How to equip a recreational trailer with your own hands. Which is better for traveling: a sleeping bag or a trailer tent?

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Good day to all! I understand that the weather is not conducive to this at all, but sometimes you need to think a few steps ahead and think through the upcoming warm season in advance. Therefore, right now we will talk about such a structure as a trailer tent.

These are great car trailers special purpose. This is the simplest version of a summer cottage trailer available to car owners.

I propose to discuss options for such trailed vehicles, their features, disadvantages and advantages.

Available options

IN Lately travel by car in Russia has received a new round of development. More and more often, people go out into nature, without staying in hotels or some kind of cottages, but move on their own wheels, where they spend the night, relax, and have fun.

After all, car trailers, which are a motor home in different variations, actually offer a lot more than they might seem.

Our tourist service is quite expensive, which is difficult to argue with. Therefore, vacation trips with the condition of renting a house cost a lot of money. But mostly people spend their holidays in nature, and the houses are intended for overnight stays.

Tents perfectly compensate for the lack of sleeping places. Having such a trailer at your disposal, you can:

  • travel in a regular car;
  • do not rent houses, cottages or hotel rooms;
  • spend time in nature;
  • independently choose the places where you will stop, rest and spend the night;
  • sleep in a place protected from weather factors;
  • cook, eat and wash dishes in specially equipped places within the tent, etc.

Just be sure to follow and do not forget about traffic rules.

There is a limit simple designs, which only create a canopy and provide people with sleeping places. But there are much more advanced trailers that combine:

  • sleeping area;
  • furniture;
  • lighting;
  • washing;
  • kitchen surfaces;
  • cooking equipment, etc.

All tent trailers designed for a passenger car can be divided into 2 categories:

  • purchased;
  • homemade.

If desired, everyone can buy a suitable trailer and use it at their own discretion.

Let's look at each of the options and decide which is preferable.


Tent trailers are in high demand among hunters, fishermen and those who like to travel on their wheels. They attract with their accessibility against the backdrop of more complex houses on wheels.

Take it for comparison . This is a rather expensive but functional solution. Moreover, such trailers are very compact and limit space.

A tent allows you to greatly increase the area of ​​the trailer, which is used as a base.

To create such a structure in the form of a trailer with a folding tent, you will need drawings, various materials and a base. The following can be used as the basis of a trailer:

  • any flatbed trailer;
  • etc.

They are often collected at the base for hunting, fishing and recreation. Models are in demand And .

Video and photo materials usually help to understand in more detail all the nuances of the assembly. Very often, a homemade tent trailer is not at all inferior to its factory counterparts, but is much cheaper.

Since I started talking about positive side, I will name the main advantages of assembling a tent with your own hands.

  • This is a matter of pride. I think this is a very important advantage. Especially when the tent really turns out to be of high quality and original. You look at your creation and understand that I will not sell it to anyone. And if I sell it, it will only be for a huge amount of money;
  • Adaptation for yourself. You can use your own drawings, select materials and components only of the type that you like. This allows you to create a vehicle for tourism, fishing or hunting that will best suit your personal needs;
  • Low price. One can argue endlessly here. But practice shows that the cost of home-made structures is usually less than buying a ready-made analogue from the manufacturer.

But don’t think that everything is so good and perfect.

Objective disadvantages

There is a downside to homemade trailers that you should pay attention to.

First of all, it's difficult. Yes, there is nothing simple about assembling any trailer. Don't think that after watching one video you will become an expert in making even the simplest tents. So it requires certain skills, abilities, knowledge and experience.

Secondly, it's not that cheap. The price is less than a number of finished products. But the difference is not that significant. You won’t be able to save tens of thousands of rubles. Or only in cases where you will use frankly cheap components, an old rusty trailer, etc. If you want to get a decent tent trailer, you will have to invest a decent amount of money.

Thirdly, problems with documents. Inspectors on the roads may find fault with you if the vehicle does not pass re-registration due to changes in the design. After all, according to the documents you have an ordinary flatbed trailer, but in fact it is a full-fledged folding house on wheels.

Think for yourself, decide for yourself.

Ready trailers

The next option is to purchase already ready-made solution from the manufacturer. This is an option for those who are frightened by the prospects self-made tents from car trailer.

I'll be honest. I fully support this option. And I will try to explain my position.

The only, and even controversial, disadvantage of this option is the high price. But here you understandeat what you give your money for. If you plan to use the trailer quite often, then the money invested in its purchase will be fully justified.

Today the market offers a huge number of excellent tent trailers:

  • Picnic;
  • Viking;
  • Camp-Let, etc.

We also sell special , the peculiarity of which is the ability to drive through the most difficult sections of the road. This gives you objective advantages over other travelers, since you can go further than them and be truly at one with nature.

Now let's briefly talk about the benefits:

    • a huge selection for every taste and budget;
    • official documents and all permits for operation;
  • high build quality;
  • quality assurance;
  • reliability and durability;
  • wide functionality;
  • use of quality materials;
  • the ability to select additional components;
  • custom order service, etc.

Is it difficult to build a motor home on the basis of a regular car trailer? What materials can this trailer-house-dacha be built from? What are its minimum dimensions? Which interior layout will allow you to use it most effectively inner space? Let's try to find answers to this list of questions.


A small country dacha is probably the most common hobby in the post-Soviet space over the past half century. The area of ​​cities is growing every year, and areas are naturally moving away from the center settlements. Distances are sometimes measured in tens of kilometers; The most comfortable way to overcome them is to drive your own car.

At the same time, transform small area instead of permanent residence Not all summer residents are ready. The maximum that an average city family can decide to do is spend the night on their property once a week. Building a permanent house for the sake of this overnight stay is a dubious idea; sleeping in a car is very uncomfortable...

For summer residents who have basic skills in working with power tools, homemade summer cottage trailers are often the solution.

We have to study one of these structures, getting acquainted with the materials used and design solutions.

Acknowledgment: The photographs used in this article were kindly posted by one of the regulars of the League of Caravaners forum.
The author's work was reduced only to explaining some technical subtleties.

Selection of materials

In most cases, the base on which a compact trailer-dacha-motorhome is built is a single-axle trailer with maximum load no more than a ton. Taking into account the weight of household items and a couple of people, our choice is a caravan trailer weighing up to 750 kg.

The weight limitation leaves its mark on the choice of material.

  • We will make the frame of the building from pine beams with a cross-section of 50 mm.
  • The walls are made of 10 mm plywood (moisture-resistant or impregnated to reduce the hygroscopicity of the material and prevent it from rotting); the floor is made of 12 mm. It is also used for construction inside.
  • External cladding is galvanized steel. The sheets are hemmed to the frame bar with self-tapping screws; the overlaps are additionally sealed with silicone sealant. The outer corners are reinforced with aluminum corners - again sealed with silicone.

  • What to choose as insulation laid between the inner and outer layers of plywood - we will leave it to the reader to decide. Here is a comparative thermal conductivity of popular insulation materials:

A caveat: glass wool will inevitably cake over time.
It is better to use rigid insulation.


A reasonable minimum size of trailer required for our purposes is 2300x1600 mm. Such dimensions will allow you to build a fairly comfortable sleeping area for two people and leave some space for a table under a washbasin and/or gas stove.

A two-axle trailer-dacha will provide much more comfort; however, the price of such a trailer will be double or triple. Its dimensions (up to 4.5 meters in length) allow you to build a full-fledged toilet room.

A reasonable minimum height of a structure is generally 2 meters. The height can be adjusted depending on the size of the owners: it is clear that a very tall person will not want to constantly cling to the ceiling with the top of their head.


So let's get started. How to build a cottage from a trailer with your own hands?

Floor, bottom trim

  1. The sides are completely dismantled. All that remains of the trailer is a flat area. If the horizontal base is sufficiently rigid, floor joists and trim can be attached directly to it; It is better to weld a thin flexible sheet with a frame made of corrugated pipe with a cross-section of 50x25 mm.
  2. Then the lower frame made of timber, laid around the perimeter, is bolted to the base; the side bars are connected by lags in increments of 20 cm (for 12 mm plywood).

As an option, the entire structure can be assembled on a stand and only then pulled to the base of the trailer.

  1. The logs are attached to the frame with a galvanized angle; The block must be soaked twice with hot drying oil.

Tip: instead of drying oil heated in a water bath, you can use cold drying oil.
In this case, after applying each layer, the block is heated with a construction hairdryer.

  1. Insulation is laid between the joists; then the floor is covered with plywood, which is attached with self-tapping screws.


The instructions for assembling the frame are no different from the construction bottom trim: the block is connected with corners using self-tapping screws. Before or after assembly, the wood is impregnated with drying oil. Do not be afraid that the frame will not be rigid enough: the sheathing will give the structure strength.

Sheathing, insulation

The finished frame begins to be sheathed from the inside. The plywood is attached with self-tapping screws 32 millimeters long in increments of approximately 25 cm. Self-tapping screws are only galvanized: in damp weather, black steel will inevitably decorate the walls with untidy rusty streaks.

Three nuances:

  1. The holes for the screws are pre-drilled and countersunk so that the caps do not catch on clothing. An alternative is to use self-tapping screws with semi-countersunk heads.

  1. Plywood with inside It must be sanded before varnishing and after applying the first layer. Any moisture will raise the lint on the top layer of veneer, which will make the surface rough.
    The amount of work will be quite large, so it is better to use a grinder - even the simplest, vibrating one. If there is no electricity where you are building, there is always a way out: renting a diesel generator for a summer house costs from 1,000 rubles per day.
  2. The outer side and ends of the plywood also need protective impregnation. And in this case, the cheapest and most practical option is two layers of hot drying oil.
    The insulation is fixed in the grooves formed by the frame and internal lining, after which it is sheathed on the outside with plywood coated on both sides.

The door is assembled similarly to the walls and hung on galvanized hinges; regular constipation is used door lock or a pair of latches - inside and outside.

Final stage - exterior decoration galvanized. It is fixed with self-tapping screws 25 mm long in 10 cm increments along all frame bars; then the corners are closed with a corner. Don't forget about the sealant: it will protect the corners and joints from water leakage.

The photo shows the trim ready for painting.


If you want your tiny home to have skylights, no problem.

  1. The opening is provided at the stage of frame construction. It is surrounded by a bar with a cross-section of the same 50x50 mm.
  2. An alloy corner is used as an external glazing bead, screwed flush with the outer cladding with self-tapping screws. The seat under the corner is pre-coated with sealant.
  3. A piece of plexiglass cut to the size of the opening is placed on the sealant and fixed from the inside with a bead made from the same duralumin corner.

Internal layout

Our choice is a convertible bed-seat and folding table. The transformation mechanism will be made clear by pictures.

Useful little things

  • An alternative to galvanized plywood - external cladding from corrugated sheet. Country houses from modular containers are often built using a similar scheme.
  • Do-it-yourself repair of a summer house trailer usually comes down to periodic painting of galvanized steel. Old paint removed with washes. In those few cases when the wheels, fenders or suspension of the trailer are damaged, spare parts for the trailer camper are purchased at the nearest auto store.

  • The simplest way to organize ventilation is to provide a pair of hatches covered with a mosquito net in the door (bottom and top).


Experienced travelers know that it is not always possible to spend the night cheaply and comfortably. Therefore, when traveling long distances and having own car It’s a sin not to buy a towbar and hook up a caravan trailer. Essentially, this is a house on wheels - a small room with a kitchen, a toilet... Well, in general, with all the objects of civilization. In such a “mini-hotel” you can not only spend the night comfortably, but even cook food for several people and have lunch there, and most importantly – completely free! And today we will look at how to make a trailer-dacha with your own hands.

Chassis and frame

The main component of any trailer is the frame. It is on this that the entire load from the metal body (the frame of the “house”) falls, and below is the bridge, beam and wheels. By the way, you won’t have any special difficulties regarding the chassis, because the design of the trailer does not have fundamental differences from the vehicle system, with the exception of engine units. Therefore, when you make a trailer-dacha with your own hands, you can completely “rip out” part of the wheels, springs and other suspension parts from any old car as a running system. Any car model can be suitable for such a vehicle, be it a Volga, Moskvich or Zhiguli.

How to make a trailer-dacha with your own hands? Room design

And if the algorithm for designing a caravan trailer is practically no different from a conventional cargo version at the stages of building the chassis system and frame, then difficulties may arise with the body. The fact is that a home-made trailer-dacha should really be comfortable and practical, so even on the drawing you need to develop a plan for the design and location of all the parts. Indicate where the bedroom, kitchen will be located, and if it is a frame with a length of 5 meters or more, you can additionally install a bathroom. However, remember that every new room entails additional expenses, which means the price of the finished trailer will be significant. Moreover, in order to legally drive in such a hitch, you also need to register this vehicle with the traffic police. And this is at least several thousand dollars on top. Therefore, do not overload your trailer with unnecessary devices.

Refurbishment option

The most practical option for a homemade trailer is a design that has a built-in frame for an awning on the side (remember the legendary Soviet “Skif”). When unfolded, it forms a kind of large tent. This significantly reduces the cost of work and the effort spent on it. This home-made trailer is very functional and at the same time easy to use.

Towbar and illumination

At the final stage, it is worth taking care of how finished design will be attached to the vehicle's tow bar. Also, a homemade trailer-dacha must have a pair of brake lights and turn signals. Consider a location for the license plate in the center or on the side and install a backlight to it, preferably LED. Such a camper trailer on wheels will definitely be the best hotel for a traveler.

Do-it-yourself dacha trailer from a car trailer

Trailer for a car

Those who like to go out of town by car overnight know that sleeping in a car is not convenient, so you need to take a caravan with you. This is a house on wheels, you can spend the night in it, cook food, and have excellent protection from rain and snow. You can put it there big bed and have a great time. The caravan trailer itself is very convenient.

There are many manufacturers who produce various houses on wheels. But they are quite expensive, sometimes even used. u. caravan trailers are also worth big money. Therefore, many craftsmen make a trailer-dacha with their own hands, inventing their own design. For each individual case there is a different type of caravan trailer.

The advantages of making a caravan trailer with your own hands

Unlike factory trailers, homemade options has its advantages:

  • When you make a trailer-dacha with your own hands, you can feel the soul of the person who made it, so it feels more comfortable.
  • By making a trailer-dacha yourself, you can make it as convenient as possible for yourself.
  • The biggest plus is low price production, and functionality can be maximized.
  • The design is made taking into account the capabilities of the car.

Inexpensive option for a caravan trailer

The simplest and most inexpensive is the tent trailer. When it is folded, it looks like a simple passenger trailer, and when it is unfolded, a tent roof appears above the trailer and a little further from it.

To make such a camper, you need to buy a factory trailer, install fastening elements for the base of the tent on it, and also make a folding porch so that you can enter the room. The main thing here is to make sure that the size of the tent fits the trailer.

In order to arrange the space inside the tent, you will need air mattresses And folding table. This is quite enough for fishermen who go fishing overnight. 2-3 people can easily sleep in such a tent. But in winter it will be cold, so this trailer-dacha is only suitable for the warm season.

Capsule shaped trailer

The base also contains an ordinary passenger trailer, but the end result is a more substantial dwelling. These will already be full-fledged walls with a roof. You can even live in such a trailer-dacha for some time. You can make several windows for convenience. The tent should have all the necessary household items such as a gas stove, dishes and other accessories.

To make such a capsule, you need to remove the sides of the trailer. From metal corner make guides and weld them to the trailer. Next you need to make a frame and secure it.

In order for the capsule to have a rounded shape, it must be cut from special moisture-resistant plywood. You can make a flooring in the upper part, put doors on hinges, windows can be made of polycarbonate or plexiglass.

All details need to be processed sandpaper, then it can be painted and varnished. This capsule can easily fit 2 people.

Wooden cottage trailer

If you have a two-axle trailer, you can build on it wooden house. For everything to go smoothly, you need wooden beams, plywood, metal tiles, and waterproofing film. From wooden beam First, the frame is made. Next is a video where a guy makes a trailer-dacha with his own hands:

Next, everything needs to be done according to plan:

  • Cover the frame waterproofing film and sew it up with plywood.
  • The roof should be made of metal tiles; you can also use corrugated sheets or ondulin.
  • The walls of the house must be covered with a layer of waterproofing, after which the house is finished with clapboard or plastic siding.
  • Install a door, cut out windows and arrange the interior to your liking.

This is already a large trailer-dacha, which can easily accommodate several people and even a family. You can live in such a dacha from spring until the end of autumn. It will still be cold in winter.

Auto-dacha from a station wagon body

If there old car in the back of a station wagon, then it is not necessary to sell it for scrap; you can make a caravan trailer out of it. The main thing is that the rear of this station wagon is in good condition. It is necessary to cut off the front part of the unnecessary car, and make a trailer from the rear part.

First, you need to take measurements of the future trailer so that the length is suitable to fit comfortably into it. If everything is done correctly, you will get a multifunctional trailer in which you can spend the night.

The front part needs to be reinforced around the perimeter with a rigid frame made of angle steel, and the front part also needs to be covered with a sheet of iron, or at the very end, plywood.

At the front, in the lower part, you can install a towing device; it is usually made from a channel. The access door will be the trunk lid, and the side doors can be used for loading things.

So you can even make a trailer-dacha with your own hands, the main thing is that you have imagination and a desire to create something so unusual. A mobile home is very convenient; you can always leave the bustle of the city for nature and live in fairly comfortable conditions.

The only problem is that the registration authority may not want to register such a trailer because they may not think it will meet road safety standards. Therefore, the easiest way is to take a used caravan and remodel it, while keeping the documents.

Your own mobile home on wheels

IN Western Europe and in the United States, living, traveling or vacationing in the company of a motor home has long been widespread. The owners of such houses do not pursue large dimensions. The trend there is precisely small houses on wheels, but they are so multifunctional that they are able to independently filter their own water, generate electricity and heating using solar panels on the roof and use every centimeter of space so that a two-story van with a base area of ​​14 square meters looks like a completely complete home.

Who is a fan of RV living in a mobile home?

In the West there are no expressed preferences, however:

  • young people often use this method not for living, but for travel and recreation, since they traditionally gravitate towards the bustling life of the city and do not need solitude;
  • families in which children are growing up are already more tolerant of such a mobile home, because it is able to solve some financial problems, especially in times of crisis, unemployment and more high prices for housing maintenance, as well as food;
  • active retirees are ideal consumers of the motorhome style. Knowing how to drive, they enjoy traveling not only around their own country, but also around accessible foreign countries.

Trailer-dacha on wheels in Russia

The fashion for using mobile homes has recently come to Russia. The direction is developing very slowly. First of all, because of the cost, because if in the West a mobile home is really affordable housing Regarding real estate prices, in Russia such vans are more expensive than a good apartment. In addition, more than half of the country's population lives in harsh winter conditions, and insulated mobile homes often cost as much as 2 apartments.

Mobile homes are conventionally divided into classes that describe the category of capacity, internal filling and comfort:

  • class A - looks like a bus and is closest to usual housing;
  • class B - this includes a trailer that is fully equipped inside, the sleeping place is located directly in the trailer itself;
  • class C - small-sized, designed for movement on the basis of an SUV or passenger car, while the car cabin is transformed into a sleeping place.

The most budget-friendly one today existing options, is a tent trailer that disassembles at the camping site directly around the trailer.

But, if furnished trailer houses are not available to many, then a self-made cottage on wheels is more than a realistic option.

Read also: Choice sliding windows for terrace glazing

DIY transformable house

A folding transformable house on the wheels of a passenger car will be a structure panel house, in which one of the walls along the side can be folded back or removed. In this case, such a house becomes like a large gazebo. Interior amenities include a table, sofas or bed, gas stove and fixed water supply.

Whichever trailer-home option is chosen, a DIY mobile home on wheels will not only make owners proud of their work, but will also provide new opportunities to spend weekends with the family. After all, in order to get into nature, it is not necessary to have own plot land. You can easily travel and stay in the most attractive countryside locations.

How to make a mobile home with your own hands

The most compact, simple and a budget option is a design on a single-axle trailer. Considering the weight restrictions for light trailers in the Russian Federation up to 750 kg, it is necessary to choose a durable and lightweight material.

Pine is good for this purpose:

  • The frame is made of paving stones.
  • The walls are covered with plywood, optimal thickness sheets are recommended 1 centimeter.
  • Plywood sheets are also used for furniture - tables, beds and shelves.
  • The exterior finish will be galvanized steel sheets installed in overlapping patterns.

Alternatively, you can use another construction material for front cladding, the main thing is that it has sufficient strength and flexibility.

Read also: Cladding the facade of a house: which material is better to choose

Between outer skin and the frame needs to place a layer mineral wool, mineral slab or other insulating material to maintain the microclimate inside, especially in hot weather, when due to metal cladding the design can heat up inside above 50-60 degrees Celsius.

Do-it-yourself dacha trailer - installation of a mobile house

The structure is installed using self-tapping screws; weak points, such as outer corners, are strengthened with a metal corner.

Material protection includes:

  • antiseptic strengthening impregnation for wood material;
  • sealing seams with silicone compound of the outer skin;
  • painting the front side.

The dimensions of the trailer may vary, but the optimal size is 2.3-2.4 x 1.5-1.6 m.

Building a house on wheels

The construction of a caravan occurs in two ways - on the trailer itself, for this its sides must be dismantled, or on a special stand, with subsequent installation on the trailer.

Windows are taken into account at the design stage and can be of different configurations - from sliding to tilting.

Ventilation is ensured by installing a mosquito net. Additionally, you can consider installing a hatch in the ceiling.

A more thorough solution would be a trailer-house on wheels with a base of a two-axle trailer. The principle and method of manufacturing such a structure are similar to the construction of a trailer on one axle. Of course it will be necessary more material, therefore the costs will increase proportionally.

Attention, TODAY only!

Do-it-yourself mini camper trailer-dacha. Detailed plan

This project is intended for tourists and travelers and is a design that protects against extreme weather conditions, small affordable autonomous house for homeless people or those affected by natural disasters. A camper can be easily built from SIPs (structural insulated panels) and commonly available materials. Low cost and super insulated for year-round residence in extreme weather conditions. This is a mobile home that can be parked anywhere and provide shelter during a disaster response. This small house on wheels is also designed for people who play sports on outdoors or looking for adventure in extreme conditions. Because of its light weight, super insulation, this camper trailer is ideal for people who have kayaks, mountain bikes and other equipment that they want to take with them.

This camper is designed for extreme weather conditions and is so well insulated that it can only be heated with body heat or a small heater designed for indoor use. With a white roof and vents, it will stay cool in the summer when parked under the trees.

Best of all, the camper is built on the basis of a 120x240 cm trailer, and the material costs for the camper do not exceed $1000 depending on the materials used.

Full step by step plans available below.

These plans require basic construction skills and you assume full responsibility for any use of these plans.

1: What makes this camper so special?

Storage cabinets above the foot of the bed with space for a small LED TV or tablet, iPad with speakers or radio and DVD/CD player, or the space underneath can be used for drawers. All devices will be powered by solar panel, which is located on the front of the camper.

The camper has a 100 cm by 205 cm bed, which is sufficient for two people and very comfortable for one person. Above the head of the bed are open shelves for storage and two LED positional lights for reading. Built into the wall next to the bed is an integrated folding table for eating or studying.

The mobile home has a door for easy access and a porthole window so you can see who is behind the door, but small enough that a person (or a bear) cannot break down and open the door. There is a window on the opposite side for light and ventilation and an inclined deflector on the roof.

Typically the walls of a small RV are 5cm thick and insulated and are not designed to withstand extreme weather conditions throughout the entire year of use. This camper has 10 cm thick walls and a roof with thermal insulation (more than most houses) and this will allow a person to stay warm in the cold winter and cool in the hot summer. In most cases, only body heat will keep the camper comfortable, but it can also be heated with a small propane heater. The roof is white to reflect heat, with roof vents and side window vents for passive cooling. There is space in the exterior walls to install a small air conditioner if desired, but if you are parking the camper in the shade of trees, there is no need for an air conditioner.

The camper has a kitchen at the back for cooking, which includes a sink, cutting board, a canister of water, a single-burner propane/butane stove and a space cooler. There is plenty of storage space for canned and dry foods, pots and utensils.

You've probably seen other small campers and mobile homes, but you've never seen anything like it because it's made from SIP and is super insulated and durable while keeping towing weight to a minimum.

This travel trailer is designed to be towed by small cars or trucks, the trailer base is 120x240 cm, so it can be parked even in a standard parking space. It has a super strong 10 cm thick roof with a roof rack and mounts for kayaks, mountain bikes, and skis. The roof rack design is included in the drawings or you could use commercial racks.

Camper trailer rated for 100 watt (or less) solar electrical panel, which attaches to the front of the camper and can be tilted for better access sun rays, and it can be removed and stored in the RV when you travel. The panel has 100 watts and one or two deep cycle batteries and an inverter will provide required power for your gadgets such as laptop, mobile phone, window fan, LED lights and even refrigerator and kitchen utensils.

The camper has a platform at the bow of the trailer that is used to store a propane tank, batteries and a portable toilet or other items that may be needed for long-term camping or permanent residence.

An RV is designed specifically for extreme weather conditions and is designed for long-term, year-round housing for people who may live in an RV for months or years.

The best thing about campers is the ease of creating them from commonly available materials with basic tools and people with basic construction skills, so you can make one for yourself or they can be quickly produced for homeless housing or disaster relief.

Now let's build one! Below are detailed plans and drawings according to which you can easily create such a camper for yourself.

The blueprints include over 60 step-by-step diagrams that are easy to follow. By donating to the development of the site, you will be able to see the full version.

The camper was originally designed to be easy to assemble, inexpensive, and protect campers from extreme weather conditions. This camper is light enough to be towed by a regular car or pickup truck and fits in tight spaces.

In contact with

A simple travel trailer. - Community "Trailers" on DRIVE2

The construction is based on an ordinary standard trailer. Body width 1200 mm, length 2400 mm. Task: overnight stay for up to 4 people, plus transportation of goods. Trailer category up to 750 kg.

For construction, two roller doors, 30 by 30 mm bars, galvanization, plywood for the roof and other parts were purchased.

Full size

The manufacturing tool has also been selected.

Full size

And so we begin the assembly. We install racks 30 by 30 mm, height 1430 mm. and screw them to the sides.

Then we install the frame.

We install a roller shutter on the side and behind, laying plywood on the “second” floor. This will be a place for two people to spend the night.

Once we've done this, we cover it with a tarpaulin for extra protection and then galvanize the entire trailer.

And finally we install the aluminum profile trim.

The trailer is ready.

In the future, depending on your desires, you can install it on a trailer, window, trunk, you can decorate your trailer with film and much more.

Full size

Also, for an additional overnight stay for two people, you can install a cover on the roof of the trailer, install an awning and the room is ready. If you won't be spending the night there, you can use it to transport goods.

Full size

You can fit two people inside the trailer, two people on the roof, and you can also place a small pull-out kitchen and table inside. There are many options here.

Here is a simple option for a novice traveler; in the future, if you understand that the journey is everything, you will make yourself a better trailer, and this one can be used, for example, as a workshop.

Well, I'll put up a video.

DIY trailer trailer idea

The thirst for travel resides in almost all of us. Some realize it by purchasing a full-fledged motor home, while others make trailers with their own hands. We invite you to look at a miracle trailer, which is made from an ordinary car trailer. See how the trailer was transformed.

All that was left of the trailer initially was the frame. All other parts were removed as unnecessary.

The wooden base was then installed on the frame.

Wall installation has begun.

The doors have been sawn out.

The roof has been installed.

This is what the trailer looked like before painting.

Interior of the trailer.

Trailer in the process of painting.

The door also serves as a basin holder.

There is a stove inside the trailer. So you can cook food right inside. Yes, and you can escape from minor cold weather.

There is a viewing window in front. Spare wheel and box for technical purposes.

Panoramic view of the trailer's interior.

Communities › Do It Yourself › Blog › Caravan walls installed (materials, technology). DIY off-road travel trailer - part 7

Hello friends!
Summer is over, I was in a hurry to complete the frame before the rains arrived, so I didn’t post information and videos for a long time. My caravan has already been put into motion, and I even managed to go to the Lipetsk region to test it in the field.

I’ll get to the story about the tests later, but I can only note that the tests went very well! I'm really pleased! Fuel consumption on the highway is 9-9.5 liters. coupled with a caravan, without a caravan 8-8.5 l. depends on how you press the pedal. City with caravan 13l. without caravan 10-11l. Well, okay, I won’t tell you everything here now, otherwise it won’t be interesting later! :)))

Let's get back to the topic makeshift house on wheels. After I finished the floors, I started building the walls. To ensure that my walls stood up straight, I first installed the back wall and then placed the side walls next to the back wall. When I had everything lined up according to the diagonal measurements, I put up the front wall and began to cover the roof so that the walls would not become loose. After which I installed a partition between the passenger compartment and the luggage compartment. And then it occurred to me to make one more extra bed, instead of huge lockers, where there would be nothing to put so much.

Off-road motorhome. The back wall has been installed.

Off-road trailer: side walls have been installed and the future shape of the caravan has been determined.

For one wall I used 3 sheets of 15mm plywood. Each sheet weighs 25 kg, which is 75 kg in a compartment. This is not much, but still excess weight is not needed, and it is better to fill the perforated areas with Polinor sprayed insulation rather than leaving 15mm. plywood. The thermal insulation coefficient of Polynor is an order of magnitude higher than that of plywood, therefore by perforating the walls I kill two birds with one stone. 1. Lighten the design, 2. The mobile home will be warmer. Well, all this is not to the detriment of the rigidity of the frame, since there are two partitions in front (outer wall + luggage compartment partition). In addition to the walls, inside, in the middle of the module, there will be two additional reinforcements, I’ll tell you about them a little later. This design will prevent the walls from loosening on strong bumps and will even protect the frame from a strong side impact, for example, against a tree. Those. having received a good side impact, without such reinforcement, the frame may move a little in the opposite direction, which will subsequently lead to the frame rocking, cracks will appear and the caravan will gradually begin to simply collapse, and to prevent this from happening, I have made provisions different types gain. I will tell and show you more about this.
After perforating the walls, which I did with a jigsaw right on site, I proceeded to cover the outer wall with 0.4mm galvanized sheet, gluing it to SoudaFlex 40 FC polyurethane sealant. When perforating, it is important to understand how the sheets will be laid so that the joints of the sheets do not fall into the perforation areas and a void will not form there.

Homemade mobile home: work began on perforating the walls to make the structure lighter.

But before pasting the walls with galvanized sheets, I attached aluminum profiles 20x40 vertically. The goal was to give rigidity to the frame so that the windows and door would sit in a profile frame, so that with further finishing and additional reinforcement of the frame it would be possible to attach to something. This method also helps to fasten the sheets themselves, the size of which is 152x152, together. Two of which lay lengthwise + a superstructure above them to achieve the desired height in the caravan.

Covering a mobile home with 0.4mm galvanized sheet

Separately, I will also shoot a video from the outside to show where the walls are attached to the frame, so that it is clear how and in what places I reinforced the walls to avoid swaying.

A 200Ah battery fits perfectly into the locker of the caravan.

I am building floors in a caravan (materials, technology). Off-road travel trailer do it yourself - part 6
We are constructing the frame of the residential module (materials, technology). Navahi off-road trailer - part 5
Do-it-yourself Navahi off-road trailer (corrosion protection) - part 4 - ENTRY DELETED (you can find it without straining)
Do-it-yourself Navahi off-road trailer (frame modification, module layout) - part 3
Do-it-yourself Navahi off-road trailer (Life hack on how to turn over 300 kg alone) - part 2
DIY Navahi off-road trailer (frame, brakes, corrosion protection) - part 1
DIY Navahi off-road trailer - Introduction

Expedition trailer. - DRIVE2

So we wander around...

So, after another trip to Karelia, I became interested in building an expedition trailer. I got tired of turning over all the stuff in the car every evening to make a sleeping place, and in the morning laying everything out again.
The brief technical specification looked like this:
We sleep, cook and eat in the trailer. We transport tourist belongings (tents, sleeping bags, awnings, etc.), food, chainsaws, stoves, etc. with maximum protection from moisture. Boat, motor, catch and other smelly luggage - in a separate volume.
We hide under the awning from the heat and precipitation. The trailer should not limit the geometric cross-country ability. Preparing the sleeping area and kitchen should take a minimum of time (up to 5 minutes).
And most importantly, with your own hands. From scrap materials. In the garage.
I studied very scant information on the Internet and compared it to our experience of road travel.
We built it with a friend. Not AnVir, of course, but for ourselves.
Surprisingly, wherever we stop with our trailer, fellow citizens have a huge number of questions, from the primitive “why?” to the pleasing ear and vanity “how?”
For what- already written.

I will add that due to systematic merciless exploitation, the trailer is in the stage of constant modernization.

Actually, here it is:

Tags: trailer, expedition trailer, UAZ Patriot, travel


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Clothes, camping utensils for cooking, various equipment, he will not be able to understand and appreciate the convenience of such a transport device as a tent trailer. Photos of models for a family or for one person prove the popularity and convenience of such modules on wheels.

Let's start with the "pros"

The so-called “mobile homes” include the following:

  • passenger trailers-tents;
  • car rentals;
  • travel trailers;
  • transformable trailers;
  • houses on wheels.

Depending on the size, such mobile premises can be used for temporary or seasonal accommodation of small work teams or lovers of countryside recreation. Some of the most comfortable models are equipped not only with kitchen stoves and toilets, but also with double beds and additional child seats. The most expensive models even include a camp shower.

The presence of a stove powered by a gas cylinder, a tank for drinking water and a small refrigerator make the mobile home even more convenient.

A big plus is the presence of a built-in tent and canopy made of water-repellent material. The entire structure is quickly installed on special steel supports. After assembly, an additional kitchen and dining area is formed.

The tent trailer can be towed by any vehicle. Inside the folded module you can place required quantity cargo, provisions, clothing, bedding, sports, tourist, fishing or hunting equipment, folding chairs and a table. Even the fact that there is no need to unload the contents of the trunk between trips adds points in favor of such a device as a trailer tent.

There is no way to do without minuses

The negative qualities of this category of mobile devices include the low load capacity of some ready-made models. In addition, when driving on a country road, the speed of a car with a trailer should be less than 80 km/h. These values ​​must be observed for your own safety.

In addition, transporting heavy (over 750 kg) motorhomes requires a category “E” driver’s license.

When choosing a residential mobile module, you should pay attention to the correspondence of its dimensions in traveling form to the dimensions of the towing vehicle. And it’s worth thinking about the garage as a permanent parking place in advance, since a tent-trailer takes up much more space than a regular sleeping bag and all the hunting equipment combined.

Mobile tents are mainly designed for use in the warm season. If you plan to travel in cold weather, the mosquito net on the windows should be covered tightly plastic film. For long and regular trips would be better suited a real home on wheels - a car trailer with all the amenities.

Do-it-yourself tent trailer: is this possible?

Our people can do everything! Why buy a ready-made cart, if you can make a cart “for yourself”: in accordance with your needs and ideas about comfort and convenience?

As a basis, you can take a frame on springs from a regular trailer with wheels from a UAZ. So that the mini-trailer is controllable when leaving steep slopes, you need to convert the wheel pair mount to a rotary one. By installing a brake system, you can easily control even a fully loaded motorhome on the road.

DIY tent trailer: what else can you add

  • For the convenient location of cargo of various purposes, you can arrange sector-compartments of suitable sizes.
  • A propane tank can easily be placed on the trailed drawbar.
  • A water tank is placed in the luggage compartment.
  • A traveling gas pump is attached to one of the folding sides. kitchen stove and a washstand.
  • You can additionally install a retractable table.

The supports and awning are folded during the trip; when installed, the tent-trailer is transformed into a residential mini-complex with a dining room, kitchen and sleeping places.

Where, when and who can use a tent on wheels

Not everyone likes to travel for several days in a cramped car interior. However, there are supporters of such a vacation. Beautiful and new landscapes, constant change of impressions - this is a wonderful break from the everyday routine.

The trailer tent is designed to create relative comfort for travelers, hunters and fishermen. When traveling to a remote apiary, a beekeeper will have a great night's sleep in such a mobile house. Yes, and flasks with honey will fit freely into the cavity of the trailer.

Taking with you a small heater powered by a car battery, or a tourist gas burner, you can wait out even several days of bad weather in such a camp shelter.

Homemade dacha trailer made from a car trailer: photo of building a camper with detailed description, also a video showing a mobile home.

We decided to build a small residential house on wheels so that we could travel to nature in our car. Since we didn’t have drawings of the camper, we decided to make a removable module for the factory trailer (so that there would be no problems with re-registration of the vehicle).

This is why it was purchased boat trailer Kurgan plant(only in their title they don’t specify what kind of trailer it is. It’s just a trailer; other manufacturers indicate that it’s a boat trailer and you can’t put a house on it).

The dimensions of the module corresponded to the dimensions of the trailer - 1400 x 2400 mm. Naturally, the removable module must be durable, and a plywood house definitely won’t work for our roads; we had to weld a steel frame.

The base is welded from a 60 x 30 mm profile, the walls and ceiling are made from a 20 x 20 mm profile. 2 identical arcs were bent on a pipe bender.

The most difficult thing was to think through the doors; it took us 1/3 of the total time spent on the doors. Anyone interested in this topic has seen factory doors, ventilation hatches, gas stoves, sinks, heaters, etc. and so on. There is only one problem: cost. one factory door costs about 700-800 bucks (and you need 2 of them), a sunroof with an exhaust hood costs about 300-400 bucks, I didn’t even look at the sinks and stoves, and so it became clear that we would choose from what we found in hardware stores .

As a result, we made the doors ourselves, because with our course the budget for the doors alone came out to more than 100 thousand (on Alika, Ebay, in Europe, America, Russian online stores - the prices are approximately the same).
We decided to make the doors with power windows, because... This is the easiest way in our opinion. There is no point in describing the whole process, I will only say that making the doors was very tedious. but at cost they came out to 5 rubles per door, taking into account everything. the savings were worth it)
The outside of the building was sheathed aluminum sheets 0.8 mm, specifically looked for large sheets so that you can cover it with one sheet without joints. As a result, we found AMC2 sheets measuring 1500 x 3000 mm, which suited us quite well.

Now I would choose a composite material for cladding buildings, 4 mm thick (for those who don’t know, these are 2 sheets of 0.4 mm aluminum, and between them a special composite that ideally withstands all weather conditions).

We stuck aluminum onto a plywood backing, riveted it around the perimeter and sealed all the joints. It was possible to leave the trailer aluminum, but initially we wanted blue on the outside, so we ordered vinyl film for covering the vehicle from a printing house and covered it on top.
Many people ask about the refrigerator. There is no refrigerator, and there cannot be one, because... The module is removable and has its own car battery. The module wiring is completely autonomous and is not connected to the wiring of the car or trailer in any way. Therefore, there is no way to connect a refrigerator here. Although I don’t understand the problem if it can be placed in the trunk of a car.
We also made 2 220V sockets in the living area, a 400W inverter, enough for both chargers and a TV. LED lighting everywhere.

Water is supplied from a canister by a fountain pump, not very powerful, but economical.
We made a niche for the countertop under the kitchen, it seemed very convenient, but in fact the ribs on top and bottom were from a 15 x 15 profile, very flexible and not reliable profile. As a result, the niche bent a little and the chipboard table did not fit there, so we had to make it out of plywood.
After assembly, the trailer was tested by Karcher at all joints, cracks, etc. 100% tightness.

Costs for building a caravan trailer.

We started building the camper in May 2015, and finished it in June 2016. My friend and I work in shifts, i.e. per week 2-3-4 days could be devoted to the trailer. We were very stuck with the kitchen decoration and doors. If you expect to collect it in 3 months, add triple the deadline.

In terms of finances: everything was bought new, nothing used was used. The trailer itself cost 44 thousand, and about 110 thousand was spent on materials. Everything was fixed, right down to the gloves, so the price is close to the real one. You can do it cheaper, but you should know in advance.

By weight: the trailer + module weighs about 600 kg, the module itself is about 460-480 kg. Increased severity a large number of Chipboard, whoever will do it, look for a lighter material for partitions.

The 1.4 Octavia passenger car pulls the trailer with a bang. On the highway I accelerated to 130 km/h, the trailer is not felt at all, the streamlined shape practically does not slow down. consumption increases by 1-2 liters. By bad road It’s difficult to drive more than 90, after all, the weight is not small, the car jerks. But 80-90 is quite acceptable for such a trailer. I drove through fields, along dirt roads, and the trailer never hit anywhere.

Video that explains in detail makeshift house on wheels.


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