How to inflate balloons without helium to make them fly? Holiday life hack: how to make a balloon fly without helium How to inflate gel balloons at home.

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A party is always great. Decorate your holiday with bright balloons that will fly. Don't worry if you don't have the money or time for helium. At home, you can easily inflate balloons with soda and vinegar.

For children it will be visual aid the simplest chemical experiment . And it won’t take much physical effort.

By the way, scientists say that inflating air products is good for the lungs and heart; it burns calories, which means it also helps you lose weight.

But if we are talking not about one specimen, but about ten, twenty or more balls, you must agree that pleasant entertainment will become torment...

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Soda and vinegar for the ball

It's simple. At the heart of the “magic” - an ordinary chemical reaction when combining acid and sodium bicarbonate. This releases carbon dioxide, which instead of helium helps the ball fly. Everything happens instantly, the result will please you within a few seconds.

Conducting an experiment

We will need:

  • vinegar
  • balloon
  • funnel
  • plastic bottle (0.5)

It is important to comply correct proportions- the final result depends on this.

Wear gloves! Don't let it get to self-cooking mixtures of small children - only under adult supervision!

  1. IN plastic bottle you need to pour 100 ml of vinegar. We insert the funnel into the neck, pour 1 tablespoon of soda into it.
  2. The reaction has just begun. At this time, we put a rubber product on the neck of the bottle. Under the influence of carbon dioxide and heat, our balloon begins to inflate.
  3. Don't miss the moment when to remove it from the bottle and tie it with thread. Try to launch it upward - it can fly under the ceiling!

Here's how to inflate a balloon using slaked soda. The method is inexpensive, fun and simple. These are the advantages.

However, particles of bite and soda may remain inside the product (so choose a darker color or color it with felt-tip pens). Well, you should only work with vinegar under adult supervision.

These are, to list, the disadvantages.

Balloons are an integral part of any special event. Multi-colored balls floating in the air give magical moments of childhood and carefreeness. Such decorations attract children and adults. Nowadays, there are the most unrealistic shapes and shades of balls. They can be with drawings, original inscriptions, decorative elements, thanks to which their appearance becomes even more attractive.

Balloons can be used to decorate an apartment or room for a celebration. This is a universal and popular type of decor, because it fits perfectly into any interior and is suitable for most holidays. Light balloons filled with helium have become very popular. To fill with this gas you need special equipment, but not everyone has it. Therefore, many people wonder how with his own hand make helium. This will require some effort, but then the composition of balloons will delight you and your invited guests for a long time. Let's look at some ways to fill balloons with air.

1) How to inflate balloons with helium - vinegar and soda

This is the easiest option for getting flying balls. Thanks to an elementary chemical reaction, it is possible without special effort inflate the balloons. To do this you will need vinegar, water, a spoon, and a 2-liter flask. To make the ball light, you need to fill the bottle halfway with vinegar. Next, add a spoonful of soda and attach the rubber band of the ball to the flask. Then carefully turn it over. When soda gets into vinegar, a violent chemical process occurs, which is similar to a volcanic eruption. After this, the ball will gradually fill with air, but will not take off, because as a result of the reaction, carbon dioxide is released, and, as is known, it is heavier than air. But despite this, the ball turns out attractive and air.

2) How to inflate balloons with helium - hydrogen cocktail

The next way to obtain flying balls is to use alkali with aluminum.

  • The flask is half filled with water.
  • The foil is cut into pieces and placed in a container.
  • Next, add 80 grams of salt and attach a ball to the neck of the flask.
  • Next you need to shake it thoroughly, as a result of this reaction the ball will be filled with air.
  • After dissolving all the components in the solution, the ball must be tied.
  • After the reaction has begun, it is necessary to take action, otherwise nothing may come of it. One reaction allows you to inflate several balloons.
  • Remember that when the components react, they generate heat; for this reason, the flask must be placed in cool water to avoid getting burned.

How to inflate balloons with helium - helium balloon

You can also inflate a balloon with helium using a regular balloon. To do this, place the balloon on the balloon tube, making sure it is tight, then carefully turn the tap and watch how the balloon inflates, then tie it off. This method is simple, the only thing you need is to find a cylinder.

4) How to inflate balloons with helium - zinc and hydrochloric acid

If you want to inflate balloons using these substances, then you can do this if the balloons are not accessible to children. This is because the reaction releases oxygen, which is harmful to health. To prepare, you need to place 2 components in a bottle and put a ball on its neck. the appearance will be as beautiful and light as that of helium ones. Flying balloons will create a festive atmosphere and give you a cheerful mood. In this way, you can properly organize the party and make it brighter and more eventful.

Multi-colored balloons always give good mood. However, helium balloons are an expensive pleasure, so the question of how to make a helium balloon at home is often relevant.

Helium is a non-toxic monatomic gas, which is number two in periodic table Mendeleev. It is a colorless and odorless gas, it is much lighter than oxygen and carbon dioxide. Molecular mass helium has 4, while oxygen has 32 and carbon dioxide has 44. That's how light helium is! Therefore, balls filled with this monatomic gas can fly, while the mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide weighs the ball down, causing it to fall. The lighter the contents of the ball, the more likely it is to fly.

Where can I get helium balloons?

Helium is produced by deep cooling natural gases. Helium balloons are sold in circuses and specialty stores. To inflate such a balloon at home, purchase a special helium balloon. You can find out about the cost of the cylinder on the Internet. Unfortunately, it is impossible to produce helium experimentally chemically at home, so you will have to spend a significant amount. But you can do many other things with balloons interesting experiments, and at the same time gain new knowledge in chemistry.

Balloon inflated with soda and vinegar

A well-known chemical fact: the reaction of soda (NaHCO₃) and vinegar (CH₃COOH) is accompanied by abundant release of carbon dioxide. A ball with carbon dioxide, of course, will not fly due to its large atomic mass. But this experiment is very interesting, and the required solution can be prepared at home.

Balls filled with carbon dioxide

Show this trick to children to instill in them a love of chemistry: by inflating a balloon with a bottle, they will show interest in science, and perhaps little fidgets will make discoveries in the future.

What we need:

    acetic acid, which is in everyone's kitchen (there is different types vinegar, but almost any will do);

    baking soda;

    empty bottle or flask with a volume of 1.5 liters;


This kind of home trick is very easy to perform; even a child can do it. However, it is worth working in rubber gloves, since vinegar, especially strong, has an unpleasant effect on the skin: in best case scenario A slight burn may occur. If this happens, you need to know that treating with soda or soap neutralizes acids. Therefore, all experiments with dangerous chemical It is better for children to do this by calling an adult for help.

So, we need to add soda to the ball (2 teaspoons per ball), and pour half a glass of acetic acid into the bottle. Don't rush to add too much baking soda. We put the ball on the bottle: the soda from the ball will pour into it, and a violent reaction will begin with the intense release of CO₂. Therefore, the balloon will inflate. If the reaction is weak and the balloon does not inflate, add more vinegar and soda, but do not shake the solution. This method is convenient for those who find it difficult to inflate balloons.

What experiment will make a balloon take off without helium?

This method will tell you how to make the ball fly. The experiment works, but keep in mind that this simple experiment is a fire hazard, so do it outside. You will also need safety glasses, a gown and gloves.

For the experience you will need:

    aluminium foil;

    water at room temperature;

  • pure sodium hydroxide;

    glass flask.

You may also need the help of a partner. Pure sodium hydroxide can be found on hardware store shelves. For example, the Mr. Muscle drain cleaner contains the substance needed for the experiment in pure form. Try using other products with similar composition.

To begin, take the foil and roll ten small balls out of it that will fit into the hole of the flask. Pour the pipe cleaner into a flask and fill the substance with water. One sachet will require half a liter of water. Next, add all the balls that you managed to make into a container with water and cleaning solution. Do not shake the resulting solution, because a strong reaction will begin. The balloon, of course, will inflate, but condensation from the evaporation of gas will remain in it, which will make it heavier. Therefore the ball will not take off.

If the solution is not shaken, the reaction will proceed calmly. You can also do this: wait additional time so that the condensate inside the ball flows back into the flask. Therefore, for the experiment to work, you need attentiveness and patience. The result will not be long in coming: your balloon will fly no worse than a helium balloon!

Ball filled with hydrogen

This way we will get the desired effect. The substance released from the resulting solution contains explosive hydrogen. Therefore, you not only need to do the experiment on the street, but it is also dangerous to keep the balloons at home: if there is a spark nearby, the hydrogen will explode. You can find out what experiments with hydrogen can be done at home. During the experiment, you also need to be careful: if you add a lot of foil and product or start shaking the contents, you can get burned by the flask. Do not inhale the escaping gas.

Preparing for a large-scale holiday, Balloons inflate by the dozens. Doing so traditional way– with the help of the lungs – it is necessary for the whole family or team. Is it possible to simplify and speed up the process? And how to inflate a balloon with helium at home?

How to inflate flying balloons?

Three ways to inflate regular balloons

If holiday decor It won't be much, you can approach things the old fashioned way. For this big and index finger The ball is taken by the tail. Next, take a deep breath, bring the ring to your lips and release air into the product. With each subsequent exhalation the ball will grow. When he reaches maximum size, the ponytail is tied.

Balloons are not always easy to inflate. It is advisable to knead products made of dense latex at the very beginning by stretching them in different directions.

When it takes a lot balloons, it’s easier to inflate them with special hand pump having a ribbed nose. Modern models Such devices are lightweight and compact. Some pumps are equipped with a container for storing balls. If you don't need household appliance, but a professional one, it is better to buy a compressor: it is more powerful, runs from the mains, but costs an order of magnitude more.

How to inflate a balloon chemically? At home, a latex toy can be filled with carbon dioxide. To do this, take baking soda and a plastic bottle with 9 percent vinegar (150 ml). Using a funnel, pour a tablespoon of soda into the ball. Then the ring of the product is pulled onto the neck of the bottle. The ball is lifted above the container, shaking out the powder from it.

When interacting with vinegar, the soda is extinguished and, as a result, carbon dioxide is released.

How to inflate flying balloons

To make balloons fly, they are filled with gases that are lighter than air. You can inflate the product at home with a portable helium balloon. The device comes with a special liquid for processing latex. It is necessary in order to helium balloon hovered in the air not for 12-14 hours, but for 2.5 weeks. The accompanying liquid contains water-soluble plastics. Drying inside the ball, they form a dense film that does not allow helium to pass through.

Instructions on how to inflate a balloon with a portable balloon:

1. The tail of the product is pulled onto the nozzle and clamped with your fingers.

2. Open the valve, making sure that the gas flow does not occur too quickly.

3. The tap is closed. Inflated balloon remove from the nozzle and tie.

How to inflate balloons without a balloon? Hydrogen is also a gas that is lighter than air. To fill the ball with it, you need to again resort to chemical experience. A glass is poured into a bottle warm water. Crumpled pieces of foil and 3 tablespoons of caustic soda are also thrown there.

Balloons can decorate any holiday. Many people do not know how to make a gel ball at home. But this skill will be useful to everyone, because you never know where “air toys” will be needed.

This article will describe three methods that will help you do this.

Everyone knows that the flying balloons that you can buy in circuses and parks are filled with helium. One thing you should not try to get it at home - it is not possible. Because the reactions that should synthesize helium can only occur under very low temperatures. But this does not mean that it is not possible to make a gel ball at home.

Inflating a balloon using vinegar and soda

You will need

  • Ball;
  • Any spoon;
  • An empty bottle (preferably a two-liter bottle);
  • Baking soda (in our case we need sodium bicarbonate);
  • Table vinegar.


  1. Pour vinegar into the bottle, about halfway.
  2. Using a spoon, add baking soda to the ball (the more the better).
  3. Place a balloon on the neck of the bottle.
  4. Ready!

But as a result of the reaction of vinegar with soda, carbon dioxide is formed, which is heavier than air. Therefore the ball will not take off. Of course, it's a shame, but you don't have to strain your mouth muscles to inflate the balloon. How can you make a ball so it can fly? Read below!

Electrical method

You will need

  • Electrolyte (required) good guide, for example, potassium hydroxide or sulfuric acid);
  • Water;
  • Battery – 12 Watt;
  • Two graphite electrodes (not copper ones, because they are destroyed);
  • Two inflatable balls;
  • Plastic bottles of two liters;
  • A regular laundry basin.


  1. Fill the basin with water approximately halfway.
  2. Then fill the bottle with electrolyte to the top.
  3. Place balloons on the neck of the bottle.
  4. Make holes at the bottom of each of them and insert electrodes into them.
  5. Place the bottles in the basin.
  6. Connect the electrodes to a 12 Watt power source.
  7. Finally, plug the battery into a power outlet.

After this the reaction will begin. The ball into which you inserted the cathode will be able to fly. It will contain hydrogen, which is lighter than air. And the second ball will be filled with oxygen. The design you made is called a Hoffmann apparatus. It should be something like this:

The most important thing in all this is tightness. It is necessary that the electrodes enter the bottle with force. This experiment relates to physics, but if you want to know how to make a ball chemically, then read on.

"Hydrogen projectile"

You will need

  • Inflatable ball;
  • Alkali ( sodium hydroxide and caustic soda - also known as sodium hydroxide);
  • Foil (aluminum, you can use another metal, but everyone has this one at home);
  • Measuring spoon;
  • Warm water;
  • A small flask.


  1. Fill the flask approximately halfway with warm water.
  2. Divide the foil into small pieces and pour into a container.
  3. Then add three tablespoons of sodium hydroxide (do this with gloves because the substance is dangerous to the skin).
  4. Place a ball on the neck of the flask.
  5. After this, shake it so that the foil is completely in an alkaline environment.
  6. The ball will begin to inflate.


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