How best to combine the kitchen with the room. Apartment redevelopment: why do you need to combine a kitchen and a room? Kitchen combined with corridor and room

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Owners of their own homes believe that they have the right to dispose of square meters at their own discretion. In fact, there are certain redevelopment rules that do not always allow for combining a kitchen and a room or expanding the catering unit at the expense of a bathroom. But this situation concerns, first of all, multi-storey buildings.

Is it worth combining a kitchen with a room?

Supporters of increasing the area of ​​small-sized kitchens due to square meters neighboring rooms There are quite a lot, but not all of them realize what difficulties they will have to face on the way to realizing their dreams. First of all, it will be necessary to obtain permission from the relevant authorities for redevelopment, which is always associated with difficulties. But these are only paper problems, and there are also everyday difficulties that come to light after the project has been completed.

On the one hand, the hostess, while preparing lunch or a festive dinner, will not be left aside from the family or friends who come to visit, especially since they will be able to take a direct part in cutting salads or setting the table. The conversation will continue, and no one will have to jostle in a cramped kitchen to tell the latest news to a friend while she prepares a culinary masterpiece. On the other hand, a woman will lose her secluded corner, where she could retire from everyone at least for a while.

Combining a kitchen with a room deprives the apartment of one isolated room, which can be a problem for a large family. As for one-room housing, the option of remodeling the interior space into a studio is not always successful. In this case, you should not give examples of Western interiors, where the living room, hallway and kitchen areas are integrated into a single whole. Modern Europeans do not bother preparing culinary delights at home, and use microwaves to heat semi-finished products, so the smell of fried onions will not hover around their apartment.

The problem of the spread of specific, not always pleasant aromas when combining premises is quite acute. The fact is that in apartment buildings the ventilation systems are far from perfect. Channels are located only in kitchens and bathrooms, and they are not provided in rooms. Their location and throughput are designed for small volumes of air flow, so “including” additional space with poorly ventilated corners into the system significantly reduces the effectiveness of ventilation. And even the most powerful hood will only partially cope with the cleanliness of the surrounding air.

The combined room will need to be ventilated and cleaned much more often.

Unpleasant situations will also be associated with:

  • with high humidity coming from steaming pots and a kettle;
  • with noise arising during cooking, operation of household appliances or washing dishes;
  • with an exposed sink with cups, plates and pots that were not cleared away on time;
  • with specific dirt containing components of oil, fruit juices, products, soot from gas burners etc.

Including combining kitchen and room, implies the combination of two rooms with different functional loads, which is important. This applies to flooring, furniture upholstery, and lighting design. The interior should look harmonious, even if the space is visually divided into zones.

As for the positive aspects of combining rooms, there are also many of them. First of all, this is an increase in space and additional illumination due to the window located in the living room. Household members will not have to take turns to dine or huddle at a small table, huddled together. Undoubtedly, it will become more convenient to set the table and put away dirty dishes without putting extra miles around the walls. Culinary chores will not distract the housewife from communicating with her family, looking after her child, or participating in the “life” of a television series.

As you can see, the idea of ​​combining a kitchen and a room has many advantages, but more disadvantages, so before deciding to implement it, you should weigh the pros and cons. The decision-making largely depends on the owner, but one should not forget about the rules indicating the possibility or impossibility of combining non-residential premises with residential ones.

Merging options

Despite the serial similarity of the old houses built during the Khrushchev period, standard projects There are no redevelopment projects with ready-made examples of wall demolition. Each specific case requires an individual approach and approvals from certain authorities. The decision depends on several factors:

  • location of load-bearing walls;
  • material of enclosing structures;
  • type of stove;
  • number of floors of the apartment;
  • purposes below the premises.

The combination of kitchen and room is done in two ways - open and closed. In the first case, the fence is completely dismantled, and in the second - partially (an opening is cut out or a sliding partition is installed). The choice of option depends on technical capabilities redevelopment and design ideas.

The presence of a load-bearing wall between the kitchen and the room does not allow redevelopment by completely demolishing the fence.

You can visually or temporarily divide the space into a dining and kitchen area after dismantling the partition in several ways:

  • lay different types of flooring;
  • install a podium under the catering unit;
  • install a mobile partition;
  • make a multi-level ceiling;
  • place a bar counter or dining table at the border;
  • cover part of the opening with furniture with open shelves.

There are quite a lot of options for decorating a common room and there will certainly be one that suits all household members. But first, you still need to decide whether it is possible to combine the kitchen with the room, and obtain permission to demolish the wall according to all the rules. Only after this will it be possible to begin work.

Redevelopment possibilities

If there is a partition between the kitchen and the room, then dismantling it will not create any problems. It is allowed to cut openings in the main wall, but only with the obligatory reinforcement of the enclosing structure. The combination of rooms can be done purely symbolically - cut out a small window opening, which will become a connecting link between the kitchen and the room. A table with enough space for the whole family will fit harmoniously into it.

For permission to demolish the enclosing structure, you must contact the BTI, whose specialists will use the drawings to determine its capitality. For a load-bearing wall, you will need to order an inspection with a technical report. Based on it, a project is being made to strengthen the fence after partial dismantling. But to obtain permission for redevelopment, you will need to decide on some more nuances, depending on the operating conditions.

Kitchens are:

  • with electric stove;
  • with gas stove;
  • with a gas stove in an apartment on the ground floor or in the case of a non-residential premises located below.

Electric stove

Permission to combine the kitchen and room will most likely be obtained. But in this case the oven, hob or the stove, as well as the sink, are not allowed to be moved into the room area. They must remain in the “old” kitchen area.

Gas stove

On the one hand, the combined room can be considered a kitchen, separated from other rooms by doors. This requirement for catering units with gas stoves is specified in fire safety standards. On the other hand, the neighbors’ living quarters are located under the former room, and according to sanitary standards, the kitchen should not be located above the room.

A sliding partition at the border of two rooms or a door in a partially dismantled wall will help you avoid fines and get a new registration certificate.

Apartment on the ground floor with gas stove

It is allowed to combine a kitchen with a room under which there are non-residential premises, without installing a partition or door between them. But at the same time, the apartment must have more than one living room with an area of ​​at least 8 sq.m. Otherwise, installation of a sliding fence will be required.

What's next

After the repair is completed, representatives of utility services are called, who check the changes in accordance with the received permit and the approved project, after which they draw up a Redevelopment Certificate. Then a BTI technician is invited to take measurements, further draw up a plan, make changes to the documentation and issue a technical passport. Only after this the redevelopment is considered legal.

Failure to comply with this procedure may result in fines and court proceedings, which may result in confiscation of the apartment. This should not be forgotten.

Residents of apartments with a small area always suffer from cramped spaces. On tiny kitchen It’s inconvenient to cook, it’s impossible to sit down at the table in a large group when receiving guests. Remodeling an apartment becomes a real chance to change living conditions for the better. Combining the kitchen with the room expands the free space, and an individual approach to design will make the studio interesting and functional.

What to consider when remodeling

Any dismantling of walls requires approval and permission. If it is not part of the building frame, then it is not difficult to obtain. Having completed the project of changes, having agreed on it in all structures, you receive permission to carry out the work, and then hand over the finished room to the commission. Most often, the question of whether it is possible to combine rooms worries residents of small-sized Khrushchev-era apartment buildings. In such a building there are partitions of both types, if you are lucky and there will be no bearing wall, then the new layout is real. In panel houses, this option is not possible - the wall separating the room and the kitchen is load-bearing. It can be partially removed by creating a decorative opening with supporting supports.

It is prohibited to connect rooms if the kitchen has a gas stove. According to safety standards, it must be separated from the living space. If you are serious about saying goodbye to your small kitchen, you will have to replace the stove with an electric one. The procedure will require permission from the gas service and the installation of sufficient electrical cable power.

Combination without changing the gas stove

Complete combination of kitchen and room, if available gas stove is not permitted by law, but there is an option that allows you to change the design of the room and comply with all regulations.

The rules require a fixed or movable partition or door between the kitchen and the room. As a way out, the apartment owners partially dismantle the non-load-bearing wall and install a movable partition in the resulting opening. This structure, when folded, does not separate the space of two rooms, but, if necessary, moves with a tight rebate. Often a lightweight plastic partition is installed, which, after a visit to the regulatory authorities and a permit for redevelopment, is dismantled and put away on the balcony or in the storage room. If you plan to leave the structure, then you should choose a beautiful and functional option.

An interesting solution is to implement the second option for dividing rooms - installing a door. Of course, in an opening of this size, it is not a hinged structure that is installed, but a sliding structure. When open, its doors are located along the walls; if necessary, they close. This door block is made by analogy with a sliding wardrobe. The material of such a partition is selected according to the decision of the owners. There are no strict rules that govern it. If you use glass structure, then even when closed it makes the space light and bright.

Advantages of a living room-studio

  1. It becomes possible to functionally zone the space and move the dining area from the kitchen to a more spacious place.
  2. The resulting spacious room can be given your favorite style and an individual design.
  3. The new room will receive greater illumination and a visual expansion of boundaries.

Disadvantages of layout

If you approach this procedure with all responsibility, then you need to evaluate not only the pros, but also the disadvantages of combining rooms:

  1. The smell of cooking food will spread throughout the room; a powerful hood will help get rid of it, but not completely.
  2. Vacant space deprives residents of privacy. This is especially true for a family of several people.
  3. Due to the specific situation in the kitchen, you will have to clean the entire room more often.

The listed shortcomings are discussed by all family members, and the joint decision to change the layout usually remains unchanged.

Kitchen-living room design options

Despite the desire to combine two rooms, the food preparation area should have spatial separation. This is done in several ways:

  • visual zoning;
  • architectural isolation;
  • logical separation.

After redevelopment, the kitchen becomes not a separate room, but a functional area in the new room. Its department in Khrushchev has its own characteristics - there are low ceilings, so it is better to abandon zoning by raising part of the floor or installing a multi-tiered suspended ceiling. The architectural zoning option provides for the installation of stationary structures. They are not performed whole and high, otherwise the meaning of separation is lost. Suitable installation of a narrow bar counter, which does not take up much space and gives a special style to the room. Its role can be performed by the remaining part of the wall if it was not completely removed.

Partitions are made in ethnic style, in the form of shelves or racks. Drywall has become a popular material for work. It is affordable, easy to process, and can be used to create any shapes and compositions. A glass partition is also an attractive option that does not reduce the space of the new room.

One way to optimize the resulting space is to create a passage from the hallway to the kitchen. The entrance to the premises will be through the living room. After finishing, a refrigerator or cabinet will be conveniently located in this place. A functional work area is equipped nearby - a stove, a sink, cabinets, a table. A prerequisite is the installation of a powerful hood.

Methods for visually separating zones

The cooking area occupies a minimal area, while the main part of the room is in the living and dining areas. The use of different floor coverings allows you to visually delimit the space. For suitable for kitchens practical ceramic tiles that are not afraid of spilled water and mechanical damage. Laminate flooring is laid in the main part of the room. This material is available in a huge number of colors, does not require complex care, and is affordable. Carpet and classic parquet are also suitable for the living room. To make the separation more pronounced, contrasting colors are used.

A multi-level stretch ceiling with a combination of matte and glossy areas also allows you to delimit zones. By choosing colors, textures or photo printing on the canvas, you will play with the division of space in an interesting way.

Lighting plays important role during the zoning process. Various lighting fixtures placed on the ceiling, walls or furniture highlight or conceal individual areas in the shadows. For the working corner in the kitchen, spotlights are installed; at the demarcation point, above the table or bar counter, pendant lamps with original lampshades look appropriate. A chandelier is suspended in the recreation area, and individual secluded areas are illuminated by sconces and a floor lamp.

Logical division

Any piece of furniture can define the division of a room. This could be a sofa with its back facing the kitchen or large aquarium. A bookcase, large furniture is used, even a dining table placed on the border of the kitchen is enough to delimit the room. This method is the most affordable; with its help, a room is divided quickly and without additional investments in materials and work.

Decoration rules

Professionals in interior design share their experiences on living room-kitchen design. Before combining rooms and choosing materials for decoration, get acquainted with several nuances of decoration.

  1. To achieve a feeling of spaciousness, use light wallpaper and paint. This is especially true for rooms with insufficient natural light. Stretch ceilings with a mirror effect can visually expand a room.
  2. The decoration of the work area and living room should partially contain similar materials or color schemes.
  3. Achieving uniform style rooms, difficult to find harmonious colors, so you can use shades of the same color. The use of uniform surfaces, matte or glossy, visually unifies the interior of the living room-kitchen.
  4. If you want to add dynamics to the design of the room, do it through furniture with bright fronts.

Today, many people decide to combine 2 rooms into one, thanks to which the owners receive additional space. The most common technique is to combine the kitchen with the room. The latter, in most cases, is the living room or dining room. It is worth noting that such redevelopment is possible, but it requires a lot of attention. It is also necessary to study all the pros and cons for each case. As a result of experiments and developments, you can get a functional, stylish and modern interior.

If you follow the advice of designers and architects, then combining the kitchen and dining room is necessary only if there is a lack of square meters. This idea is also suitable for small families. Today, studio apartments, where all the rooms are combined, are very popular. This great option for young people or newlyweds. Before you start redevelopment, you need to consider the features and benefits that will be obtained after the merger:

  1. Visual expansion of the boundaries of rooms.
  2. Getting additional square meters.
  3. Convenience in the process of eating, as well as communication between those present.
  4. Comfortable reception of guests.
  5. Availability of additional sources of natural light (windows).

Despite the large list of advantages, it is worth highlighting several disadvantages of such an interior:

  • if we are talking about a small apartment in Khrushchev, then demolishing the wall will reduce the number of places for privacy;
  • increasing the number of cleanings;
  • presence of odors from cooking that can be absorbed into upholstered furniture.

Solving redevelopment issues on your own is not prudent. All family members should be involved in this issue. It is also necessary to examine the relevance of the merger after a few years.

Even a few shortcomings can have a significant impact on the merger decision. But according to experts, many of them can be solved through choice correct design rooms. Today, architects recommend using 2 options:

  • open;
  • closed.

The first option provides for a complete combination of rooms. Using the same style, decor and finishing. It is best to place the sink and hob in the farthest corner so that they are invisible. Be sure to have a hood that can cope with unpleasant odors and fumes.

The second uses a partition that separates the kitchen from the living room. A bar counter, part of a wall, textiles or furniture will do. Thus, the cooking area will be hidden from prying eyes. Guests will not observe the cooking process, but will be able to conduct a dialogue with the hostess.

It is impossible to say exactly which option is better. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. To decide, it is worth considering the convenience of an open and closed layout in each individual case.

Methods for zoning the kitchen and living room

To answer the question of how to combine rooms and at the same time create a distinction, it is worth thinking about zoning. There are actually many options and techniques. Among them, it is necessary to highlight the most popular and most suitable:

  1. Podium. To visually separate the kitchen area from the dining room and not use additional elements, just raise the floor a little.
  2. Furniture. The combined rooms can be separated using a regular bar counter or hanging shelves attached to the ceiling. There will be an opportunity to place necessary elements and products, as well as the interior will become functional and elegant. The table can be used for breakfast or the main meal, and for big table Relatives or friends can gather in the living room. In addition, any other element of furniture can serve as a division: screen, display case and sofa.
  3. Curtains . The simplest and most economical option is to use textiles. It is easy to care for and clean, and if you decide to change the interior, you can hang new curtains or translucent tulle. In some cases, glass or beaded curtains can be used.
  4. Flooring. Another zoning option would be to combine different floor coverings for each zone. For example, tiles are suitable for the kitchen, and parquet or laminate for the living room. At the same time, do not forget about the same style.
  5. Arch. The most time-consuming and expensive solution is to create arched passage. The arch can fit into any style. In addition, there is no need to use standard shapes; you can make an oval or a circle.

Before remodeling and demolishing a wall, you must obtain permission. It wouldn’t hurt to consult a specialist who can advise and develop a project for a successful merger.

Any changes to the floor plan must be approved by the relevant authorities. So before you start renovation work, it is worth contacting the authorities (BTI) who are considering the issue of whether it is possible to combine the kitchen and dining room (living room), and obtain written permission.

If the wall is load-bearing, then it is impossible to obtain permission to demolish it. It is worth considering the option with an arch, since in this case only part of the wall is destroyed. It is also prohibited to move kitchen communications into the residential area. The functionality of the rooms should not change, since the kitchen is a high humidity area.

To quickly obtain all documents for permission, you must provide a redevelopment project. This document is ordered from specialized companies.

After all issues have been resolved, you can begin to develop interior design. You shouldn’t spend a lot of time in the kitchen, since the living room should also be cozy and comfortable. For the food preparation area, it is better to choose modern and safe household appliances. Undoubtedly, it should be gas or electric, over which the hood is mounted. The recreation area includes upholstered furniture, a TV and a large dining table with chairs. You can also move a rack or cabinet with dishes here.

It is equally important to choose the right colors; for this, follow some tips:

  • when using dark tones, natural sunlight should be evenly distributed throughout the room;
  • the entire color scheme used should be well combined, it is better to consider the tones of one, primary color;
  • balanced lighting allows you to use neutral shades: gray and brown;
  • When choosing furniture, you can consider options with rich and bright colors, but only for small and medium sizes.

According to psychologists, the right color will influence a person’s mood. For example, if you are on a diet, then use cool shades (blue and green). They cause a feeling of fullness.

The process of combining the kitchen and dining room is of interest to almost every person who strives to create comfortable and functional conditions for themselves. The article discussed all the issues that need to be considered when changing the layout. At the same time, your own preferences and habits also need to be taken into account. Only in this case can you get a cozy, comfortable and spacious room.

  • DIY plasterboard arches (step-by-step instructions);


From the provided video material, you will learn how to combine a kitchen with a room, thereby solving the problem of small apartments:

The interior of the kitchen combined with the living room has many original solutions to expand the space. Often this is associated with redevelopment, but it is more reasonable to provide for this option at the stage of designing the house. This approach is quite common abroad, when the walls or partitions between functional areas are rather conventional. But at the same time, it is expected to find a way to eliminate some inconveniences - the noise of household appliances or kitchen odors. And yet, combining the living room with the kitchen into a common area is one of the most popular design techniques expansion of space.

What is important to consider when combining the kitchen and living room?

1. Before combining the living room and kitchen into apartment building, all the subtleties of redevelopment, in accordance with legal norms, it is important to coordinate with the relevant organizations to obtain permission, and contact the Moscow Housing Inspectorate or BTI at your place of residence. This is necessary to prevent damage to the structure of the house, since during redevelopment sometimes part of the load-bearing wall is removed. Even the dismantling of a small fragment of the supporting structure can have devastating consequences for the residents of the house.

To make a preliminary assessment of the scale of the work, you can determine by eye - is this a load-bearing wall or an interior partition? Secondary partitions are much thinner than load-bearing structures, and they provide support for floor slabs between floors. Thin wall between the kitchen and the living room can be partially or completely dismantled, for example, round arched openings are cut out in it in order to preserve the wall structure as much as possible. In any case, the decision to redevelop the apartment will have to be discussed with an architect or other specialist in order to obtain permission, which involves certain costs for an expert assessment.

2. The second, no less important aspect that cannot be ignored is the features of the kitchen. This is a room with high humidity, which often produces excess steam from cooking various dishes. Vapors, fumes, and specific odors, for example, from fried cutlets or fish broth, are also inevitable. They will inevitably migrate into the living room, especially if there is no powerful hood above the stove. And even if it is available and works properly, it will not be possible to completely get rid of specific odors. Such a room must be ventilated more often, and before guests arrive, refrain from preparing dishes with clearly noticeable odors. And it’s difficult to deal with high humidity from preparing first courses.

Please note that even if redevelopment is allowed, for example, if there is no gas in the house and the partition is secondary, then it will not be possible to radically change the design of the apartment. The wall where communications and water supply are connected should remain the kitchen area. The so-called “wet zone” should contain the stove, sink and dishwasher, and in the event of a water supply leak, it is advisable to think through the water drainage and threshold so that it does not fill the living room, at least at first. But the dishes can be moved from a smaller kitchen to the living room - a display cabinet or kitchen modules. And it is advisable to cook in such a way that there is little steam, that is, do not cook corn, jellied meat and other rich broths at home.

Advice: Experts recommend using special dishes with a valve lid that releases a minimal amount of steam, baking more dishes in the microwave, cooking in a pressure cooker, using a multicooker and other devices.

The main advantages and disadvantages of combining two zones

The living room only in rare cases fulfills its main function - a place for receiving guests, or a room where the whole family meets for communication. Today, designers offer many interesting solutions, taking into account the preferences and lifestyle of the family as much as possible. For example, sometimes the living room looks more like a movie theater, computer room, or Internet cafe.

Many families are away from home all day, and in the evening they use the kitchen only to quickly prepare semi-finished products and salads, make cuttings and tea. Today, many people do not have dinner in the kitchen - everyone rushes with plates to the sofa in the living room to sit in front of the TV to watch the news and favorite TV series. It is for such families that a combined living room with kitchen is best suited - photo:

In this case, there is no need to allocate a lot of space for the kitchen, where 1-2 people prepare dinner, and on weekends everyone relaxes outside the home. Then expanding the living room space due to the combined kitchen - optimal solution. But it also has its advantages and disadvantages.

1. Today, many housewives have a small TV in their kitchen to keep up with life. Some families have a TV in every room. But in the combined space of the kitchen and living room there is no such need - one large plasma panel is sufficient, and this is an additional saving of money, space and time. The same can be said about houses equipped with fireplaces and additional systems heating. One fireplace is enough for the living room, and the stove is already quite warm.

2. Most apartments with a standard layout are known for their stingy square meters in the kitchen. If you remove the partition and separate a couple of meters of the kitchen with a bar counter, an aquarium or a small partition below eye level, then both functional zones will visually expand.

3. The interior of a combined kitchen with a living room does not include a full-fledged dining table in the food preparation area. Sometimes in such an apartment there is no dining table at all. These functions are perfectly served by a bar counter that separates the kitchen from the living room, or a sofa table opposite the TV. If it is customary for a family to have lunch and dinner at the table, in the dining area expanded due to the kitchen, then there is always room for a large table and soft, comfortable chairs with high backs. In this case, they say that the living room combines the functions of the dining room.

4. The kitchen-living room also provides an opportunity to maintain visual contact and communication with guests or family members while preparing food when others are in another area. That is why the partition or demarcation is made below the hostess’s eye level. And serving new dishes to guests and removing empty plates through a conventional partition is easier than running back and forth.

5. Combining 2 rooms is not only a visual expansion of the dining area, but also an additional window, that is, more light in the living room. This is very important in apartments on the north side of the house or when there are trees opposite the windows that take away a lot of light.

But all these options for combining the living room and kitchen have common disadvantages:

  • increased humidity in the living room;
  • everyone present has to listen to the background noise from the operation of kitchen appliances - hood, washing machine and dishwasher, baking timer, microwave;
  • not everyone can calmly perceive the smells of cooking (pregnant women, sick and weakened people, allergy sufferers);
  • You have to deal with untidy kitchen utensils, dirty dishes and leftover food.

Often families are enthusiastic about the idea of ​​remodeling their kitchen, but are therefore faced with the problem of lack of time. Therefore, at the same time we have to solve such a problem as daily cleaning of the living room after preparing food and consuming it. This is somewhat reminiscent of a “housewife’s nightmare”, that is, every day there are guests, a mountain of dishes and leftover food on the floor, chairs and sofa.

The most successful design solutions for combining kitchen and living room

A modern kitchen combined with a living room is an excellent idea for those who want to show their abilities in interior design. This idea is not new, but each option proposed by an architect or interior stylist specialist has to be adapted to fit your square meters.

When you have to choose one or another sample from which to base your home, first of all, you need to decide:

  • you need a full-fledged kitchen without a wall separating the living room, or you can limit yourself to a small compact area for quick food preparation;
  • the area of ​​the combined kitchen should be reduced as much as possible in favor of the living room or simply fenced off with a bar counter;
  • the kitchen will have its own stylistic solution or a mutually complementary design;
  • the kitchen area will be visually fenced off or remain a small functional addition to the living room.

Please note: These decisions will greatly affect:

  • combined room design,
  • degree of reconstruction,
  • stylistic decision,
  • techniques for zoning the living room and kitchen!

1. Decide what the conditional boundary between the 2 functional zones will be. It could be:

  • a low indoor aquarium on a massive stand;
  • elegant bar counter with high chairs;
  • folding tabletop;
  • part of an old wall;
  • light partition on part of the wall;
  • new false wall;
  • thread curtain;
  • figured partition with original lighting;
  • transparent curtain on the ceiling cornice;
  • glass partition.

2. We choose a method for zoning functional areas, for example, the division of rooms will be purely symbolic, or the kitchen will be noticeably smaller, but thoroughly separated. You can visually define your kitchen in different ways:

  • kitchen floors of a different color and texture (washable tiles as opposed to living room parquet);
  • multi-level floors and ceilings;
  • different solution in color and lighting design;
  • finishing from different materials(the kitchen is tiled wild stone, and in the living room - wallpaper);
  • the living room can be separated with upholstered furniture (a sofa with its back to the kitchen and facing the TV on the opposite wall).

The boundary between the kitchen and living room can be:

  • in the form of a conditional or visible partition;
  • along the floor line (straight or radial);
  • according to the ceiling level LED backlight or other autonomous lighting.

The design of a combined kitchen with living room is not limited to these techniques, but they are among the most common options. Even a specialist will not undertake to recommend any one method from those listed above. Competent zoning is a set of design techniques that together give the greatest effect.

Furniture for a combined kitchen and living room space

1. Sofas are the basis for zoning the living room. When the living room combined with the kitchen is of sufficient size, then the best solution would be a large sofa:

  • angular;
  • U-shaped;
  • bay window (rounded);
  • island;
  • modular;
  • set of upholstered furniture.

Typically, sofas for the kitchen-living room are placed with their backs facing the cooking area. Sometimes upholstered furniture is placed so that the faces of those relaxing and communicating are facing the fireplace or TV panel on the wall. But you can use transformers when modular sofas can be easily arranged, assembled or moved around the required object. Mobile upholstered furniture should have legs on wheels and a light frame. When purchasing, pay attention to the back of sofas and armchairs - it should be the same on all sides.

2. A full-fledged dining table is an essential component of the dining area. It is desirable that it be compact, but its tabletop can be extended if necessary. The best option is when the table is complemented by comfortable chairs with backs, rather than stools. The living room table can be of any shape:

  • rectangular;
  • round;
  • oval.

Tip: In an apartment or house where there are children, it is better to install a solid product with a rounded tabletop so that running children cannot get injured on a corner or push the set table.

3. Other types of cabinet furniture with countertops - too a good option, if there is no need for big table. The main thing is to have the opportunity to sit down and have a full meal. It’s not good when there is only upholstered furniture around without tables, and everyone is trying to sit down in front of the TV with their own tray. Suitable for this:

  • small console;
  • solid coffee table;
  • decorative table with a wide tabletop;
  • large cabinet with tabletop;
  • folding shelves and tabletops provided for the transforming sofa.

Tip: All of these products will serve a worthy replacement in a small apartment and a dorm room, in which they are trying to organize different functional areas in 4 corners, like a full-fledged apartment. A good addition to “small-sized” zoning will be light textiles instead of partitions and local lighting for each functional area.

4. A double-sided shelving unit as a zoning element is very convenient as a partial partition between the kitchen and living room. The main advantage is that kitchen utensils can be laid out on the side of the cooking area, and beautiful dishes are placed on the living room side.

5. Built-in household appliances and an aquarium cabinet not only give the interior a special charm, it is also very convenient when there is a shortage of space.

Whatever the choice of furniture for the combined space, it must correspond to:

  • stylistics;
  • configurations;
  • design;
  • fittings and moldings;
  • shade of wood or color of cladding.

Advice: The best option is to order cabinet furniture in a single key from a specialized company, and buy upholstered furniture as a set or reupholster it with furniture material common to armchairs, stools and sofas.


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