How to clean a kitchen or bathroom sink. How and with what help to clear a clog in the sink? Clean the kitchen sink - folk remedies

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The sink is an integral part of any kitchen. It is used by the owners most often, so the occurrence of blockages in this place is not uncommon. Residues of food are washed into the drain, hair and pieces of soap penetrate, and grease settles on the walls of the pipes. All this leads to a gradual narrowing of the drain holes, and then the water may stop draining altogether. Let's look in more detail at situations when the kitchen sink is clogged - what to do in this case and how to remove the blockage with your own hands.

There are certain places in the drain system where clogs are most likely to form. If a siphon approaches the sink, then all the debris that has penetrated into the drain settles in its curved part. It is in such places that clogging occurs most often. If there is no siphon, then the pipe has a curved elbow called a water seal. This bend acts as a siphon and prevents penetration sewer odors into the room. Likewise, at the bend, the pipe often becomes clogged with debris. It will be much easier to clear a clog in the sink at home if you have an idea of ​​what caused the clog.

Read also:– selection and installation.

All blockages that occur in the kitchen sink drainage system can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Operational. They appear gradually, as a result of the deposition of fatty deposits on the walls, as well as the gradual accumulation of dirt in places where pipes are bent.
  2. Mechanical. They appear suddenly as a result of any foreign objects getting into the drain. Garbage or large food scraps will also block the drain system. As a result, the water flow is abruptly blocked.
  3. Technical. Occur as a result of incorrectly assembled drainage structure. They may also be the result of a manufacturing defect. Usually appear from the very beginning of using the drain.
If your kitchen sink is clogged, then before you clean it, it is advisable to determine the cause of the blockage. This will help you choose the most suitable way cleaning

Sink cleaning methods

If your kitchen sink is clogged, how can you clean it quickly and efficiently without causing damage to the drainage system? This can be done mechanically, chemically or folk ways. Let's look at all types of cleaning in more detail.

Mechanical cleaning methods

Every home is sure to have at least some mechanical means for cleaning the kitchen sink. It is recommended to use them, starting from the simplest ones, adding new methods in case of initial failure.

Using a plunger

What should you do if your kitchen sink is clogged to quickly clean it? Of course, use such a simple device as a plunger, which is found in almost every home. A plunger is inexpensive and can help out in most situations. With its help you can very quickly clean any drain: sink, toilet, bathtub. The plunger works on the principle of creating high blood pressure in the plum. All dirt and plugs that are in the pipes are destroyed by the shock wave and are then carried away by the flow of water into the drain pipe.

The rubber part of the plunger is pressed against the drain, after which forward movements wooden handle in the vertical direction. It is quite possible that you will have to repeat such actions several times until a positive result is achieved.

Important: Before you start using a plunger, you must plug the overflow hole on the sink. If this is not done, then it will be impossible to create a water hammer, and all the water will go into the overflow hole.

If the usual use of a plunger does not produce results, then you can enhance its effect by using soda and salt. To do this, take 1 glass of salt and soda, mix them, and then pour into drainer shells. You need to pour a glass of boiling water on top. A reaction of active breakdown of fats will occur in the plum. After 15-20 minutes, you can again try to clean the drain with a plunger. The result will be more obvious.

Plastic hook

Such hooks are sold in plumbing stores. Using a hook with spikes on the sides, you can remove debris, hair, and lint from the drain hole. Crochet work should be done in the following sequence:

  • The hook is lowered into the drain between the jumpers of the hole;
  • The hook axis rotates in the drain. Dirt from the drain remains on the spikes;
  • The hook along with the debris is removed from the drain;
  • The procedure can be repeated several times.

Using a vacuum cleaner

When in stock powerful vacuum cleaner With a blowing function, it can be used to push the clog through the pipe into the sewer riser. The vacuum cleaner pipe is lowered as deep as possible into the riser, ensuring a tight fit to the drain hole. Turn on the blowing device, trying to remove the plug.

if you have washing vacuum cleaner, then you can use its suction power to pull debris out of the drain. A sealed suction cup is placed on the vacuum cleaner pipe, and then the device is turned on for suction. All dirt is sent to a special container of the vacuum cleaner.

Using a Steam Cleaner

A special steam cleaner works quickly and effectively. Its tube is directed into the drain hole, after which steam is supplied to the drain under pressure. Dirt and grease deposits are dissolved by steam, after which the system is washed with running water.

Cleaning with a plumbing cable

Special cable for cleaning pipes

Let's look at how to break through a clog in the sink in the most radical way. To do this you will need a plumbing cable. Its end is lowered into the drain hole, after which the cable moves through the pipe using a handle that rotates it. Having reached the blockage, the cable breaks it. After flushing, the pipe is freed from blockage.

Chemical cleaning methods

Let's look at how to clear a clogged kitchen sink using chemicals from the store. All commercially available preparations are alkaline or acid reaction, so you can’t mix them with each other. Before purchasing a product, check which pipes it is intended for. The most famous drugs are “Mole”, “Domestos”, “Tiret”, “Mr. Muscle”.

The product must be poured into the hole in the sink, and then do not use the sink for several hours. It is best to do this at night. In the morning, the drain is washed with plenty of water. If the blockage is quite complex, then a single use of a chemical agent may not be enough. In this case, the action is repeated.

What to do if the sink is clogged - use a special tool

Folk ways to get rid of blockages

You can often cope with unclogging a clogged sink using simple improvised means that are available in every home. Let's look at how to clear a clog in a kitchen sink using them:

1. Baking soda. You need to pour a glass of soda into the drain, and pour a glass of boiling water on top of the soda. After 15 minutes, the pipe must be rinsed with water.

2. Soda and vinegar. A glass of soda is poured into the drain, and then a glass of vinegar is poured. A violent reaction occurs in the pipe, releasing dirt from the walls of the drain pipes.

3. Instead of soda, you can use 2-3 tablets of the anti-hangover drug Alka-Seltzer. They should be thrown into the drain hole, then pour a glass of vinegar into it. A reaction will occur that breaks down fat and removes dirt from the walls of the pipes. At the same time, the unpleasant smell will disappear.

Disassembling the siphon

If the previous cleaning methods did not produce results, then you can simply disassemble the drain system to clean it. This is exactly what most men do, not afraid of rough and dirty work. After disassembly, the system is freed from dirt and debris and washed. After such a radical cleaning, you can forget about blockages for a long time. After spending complete disassembly several times, subsequently such work will take you no more than 15-20 minutes.

Preventing sink clogs

Using simple preventative techniques, you can significantly reduce the risk of blockages in your kitchen sink. Here's what to follow:

  • install a grate on the drain hole, which will trap all debris that gets into the sink;
  • Before washing dishes in the sink, remove any remaining food from them;
  • It is recommended to wash greasy dishes hot water using detergents. This will allow fat to be broken down without allowing it to settle on the walls of the siphon and drain pipes;
  • If possible, install smooth plastic drain pipes in the kitchen. They clog much less often than their metal and corrugated counterparts;
  • Periodically rinse the sink drain with boiling water or special chemicals. Plaque will not accumulate on the pipe walls.

If the sink still becomes clogged, do not despair, but start cleaning the drain yourself. In most cases, you can clean your sink drain on your own. It is recommended to call a plumber only in extreme cases, if you cannot remove the blockage with your own efforts.

There is one unspoken rule: if you do not use a special protective mesh, the sink in your kitchen will someday become clogged. But even if this happens, do not despair - there is nothing difficult in cleaning the kitchen sink; any housewife can do it with her own hands. Our article will tell you about the rules, methods, tools and means for clearing a clogged kitchen sink.

You can clean your sink without calling a plumber

Removing blockages - 7 ways

Two factors indicate that the kitchen sink is clogged: water does not flow into the drain hole, and an unpleasant odor appears from the drain, spreading throughout the kitchen.

An unpleasant odor emanates from a clogged sink

Among the main causes of blockage are:

  • accumulation of solid small particles from running water inside the drain pipe;
  • corrosion on metal elements;
  • the appearance of a grease plug from contaminants caused by washing dishes.

In this section, we will look at the most effective ways to fix the problem.

"First aid"

The first thing to do when there is a blockage is to try the most simple options, which will not harm the quality of the pipes.


Instructions for action

Method 1 – boiling water. This option can only be used if the pipes are steel. If there are plastic pipes, let them hot water for at least 20 minutes. The pressure of the water will cause the loose grease plug to drain into the sewer.

Method 2 – baking soda and salt. Mix half a mug of salt with a mug of soda and dissolve the mixture with a glass of water. Pour the mixture into the drain and wait 5-10 minutes. Afterwards, work a little with a plunger and rinse the pipes with enough running water.

Method 3 - vacuum cleaner. If you have a blower vacuum cleaner in your home, now is the time to put it to use. Wrap the vacuum cleaner tube with a rag so that it fits snugly into the drain hole. Strong flow air is able to push the fat plug into the sewer.

Method 4 - baking soda and vinegar. Pour 150 g of soda into the drain hole, then pour the same amount of vinegar into it. Close the drain with a plug so that any foam that appears does not come out. Wait a little and run running water.

This is the most simple methods, which will be effective if the blockage is not large enough. If they don't help, you should look to other options.

Mechanical methods

If neither water nor baking soda with a vacuum cleaner solved the problem, it’s time to move on to more serious tools. Read about how to use them in this section.


Instructions for action

Method 5 – plunger. A clogged sink is filled with hot water to such a level that, by placing the plunger bowl against the drain hole, the bowl is completely covered with water. Next, apply the bowl to the drain and, making sure that there is no air under it, make several vigorous pushes towards the drain using the handle (the bowl must be pressed against the drain hole at all times). After performing 10-20 back-and-forth movements with the plunger handle, it is pulled upward with force, as if tearing the bowl away from the hole.

Method 6 - cable. For a heavily clogged sink, you can use a plumbing cable made of elastic steel. Place it in the pipe and start scrolling (in any direction), thereby pushing the clog deeper into the thick sewer pipe. Periodically run water into the sink so that it washes away small particles of dirt.

Method 7 - cleaning the siphon. First of all, you will need to place a bucket under the sink and siphon, where the water and contaminants accumulated in it will drain. By using wrench or manually (depending on the type of siphon), you need to unscrew the bottle-type hatch cover or unscrew the settling cup. After this, the water and some of the clogged sediment should drain into a bucket.

Next, use any suitable available tool to thoroughly clean the plumbing fixtures, including scraping off the grease from its walls. After making sure that nothing else interferes with the normal flow of water, you need to screw the manhole cover or siphon settling bowl into place and let the water flow.

More detailed information You can find information about similar cleaning methods in the video in the article.

Additional funds

We told you what to do if your sink is clogged. If for some reason they turned out to be ineffective, you can try to resort to help household chemicals. Fortunately, there are a lot of options on the market, and the price of such substances is suitable for any budget.

When working with household chemicals, be careful and wear protective gloves.

All household chemicals suitable for drainage treatment can be divided into the following groups:

  • liquid;
  • bulk;
  • alkaline;
  • acidic.

The product must be selected based on the type of pipes and contamination. But most often housewives resort to the proven remedy “Mole”.

Before using "Mole", carefully read the instructions for it

Instructions for using such substances are as follows:

  • the pipe must be filled with boiling water;
  • wait 20 minutes;
  • pour the cleaning solution inside;
  • wait a few hours;
  • flush the drain with plenty of cold water.

After using household chemicals, be sure to wash off any remaining residue with plenty of water.

Remember one important thing. All household chemicals for cleaning pipes are very aggressive, so you need to work with them very carefully and use protective gloves during the process.

Prevention measures

To avoid problems with clogged pipes as rarely as possible, you should follow a few simple recommendations on their use.

Before washing dishes, clear them of small food particles.

  • Do not pour liquids that contain cooking oil down the sink.
  • Before washing dishes, clear them of food residues.
  • Use a special mesh that will protect the pipe from large and small particles of food.
  • Every week, carry out preventive cleaning of pipes using boiling water or a plunger.


You have learned many effective ways to unclog your kitchen sink. By using one of them, you will solve the problem of a clogged drain in the shortest possible time. And don’t forget about the preventive measures indicated in the last section - they will save your sink and pipes from minor troubles.

All sinks are susceptible to clogging. The frequency of cleaning depends on compliance with operating rules, technological problems and clogging substances. According to average statistics, the kitchen sink gets clogged more often due to grease and food debris.

You can clean the drain different ways. Among them folk remedies and household chemicals, devices for household and professional use. Methods for removing blockages at home depend on the causes of their occurrence.

Causes of blockages

Blockages and unpleasant odors are formed for the following reasons:

  • Mechanical - something is stuck inside the drain system (one large object or a large amount of small debris).
  • Operational – the drain has not been cleaned for a long time and deposits have formed on its walls, preventing the free passage of liquid.
  • Technological – damage, pinching of pipes, etc.

Mechanical clogs are the most common, since sink drains are not designed to contain debris. They are characterized by sudden occurrence and complete blockage of the system. Operational ones manifest themselves in the form of decreasing sewage disposal capacity.

Technological reasons make themselves felt immediately after the start of operation. But sometimes technical shortcomings appear after a short period of time. In such cases, you can get rid of blockages after eliminating the deficiencies.

Sometimes it is difficult to determine the exact cause of the blockage. It can be the result of several reasons at the same time. In this case, it is necessary to apply different methods in turn. First, pour boiling water into the sink (if available). metal pipes) or open hot water for 20 minutes (if the pipes are plastic). If this does not help, try other means.

Safety precautions during work

Before starting work, ensure that safety precautions are observed. Household chemicals and some folk remedies (acetic acid, etc.) should be used strictly. rubber gloves. Use vinegar essence with caution as it may cause burns. When using household chemicals, study and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Avoid getting harmful substances into your eyes and clothing. Products containing chlorine, in addition to negative influence on the skin and mucous membranes, leaving stains on clothes. Persons suffering from allergies are advised to use respirators or masks when using household chemicals or acids. The room needs to be ventilated.

Effective folk methods for removing blockages

Traditional methods are accessible and highly effective. They can be used independently, without involving plumbers. Despite the presence large quantity household chemicals, traditional methods will always be relevant.

Soda and vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar can be found in any kitchen. To use the traditional method, you do not need to spend extra money. Baking soda and vinegar are second only to a plunger in removing clogs in the sink. Combined use enhances their effect.

Pour soda into the drain hole and fill it with vinegar essence in a 1:1 ratio. During the reaction, a large amount of foam is formed, which bubbles for several minutes, releasing gas with a specific odor (close the hole with a stopper). After 20-30 minutes, turn on the hot water under pressure. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Baking soda

Baking soda is used for cleaning with hot water. You need to fill half a pack of soda with 10 liters of water at a temperature of 70 degrees. Afterwards it is advisable to use a plunger.

Citric and oxalic acids

Citric acid is also found in every kitchen. It is a mild and non-toxic remedy for combating blockages, limescale and rust. Due to less aggressiveness, lemon acid inferior in cleaning properties to vinegar. To eliminate the problem, pour it into the drain (at least 2 sachets), fill it with a small amount warm water and leave overnight.

Oxalic acid is a potent agent compared to citric acid. It is used to remove limescale and rust from plumbing fixtures and urinary stone from toilets. To remove organic blockages in the sink, oxalic acid is used in the same way as citric acid.

Alka-Seltzer tablets

Place two tablets of the drug in the drain hole and pour a glass of table (9%) vinegar. This method helps with minor blockages in the siphon. Eliminates unpleasant odor.

Other folk methods

Chlorine in any form (“White”, etc.) can be used to remove clogs. Pour the product into the drain hole and leave overnight.

Effective method cleaning the siphon - remove it and remove debris. This does not require special devices. The problem is that there is a lot of dirt and unpleasant odor, so this job is not for the squeamish. Before removing the siphon, place a bucket under it.

Video tips

Mechanical cleaning methods

Let's consider mechanical cleaning using popular devices.


By a simple means To remove blockages in the sink, use a plunger. Its advantages:

  • Availability (inexpensive).
  • Versatile (can be used in sinks, bathtubs and toilets).
  • Functionality (eliminates most problems).
  • Possibility of many years of operation without extra costs(quality products last forever).
  • Ease of use (only physical strength is used, no need to connect to an energy source).

By purchasing it, you can save on calling a plumber. Flaws:

  • Low efficiency due to operational and technological causes of blockage.
  • Does not completely cope with severe clogging.
  • Must be actively applied physical strength, sometimes for a long time.

Directions for use: pour water into the sink, apply a plunger to the drain hole, and press vigorously several times.

Vacuum cleaner with blow function

If you have a vacuum cleaner with a blow function in your home, you can use it. You need to fix the vacuum cleaner pipe in the drain hole, filling the cracks around with rags, then turn on the vacuum cleaner in blowing mode for a few minutes.


To clear the blockage, a special brush is used, with which you can remove debris from the siphon without disassembling it. The brush is inserted through the drain hole and fishes out debris using its mechanism. The device has a built-in magnet that removes metal objects from pipes

Plumbing cable

The cable can be purchased for self-use or call a plumber with it. The device removes blockages deep in pipes. The longer the cable, the greater the chance of reaching the blockage. This method is especially effective for mechanical blockages. The cable is inserted into the pipe and threaded into it until the right place by turning with the handle.

Hydraulic pump

A hydraulic pump is a professional equipment for plumbers. Clears blockages using high pressure water. The method is effective and environmentally friendly. The disadvantage is high price.

Video story

Popular household chemicals - examples and instructions

You can use household chemicals to clean your sink drain. Liquid medications are more effective than powdered ones. When using them, there is no need to disassemble the siphon. Household chemicals from the box are already ready for use and do not require special preparation.

  • "Mole". The most common remedy. It comes in liquid, gel and dry form (granules). Advantages, in quick elimination blockages and budget price. The main disadvantage is the harmful composition. Directions for use: pour (fill and fill with a small amount of water) into the drain hole for 15 minutes - 1.5 hours.
  • "Tiret" It has a lot in common with “Mole”, but is more expensive. When using, you must first pour in the product and then slowly pour boiling water (5-6 glasses). When action occurs, a violent reaction occurs. Applicable only to metal pipes.

Eliminating unpleasant odor from the sink

There are two most common reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the sink.

  1. Sink odors may be caused by an improperly installed drain pipe (no U or S bend). In this case, the error must be eliminated.
  2. A foul odor is a consequence of a blockage. Fixing the problem should fix the situation.

A clogged sink is a huge inconvenience, but before you call a plumber, try unclogging it yourself. You can do this by hand, using natural or chemical cleaning products. Here are the most common methods you should try to clear clogs.


How to clear a blockage manually

  1. Clear the jam using a bent wire from a coat hanger. If you suspect your sink is clogged with hair or debris, you could remove it all with a hook made from coat rack wire.

    • Straighten as much of the wire from the hanger as possible. Bend the end over to create a small hook that can fit into the sink drain.
    • Insert the hook into the drain hole. Try to press it against the wall of the drain pipe so as not to push the clog even deeper.
    • As soon as you feel that you have come across a blockage, try to pick it up and pull it out. Try to remove as much debris as possible from the pipe.
    • Turn on the hot water and let it run into the sink for a few minutes. The water should be as hot as possible and under strong pressure. Turn it off if the sink starts to overflow.
  2. Use a plunger to clear the clog. Use a regular plunger and vigorously push through the clog.

    • If you have a kitchen sink with two drain holes, tightly plug the second hole with a damp cloth.
    • Place the plunger on the drain hole, holding it vertically upward.
    • Fill the sink with water, 7-10 cm.
    • Begin vigorously pumping the plunger up and down for 20 seconds, just try not to break anything.
    • Then sharply lift the plunger up.
    • You may have to repeat the process several times before clearing the clog.
  3. Clean the siphon. The siphon often becomes clogged with food waste and debris. It is part of the drain pipe and is located directly under the sink. It can be removed and cleaned by hand.

    • Place a large bucket under the siphon. Water and waste from the pipe will flow into it when you unscrew the siphon.
    • Loosen the siphon nuts with pliers and then unscrew them by hand. Remove the siphon.
    • Remove debris stuck in the siphon using a small wire brush. Then use it to clean the siphon.
    • Rinse the siphon thoroughly under hot water. You can wash it in another sink.
    • Replace the siphon. If any parts show noticeable signs of wear, replace them.
  4. Use a cable for cleaning. If the clog is deep in the pipe, you will need a cable to remove it.

    • Remove the siphon and any other pipes that connect to drain pipe in the wall.
    • Unwind 15-25 cm of the cable.
    • Insert the cable into the pipe. Tighten the set screw.
    • As you move the cable through the pipe, rotate the handle clockwise. Any initial resistance will most likely be caused by bends in the pipe.
    • When you reach the clog, continue to rotate the cable until you feel the tip of the cable go through it. You will know this because the tension in the cable will suddenly weaken.
    • Start turning the handle counterclockwise to pull the cable out of the pipe. Then wash it.
    • Repeat the process if necessary until you feel the blockage has been removed.

    Natural remedies

    1. Pour boiling water into the sink. Boil a liter of water in a kettle. After the water boils, pour it into the drain hole in two or three approaches, pausing for a few seconds between approaches. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

      • If possible, rinse the sink with at least one liter of boiling water. You can do more if you have a spacious kettle.
      • If you don't have a kettle, you can boil water in a saucepan.
      • You can also use a microwave, but boil the water in 20-40 second intervals. Keep in water wooden stick. Otherwise, the water may become too hot and you may get burned.
      • Pour boiling water directly into the drain hole.
      • This method works best on smaller clogs, but may not be as effective on severe clogs. Also, the water should be bubbling when you pour it, as the vibration of the bubbling water partially helps unclog the plug.
    2. Remove the clog using baking soda and vinegar. A solution of soda and vinegar is a very effective remedy, because a very violent reaction occurs between them, which helps get rid of many stubborn plugs in the pipe.

      • Pour half a cup (125 ml) of baking soda into the drain hole.
      • Then pour in half a cup (125 ml) of white distilled vinegar.
      • Quickly plug the drain hole. This will direct the reaction down the pipes, toward the clog, rather than up into the sink.
      • Once the fizzing stops, add another half cup (125 ml) of vinegar.
      • Close the hole with a stopper and leave for 15-30 minutes.
      • Boil 4 liters of water in a kettle or saucepan. Pour boiling water into the sink to remove any remaining vinegar and baking soda.
    3. Remove the blockage using salt and soda. The mixture of salt, baking soda and water will also create a chemical reaction that can remove most clogs.

      • Mix together half a cup (125 ml) table salt and half a cup (125 ml) baking soda.
      • Carefully pour the mixture into the drain hole. Pour in as much as possible, and try not to spill the mixture in the sink itself, near the hole. The reaction will only be effective against the clog when it comes into direct contact with it.
      • Leave the mixture in the pipe for 10-20 minutes.
      • Boil 1 to 4 liters of water in a kettle or saucepan. Carefully pour boiling water into the drain hole.
      • Then plug the hole as quickly as possible so that the reaction goes down the pipe and not out.
      • A chemical reaction will occur that will remove medium-sized clogs.

    Use of industrial chemicals

    1. Use caustic soda. Caustic soda (or sodium hydroxide) is extremely strong chemical agent, which clears most clogs in the sink.

      • It can be purchased at most hardware stores.
      • Mix 3 cups (750 ml) caustic soda with 3 liters of cold water in a large bucket. Stir the solution with a wooden spoon.
      • Do not use a container or utensil that you may later use for eating.
      • Do not mix the solution with your hands.
      • The solution should begin to fizz and heat up.
      • Carefully pour the solution into the drain hole. Leave for 20 to 30 minutes.
      • Boil 4 liters of water and pour it into the pipe.
      • Repeat the procedure as necessary.
    2. Try bleach. If you are connected to a sewer line rather than a well or septic tank, you can use bleach to clean and deodorize a clogged sink.

      • Pour 1 cup (250 ml) undiluted bleach into the drain hole. Leave for 5-10 minutes.
      • Turn on the water and let it run down the drain for 5 minutes. The water should be as hot as possible and under strong pressure.
      • If your sink begins to overflow, turn off the water and let it drain before attempting to unclog your sink again.
      • Do not use bleach if you are connected to a septic tank. The bleach will kill bacteria living in the tank that feed on its contents.
    3. Use a cleaner drainage pipes. Drain cleaners can be purchased at most stores. They come in several types, for example, acidic or enzymatic.

      • Determine what kind of cleaner you need. For example, some cleaners are better at clearing clogs in the bathroom sink, while others are better at clearing clogs in the kitchen sink.
      • Follow the instructions for use of the product.
      • Caustic soda cleaners clean pipes using chemical reactions caused by hydroxide ions.
      • Acidic cleaners use a chemical reaction between hydrogen ions and molecules of debris clogging the sink. Acidic cleaners tend to be harsher than alkaline cleaners.
      • Enzyme cleaners are the least powerful. They contain bacterial enzymes that eat away organic blockages.
    • You can deodorize your sink using lemon juice. Lemon juice, of course, will not clean the sink, but it will get rid of the smell. After you remove the clog, a persistent and pungent odor may appear in the sink. One glass (250 ml) of lemon juice will help you get rid of it.


    • Wear rubber gloves and safety glasses when using industrial chemical cleaners, especially caustic soda. If any of these products come into contact with your skin, wash them off immediately with soap and water. If your skin tingles or burns, consult a doctor immediately.

If the water in your sink begins to drain slowly, you need to take steps to correct the problem before the liquid stops draining altogether. A clogged kitchen sink is a common occurrence, and you can deal with it. various methods. To do this, you don’t have to call a plumber - first you should ask how to clear a clog in the kitchen sink at home. Usually everything you need is at hand, and the problem is removed in a matter of minutes. But it is primarily important to find out why this happened - only in this case will it be possible to avoid a repetition of the situation.

Factors that lead to stagnant water in the sink can be divided into three main categories:

  • Operational - they are caused by the accumulation of food waste, fat masses, dirt in the pipes and sooner or later they form in every kitchen where appropriate prevention is not carried out.
  • Mechanical - appear due to careless use of the sink, in particular - the release of large debris into the pipes, which obstructs the flow of water.
  • Technical - the reason is a malfunction of structural elements or improper installation of the sewage system; in this case, only replacing communications will help.

The most common reasons are operational and mechanical. The material from which the pipes are made also matters: corrosion forms on metal elements, gradually increasing in volume and narrowing the diameter for water flow. Plastic pipes in this regard, more durable, but mechanical cleaning they are easier to damage.

Most often, blockages are caused by greasy deposits that accumulate on the walls.

If the pipe is clogged, water does not flow into the drain hole, and an unpleasant, putrid smell is felt from it - this means that it is necessary to break through the blockage in the sink. There are several effective methods solutions to this problem, therefore choosing the optimal one, taking into account the arsenal available at home, will not be difficult.

The kitchen sink is clogged - what to do?

First of all, you need to stop using the product for its intended purpose: washing dishes, vegetables and even your hands in it. New volumes of water mixed with debris will only aggravate the problem, and the liquid will have to be scooped out of the sink into some container with your own hands in order to gain direct access to the drain.

If the liquid in the sink begins to drain more slowly, the pipes should be filled with a large volume of water. For steel ones, use boiling water, as it will most effectively break up accumulations of dirt and grease. Plastic pipes cannot be poured with boiling water, as this can lead to damage, so just hot water is enough. You should open a powerful stream from the tap and pour for 20 minutes, while it is important to observe what is happening: if the hot water does not go away, and the amount of liquid in the bowl rapidly increases, stop the procedure. How to clear a clog in the sink at home in the kitchen if flushing does not help?

Mechanical methods

Impacting the blockage with special equipment will allow you to mechanically push the plug or break it into small particles and, again, push it deeper into the drain or pull it out. To remove clogs in the kitchen, you can use the following devices:

  • rubber plunger;
  • metal cable;
  • vacuum cleaner with air blowing function;

The plunger is an object familiar to many. It is easy to use and does not require special power- any housewife can easily cope with it. The plunger is pressed tightly against the drain hole with a rubber tip and pressure is applied so that the core “goes” lower. For effective cleaning With this method, it is necessary that there is water in the pipe - if it does not stagnate, but slowly, but still drains, it is necessary to pour in liquid before using this device. The operating principle of the plunger is simple: it creates a hydraulic column, under the influence of which the plug disintegrates.

Another rule is to close all holes that interfere with the formation of a vacuum. That is, if there is a side drain hole in the sink bowl, cover it with your hand or a towel. The same is true when the sink consists of two parts: the second drain hole is covered to prevent air from entering the drain. The plunger is effective for recent stains - in most cases it will not be able to remove very old or hard ones.

Flushing pipes under pressure will cope with almost any contamination.

Metal cable is used by plumbers as effective remedy to clear traffic jams. Is a long durable steel rope with a handle at one end and a brush or spiral at the other. The cable is placed in the drain pipe and rotated slowly. If movement becomes difficult, this means that the cable has encountered an obstacle. In this case, you can either continue to push it further in order to push the debris into the riser pipe, which a priori has a larger diameter, or, if the plug is located close to the sink, it is pulled out. When cleaning the drain with a cable, it is necessary to periodically add water to the riser to wash away contaminants released from the walls - this will help to avoid a new plug. The only drawback: if the cable moves too vigorously, plastic pipes can be damaged, so this method is preferable for metal communications.

Another option is a vacuum cleaner with a blowing function. It helps if the cork is fresh and not yet particularly dense. The spout of the vacuum cleaner is placed close to the drain hole and the vacuum cleaner is turned on. full power. The air flow will expel the plug further or break it into small fractions.

Mechanical methods cleaning is effective if food particles get into the pipe

And the last option: if the reason for the obstructed outflow and the presence of an unpleasant odor lies in the siphon, it must be cleaned manually - this will be more effective than using a cable, plunger or vacuum cleaner. In this case, you need to stock up on rags and place household rags under the drain, and also stock up on a bucket for liquid waste, since when the structure is untwisted, there will be water in it in any case, which will flow onto the floor and stain the furniture. The siphon is cleaned by hand, washed thoroughly, and then replaced. It is thanks to the siphon that there is no unpleasant sewer smell in the kitchen - it is a kind of barrier, since it retains water and thus prevents odors from the sewer from directly entering the apartment.

Folk remedies

Among the numerous recipes on how to unclog a sink at home, there are also folk recipes - using improvised means that can be found in almost every kitchen.

Soda and vinegar

A universal and most common option for cleaning a sink without a plunger or other devices. Soda is poured into the hole in equal quantities and vinegar is poured (for example, 150 g per 150 ml). The drain is covered with a rag so that the foam formed as a result of the chemical reaction does not come out, but is concentrated inside the pipe. After 10-15 minutes, the pipes are washed with plenty of hot water. The reaction between alkali and acid effectively removes blockages and plaque on the walls. If you use hot water instead of water potato broth, this will help eliminate the unpleasant odor. This is the method of all folk recipes It has greatest number positive feedback. But there are others.

Baking soda and vinegar work best to remove clogged siphons.

Soda and salt

If you mix 100 g of salt and 200 g of soda, dissolve everything in 300 ml of warm water and pour it into the drain, after 10 minutes you can remove the blockage without special effort using a plunger (the drain hole must be hermetically sealed with a plug or rag during the reaction).


An alternative, no less effective folk remedy is an Alka-Seltzer tablet or another anti-hangover drug, dissolved in water. It is thrown into the drain hole and filled with 1 glass of 6% vinegar, after 2 minutes the pipes are washed generously with hot water. In this case, in addition to eliminating the blockage, the bad smell is also removed.

This product will cope well with greasy deposits and putrid odor.

Household chemicals

Another answer to the question: if the sink in the kitchen at home is clogged, how to quickly clean it? Household chemicals departments offer a wide range of pipe cleaners. All of them contain acids, which corrode plaque and deposits, so working with household chemicals to clean drains in the kitchen is necessary only with thick rubber gloves and, preferably, holding your breath or using respirators. Otherwise, caustic fumes can cause burns to the mucous membranes and respiratory tract.

All the remedies that will help if the kitchen drain or bathroom drain becomes clogged are presented in two categories:

  • powder - the sachet contains a portion necessary for one-time pipe cleaning.
  • gel - completely ready for use, often more economical.

Household chemicals

To make the product more effective, pour hot water into the pipe (boiling water into a steel pipe) for 10-20 minutes, then pour in the gel or pour in the powder and pour it in warm water according to instructions. Maintain the interval specified by the manufacturer and wash with plenty of cold water. You can wait from 15 minutes (“Domestos”, “Mr. Muscle”, “Tiret”) to several hours (“Mole”).


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