How to clean the inside of a gas oven. How to clean an oven: effective ways to get rid of old grease and carbon deposits

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If you like to cook food in the oven, then you probably know how difficult it can be to wash off the greasy deposits that stick to the walls. Over time, this fat begins to slowly burn out and smokes when cooking.

Clean with vinegar and soda

Simply clean the oven with vinegar. You should remove the grates and baking sheets, clean it of dry debris and moisten the entire surface with a cloth or sponge. Then apply vinegar evenly to the surface. Then leave the solution for the exposure process for three hours. You can even clean it with vinegar washing machine and remove the bad odor.

If the oven is not very dirty, for normal cleaning it is enough to treat the surface once with a damp sponge. The inner surface will be completely cleared by this treatment if you do it regularly. If there are old stains on the surface, you need to scrub them off with a brush or a hard sponge.

Another method: dilute a mixture of acetic acid in a container with water in equal quantities. Then dip a sponge or rag into this solution and thoroughly wet all the walls with it. Immediately after this, take baking soda, sprinkle it on all contaminated areas, and leave for an hour to react. With this treatment, the hydrogen that is released during the reaction of soda and vinegar is completely harmless, however, it perfectly helps remove even stubborn and old dirt. After cleaning, rinse the oven with soapy warm water.

Another way to clean at home. Take a microwave-safe glass container, then pour one liter of plain water into this container with the addition of 20 grams of vinegar essence. Then put the bowl inside and turn it on, setting the temperature to 150-170 degrees for a short time, for example, half an hour. After this, turn off the oven and wipe the surfaces until it cools down.

The cleanup result will look something like this:

Glass is also very susceptible to contamination from grease. It is not difficult to clean it. You should sprinkle a little baking soda on the surface. It is better to do this on a damp sponge and rub the glass in this way, then the soda will remain on the glass for impact and will not crumble. After 30-40 minutes, simply wipe the glass. Absolutely all old dirt will naturally fall away, and your glass will become shiny and transparent again.

Clean with ammonia

If you are wondering how to clean the oven from old carbon deposits and grease, you should try treating the surfaces with ordinary ammonia. You should know that when coming into contact with ammonia solutions, you need to take certain precautions, that is, do not allow ammonia to come into contact with your skin, and work only with rubber gloves. This treatment can be carried out only after wearing a respirator, since the smell is very pungent.

After applying the solution to the entire surface of the oven, you should wash it off after 40-30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly until the pungent odor completely disappears. Otherwise, the cooked food will have an unpleasant aftertaste.

Hot processing

IN hot water dilute carefully a large number of laundry soap, or any dishwashing detergent, then pour the detergent onto a baking sheet, and then place the baking sheet directly in the oven. Then treat the entire surface with the remaining solution oven. Now close the door very tightly, and then set the temperature on the timer to 130 degrees.

The door is carefully closed during processing. The temperature treatment process lasts 30 minutes, then the oven should be slightly cooled. After this, all dirty surfaces of your oven should simply be wiped down. All grease and dirt from the temperature of the hot washing mixture should be removed from the surface without difficulty.

Combined cleaning methods

Is there some more effective remedy cleaning is salt. You need to pour the salt into the oven and heat it up. It will absorb dirt and grease and become Brown, then the remnants of this salt should be swept away or removed with a vacuum cleaner. After this treatment, wash the walls in the usual way.

In addition, at home you can clean the oven with the usual baking powder used by every housewife. A dirty oven should be sprinkled with this powder and lightly sprinkled with water. After 20 minutes, the fat will completely gather into lumps; they can be easily removed with a simple damp cloth. You can use a mixture of citric acid and baking soda.

To prepare your own cleaning product, you need to mix 50 grams of water, the same amount of salt and half a glass of baking soda. Grind this mixture into a thick paste. Now wipe the inside of the oven with a damp cloth and then spread your paste over the surface of the oven. You should leave the mixture overnight to work and wash it off in the morning. You can remove a bad smell from a refrigerator in much the same way, but that’s not about that now.

You can use a combined method for cleaning. That is, first treat the oven with vinegar, then consolidate the success with salt, which will collect all the carbon and fat. After this, wipe with the mixture prepared according to the above recipe, or clean with it using a hot method.

Cleaning the oven from old dirt

It is necessary to mix grated laundry soap, table vinegar and baking soda. Mix these components properly; the soap should be completely dissolved in the liquid. The mixture should be thoroughly rubbed onto the surface. After two hours, the mixture can be washed off. Use this solution to also very thoroughly clean all dirty baking sheets and racks. There is another reliable way: citric acid, 20 grams of Pemolux powder (or other similar) and the same amount of dish soap, mix thoroughly. Leave this mixture to act for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

These simple methods will help you keep your oven clean.

The oven can be cleaned using a special funds, they do an excellent job of removing carbon deposits and fatty deposits, or you can use budget funds that can be found in every home: salt, soda, vinegar, ammonia, carbonic acid, lemon and dishwashing detergent. Many methods are based on steaming contaminants, such as hydrolysis. Below we will look at 12 simple means cleaning the oven.

How to clean the oven from old burnt fat? Which method should I choose? Before answering these questions, it’s worth talking about some rules:

  • Oven cleaners should not contain aggressive acids.
  • Ovens with , do not need to be washed, because any abrasive substances and active ingredients can destroy this type of enamel, clog pores or neutralize the catalyst. Just wait if the stains do not go away immediately, they will definitely disappear during next preparations.
  • Labor-intensive cleaning can be avoided by wiping the oven after each cooking with a damp cloth. After all, dried-on pieces of food are much more difficult to clean off than fresh stains. In addition, during reheating, the fat becomes viscous, difficult to dissolve and sticks tightly to the baking sheets and walls.

  • If you do not wash the oven for a long time, then one day the dirt may ignite and burn, releasing unpleasant odors. If this happens, the dish you are preparing will be hopelessly spoiled. Don't neglect timely cleansing.

12 folk remedies for keeping your oven clean

How can you clean the oven? old fat and soot? Remedies that will help cope with burnt fat can be found in every home: laundry soap, rock salt, soda, vinegar, ammonia, lemon, carbonic acid and even baking powder. You can use the baking sheets manually or use dishwasher.

Arm yourself with soft rags, brushes and put on rubber gloves.

  1. The easiest way - this is steam cleaning, the principle is the same as . Pour 1 liter of water into a baking tray with one capful of FAIRY or GALA. Bring the temperature to 150 C, the water will evaporate and gradually dissolve the fat. After 30 minutes, open the door and simply wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth; the softened fat will come off easily. If after this procedure everything is not washed off, then try using one of the methods described below.
  2. Exposure to ammonia. Apply ammonia to the contaminated areas, leave for 12 hours, wipe off all carbon deposits with a rag soaked in a warm detergent solution. Or the second one, no less effective option: Fill a baking tray with water, preheat the oven to 100 degrees. Wait until the water boils, turn it off, and place a container with ammonia on the top rack; after 12 hours, grease and carbon deposits can be easily washed off with the same water and ammonia, adding a capful of detergent to it. Wash the oven with this mixture; when the grease is washed off, remove any remaining detergent with a damp cloth.
  3. Strange, but effective method this is baking on a baking sheet table salt. Pour table salt onto the shelves and baking sheets, preheat the oven until the salt turns yellow, then turn off the appliance. The minerals in kitchen salt soften stains and make them more porous. When the temperature inside the walls drops, the baking sheets and door can be easily washed warm water with the addition of dishwashing detergent.
  4. Rock salt & carbonic acid. Need to make it saturated saline solution with the addition of carbonic acid (water - 0.5 l, a pack of salt, a pinch of acid), place a container with the solution on the bottom of an oven preheated to 200 degrees and heat for another 30 minutes. When the appliance has cooled down, wash the inside thoroughly. hot water with added detergent.
  5. Laundry soap often used for washing various surfaces, in our case, this is also a wonderful helper. You just need to grate half a bar of soap on a coarse grater and pour it into a bowl of hot water, when the shavings dissolve, stir and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, simmer the solution for 30-40 minutes. The alkali of laundry soap effectively softens even old fat deposits. Wash the cooled oven several times clean water and leave for a while so that the smell of soap disappears completely.
  6. Baking soda Well suited for cleaning enamel surfaces and glass in the oven door. In addition to the fact that soda copes well with grease and soot, it absorbs unpleasant odors. Add a little water to the soda, apply the resulting slurry with a sponge to the inner surface of the oven, baking sheets and racks and rub lightly. After an hour, when the soda has destroyed the fat deposits, wash off the slurry with a rough sponge. Instead of regular soda, you can, in this case the effect will be stronger. However, you need to take precautions: work in seals and do not inhale the powder!
  7. Table vinegar Apply undiluted to all parts of the oven; after a few hours, wash off the product with plain water. Vinegar does not harm enamel, but it perfectly dissolves dirt.
  8. Baking powder It turns out that it can be used not only for sweet buns, it also miraculously destroys fat and soot. To clean the oven you will need 5-6 bags of baking powder; apply it to the damp walls and leave until the dirt forms lumps, which are removed with a stiff brush.
  9. Soda & Vinegar when mixed, they enter into a violent chemical reaction, releasing hydrogen, which breaks the bonds between fat molecules, so housewives actively use this reaction to clean kitchen dirt and soap scum in the bathroom. Apply undiluted vinegar from a spray bottle to dirty places, cover the top thin layer soda slurry and leave the mixture for 4-5 hours. When the time is up, you need to wash off the slurry with a sponge and warm water, additionally rub some difficult areas with a hard sponge.
  10. Lemon will help cope with old burnt fat, to do this, squeeze out lemon juice, add the same amount of water, apply the mixture to the walls of the oven. After half an hour, the fat will soften and will be easy to wash off with a regular sponge.
  11. Soda & Lemon & Vinegar cleans even the dirtiest ovens in a couple of tens of minutes. How to use this product to clean the oven from old grease? First of all, preheat the oven to 100 degrees, then mix a glass of vinegar, 2 bags of citric acid and 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Apply the bubbling mixture to contaminated surfaces, after 20 minutes, rinse off the remaining product, along with the dirt.
  12. Laundry soap & soda & vinegar. Grandma’s product that not only easily washes off enamel, but also perfectly cleans glass, wire racks and baking dishes. The product is prepared from a glass of vinegar, 100 grams of soda and half a bar of laundry soap, grated on a coarse grater. Apply the product to the contaminated surface and rinse after 2 hours. After using this product, the oven will become perfectly clean and shiny, and the unpleasant smell will disappear in a few hours.

Sorbents and citrus fruits will help with nasty odors in the oven. If, after washing the oven, there are still unpleasant musty odors or the smell of burnt food, try these remedies:

  • Warm the peels of citrus fruits (lemons, grapefruits or tangerines) in the oven; the peels will absorb odors and fill the oven with the aroma of fresh fruit. You can also wipe all the internal surfaces of your device with half a lemon. This product is great for removing fish and shrimp odors.
  • If you need to cook something urgently, but after the last cooking you did not have time to wash the baking sheets and the burnt food began to smoke, then you risk ruining the dish. Needed on problem areas Sprinkle kitchen salt in an even layer; it will prevent the stains from smoking, lightly absorb the smell and make it easy to wash off the stains after you finish cooking.
  • You can cope with odors by leaving a saucer of baking soda or baking soda in the oven until the morning. ground coffee, just don’t forget to thoroughly clean the oven with one of the products described above.

Anastasia, July 23, 2016.

Raise your hands, who loves something baked: meat, fish, pies? Everyone loves it.

What if the oven is covered with a layer of nasty grease and smearing soot? We don't see a single hand. How to clean the oven from old burnt fat? We're willing to bet that many of you are now thinking, “I clean it, but it's still greasy. I heard that stoves are self-cleaning.”

Yes, there are such plates. But civilization reaches our native land only with difficulty, and most of the ovens we have at home do not have this ability. We'll have to use what we have in the kitchen (or what we can buy just across the street). Oddly enough, this should be enough.

Here you need to take into account the type of oven - gas or electric - and mud type:

  • old burnt fat;
  • black soot or soot.

To quickly clean surfaces from burning and grease, use various means for each of these types of dirt. And, of course, do not forget about safety measures.

Remember that any cleaning product works because it happens chemical reaction. Ignoring safety precautions can therefore end very badly.


First of all, remove children and pets from the kitchen. Children poke their noses into every crevice, toxic fumes can harm them, and there’s nothing to say about animals. It is a sin to poison our defenseless brothers with household chemicals.


The kitchen should be well ventilated - you also need to take care of your health. Open the window and better window if the weather permits.

Personal protection

You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails. Any action should be carried out wearing rubber gloves.

For achievement best result, before performing any action, read the instructions to the end and make sure that everything needed to perform the action is available and ready for use.

This is necessary so as not to urgently run to the store for a new sponge when the time comes to wash off the product.

Cleans grease: Yes.

Cleans soot: partially.

As they say, it’s a disaster when the cake maker starts making the boots, and the shoemaker starts baking the pies. If you don’t mind the money, preference, of course, should be given to store-bought chemicals.

It is also more gentle, as it is designed specifically for similar work, and in some cases it washes much better.

When wondering how to clean the oven from old grease, avoid products containing acid.

Amway Oven Cleaner

Expensive, but effective. Patented product for cleaning household ovens. Fat dissolves almost before your eyes and is well worth the money spent on it. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford it.


Bestseller. A little cheaper than Amway's product, but it cleans just as effectively - housewives couldn't be happier. Sprayed on surfaces with burnt fat. A severe minus is the sharp, nasty smell, which, however, quickly disappears.

"Sillit Bang Antifat"

Cheap and cheerful. And when faced with such means, it’s worth thinking about: is it really possible to overpay for something that is much easier to make yourself from what is in every kitchen?

The composition of such products is suspicious, and in order to wash them off completely, you need to treat the surface with water more than seventy times. You don’t want to eat pies filled with suspicious chemicals, do you?

Cleans grease: Yes.

Cleans soot: partially.

Yes, regular table salt. Cheap and cheerful. Cleaning the oven with salt at home can be done in two different ways.

First: Cover the surface of the oven with salt and turn on the oven.

Check periodically appearance surface: when the salt turns brown, turn off the oven, let it cool, then wash off the salt that has absorbed the fat. No harmful fumes or unpleasant odors.

Salt method number two consists in placing a pan with aqueous solution salt, the stove turns on and you let the water evaporate for a while.

Twenty minutes is usually enough. After this procedure, fat and soot are also easily washed off.

How to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits using soap?

Cleans grease: Yes.

Cleans soot: partially.

If you don't have any salt, you can try using laundry soap or dishwashing detergent. The principle is the same - shavings of laundry soap or ordinary dish soap detergent dissolves in a pan of water, and it is placed on the bottom of the oven.

Set the temperature between 100 and 120 degrees and hold for half an hour. This softens the burnt fat.

Cleans grease: partially.

Cleans soot: Yes.

A mixture of soda and vinegar gives a large amount carbon dioxide(this is exactly how they made the first artificially gas-saturated mineral water). Take care of your hands.

There is no point in preserving carbon deposits; we are going to destroy it. You can clean the oven from carbon deposits at home by adding twenty-five grams of laundry soap solution to a mixture of one hundred grams of soda with forty grams of vinegar.

This paste should be placed with a sponge on all surfaces of the oven, including glass, baking tray and rack, and left for a couple of hours, then go over them with a clean, damp sponge. You can then throw away the sponge and admire the shining oven.

There is another method: pour vinegar essence into a spray bottle, spray it on the surface of the oven, and then cover it with soda. In this case, you will have to wait only a quarter of an hour.

Clean the electric oven: Comet paste

Cleans grease: Yes.

Cleans soot: Yes.

To clean an electric oven at home, there is a special cleaning paste. Take citric acid, dishwashing detergent and cleaning powder a la Pemolux, Comet and the like. These components must be mixed in a one to one ratio.

Now, as in the case of the baking soda and vinegar paste, all surfaces must be exposed to the paste. Since the electric oven is more delicate, you should keep it covered with paste for no more than an hour. After the hour is up, you will need plenty of warm water to wash off the paste.

How to easily clean the oven with hydrogen peroxide?

Cleans grease: Yes.

Cleans soot: Yes.

We prepare porridge from hydrogen peroxide (sold at the pharmacy) and a quarter glass of soda. Everything must be mixed well and applied to greasy surfaces.

If you overdid it with volumes and some amount of soda-peroxide porridge remains, you can also clean the grease from the glass and grate. Leave for an hour. Don’t forget to completely remove it with a sponge dipped in soapy water and wipe dry.

Cleans grease: Yes.

Cleans soot: Yes.

A universal method to clean the oven from burnt fat.

Ammonia, a solution of ammonia in water, emits a terrible odor that can be used to revive someone from fainting. Ammonia itself belongs to the group of asphyxiating substances. To use this magical remedy, you will have to purchase a respirator if you value life and health.

You need to open all windows, treat contaminated surfaces with ammonia and leave for four to five hours, then rinse.

After wiping the oven with ammonia, it must be thoroughly rinsed several times until the smell disappears, otherwise ammonia will get into the food. In this case, it is not dangerous, but very unpleasant.

Remove old dirt with baking powder

Cleans grease: Yes.

Cleans soot: No.

Many housewives have this powder in their spice drawer. It is also known under the pseudonym “baking powder” and consists of the same baking soda, ammonium carbonate and potassium tartrate.

Baking powder should be sprinkled on dirty surfaces that have been previously treated with water. Wait two hours and remove lumps of fat with a stiff washcloth. Rinse the surfaces to be cleaned thoroughly.

And finally

After everything is washed and shines with pristine cleanliness, remember that the most The best way Cleaning the oven quickly means not starting it, not waiting for the food to burn. If you carefully wipe the cabinet after each cooking (of course, after waiting until the oven has cooled), it will take much less time and effort to wash the stove, and you will be able to please your family and yourself with delicious dishes more often.

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

Cooking in the oven is a pleasure - the dishes turn out tasty, with an appetizing crust. After a fascinating process, the question arises: how to clean the oven from old burnt fat. It’s best to walk along the walls and glass wet wipe moistened with degreaser. In practice, there is not enough time - table setting and household chores await. Washing is delayed, and a problem arises - when heated, an unpleasant smell of rancid fat spreads.

The first and basic rule of care kitchen appliances– regular washing and cleaning of surfaces. Fat deposits on the stove or in the oven make themselves known by a sharp smell of smoke and soot when heated. Through the cloudy glass, with brownish streaks, it is not visible what is happening on the baking sheet. It's time to think about how to clean the oven.

Devices and techniques

Required standard set cleaning agents and detergents, a napkin and an ordinary kitchen sponge. Majority modern cabinets have an enamel or bioceramic surface, which is easy to scratch with compounds containing large abrasive particles or metal sponges. When washing, adhere to simple rules:

  • use low-fat wipes and sponges - otherwise the assistants will slide over contaminated enamel, leaving marks and stains;
  • take out the baking sheets and racks - clean them separately in a basin or sink;
  • Be sure to wear household gloves to protect your hands;
  • open a vent or window for ventilation to ensure an influx fresh air;
  • turn on the hood so as not to smoke the kitchen.

After proper cleaning oven looks like new

Work order

Having set ourselves the task of cleaning the inside of the oven from grease, the work is planned so as not to wash one area several times. This entails additional time costs and reduces the result. Simple tips will help you cope with an unpleasant mission quickly and efficiently:

  • they start working from the top of the cabinet - dissolved fat and carbon deposits flow down to the areas that need to be tidied up;
  • protect the fan from liquids and water, technological holes in gas ovens and heating elements in electrical;
  • glass is washed in last resort– so that new splashes do not stain the transformed surface;
  • finally wipe external elements– the handle, the body – and make sure that there are no streaks left.

It is important to know! If work is carried out shortly after cooking, you must make sure that the inner walls and door are completely cool. There is a high risk of getting burns on your hands and inhaling caustic substances. At high temperatures, chemical reactions are possible, accompanied by a pungent odor.

When washing, it is better to avoid using hard metallic sponges.

Folk remedies for cleaning the oven

Housewives treat oven cleaning chemicals with caution. Residues of reagents may appear when the cabinet is heated and affect the quality of the food. For many, the universal detergent - soda and vinegar - is still relevant. Using time-tested folk favorites requires more time and effort. But it instills confidence in the absence of chemicals in food.

Soda is a classic abrasive

Baking soda has its place in the kitchen. Fine-crystalline powder is able to cope with old stains. It has abrasive properties, but has a softer effect than substances with hard particles. How to clean the oven from old grease using soda:

  • slightly warm the internal surfaces to soften the dirt;
  • moisturize the walls - wipe well moistened with warm water napkin;
  • using a sponge, apply an even layer of prepared soda paste - 3-4 tablespoons of water per ½ cup of powder;
  • close the door and leave for 10-12 hours (overnight) - during this time the composition dissolves most of the deposits;
  • wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth, removing soda and remaining grease - you should be prepared to have to “walk” several times;
  • dried carbon deposits are carefully removed with a silicone or plastic spatula, and then the remaining traces are washed off.

Grandmother's products to protect cleanliness modern kitchen

Ammonia - brilliant results

If you are wondering how to clean the oven using ammonia, it is worth considering that this substance has a pungent ammonia odor. Allergic reactions are possible and precautions must be taken to avoid the need to consult a doctor. The product guarantees brilliant result and returns shine to chrome surfaces - handles, grilles, and other elements.

  • place a container of water at the bottom of the cabinet and bring to a boil - just set the thermostat to 100°C;
  • pour ammonia into another container and place it higher than the water;
  • turn off the oven, close the door and leave overnight;
  • In the morning, wash the inside with a mixture of alcohol, water and a small amount of dishwashing detergent.

Another way is to generously moisten a napkin with ammonia and go over all the walls, grates and baking sheets. Leave it overnight and wash it in the morning. This recommendation is less gentle - you have to for a long time inhale vapors with a pungent ammonia odor.

Work using ammonia is carried out by opening the window for ventilation. A medical mask or respirator will not hurt. IN mandatory put on household gloves.

It is important to know! You can clean the oven using ammonia-anise drops - they are more expensive, but have a less pungent odor.

Ammonia can be used in combination with baking soda and lemon

Vinegar compresses for cleanliness and shine

How to clean the oven from burnt fat without tedious repeated wiping of the walls and grates? Vinegar is an excellent soot remover. Vinegar is good because it is suitable for enamel surfaces. A table solution of acetic acid is suitable for the work:

  • a foam sponge is soaked in vinegar;
  • carefully processed problem areas and wipe down the closet;
  • leave the product on for several hours - no overnight stay required;
  • wipe with a damp cloth.

After completing the procedure, there is practically no foreign odors left, and you can immediately begin cooking.

It is important to know! The vinegar solution can be sprayed with a spray bottle, focusing on the most problematic areas.

Citric acid is a fat solvent

If you are worried about how to clean the oven from old grease without significant effort and loss of time, citric acid will come in handy. Can be used lemon juice, but in this case the procedure is more expensive. It is important to follow the principle - an acidic environment dissolves fatty deposits and stains. Procedure:

  • prepare an acidic solution - approximately 1 teaspoon of the substance per 1 glass of water;
  • treat the surfaces to be cleaned;
  • leave for 30-40 minutes - do not stand longer, during this time a chemical reaction occurs;
  • Wipe the inside of the cabinet with a clean damp cloth.

It is important to know! Regular steam can be used to clean the oven. Place a container with water and a small amount of detergent on a baking sheet, heat it to 150°C and maintain the temperature for 30 minutes. After complete cooling, wipe the walls with a damp cloth.

Combined products

Often, not one, but several folk remedies are used at once. They use the substances mentioned above, ordinary laundry soap, rock salt and even baking powder. It “looses” the fat within a few hours, but you have to make an effort to wipe off the dirt. Therefore, the method is less popular than variations using combined formulations.

How to clean the inside of the oven with combined compounds:

  • Table vinegar (100 ml) with soda (50 g) and laundry soap (30 g grated). The mixture is thoroughly mixed and left for 2-3 hours, after which it is easily washed off along with the dissolved fatty deposits. Used for interior surfaces, doors, handles, baking trays and racks.
  • Table rock salt (1 kg) with carbonic acid (10 g). The oven is heated to 150-200°C. Salt and acid are dissolved in 600 ml of water and placed on the bottom shelf. Leave for 30 minutes. After the cabinet has cooled, wash it with dishwashing detergent.
  • Vinegar (100 ml) with baking soda (1 tablespoon) and citric acid (20 g). The oven is heated for 15 minutes at a temperature of 100°C. Apply the mixture to problem areas and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash with clean water and wipe dry. Work is carried out with precautions to avoid getting burned.

The usual “wizard” for washing dishes enhances the effect of soda

It is important to know! Modern models of ovens are equipped with a pyrolytic cleaning function with calcination at temperatures up to 500°C. The procedure lasts 2-3 hours. All this time the door remains locked. After cooling, wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth and remove any remaining carbon deposits.

Traditional methods in action:

Household chemicals - a quick solution to old problems

With the decision to clean the oven from grease using folk remedies, everything is clear - you need to be patient and wait for the contaminants to dissolve. WITH chemicals It’s more difficult - you have to choose between environmental friendliness and the desire to quickly get rid of problems. In the line of manufacturers household chemicals There is definitely a place for products that are positioned as fat fighters.

Comet Double effect

Inexpensive universal gel for cleaning various surfaces. It is applied with a damp sponge or cloth and left for 20-30 minutes. To completely get rid of dirt, you have to make an effort and work properly with a brush with medium-hard bristles.

There is a risk of scratches on the enamel coating if you use a brush that is too hard. Using a soft sponge is unlikely to solve the problem, especially if the problem is long-standing. Like all universal remedies, is designed for regular use and may be too toxic for the oven.


Refers to funds in the middle price category and requires some caution when spraying - it has a rather pronounced odor. Does not contain phosphates, but contains surfactants and fragrances. The flow rate is adjusted by changing the position of the spray gun.

Easily treat hard-to-reach corners and apply more to contaminated areas. Apply the mixture evenly to the surface and leave for no more than 30 minutes. Then wash thoroughly with clean water, completely remove the remaining substances along with the softened greasy deposits.

Among household chemicals, Amway stands out due to its brush and effectiveness


Gel composition from famous manufacturer has effective cleaning properties and knows how to quickly clean the oven from old carbon deposits. It contains nonionic surfactants and several sodium compounds - hydroxide and tallowate.

It deals with smoked, greasy deposits within 20-30 minutes. A special brush is provided for application, and the design of the lid provides protection against opening by children. After peeling off the contaminants, the walls and baking sheets are thoroughly washed with clean water.

It is important to know! Wash “clean” after using household chemicals Special attention– no traces of substances should remain. There is a high risk of harmful particles and vapors getting into food.

How to clean oven glass

How to clean oven glass is one of the key questions. The products used are the same as for the interior parts of the cabinet, but they have their own characteristics. When washing inside Do not use excessive force to avoid weakening the springs that hold the door vertical. Also take into account physical properties glass and use the following means:

  • A paste of baking soda and vinegar. The ingredients are mixed in a ratio of approximately 2:1 until a thick paste is formed. Prepare the glass by wiping it with a damp cloth to remove surface dirt. The mixture is applied in an even layer and left for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly and rub with a clean dry cloth.
  • Cleaning using a steam generator. The unit is installed so that the steam jet captures the glass as much as possible. Steaming time is up to 30 minutes, after which they wipe with a napkin and remove traces of loose dirt. To add shine, wipe with a cloth moistened with vinegar.
  • Ammonia. The substance is used according to the same principle and with the same precautions as when cleaning the oven. However, the reaction time required is much less. 30 minutes is enough for it to be possible to remove residual stains and adhering fatty plaques without any problems.

Finally, the glass can be rubbed with window cleaner.

Features of cleaning an electric oven

Electric cooking appliances are distinguished by the fact that the heating elements are placed in the workspace. With how to wash electric oven inside, difficulties arise. You have to act carefully so as not to damage or flood water heating element. You should prefer a non-contact method - steam treatment. To increase efficiency it is recommended:

  • support temperature regime at 100°C so that the water boils constantly;
  • add a soap solution to a container of water - evaporation creates an environment that is optimal for softening deposits;
  • for severe contamination, additionally use citric acid, soda and other substances from folk remedies.

Steam can also be used to clean grill grates and elements.

After a “technological pause” necessary to soften the contaminants, the surface is cleaned using a regular cloth. The heating elements are carefully wiped and dried completely with the door open.

Optimal solution– contact qualified kitchen assistant care professionals. It is not always possible to achieve the desired result on your own. Our specialists use professional cleaning products and are proficient in surface cleaning techniques and techniques. Professionals guarantee results and eliminate the risk of rendering an expensive oven or stove unusable.

Even the highest quality oven gets very dirty over time and loses its original appearance. Sometimes cleaning can become a real pain - especially if you haven't done it for several weeks or months. Sooner or later, a crust of fat and soot begins to form on the walls of the oven, which smokes after heating and gives the prepared dishes an unpleasant taste and aroma. Fortunately, even in the most advanced cases, it can be easily washed at home. Today we will look at quick and effective methods oven cleaning that will help you deal with the problem as quickly as possible.

Cleaning the oven using special products

Any supermarket sells many products for removing old grease, which help speed up the oven cleaning process several times. Of course, using special household chemical products is much more expensive folk ways, but if you want to achieve effective results in shortest time, That better method can not found. Among the most popular and proven products that are safe for oven surfaces are:

  • Faberlic- good gel domestic production, which contains caustic soda. Suitable for cleaning all ceramic and metal surfaces. Works great on thick layers of grease and rust. Not suitable for nickel, aluminum and chrome plated ovens.
  • Frosch- a completely safe fat solvent produced in Germany. An excellent choice for those who have small children. Supplied in a convenient packaging with a spray bottle and can be used on any surface - however, for effective cleaning The product must be applied in large quantities, so it runs out quickly. If you have a very dirty oven, then it is better to look for a more powerful and economical option.
  • Mr Muscle "Kitchen Expert"- effective spray aerosol from the middle price segment. It can be used not only for cleaning the oven, but also for caring for microwaves, sinks and kitchen furniture. Copes well with soot and frozen layers of fat. The only disadvantage of the product is that after application you will have to wait at least half an hour until the active substances in its composition begin to soften the fat.
  • Eco-max- very expensive, but high-quality Canadian gel. The product is suitable for caring for any surface. Basic active ingredients product - soda and citric acid. Does not contain synthetic elements, therefore it is absolutely safe and can be used without fear in families with small children.
  • Krizalit Eco- an effective and environmentally friendly product from Belgium. It is rarely found in Russian stores, but at the same time it has a low price. A great option for families with children and animals. The composition contains organic salts that envelop the fat crust with a film and make it easy to separate it from the surface of the oven.
  • Cif- Hungarian cream for cleaning ovens, stoves and microwave ovens. It has a thick consistency, so it cleans well vertical surfaces. Copes even with thick layers of soot and grease. One of the best means in the middle price range.
  • Sanita- gel Russian production with an alkaline composition. It is distinguished by its low price and fast action time. It must be used with extreme caution, as the product is highly corrosive to the skin. Before use, wear rubber gloves and keep the gel out of the reach of children!

When working with these and other household chemicals, you must follow safety precautions. Basic Rules:

  1. Before you start cleaning, open windows and doors - the kitchen should be well ventilated.
  2. Work in rubber gloves- especially when using cheap products that can damage the skin of your hands.
  3. Keep children away from the kitchen while cleaning.
  4. Make sure that detergent does not come into contact with the oven heating elements.
  5. If chemicals come into contact with your body, try to rinse your skin under running water as soon as possible. If rash, irritation or other complications occur, consult a dermatologist.

Folk remedies for cleaning the oven

To save on household chemicals, many housewives prefer to use inexpensive folk remedies. The most famous of them:

  • Baking soda. Works great on recent stains. Allows you to get rid of burning smell and brown plaque on the glass door. The procedure is simple: apply baking soda to the oven walls with a damp cloth, and after an hour, wash it off with soap and water. If you care for your oven quite often and it does not have time to become covered with several layers of fat, then in your case this is the best and most cheap way. One package of soda costs less than 50 rubles, and it can be enough for several cleanings.
  • Table vinegar. Safe product, which is suitable for cleaning any surfaces (including enamel). Soak a rag in vinegar and coat the entire oven with it. After an hour, wash it with soap and water.
  • Lemon juice. Smells pleasant and is suitable for cleaning medium to light stains. You can use either fresh fruit or citric acid. Mix juice and water in equal proportions and use a sponge to coat the oven with the resulting solution. After an hour, wash it off with a damp cloth. When using acid, dilute the entire sachet (10 grams) in half a liter of water.
  • Ammonia. The most powerful folk remedy that can help in hopeless situations. Prepare in advance one liter of water and a glass of ammonia (about 200 ml) in different dishes. Remove the baking tray from the oven and place the most hot temperature. After 10-15 minutes, turn off the heat and place both containers inside. Wait about an hour, then wipe the oven with a damp cloth or sponge. If the dirt is very strong, then use soda when cleaning.
  • Salt. Arrange the baking sheets and sprinkle them well with salt, then heat the oven to 100 degrees and leave it to warm up. After thirty minutes, wipe the inside of the oven with a damp cloth.

This is just a small part of the huge number of folk methods for cleaning the oven. They are not as effective as household chemical products, but they are much cheaper.

Automatic methods

If you want to make cleaning your oven easier, purchase a model with a self-cleaning function. They are more expensive than conventional ovens, but they allow you to remove grease and carbon deposits faster.

IN modern models Four self-cleaning methods are used:

  • pyrolytic;
  • hydrolytic;
  • catalytic;
  • easy to clean enamel.

The effectiveness of the function and the cost of the oven depend on the method used. The simplest option is devices with enamel for easy cleaning. They are covered from the inside special composition, to which fat does not stick well, so it is very easy to wash. Otherwise, such ovens are no different from conventional ones and have similar price tags. Main disadvantage models with easy-to-clean enamel - they must be washed after each use so that residual grease does not spoil the internal coating.

Hydrolysis method also used in simpler models. It involves using a niche at the bottom of the oven into which plain water and a few drops of cleaning agent are poured. It is necessary to heat the device, and after half an hour, manually wash the surface from the softened fat.

Ovens with catalytic purification already noticeably more expensive. Models with this function have a special coating that prevents fat from sticking to the walls. Right during cooking, it breaks down into carbon, water and organic matter, and only partially settles on the bottom of the oven.

Finally, the most effective cleaning method is pyrolytic. The fat, along with any remaining food inside the oven, simply heats up to very high temperatures. high temperature(up to five hundred degrees) and turns to ash. After this, the only thing left to do is wipe the entire inner surface with a damp cloth.

Now you know how to clean even the dirtiest oven. Remember that the more often you wash it, the easier and faster the cleaning procedure will be. Choose the best way to care for your oven, and you'll soon get the hang of keeping it clean with minimal effort!


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