How to determine the correct location of the bed in the room. Recommendations on how to place a bed in the bedroom so that everything is correct

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designer 2018-09-07

In order for you to wake up every morning cheerful and full of strength, you need to know the answer to the question “How should the bed be positioned in the bedroom?” About secrets correct setting we will tell you in this article.

Folk wisdom

Before placing a diagonal bed in a 12 m2 bedroom, it is worth remembering how things actually were in China, India or Korea when the canons that we are trying to follow today were formed. In cold climates, the whole family lived on an ondoli - a large couch-podium, inside which hot smoke from the stove passes. And this is not a bed. This is a living space for living and sleeping.

Asians slept not on beds, but on mats, placed on the floor or on an ondol. The bedrooms were not filled with large bulky furniture. Therefore, you can move a light mattress or mat as you please.

This trick won't work with a European bed. Because it is often simply impossible to place a bed in a small bedroom so that its head does not look out the window, but its foot faces the door.

Still, the security system that has been developed over centuries has its own meaning. Therefore, you need to listen to it and take it into account. However, you should not blindly copy recommendations that have been worked out in other climates and under other conditions. Otherwise, it will turn out that you simply do not have enough living space for this.

Correct location - safety of your health

To ensure your body is properly rested overnight, give your brain some rest. This means that he will not be distracted by imaginary or real threats, remembering his inherent instincts of self-preservation.

  • Sharp corners. In the dark it is easy to trip or hit a protruding corner of furniture. Therefore, surround the bed with objects with smooth front lines. No sharp corners pointing towards the bed and the path to exit the room.



  • Window. Any openings through which light penetrates are perceived by the subconscious as a potential route for a threat to enter. Close the window with thick curtains so that you can dream while you sleep. good dreams, and the body felt safe.

Keep in mind that even with tightly closed frames, the glass area is quite large. Cooled air constantly flows from it, forming internal air circulation. Do not place the bed in the path of this flow. If possible, place an impenetrable barrier in the form of high backs, thick curtains, transparent partitions, etc.


  • Doors. You should see them even through closed eyelids without turning your head or torso. This means that you have everything under control and you can avoid danger in time. Otherwise, part of the brain will remain awake during sleep in an attempt to provide heightened alertness to anxiety.

Placing the bed opposite the door is unacceptable according to the rules of Feng Shui.


  • Mirrors. Yes, the mind understands that those two in the closet are just your reflection. However, the subconscious perceives them as strangers who have entered your bedroom. Therefore, place mirror surfaces so that you do not see yourself in the reflection. Let your head calm down and relieve tension.

Incorrect - the mirror is located opposite the sleeping person


  • Electricity. Don't place your bed near the TV. From it to the bed there should be about 3 meters. This means that in the adjoining living room the TV will be placed near the opposite wall.

  • Chandeliers, mezzanines and shelves. Everything that is above your head is perceived as a potential threat to life. Especially when the fasteners are not visible. In addition, it is not at all uncommon for mezzanines to fall on beds due to poor quality installation. Weight wall cabinet with all items can reach over 20 kg. Remember safety.

It’s another matter when the cabinets around the bed form a single structure that forms a niche. In this case, you will feel safe, as if you were hiding from predators in an ancient cave.



Bed placement according to feng shui

Headboard to the wall, feet to the window and at the same time see all the doors from under the eyelids without turning your head. Try this trick in modern apartment. To do this you need to build panel houses in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui.

This trick is easy to repeat in a private home. The apartment is like this good layout is extremely rare.

However, there is a way out if you position the bed diagonally. However, it is not advisable to install it near the wall adjacent to the door. There are two corners left near the window. Considering that the opening door leaf should not obscure the figure of the person entering, there are even fewer options left.

Feng Shui water- a sign of change. Even experts cannot guess whether they will be good or bad. Therefore, keeping water in the bedroom is not recommended. Even if we are talking about a vase with flowers or an aquarium with fish.

Cardinal directions

  • North. Develops intuition.
  • Northeast. Improves mental abilities.
  • East. Provides restful sleep.
  • Southwest. This is your option if you want to mend matters of the heart.

You can find a wide variety of tips regarding decorating your bedroom. At the same time, it is better to listen to common sense and your own feelings.

  1. If a bed located diagonally or across the room eats up everything usable space, then it is better to abandon this idea.
  2. A good indicator is cats. They are very sensitive to drafts and electromagnetic field. It was not for nothing that they were launched into an empty room and saw where they would find a place to sleep.

In any case, first try to sleep for a few days in a new place, and only then radically change the interior.

The main piece of furniture in the bedroom is the bed. And your overall well-being depends on how comfortable it is. But not only its quality, the choice of mattress, etc. are important, but also its correct location in the room. If you think that placing a bed correctly in the bedroom is easy, you are mistaken. There are too many nuances both from the point of view of ergonomics and from the point of view of energy, which is studied by Feng Shui. You will have to rack your brains to choose the optimal position, but the rest will be complete.

How to arrange a bed in a small bedroom

You can read about the redevelopment of Khrushchev buildings in this article. The design of the kitchen is discussed here, and you can also read about the design of the hallway.

Feng Shui bedroom: rules

In order to feel good and have at least normal performance, you need to get enough sleep. You can't argue with that. The atmosphere should be calm and relaxing, and for this, when decorating a bedroom, light, pastel colors are generally chosen.

But it’s not just color that creates atmosphere. The furnishings, including furniture and other items, are no less important. Eastern philosophy pays great attention to the correct arrangement of objects and decor, and in particular, one of its directions is Feng Shui. There are quite a few rules, here are the main ones that apply specifically to the bedroom:

  • It is advisable to place the headboard close to a solid wall without windows or doorways. If you can’t place it against a solid wall, then at least not under a window.
  • Do not put your feet towards the door.
  • It should not stand on the straight line connecting the window and the door.
  • If there are ventilation shafts or sewer risers behind the wall, the bed should definitely not be placed against such a wall. This applies to bedrooms with their own bathrooms. Position the bed so that it is as far away from such a wall as possible.

How to put a bed in the bedroom

Orientation by cardinal directions

According to Chinese sages, the direction of our home in general, and the place to sleep in particular, influences our lives: we spend much more time at home while sleeping than when we are awake. Therefore, choose another place to place the headboard of the bed:

  • to the south - ensures stability of reputation;
  • to the southeast - enhances perseverance, helps achieve goals;
  • to the east - sleep peacefully;
  • to the northeast - activates thought processes;
  • to the north - promotes the development of intuition;
  • northwest - attracts friends;
  • to the west - improves health and promotes the appearance of offspring;
  • to the southwest - attracts love.

Based on all this, you choose to sleep with your head to the north and develop intuition, or to the southwest to find love... or somewhere else.

When choosing the location of the bed, consider its position relative to the cardinal directions

Read how to choose wallpaper for your bedroom here.

How to safely and comfortably place a bed in the bedroom

Safe - this time from a health and safety point of view possible dangers, but convenient - from the point of view of ergonomics: to make it comfortable to sleep and maintain the bed - make it, change linen.

From this point of view, you should not sleep on the straight line connecting the doors and the window. The reason is drafts, which can be dangerous and definitely won’t add comfort.

You should not place tall cabinets on the sides of the bed. This creates an uncomfortable feeling and there is a chance that something will fall. Feng Shui, by the way, also does not recommend this arrangement of furniture, but for a different reason: the corners of the furniture are directed towards the sleepers, disturbing their energy.

Can only stand on the sides small height furniture

A little about how to place a bed from an ergonomic point of view. It is desirable that there is a passage of at least 70 cm on both sides. If there is a dressing table, chest of drawers or other furniture, then the distance increases - at least 0.95 cm, and preferably a meter or more. Then you can squat down near the furniture to open the lower drawers, for example, and it will not interfere when making the bed.

We have already told you about where the table should be according to ancient Chinese teachings in one of our articles, which you can find, but today we want to talk about how arrange a bed according to feng shui, and also discuss what it should be in shape, size, color and quality. So that you feel great in it, sleep well, have colorful dreams and always wake up cheerfully and quickly.

Bed placement according to feng shui

Let's start the story with what to avoid when placing a bed in a room, according to the teachings of Feng Shui. There are rules for the location of a sleeping place that are known to us even without ancient Chinese teachings. This is not to place it with its feet turned towards a window or door - it is believed that only a dead person is taken out of the house with their feet first, and also not to place it in front of a mirror or mirror surface, a reflected sleeping person is also very bad. By the way, you can read about how to position it correctly in one of our articles. But besides these, there is a whole series of requirements that should be fulfilled in order not to bring trouble upon yourself, but, on the contrary, to attract good luck, happiness and prosperity.

1. Yes, feng shui headboard It should not be connected to the wall on which the door is located; it is also not recommended to place it in the wall gap between the window and the entrance to the room, in this case a through flow is formed that simply passes by you in the forward and reverse direction.

2. Under no circumstances should the bed be placed under a beam, arch, slope, in a niche, or in such a way that something hangs over the head of the person lying, including a chandelier or even a small lamp.

3. Near the sleeping place there should not be any people closer than one and a half to two meters away. electrical outlets and switches, in a word, sources of electrical energy.

4. On the wall in contact with the headboard and above it, you cannot hang any pictures with or without massive frames, shelves, racks, lamps, etc.

5. Do not place live houseplants in the bedroom at all and, in particular, near the beds; they can interfere with your healthy, calm, full sleep.

6. If you have limited resources square meters and your bedroom is also a work office, or is it a children's room in which there is both a crib and desk for classes, then this feng shui children's bed, however, like an adult, it should be positioned in such a way that it is not visible from the workplace.

7. Your bed should not be placed in the middle of the room; it must have reliable support and protection in the form of one of the walls.

8. Under the sleeping places should be empty, do not fill this space with different unnecessary things, thereby creating obstacles to the free passage of favorable energy flows.

9. All kinds decorative fountains, aquariums with fish, which are well suited for, are also not recommended to install real and fake fireplaces in the bedroom, all this contributes to the “leakage” of favorable Qi energy from this room.

We’ve talked about what you shouldn’t do, let’s move on to specific tips and recommendations that will allow you to correctly cope with the task.

1. Choose for your sleeping place the farthest corner from the entrance to the room, so that the person lying down can freely see the front door and the person who enters it, and, therefore, control the situation.

2. Place the bed where there are no clutter or disassemble them as much as possible; there should be nothing lying behind, in front of, near, above, or under, so that the flows of favorable energies can move freely.

3. If your apartment has been remodeled and the bedroom may be located in the place where your neighbors above and below have a kitchen, bathroom or toilet, try to change it, or install beds so that they are as far away from the central one as possible points of these premises. But it's best to change the room altogether.

4. Today, not a single person can imagine his life without a TV and a computer; the presence of these items in the bedchamber is undesirable, but if they are still there, try to cover them with something thick at night - a blanket, tablecloth, etc. or remove it altogether and lock it in a closet.

5. Do not think that if you take into account all the positive and negative aspects described above regarding the correct arrangement of sleeping places in your home according to Feng Shui, you will immediately solve all the problems that arise. There are many additional nuances, and if your sleep has not improved, but, on the contrary, you have begun to suffer from insomnia or nightmares, seek help from Feng Shui masters who will help you arrange the furniture correctly in accordance with your personal energy and, perhaps, against all odds According to the rules, the crib in this version will stand in the center of the room or with its feet facing the door.

6. Try, experiment, check, only in this case will you be able to truly find something in your bedroom favorable place for healthy and fulfilling dreams.

Bed direction according to feng shui

In addition to all the rules listed above, it is also important to take into account your personal favorable direction when choosing a place for the bed. However, what if you are married and sleep, as expected, with your spouse, which, to tell the truth, many Chinese do not do and prefer to sleep separately so as not to disturb each other’s favorable flows. It is believed that in this case the bed should be installed with the head in the direction of the wife’s personal favorable direction, while Entrance door the room should fall within the zone of the husband’s good personal direction. Try to determine what kind of energy is in your bedroom and if it is favorable for dreams, you don’t have to look the right direction, since all energies dominate personal directions.

Bed shape and color according to Feng Shui

Choosing the shape, size, color and quality of the bed according to Feng Shui is no less important than its correct placement, therefore, this issue should be approached with the utmost seriousness and carefully study all our recommendations described below.

In order for your family to always have peace, mutual understanding and love, the bed frame should cover one common mattress and there should be no divisions into separate parts, because they can lead to inevitable discord even in the strongest relationships. Based on the same considerations, two single beds cannot be moved together.

Extremely unfortunate and considered unacceptable round bed according to feng shui, In addition to poor shape, such beds often lack one or two backrests, and the backrest in this piece of furniture symbolizes the protection of the senses from prying eyes and intrusions; it must be higher than the footboard.

Feng Shui headboard

In general, the headboard of a bed can affect a lot, so its choice, as well as beds in general, should be approached very carefully. So, for example, wave-shaped backrests are well suited for people in creative professions, semicircular or oval headboards are suitable for businessmen and officials, square ones are suitable for workers. wooden backrests, and those who do not like and do not want to sleep a lot should choose a triangular backrest. Surely you have come across beds with an uneven headboard, on one side of which there is a gentle curve, and on the other, an elevation. This option in Feng Shui is called “Dragon and Phoenix” and it is intended exclusively for married couples, and the husband must necessarily sleep on the side of the elevation, and the wife, accordingly, where he is not.

The bed should be of a classic, regular shape, not too spacious, but not small, and correspond to the dimensions of the people who sleep on it.

You should also not sleep on water or air beds; all this interferes with extraneous elements in your relationship, which not only destroy the love of a married couple, but also harm sleep, rest and attracting the necessary positive energy.

The ideal material for making a bed frame is natural wood, only people born under the sign of this element can replace it with a metal one. The last two digits of your date of birth, which are the Bagu number, will help you determine your element.

Feng Shui bed, photo

If your choice nevertheless fell on a metal bed, and this is facilitated by the element “Metal,” you should place heating and electrical appliances away from it, since metal is a conductor of heat and electricity, which will simply absorb all favorable energy flows.

From the point of view of the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, antique beds with carved decoration and canopies are very favorable for sleep and relaxation, but purchasing a bed on wheels for quick movement is not recommended, as it will affect restless sleep and can lead to illnesses, because it looks a lot like a hospital bed.

The color of the beds, like all furniture in the bedroom, should not be flashy; it is better to stick to natural wood colors, as well as pastel shades.

Color bed linen according to feng shui.

As we have repeatedly noted in Feng Shui, colors play an important role; even the design has a certain power, which also applies to bed linen. We will tell you below what color it should be and what it means.

Red underwear - helps normalize blood circulation and metabolism, and also increases a person’s internal energy;

Orange underwear - fights blues, fatigue, depression, anxiety, fear and gives a restful sleep;

Green underwear - ensures rhythmic functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduces nervousness, helps to relax and rest the eyes;

Blue underwear - fights insomnia, gives a feeling of complete comfort and peace, evens out breathing, relieves tension;

Purple underwear - relieves migraines and other headaches, enhances intuition.

Sleep and dreams according to Feng Shui.

Since we are already talking about sleeping places, in conclusion I would like to talk a little about the meaning of sleep and dreams according to Feng Shui.

Sleep comes to each of us in our subconscious, while the brain is turned off and resting. The first dreams come to a person approximately ninety minutes after he has fallen soundly asleep and they last approximately five to fifteen minutes. In one night, a sleeper can see from four to six dreams, but he remembers only the plots of those that are truly important to him and those that can become a hint or help to him in real life.

Why can't we remember all our dreams? The answer is quite simple, firstly, most dreams are very short and do not have a specific meaning, and secondly, unconsciously, we quickly want to forget the bad events that happen in a dream and not bring them into reality.

Modern science has studied three types of dreams - subjective, spiritual and physical dreams. All of them are connected with our past, present and future life. It is believed that in a dream a person can very clearly and clearly see his future, recognize it and the signs present in it.

After waking up, we remember our dream and definitely want to know its meaning, regardless of whether it was good or bad, in order to understand what was told to us or what they want to protect and warn us from.

Feng Shui says if you had a dream in which you were afraid of something, beware of deception in life, terrible dreams that a sick person saw can foreshadow death, and a nightmare for a young woman can mean the love of her husband, prosperity and a quick replenishment of her life. family.

Follow the simple and accessible rules that Feng Shui encourages you to live by, and your dreams will always be only favorable, your health will be good, and your luck will never end. This is what we sincerely wish for you!

When decorating and arranging a bedroom, many questions arise with the arrangement of furniture. The functionality, practicality and convenience of the room depend on its correct location. How to properly place a bed in the bedroom is a question that worries many. The placement of the bed is influenced by many factors: the area of ​​the room, its load with other furniture, the style of the interior, and following the recommendations of the designers.

Feng Shui is a whole science that helps us live in harmony with the world. We can create and maintain this harmony using special techniques. There are several rules and recommendations that will help you position your bed so that your sleep is sound and healthy.

The location of the bed affects not only the duration and quality of sleep. It affects the health of the sleeper, his dreams and psychological state.

When positioning your bed when following Feng Shui, it is important to strictly follow the instructions. It is important to carefully consider the placement of other furniture. Everything in the room should be harmonious, then a calm and peaceful rest is possible in it.

Tips for bed placement:

  • Do not place the bed in front of mirrors;
  • Determine your personal favorable direction and direct the head of the bed there;
  • Don't put sleeping area headboard to window or door;
  • No objects should be placed above your head;
  • Do not place the bed near the window or door.

When positioning the bed, it is also important to consider personal safety precautions. Do not place the bed close to electrical outlets. You cannot hang bulky decorative or interior items, such as chandeliers, above the bed.

How not to place a bed in the bedroom

When arranging furniture, it is important to take into account not only the harmony of its location and combination with each other. It is also important to pay attention to the issue of safety. Many accidents happen because furniture was placed incorrectly at the time.

The issue of correct arrangement of interior items is very important. Incorrect placement can lead not only to inconvenience for apartment owners, but also to accidents.

Therefore, the bed should not be placed in places with increased danger. Here it comes down to how general rules, which are established by housing legislation, and issues related to the psychology of the perceived space.

Rules for placing a bed in the bedroom

  • Electrical sources should not be placed close to the bed.
  • Do not place the bed near fountains, aquariums or fireplaces.
  • Do not place the bed so that the head of the bed or legs are facing the entrance to the bathroom or toilet.
  • Do not place the bed in the center of the room - it should have support on one side, for example, in the form of a wall.
  • Avoid pointing sharp corners of other furniture onto the bed.

Of course, everyone can arrange the bed as they wish. However, it is better to follow general recommendations to avoid accidents and also to properly harmonize the space. The correct position of the bed is the key healthy sleep.

Narrow bedroom: how to place a bed

Narrow or rectangular bedroom- no reason to be upset. Designers offer easy and simple ways that will help visually expand the space. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions of the professionals.

Before you start arranging furniture, it is important to measure the space, as well as the furniture itself (this should be done when purchasing it).

Place the bed in narrow bedroom possible in several ways. It depends on its size and dimensions. It is important to choose a bed design in such a way that it visually appears small and compact.


  • Place the bed along the wall;
  • Place the bed across the room;
  • Provide approaches to the bed (at least 70 cm each).
  • It should be taken into account if the bed has a female headboard.

You don't have to follow these tips at all. Each room owner should focus on individual design, convenience and preferences. However, these tips can help resolve difficult issues.

How to position a newborn's crib correctly

The location of the crib is a very important issue. From him correct resolution The healthy and restful sleep of the baby and parents depends on it. This question concerns both those who give the baby a separate room and those who prefer to sleep next to the baby.

For a healthy baby's sleep, it is important to take into account many nuances when arranging the crib. They are not complicated. But following them will help you to be calm about your child. You should also follow your doctor's orders.

Tips for crib placement:

  • The crib should not be located close to sockets and heaters.
  • Place the crib away from bookshelves and carpets, which can contain a lot of dust and pathogens.
  • Do not place the crib close to a balcony or window.

It is better to place the bed in a place filled with light. It is also important that the crib has easy access for parents. These simple tips will help in the harmonious arrangement of the bedroom.

Tips on how to properly place a bed in the bedroom (video)

Arranging furniture in a small or large bedroom is an important issue that requires preliminary preparation. The location of the bed is influenced by many factors: the area of ​​the room, the fullness of the space, the size and dimensions of the bed. The bed should be positioned so that it is safe, easily accessible and ensures sound sleep.

Each residential building has its own energy, and there are several places in it that determine its state of energy and, as a result, the well-being and comfort of those who live in it. One of these places is the sleeping place. Or rather, a bed. And in order for all the conditions for the optimal placement of a large bed and the location of the headboard to be observed, even in a small apartment, there are several ironclad rules.

You will definitely appreciate their necessity if you stick to them, and will immediately notice changes if this was not done before, or if they suddenly cease to be observed. After all, during sleep, the energy flows of the house and the person coincide, and the person, without knowing it, absorbs it - the energy of his own home.

How to place a bed in the bedroom so that you can sleep soundly

Sleep is an important period of time for humans, as for any other living creature. Active and passive stages of daily pastime replace one another, the pace of life (especially in a metropolis) forces a person to write down his plans every minute. But if you haven’t rested properly, all your plans will be difficult to implement. A sleepless night makes up for itself during the day, and this affects performance, mood, and, as a result, successful completion of tasks.

how to place a bed according to feng shui - photo

It is worth following a daily routine and sleep schedule, but this conclusion comes with experience. And then the understanding arises that every person living on the planet is a microcosm, that is, a miniature copy of the Universe. Various processes take place in it, and one way or another, and we react to them physically.

Correct placement of the bed to the cardinal points

Impact of magnetic field, atmospheric pressure, have a great impact on a person’s well-being. For centuries, the observations of our ancestors concerned which direction is better to sleep with your head in order to be more alert and full of energy, to improve memory, to strengthen immunity and health. Natural forces, if knowledge about them is used correctly, have a positive effect on humans. And even if the layout of the apartment does not allow for variability in the placement of furniture, you can resort to various tricks that will help not conflict with nature and harmoniously place the bed in the bedroom. It is enough to know how to do it correctly so that during sleep, resting and relaxing, your body independently tunes into the desired wave and receives the maximum of natural, cosmic strength and health.

In the photo there is a bedroom according to Feng Shui - the location of the bed

Often ancient practices are unanimous that without special effort You can make your existence harmonious. This process will require not only the correct arrangement of furniture in the bedroom, but also compliance with certain conditions. And, of course, if you lead the wrong lifestyle, you shouldn’t rely on Feng Shui. There are ways (and these are not always prejudices) that allow you to improve the living space around you.

Why should you listen to them? According to Feng Shui, who explains his advice by the interaction of the human body with the magnetic fields of the Earth, the position of the bed in the bedroom determines a person’s well-being, protection from the influence of various forces, strengthening one’s own energy, and therefore many areas of life.

We place a bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

The physiological laws of the ancient traditions of the West recommend sleeping with your head to the east, that is, the head of the bed should be located in the room so that the crown of the sleeper is directed to the east, from where the sun rises. This is explained by the fact that the soul coming into the world, like all living energies aimed at growth, progress, vitality and development, makes a journey from East to West, like the daylight.

The movement of inanimate energies occurs in the opposite direction. Therefore, when determining the place and side of the headboard for the bed, you will choose for your body some qualities that it can develop more than others. For example,

  • direction to the east with the head will add wisdom,
  • lying with your head to the south, you will be healthier and stronger,
  • those who are experiencing financial difficulties should sleep with their heads to the west,
  • and according to Feng Shui, lying with your head to the north is quite allowed for those who feel overworked in order to reduce activity.

They even say that magnetic fields The Earth coincides with the flow of magnetic waves of the body (from the top of the head to the heels) during a person’s sleep, and the bioenergy channels of the Earth themselves will ensure that you constantly feel good, your rest is as effective as possible, and your muscles gain full strength. The brain, being in a state of relaxation, will receive discharge in a completely natural way.

Another point of view, which is more popular in the East, in contrast to the previous one, which is more often resorted to in the West: the one who sleeps with his head to the east, every day, together with the sun, activates all systems in the body, and if he is also a “lark”, he gets good health, spiritual balance and reason.

Secrets of planning a sleeping space - how the bed should be positioned

The driving force of progress and development of all things that are important for a person, Qi energy, surrounds everyone - this is what Orientalists say. It is believed that a person himself can organize the free flow of this energy, creating order and control in his area, or vice versa, creating obstacles to Qi, if there is often chaos around, and everything free places filled with boxes, bags, etc.

Taking into account all the rules of Eastern beliefs, care should be taken to:

  1. There was a space under the bed where Qi energy could circulate freely. No need to put drawers, suitcases, boxes and baskets under the bed.

  1. Accumulation or piling up of objects should not be allowed around the bed; bedside tables, cabinets, shelves near the bed should be kept to a minimum.
  2. If you live in two-story house, you need to make sure that there is no toilet or stove either above or below the bed.

  1. If the bedroom irregular shape, and it has an appendix, in which the corners are not visible from the side of the door, it is not recommended to place a bed in it, it is better to place a wardrobe or closet there.

  1. There is no need to place the bed in front of the door or window; you should not make the bed an uncomfortable island in the room if the space of the room does not allow it. If it is convenient to place an adult’s bed so that it can be approached from both sides, then a child’s bed should be adjacent to the wall in two places, stand in the corner: a feeling of security is very important at least until the age of 12 .
  2. There is no need to install the bed so that it is reflected either from above (if your ceiling is mirrored) or from the side (if there are mirrors on the wardrobe or a dressing table). A mirror is a complex energetic surface. And the colors of the walls in the bedroom should be pastel.

  1. Above the bed on the ceiling or on a sloping ceiling, especially if the headboard is located in this direction, nothing should hang over. It is not good if both the sloping ceiling (under the roof) and open beams are located above the bed, and it is equally uncomfortable if such a ceiling hangs over the head in the area of ​​the head, or, the first thing a person sees when opening his eyes, is an inclined plane.
  2. There should be no sconces, shelves, massive paintings, or even a chandelier above the bed. If the room is small, the lighting problem can be solved LED lights or chandeliers in the shape of a plate or others flat shapes pressed to the ceiling.
  3. The bed must have a good-quality and durable headboard, or it must be adjacent to the wall with the headboard. According to Feng Shui, you do not need to place the head of the bed towards the window or in the corner with your head.

  1. Not only are there prejudices against sleeping with your feet towards the door, Feng Shui agrees here with the ancient Russian belief. But you cannot place the head of the bed at the entrance or door. Behind the parietal area there must be reliable wall, not a fragile partition. It should protect against noise that can disturb sleep, and protect against drafts.

  1. Pipelines, stove and fireplace air vents, and other systems where some kind of mass is constantly moving - water or gas - should not pass near the bed, so a bathroom or toilet behind the wall to which the bed adjoins is also a bad choice.

How to do not worth it:

In fact, even if according to Feng Shui all the rules cannot be followed for various reasons, these recommendations are conditional, although they explain a lot. But the main thing you should pay attention to in your own bedroom is comfort and cleanliness, the comfort of the mattress, right choice pillows (or lack thereof). Do not forget about the correct mode and healthy way life, then you will always feel good!


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