How to wallpaper in an uneven corner. We glue wallpaper in the corners

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Wallpapering walls is not a difficult task if the work is done on a prepared, flat surface. But difficulties often arise with gluing the material to internal and external corners. To avoid common mistakes, you need to become more familiar with the process technology of how to glue wallpaper and prepare necessary tools for fast work.

Necessary materials

Often, before wallpapering walls, you need to preliminary preparation surfaces.

After preparation, the wall should be covered with putty (read how to choose putty) followed by sanding (read how to properly sand walls). If the wall is already prepared, then materials for rough work will not be required.

You only need to have:

  • Wallpaper.
  • Glue.
  • Primer.

Main material - wallpaper, it is recommended to purchase one that is not very dense so that it is easy to glue. This is especially important when gluing corners. Before purchasing wallpaper, you need to calculate its quantity. To do this, the perimeter of the room is determined, the perimeters of window and doorways and a small margin (5-10%) is added.

When choosing glue you need to be guided by the type of wallpaper. Therefore, when purchasing them, you must immediately take the appropriate glue. Primer will be required to ensure adhesion of the surface to the wallpaper.


The materials you need to obtain are:

  • With a pencil.
  • Metal ruler.
  • With a tape measure.
  • Painting knife.
  • Plumb.
  • With a sponge.
  • With a brush.
  • With a brush.

Where to start

After preparing the surface (cleaning it from dust with a brush and applying a primer), you can begin gluing the walls.

Pasting begins from the part of the room that is most visible. To do this, using a plumb line, you need to make the appropriate marks on the wall so that the canvases are strictly perpendicular to the floor. Then the distance from the ceiling to the floor is measured and pieces of wallpaper are cut to the required length with a small margin.

You cannot start gluing the first canvas from the corner.

You need to retreat a small distance (half the width of the wallpaper). Then paste wallpaper on the entire wall.

Depending on the type of wallpaper, the methods of applying glue differ. Some types involve applying an adhesive to the wallpaper, which must be absorbed within 5 minutes. After this, you can glue the canvas to a wall previously coated with glue. But other types of wallpaper should be glued dry, and only the wall should be smeared with glue.

External and internal corners should be pasted over last resort.

Internal corners

Pasting an internal corner on 2 converging walls is done using the following technology:

  • The distance from the corner to the pasted strip is measured on one wall, then on the other.
  • Pieces are cut, the width of which has a margin of 2 cm.
  • Carefully coat 1 piece of canvas with glue.
  • Apply glue to the inner corner.
  • The first canvas is pasted.
  • The remaining strip is glued to the second wall.
  • The wallpaper is being trimmed.

When gluing the first strip to one corner wall, you need to make sure that one side of the strip is flush with the wallpaper that was previously glued to the entire wall.

When applying the canvas, you need to carefully expel the air from under it. To do this, use a soft sponge to make smoothing movements from the center to the edge, moving from top to bottom.

The first strip for the corner is glued so that it extends 2 cm onto the 2nd wall. The canvas is ironed well in the very corner so that there are no air bubbles left there either.

After this, the 2nd strip is glued to the 2nd wall. It is glued using the same method as the 1st one and overlaps the already glued strip by 2 cm.

After this you need to trim extra wallpaper. First of all, the wallpaper is cut at the top near the ceiling. To do this, apply a long spatula to the wallpaper at an angle to the ceiling and draw a strip along it with a sharp construction knife. After this, the excess part of the wallpaper is removed.

Then the same spatula is placed with the end part against the first wall that was glued, after which the spatula is slightly turned towards the corner. Then take a knife and use it to make neat cuts on the 2nd piece of canvas (it was glued to the 2nd wall).

You need to make light movements with a construction knife in order to make a cut only on the upper sheet without damaging the lower one.

Such movements must be done from top to bottom. Lastly, the part of the wallpaper at the bottom, which will be located under the baseboard, is trimmed.

But this was a presented method for gluing wallpaper on a corner in the case when wallpaper was already glued on 2 adjacent walls. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the wallpaper to the edge of the last strip on one side and the other. But you can do it in another way: adjusting it to only one wall covered with paper.

The second way is as follows:

  • The first strip is glued at an angle butt to the last strip.
  • The excess part is placed on the second wall. On the second wall, 2 cm are measured from the corner in several places, and a vertical line is drawn.
  • A construction knife is used to cut off 2 parts of the canvas.
  • The same part is immediately applied to the corner with an overlap.
  • Using a spatula and a knife, remove excess parts of the wallpaper that extend onto the first wall.

After gluing the second part of the canvas, you need to ensure that there are no distortions. After all, subsequent strips will be glued to this strip end-to-end and a misalignment may occur. Therefore, you need to constantly use a plumb line and a building level.

You can learn more about the process of gluing wallpaper on an inner corner in this video. Advice and recommendations from experts on each stage of work are presented.

External corners

The technology for gluing wallpaper on external corners is also based on butt technology. In order for the external corners to be ideal you will need:

  • Glue the first strip, one edge of which will join the main canvas on the wall, and the other will go over external corner by 2 cm.
  • Level the canvas.
  • Glue the 2nd strip of wallpaper, one part of which will join the wallpaper of the 2nd wall, and the other part will overlap the first strip.
  • Carefully level the canvas.
  • Apply a long spatula to the glued 2nd sheet and cut off the excess part with a construction knife.

Do not forget about timely trimming of excess parts of the canvas from above and below. Often, when gluing the first canvas to the outer corner and extending it onto the second wall, folds appear.

To avoid this, you can use scissors to make cuts along the entire length of the canvas in the section of wallpaper that goes to the corner.

This will allow the strip to lie as flat as possible.

If wallpaper needs to be glued to an arched structure, then the technology is slightly different from pasting external corners. First, strips are glued, extending 2 cm onto the inside of the arch. The excess parts of the overlaps must be removed immediately. Then the width of the inner part of the arch is accurately measured, and a strip of the required length is cut out and glued. In this case, there is no need to trim the glued strip because it was previously cut straight.

How to glue wallpaper with a pattern in the corners. Step-by-step instruction

Working with plain wallpaper is much easier than with patterned ones. But to liven up the room and get unusual design you will have to complicate the task and work with the selection of the pattern.

To apply wallpaper with patterns to external or internal corners, you need to adhere to the following technology:

  • Take measurements of the first strip and cut it off.
  • Measure 2 cm from the cut edge of the first strip and draw with a pencil thin line. Fold the fabric along the marked line.
  • Do the same work with the second piece that will be glued (also make a margin of 2 cm and bend the fabric along the line).
  • You just need to first adjust the pattern, which will match in both canvases if they are bent along the lines.
  • Then glue 2 strips on converging or diverging walls.

When gluing wallpaper with a pattern, you need to match the pattern as accurately as possible. Despite the fact that the corner is pasted over, all errors will be clearly visible.

To make the work easier, you can follow the advice of professionals:

  • Buy wallpaper that is plain or has a small pattern. Due to this, you won’t have to spend a long time selecting a pattern on the corners.
  • Using wallpaper with a large relief pattern, you can hide minor unevenness in the walls (or prepare the wall in advance and level the walls with plasterboard).
  • For work, use only sharp construction knife, otherwise it will be difficult to make an even cut on the canvas.
  • Be sure to use the technology of wallpapering overlapping corners. If the panels are glued end to end, they will come apart over time.
  • If, after gluing the canvas, excess glue passes through the joints, it must be immediately removed with a clean cloth. It is not recommended to use a hard brush as it may damage upper layer material.
  • Carry out the work carefully, because some types of wallpaper are afraid of getting glue on them.

Anyone can master the technology of wallpapering corners. If you follow the instructions, be careful and take your time, you can easily paste wallpaper not only on internal and external corners, but also on arched structures and around window openings.

Wall decoration with wallpaper is the most popular option for decorating indoor walls. Undoubtedly, gluing wallpaper on flat walls is quite elementary and requires only a little skill, but wallpapering the corners of a room is technically more difficult. Before you apply wallpaper with your own hands, you need to properly prepare the walls.

First you need to remove old wallpaper or paint, apply primer to the walls and level their surface. And only then start wallpapering the corners.

So, repair specialists highlight next steps this process:

  1. You need to start by leveling the corners; for this you can use putty and after it dries, clean it sandpaper. To ensure that the angle is even, you can use a special device - a plastic corner that is attached to the putty. Remember that if you do not get rid of uneven surfaces, the wallpaper may peel off.
  2. The next step is to apply glue - before gluing the wallpaper to the corner of the room, you must very carefully coat the entire height of the corner with glue. If the roller does not cope with its task and leaves uncoated parts, you should use a brush.
  3. Directly pasting corners with wallpaper - there are various lessons from specialists that help to correctly wallpaper a corner of a room, it’s worth listening to them, but for greater productivity let’s outline some features of this stage: competent finishers do not recommend gluing wallpaper in whole strips in the corners, this is explained by the fact that they can distortions will appear and the joints will be uneven.
  4. The wallpaper must be cut so that its side extends 50 mm onto the adjacent wall.

The glue must be applied to the strip of wallpaper and the corner of the wall. Next, you need to apply the wallpaper to the corner of the wall as follows - if the pasting process begins from left to right, then the left side is applied to inside corner for even coverage.

At this stage, you need to clearly understand that you need to wallpaper the outer and inner corners differently.

Outside corner

External corners can be glued in two ways: firstly, if outside corner has a flat surface, you don’t have to waste time on leveling it and immediately apply wallpaper to the corner, then use a level and measure the edge of the strip so that the remaining strips lie evenly; secondly, to paste the outer corners, you first need to move the strip around the corner 4-5 cm, and glue the next part of the wallpaper at the top. Using a utility knife and a ruler, cut these layers vertically.

Internal corner

Internal corners require more attention. Wallpaper should be glued so that it extends onto the adjacent surface by about 3 cm, but no more, otherwise it will wrinkle. The bend and rotation of the wallpaper must be coated with glue. Next, you need to measure the width of the wallpaper located on the adjacent wall, mark the allowance of the pasted side, which is glued at a distance of about 2 cm from the corner and a vertical line is drawn through it using a plumb line - this will be the mark of the edge of the wallpaper to be pasted.

Wallpaper is leveled using the rolling method; there are special rollers and spatulas for this.

All the above stages of wallpapering in the corners proceed sequentially.

Wall corners for wallpaper: what is it?

Plastic corners for wallpaper are a good finish for finishing corners - they have protective functions and give the corner a finished look.

Construction markets offer various decorative corners:

  • Corners with a width from 20×20 to 50×50 mm are suitable for corners that are subject to heavy wear;
  • Dimensions of 10x10 or 15x15 mm will give a neat, finished look to the wall - they are called decorative corners;
  • The corners may differ in color and may have the texture of wood or metal.

For arched external corners, it is better to use corners with the following approximate dimensions: 5 × 17.7 × 17.10 × 20 and 15 × 25 mm. It is recommended to install plastic corners using silicone sealant, it is colorless and has good adhesion. The length of the corners ranges from 3 to 7 m, so it can be adjusted to individual sizes.

Decorative plastic corners help protect wallpaper from mechanical damage at the corners of the wall; in addition, they are not expensive and easy to install.

How to glue wallpaper in non-woven corners: features and tips

Non-woven wallpaper is particularly durable, but it is quite difficult to work with it, especially on corner surfaces, because... they are not elastic.

To cover a corner of a wall with such wallpaper, when cutting off part of the wallpaper, you need to make an allowance of 1.5 cm, this allowance should overlap.

Need to know little secret– gluing non-woven wallpaper will be easier if you make equal cuts along its edge along the entire length.

In this case, the glue is applied only to the wall, and the wallpaper should remain dry. When decorating a corner with such wallpaper, it is better to use a corner first, then unnecessary crooked places will not appear. If the choice is made in favor of wallpaper with a pattern, in this case it is necessary to carefully adjust the pattern in the corners. In order to keep the pattern in the corners intact, you need to cut the next strip from the corner to match the pattern of the already pasted wall.

Here are some tips:

  • It is necessary to make a small overlap on the other wall;
  • It is better to hide the joints at the top of the corner;
  • It is better to glue wallpaper with a pattern in the corners plumb.

Meter wallpaper is a wide non-woven fabric slightly more than a meter. This type of wallpaper helps to paste over faster large apartment and choosing a pattern becomes easier. To paste meter wallpaper in the corners you need to overlap up to 3 cm on next wall. The rest of the procedure will not differ from the standard pasting of corners, which is described above.

How to glue corners to wallpaper: installation technique

Then proceed according to the following plan:

  1. The adhesion of the corners to the wall will be stronger if they are glued to the wall rather than to the wallpaper;
  2. Evenly distribute the adhesive material along the inside of the corner;
  3. Apply and press to the desired area on the wall, remove excess glue with a napkin;
  4. Do not touch the corners until the material is completely dry.
  5. In order for the sealant to adhere better to the area, you can secure the corner with adhesive tape.

How to properly glue wallpaper in corners (video)

So, knowing the technology for gluing wallpaper in corners, you can high-quality repairs with your own hands and also help your family in this difficult matter.

Renovating an apartment or house is a very complex and labor-intensive process. And if workers do it for you, it is also expensive, since the price for the services of craftsmen is often the same as the cost of the material. Therefore, if you are at least some part repair work If you do it yourself, you can save a lot. Many people successfully hang wallpaper on their own, and find nothing difficult about it other than gluing wallpaper in the corners.

Wallpapering the corners - responsible and important stage work

Even in very nice apartments there are bad angles. Not good because they are not perfectly even. What do the experts advise?

When gluing the outer corner, you need to ensure that the strip fits snugly against the wall.

Never glue an entire strip of wallpaper. If the angle is uneven, the strip will lie in folds and will not meet the other strip. Leave a protrusion of 1.5-2 cm around the corner, then the strip will lie against the wall. Be sure to use a plumb line if gluing thick wallpaper. Glue the piece with a slight overlap onto the adjacent wall so that it is as vertical as possible.

If there are switches or sockets close to the corner, you must first remove the covers, remembering to turn off the electricity in advance. Glue the fabric onto sockets and switches, then make cuts on the wallpaper and trim the circle slightly smaller size casing. After this, return the covers to their place.

When gluing a wall near a door, it is better to approach the doors from both sides. The strip of wallpaper that spans the door should be cut vertically to the beginning of the frame. It is attached along the edge of the wall. The lip should be trimmed and fit over the door frame.

How to properly glue wallpaper in corners: step-by-step instructions

  • Step 1: Preparing the Corner

This step is performed long before the actual wallpapering at the stage of wall putty. The corners of the room should be equipped with special plastic corners. They are attached to the walls with putty and must be fastened very securely. After this, you can move on to decorating the corners of the room.

Don't cover all the corners at once. Having chosen the corner from which you will start, prepare a strip of wallpaper of the required length. Coat the area with wallpaper glue along the width of the cut strip (plus 3-5 cm), do not forget to apply glue to the plastic corner as well. When a section of the wall and a corner have been treated with glue, attach the wallpaper there. If you started gluing from left to right, you need to place the left side against the inside of the corner so that the strip is positioned perfectly even along its entire length.

  • Step 3: leveling the wallpaper

Level the wallpaper well in the corners to visually hide existing defects

The wallpaper is rolled out with a special roller or spatula. After this, the next section of the wall is covered with glue, and the wallpaper is glued until next corner. How to glue the closing corner? The last strip of wallpaper should have a new strip associated with it. Roll the glue towards the corner, and when the wallpaper is glued to the inside of the corner, cut off the excess area along internal line corner with a utility knife.

    How to glue non-woven wallpaper in corners

Non-woven fabric is a special material that consists of cellulose and non-woven fibers. This is wallpaper that is intended for painting, since its outer layer is not resistant to mechanical damage. Gluing non-woven wallpaper in the corners is much easier than any other wallpaper, since the glue is applied only to the wall, and the dry wallpaper is attached to it. Having previously decorated the corner of the room with a plastic corner, stick it in the same way as described above.

How to hang wallpaper with a pattern in the corners

With a clear geometric pattern on the wallpaper, distortion must be minimized

If the pattern on the wallpaper has vertical lines, its distortion will be especially noticeable in the corners of the room. And if the pattern is horizontal, it will be skewed in relation to the ceiling and baseboards. How to avoid such troubles? It's simple. Firstly, do not forget to make a slight overlap on the adjacent wall, and secondly, hide the existing joint at the top of the corner. Thirdly, try to paste wallpaper in the corners of the room so that the smooth edge lies exactly along the vertical line you drew (plumb line). In this case, the other edge is trimmed along the edge of the corner.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely avoid a shift in the pattern - a slight shift will most likely remain. But this is a drawback that only you will know about. After all, to detect it, you need to carefully study the corners of the room. If you follow all the rules, the wallpaper will lie vertically on the adjacent wall, which means that the distortion of the pattern will not be noticeable.

Most of our fellow citizens are confident that even with a little experience in repair work, you can hang wallpaper well and beautifully.

Maybe that's how it is when it comes to smooth walls and right angles.

But few apartments, especially the well-known Khrushchev buildings, can boast of such indicators.

How to properly apply wallpaper in corners? Where is it better to start, from which side?

Next, select the angle, with which we will begin work. Preparing a piece of wallpaper the right size, coat it with glue; if necessary, cover the piece of wall for which it is intended. Using plastic corners they are also coated with the composition. By smearing the wall, you can go a few centimeters beyond the boundaries of the future sheet.

Glue the first strip. If the work is carried out from left to right, then the left side of the strip of wallpaper is applied in the corner. It should be placed perfectly even along its entire length. Clean cloth or special device(plastic spatula or roller) the coating is smoothed over the entire area, moving carefully and gradually, expelling air and removing bubbles. The wall is completely covered up to the nearest corner.

How to glue wallpaper in inner corners

This type of corner is usually found in rooms. For competent and even pasting, you must adhere to the listed recommendations.

The strip is glued so as to cover, along with the corner, several centimeters of the adjacent wall (3-4). It is carefully pressed and smoothed with a clean, lint-free cloth.

Then, on the adjacent wall, using a ruler, the width of the canvas minus the mentioned 3-4 cm is laid off from the upper corner. This is done in order to paste the next strip in relation to the previous one with an overlap.

Using a plumb line or level, a line is drawn down along the entire wall that will serve as a guide. The strip will have to be glued strictly vertically along it.

After this, you can move to the adjacent wall. As already mentioned, the next strip is glued along the line marked on the wall, overlapping the previous one. Just like everyone else, it is carefully smoothed and pressed, especially at the junction of the walls. Then, using a sharp knife, a ruler, and a ruler, both layers of wallpaper are cut in the corner, and unnecessary trimmings are removed.

This must be done carefully so as not to accidentally remove the desired piece of wallpaper. Then we coat the edges of the canvas with glue, smooth it and press it. Be careful not to form air bubbles. If you use this technique to finish corners, you can make the corner joint almost invisible visually.

How to glue wallpaper on outside corners

Meanwhile, along with internal corners, there are also external corners in every residential building. These are, for example, familiar slopes to everyone.

To make it easier and more accurate to paste them over, it is advisable to first. Unfortunately, this is not possible in every case. Then you will have to use the overlapping method.

What is the most convenient way to do this?

Just like when working with internal corners, first a layer of material is glued to the adjacent wall, at a distance of the previously mentioned 3-4 centimeters.

To ensure that the wallpaper adheres evenly to the surfaces, it is possible to carefully trim it in several places. When the fabric is smoothed, with a blade or sharp knife The excess is cut off along the vertical edge, with the exception of a thin edge.

Then, using a large ruler or construction tape measure on the wall, measure a distance equal to the width of the roll plus five millimeters. Using a plumb line from this point, draw a vertical line down.

We will paste the next strip of wallpaper, focusing on it. When gluing two adjacent strips, there will be a slight overlap, which will mask all possible defects formed when cutting the first piece.

How to glue wallpaper with a pattern in the corners

If we have to work with a coating that has a clear and distinct pattern, it is important to make sure that wallpapering in the corners does not distort the existing pattern. This is not as difficult to do as it might seem.

The main thing is not to forget about the need for some overlap. In addition, the canvas must be glued in such a way that the edge exactly matches the plumb line. Then, along the edge of the corner (edge), the second edge is trimmed.

It is quite difficult to prevent the pattern from shifting completely, and slight distortion may occur. But it will be so insignificant that most likely only you will know about it. Only a careful study of the lines of intersection and connection will allow us to notice it. If you follow all the recommendations for gluing internal and external corners, the individual sheets of material will lie exactly vertically, and a slight distortion of the pattern will not be noticeable.


There are little secrets for pasting wallpaper in the corners.

Even if the joints are not very smooth, nevertheless, they will look neat and beautiful.

The main thing is to be patient and careful, to carry out all activities slowly and carefully. Then the result will please you!

Wallpaper is one of the most common types decorative finishing walls For wallpapering walls not required perfect alignment . This advantage sets wallpaper apart from other materials.

Paintable wallpapers are especially versatile. But when gluing them to walls, some problems may arise. finishing of internal and external corners.

To glue the wallpaper on the corners evenly, you need strictly adhere to the recommendations of the masters. You need to start joining and pasting wallpaper in the corners by taking measurements at the bottom and top of the walls.

Non-woven wallpapers are the most popular and available materials for wall decoration. They can hide small uneven surfaces of the walls. If the walls have small flaws, it is possible that The corners may also have some unevenness.

To properly cover the corners with non-woven wallpaper, necessary:

  • Measure distance from the last glued strip to the corner. To this distance you need to add about 15mm. stock;
  • From the prepared strip of wallpaper cut off the resulting size when measuring the wall. After this, glue is applied to the wall and the resulting piece of wallpaper is applied;
  • Now wallpaper smoothed along the wall towards the corner. Then we wrap the edge of the wallpaper onto the other wall, and also smooth it out so as to avoid unevenness or swelling of the material;
  • If the strip is skewed, there is no need to re-glue it. You can safely measure out the next strip and overlap it. This operation will hide the resulting distortion;
  • If the picture does not match, move the wallpaper as far as possible up or down, left or right, as far as the distance allows, to approximately align the pattern;
  • Paste over the corner a whole strip is highly undesirable.

Today, wall coverings vinyl wallpaper is a fairly common way to decorate an apartment. The peculiarity of this wallpaper is that they can be washed, do not wrinkle and do not lose color or texture over time. Non-woven wallpaper has the same properties.

Vinyl wallpaper has its own features and requirements for pasting. Despite this, the methods for gluing non-woven and vinyl wallpaper are approximately the same.

To get it right cover the corners with vinyl wallpaper, need to:

  • Do measuring the distance to the corner and choose the method and orientation of the wallpaper stripes on the wall. You can start wallpapering from the corner, but this is done only by experienced specialists;
  • Based on the result start gluing the strips wallpaper so that there is an overlap of 3 cm around the corner. After this, lubricate the wall with glue and place strip after strip all the way to the corner;
  • Smoothing the pasted part of the walls in the direction of the corner;
  • On coal you need to be careful grease the wallpaper and bend a piece of wallpaper, smoothing them with a thick cloth to avoid folds and unevenness;
  • On the other hand, overlap joining another part of the wallpaper;
  • After this, we lean the ruler or level against the overlap and cut with a sharp knife;
  • Clippings should be removed;
  • Generously coat the wallpaper with glue and lean the joint against the wall. In this case, we get an evenly covered corner with vinyl wallpaper.

Pasting external corners is very difficult task. But you shouldn’t panic that you won’t succeed. Just you need to know some tricks and methods pasting the external corners of a house or apartment.

The process of gluing strips of wallpaper on the outer corner is no different from the methods with the inner corners. This process includes several actions:

  • Need to start from taking the required dimensions. We measure the distance from the corner to the last glued strip. You need to measure from above and below to determine the evenness or unevenness of the angle. We also take into account the size of the overlap at the corner of 2.5 cm;
  • After that transfer the resulting size to the roll web. Having drawn the cutting lines, we cut the wallpaper and get a strip of the desired size;
  • Apply glue to the wall;
  • Let's take it strip and apply to the wall, smoothing it out rubber spatula or soft cloth. We also do the same with the overlap area;
  • Then the next piece is cut from the roll and glued overlapping from the corner along the wall. This method of pasting will allow you to hide possible uneven corners and stripes of wallpaper.

Also watch a master class from a specialist on how to glue and cut wallpaper in corners


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