How to install a tap on a plastic barrel. How to make a tap in a plastic barrel? Why use a drain tap

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Plastic barrels are widely used in various fields activities - can be used for storing and transporting oils, fuels, chemical substances and other liquids. But if the container is used in everyday life as a storage tank for water, it becomes necessary to screw a tap into it so that it is convenient to use the contents.

Technology for installing a tap in a barrel with a large hole using an American coupling

One person cannot cope with the task on his own; if the barrel is even 200 liters, he will need an assistant. The following materials are needed:

  • American straight coupling 3/4 inch with internal and external threads;
  • valve with external thread;
  • screw;
  • 2 rubber gaskets;
  • 2 washers of suitable size (you can make homemade ones from plastic).

A hole is prepared in a plastic barrel using a drill with an 18-19 mm drill bit. The “American” should not fit into it freely, but should be screwed in with some effort.

The assembly sequence is as follows:

  1. the “American” is assembled and a tap is screwed into it;
  2. A plastic washer and a rubber gasket are placed on the coupling from the external thread side;
  3. the assembled structure is tightly inserted into the hole on the barrel;
  4. inside the container, a gasket is put on the “American”, and then a washer;
  5. the nut is attached and securely tightened.

For more effective sealing, the junction between the inside and outside of the barrel can be treated with silicone sealant.

The sequence of installing a tap in a barrel with a narrow neck using a fitting

For this method, you will need a fitting with external threads on both sides (without a flange in the middle) or a regular short-length tube with a continuous external thread. On one end you need to put an elastic gasket, a washer and screw the nut to the middle (if a tube) or all the way (if a fitting).

A hole is drilled in the barrel. A strong rope is taken, passed through the neck and released into the tap hole. A prepared fitting is put on the rope, and any limiter is tied to its edge, which will fit into the narrow neck of the container, but will stop in the fitting (tube).

The rope with the fitting must be pulled from the side of the hole for installing the faucet very carefully so that the washer and gasket do not fall off. After the device gets into the slot, a gasket and washer are put on the tube (fitting) and tightened tightly with a nut. The tap is screwed onto the remaining thread.

Those who use plastic canisters know how inconvenient it is to use them and pour something from them, especially when they are full. The canister will definitely “gurgle” and spill some of the contents past. And it’s good if it’s just water, and not gasoline, oil or a combustible mixture for a two-stroke lawn mower or chainsaw engine. You have to lift the canister completely in your hands so that its neck is at the very top, and carefully drain the contents. But the canister can be quite heavy and contain dangerous liquids. In addition, funnels are constantly required large diameter so that this content does not spill out during the “gurgle”.

To avoid such troubles, you need to equip the canister with another “neck” - a small diameter fitting with a stopper, or a small tap. Through them you will consume the contents of the canister.

The tools we need are a hot-melt gun and hot-melt glue. With their help in plastic canister You can glue any fitting or tap perfectly and reliably. To do this, it is enough to conveniently further use Make a hole in the canister and glue in the fitting.

But this technique is good to use when the flange of the fitting is not located flush with its end, but rather in the middle of the fitting. Then part of the fitting fits inside the canister and is perfectly fixed. And secondly, the contents of the canister are not under pressure. Otherwise, it will constantly strive to tear the fitting out of the canister wall. And adhesives do not work very well on tearing.

Therefore, it is always good if the flange of the fitting is located inside the canister. Then the liquid pressure would always press the flange of the fitting or tap to the wall of the canister and would not tear it off. But how can you do this if the neck of the canister is narrow and your hand cannot fit through it?

The problem is actually solved quite simply, with the help of a strong rope or wire. We pass it through the neck of the canister and release it through the hole for the fitting. This rope or wire will serve as both a conductor for the fitting and a clamp when gluing it.

We put a fitting on a rope or wire, and tie a “plug” to the rope, such that it goes into the neck of the canister, but does not go into the fitting itself. It is advisable to leave a “tail” on the rope behind the cork, by which we will then pull the cork back. Now our fitting, as if by a thread (it is actually on a thread), will fall into the desired hole. If you pull the rope or wire, the plug will press the fitting to the wall and we can apply glue without any problems. Or rather, it must be applied immediately before pressing the fitting.

Of course, you can also use the threaded method of attaching the fitting to the wall of the canister. It is only necessary to use reliable elastic gaskets to seal the joint between the fitting and the canister wall.

This way you can equip the canister with another neck and it will become much more convenient to use. To prevent the canister from “gurgling,” before using a new neck, you need to slightly unscrew the cap on the main neck so that air can freely penetrate into the canister as the liquid flows out of it.

The photo shows an example of how a “faucet” from a bag of wine is embedded in a canister. Supermarkets sell wine in 3-5 liter boxes. In fact, inside the cardboard bag there is a plastic bag equipped with a tap that operates on the principle of “press and flow.” The package itself is quite problematic to use. But the faucet from it can serve. With the help of such a canister it is extremely convenient to fill a chainsaw or lawn mower with the fuel mixture. No funnel is required. The spout of the tap is quite narrow, it is brought to the filler neck of the gas tank and a stream fuel mixture It flows straight into the tank. “Not a drop of fuel for the enemy” (and on the ground). You can add fuel for literally a minute of operation. This is usually important when operating 2-stroke engines, since it is not recommended to leave fuel in the tank and especially the carburetor. Gasoline evaporates, oil remains, and as a result - a serious complication of the next start. Therefore, it is better to refuel at least 2-3 times during operation than to fill the fuel “under the cap” and then drain it or empty it.

It is also convenient to cut (glue) the second neck into the canister at the top, but on the opposite side, relative to the main neck. This second neck makes using the canister much more convenient.

Sometimes a summer resident has at his disposal metal barrels with a narrow hole in one of the bottoms, closed with a screw-on cap. Using such barrels directly is very difficult and inconvenient. The neck of such a barrel is so narrow that even a child’s hand will not fit into it. And the summer resident, gritting his heart, decides and cuts off the entire lid of the metal barrel. But precipitation, garbage, dust fly into an open barrel... The water in the barrel becomes polluted much faster. Or he refuses to use such a barrel altogether.

The method described above makes it easy to insert the fitting into any place in the barrel. Whether to the bottom or to lateral surface. Of course, either welding or epoxy resin, or simply, a threaded connection with gaskets. Thus, the summer resident can use “inconvenient” barrels for their intended purpose. It is especially good to use such a barrel as an intermediate receiver at low pressure, 0.3 - 0.5 atm, since open barrels cannot be used in this way. Or as a container for summer shower. No dirt or debris will get into such a barrel. And it’s easier to insulate such a barrel. You can also use the barrel in a “lying” position, and not just vertically. Sometimes it's the most the best way its placement, for example as storage tank for water in the attic.

Simple autonomous water supply on summer cottage can be done using a regular water container metal barrel. Modern water fittings allow this to be done without special skills using conventional household tools.

What is needed for this?

The simplicity of the water supply system initially leads to low costs for its installation. Individual elements The future system can be found directly on your site. Containers for storing water are constantly brought to the dacha and are almost an object of worship. Which is quite understandable due to the constant shortage of water for irrigation and the need to comply elementary rules hygiene.

Two or three, albeit rusty, and perhaps leaky in places, metal barrels will always be found during such research. Minor holes can be easily repaired, rust can be removed, and after painting, nothing will remind you of its inglorious days as a primitive stand for picking apples, a tabletop for basins, or a place to store something unnecessary, but extremely protected.

A rubber hose, pieces of pipes, paint, sealant, pieces of rubber are quite the expected reward for searching for and replenishing the resource of the future water supply system. Everything discovered must be put together in order to decide on the purchase of the necessary accessories:

  • tap. The inlet pipe must have internal thread, and the outlet can be made in the form of a fitting, if it is provided for connecting a rubber hose to it, a transition under metal-plastic pipe, or threaded connection under a flexible hose;
  • Sgon. The thread must be consistent with the tap;
  • two locknuts. With their help, the drive is clamped on the body of the barrel;
  • sealants. For threaded connections, it can be fum tape or flax.

On next stage you should select a tool. The minimum kit includes:

  • drill and metal drill bit. Chuck household tools are held by a shank with a maximum diameter of 10-13 mm, which is clearly small for a tap hole. Therefore, drilling is carried out along the line of the required circle. A hole diameter of about 6mm is sufficient;
  • hammer and chisel. Without applying much force, carefully, from hole to hole using the specified tool, the jumpers are cut, and a hole of the required diameter is formed, albeit far from round;
  • file. Necessary for aligning the edges of the hole. The most convenient is a round, cone-shaped file with a large diameter. In this case, you can achieve a perfectly even circle;
  • wrenches for tightening threaded connections. The size depends on the fittings used. Most often this is a 22 key. An adjustable tool will eliminate the need to guess.

How to install a tap into a metal barrel?

The barrel is cleaned of dirt and rust. If holes are found with inside sealant is applied. Even ordinary plasticine is well suited for this, with the caveat that it must be applied after painting the container.

It is better to paint the internal cavity with red lead. The peculiarity of this substance is that its constituent elements create a strong connection with iron at the intermolecular level. This guarantees that corrosion will not appear or affect the water within a year. The outside of the barrel is painted to suit the taste of the owners. If you want the water to heat up better under the rays of the sun, it is advisable to use dark colors.

The tap should be placed as low as possible on the barrel. There is no need to do this on the bottom. In this case, the functionality of the container will sharply decrease, since the construction of a special pedestal will be required. You can draw a circle with an ordinary school compass. If you don’t have one, you should make an impression of the inlet pipe on a sheet of paper, cut out the resulting circle and attach it to the drilling site.

The metal of the barrels is soft and easy to process. There are no difficulties with forming the hole. The main operation is the installation of the squeegee. A clear sequence of actions is required here:

  • a lock nut is screwed on the side of the short thread of the drive, after which it is inserted from the outside into the prepared hole;
  • Next, you should secure the second lock nut from the inside;
  • Apply foam tape or flax to the free part of the thread, liberally apply sealant and tighten the connection. Significant force is required for the surface of the barrel to deform at the point of compression.

After this, all that remains is to screw on the tap, install the barrel in in the right place and, after connecting the hoses and pipelines, provide a symbolic fountain to celebrate the completion of the work.

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Anyone who has ever used barrels or huge canisters knows how uncomfortable it is to drain liquid from them, especially if they are filled to the top. To simplify this task, it is possible to improve the container, in particular, to embed a drain valve into it. Below we will look in detail at how to embed a tap into a barrel so that the container does not lose its tightness.

Non-specialized information

The drain valve is a very ergonomic device, since thanks to it the container does not need to be turned over or lifted. In addition, draining is carried out carefully, without splashing liquid, which is also very important in some cases.

Inserting a tap into a barrel is a relatively simple procedure that anyone can do home handyman. The only thing to emphasize is that this process greatly depends on the material from which the container is made.

Based on this, below we will look at how to embed a tap into a metal barrel and a plastic container.

Drain insert

In an iron barrel

Place the drain as low as possible. But this should not be done at the bottom, since such an insert will significantly reduce the functionality of the structure and will require a special pedestal for it.

The following materials will be useful for insertion:

The price of all these materials is not high, so the costs for this operation are minimal.

Note! Before you start inserting the drain, you should clean the inner surface of the container from dirt and rust.

So, the instructions for performing this work look like this:

  • Before installing the faucet into iron barrel, it is necessary to mark the location of the drain. To do this, you can use a simple compass.
  • After this, you need to drill a hole in the indicated place.. If necessary, the hole can be enlarged with a round file. The main thing is that it matches the diameter of the drive.
  • Then, from the side of the small thread of the drive, screw on the lock nut, after which it is inserted from the outside into the prepared hole.
  • Then you need to tighten the second locknut from the inside.
  • Wrap fum tape onto the free part of the thread and apply liberally silicone sealant for pipes
  • Then you need to carefully tighten the connection. This must be done with force so that the wall deforms at the point of compression.
  • Now all that remains is to screw the shut-off valves to the squeegee and check the functionality of the system.

This completes the process of inserting the drain with your own hands.

In a plastic barrel

Now let's look at how to embed a crane into plastic barrel. It is best to perform this procedure using a hot-melt gun and hot-melt glue.

If there is no similar tool, then inserting the tap into a plastic barrel can also be done using a threaded connection. The only thing in this case is to take care of sealing the joint.

This is done as follows:

  • As in the previous case, before cutting into plastic barrel faucet, you need to mark and drill a hole. If the plastic is soft, the hole can be cut with scissors or sharp knife.
  • After this, you need to prepare a mortise tap for the plastic barrel. To do this, it is necessary to install a huge iron washer and a waterproofing rubber gasket on the thread side.

  • Then you need to apply sealant to the gasket and washer, as shown in the photo.
  • Then the inlet pipe of the device must be inserted into the hole and, in addition, put a rubber gasket and washer on the thread, treating the joint with sealant.
  • To finish the work, screw a nut onto the thread from the inside.

Usually the container has a narrow neck, as a result of which it is impossible to tighten the nut from the inside. Under such conditions, a fitting with a flange on one side is useful.

Work under such conditions is performed in the following order:

  • First of all, it is necessary to make a hole in the container according to the diameter of the fitting.
  • After this, the fitting must be secured to an iron wire, which will allow you to push it into the hole from the inside of the canister through the neck and then pull out the wire. To do this, it is possible to tie a limiter to the wire on one side.

  • Before inserting the fitting into the hole, the area where the flange meets the wall of the container must be lubricated with sealant; in addition, a rubber gasket can be used.
  • Then the wire is pushed through the neck into the hole and so the fitting is pulled out. Holding it with wire, onto the thread with outside To screw on the locknut, having previously installed the rubber gasket and treated the joint with sealant.
  • At the end of the work, you need to screw the shut-off valve onto the fitting.

Advice! In order to make the canister more ergonomic, it is possible to cut a second neck into it, on the opposite side to the first. Under such conditions, the water will drain evenly.

This completes the insertion process.


Inserting a tap into a container does not require a huge investment of money and effort, but at the same time it makes it much more ergonomic to use. The only thing is to do this operation carefully, adhering to the above recommendations, so as not to break the product.

From the video in this article it is possible to glean some additional information on this topic.


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