How to properly install an internal filter in an aquarium. How to install a filter in an aquarium from the company Barbus and Aquael How to install a filter in an aquarium

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If you want the fish in your aquarium to always be healthy and cheerful, you will have to take care of the cleanliness of the water. Aquarium water must be regularly cleaned of food residues and dirt, otherwise the water will quickly become incompatible with the life of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

A special aquarium filter can best cope with the task of purifying water from dirt. An aquarium filter not only cleans the water from dirt and food debris, but also removes soluble medications used to treat fish. In addition, it ensures water circulation and oxygen saturation, which is extremely important for the fauna contained in the aquarium.

Aquarium filters are divided into two categories: external and internal. Internal filters are placed under the surface of the water, while external filters are located outside the aquarium. There is no fundamental difference between them in terms of benefits for the aquarium; the whole difference lies in the ease of caring for them. Filters require timely maintenance and cleaning, otherwise, instead of being useful, they can begin to cause harm to the aquarium.

How to install a filter in an aquarium?

It's not difficult, but you need to know how to do it correctly. The internal filter is installed under water at a distance of several centimeters from the surface. Usually it is fixed on the inner surface of the aquarium using the suction cups included with the filter. A small one is attached to a special “spout” on the filter body flexible hose, through which air is supplied to the filter. This hose should extend to the outside of the aquarium. Usually the filter kit includes a special mount that can be used to secure the hose to the upper edge of the aquarium wall.

The filter most often contains an air supply regulator, which is best initially set to the middle position. After installing and turning on the filter, the position of the regulator can be set to the required position, depending on the “team” of your aquarium. The fact is that some fish prefer fast currents, while others absolutely cannot stand it.

The filter can be connected to the network only after all its parts have been installed and connected. Feel free to plug it into the network, but remember that in the future any manipulations with the filter can only be done after unplugging it from the outlet. This should be done for safety reasons, because no device is immune to malfunctions, and using a faulty device in water can lead to electric shock.

When correct installed filter During its operation, there may be no air bubbles, which may surprise the aquarium owner. Air bubbles may not be observed if the filter is set to a low water flow. In this case, the sign proper operation filter there will be a slight disturbance on the surface of the water. This excitement is quite enough to supply the water with oxygen, since these small waves capture it from the air.

An internal filter is good if there is no excess around the aquarium free space, and the inhabitants of the aquarium do not require too much oxygen. A relative disadvantage of the internal filter is its low ease of maintenance. An alternative to an internal filter is an external filter.

This device is much more convenient to maintain, clean and replace filter elements. At the same time, the external filter does not submerge in water and does not cause discomfort in the habitat of the aquarium fauna. But an external filter is required extra space for placing it near the aquarium. If the aquarium owner can afford it, then an external filter is quite suitable for him.

Characteristic design feature external filter is the presence of two hoses, into one of which water is sucked from the aquarium, and through the other, after purification, it is sent back. A small motor is installed inside the filter, which sets the water in motion.

Installation of an external filter begins with careful and careful assembly of the housing according to the instructions supplied with the filter. At this stage, the hoses are not connected to the filter.

Next, hoses for water intake and release are strengthened in the aquarium. The hose for releasing water is usually shorter than the hose for taking it in. After securing the hoses, you need to attach them to the filter housing, and then fill both hoses and the filter with water “by gravity.” After filling the filter with water, it can be plugged into a power outlet. The purr of water and its movement will notify you that the filter installation process was completed correctly.

If this does not happen, then the culprit is most likely a common mistake when installing the filter - the formation of an air lock in the filter pipes. You can try to solve this problem by turning the filter on and off several times in short periods of time. If this does not help, then the hoses will have to be refilled with water as described above.

An aquarium filter is one of the the most important details in a home pond, prolonging the life of waterfowl. Cleanliness depends on it, because the device provides mechanical and biological cleaning, and also saturates the water with oxygen. The installation of this device may be different, depending on its type and purpose. It is sometimes difficult for a novice aquarist to understand the instructions that come with the filter, so it is worth considering in detail the types of aquarium filters and the rules for installing them.

There are many manufacturers that produce filter devices different models. There are two types of filters:

  • internal;
  • external.

To choose the right filter for your home pond, you should take into account the volume of the aquarium, its features and the pets and plants living in it.

Internal filter devices

Internal filters are located inside a small aquarium and are attached to suction cups. They are the simplest variety filter devices, because the liquid penetrates inside it, is cleaned by passing through cotton wool and foam rubber, and then discharged through the upper hoses.

This type of cleaning equipment is an excellent choice for beginner aquarists. It is easy to use, easy to install and can enrich water with oxygen, since a stream of water is brought almost to the surface and absorbs oxygen from the air.

Advantages of the internal filter:

  • cheap, therefore accessible to everyone;
  • sold in almost every pet store;
  • does not require a lot of electricity;
  • performs its functions well in a small aquarium space.


  • located in the aquarium itself, so it takes up space inside it;
  • designed for small aquarium spaces;
  • To clean the filter, you will need to dip your hands into the water, and this can introduce bacteria. These manipulations can lead to infection of pets.

External filter devices

External filters differ from internal ones -
high cost and installation method (located outside the aquarium). Thanks to this equipment, even large areas of water can be easily cleaned.

Advantages of an external filter:

  • filters well, even over a large area of ​​the aquarium;
  • filter materials are easily replaced;
  • has additional compartments for fillers;
  • They are located outside, so they do not occupy aquarium space.

Disadvantages of external filters:

  • bulky, therefore visible to others;
  • expensive;
  • if the device is running on full power, then you need to put a mesh on the inlet tube, because the device can suck in fry.

The sequence of installing internal or external filters is different, but installing them yourself, without calling professionals, is still possible!

  1. Before installing the device, you should fill at least 50% of the aquarium with liquid, because cleaning equipment is used only when filled.
  2. Before assembly, you should check that all parts are perfectly dry.
  3. As for the internal filter, it should be located approximately 2-4 cm below the surface of the water, and if the aquarium space allows, then lower it even lower, but so that it does not reach the bottom. Be sure to check the filter every day. It must be completely covered with liquid, and it tends to evaporate.
  4. The device may only be placed in liquid when it is turned off.
  5. A special air outlet tube is brought out (it is advisable to fix it).
  6. After these manipulations, you can plug the device into a power outlet. If observed
    the appearance of current means the device is connected correctly. It is not recommended to fix the wire from the filtering equipment, but leave it in a free position.

There is also a special valve on the cleaning filter, with which you can regulate the direction of movement and the pressure of the purified liquid. Before using it, you must unplug the power cord from the outlet.

How to install an internal filter

Placing an indoor device inside a home pond does not require special skills or a lot of time. Even a novice aquarist can easily cope with this task.

To install filtering equipment you will need:

  1. Select a filter in the store. If the aquarist doubts the correct choice, then it is better to consult the seller.
  2. Unpack the device and carefully read the operating instructions.
  3. Move the fish to another container, change the liquid in the home pond, filling it to the top.
  4. Install the device inside so that the liquid covers it from above, at least 20 mm. (preferably more than 3 cm).
  5. Secure it to the walls using Velcro, hooks or suction cups included in the kit.
  6. Make sure that the drainage tube comes to the surface and fix it.
  7. Connect the device to the power supply.
  8. Check the quality of the device functionality. To do this, you need to bring your hand to the outlet, feel the stream of water, if there is one, then the filter is connected correctly.
  9. After checking the operation of the equipment, you can release the fish back.

After these steps, the filtering equipment can work continuously, however, in order for the aquatic inhabitants to be comfortable and the device to perform its functions efficiently, its performance should be regularly checked and cleaned from blockages.

See how to disassemble, assemble and install the internal filter:

How to install an external filter

Each manufacturer designs cleaning devices differently, so the assembly procedure may vary slightly. However, there are some installation steps that must be performed, regardless of the manufacturer, model, brand, etc.:

  1. Before installation, you will need to prepare a soft stand, rags, and a flashlight.
  2. Unpack the device and examine its contents.
  3. Read the instructions and assemble the device as described. The taps on the device must be closed.
  4. Install a long tube with a curve (for collecting liquid) and lower it inside the aquarium. Also install a short curved tube at the other end of the aquarium to drain water.
  5. The outlet tube must be connected to the device, closed and filled with water, and then connected to the aquarium drainage system.
  6. Open the taps of the filtering equipment and connect to the power supply. When correct connection, the movement of water inside the aquarium will be noticeable to the naked eye.

Note. Sometimes it happens that the water stops flowing shortly after installation, and this worries many aquarists. In order to correct the situation, you will need to turn off and then turn on the device again. If nothing has changed, it means that there is an air lock inside the tubes; to remove it, you will need to drain the water in the hoses and refill them.

Installing an external or internal filter for an aquarium is an irreplaceable procedure, especially if it is home to whimsical pets. With equipment designed for internal use, even a novice aquarist can handle it, but this type of device is used only for aquariums with a small volume. And external devices are most often used by experienced owners of home ponds, but they are much more difficult to install.

See how to install an external filter in an aquarium:

How to extend the life of a filter

For more long work filter, it is necessary to perform a number of procedures:

  • Carry out regular cleaning of filter accessories;
  • to avoid poisoning aquarium pets, you should keep the filter inside your home pond only on;
  • turn on the device only in a filled aquarium;
  • Before cleaning the equipment, you should disconnect all devices from the power supply, and only then remove the filter from the water.

Pros and cons of external and internal filters

Nowadays there is a lot of equipment for cleaning aquariums in the store assortment. Some of them are even capable of simultaneously filtering and carrying out the aeration process, but professionals advise purchasing these devices separately.

  1. Before purchasing, it is better to take a closer look at the manufacturer and model of the equipment. Most Chinese brands lack parts, so if it breaks, it cannot be repaired. It is recommended not to pay attention to the cheapness of the product, but to purchase a filter where it is possible to replace damaged parts.
  2. There is foam inside the internal filter, so it is highly susceptible to contamination. In this case, it must be removed and washed frequently. It attracts novice aquarists with its ease of use and ease of repair.
  3. Filter for external device is considered more complex compared to internal. It can simultaneously provide chemical and
    biological treatment, and is used by experienced home aquarium owners to provide fastidious fish special conditions a habitat. This device can be used for a long time without intervention from the owner; however, cleaning it involves washing the mechanical accessories.

It is better to purchase such filters from reliable, trusted manufacturers, and always pay attention to the reliability of the fastenings to prevent liquid leakage.

The aquarium filter performs a cleaning function, removing chemical and mechanical impurities from the water. For it to function correctly, it must be placed correctly in the tank. The life of all the inhabitants of the aquarium depends on its work.

How to install internal filters?

Internal filters are installed inside the aquarium. The most popular are internal pump filters and airlift filters. They are inexpensive, easy to install yourself, and convenient to use during operation. However, these mechanisms have their drawbacks - they need to be cleaned of dirt almost every day, they are large and noisy. Before purchasing such a water purifier, determine whether it will fit in your aquarium.

Will I be able to install the internal filter correctly the first time? Quite if you read the instructions carefully. The device must be placed in the tank when it is half filled with water, when there are plants planted in the ground. Before connecting the filter to the network, it should be assembled in parts and secured to the wall or above the aquarium.

Water purification devices such as internal filters must be completely immersed in aquatic environment. There should be another 3 cm of water above the filter. The apparatus itself should not touch the bottom. If you bought an internal filter, or made it yourself, then it is correct to attach it to the glass wall using suction cups.

Watch how to disassemble, assemble and install the internal filter.

Included with the branded filters is a hose for air supply. IN homemade device it must also be present, however, the principle of fastening is the same. Take one end of the tube and attach it to the special hole in the filter, bring the other end above the water and secure it with fastening material to the upper edge of the tank wall. The tube must be above the water level, otherwise air will not be sucked in correctly.

There should be an air supply regulator on the tube or directly on the filter. Its location affects the strength of the water flow in the aquarium. After installing the water purification device, set the regulator correctly to the middle position. Then watch the behavior of the fish - some will love the flow of water, other fish will avoid it. Adjust the water flow level to make the fish comfortable.

Internal cleaners should be installed after they are completely immersed in water. Before removing it from the water for cleaning, the device must be disconnected from the power supply. Also, you should not leave the switched off mechanism in the water and turn it on after long period stagnation (if you didn’t have time to clean it).

How to install external filters?

They are more bulky and more expensive. Despite financial expenses, these types of water purifiers have many advantages. The most important thing is the fillers, which consist of filter materials. They need to be replaced periodically, which is quite easy to do.

See how to clean and replace the media in the external filter.

External cleaners are not very noisy, they are suitable for spacious aquariums with volumes of 100 liters or more, they have biological method water purification. Such a device may contain several fillers: stones, sponge, rings, etc. Therefore, experienced craftsmen, if they have the skills, make external filters with their own hands. Principle of operation external system cleaning the reservoir: aquarium water gradually passes through a special container containing a filler made of filter materials. Then the purified water flows back through the tube into the reservoir.

Cleaning such a device will not be difficult. The cleaning process must take place in the aquarium water itself, which must be drained into a separate container. Next, the filter material is gradually replaced. For example, a sponge cannot be replaced completely, but only part of it. Cut off half of the old sponge and place a new one in its place. After a few days it will reproduce beneficial bacteria, and the biological environment will not be disturbed.

To install an external water purification device correctly, you need to read the instructions. If it is homemade, then first you need to assemble it by placing all the fillers with sponges in their cells. You also need to turn off both taps where the tubes are connected.

The device can function properly if it is installed below the water level (20 cm). There are 2 tubes going to the external filter, which take in water and release it. They need to be secured to opposite corners of the tank. When all parts are connected to the fully assembled device, it will need to be filled with aquarium water using gravity. Otherwise, the air from the tubes will not allow the device to function properly.

To release air jams, you need to connect and open the hose that takes in water. Wait for the filter to fill with water. Do not allow water to leak from the second tube hole. After filling the device, close the inlet hose.

After this, you need to connect the hose that releases the water. To do this, close its valve and water will flow into the hose. Only after these procedures can you connect it to the water intake system from the tank. Later, you can open two taps and connect the external filter to the power supply. Only if all safety and operating rules are followed, the mechanism will work as it should. Never turn on the device if you notice mechanical damage. Be careful when working with aquarium equipment to ensure a comfortable life for fish and plants.

Dear readers, I welcome you to the pages of the site Today I propose to discuss options for installing an internal filter pump in an aquarium. In this article we will look at mounting methods, flow direction, pros and cons of various assembly options.

It just so happened that, due to their availability, compactness and ease of use, as well as installation in an aquarium, pump filters become the first filters for beginners. There are a huge number of models produced at the moment. But today we will not dwell in detail on the choice of a specific model. We will talk about how to properly install an already selected and purchased filter in an aquarium.

Any internal filter pump consists of two parts: a motor pump and a filter part. The motor pump is the same pump that drives and creates a flow of water through the filter element. And the filter part is a compartment with a filter element located in it. It is he who is responsible for purifying water from turbidity and suspended particles. All internal filters are hermetically sealed, so the only option for using them is to completely immerse them in water.

Mounting methods

Manufacturers call the main methods of attaching filters to glass:

    Using suction cups.

    Using an additional bracket.

    Combined (suction cups + additional bracket).


Fastening with suction cups is the simplest and most effective. This option makes it easy to remove the filter from the water. The suction cups are located on the body of the device itself and are removed from the aquarium along with it, or are installed on a separate platform. In this case, the filter is attached to the bracket using grooves or latches and, if necessary, is removed from the water separately.

It is also worth noting that over time, suction cups lose their elasticity and the reliability of the attachment decreases. In this case, they are replaced with new ones. In addition, a filter installed on suction cups not on clean glass, but on a bacterial film, is prone to slipping from its original location. Therefore, the installation site of the filter must be thoroughly cleaned of slippery deposits.

Additional bracket

Fastening with an additional bracket is more reliable, as it allows you to hook onto the edge of the aquarium with a special plastic hook. A filter installed in this way is not in danger of slipping. However, manufacturers often complete their products with a bracket that is designed for installation on glass large thickness(used either in large aquariums or made of plexiglass). As a result, it is not possible to securely fix the device in the aquarium, which serves as a source of extraneous sounds. Also, the presence of a hook extended outside the container may make it impossible to install the aquarium lid or the need to pass it through one of the specially made windows. These slots are not always well located in terms of the location of the filter, and can also have an unfortunate effect on the design of your aquarium in that they will dictate where the filter is installed in the tank.

Maintenance of filters mounted on a bracket is the most convenient, since you do not need to put your hands in the water to remove the product from the aquarium.

Combined method

The combined mounting method is the option of installing the filter simultaneously using suction cups and a bracket. This type of installation is distinguished by the most reliable fixation of the product in the aquarium, although it combines the disadvantages of both types of fastenings.

Conditions for effective work

For efficient work The internal filter requires a number of conditions:

    The filter must create sufficient water flow through the filter element, that is, have adequate performance for the aquarium of the size you choose.

    The placement of the filter in the aquarium should exclude the presence of stagnant zones.

    The filter must be accessible for maintenance and cleaning.

    Installing the device in an aquarium should lead to the realization of the pursued goals.


Filter performance is determined by the amount of water in liters passing through the filter element per unit of time. It is the main unit that determines the filtration rate, and should be selected from the condition that 4-5 volumes of your aquarium should be pumped through the filter per hour.

No dead zones

The placement of the filter in the aquarium should exclude the presence of stagnant zones. This means that the filter must create a flow of water in the aquarium of such strength and direction that there are no areas or zones throughout the entire volume where there is very little or no water flow. This guarantees that the entire volume of the aquarium will be served by the filter. It is unacceptable that only part of the internal space due to blocking the flow with decorations, directing the flow across the aquarium, etc. In the case of using large volumes or very long containers, it would be reasonable to use several filters installed on opposite sides. Many modern models filters are equipped with a number of devices that help implement this rule. For your convenience and to customize devices for specific conditions, manufacturers equip filters with flow regulators, rotating heads and diffusers to move water in the direction you need.

Accessibility for maintenance and cleaning

The correct selection of a place to install the filter in the aquarium should provide easy access to it for maintenance and cleaning. It is no secret that over time, the filter element, and the pump itself, becomes clogged with particles of dirt, fish waste, etc. This is logical, because this is why we install a filter in the aquarium. Therefore, even the most high-tech and modern device After some time it will require maintenance and cleaning. For internal pump filters, this means removing them from the aquarium. Therefore, at the stage of planning the design and choosing the location for installing the product, it is necessary to take care of the convenience of this process. Since disassembling part of your design, moving snags and damaging plants to clean the filter element weekly will only bring negative emotions.

Realization of goals

Installing the device in an aquarium should lead to the realization of the pursued goals. This imposes certain requirements on the functionality of the filter used. If you intend to operate the filter in aeration mode and do not additionally install a compressor, then at a minimum, the device must include a special nozzle. As a rule, additional purchases of accessories not included in the product may bring additional difficulties in finding original accessories or selecting compatible ones.

Operating modes

For the most part, all pump filters, in addition to their main purpose (water filtration), can also perform additional functions. These are aeration, circulation, sprinkling.

Consider these options:


The main version of the filter pump operation. To implement it, no devices are required, since this is the main thing for which we use the filter. Without water circulation, there will be no current, which means there will be no filtration. A filter that does not circulate does not perform its main function. Sometimes the product is supplied with an expanding nozzle, which generates a wide flow of water, which reduces eddy currents in the aquarium while maintaining the original performance. In addition, this use case is the most preferable in terms of noise. However, when using the filter in circulation mode, it is worth taking care of organizing aeration (at least at night) using a compressor or an additional aerator pump.


The most commonly used function of pump filters. To do this, the manufacturer supplies its products with an additional nozzle, which is a special diffuser with an attached air intake hose. Often a blower intensity regulator is installed at the end of the hose. This use of the device allows you to reduce the amount of equipment used to maintain the aquarium. However, it is worth remembering that the intensity of aeration will greatly depend on the performance of the filter and its installation depth.

With a selected and constant filter performance, as the depth of its installation increases, the intensity of aeration decreases, and when a certain depth is reached, it stops altogether.

Also, the main differences between aeration performed by a filter and aeration performed using a compressor is the inability of the pump to blow air through the bottom layer of water. In addition, there is a potential danger of killing fish at night if the filter is stopped due to severe contamination (if, for example, you went on vacation). In addition, the disadvantages include a decrease in productivity and filtration efficiency in relation to the circulation mode, as well as an increased noise level.


This mode is performed using a special attachment called a “flute” and additional adapters and fasteners. Sprinkling allows for very intense vertical mixing of water layers without creating strong currents. This solution is most justified for the use of high-performance filters in planted herbal aquariums, where intense currents have a detrimental effect on plants. IN in this case the flute is located along the long edge of the aquarium and water is released through small holes made along its entire length. The closer the length of the flute is to the length of the aquarium, the more intense the circulation of water and the weaker the flows created in it.

Small flutes are installed directly on the filter body and do not require additional fastening, while long ones are installed using suction cups on the wall of the aquarium and connected to the pump with a plastic tube or flexible hose.

The classic position of the flute involves installation above the water level. This placement ensures the saturation of water with oxygen due to its intensive mixing upper layers, and also helps get rid of bacterial film. Of the minuses, it is worth noting that this decision is the noisiest of all options for using an internal filter pump. The noise level is 8 dB higher than when the product is operating in circulator mode and 2 dB in aerator mode. In addition, there is a noticeable decrease in pump performance due to the need to pump water through narrow holes in the flute.

General background noise

Circulation mode

Aeration mode

Sprinkling mode

If you nevertheless appreciate all the advantages of this installation option and decide to use it, then as measures to reduce the noise level, we can recommend directing the streams of water coming out of the flute onto the glass of the aquarium. Using this method, however, will reduce the efficiency of aeration.

Sprinkling mode with the direction of water flow from the flute to the glass

There is an opinion that in herbal aquariums the flute must be placed below the water level to avoid mixing of its upper layers, which leads to loss of dissolved carbon dioxide. With this installation option, the water is not saturated with oxygen and the bacterial film is not broken, but the noise level is comparable to the noise of a pump operating in circulation mode. However, in this case, to carry out aeration at night, it is necessary to raise the flute above the water level (if the noise from the aquarium does not interfere with your sleep or it is installed in non-residential premises) or organize air purging in other ways.

Video of different filter operating modes

Operating modes of the internal filter

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To purify water in an aquarium, submersible filters are used, which are located in the water column, and external filters, the canister and filter cartridges of which are located outside the aquarium. Before choosing a type, it is recommended to match it technical features with the parameters of your reservoir and installation options. To do this, use the recommendations of specialists and experienced consultants; sellers at poultry markets and sellers in pet stores do not always turn out to be good advisers on the correct installation of a filter in an aquarium. But the decisive choice remains yours, because no one knows better than you how and where it is more convenient for you to place the filter.

Which aquariums require an internal filter?

Installing an internal filter is appropriate in small and medium-sized aquariums with a volume of up to 200 liters, in which they usually try to combine the cleaning function with additional aeration of the water.

These devices are quite compact and operate relatively quietly, so beginners tend to purchase them for small bodies of water; many are frightened by the difficulties of installing external models or the risk that the external filter will be dropped by an animal or child. In addition, submersible equipment is chosen by aquarium owners who often suffer from power outages; such equipment will not leak or flood the floor. And it’s easier to clean the internal filter. But if the aquarium is very tiny, and the submersible model takes away usable space reservoir what to do then? A corner filter may be a partial solution to the problem.

How to install the internal filter

Installing an internal filter in an aquarium is easy. This device does not require the purchase of additional equipment or upgrades, therefore, regardless of the model, it is assembled in full accordance with the user manual.

1. Familiarization with the device. Correct installation Any filter begins with checking its completeness and reading the instructions. We recommend doing this before purchasing the cleaner. If you doubt your design abilities, it is better to ask a consultant to clearly demonstrate the assembly process to you or carefully describe it.

2. Filter assembly. Almost all internal filters are assembled using the same algorithm. The first step is to place the filter material in the glass of the device. Then, if the design allows for it, insert the rotor into the pump. Attach the pump to the glass and connect the aeration tube. If recognizing parts is difficult for you, check out the video attached to the article.

On some models, the mounting panel is separated from the body. Insert the fasteners on the glass into the grooves provided on it and place the suction cups in the corresponding slots. Everything is ready to install the filter in the aquarium!

3. Securing the device. Almost everything aquarium filters are fixed to the wall of the container using suction cups. Simply press them against the glass and press well. Submersible filters must be completely under the water surface; under no circumstances turn on the device if it protrudes from the water. The correct depth for placing the filter is 2-5 cm from the surface. One of the ends of the aeration tube must certainly be in the air. If possible, place it outside the aquarium, with access to the room, so oxygen will dissolve in the water more efficiently, because under the lid its content is reduced. If the plastic tube with the factory fastening slips off, it can be attached to the side with a regular office clip.

4. First start. Turning it on after installing the filter in the aquarium essentially involves working in testing mode. For this reason, it is recommended to observe the operation of the filter. Adjust the immersion depth.

5. Power setting. At the time of first switching on or immediately after it, it is recommended to turn the power regulator to medium settings. Further adjustments should be made taking into account the volume of the aquarium, the degree of contamination and, of course, the habits of its inhabitants. Some fish, particularly those with small and weak fins, cannot tolerate too strong a current.

Which aquariums require an external filter?

An external filter contains a larger amount of filtration material, therefore, as a rule, it provides not only mechanical and chemical, but also biological water purification. The larger area of ​​the filter membrane provides housing for more nitrifying bacteria and nitrobacteria, colonies of which decompose dissolved organic matter into less toxic compounds. For this reason and in mind high performance devices, installation of an external filter is provided for aquariums over 200 liters. Some aquarists equip smaller reservoirs with them, but not less than 100 liters.

However, the only drawback of canister devices is the risk of water leakage from the external tank. This can happen if the gaskets wear out. Some manufacturers have taken care of this problem and developed leakage protection systems.

How to install an external filter

Despite the relative high cost, external filters are simple in design and installation. The myth about the difficulties of installing an external filter in an aquarium should not push you to choose familiar, but less effective submersible models.

1. Choosing a location for the canister. The design of the filter allows for two ways to place the canister: above or below the water level. The first option allows you to hide the device body in an aquarium cabinet and not clutter your apartment with bulky equipment. The second is to save electricity and reduce noise levels. It is believed that for the filter to work effectively, it is necessary that its upper point be no higher than 20 cm from the water level.

2. Filter assembly. The filter is assembled according to the instructions. The process is quite easy. It is necessary to place a filter sponge or other cartridge, as well as a layer of biomaterial, in the flask of the device, in the lower half of the canister. Assembly of the mechanical part of the filter is usually not required - the manufacturer packages it ready-made. Then the suction and exhaust hoses are inserted into the device.

3. Placement of hoses. Hoses for collecting dirty water and supplying filtered water are placed in opposite corners of the aquarium, this increases operating efficiency and creates the necessary circular circulation. Once all the elements are inserted into the device, you need to open the suction hose and wait for the filter to fill. After this, the first hose is closed and the second, outlet hose is inserted into the hole. When the air comes out of the tubes, you can test the equipment.

4. Turn on the device. Before turning on the filter, you must open the valves on both hoses. It is highly desirable, although not essential, to remove the fish before loading the filtration system. After this, the power of the device is precisely adjusted.


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