How to clean the grate on a gas stove: effective and simple cleaning methods. How to wash the gas stove grate from grease and soot? How to clean gas grills at home

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The main classification feature by which the gratings are divided is the material household appliances. There are three varieties in total:

  • enamelled metal elements technology. They are made from a durable yet lightweight metal alloy. From above they are covered with a dense layer of enamel, which gives them an aesthetic appearance. For cleaning use slightly abrasive detergents.

Useful advice!

When cleaning enameled products, do not get carried away with aggressive detergents, which will gradually destroy the enamel coating.

  • Grids made of cast iron are durable if they do not constantly come into contact with water, do not clean them with metal brushes, do not wash with abrasive detergents.
  • Steel grills also have a place to be on gas stoves. They are cleaned with various aggressive agents, as well as with metal brushes.

Effective methods for cleaning gas stove grates

The cleaning method depends on the material from which they are made. to the most efficient and simple ways soot removal include:

  • Ignition by fire. A cleaning method is used for cast iron and steel products. Remove the grate from the stove, wipe it if it is wet or has a small amount of grease on it. After that, put on kitchen gloves so as not to burn yourself, take the grate and place it over the open fire of the burner. Pieces of soot should begin to fall from it. Then, wipe the steel grate with a rag, but clean the cast-iron grate with a dry brush.
  • In cases where the elements gas stove heavily contaminated, they are washed with ammonia. Before using the product, put on gloves and a respirator so as not to be poisoned by a volatile substance.

Steps for using ammonia:

  1. Take a tight garbage bag that will not tear, place a wire rack in it.
  2. Pour a bottle of ammonia into a water spray bottle, add half a glass of water.
  3. Spray the resulting solution into a bag over the entire surface of the grate.
  4. Tie the bag, and turn it over in your hands for several minutes so that the ammonia solution spreads over the entire surface of the household item.
  5. Soak the grate for 6-8 hours. To prevent the smell from spreading around the apartment, take the bag out onto the balcony.
  6. After the time has elapsed, wipe the removable plate element dry. Set in place.
  • To remove strong contamination from soot and fat, table ingredients will also help, which will certainly be found in any kitchen. Mix equal parts dry mustard powder, baking soda, vinegar and salt. After that, apply the resulting mixture to the surface of the grate from all sides, leave to soak for several hours. In the allotted time, the dirt should move away, you just have to rinse the kitchen element under water and wipe it dry with a soft cloth.

  • Soaking in a soapy solution based on laundry soap will allow you to remove a small amount of carbon from the grates. Take a bar of laundry soap (72%), grate it. Pour the resulting chips into a basin where the grates fit, add two tablespoons of baking soda and 5 liters of hot water, stir the ingredients until they are completely combined. Dip the removable elements of the plate, leave to soak for 2 hours. Then, rinse them under water and wipe dry with a sponge or cloth.
  • Carbon deposits from the grates are perfectly removed with ordinary water. "Like this?" - a logical question immediately arises. Contaminated removable elements are removed from the stove, placed in a container of water and put in the oven for one hour. During this time, all soot and fat will lag behind metal products, you just have to wipe them dry and install them in place.

How not to wash gas stove grates

When cleaning the grates of gas stoves, you must not:

  • soap or soak cast iron products in water. A brittle metal alloy, after interaction with water, is covered with cracks, may crumble;
  • do not overdo it with metal brushes. If you rub very hard, then micropores appear on removable products, into which water, fat, and air enter. Which ultimately leads to rapid wear of parts of gas stoves;
  • do not soak the grates hot. Turn temperature regime makes the metal brittle, which can lead to rapid destruction;
  • do not use fine-grained sand as a cleaning agent. If you clean modern household appliances with it, you can easily scratch it, and the effect of removing carbon deposits is negligible.


In the process of applying methods for cleaning gas grates, safety precautions must be observed. Fundamental rules:

  1. When using liquid and volatile substances, protect your mouth and nose with a respirator and your hands with rubber gloves.
  2. When cleaning with any substances, open the windows and turn on the hood.
  3. When calcining grates over a fire, do it very carefully, wearing special thick kitchen gloves on your hands that will protect you from burns.
  4. In cases of poisoning with vapors of volatile substances, quickly move to fresh air. Do not enter the premises until it is completely ventilated.
  5. Upon receipt of funds for open areas skin, they are quickly washed off clean water so as not to damage the epidermis.

Three tips will help prevent the appearance of soot on the grates.

Perhaps the most difficult thing in all homework- wash the gas stove. And if the surface itself is easy to deal with, washing the grate, as a rule, is constantly postponed until later.

As a result, it becomes more and more difficult to wash it, and the layer of dirt accumulated on the rods only spoils the whole picture.

As a result, every housewife sooner or later wonders how to wash the gas stove grate at home.

We determine the material

Just before washing, you need to remember what material this part was made of. gas oven. You will have few answers:

  • steel bars;
  • enamelled metal;
  • cast iron.

The fact is that each of these materials requires its own care.

Cast iron

Cast iron is a very finicky material and therefore quite difficult to clean. He is afraid of water, so wash him in dishwasher will not work.

Just scraping off the fat with a knife is also not an option: along with the fat, you can also scrape off particles of the material itself. The only way is heating.

This can be done directly above the stove itself, above the fire in the country or in the garage. blowtorch. Ignite the fat until all of it burns out and dry residues fall off it.

It’s also a good idea to entrust this responsible task to men who will remove dirt with metal brushes and an electric drill.


As a rule, these are gratings with very smooth surface. But the range of your influences is quite large.

The easiest way to clean the grate of a gas stove is to use such a miracle of household appliances as a dishwasher.

Remove all rubber elements from the grate and put it in the dirty dish compartment, after pouring more detergent there. The incandescent method is also suitable here, you can also scrape off the dirt with a sharp object.


How to clean the steel grate of a gas stove from grease? In this case, a strong caustic agent will do.

Place the contaminated element in the bathroom or cover the place where the cleaning will take place with oilcloth. Apply evenly detergent on rods and leave overnight. In the morning, just rinse with water.

How else to clean the grate of a gas stove from soot? To do this, you can use one of the following tools:

  • Soak the grate in a basin or tub filled with very hot water. Add any detergent there. If you are against household chemicals, use soda or vinegar. Leave everything for a few hours and then rinse in the usual way.
  • Some advise using a car engine cleaner. Washes away any dirt, while harmlessly and easily washed off with water.
  • When cleaning, you can use a stainless steel washcloth. It is better than a regular sponge to cope with pollution.
  • Dry mustard also helps. Apply evenly with a damp cloth and let sit. Then wash in the usual way.
  • Perfectly cleans and warm sand. True, it will take a long time to rub.


On the Internet you can find a video guide on how to clean the grate of a gas stove. In any case, a few tips in the end will not hurt:

1. Carry out any work only with gloves, especially if you work with aggressive substances.

2. After the grate has been washed, it must be wiped dry. The fact is that fat will easily stick to places where droplets of water remain.

3. Wash the stove and all elements on it as soon as they become dirty.

Kitchen hood - important element technology that creates comfortable conditions cooking and eating. Untimely cleaning of the filter and grate reduces the performance of the unit, allowing the formation of soot in the kitchen. Exhaust hood to eliminate unpleasant odors and prevents the formation of soot, must also be cleaned periodically. An increase in operating noise and a decrease in productivity are the first factors in the pollution of cleaning equipment. How to clean the hood inside, even if it is impossible to clean it with a sponge and detergent from the outside? The presence of a suction effect attracts evaporation particles to the surface of the unit, thus forming a sticky coating of fat on the device.

Cleaning kitchen hood- enough laborious process. Before washing, it must be completely disassembled. But the most difficult thing in the process is the direct cleaning of the mesh and filter from soot and dirt. Depending on which material body and parts are made, selected special agent for cleaning. Which tool you need to use is usually indicated in the instructions for the device. Incorrectly used detergent can damage the elements of the unit. Therefore, it is very important to know how to clean the hood in the kitchen correctly.

Before proceeding with the cleansing, you need to take a few steps:

  • study in detail the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer on the issue of cleaning specific parts;
  • to study the list of collapsible sections of the structure;
  • disconnect the equipment from the mains;
  • dismantling and disassembly is carried out according to the process description in technical documentation- this will allow you not to lose parts and correctly fold them back.

If you want to know how to wash the hood in the kitchen, follow the following standard algorithm of actions:

  1. Remove the top surface of the housing.
  2. Extract grid covering the internal cleaning system.
  3. All details and retainer must be removed and soaked in a separate container with soapy water, as they will also have a greasy coating.
  4. Take off filter.
  5. Unscrew the pipe leading to the vent hatch polluted air.

After you managed to dismantle the device and remove all dirty parts, you can both wash the hood from fat and process all the elements, including the outer case.

Ways to clean the kitchen hood

The most affordable and effective means of cleaning grease from any hood in the kitchen are home remedies. How can you wash the hood if it is not used very intensively, and the cooking process occurs from time to time? The cleaning interval can be 6 months, using common remedy for washing dishes and a sponge. Soap solution will wash all parts and air filter. But before cleaning, you should make sure that it is to be washed, and not replaced.

To make the separation of contaminants easier and faster, cleaning should be done quarterly.

At education sticky coating with a thick layer of greasy dirt on the grid, it will be necessary to use stronger products. Options for cleaning the kitchen hood can be as follows.

Cleaning with soda

Treatment with soda solution

It is the fastest, safest and cheap way mesh cleaning. The procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Select a container that can boil the grate in solution, depending on its dimensions. If it is large and does not fit in any pan, you can take any dishes into which it will fit in width and clean from both sides in turn.
  2. Preparation of soda solution: 0.5 tbsp. dilute soda in 3 liters of water.
  3. The cleaning process takes 20-30 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination.

in boiling water soda solution particles of any origin are separated, while the structure is not scratched.

Treatment with ammonia

If the pollution is old, and when boiling in the soda solution, there are residues of pollution, you can wash the grate of the hood with ammonia. For these purposes, you need 0.5 tbsp. alcohol diluted in 3.5 liters of hot water. Considering that ammonia has Strong smell, it is better to carry out the procedure in a mask so as not to burn the mucous membrane, as well as open the window. The soaking process will take 1-1.5 hours, after which the mesh can be washed under running water and dried with a towel or napkin.

Ammonia for cleaning

soap solution

The use of a soapy solution requires a rough cleaning of the hood from fat, since a sponge will not help much for these purposes. Here you need plastic or metal scraper. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to dissolve the usual 72% laundry soap in hot water, with a concentration of 0.5 bar of soap per 3 liters of water. Small parts can even be boiled, and the mesh can be rubbed with a solution and mechanical processing can begin.

Acetic acid

If you don't know how to clean a greasy hood grate, try this method: acetic acid treatment is also effective tool to remove sticky dirt. The smell is pungent, so access must be provided fresh air. All the elements are rubbed with a sponge dipped in vinegar. 7-10 minutes are enough to separate the contaminants. After treatment with an acid solution, the parts should be washed in running water.

Lemon acid

With weak pollution, you can use lemon, it, as in the case of acetic acid, is capable of break down fat particles. Lemon treatment of the hood body is very effective, which also attracts dirt and soot forms on it. Instead of lemon juice, you can use dissolved citric acid at the rate of 2-3 tbsp. for 1 liter of water.


This method is used for old fatty formations, when the hood was not cleaned long time. For these purposes, it is used cleaner downpipes You can try oven cleaner. If the consistency is liquid, it is worth soaking the grate and other parts for 10 minutes, and rinse with hot water. The powder must first be diluted in water, and then processed.

The cleansing process will take no longer than any other treatment. kitchen appliances. Regular cleaning of the filter, even in an ordinary soapy solution, will not allow soot to settle on the grill and other internal parts. If available, you can wash the elements of the exhaust hood in the dishwasher. Regular maintenance of exhaust equipment will reduce the cleaning time of all parts of the structure and extend the performance of the unit.

Cleanliness in the kitchen is very important for any housewife. We can say that the methods described in the article are suitable not only for cleaning hoods. Vinegar, lemon acid and soda are used to clean the most different surfaces. To make the kitchen shine, read the rules for cleansing and its fellow,. Many do not suspect, but the dishwasher also needs regular cleaning, and ours will tell you how to do it right.

Periodically, the kitchen "nurse" becomes a source negative emotions. This happens every time you need to clean the gas stove grate.

Preparing to clean cast iron grates

First go over the cast iron with a hard sponge, brush or rag to remove upper layer an old flight. The sponge will be covered with small particles of dirt. Periodically rinse it under running water until the top layer of plaque is removed.

Pay attention to pollution gas burners: the cleaner the flame, the less soot will settle on the cast iron.

To clean plaque, it is convenient to use a table covered with polyethylene. This will save the stove from additional contamination, provide easy manipulation when cleaning the corners, sides, and bottom of the grate.


Modern household chemicals offers effective solutions to fight pollution. These are different in composition and cost gels, pastes, powders. Among them there are absolutely safe hypoallergenic products.

Folk ways more varied. Along with soda, mustard, soap, which effectively remove layers of fat, soot and plaque from the surface of the stove, are also used old ways cleaning.

professional tools

The most effective are liquids, creams, which are widely used for washing kitchen equipment in restaurants, bakeries ... They are also used in cleaning. Someone who, and the workers of these services know a lot about choosing high-quality detergents. Among those in demand:

These are some examples of modern household products. Their use allows you to easily clean cast-iron grates from grease and hard deposits.

After processing, it is necessary to finally rid the surface of liquid, gel, falling off pieces of soot. To do this, wipe with a damp cloth or sponge. Then rinse the cast-iron part with running water, removing chemical residues.

Gels, pastes, creams for cleaning kitchen cast iron are based on a safe, strong alkali, which is an effective grease remover that breaks down old carbon deposits with soot without residue. No less effective household chemicals based on various acids. But in the case of cast iron, it is inappropriate - under the influence of individual components, it becomes brittle. In addition, acid is powerless against fat.

Folk remedies and ways to combat pollution

Housewives with time often prefer effective "grandmother's" ways to remove soot and plaque. They are attracted by a set of components available for cleaning: ordinary water, soda, laundry soap ...


Prepare the solution by placing in a large basin or other container:

  • 7-8 liters of water;
  • 2 packs of baking soda;
  • a bar of laundry soap;
  • 2 bottles of silicate glue.

Immerse the cast-iron part in the solution, put on a strong fire. Bring the water to a boil, reduce the flame, cover with a lid. Keep on the stove for at least half an hour, without stopping boiling.

After half an hour, pull the part out of the solution, visually evaluate the effect of the procedure. If the places of soot, soot are not cleared, continue for another 15-30 minutes. Rinse when finished.


An economical and effortless way. Make a fire, put a grate on the bricks pre-installed in it. Maintain a powerful flame for 30-60 minutes, observing that each part of the cast iron is ignited on fire.

Leave to cool after the time has elapsed. When the temperature allows, pull out the calcined object, lightly hit it with a hammer several times. If the calcination is successful, the soot will fall off the grate in large pieces. Pieces that have not flown off can be separated with a knife, a chisel. If the soot does not lag behind, then its layer is too large. Ignition is worth repeating.


Effective for once a week procedures. Dilute the solution in a container, taking:

  • 5 liters of water with a temperature of 50-60 degrees;
  • 2 tablespoons of dishwashing gel;
  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of mustard powder.

Mix the solution well, immerse the cast-iron object in it. Soaking time is 5-10 hours. During this time, the fat will break down, the soot will become softer. Wipe the part pulled out of the solution with a sponge or cloth.


It is permissible with fresh plaque formed after a long one-time cooking (on the occasion of a holiday, anniversary ...). Wipe the item with a damp sponge. Prepare a soap-soda solution, for which mix 3 tablespoons of dish gel with 5-7 tablespoons of baking soda. Coat the cast-iron product with a mixture, wrap with polyethylene, leave overnight. In the morning, remove the exfoliated soot with a coarse brush or sponge, rinse under running warm running water.

To enhance the effect, you can add 3 tablespoons of dry mustard to the liquid. This tool is great for breaking down fat.

Cast iron parts of household kitchen appliances are difficult to clean from grease and soot during rare washes. It is better to eliminate traces of smudges every time as soon as the broth or milk has “escaped”. It will take no more than a minute, but everything will shine with purity.

When using a household stove, you can protect its parts from fat with food foil. During frying, wrap it with rods or spread it on the surface around the burner used. Splashes of fat will settle on the foil.

Care of products made of cast iron excludes the use of rough mechanical action. Scraping plaque, soot with hard or sharp objects will leave marks on the metal. The use of coarse powdered abrasives will do the same.

How often to clean the stove?

The ideal situation is to wash the surface of the stove once a week. Better - on Mondays-Tuesdays. On weekends, you have to cook a lot, trying to pamper your family. This affects the cleanliness of the plate. In hot pursuit, it is possible to wash the grate within 10-15 minutes with the most simple means.

It is undesirable to leave pollution for more than a month. Then you have to mess around with soot for 2-3 hours or resort to the most cardinal method.

The fastest and easiest way to clean your cast iron grate

When removing contamination, take into account chemical composition used gel or liquid, not trusting unverified methods.

There are doubts about the safety of using a liquid to clean an auto engine, although someone convinces: as soon as you moisten a rag with it and wipe the cast iron, the plaque will begin to peel off. The surface of kitchen cast iron does not tolerate aggressive chemical solutions, which include auto fluid.

The same applies to methods using solutions with vinegar, ammonia; liquids, thick gels and creams containing acids.

But if you want results and quick deliverance cast-iron grate from dirt, then contact us for cleaning the apartment. We will help you!

The stove is the most difficult appliance to maintain in the kitchen, especially if it is gas. Indeed, unlike the electric one, it has a heavy cast iron grate, burners that periodically clog, and handles that get dirty very quickly with grease. Stationary gas stoves also have an oven and a drying cabinet, a back shield or a cover. In this article, you will learn how to clean your gas stove at home from grates to knobs, as well as how to make cheap and super-efficient DIY cleaning solutions.

8 steps to clean your gas stove

Before proceeding to general cleaning your gas stove, turn off the gas supply tap, disconnect it from electricity if there is an electric ignition function, put on latex gloves and follow our step by step instructions.

What you need:

  • Vinegar 9% (for cleaning the table, body and handles of the stove);
  • ammonia or soda (for cleaning grates and handles);
  • Dishwashing liquid;
  • Plastic bag (for cleaning grates with ammonia);
  • Brush;
  • Sponge with hard side;
  • Rags or paper towels;
  • Basin;
  • Toothpicks (for cleaning cracks);
  • Paperclip, pin or needle (for cleaning burners).


Step 1. First, let's clean the grates - the most problematic part of the gas stove. Remove them and scrape off the stuck pieces of food, deposits of fat and soot in the corners with a scraper. Next, choose one of three cleaning methods:

  • Method 1. How to clean the gas stove grate with soda. Dilute half a cup of baking soda with water to make a paste-like consistency. Coat each grate with the resulting product, giving Special attention corners and joints, and then leave them for a few hours (at this time, start next steps cleaning described below). After such processing, it will be much easier to remove fat and carbon deposits from cast iron. However, with old dirt, you will have to tinker a little, using the hard side of the sponge, detergent or ammonia.
  • Method 2. How to clean the gas stove grate with ammonia. According to most reviews, this method is the most effective. Wet a sponge with ammonia and simply cover every centimeter of the grate with it. Next, put it in a plastic bag, tie it up and leave it for a couple of hours or more (at this time proceed to the next steps of cleaning the stove). Finally, rinse the grate with dishwashing liquid and remove loose grease and carbon deposits with a sponge.
  • Method 3. How to clean the gas stove grate with soapy water. Grate about a quarter of the laundry soap, dissolve the shavings in hot water (5-7 liters) in a basin or sink and leave the bars to soak for several hours. Then rinse them clean with dishwashing detergent, if necessary. difficult places treat with ammonia.

Keep in mind that washing cast iron grates in the dishwasher is not only not very effective, but also not good for cast iron. Indeed, after such a long stay in the water, it will certainly become covered with rust.

Step 2. Also remove the covers of the burners and soak them for a while in a basin with hot soapy water (you can put them in the same basin where the grates are already soaked).

Step 3 Using a dry brush or paper towel, clean the stove of crumbs and any other surface contaminants.

Step 4. Let's take care of the burners: remove them, wipe them with a damp cloth and make sure that nothing is blocking the flow of gas. If necessary, clean the holes with an unfolded paper clip (pin/needle) and put the burners back in place.

Step 5. Generously spray a solution of water and vinegar, diluted in a ratio of 1: 1, onto the body of the stove with a spray bottle. Don't forget to spray the vinegar on the handles (if they're not removable), the control panel, the back of the stove, and the oven if you have one. Let the tool work for you for a minute or so. Next, wipe the stove with a clean rag or paper towel.

By the way, if the body of your stove has White color, then you can, after processing with vinegar, sprinkle it with baking soda. The resulting mixture will act on fat and soot even more effectively, however, it will leave behind white coating, which will not be so easy to wash off. That is why washing the stove with a mixture of vinegar and soda is not recommended for owners of silver, black and other colored models.

Step 5: Soaking the stove in a vinegar solution will remove most stains. However, in order to clean old fat plaque, you should additionally work with one of the following means:

  • dishwashing detergent;
  • ammonia;
  • ammonia.

Apply the product to a small brush ( Toothbrush fit perfectly!) and start cleaning local dirt in small circular motions.

Step 6. Separately, you should stop at the stage of cleaning the handles of the gas stove and the electric ignition button, which are so difficult to clean because of their small size, the existing cavities and crevices clogged with grease.

  • If the handles are removable, then remove them and soak for several hours in a solution of equal parts of vinegar and water, or in a hot solution of grated laundry soap. If, after such treatment, old fat is still not removed, treat difficult areas with a solution of ammonia and water (1: 1), let the alcohol work for 5-10 minutes and wipe the handles clean.
  • How to clean the handles of the gas stove if they are not removable? The principle of operation is simple: treatment with solutions "vinegar + water" or "ammonia + water", soaking for 10 minutes, cleaning with a toothbrush in a circular motion. Cracks should be cleaned with a toothpick.

Step 7. If your gas stove has an oven, it's time to clean it too. Follow our step by step instructions to do it effectively and correctly.

Step 8. Replace the clean grates, burners and their covers, make sure the alcohol has evaporated (if you used it) and check the operation of the stove.


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