How to make your own shoe dryer. How to make a shoe dryer from plastic pipes

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Today in stores it is offered huge selection clothes dryers with different sizes and design. It would seem that even a picky buyer will definitely find a suitable device. But a homemade dryer has undeniable advantages.

First of all, it saves money. When we are talking not about a simple electric dryer made of heating rods, but about a good drying cabinet that costs a decent amount of money, the opportunity to make such a device yourself looks very attractive. But in fact, there is nothing complicated about this. Let's figure out how it works and what materials are needed to create a dryer for clothes and shoes with your own hands.

Operating principle of the drying cabinet

Let's start with the fact that such a device can be used both for quickly drying freshly washed clothes and for drying street clothes and shoes, which is especially important in the off-season.

Cupboard drying can be done by force warm air fan heater or using economical and silent infrared heaters. With the advent last question I decided on the choice of a heat source on my own.

Infrared heaters are absolutely safe, very efficient and operate with minimal energy consumption. Their location in the upper and lower parts of the cabinet (and, if desired, on the side machines) in combination with ventilation holes to remove moist air and bring in fresh air - this is, in fact, the whole secret of the design. But let's talk about everything in order.

Work progress on creating a drying cabinet

The first stage of work will involve the construction of a closet with stands for shoes and hangers for clothes. We will consider the option of building a structure for the hallway, but if you wish, you can install several rods in the closet or stretch a clothesline, which will allow you to use it for drying freshly washed clothes.

  • When the walls are ready, we assemble the cabinet frame. In the lower part we install metal shelves for shoes, and in the upper part for hats (they can be purchased ready-made). It is desirable that these are lattice structures that are not an obstacle to the penetration of warm air. In the top shelf you will need to drill a hole for the hood with a diameter of about 100 mm.
  • The back wall of the cabinet can be made of thick plywood. After installing it, you should secure the clothes rail and install ventilation pipe with exit to the exhaust grille.
  • When clearance internal filling finished, all that remains is to drill through holes at the bottom for air intake from the hallway and install the facades.

The next step will be self-production infrared heater made of heating film used for installation of heated floors. To do this you will need the following materials:

  • a piece of heating film of the required size;
  • power cord with plug and switch (for ease of use);
  • eyelets and terminals ring for connecting the wire to the heating film, 2 pcs.;
  • wide electrical tape and super tape for finishing dryers.

On the copper current-carrying strip of the film you need to punch a hole for the grommet. For this regular one will do stationery hole punch. Then you should connect the wire to the ring terminal and crimp it special tool or ordinary pliers. Having made a cut along the copper strip, you need to insert a ring terminal and secure the grommet with a press or pliers. You can install eyelets in any metal repair shop.

Similar actions should be performed on the copper strip on the other side. After that, all that remains is to insulate the connection points of the wire to the heating film and the ends of the copper strip on the opposite side. For aesthetic beauty, the insulation areas can be sealed with super tape.

After making two infrared heaters let's get started last stage creating a drying cabinet - we fix the heating elements in its lower and upper parts. By the way, if you wish, you can purchase ready-made infrared cassettes for these purposes.

Autumn and spring periods often accompanied by heavy rains, mud and slush. Wet shoes at this time are a common occurrence that can ruin plans and interfere with urgent matters. Especially if they do not have time to dry completely before the next use. Wet shoes not only threaten to damage the pair itself, but can also cause a cold - which is quite sad. Therefore, after getting your shoes wet, you need to try to dry them as quickly as possible.

As an emergency measure, you can use homemade shoe dryers. The creation and use of such devices is not only useful, but also interesting activity for lovers of everything unusual.

Shoes get wet quickly but dry slowly - this depressing fact makes many people think about how to speed up this process.

Often they simply put wet boots on the radiator, but this can affect them in the most negative way. The fact is that boots dry unevenly near such a heat source. Moisture evaporates only with outside while remaining wet inside. This leads to shoe deformation and cracking. If some parts are glued, they may simply fall off.

To avoid negative consequences, you can make your own device for drying shoes on a radiator. To do this you will need: several slats having a thickness of 0.5 cm, nails and soft fabric made of synthetic fiber.

You can quickly build a device using a hammer, sandpaper, electric jigsaw and a construction stapler.

  1. First you need to make a diagram of the dryer.
  2. Then you should measure the required length from the rail and cut it.
  3. The internal dividers are nailed only after the side ones are attached. There should be a small distance of one centimeter between the slats.
  4. To avoid damaging the battery, a soft cloth is attached to the homemade dryer. synthetic fabric. Construction stapler will cope with this task with ease.
  5. To secure the slats to the radiator, you can make hooks from leftover wood.

This drying method does not allow your favorite pair to come into contact with the surface of the radiator. Therefore, it dries evenly, without the risk of being spoiled.

Important! It is necessary to hang the dryer only on a well-secured battery, so as not to break it due to the weight of the attachment.

The principle of operation of an electric dryer is as follows: the air flow is forced into a box with a cooler, then blown out of pipes inserted into the boots. Externally, these are two small connected structures with a cord, plug and switch.

Creating such a device is difficult, but possible. To do this, you need to use items purchased in special stores. Before visiting them, you should have a clear idea of ​​exactly what components are needed to make an electrical device, and strictly adhere to this list.

You can assemble an electric dryer using: a plastic sewer coupling, adhesive tape, a two-meter corrugated pipe, a wire, a cardboard box, and pencils for a glue gun.

You will also need: an on/off button, a twelve-volt power supply and two coolers capable of rotating.

The tools you will need are scissors, a jigsaw and a glue gun.

  1. First you need to remove the lid from the box and make a couple of holes, the diameter of which will be equal to the diameter of the cooler.
  2. Next, you need to secure both coolers to the lid using glue.
  3. To avoid power loss, you need to connect the cooler wires in parallel: plus to plus, and minus to minus.
  4. Then you should install the on/off button by making a small hole in the lid.
  5. You need to make a hole at the bottom of the box and stretch the wiring from the power supply, not forgetting to seal the hole.
  6. For connection electrical network one of the cooler leads should be pulled through the button. This will allow you to turn the dryer on and off if necessary.
  7. Next, you need to test the electrical circuit using an outlet, plugging in the power supply. It happens that air comes out of the box and not into it. Changing the polarity of the power supply will help here.
  8. Then you should fix a pair of sewer couplings using glue, after making two holes in the side wall.
  9. At the final stage, you need to cut the corrugated pipe in half, and then attach the pipe parts to the couplings using tape.

The electric dryer is ready for use. Now it's easy to dry a wet pair of shoes. You just need to connect the power supply to the socket, insert the tubes into the shoes and press the on/off button.

At correct use homemade dryer can last for several years. Also among the advantages similar devices One can note the fact that they consume little electricity.

Important! During operation, you need to pay attention Special attention case temperature homemade product. If it overheats, the shoes will suffer.

Flexible dryer

There is another amazing device for drying shoes that you can make with your own hands. The main element will be a flexible corrugated pipe and a fan. To manufacture the device, you must purchase from a specialized store: a 220/12V power supply and a connector for it, a plastic distribution box for outdoor use, a rotating cooler and a one-meter long corrugated pipe.

  1. First you need to remove the rubber plugs in the junction box.
  2. Next, you need to divide the corrugation in half and insert it into the hole that was formed after removing the plugs.
  3. You need to make a hole at the bottom of the box, place the cooler there and secure everything with self-tapping screws. The air flow will be supplied into the corrugated pipes.
  4. If there is a gap anywhere, it must be eliminated. This will allow the airflow to move in the desired direction.

The flexible dryer is ready for use. It not only allows you to return your boots to their original appearance, but also preserves their quality properties, as it dries from the inside.

It is very simple to use; both ends of the corrugated pipe are inserted into a pair of shoes, after which the device turns on. In order to homemade device coped with its task, it takes him at least five hours. Therefore, the boots are completely dried overnight. If you only need to slightly dry or ventilate, then it can handle this in a couple of hours. What is especially important is that no overheating occurs in the boots, and bad smell will never appear there. If everything is done correctly, the device will last for many years.

Additional Information! The flexible dryer is convenient to take with you on the road. Whether it’s a summer cottage, a vegetable garden, fishing, hunting, or just a trip to the forest to pick mushrooms, the device will help out everywhere. What makes this possible is the fact that current to the device can be passed through the cigarette lighter in the car.

This method is considered one of the most effective. It’s quite difficult to make a heating shoe dryer with your own hands. To do this, you need to buy seven 1-meter long steel pipes, two ball valves, as well as polypropylene pipes and fittings from a plumbing store. It would also be a good idea to purchase a pipe cutter and a soldering iron for pipes.

  1. First you need to solder part of the pipe and polypropylene into the heating system, then install the tap and turn it off.
  2. Then you need to run the pipe to the place where the homemade dryer will be located.
  3. At a distance of two meters, another part of the pipe is soldered through a fitting, and a tap is installed. You need to make sure that it is tightly closed.
  4. After these steps, you can run the pipeline to the intended drying location.
  5. Polypropylene fittings should be soldered steel pipes. The elements must be placed parallel to each other at a distance of 4–5 cm.
  6. After creating a heated circuit, you need to attach it to the pipes connected to the heating system. This can be done using a soldering iron.

Note! The good thing about a heating dryer is that it can be turned on and off using taps when it is really necessary.

DIY shoe dryer - good alternative the traditional method of drying on a radiator.

Wet shoes cause a lot of inconvenience, give off an unpleasant odor and negatively affect their appearance. It is the cause of many diseases: from fungal infections of the feet to common colds. Only on time Taken measures save the owner of a wet pair from similar consequences.

We assemble a device for drying shoes - an electric dryer from a self-regulating thermal cable. An electric shoe dryer can make the fall-winter slushy period much more comfortable. In addition, dry shoes are a matter of maintaining health, so this is far from a useless device.

Materials and tools


Cuttings of thermal cable (can be from a "warm floor" system);

Copper two-core cable with a cross section of 1.5 sq. mm;

Electrical plug;

Dimmer (you can do without it if you don’t need to regulate the heating of the dryers);

Insulating tape;

Terminal block.




Knife and side cutters.

Making a dryer

So, from scraps of thermal cable 35-50 cm long we make two insert loops.

On two sections of cable we make an end seal on one side (see photo) and connect the terminal block on the other side. You can make not a terminal connection of wires, but soldering.

We connect two “loops” with a cable and a plug in parallel. Additionally, we insulate it with several layers of electrical tape or cover it with a thermal tube.

We do everything carefully and reliably, because we will connect the dryer to a 220 volt network - there should be no mistakes!

Demonstration of heating a homemade shoe dryer with an infrared non-contact thermometer.

Important! We place the thermal cable in the shoes to dry and remove it only when the power is turned off!

It is IMPOSSIBLE to ignore the safety rules

In the video you will see 3 ways to dry shoes:

A very common problem often occurs to us: you have washed your shoes and you need to let them dry. In summer this is not a problem, since you can simply hang your shoes on a clothespin on the balcony - they will dry quickly, but when it’s winter.

The temperature is below zero and your shoes will simply freeze when drying like this. Another way out of the situation is to hang your shoes right in the apartment, but the problem is that the water that will drain from the shoes directly onto the floor will form a puddle. You can put a bucket, or you can make a device, which I want to talk about in this article.

First way

We will need two cardboard bags for juice or milk (the larger the volume of the bags, the better) and two hangers for things.

First, cut off half of the cardboard boxes as shown in the photo:

Next, carefully use a knife or scissors to make small cuts on the edges of the cardboard boxes (this is done so that hangers for clothes can be attached to the box without difficulty.

After this, you need to take two hangers and “put” them on the cardboard boxes on both sides:

Now you put the wet shoes inside the cardboard box and hang the structure on a rope:

Water will gradually accumulate in the shoes as they dry. cardboard box and after a while you just have to open the neck cap, tilt the structure and the water will flow out. Next, close the neck lid and hang the structure on the rope again.

Second way

For the second method we will need two plastic bottles(the larger the volume, the better).

We cut out the middle of the bottles in the same way, but the difference with the previous method is that for this design we do not need hangers. We make a hole in the bottle cap and fasten an aluminum wire there, bending it at the end. Now we screw the cap onto the bottle, put the wet shoes inside the bottle and hang the structure on a rope.

The third method (the easiest)

For this we will need just one hanger. We twist this hanger as shown in the photo and place wet shoes on it.

The effectiveness of drying shoes depends on the constant flow of warm air inside. It “takes” excess moisture and removes it outside. In the proposed homemade dryer heating elements resistors serve. They are blown by an air flow created by a fan, which is then directed through the air ducts into the shoes.

The homemade fan is powered by an electric motor direct current. To obtain it, the circuit provides a rectifier bridge with four diodes. It also contains a capacitor, which is designed to smooth out the ripples of the rectified voltage.

The suitable resistors for the heating chamber are C2-23 and MLT, which have a dissipating power of 2 W. The circuit is equipped with: capacitor K50-35 (can be replaced with another one of similar characteristics); any rectifier diodes, the forward current characteristics of which are not less than 200 mA, and the reverse voltage is not less than 50 V. The power source can be the corresponding computer unit.

The circuit provides an additional resistor, which serves to regulate the fan speed. Thanks to it, heated air enters the shoes, which helps them dry quickly.

The air is heated by resistors in a heating chamber. It measures 10x10x3.5 cm; used for manufacturing junction box made of plastic. A 7-centimeter diameter hole is placed on its lid, through which it is connected to the fan. The latter should force air inside the box; comes from the system computer unit - it blows air into the power supply.

On inside transfer case covers, in the area of ​​the fan openings, install resistors that will heat the incoming air. A resistor, capacitor and diodes are fixed closer to the wall. All the last parts, after testing the device, are fixed to the surface of the cover with hot-melt adhesive.

Two symmetrical holes for air ducts are installed in the side wall of the transfer case. The latter can be made from plastic water pipes With internal diameter 1.9 cm.

The air ducts are secured to the bottom of the box using bolted connections. To do this, at the ends of the pipes (sections of approximately 7 cm), cuts are made to half the diameter, after which they drill two through holes under the screws. Afterwards, these ends are inserted inside the box, corresponding holes are made in its bottom and the parts are fastened with bolts.

The free ends of the air ducts are heated hot water, gas burner and bend it at the desired angle. To ensure that the heated air comes out of them evenly, the end sections of the pipes are provided with perforations, arranging holes with a diameter of 4...5 mm.


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