How to make a candle at home. How to make a candle with your own hands at home

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The soft fragrance of melting wax, the flickering of living lights, the magical aura of romance - candles can create special atmosphere in the house, lift your mood or relieve stress after a hard day. They charge the home with the power of natural elements and protect it from negative energy. Scented candles, created by you from sketches of your own imagination, have even greater power, because they contain the warmth of your hands and the miracle of creation.

Fire has a magical effect: it can be destructive and life-giving, burning and warming, dazzling and illuminating. It is believed that a person can look at it forever. Accompanied by a candle flame, religious and witchcraft rituals take place - exactly the same as when accompanied by incense. Aroma candles are a beautiful tandem of scent and light; they are in particular demand among mystical, dreamy and sensual people. And if they also have high decorative value, then how can you do without them?

Candles self made will allow you not only to express your creative potential, but also to provide pleasant gifts to all your friends and loved ones. And, who knows, maybe this exciting activity will turn into an easy source of income for you?

Making candles at home: materials and equipment

Everything you might need for the exciting process of candle making can be purchased at craft stores and art stores. Making candles at home is not a very expensive pleasure, and for the first experiments you can get by with a minimum number of needs.

To arrange original accents in the interior and create a pleasant atmosphere, you will need:

Wax, paraffin, stearin

Both pre-assembled cinders and special candle mass are suitable. Ten to twenty percent of stearin added to paraffin will give it hardness and reduce “weeping” when burning. Natural wax for candles can be bought from beekeepers - by the way, they will probably also have wax for the textured finish of your creations.


You can make your own candle wick by twisting it from thick cotton threads. You can also use floss. However, it is much easier to purchase ready-made ones in a store - the price is more than affordable. Important point: The thickness of the wick greatly affects the burning quality of the candle. Too thin will give a weak flame, which will go out, choking on melted wax. Too thick - a guarantee of excessively intense combustion and soot.

Wax melting utensils

It must be heat resistant. For a small candle, any tin will do - the main thing is that you feel comfortable working with it (taking it out, holding it, tilting it).

Pot or bowl for water bath

There is only one requirement - it must be wider and lower than the melting vessel. Sustainability is encouraged.

Special dyes or wax pencils

Pigments for coloring candle mass can be in the form of powder or solid granules. Ordinary wax pencils from your child’s artistic arsenal can also be a worthy replacement for them. Water-soluble dyes are absolutely not suitable!

Essential oils

You can make scented candles with your own hands at home using synthetic fragrances, but, you see, this will reduce the magic to zero. Essential oils have powerful therapeutic properties, their range of aromas is rich - choosing a composition that is pleasant and beneficial for you will not be difficult at all. If desired, you can make do with vanilla, cinnamon, and ground coffee available at home.

Thin sticks

They will be needed to fix the wick exactly in the middle of the candle, stir dyes and flavors in hot paraffin, and also to apply an original “scratched” ornament to the finished candle.

Candle molds

Specialized stores will surprise you with a selection of molds for pouring paraffin, but making candles at home does not require any extra expenses. Real masterpieces with sparkle will be achieved with the help of aluminum can from a beer bottle, a Tetra-Pack bag, a cup of yogurt.

Napkins for decoupage, coffee beans, dried flowers, beautiful spices, beads, rhinestones

If you make candles with your own hands, then be sure to make them original. Decorative elements- offered by a store or found in your home treasures - a source of inspiration for creating a unique original work. And special candle glues, varnishes, outlines and markers will allow you to create the most elegant and colorful work. But keep in mind: only candles with a large diameter and a thin wick can be decorated with highly flammable paper, fabrics, and herbs.

Scented candle at home: work sequence

This process requires, first of all, caution: hot wax spilled on a towel, clothing, or skin can cause fire and burns. But otherwise, a scented candle at home is simple, interesting, and exciting!

Think over the design and aroma composition for the future candle. Measure out required amount pigments, choose decor. Prepare the mold and wick.

If you pour wax into handy form, make a small hole in the middle of its bottom. Thread the wick into it and tie it with a knot. outside shape - this will later be the top part of the candle. Pull lightly until the knot fits well into the hole. Lightly grease the pan vegetable oil or liquid soap. Place it on the bottom, and place two sticks on the upper walls - in diameter or diagonally. Place the wick between them so that it is stretched exactly in the middle of the candle.

Prepare a water bath. The water in it should not boil. You can put a cloth napkin on the bottom of the dish. Cut (break, grate) the candle mass into small pieces, place them in a heat-resistant container and set to melt. If necessary, add stearin.

The maximum temperature to which paraffin can be brought is 75 degrees.
Add pigments to the melted mass, and then flavors. Mix thoroughly.

Carefully, without moving the wick, pour the wax into the mold. Leave to harden for 15-30 minutes. The time depends on the thickness of the candle.

Untie the knot at the bottom of the mold, carefully pull the wick and remove the candle.
If the candle does not give in, put it in the freezer for 15 minutes, then it will easily slip out of the mold.

Cut the wick (the one at the bottom) to a length of 1 centimeter, and the bottom one to the root.
Yours scented candle ready! Now you can make a carved ornament on it, wrap it beautifully with twine, or decorate it using the decoupage technique.

By placing crushed ice in the mold before pouring the wax, you will get fantastic openwork candles.

You can make a candle in a glass glass, a cute jar, a coconut shell, a dried orange peel - in which case you will need a special metal wick holder. It must be glued to the bottom of the selected vessel.
Natural beeswax is much more suitable for aromatic candles with essential oils: unlike paraffin, it does not emit harmful substances when burned, but saturates the air with useful ones.

Striped candles are easy: just pour layers of different colored wax one by one, after the previous one has hardened.

Rose essential oil has too intense an aroma. For many, burning a candle can feel suffocating.

The most popular oils for air aromatization:

  • Citrus fruits: orange, tangerine, bergamot, grapefruit, lime, lemon - improve mood, help overcome depression, are useful for improving body tone and preventing ARVI.
  • Lavender, mint, sandalwood, myrrh, styrax - relieve insomnia, relax, and clear the mind.
  • Jasmine, ylang-ylang, patchouli are the scents of a romantic evening.
  • Fir, cedar, pine, tea tree, vetiver, eucalyptus - will help you get rid of colds faster, destroy germs and viruses in the air.

Making candles with an exquisite aroma in itself has therapeutic effect. Creativity distracts from bad thoughts, reveals a person’s soul, and brings meaning and satisfaction to his life. Having created your fragrant wax masterpiece, light it, focus on the flame, relax and think: “Life is beautiful.”

Since ancient times, people have looked at fire and felt safe. Many centuries have passed, but even now, when looking at the hearth, the same feeling arises. But today we don’t sit by the fires, they are replaced for us wax candles. They give any room an atmosphere of intimacy, and the smooth vibration of the flame fascinates people, just as it did hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Nowadays, when there are many different materials, you can make wax houses, creating your own masterpieces. They can be various forms, sizes and colors.

Materials needed to create paraffin candles

You will need:

  • cotton threads;
  • wax crayons;
  • ordinary candles.

These materials are inexpensive and available.

Auxiliary materials for candle production

You will also need:

  • old saucepan;
  • a container where the wax will melt;
  • two plastic or wooden sticks to stir the wax and attach the wick;
  • molds for creating candles, these can be children's toys or plastic cups;
  • decorative embellishments for future creations.

IN in this case you can select materials at your own discretion.

Nuances in choosing a wick

Any candles: church, wax, gel, paraffin - have a wick. It must be made from 100% cotton. This could be a strip of fabric or string. The main thing is that the composition does not contain synthetics. Multi-colored wicks made from floss threads look especially good on transparent candles.

For each candle, the wick is selected individually. Its rigidity and thickness depend on the part of the candle that will have to burn out. Also from her material. For wax candles, it is worth making thick wicks, the threads of which are not woven very tightly. For paraffin or gel, on the contrary, you need to tightly intertwine thin threads. Such a wick will not smoke when burning. It must be remembered that if used for coloring, their shavings may not dissolve in the candle material and clog the wick.

In a word, there are many nuances here that can only be understood in practice. If the wick is thick, the wax candles will smoke and burn out too quickly. And very thin ones will often go out. In general, you need to try and experiment.

The wick can be twisted (like a rope), braided or crocheted. Immediately before pouring, it is better to soak the threads with wax, but many people think that this is useless and simply fill them with wax, paraffin or gel.

The principle of creating a candle

To make wax candles with your own hands, you need to find a suitable shape. You can use any plastic cups, children's toys, that is, anything where you can pour paraffin. However, this container must withstand temperatures of 100°. For the first time it is better to take simple form to understand the principle of creating a candle.

A knot is tied at the end of the cotton rope. After this, a hole is made in the center at the bottom of the mold. This cotton wick is inserted into it so that its knot is on the outside. It will subsequently be the top of the candle, and will also prevent wax or paraffin from flowing out of the mold when creating it. Next you need to secure the second end of the wick, which will be at the bottom finished product. It should be in the middle of the form. To do this, take any stick, you can take a toothpick or a match. It is placed across the mold, and the second end of the wick is tied to its center. It needs to be centered and tight. Once everything is secured, you can start creating the candle.

We need material to fill out the form. Therefore, they take church candles, wax, paraffin, in general, everything that is available. It is better to chop them finely to make shavings. It folds into tin can and installed in a water bath. That is, take a pan of water, put it on the fire, and after it boils, immerse a container with material for the candle there. It becomes liquid under the influence of temperature, and then you can pour it into a candle mold. In the process, you can use any container, the main thing is not glass.

Materials for coloring candles

In order for the product to be the desired color, for example, you want to get green, red, blue, or even multi-colored wax candles, then you need to add dye to the composition. The most widely used material for this is children's wax crayons. In general, you can use any fat-soluble dye. If you take gouache or watercolor, they will not be suitable, because they will not be able to dissolve in the material, and will simply float in pieces, and subsequently settle to the bottom.

Some artists use lipstick and eye shadow to color their masterpieces. However, as the candle burns, the lipstick releases a scent. If he's nice, then it's great option not only in terms of color, but also in aromatic effect.

Also sold special dyes for candles, where there are many colors and shades. Using them, you can make both snow-white and black candles (wax or paraffin). By adding them in various proportions, you will achieve both delicate pastel tones and bright, saturated colors.

Pouring material into mold

If everything is prepared, we proceed to the main stage. The inside of the mold is lubricated with vegetable oil or liquid that is used when washing dishes. This is necessary to make it easier to remove the frozen candle. First, a little material is poured onto the bottom to close the hole with the wick. After all, if you fill the entire space at once, the wax or paraffin will leak out a lot. But this is inconvenient and will take much more time.

After the bottom has hardened, pour in the rest of the wax or paraffin until the entire container is filled. When it's ready, wait until the wax cools down. room temperature. This way the wax candles will cool down gradually and evenly. If you try to speed up the process and put the product in the freezer, the surface of the candle may crack, which will ruin its appearance.

Removing the candle from the mold

You need to untie the knot on the wick, where the top of the product will be, then pull it on the other side. The spark plug should come loose. If the product cannot be removed, there are two solutions: the first is to cut the mold, the second is to place everything in the freezer for two minutes. After this, the candle is immediately doused hot water. Thanks to the sharp temperature change, it can be easily removed.

After this, the wick is shortened to the required size, and the seams that remain from the mold must be doused with hot water - then they will disappear. However, the product loses its original shine. Therefore, when you create wax candles, you should select molds without seams, so that there are no problems with removing them later.

Aroma candles

They are made in the same way as wax ones, but with the addition of essential oils. They will fill the room when burning pleasant aroma. You can use any essential oil, just not pink. When burned, it emits a suffocating odor. You need to add the required flavoring to the liquid wax, then mix everything thoroughly. After everything becomes homogeneous, the wax is poured into the mold. Further actions are identical to those stated above.

Homemade wax candles burn and look very beautiful. However, you can make such accessories absolutely transparent, as if it were water. They are made from a gel that is specially prepared for this purpose.

Gel candles

To create such a lovely miracle, you can buy gel wax in the store. But if you wish, it can be easily done at home. For this you will need:

  • water;
  • tannin;
  • glycerol;
  • gelatin.

Take 5 parts of gelatin (necessarily colorless) and dissolve it in 20 parts of water. After this, you need to add 25 parts of glycerin and stir everything thoroughly, after which a transparent essence will begin to appear. 2 parts of tannin are added to it, which are pre-dissolved in 10 parts of glycerin. Immediately after combining, a dirty precipitate forms, which disappears when boiled. After creating a transparent mixture, it is poured into a mold, like ordinary wax candles, the production of which we discussed above.

The appearance of such candles can be made even more spectacular by adding dyes to them. Thus, they can be given delicate tones of any color. Is it possible in uncured mixture add different colors to get fancy abstractions.

Candle as a source lighting, has been used by humans since the 3rd millennium BC. It was expensive, and only a wealthy family could buy it. Today the candle does not have its former value, and in interior is used for decor or aromatherapy. And the candles made with your own hands, is also a wonderful hobby, an excellent option for a gift.

From what materials and how to make a candle at home Houses– read our article.

Wax candle - step-by-step master class

To make a candle you will need:

  • wax or paraffin (household candles are suitable);
  • cotton thread or floss;
  • water bath pan;
  • molds for candles (tin, glass or plastic);
  • wooden sticks for attaching wicks (1 candle mold = 1 stick).

Advice! If this is your first time deciding to make a candle with your own hands, ask someone close to you to help you. The wax hardens within 15 minutes, so you need to act quickly.

Place a cotton thread in the center of each candle mold. Fasten the upper edge of the thread to wooden stick.

Place a container of wax (paraffin) in a water bath. To speed up the melting process, you can cut it into small pieces or grate it. Melt the wax over low heat, stirring constantly. The finished consistency should be uniform, without lumps or pieces of paraffin.

Pour some melted wax into the bottom of the mold. This will fix the bottom edge of the wick in in the right place. If necessary, adjust its position. Wait about a minute for the wax to thicken and the wick to set before moving on to the next step.

Fill the mold with the remaining melted wax.

A day later, after the candle has completely cooled and hardened, trim off the excess edge of the wick.

Note! The cooled candle does not have to be left in the jar - after making it, it can be removed from the mold. Before starting work, select a container for filling with a straight, even edge that is not narrowed at the top. You can also use plastic cups, ice cube trays, or homemade tetra pack templates.

Colored and scented candles

Having understood the essence of manufacturing, you can diversify the variations and create more complex homemade candles with your own hands.

To make a colored candle, place the pieces in a melting container along with paraffin wax pencils. Hue finished candle will correspond blossom added pencil. The combination of several multi-colored pencils will paint the candle in a bright rainbow print.

Idea! Consistently melt and pour wax into the mold in layers different colors– you will receive an original striped candle.

Use essential oils when making - and you will get a scented candle with your own hands. To add scent to the candle, add a few drops of oil to the melted wax before pouring the mold.

Oil combination lavender and bergamot has a relaxing effect, and lemon and rosemary eliminate negative thoughts. For peace of mind and for peace of mind, add one part of oils to the wax geraniums And roses and two parts lavender oil. The combination of orange and clove oils lifts your spirits, while lemon and cedar oil relieves stress.

Transparent gel candles at home

At home, you can create another type of candle - a gel candle. Its manufacturing technology is the same as that of paraffin. The difference is that the mold is filled not with wax, but with a special candle gel.

Gel for making candles – transparent. This makes it possible to create incredible beautiful products. Inside the candle you can place shells, beads, stones, glass beads, beads, buttons, twigs colors, and even candied fruits or pieces of fruit.

Advice! You can choose the location of the decor inside the candle yourself. Elements lowered to the bottom before filling with gel will remain on the bottom, and those added to an already filled form will “hang” or remain on the surface.

The mold for a gel candle must be transparent (glass or plastic) - otherwise the beauty created inside will not be visible. Special gel dyes will help give a color tint. IN this type You can also add aromatic essential oils to candles.

Advice! Before pouring the melted gel, heat the prepared mold. This will prevent the formation of bubbles.

“Delicious” candles – fruit and coffee

You will surely enjoy making candles at home and will definitely want to create something creative and extraordinary. Candles made from fruit peels - oranges, limes, grapefruits - look interesting and unusual. Candles created with the addition of coffee beans. Be creative and experiment, and a couple of our ideas will help you with this.

Candle made from half a lemon

Necessary materials:

  • wax or paraffin;
  • four cotton wicks;
  • water bath pan;
  • container for melting wax;
  • two lemons;
  • food coloring violet;
  • lavender essential oil;
  • dried lavender flowers.

Cut the lemons lengthwise into two pieces. Carefully remove the pulp.

Melt the wax in a water bath. Add lavender flowers, essential oil and food coloring to it, stir.

Place a wick in the center of the lemon half. Fill the “fruit candle holder” with melted wax.

Place the finished candles in a cool place until they cool and harden completely.

Important! Do not refrigerate candles refrigerator– the wax may harden unevenly!

Candles with coffee beans

Option 1

The easiest way to create a coffee candle is to add coffee beans to melted wax, or pour them into an already poured mold.

To do this, you will need all the same materials as for a regular candle, plus coffee beans.

Coffee beans vary in shape and size and, when added to wax, they also harden differently. Therefore, each candle you create will have unique design.

Option 2

Another manufacturing option would be to decorate the finished candle with coffee beans.

For this, in addition to coffee beans, you will need glue.

Advice! Coffee beans can be glued without glue - while still hot. soft wax. To do this, carefully remove the uncooled and unhardened candle from the mold and “cover” it with coffee beans, lightly pressing them with your fingers.

Candle decorated with coffee beans

  • 1. A little about the benefits
  • 2. Possible types processing
  • 3. What you need to know about wax and safety
  • 4. Tools and everything you need
  • 5. How to make your first candle

Together with honey, bees bring a little turmoil and pleasant troubles into our lives. After all, an apiary requires work, time and attention. Often, having an apiary is so exciting that any creative beekeeper also becomes a craftsman. Candles from beeswax– what could be more pleasant on a chilly winter evening. They will make life brighter, saturate the air with summer aromas and warmth, and handmade ones will not only be an excellent gift for loved ones, but also a good reserve for the budget.

A little about the benefits

Convincing the beekeeper of the benefits of his own products is perhaps unnecessary. However, not everyone knows why beeswax candles are preferable to, for example, paraffin candles. Last when burning:

  • release carcinogens into the air;
  • promote the formation of soot;
  • industrial unnatural wicks may emit toxic fumes;
  • when using dyes and flavors, they become a source of health problems.

Is it possible to compare all these side effects, which can cause not only allergies, but also more serious diseases, for example, lungs and mucous membranes, with the possibility of using wax.

After all, when wax burns:

  • no soot is formed;
  • in the absence of additives, the candle burns for a long time and burns out completely, without residue;
  • More than 50 essential compounds and substances are released into the air;
  • We must not forget about propolis impurities in the composition of unrefined wax: this is how it directly enters the lungs.

In addition, natural raw materials are a guarantee of interest from urban residents. Megacities and urbanization contribute to enormous interest in origins. And such a craft has existed as long as beekeeping.

Possible types of processing

In fact, there are several ways to make candles. Each of them is good in its own way and resonates with potential users:

  • the easiest and requires virtually no additional processing: A sheet of foundation is simply rolled around the wick. There are not many opportunities for creativity, but this method is one of the oldest;
  • to use the second one, minimal heat treatment is required: the wick is dipped into a container with liquid wax, increasing the volume of the candle over and over again. It is clear that about the conformity of form modern requirements there is no question - this is a purely utilitarian thing;
  • pouring into molds. Perhaps this method provides a lot of opportunities for realizing ideas. Even if you cast wax in a simple way cylindrical shape and then cut out the patterns, it will still be a molded candle.

Casting into molds has a huge reserve for a creative person: you can purchase any of them to choose from, or you can create them with your own hands.

What you need to know about wax and safety

Before you begin to implement your plan for your own candle factory, you should familiarize yourself with physical properties wax:

  1. Melting construction material from bee hives when the temperature rises to 60-70 degrees.
  2. At 100 degrees you will understand whether there is water in the raw material - it boils and forms a kind of foam.
  3. The foundation will begin to steam or smoke at 120 degrees.
  4. At 204 degrees you need to be extremely careful: its vapors ignite.

These are characteristics common to each type of raw material. Meanwhile, it can also be different:

  • technical or production. Actually, this is a mixture of wax with additions, sometimes they are paraffin, such raw materials have already been subjected to industrial processing;
  • raw or apiary has the most natural origin. It is obtained directly from honeycombs using wax melters or melting pots. It can be standard, provided that the bees have not had any diseases or excessive chemical treatments, or vice versa - substandard;
  • bleached. This is a natural, natural building material of bees, only without the inevitable impurities in the composition. Otherwise it is called cosmetic.

When working with it there are rules that must be followed:

  1. The slower the wax heats up, the easier it is to work with. When heating, it is recommended to use a water bath. This is the easiest way to regulate the temperature. The process needs constant monitoring: you cannot leave.
  2. It is necessary to completely avoid contact with water: it is dangerous. Hot wax will cause rapid evaporation and splashing of boiling water.
  3. Flammable materials must be extinguished using dry methods: limiting the access of air.
  4. When working, you must avoid contact with open flame: an accidental drop can cause a fire.

It would not be amiss to remind you that children and animals work area No entry allowed. This way you will create a risk of injury for them with your own hands.

Tools and everything you need

In addition to wax, you need to stock up on some equipment. At first, ordinary dishes and utensils found in the house will suffice, but then you may need your own workplace. So, you need:

  • gloves, sleeves and apron - it is unlikely that you will be able to never drip on your clothes;
  • a table, constant access to water, a stove for heating and a hairdryer for leveling surfaces;
  • cutting board, hammer, knives and chisel for grinding wax, scissors for wick;
  • two containers for a water bath: large diameter for water, pebbles or a metal stand for hot water are placed on its bottom, and a saucepan of smaller diameter is placed on top for melting wax. It must be either enameled or ceramic: otherwise the wax darkens;
  • napkins. Preferably paper, not textile, there should be a lot of them. At first, without skill, they help out well;
  • nylon for filtration;
  • natural wick: from 1 to 4 mm. The choice is proportional to the diameter of the future candle;
  • wire for fixing the wick.

And most importantly: forms. They come in aluminum, polycarbonate and polyurethane. The first two materials provide reusability and heat resistance, but are inelastic, which means they don’t leave much room for creativity. The latter assumes safe use at temperature conditions up to 80 degrees, then becomes toxic.

The most common are silicone. They imply accessibility and huge selection, high temperature use (up to 200 degrees), elasticity and even if not durable will help make up to 200 candles. Subsequently, you can even make it yourself. There is a trick to using any split mold - you need rubber bands: while the wax hardens, the halves need to be firmly fixed.

How to make your first candle

We must immediately warn you: the first one may not become a candle in the literal sense of the word. You may not have enough patience or skill, but you need to prepare for the fact that you will have to redo it and not give up if it fails.

The process can be represented in the form of several stages. Their sequence in the future depends on your experience:

  1. Preparing the mold and filling the wick. To do this, there is a hole in the bottom - the future wick is tucked into it. If it is much smaller in diameter, then you can use a small piece of a toothpick - this way there will definitely be no wax leakage. Then the form is tightly fixed in several places with rubber bands. And the end of the wick is brought right into the center of the mold and secured there with a wire loop.
  2. Preparation of wax: it must be crushed. If the volume of the mold is, for example, 1 glass, then you will need approximately 250 g of wax. It’s easy to determine - just first measure the volume of the mold with water, its ratio to wax is almost the same. The required volume of wax can be immediately placed in a water bath and started heating, or it can be added as it melts.
  3. When the water in the lower pan has boiled, you can begin the process of casting into molds. True, if the wax is unrefined, then it can first be poured through nylon into a separate container and only poured into the molds from there. If filtration is required, the process must be quick so that the wax does not form clumps.
  4. When the molds are filled to the edges, after 10-15 minutes it is necessary to make several control punctures to the bottom of the mold with a knitting needle or wooden stick and these voids are filled additionally.

The wax cools quickly, but you shouldn’t rush the process. Soft and flexible, it may simply not take shape. Therefore, it will be possible to remove beeswax candles after 2-6 hours, depending on the volume of the workpiece.

DIY wax candles

Actually, the bulk of the work has been completed, all that remains is to bring the candle to an acceptable appearance:

  1. It is carefully removed, separating the halves of the form in different directions. To do this, you need to remove the rubber bands and wire.
  2. Cut the wick completely off the base.
  3. Level the base over a hairdryer or at the bottom of a water bath.
  4. Leave the wick itself approximately 1 cm long on top. For convenience and beauty, it can be dipped in wax.

That's the whole process of making a great gift with your own hands. Who knows, maybe this is the beginning new era in the life of a beekeeper and next to some apiary a candle factory will appear.

And candlesticks can decorate any interior.

To do this, you do not need to buy candles and/or candlesticks, as they can be do it yourself, using old candles preserved at home and a few handy tools.

Here are a few interesting ideas how can I do it beautiful and fragrant candles and candlesticks for them at home.

How to make coffee candles

You will need:

Small bowls or glasses

Candle paraffin (can be cut from old candles, melted and used)

Candle wick

Super glue

Coffee beans

Chopped vanilla beans


1. Melt the paraffin in the microwave, in a saucepan on an electric stove or in a water bath.

2. Glue the wick to the bottom of a bowl, glass or other form, where you will then pour the melted paraffin.

3. Pour some paraffin into the mold, add a layer of coffee beans and a layer of vanilla beans. After this, fill out the form completely. Try to keep the wick straight.

* While pouring paraffin, you can stir it with a stick.

4. Wait for the paraffin to harden and trim off any excess wick if necessary.

How to make a candle (video instructions)

Beautiful candles at home: animals

You will need:

Paraffin (can be from an old candle)

Small toy animals

Small candlesticks (with thin stem)

A drill with a small drill bit or any thin, hard and sharp object (to make a hole in the toy for the candlestick)


Spray paint or acrylic paint.

1. Hold the stuffed animal with pliers and make a hole in it so you can insert a candle holder. Be careful not to pierce the toy all the way through.

2. Paint the toy on all sides. If you are using spray paint, you need to paint on fresh air, and preferably using a respiratory mask ( spray paint contains substances harmful to health).

*If desired, you can paint the candlesticks.

* Let the paint dry, and then you can light candles or simply place candlesticks with candles in a prominent place to decorate the interior.

DIY shell candles at home

You will need:

Deep shells


Short wick

Super glue


1. Place shells on newspaper.

2. Glue the wick to the bottom of the shell.

3. Melt the paraffin and pour it into the shells.

4. Wait for the paraffin to cool and you will have the perfect decoration for the bathroom, for example.

Making cinnamon candles (photo instructions)

You will need:

Cinnamon sticks

Thick candle (not scented)


1. Place a rubber band on your candle.

2. Start tucking cinnamon sticks under the gum.

* You can use two or three elastic bands for security.

* You can decorate the candle with braid, jute sack fabric and/or a sprig of berries (can be artificial).

Homemade candle with spices

You will need:

4 small jars (or 2 large)

2 tbsp. spoons of spice (you can use cinnamon or a mixture of several spices, for example, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and nutmeg)

Olive or nut oil (1/2 cup)

Long wick (about 30 cm)


Adhesive tape (scotch tape)



1. Pour some oil into a saucepan and place on low heat, but do not bring to a boil.

2. Add spices to the oil and stir.

3. Remove from heat and let cool.

4. Pour the resulting solution into a jar and let it brew for no more than 2 days.

5. Melt the paraffin - cut a piece of paraffin (new or from an old candle), place it in a saucepan and put it on low heat.

6. Prepare the wick. Attach it to the bottom of the jar using tape.

7. Add 2 tablespoons of oil to the jar.

8. Pour melted paraffin into the jar and stir to combine the oil and paraffin.

9. Place the jar in the freezer for 20 minutes or just in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

10. When you light a candle, you will feel a pleasant aroma.

DIY lemon candle (master class)

You will need:

Paraffin or beeswax

Lemon essential oil

Container for paraffin (mold).

1. Melt the paraffin in a saucepan over low heat.

2. From a saucepan, pour a little melted paraffin onto the bottom of the candle mold and insert the wick.

* The wick can also be glued to the bottom of the container in advance.

3. Add a few drops of lemon essential oil to a saucepan with paraffin.

4. Pour the melted paraffin into the mold, holding the wick straight.

5. Wait for the paraffin to cool.

* You can decorate the candle with jute and film, making it an excellent addition to the gift.

Making a lavender candle at home

You will need:

Soy wax

Soy wicks


Flavoring agent

A jar or other container for a candle.

1. Place soy wax in a saucepan and heat to 60-70 degrees. For one large soy candle you will need 2 cups of crushed wax.

2. While the wax is melting, glue the wick to the candle container.

3. Remove the wax from the stove and let cool to 50 degrees. After this, add a flavoring agent - vanilla aromatic oil or lavender.

4. Pour the melted soy wax into the jar. Try to keep the wick straight; to do this, you can press it with chopsticks or toothpicks.

5. The wax will harden overnight, after which the candle can be used, and if necessary, you can cut off part of the wick if it is too long.

Here's another way to make a scented candle at home:

Summer citrus candles at home

You will need:


Floating candles

Lemons and lime

Essential oil with the scent of lemon or other citrus fruits

Aromatic herbs

Twine or braid.

1. Cut lemons and limes into wedges.

2. Place the herbs in a jar. IN in this example Rosemary, thyme, lavender and chamomile were used.

3. Fill the jar halfway with water and add 10 drops of essential oil.

4. Place lemon and lime slices in a jar and add water.

5. Now all that remains is to place a candle on the water and decorate the jar with twine or braid.


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