How to attract good luck and luck. Rituals for good luck in everything

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Every person's life is filled with failures and victories. But what to do if the black streak drags on, and fortune does not want to turn its face? Learn 3 simple but effective methods to attract good luck.

Good luck according to feng shui

Feng Shui masters claim that the main energy that controls a person’s life lies in his home. The right environment in the house can attract not only Fortune, but also wealth, love and happiness.

There are also special symbols of good luck that can be used to decorate the east of the apartment:

  • Aquarium with goldfish. He will help with any financial or career issues. Having acquired such a Feng Shui talisman, you will never know need and material difficulties. The preferred choice of fish is 9 gold and 1 black.
  • Hotey. The fat-bellied laughing deity will bring well-being and prosperity to the house. Before leaving the house, look at him with a smile, stroke his belly, and throughout the day you will experience success in all your endeavors.

  • Horseshoe. This symbol is common not only in Feng Shui. It is known in the customs and signs of many nations. Horseshoe hanging above front door ends up, symbolizes full cup and attracts good luck to the house.

Feng Shui is an ancient practice that has followers all over the world. People have been creating this teaching for centuries and have been able to determine exactly how to attract good luck. Therefore, it is worth taking advice in the field of Feng Shui.

Plot for good luck

This method is a powerful ritual of white magic. You can resort to it once a week, preferably on Monday. To do this, early in the morning, looking in the mirror, read the words of the conspiracy:

“Luck and success are in me, fortune is in my hands.
Everything is subject to control, everything planned comes true.
I am strong, I am confident, rivals away, troubles away.

Having said this, wipe the mirror with your palm right hand and feel free to set out to implement your plans - any of your undertakings will be crowned with success.

Psychologists' opinion

IN Lately The theory of self-hypnosis became very popular. Sometimes there is so much talk about it that it begins to seem ineffective. But actually positive attitude and positive thoughts can change your destiny for the better. A person who always predicts only failure and failure for himself is unlikely to succeed.

Once you decide to take this advice, set yourself up for success. For added impact, create your wish list and display it in a prominent place. The title of such a letter should be: “Luck is with me.”

Remember, your destiny is in your hands, and you decide what awaits you in the future: successful completion of affairs or failure. Use all three methods and you will soon feel your life changing for the better. We wish you good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.08.2015 00:30

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Monday is in charge of luck, because the events of this day set the pace for all six others. To capricious...

What do we mean by the words “Luck and Success”?

These two words are a philosophical concept and you can talk about it a lot.

As we know that there is a law of attraction, that our thoughts are material.

The law of attraction applies to everyone. Control your condition. If you have negative state, dissatisfaction inside, then it attracts all the negativity to you.

Your task is to set yourself up for positive emotions and set yourself that everything will be fine. Everything you want to have in your life - success, luck, money, love, health - you have it all and you just need to tune in and direct your subconscious in the right direction.

You will succeed only if your thoughts correspond to your inner state.

Let me give you an example: the price of services for rent has increased, you should not have a negative attitude towards this, but thank the universe that you have a home, light, warmth, that everyone is alive and well.

If you take this negatively, then negativity will come from you and the law of attraction will occur, which means that your negativity will attract more.

Law of attraction is vibration. Everything vibrates and attracts. Therefore, you need to internally tune in to the same positive wave.

Constantly control your emotions and set yourself in a positive mood and attract only good things to yourself.

The word success can be replaced with words“lucky and unlucky”, everyone puts their own meaning into these words. We must understand that when any person turns to us for help, we should not push him away. By helping each other we will all be rewarded.

Luck- this is a feeling of great joy, a miracle, filling your heart with great joy. Luck leads to a person’s self-confidence.

When a person feels harmony in himself, not only he himself feels it, but everyone around him sees it. Words luck can be associated with the word success.

We often say how lucky we are in this or that matter. If we win some business, then we say how lucky we are and how lucky we are.

We often wonder. That's why one person is lucky in everything, and another is not?

Some become successful and rich, while others cannot make ends meet.

Some people get married successfully, while others live in poverty.

Why doesn't grief come alone?

Why is money attracted to money?

Why, why and a hundred times why?

What do you need to do to be successful in everything?

First of all, we must understand ourselves.

What is luck?

We must understand that the word luck is an event that comes unexpectedly and gives us great positivity. We can consider several types of luck.

Luck that depends entirely on you– this is the desired result from the work you have done.

Examples of successes could be lottery winnings, playing roulette, lotto and other gambling games and in one word you can call it luck.

Luck can be a word that characterizes a person. Let's say this person is lucky in art. Luck lies in this case, that as they say “He is talented from God,” such luck is given to a person from birth.

Symbols of luck

Horseshoe- has been considered a symbol of good luck since ancient times. Every house had a horseshoe nailed to the door; it was also believed that it served as a ward off the “evil eye.”

It had to be nailed with the ends up. People believed that if a horseshoe protects a horse’s hooves, then it should protect their home.

The horseshoe, according to theories, resembles a horned moon, and this is a symbol of good luck. The work of blacksmiths is connected with one of the main elements - fire. They are the creators of happiness, they forge horseshoes.

We also know that in many countries a symbol of good luck is considered “ pig". Many piggy banks have been made in the shape of a pig.

Four leaf clover

Four-leaf clover is very rare in nature, so it is considered a symbol of good luck.

Each leaf has its own name.

First sheet means faith.

Second sheet- hope.

Third leaf- love, ah

fourth sheet- good luck.


An acorn is a fruit from an oak tree. It is a symbol of good luck, youth and prosperity. In many countries, people believe that the acorn helps protect against lightning striking the house.

In countries such as England in 1066, people carried dried acorns in their pockets, hoping that trouble would pass them by.

Cup of Wealth— this symbol came to us from the east. This is a vase made of no matter what material, be it ceramics, crystal, the important thing is that it is filled with certain objects. The shape of the bowl should be pumpkin-shaped, with a wide neck and bottom, and the largest place is the middle.

The items that should be in the vase consist of a branch or a handful of soil from a rich garden, and a bunch of Chinese coins with a square hole. You fill out the rest at your own discretion. The main thing is that the vase is full.


Ladybug- is a symbol of good luck. Therefore, if you find a ladybug on yourself, do not kill it, but remember that it is a symbol of good luck and let it go.

It was also said in ancient times that luck attracts people who adhere to the rules.

Money only goes to clean house, debts are repaid only in the morning.

Scientists' opinion

The opinion of scientists is that luck is a coincidence of circumstances, and a person managed to take advantage of it.

The reason for luck and bad luck in every person lies in his subconscious. If people are tense, complex and unsure of themselves, they block the ability to develop their intuition and thereby listen to themselves.

What conclusions can we draw from this?

1. We must develop our subconscious, tell ourselves every day that I am a happy person.

The wealth in our life is inexhaustible and I will have everything and list your wishes that you want to be fulfilled at the moment.

2. Look at your life not as an unlucky one, but as some kind of adventure. Learn to expect joy from life. If you have difficulties, then consider these difficulties as a challenge for yourself, find solutions and get great pleasure as you implement them.

3. You have to believe in yourself that in life there are a lot of opportunities to find your luck, you have to learn to see this and not sit in one place, but go ahead. And all doors will open for you.

47 944 0 Good afternoon In today's article we will talk about how to attract good luck into your life. You will learn a lot effective methods helping to improve your life and bring good luck into your home. In fact, this is much easier to do than you think.

Psychological ways to attract good luck

IN last years Only the lazy don’t talk about the popularity of self-hypnosis. A lot of books have been written and many films have been made on this topic. It is worth noting that all this is really not an empty phrase and there are many examples that confirm the reality of this theory.

However, simple dreams are not enough and there are many nuances that must be observed. Let's look at the most important ones:

  • The desire must be positively expressed and real;
  • When asking something from the universe, you cannot use a piece of " Not» ;
  • There is no need to think through the path to your dream, because it is the ending that is important;
  • You need to think about your fantasy as often as possible.


Affirmations are specific phrases that bring you closer to your dreams. They use special words that inspire faith. In addition, the Universe recognizes such expressions better, because there is too much unnecessary stuff in the fog of thoughts.

It is worth noting that you can use ready-made affirmations, or you can come up with them yourself. It is best to familiarize yourself with the examples and then experiment on your own.

You can pronounce the cherished formulations both out loud and to yourself. Do what makes you feel comfortable. It is especially important to carry out this ritual immediately after sleep and before going to bed. If you want quick success, then don’t be lazy to think about it more often.

However, the most important thing in an affirmation is not the frequency, but the belief in it. If you are a skeptic and just decided to test the theory, then nothing will come of it. You need to say phrases sincerely.

The most effective affirmations for attracting good luck are:

  • I deserve good luck;
  • I am worthy of happiness and success;
  • My life is a series of wonderful events;
  • I am always lucky in everything;
  • I attract good luck daily;
  • Fortune is always nearby;
  • Success and luck go with me;
  • Everything is working out well and the way I want it;
  • All my surroundings are talismans of good luck;
  • Everything works out for me;
  • I achieve my goals and desires;
  • I am a successful and talented person;
  • I'm happy with my life;
  • I thank the Universe for my constant good fortune;
  • My dreams are coming true.

Pay attention to how the phrases are constructed. It is very important to express your thoughts and desires clearly and confidently. You have to speak as if you already have it all. If you build sentences in the future tense, then your dreams will come true, but it is no longer known when.

Affirmations - this is very strong ritual, which really helps those who believe in it. You can come up with expressions that suit your situation in life. By the way, the topics of phrases can be completely different.

Many people say affirmations about luck, health, love, etc. at the same time. However, do not go too far with the quantity, because it is better to use only 5 phrases, but very powerful and filled with energy.

Believe in yourself

Surely you have met more than once people who are constantly lucky. Have you paid attention to their self-esteem or mood? If you really remember, you will realize that the lucky ones are positive every day and think life is the coolest thing.

They are really relaxed and do not expect any trick. They know and are confident that something good will happen to them, but it cannot be otherwise. This is also essentially positive thinking, but they don’t force themselves, because this is their way of life.

Do you think you can't do something like this? In fact, anyone can control their behavior and this will lead to positive results.

Where to begin:

  • Start your day with a smile and gratitude for being on the planet;
  • Try to control the occurrence of negative thoughts and suppress them;
  • If something bad happens, look for the positives, not the negatives;
  • Believe that you will succeed;
  • If something doesn’t work out, then think that you don’t need this business, person or situation;
  • Avoid people who constantly whine and gossip;
  • Connect with those who inspire you and have achieved a lot;
  • Try to look at everything that happens from the outside, without judging.

Yes, following these rules is not easy, but they significantly improve the quality of life. Stop thinking in your head that you are a loser and the most pleasant events will happen by themselves.

Wish card

This is one of the most effective ways achieve what you want. Making a wish card is incredibly easy, so don’t be lazy to try this method.

You will need: blank Whatman paper, several magazines with colorful pictures, scissors, glue and a good mood.

Sit down to make a map only with an inspired mood. You should choose pictures from magazines that you really like. Cut out whatever interests you, but use different themes.

These images need to be pasted in in a certain order, since each zone is responsible for a specific area. You can use our table, imagining that this is your Whatman paper:

Wealth, money, cars, jewelryFame, success, achievements, recognitionLove, relationships, marriage
Family, health, friends, homeYour photo Children, creativity, hobbies
Knowledge, education, self-realizationCareer, position, professionTravel, helpers, idols

Find pictures on these topics and paste them in their places. It is important not to leave gaps, because the map should be rich and complete. If you pick up people, they should be happy, bright and beautiful.

After you make your poster, hang it in a prominent place in your room. Try to spend at least a couple of minutes every day viewing and observing images. You must see your desires and feel that you already have it all.

After some time, you will notice that some events happen by themselves and they surprisingly match your pictures. Some celebrities have said that they have even been given certain pieces of jewelry that they stick on their wish card. This amazing thing really helps those who believe in it.

other methods

  • Look for inspiration everywhere and in everything. The more good things you have around you, the faster you will see change. This concerns completely different little things.
  • Watch positive and wise films . In fact, they also teach you a lot, lift your spirits and make you believe in yourself. Eliminate horror, thrillers and dramas from your life. There are enough such stories in life, so there is no need to burden yourself with additional negativity.
  • Enjoy everything that comes into your life . If fortune begins to smile, then you don’t have to think that it’s about to leave you. Even if he leaves, you can get upset later, but for now enjoy the situation.
  • Try to trust your intuition and listen to it more often. If you want to go to a certain event, then by all means go. Don't think that you are not good enough or that you don't measure up to the society that will be there. Reach for the inaccessible and unattainable more often.
  • You must be able to bypass your comfort zone so that in the end you get what you never had . The same goes for intuition signals when you don’t need to do something. Just please don't confuse them with laziness. Learn to listen to yourself.

Magical ways to attract good luck and luck

Magical methods can be completely different. To use them, you do not need to go to a witch or an expensive fortune teller. Now there are a huge number of other practices that attract good luck, which do not require large investments and labor.

They can help you in a variety of specific situations, not just in general attracting success. Strong action ordinary spells, omens, talismans and everything that is really easy to buy or make may have. Many rituals have been known for several centuries and tested by millions of people.

Prayers and conspiracies at home

The easiest way, of course, is to say some prayers to attract good luck or spells. They do not take much time, but they must be used carefully and carefully.

How to attract luck with their help? Be sure to follow the tips the author provides. A lot depends on the place where you are, on the objects and even on the time of day.

IN in this case one psychological point is important: you need to believe that good luck will really come if you do some ritual or say certain words. You need to sincerely realize the involvement of these methods in your luck. Just don't get distracted and think only about what you want to achieve.

How to attract good luck at work

This applies to raises, decent salaries, and even job searches. Correct words and actions will help you achieve what you want in a short time.

To complete the spell, you need to get up with the first rays of the sun. Look in advance at what time sunrise will be and set your alarm clock at least 5-10 minutes earlier. Go to the window and watch the sun appear. Turn off all extraneous thoughts and quietly whisper the words:

“Sun, you shine from the sky for people, give your warmth to mother earth. Give me good luck so that my business will succeed. Sun, you are the earthly source of life, you are a powerful light and a flow of energy. Give me success so that I can become the happiest!”

“Luck and success are in me, fortune is in my hands.
Everything is possible, everything planned is being accomplished.
I’m smart, I’m confident, enemies away, failures away.”

Good luck in business

If you have your own business and it needs development, then there are very effective conspiracies. They will help you attract luck in trading, new clients, money and fame.

For this plot you will need a small cloth bag. You will need to put 1 tbsp in it. spoon of dried basil, 1 teaspoon sea ​​salt, grated and dried peels from two apples, as well as one silver and three copper coins. Then you need to say the phrase:

“Tasks are behind, things are ahead, benefits are in the middle”

It is very important to put this talisman where you work. You can hide it in a desk or hang it in a filing cabinet. Every Monday you need to take out the bag and, fiddling with it in your hands, pronounce a familiar spell.

Another ritual must be performed on the full moon. For it you need to prepare a clean plate, a candle, a few needles from cedar wood and a couple of pinches of cinnamon. Place the spice and branches in the middle of the dish and throw three shiny coins on the table next to it. While pronouncing the words, hit the money with your thumb:

“A shiny coin, sparkling and round like the moon. Give me prosperity. Fill my palms with many people like you. Grow, grow like my luck"

Luck on the exam

In addition to conspiracies, there are certain rules that must be observed:

  • Our hair contains a lot of energy, so do not cut your hair or wash your hair immediately before the exam;
  • At night, you need to hide a notebook or textbook on this subject under your pillow;
  • Place a five-ruble coin in the shoes you put on;
  • You need to enter the room where the exam will take place with your right foot.

As for the conspiracy itself, for it you need to get up a little early and go to the window. Following the first person you see there, say the phrase:

“My head is bright, my mind is clear, my mind is strong. I know everything, I can do everything, I understand everything easily, I have answers to all questions. With any task, luck comes to me"

Of course, if you haven’t learned anything at all, then it’s unlikely that anything will help you. It is possible to attract luck and luck yourself, but at least minimal knowledge must be present.

There have been many cases where, with all the rules and this phrase, people have drawn the right ticket or had questions to which they knew a clear answer.

Luck for happiness and love

This plot will help you improve family relationships or meet your love. Amazing things will begin to happen to you and you will notice that happiness comes into your home.

You can attract good luck to your family with the help of this ritual. Get up before dawn and prepare a glass of clean water. It would be nice if there were fresh flowers in the room. When it begins to get light, say the spell, leaning over the water:

“Oh, You, Lada-Mother! Holy Most Pure Mother! Don't leave us without happiness and good luck! Send your grace to us, just as we honor and love you, now and at all times, and from year to year, until the end of time, while the clear sun shines for us!”

Say the words three times and then drink the water used.

Prayers for good luck

In this case, you need to turn to God in whom you believe. There is no need for this certain time days or some additional signs. Say your prayers when you feel truly confident that you are being heard and seen.

The strongest and effective prayers are:

“An angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from God from heaven as a talisman! I earnestly pray to you: enlighten me now, protect me from any evil, guide me to good deeds, and guide me on the path of salvation. Amen"

“Oh, all-validated, holy great martyr and wonderworker George!
Send your quick help to us, and pray to God, the Lover of Mankind,
may he not punish us, sinners, for our own mistakes, but may he deal with us according to his great kindness.”

How to attract good luck and luck with the help of signs and beliefs

There are many interesting signs, which have been known for several centuries. By observing some things, you will notice that beliefs really exist and they come true.

  • Always pay attention to the person you see first on the street. If it is a pregnant woman, a mother with a baby, or anyone with a full bucket, then the day will be successful.
  • A good sign would be to see a magpie sitting on wires or a cuckoo near the park in the morning. A flying eagle or stork will bring great luck.
  • If during the day you meet a hunchbacked man, then success and joy will be with you in the near future. There is a belief that touching his hump will bring happiness this year.
  • Seeing a spider means money. It's especially great to remove it from your own clothes or body. This is why this insect should never be killed.
  • If you are going to go somewhere and it starts to rain, then this is a sign of success in business and in the upcoming trip.
  • A good sign will be the singing of a bird during a service held in a church. Only at this moment should you pass by this building.
  • Broken dishes or spilled tea also foretells success in life and business matters.
  • Promises good luck in finances paper bill, where your initials appear in the serial number. You need to put it in your wallet and not spend it.
  • Stepping in manure is also a sign of happiness and good luck.

Talismans and amulets

These items have enormous energy, so you need to buy talismans wisely. Certain minerals or your own prepared amulets will work well.

The most significant stones for attracting success:

  • Aventurine. It really attracts success and luck. Things start to take shape on their own. It’s good to take aventurine for important meetings or on the day of purchase of the property.
  • Olivine. Carry it with you to important interviews or dates. If you are planning own business, then be sure to buy this mineral and carry it in your purse or jacket pocket.
  • Lapis lazuli. Helps with new ventures and at crossroads. Simplifies Difficult choice, enhancing intuition.

Items for luck:

  1. Ask your friends who have achieved a lot in life about the availability of money tree. Ask them to give you a sprout and plant yours. Take care of it carefully and after some time you will notice that financial problems go away.
  2. Luck brings the image of a unicorn. Find or order a custom picture of this animal and hang it in the main room of the house.
  3. If you have an aquarium, then buy an American cichlid. Many people say that this fish brings happiness and good luck.
  4. For many centuries, the horseshoe has been one of the most strong talismans Good luck. You need to hang it above the front door.
  5. A figurine of an elephant, a rhinoceros, a cat with a raised paw, a golden key, a turtle, an arawana, a four-leaf clover and a three-legged toad also bring success in your life.
  6. Paired items are one of the most powerful talismans for attracting good luck in your personal life.
  7. A coin of the same year of issue as your year of birth is considered a very good talisman.

Homemade amulets:

  • On the first day of the new moon, take a new candle and place a few drops of wax on a clean plate. During this ritual you need to pronounce your wishes. When the wax has cooled and the pattern has formed, hide it in a bag and store it at home.
  • Sew a bag out of red fabric as this is a color that attracts good luck. Then sprinkle some allspice, cloves and bay leaf. For three full moons in a row, place it on the window. Then you can carry it with you on especially important days.
  • For six days in a row, save up change from coins, and on the seventh, in the souvenir shop, buy the thing that you like first. Throw away the remaining money through left shoulder at the crossroads, reading the words: “Paid, paid for everything in full! Let it be so!". On the way home, do not talk to anyone, and keep the talisman in a secluded place.

How to attract good luck into your life using Feng Shui

Feng Shui experts say that all events in our lives depend on the arrangement of things in the house. If you follow important rules, then success and luck will follow you all your life.

  1. Use a compass to determine where the eastern part of your house is. This is the zone responsible for success. There should be good luck talismans and a lot of indoor plants.
  2. If you are looking for an apartment, then take a closer look at the options with high ceilings. Energy circulates better there.
  3. There should be plenty of light throughout the house. If something does not allow you to achieve good illumination from the windows, then buy more lamps.
  4. Don't keep a bunch of unnecessary things in your closet that you don't use. Give them to those in need, because in this case you will receive a double charge of energy.
  5. Don't sleep with your back to the door. If the bed is positioned this way, then rearrange it.
  6. Mirrors behind or in front of the bed repel luck from you. Always pay attention to this.

Each zone in the house is responsible for a certain area in your life. Don't think that if you fix only the east, everything will be fine. It is best to carry out a global rearrangement and buy some talismans for each area.

Other ways to attract good luck

Mantras for good luck are very popular in Eastern philosophy. These are certain phrases that need to be pronounced by humming, giving a greater role to certain sounds. The most famous mantra for good luck:

“Pashiyami Dhaninam Klesham Lubdhanam Ajitha Amtanam Bhayad Alabdha-Nidranam Sarvat Bhodvi shankinam”

You can simply listen to mantras. Now there are a lot of audio recordings with them. You will get a special effect if you meditate to such a composition.

Another eastern method of attracting good luck is also known - mudras. This is a certain folding of the fingers. Can be used while in meditation or simply while relaxing.

One of the most common questions is how to attract good luck to yourself: how to attract good luck, how to preserve it for life. It’s quite possible to do this, but first let’s look at what our luck depends on.

In which house is luck hidden?

IN Vedic astrology The 9th house of the natal chart is responsible for luck, Divine mercy. In addition, it indicates Teachers, mentors, spirituality, higher knowledge and humility. In importance, the ninth house is equal to the first house of personality.

The amazing wisdom of this house is that luck increases when we are humble, honor teachers, develop spiritually, and strive to learn higher knowledge. Therefore, the first law of attracting good luck to oneself is to see the Teacher in every person and situation, not to grumble, but to emerge from the trials of fate with honor.

It is believed that our first Teacher is the father, then for a woman - the husband. What was your relationship like with your father? How do you communicate with your husband now? This is important because it also directly affects the strength of the 9th house. Luck closes if you have constant conflicts in a couple, if you did not value your father at all, if you have a long-standing grudge against him, do not respect your husband, humiliate him in word and deed.

Do you dream of learning how to attract good luck? The first thing to do is to practice forgiveness. First parents, each individually, and then spouses, sexual partners. This way you will harmonize the 9th and 7th houses and significantly improve your life.

Be sure to analyze your ninth house, see who its owner is, where it is located, what planets are in the 9th house. This will help you understand how to attract luck into your life.

It is believed that any planet that goes there improves. Even if she's down, she gives good results during spiritual work, and if in exaltation, then it’s absolutely wonderful! Vedic sages wrote that an exalted planet in the 9th house is a Divine blessing that you have earned in past life. A good planet in this house is also considered a blessing, as it has a positive effect on the entire chart and “corrects” it in many ways.

Attracting good luck is directly related to your character, since this house is also responsible for it. They say “If you sow a habit, you will reap a character; if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny!” and indeed it is. Fate depends on what character you cultivate in yourself, what habits you acquire throughout your life.

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Attracting good luck to yourself:how to do it

How to strengthen the 9th house of your horoscope and get blessings for this and future life? How to attract luck into your life, be calm, happy and content? The following spiritual practices will help with this:

  • Engage in your development, read spiritual literature, try to live meaningfully;
  • Make pilgrimages to holy and spiritual places;
  • Develop in yourself such a quality as respect. And to all people indiscriminately! Show mercy, attention, and try to be compassionate more often. These qualities are very helpful in attracting good luck and a happy, blissful life!
  • Work through grievances, especially against your father and spouse. The practice of forgiveness is best done on the waning moon, visualizing an image and saying the words “Forgive me! I forgive and let you go!” or others at your request. Also, the practice of bowing is very suitable for working out grievances and, as a result, improving the ninth house of Luck. Imagine the image of your father or husband and bow to him, make several full bows with humility.
  • Another powerful tool for those who want to know how to attract good luck into their lives. These are donations, good deeds for other people! Donate money, things, help with deeds, do community work and increase your luck day by day.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about what color attracts money and luck. According to color psychology, by bringing this or that color into our lives, we are able to change our lives. The same is true with odors. Some aromas have the ability to attract good luck in trading and activate the energy of money. Experienced businessmen use incense in their stores to make you slow down, show interest in the product, and make a purchase. So, what scents attract money? First things first.

Modern esotericism answers many questions, including the question of how to attract money and financial luck into your life. Monetary energy is in constant motion. She can't be stopped. But in order for there to be movement, you first need to deal with your desires and fears.

If you think about it, most people are poor and don’t have money simply because they don’t allow themselves to have it, they’re afraid of it. Indeed, there is no money, and you don’t have to take care of anyone, you don’t have to give or give anything to anyone, no one will rob you, no one will pay attention. Psychics - people with the ability to hypersensitive perception, give different advice on the topic: how to attract good luck. Your task is to hear and apply these tips in your life.

They say you have to work hard and hard to have money. But I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, know for sure that the money is not from the one who works hard, but from the one who opens it. Hard work will not bring the desired wealth if a person is not ready to accept it, if his cash flow is blocked. So let's learn to be rich. And witchcraft rituals, which breathe the breath of antiquity, and modern esotericism have a large resource of home rituals and independent conspiracies to fulfill desires, for good luck and wealth.

Esotericism of attracting money and good luck

To make the energy of money flow to you, be positive. Money carries positive energy. And if you are harmonious, open and get true pleasure from life, money will certainly come to you. Here is a home ritual on the advice of a psychic: attract money and get rid of financial problems . You will need:

Light the candle and start burning the red thread. While the red thread is burning, read the words of the spell 9 times: “As this yarn burns, so let all the misfortunes of my house burn.” Collect the ashes from the burnt red thread and scatter them to the wind. This simple ritual for attracting success in business is good to use as part of a set of measures to cleanse the financial channel.

What colors attract money and luck into a person’s life?

Colors play a significant role in our lives. Some help us become successful, while others help us. Do you know what color attracts money, luck and success in financial transactions? There is an idea that shades of luck are associated with the days of the week. Each day has its own colors.

  • Monday: silver, pearl, opal
  • Tuesday: purple, burgundy, almandine (red wine color)
  • Medium: light green, purple, ophitic (greenish marble color)
  • Thursday: lemon, apricot, amber
  • Friday: blue, yellow, pink
  • Saturday: brown, turquoise, smoky (smoke color)
  • Sunday – golden, terracotta, white

The color that attracts money is any color from the spectrum from brown to golden. All shades associated with metals and earth contribute to the activation of the monetary energy of well-being and the attraction of wealth into life. Black, orange, beige, coffee, silver, and many others from this range.

What color should a wallet be to attract money?

This question is very relevant. Advice from psychics on how to attract good luck in business using color magic will help you choose the right wallet color, which will contain specie.

  • Light brown, clay color ideal for preserving wealth
  • Green color will help increase income and distribute it wisely
  • Black color will make financial income stable. This color of wallet is very suitable for people who tend to frequently change their occupation and place of work.
  • The red wallet generates the energy of profit and wealth
  • A wallet of two colors - green and red - will delight its owner with frequent financial surprises

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

What color of clothes attracts money - what to wear to become rich?

It would be nice to understand what color clothes you need to wear to attract money and become financially successful. Modern fashion multicolored. The choice is huge, and the main thing here is not to get confused. Successful colors have certain energy vibrations, which, when transmitted to a person, begin to work for his benefit.

Consider a number of clothing colors to attract money and good luck:

  • Blue, turquoise - This color will provide you good income from unexpected sources. This is the color of the players. However, you shouldn’t get too carried away with the sky blue color and gambling, because luck often leaves players, and at the most inopportune moment.
  • Purple - This color will help solve problems and unfinished business related to finances. In a purple dress, you are more likely to get a debt repaid or find money. Purple is responsible for solving any financial problems.
  • Yellow - Clothes yellow color and similar shades are attracted by random income. But, please note, it is only suitable for women.
  • Black - If you need to get a loan or credit, dress in black. Black color will inspire trust from the people you need.
  • Brown - Want to be lifted wages, or offered a better position? Wear brown clothes to work.
  • Red - Will protect you from unnecessary spending, especially if you are a fan of shopping. But be careful with this color because red attracts the attention of thieves.
  • Gray shade - Hidden power over money. Gray color will help you make money through intermediaries and other third parties. To attract money and luck, give preference gray color, this is psychic advice.

What smells attract money - patchouli and orange oils

Finally, we get to money scents. There are a number essential oils, activating the energy of prosperity, and used by magicians in rituals for money. Essential oils are living aromas. For centuries they have been used in love witchcraft and the magic of wealth and prosperity. The energy of a huge number of essential oils is close to the energy of money.

Practicing magicians know what essential oils attract money, and use them in rituals to open a money channel, for prosperity, for good luck and help in business. Read more about which scents will help you attract wealth and realize your goals.

Patchouli oil is used in almost all aromatic mixtures to increase income and attract good luck in trading. Patchouli has a warm, heavy aroma and very powerful energy. Patchouli scent attracts money like a magnet. Once a month, 2 drops of oil in your wallet, and the money will not leave it.

Take patchouli and pine oil in equal parts and create a universal magic mixture for money luck. You can anoint banknotes with this mixture, and the money will quickly return to you. You can anoint yours plastic card, or soak a cotton pad and keep it at your workplace. Instead of pine oil, orange essential oil is suitable, because this fresh aroma also attracts money and financial success.

In general, cotton cosmetic pads are an excellent base for fragrances. Discs containing the scent of orange attract money no worse than the smell of patchouli. They can be stored in a wallet, a box, in closets with expensive things, on computer desk, if you earn money using a computer. The aroma of patchouli and orange is associated with stability, family well-being, profit, and success in business.

What incense attracts money into our lives?

The smell of pine promotes prosperity and spiritual development. Oil is obtained from fresh pine needles and used in magical mixtures to attract money. Cedar oil is a very powerful energy booster, gives energy, helps to take important decisions, therefore this aroma oil is classified as aromas that attract money. Aromas activate money energy:

  1. neroli,
  2. roses,
  3. bergamot,
  4. basilica,
  5. vanilla,
  6. vetiver,
  7. carnations,
  8. geraniums,
  9. grapefruit,
  10. jasmine,
  11. ginger,
  12. ylang-ylang,
  13. cypress,
  14. cinnamon,
  15. coriander,
  16. peppermint.

Each fragrance of incense has its own energy and unique characteristics of magical influence. Mixtures can be anything -

  • 2 drops neroli
  • 2 drops rose oil
  • 3 drops sage
  • 5 drops patchouli
  • 2 drops of oil that matches your zodiac sign

According to the rules of money magic, mixtures of essential oils for money should consist of at least 3 types, one of which should be suitable for you. An incense that is perfect for you will enhance your magical energy.

A smell that attracts money - which aroma oil is your zodiac sign?

  1. Aries: cedar, pine
  2. Taurus: patchouli, geranium, ylang-ylang, rosewood
  3. Gemini: lavender, eucalyptus, mint
  4. Cancer: eucalyptus, rosewood, neroli
  5. Leo: rosemary, bergamot, lavender
  6. Virgo: lavender, geranium, rosemary
  7. Libra: ylang-ylang, rosewood, mint
  8. Scorpio: pine, patchouli
  9. Sagittarius: cedar, pine, mint, grapefruit
  10. Capricorn: patchouli, cedar, eucalyptus
  11. Aquarius: lavender, patchouli, pine, cedar, eucalyptus
  12. Pisces: eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, pine, rosewood

Recipe for making a magical mixture using incense that attracts money.

For your own ritual of attracting success in your business, you will need the following components:

  • small cup
  • bottle with stopper
  • base oil
  • your oil according to the zodiac
  • essential oils that attract money, which you yourself choose for a magical mixture to attract money

Carry out independently money ritual only possible on a waxing moon. Pour 1 teaspoon of carrier oil into a cup. As a base, you can take olive oil, jojoba oil, apricot or grape seed oil. Add 5 drops of your oil, followed by 2-3 drops of your chosen essential oils. During your home ritual, think about how the money comes in, how you feel and experience it. And, of course, think about your goal - why you need money.

Store the prepared mixture in a tightly closed bottle. Oils can be added to an aroma lamp, you can soak cotton pads with them, anoint your wallet, banknotes and ourselves. Now you know what aromatic smells attract money. Attract money into your life, open up to wealth. Don't be afraid to be rich. Magic to help you!


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