How to tie a garland of balloons correctly. DIY balloon garland: easy to make, effective to decorate

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If you want to beautifully decorate the room when some celebration is approaching, then a garland of multi-colored balls will be very useful.

There are many ways to make such a garland and we will offer you several. They are quite simple, which means you won't spend too much time.

For the balloon garland you will need balloons and fishing line.

Before you start making a garland, you need to know at least a couple of compositions from them. For example:

Composition "Flower"

This is the most popular item for which you need four 9-inch (large) and one 5-inch (small) balls.

We begin to inflate and tie each balloon individually. It is important that all the large balls are the same size (just place them next to each other to compare).

Using a regular knot, tie two 9-inch balls together to form “petals.”

Twist the two ready-made pairs that you have already connected with each other and you will get a “four”, i.e. a bunch of four balls (petals). We tie a small ball to the center of the petals.

Composition "Chandelier"

In fact, this is the same “Flower”, to which another “four” of large 12-inch balls is simply added.

How to make a garland of balloons with your own hands

1. At the first stage you need to make the axis of the garland. To do this, you need to cut the fishing line, which should be 2-3 meters longer than the length of the planned garland.

Attach one end of the fishing line to any stationary object (chair, hanger, etc.), but leave 1 meter of fishing line free. Stretch the fishing line horizontally and tie it to another stationary object, while also leaving 1 meter free.

2. We begin to inflate the balloons (it will be easier to use a special balloon pump). It will be easier to inflate several balloons at once and then immediately attach them to the fishing line. Once you have inflated the balloon, release some air from it. Next, we tie the balls in pairs, tying their tails (threads are not used) and get a “four”.

Carefully twist the balls on the stretched fishing line.

3. We expand the garland by attaching new “fours” to the fishing line, wrapping a couple of balls around it. Remember the color rhythm. It turns out to be a whole garland, which can be either multi-colored or monotonous.

4. We tie a large ball at the ends of the garland. For beauty, you can also tie paper ribbons.

Useful tips

For a striped garland, you need to make each next four a different color (in a twisted garland, 2 colors are used).

On 1 meter of fishing line you can hang 16, 28 or 40 balls, depending on their diameter (12", 9" or 5").

A garland 3 meters long will have about 150 small balls.

This garland will last indoors for 2-3 weeks, and outdoors for a maximum of 3 days.

For suitable for home garland of 9 and 5 inch balloons.

I really like her! I can’t stop looking at the accounts of decorators all over the world for hours, who have examples of decorating a holiday with such lush garlands!

I don't know what to call it more correctly. If anyone knows the exact name, write in the comments. For myself, I call this work “garland-stream”. Something like a bright stream of happiness descending from a mountain)).

For example, I collected pictures from the Internet, since there are still very few in our decorators’ portfolios finished works. Not because they can’t... They can do everything! It’s just that our customers don’t know yet that garlands can be not only perfect “on a ruler”, but also so fancy!

A stream garland is a bright object for creating a holiday in a room of any size. It combines multi-colored small and large balls, paper decorative elements and artificial flowers. Beautiful!

All elements for such a garland are sold in stores

Yes, everything is there, you just need to find it and buy it.

Balls with and without patterns, matte and shiny, large and small. Inflate a lot of them in advance, tie them into bunches of several pieces (or glue 3-5 pieces together using rubber glue or a glue gun). Then it is much easier to assemble the entire structure from these blanks.

Honeycomb balls. They are sold folded in holiday supply stores. There are many colors and sizes, the workpiece turns into a ball in a second.

Accordion balls. There are also ready-made ones. I really love these balls for their richness of colors. Light and shadow in them alternate bizarrely, and among ordinary balls they stand out very brightly.

Stars. There is no need to weave a lot of stars into the garland. Let there be a few spiky accents in our bubble stream.

Tassels. Simple and amazing elements paper decor, which will easily hide any imperfections of the garland.

Artificial flowers. You can also weave buds, but more often the garland is decorated with long vines with small green leaves. Beautiful and romantic!

Hooks for fastening, mesh, thick cord, tape, paper clips. After watching the video you will understand more clearly how to use all this. If you don't have experience using glue, don't risk it! balloons can burst at the most inopportune moment. For beginners, it’s better to just tie the balls into bundles.

There are no rules!

What elements you will use to assemble your garland is your personal decision! Possible from just balls different sizes, transparent or shiny, with polka dots or stripes! You can add paper balls, as they look completely different - a different structure, a play of light and shadow, a special charm. Somewhere I saw a charming garland with large paper stars. And how cool the stream with bright tassels looks! Artificial vines woven into the garland add romance.

It is also important what techniques the decorator uses. For example, he can collect a garland on one central cord. This is beautiful, but you need to carefully fill all the voids with artificial flowers so that the fishing line or cord is not visible.

If the decorator knows how to masterfully use low-temperature glue gun, it turns out even more spectacular: small balls are glued to large ones, and our garland begins to really bubble! This technique allows you to create a more magnificent decoration.

But that's not all! If, before starting work, you make a frame from a flexible mesh, to which all other elements will then be attached, the “stream” will turn out simply magnificent!

I found a video that shows the entire process of making such a garland. Even for those who do not know English, everything is extremely clear! There are no revelations here for decorators, but among visitors to the website Again Holiday there are many enthusiasts who create a holiday with their own hands.

Not just walls

A streamlet garland can decorate a photo zone indoors and outdoors. fresh air, frame the window and front door. This garland is also placed on festive table(in this case, feel free to combine balloons with fresh flowers), decorate a buffet line along the wall, decorate a candy bar, cover the edge of the stage with a stream, or simply place it on the floor along the baseboard. Such a garland is used to decorate nondescript columns, hide unwanted objects in the room, etc.

For some reason, most of the pictures on the Internet are in pink. Apparently, strict symmetrical decorations are more often ordered for men's events)).

We will need balls with a diameter of 20-25 cm (10 or 12 inches). For 1 meter of garland with a diameter of 20 cm you need 28 balls, with a diameter of 25 cm - 24 balls :)

Inflate the balloons (the balloons in this garland are filled with regular air). It is important to learn how to tie a ball correctly. You need to tie the ball yourself, so to speak, i.e. make a knot with the neck of the ball itself. A little practice and the balls will learn to obey you :)

In order to prevent the balloon from deflating the next day, you first need to clean it from small debris. workplace. Even the dust from drywall is scary for the balls, ceiling tiles, and what about wood shavings or small fragments from broken glass...

It is necessary to calibrate the balls to the same size. To do this, we need to make a calibrator with the dimensions necessary for the garland (we have a homemade chipboard calibrator with established sizes 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 cm) Here is an example of making a 25 cm garland. The calibrator can successfully replace any container (bucket, pan with the required diameter)

Balls must be strictly calibrated in size. We are used to calibrating along the long side of the ball - from the crown to the tail.

But professional aero designers recommend doing calibration by inserting the ball vertically into the groove of the calibrator (rev. 11/20/11)

We tie the calibrated balls together in pairs. There is no need to tighten the balls under any circumstances :) We tie the balls with their necks facing each other in pairs, then we simply twist the pairs together and get a link of 4 balls.

It is better to use high-quality balls made in Italy, Belgium, Colombia, Mexico or Portugal. Chinese-made balls, unfortunately, are more than 50% defective. High-quality balls are made of natural latex, thanks to which the rubber stretches easily.

We should get blanks like this - twos. Important point: Floors must be clean, free from shavings, sand and dirt. This photo shoot took place in extremely unfavorable conditions for the balloons. Please take into account the remark regarding the cleanliness of the surface, because... the lifespan of the balls depends on this

We twist the resulting twos together, in the end you should get this link - the main component of the garland.

Like this.

It is better not to knit in threes, the garland will not be stable. Let's say, if you need to make a tricolor garland, then we make a four of: white, blue and 2 red balls.

To tie the garland we need to prepare a rope. A regular one will do. linen. It is not advisable to use fishing line and nylon thread due to the high probability of cutting the latex when tensioned.

The end of the rope must be tied to something.

We begin to string the links from the balls onto the rope. In this case, the rope must be twisted between the balls, making one turn around each ball. The links should fit tightly, but the rope should not be tightened in any way, as this can damage the balls.

Like this.

We place the next link close to the first in a checkerboard pattern. This way we get a spiral pattern.

And so on one after another. It is important not to break the sequence of the drawing.

Like this.

Link by link they line up into a beautiful garland. If balls of the same color are placed diagonally, it will look like separate turns; if these balls are placed next to each other, it will look like a double turn of one color and smaller turns of another color.

We make a garland of the required length. When inflating balloons with a diameter of 20 cm, there should be 7 links of 4 balloons in 1 meter of garland. When inflating 25 cm balloons, there are 6 links of 4 balloons each.

It is advisable to carry out outdoor installation in calm weather, with the help of 2-3 assistants, trying to make fastenings on surfaces with less sharp corners.

On the street, the finished garland can be attached to the fence only with a rope (clothesline), indoors - with a fishing line, or, as a last resort, decorative tapes: the garland must be tied to a rope or fishing line to a nail, screw or something that can be grabbed onto. It is better not to use adhesive tape as a means of fastening at all.

Remember that a garland hung outside will last much less than one installed indoors. During installation, it is advisable to have spare balloons available in case the balloon in the garland bursts.

View of the finished and mounted garland

Good luck in your endeavor!

2. MK Column of balls

balls 12" (25 cm) of course it is better to use high-quality balls, here, for example, balls made in Belgium were used

a special device called a compressor

you can use a pump, preferably a two-way one (we started with these ourselves :)

inflate 2 balls, set the size (putting it into a bucket or pan, so that all the balls are same size) and tie them together with ponytails

We tie the balls with tails, without the use of any threads, ropes, etc. It’s better, of course, to do it without nails :)

It should look like this. making a second one like this

And we scroll both twos together (you can clockwise, you can counterclockwise, but strictly in one direction 2-3 times)

this four will become the basis of our column, so it needs to be weighted. for this we must fill a regular ball tap water and just tie it to the tails of the ball

or just put this ball of water in the recess between the balls

We begin to place the prepared fours on top of each other in a checkerboard pattern and twist each other with a rope (it is enough to twist each ball in the link 2 times)

like that

the column is ready!

we decorated the column a little by adding small balls and balls for modeling, it turned out pretty good, didn’t it?;) I tie small balls separately, i.e. I tie each ball into a knot, tie a small piece of tape to the knot, even better if it is a shdm (ball for modeling), make a loop around 1-2 balls (of which the column link is made) and in a parallel free groove (I don’t know what else to call this notch or free place between the large balls) I fix the second small ball of the same size.

All the best to everyone!

Every day, different-sized garlands are gaining more and more popularity. They are used to decorate entrance areas, photo zones, wedding decor and more.

In order to do different-sized garland without frame from balloons with our own hands we will need:

  • balloons 5", 9", 12", 24", 36",
  • fishing line,
  • compressor or pump for balloons.

We will inflate clusters of 4.5 balloons of 9", 12" caliber, the quantity depends on the desired length of the garland. If one edge of the garland narrows, use 5", 9" caliber balls in this gap. If this entry group letter P, we use medium gauge along the entire length.

Separately, we inflate clusters of 4.5 5" caliber balloons of different sizes; we use them to expand the garland.

We tie a fishing line to the center of a cluster of 9", 12" caliber balls, attach the next cluster and wrap the fishing line around each ball of the subsequent cluster. We knit the garland tightly.

More detailed instructions are described in the video below.

We also mount small clusters to expand the garland using fishing line. The more different calibers of balls are used, the more beautiful the garland turns out. The large balls at the base of the garland look incredible; they should be mounted at the very end by eye.

This garland is attached like a regular one, either with tape and fishing line, or with fishing line and all kinds of “hooks and nails,” as they say locally. You can decorate the garland with artificial flowers, beads and various elements decor, in a suitable style.

To do different-sized garland on a frame we will need a metal-plastic pipe for 16, a base made of chipboard, construction corner and self-tapping screws for attaching the pipe and base. Metal-plastic pipe can be given any shape of desired length.

The base must be heavy enough for the structure to be stable; it is possible to use several laminated chipboard elements fastened together using self-tapping screws. It is important to then cover all sharp corners with tape so as not to burst the balls on them.

Decor balloons contains a lot of interesting and creative design solutions, which can become the basis for creating a unique holiday atmosphere. The most versatile and inexpensive option This kind of decor is wicker garlands. Using chains of balls of various sizes, shapes and colors, it will not be difficult to decorate the facade of a building, the interior of an apartment, an exhibition complex, shopping mall, park, street, stadium and any other places, and the dimensional characteristics of the object being decorated will not matter at all - it all depends on the author’s idea and the financial capabilities of the customer.

Flexible and easy to use, latex-based material is an excellent tool for realizing the most daring design ideas. Even such a simple decoration as a garland contains an inexhaustible supply of variety. If desired, it will not only transform, but replace real items interior Using a chain of balls, you can recreate a logo image or build an entire structure. Having turned into an elegant column, stand or pompous arch, a garland of balloons will organically complement the festive decoration and will invariably be associated with the theme of the holiday.

This decoration will be the highlight of any celebration, be it a birthday, anniversary, wedding, city holiday or a special event dedicated to the start of a new business. It doesn’t matter what the reason for your contacting us is to attract attention to promotions and sales, the desire to emphasize the company’s image or to create a festive atmosphere in order to surprise guests, our garlands will be appropriate in any situation.

How to make a garland of balloons

Preparatory stage

Before you start work, you need to decide on the type of garland, and then purchase required amount balls and preferably with a reserve. Both helium and air are suitable for work; size matters much more. Large balls are suitable for creating a lush decor, while small ones will emphasize the purity of the lines. In this regard, garlands combining elements of different diameters have become widespread. Game with sizes - great way give the composition the necessary volume and expressiveness.

Color plays an equally important role in design. A well-chosen palette should not only attract attention, but also be consistent with the theme of the celebration. Garlands of contrasting colors look win-win. The use of such a range gives the designer maximum freedom to realize the brightest ideas. Sharp color transitions will certainly prompt a lot of creative solutions, each of which will be obviously interesting. Decor based on two contrasting colors, one of which is white, black or red, looks especially impressive.

Assembling the garland

At the first stage of assembly, the balls are combined into pairs, tied by the tails. If you absolutely cannot do this without threads or decorative braid, you can safely use them.

Any garland hanging type assembled on a special frame, which is necessary to form the desired geometry and serves as the basis for attaching the balls. A fishing line with a cross-section of 1 mm is perfect for these purposes. The main thing is that it can easily withstand the weight of the structure and have meter-long remains on each side for fixing the workpieces.

You need to twist the balls around it until a kind of cross is formed. This work should be performed especially carefully so as not to cut your fingers or damage the air blank. It's quite simple and effective method fastenings, however, for greater reliability, we recommend additionally using narrow tape.

When building up the structure in this way, move each subsequent pair of balls tightly towards the previous one so that the garland turns out uniform, without any gaps or gaps. In the process of work, it is necessary to adhere to the “chessboard order” of the arrangement of crosses and alternate colors in a timely manner to achieve the desired shape and pattern. That is, each subsequent element of a given color must be located between the two previous ones. As a result, you will get a twisted garland of balls with a spiral pattern, each segment of which will resemble a daisy flower.

In our example, we consider a garland with a step of 4 blanks, but there is no problem in making a similar design with 3 or 5 elements. There are also no restrictions on the length - it all depends on the amount of material, the size of the fishing line and the volume of the space to be decorated. If desired, you can decorate several flights of stairs or an entire street with a garland of balloons.

To create outdoor garlands and thematic elements complex shape Instead of fishing line, use a rigid frame. The static base is ideal for constructing elements with complex geometry, for example, arches, which often become an attribute of wedding ceremonies and grand openings of shopping centers. This decoration will look no less original in a banquet hall.

In order for the garland to hang as long as possible during its assembly and installation, we recommend that you adhere to the following recommendations:

    The distance between the fixing points of the workpieces should not exceed 60 cm.

    To prevent the balls from being blown away by the wind, the garland should be as dense as possible, and each separate element securely tied.

    In order to ensure reliability, the outermost links of the garland are fixed in several turns of the fishing line.

    Garlands made from helium balloons can only be built up horizontally, while those made from air balloons can be built up vertically.

    To eliminate the human factor, balloon decor is installed at a height of at least 2.5 meters.

    To prevent the design from bending or spreading as a result of stretching the fishing line, when creating a long hanging garland, use maximum amount reference points with reference to the frame.


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