler. The most popular of them now is polystyrene chips, the granules of which are 1.5-5 mm. If you use it as a filler, then you will never sit in a “cold” chair. This applies specifically to crumbs, and not to foam plates.

As an option, order crumbs from an online store (cheap and fast). And with the rest you can fill decorative pillows and soft children's toys.

It will be great fill chair bags not with traditional polystyrene foam, but, for example, with hay soaked in the aroma of hot summer or some fragrant grass. You just need to keep in mind that such fillers love rooms without high humidity. This filling is changed every 6-12 months if products made from it are used a lot and often. Therefore, the bag itself should be easily removable to replace the filler.

One of the covers that makes up a bean bag chair (or pear chair), should be made of raincoat fabric or thick mattress fabric, the second cover should be made from beautiful furniture fabric or denim, suede, faux leather and even velvet. You should not take expensive fabric for the outer cover, since with cheaper fabric the cover can be changed as much as you like, and each time you will have a “new” chair. So it’s worth thinking about whether we need to pay in online stores for the super abrasion-resistant fabric they advertise, if we have the option of inexpensive, but different and always “fresh” covers?

On outer case Bag chairs usually have a strong metal zipper 50-60 cm long. The best place its location is at the bottom of the chair, otherwise it may break if there is excessive load on the chair. If you don't like the zipper, sew on a few buttons.

By turning on your imagination, you can vary bag chair from a very large pillow to comfortable mattress; it can be like a chair with a back, if you arrange the pillow in a triangle, and a comfortable mattress.

Before you start directly manufacturing the product (upholstered furniture), we recommend that you do small pattern on paper to scale to check if everything fits.

The seams on the covers must be strong, the same as on jeans, using reinforced threads in order to withstand heavy loads.

We sew a chair bag (pear chair, cushion chair) with your own hands . Master class with step by step photo instructions and pattern.

Comfortable frameless upholstered furniture, made by yourself. Master class on making a beanbag chair.
Next article.

Every day, designers come up with unusual furniture, sometimes practical, and sometimes not so much. It looks beautiful, but not everyone can afford it. Round egg chairs were invented a long time ago, but they still haven’t gone out of fashion thanks to an interesting appearance, practicality and convenience. Let's try to create something like this unusual chair with your own hands.

First, let's do a little round chair that is suitable for a child or for a pet. If you are confident in your skill, you can immediately make a large egg chair that an adult can fit into.


  • large fitness ball
  • newspapers
  • plastic pipe
  • threaded rod with a diameter of 16 mm
  • several nuts for the stud
  • cap nut
  • putty
  • sandpaper
  • 6 cans of white matte paint
  • 2 cans of white epoxy paint
  • foam rubber 4 cm thick
  • red fabric
  • 1 can of spray adhesive
  • roulette

How to make a round chair with your own hands

Papier mache

1. Take a large fitness ball. It is advisable to take an unnecessary ball, since after the project you will have to throw it away.

2. Place tape around the ball to define the boundaries of the paper mache. The adhesive tape needs to be glued slightly offset from the central section line.

3. Tear strips from newspapers. The width of the strips is about 4 cm. The stripes do not have to be identical, even and neat. The main thing is not to make them too wide, so that when pasting they do not wrinkle.

4. Prepare papier-mâché paste. Mix two glasses of water with a glass of flour and add a pinch of salt. Salt is needed to prevent mold from appearing in the flour. The consistency of the paste should resemble yogurt. Do not make a lot of paste at once; it needs to be prepared as you use it.

5. Place the exercise ball in a large bowl to keep it from rolling around the room while you glue the paper on it.

6. Apply paste to both sides of each strip and glue them onto the ball parallel to each other. On top of them, glue another layer of strips perpendicular to the first.

7. Once you have covered the entire ball (down to the tape) with two layers of paper strips, let it dry for 12 hours. Repeat step 6 at least five times (if the chair is intended for an animal). Ideally, you should apply at least 10 double layers of papier-mâché. After each layer you need to leave the product to dry for 12 hours.

Egg chair base

1. Cut a circle from MDF. The diameter of the base depends on the size of the chair. We cut a circle with a diameter of 40 cm.

2. Drill a hole in the center of the circle. The diameter of the hole must match the size of the nut. Insert the nut into the hole and screw the threaded rod into it.

3. Install on base plastic pipe. By changing the length of the pipe, you can adjust the height of the chair.

4. Using tape and newspapers, make smooth transition from the base to the pipe.

5. Cover the resulting shape with papier-mâché.


The chair takes shape. At this stage, you may be tempted to pull the ball out to look at the result, but under no circumstances should you do this. First you need to apply putty to the surface.

1. Put on gloves and evenly apply putty to the surface of the chair and legs. The layer thickness should be approximately 5 mm. Let the putty dry overnight.

2. Pull out the ball. To do this you will have to deflate it. Now you can apply putty to the inner surface. Inner layer may be significantly thicker than the outer one. Don't worry if the putty is outside will begin to crack. Leave the chair to dry for a day.


1. Start sanding with coarse sandpaper. There is no need to sand the inner surface, as it will not be visible under the upholstery. During grinding, voids may open up, do not pay attention to them, your task is to achieve the correct smooth shape. You will fill in the blanks later.

2. Fill the voids with putty and let it dry.

3. Sand the surface of the chair and legs with fine sandpaper.


1. Cover the chair with white paint. It is advisable to use matte paint in cans. Apply as many words of paint as you deem necessary.

2. The paint must dry within 24 hours.

3. Apply epoxy paint. It will fix white paint, will give the product gloss.

4. Give the paint time to dry.

Leg installation

1. Drill through hole in the chair where you want to install the leg. The diameter of the hole must match the diameter of the threaded rod.

2. Place the base with the threaded rod on the chair, mark where the rod needs to be sawed off.

3. Saw off the stud until the right size. Secure the leg to the chair.

Installation of foam rubber

1. Take a tape measure and measure the circumference of the “opening” of the chair. Divide the resulting length by 5. Place the resulting length on a strip of foam rubber five times. Using the points set aside, construct five isosceles triangles. The height of the triangles is 1 meter.

2. Cut out triangles and place them inside the chair. Their tops should touch. Spaces in the form of petals are formed between the triangles. Take a piece of paper and transfer the outline of the space onto it.

3. Using the template, cut out five “petals” from foam rubber.

4. Sew the “petals” to the triangles, as a result you will get spherical foam upholstery.

5. Although it sounds strange, this workpiece needs to be cut into five parts. The cuts should go along the axes of the “petals”.


1. Lay out the five foam blanks obtained in the previous step on a bright fabric. Outline them, then mark the outer contours, leaving 5 centimeters of margin. Cut the fabric according to the markings.

2. Make sure that the foam is laid out correctly. The seams on the foam should be on the reverse side.

3. Apply glue to the edge of the foam rubber and glue the fabric upholstery.

4. Apply glue to the top half of the foam and glue the fabric. Apply glue to the remaining part, apply and smooth the upholstery. The glue should be applied not to the fabric, but to the foam rubber, otherwise white spots will remain on the upholstery.

5. Turn the blanks over with the foam rubber facing up. Apply glue to the seam allowances and fold the fabric. Try to keep the edges smooth and without wrinkles.

Fabric frill

1. Apply glue to the inside of the chair. Lay the foam blanks, starting from the bottom.

2. Measure the circumference of the chair opening. Cut the rope to the appropriate length.

3. Cut a strip of fabric and wrap it around the rope as tightly as possible.

4. Sew the edges of the fabric strip.

5. Trim excess fabric. Glue the frill around the perimeter of the opening so that the seam is not visible.

The egg chair is ready! Use it with pleasure and surprise your guests.


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