How to make air fragrance at home. DIY natural air fresheners for home and car

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Has the thought ever occurred to you the next time you visit a store? household chemicals that all these cleaning, washing, scrubbing and odorizing agents are far from the most safe choice for your health and the health of your family?

If you’ve ever thought about such things, then you’ve probably been faced with the question of finding safe detergents, air fresheners, and so on.

If it is quite difficult to make detergents yourself (namely, make them yourself, and not use mustard, soda, and so on instead), then make your own basic air freshener for the living room or toilet room as easy as pie.

You won't believe how pleasant and natural your home can smell when you use the following air freshener recipes.

How to make an air freshener with your own hands from an ordinary orange?

Ah, this holiday - New Year! What does New Year have to do with it, you ask? Try to remember the aromas that hovered in your apartment or house as a child on this bright and good holiday. Which aroma was the most pleasant and most associated with the arrival of the new year? That's right - it's the aroma of oranges or tangerines. With just two small oranges, you can provide this festive scent in a single room for two weeks.

So, take two oranges and three to four dozen dried clove flowers. Divide the clove flowers in half (equally for each orange) and then press them evenly into the orange peel. You will get a sort of orange-clove hedgehog, which will exude a pleasant, light and spicy aroma for two weeks - and without any chemicals or other substances hazardous to health. Again, good for the ozone layer!

How to make your own air freshener from gelatin?

Make a flavoring from a product of processing animal connective tissue (which is, in fact, gelatin)? Is that possible? How possible! And you only need a little bit of it - only 20-30 grams, or, more simply, two tablespoons. This amount of gelatin must be dissolved in approximately two hundred grams of water (that is, in one glass), heating it all with steam.

Once the mixture begins to become more homogeneous, you can add a dozen drops of your favorite essential oil. Do you like lemon freshness? No problem - squeeze the juice of a couple of lemon slices into it, or better yet, throw them in whole. Don't like the color of the mixture? What problems - add any food coloring. Then pour it all into a cute and cozy glass container, and you will get not only a long-lasting air freshener, but also a very stylish thing, as they say, according to Feng Shui!

How to make your own air freshener from various plants?

Let's take another close look at the shelves of household chemical stores: air fresheners containing plant extracts prevail there - fir, chamomile, rose... Is there any possibility of making a similar flavoring at home, but without extracts? Nothing could be easier! But first, you should get a fresh sprig of the plant whose scent you want to inhale for long days and prepare a bottle of water with a regular sprinkler.

If you haven’t guessed it yet, you should lower the desired branch into this very bottle, let it sit for a while, and then simply spray the room to moisturize and aromatize. Isn't it incredibly simple? If we talk about herbs, then basil, juniper, spruce twigs and so on are suitable. A sprig of fir, in addition to giving a pleasant aroma to the air in the room, can also help fight germs during colds.

How to make an air freshener with essential oils at home?

It is quite logical to use ordinary essential oils, which, as a rule, have a very persistent aroma, to create excellent aromatized air. Moreover, they can be used not only for rooms. For example, if you add just a few drops of some oil to ordinary cotton pads and then put them in the closet, you can be sure that your clothes or bed sheets will always exude a light, pleasant aroma.

If we talk about creating a certain aroma in the room, then, if you have a humidifier, it makes sense to add a little of your favorite essential oil there. Dropping just a few drops of oil onto fresh fir cones , you will get a wonderful fresh forest aroma that is very calming. If you are too lazy to invent anything, then you can always buy an inexpensive aroma lamp based on essential oils.

How to make an air freshener for the refrigerator?

Forgot to take out spoiled sour cream or kefir from the refrigerator in time? They didn’t think to cover the dish with the herring with another plate, which had only been eaten for 24 hours. It seems that not only all the food, but also the walls of the refrigerator stank? Finally, haven’t you looked at the vegetable shelf for a long time, where, despite the “permafrost” conditions, a long-forgotten lonely tomato began to mold, emitting a characteristic fetid odor? The situation is unpleasant, but fixable.

However, before getting rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, it makes sense to try to wash it (after defrosting it, if the instructions require it). If the smell really ingrained itself into the walls, then a wide open container of water in which sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3 was previously dissolved will help correct the situation... Yes, ordinary baking soda, what else? Extremely effective method, especially with prolonged and regular use.

How to make your own air freshener for the toilet room?

Many people think that this issue needs to be given some special attention, choosing an air freshener with the most pungent and cloying smell. In fact, You and I are here to freshen the air, and not pollute it with all sorts of nasty things. Therefore, feel free to use any of the methods described above for bathrooms and toilet rooms. And if you install a fan in the exhaust hole of such a room, you will forget about the unpleasant smell forever!

How to make an air freshener for the kitchen and living room from coffee?

Let's start with the fact that any of the above recipes for home-made fresheners and flavors is perfect for both the living room and the kitchen. However, the monotony of smells is somewhat annoying; besides, it will be quite natural if the air in the kitchen has its own aroma. And the aroma of coffee is perfect for this.

How to make a flavor from coffee? It's much easier than you think! All you need to do is cut out a small bag from burlap-like fabric, into which you could literally pour two spoons of coffee, and, having tied it, hang it in the kitchen or living room. Needless to say, aromatic freshly ground coffee should be used for this flavoring. By the way, a similar flavor is perfect for a car.

American researchers from Emory University (Georgia) conducted a series of studies on the effects of air fresheners on humans and came to the conclusion thatModern air fresheners contribute to the development of diseases respiratory system even in completely healthy people, they cause frequent attacks of suffocation in allergy sufferers and asthmatics. Air fresheners have a particularly harmful effect on newborns and children 5-6 years old.

Air fresheners contain a whole bunch of things that are harmful to your health. chemical compounds. Petroleum distillates, benzene and formaldehyde, can not only cause asthma and allergies, but also disrupt the entire metabolism, including calcium absorption disorders (and impaired bone density) and even leukemia. At the same time, people often do not notice symptoms such as periodic or chronic runny nose, sneezing, and nasal congestion. People start taking cold medicine without even realizing that the “enemy” has crept up from a completely different direction.

Even air fresheners that contain one or two natural ingredients are no less dangerous, since the others included in their composition are phthalates, substances dangerous to the human body that accumulate in tissues and gradually lead to dysfunction of the reproductive system.

Even after purchasing natural flavor, you need to take a closer look at its composition, because often the product simply has the smell of some plant, but the source of the smell is the same carcinogens, xenohormones and allergens.

If we could imagine that at one moment all chemical fragrances and air fresheners for the home would be banned, then the general level of health of the population of our planet would increase the very next day.

Of course, it is very unlikely that this will happen in the near future, but what more people will refuse to use chemical air fresheners and use only natural substances in everyday life, the faster the harmful effects of these substances on the atmosphere and humanity as a whole will decrease.

Try to make your own natural air freshener that really does not contain harmful chemical substances. Such products will also be cheaper than their store-bought counterparts, since their cost will not include advertising costs, taxes, or sellers’ profits, because the manufacturer, seller and consumer are you.

Aromatic lamp

In order to freshen the air in your home, take an aroma lamp and pour it required amount hot water and add a few drops of aromatic oil. For example, (lemon, eucalyptus, spruce, orange, lavender...) Eucalyptus is very good antiseptic. Use the lamp for approximately 20 minutes. In addition to the fact that you will get a wonderful aroma, it will also have positive influence on your health and well-being, because most essential oils have a healing effect.

Before using essential oils, you need to make sure that you or your family are not allergic to the plants from which they were made!

Natural freshener air

Ingredients : distilledwater – 3/4 cup, vodka or alcohol – 1/4 cup, essential oil – 0.5 tsp.

Mix all ingredients in a fine spray bottle. Spray this mixture in the air.

Shake the bottle before use.

Gentle freshener air

Ingredients : 2 tbsp. gelatin, 1 tsp. glycerin, 1 glass of water, food coloring, essential oils– bergamot, orange, patchouli, cloves (optional), cinnamon powder, decor (optional).

Dissolve gelatin in water over low heat (the amount of gelatin should be taken depending on the required consistency of the jelly). Next, add glycerin to the product, which will prevent the flavor from drying out. Add the desired dye, cinnamon and essential oils (bergamot, cloves and patchouli 5 drops each, orange - a little more). At the bottom of the form for flavoring (it is advisable to take the form from clear glass) lay out decor, for example, decorative pebbles, seashells, etc. and fill with aromatic liquid. Everything is beautiful, and most importantly, natural flavoring for your home is ready!

Freshener air from broadcast oils

Boiled cold water and a few drops (6-8) of aromatic oil that you like. You can use lavender, eucalyptus and other essential oils (such as citrus). Everything is aromaThe atizer is ready. Instead of essential oils, you can add regular fresh lemon or orange juice to the water. Spray this mixture in the air.

Freshener air For toilet

Ingredients : water, gelatin, soda - 25 g., vinegar - 25 ml., salt - 25 g., essential oil and food coloring blue or green (optional).

Dilute gelatin in water as written on the package. But use less water so that the jelly turns out thick. Separately (in a small part of water) dissolve vinegar, soda, salt and essential oil (you can also add soap shavings if desired). Then mix everything together and pour into small molds. Place in the freezer. When the jelly hardens, cut it into small pieces and wrap them in cling film (this will preserve them better). If necessary, remove the piece of jelly from the freezer, remove it from the cling film and place it in the toilet tank. With each release, the homemade fragrance removes bacteria, odor and dirt using natural and effective means.

Freshener air For toilet

Making a toilet air freshener is even easier. There is no need to mix anything. All you need is a roll toilet paper.

Choose the essential oil you like. One thing to remember is to avoid overpowering, strong scents. All toilet rooms We are small and the strong smell can be annoying. To make sure the scent is suitable, do a test. Apply one or two drops to paper. Let him lie on the toilet for a while. If you are satisfied with the smell, then you can safely use it for the entire roll of toilet paper.

On inner side cardboard roll on which the paper is wound, drop 1-2k. essential oil. Wait for the oil to be absorbed and place the roll on the toilet paper holder. You can also drop 2-4k. onto a layer of paper.

* If you don’t like the smell, you can always replace the roll with another one. And there is an opportunity to experiment with smells.

Freshener air For rooms And refrigerator

1. To eliminate unpleasant odors in the kitchen, bathroom or other room, you can simply grind the coffee beans and leave the fresh mixture in an open container for several hours.

2. Ground coffee is also very effective at removing odor from your refrigerator. Fill two small containers with fresh coffee grounds or ground coffee and leave them in the refrigerator overnight. For more strong aroma, you can add a few drops of vanilla essence to your coffee.

3. Cotton balls (scented) can also be used for the refrigerator. Place cotton wool soaked in vanilla extract on a shelf in the refrigerator.

Cotton balls

Your home vacuum cleaner can also become an air flavoring agent.

Apply a few drops of your favorite natural essential oils to a cotton ball and place in a vacuum cleaner bag. When the vacuum cleaner is running, a pleasant smell will fill the room and refresh the air in the room where you will be cleaning.

Aromatic pads or sachet

“Sachets” are fragrant bags that can be placed in closets and beds, under the pillow, and almost everywhere in your home. Such a sachet can not only be put in the closet with linen or hung on a hanger with clothes, but also put in the bedroom, child’s room, office and even car - you just have to choose suitable aroma. And most importantly, no chemicals!!!

Take small bags made of cotton or linen fabric, fill them with dried herbs, buckwheat husks, talcum powder, or just a piece of cotton wool - and soak it with a mixture of essential oils of your choice:

1) cinnamon – 1 drop; geranium – 1 drop; grapefruit – 1 drop.

2) bergamot – 1 drop; nutmeg – 1 drop; lemongrass – 1 drop.

3) rosemary – 1 drop; pine – 1 drop; nutmeg – 1 drop.

You can find as many recipes for mixtures for filling sachets as there are herbs used in aromatherapy, but there are also compositions that are used more often than others. It's cloves with mint, rosemary and lemon; lemon with rose and lavender; rose with lavender, incense and lemon; rose, ylang-ylang and lavender; rosemary, cloves and lemon are easy combinations, and these plants are also easy to find.

Tie the bag with a pretty ribbon and you're done!

* If you don’t have a suitable bag and don’t have time to sew it, just stuff an unnecessary baby sock made from natural fabrics with herbs and tie it.

What herbs to take?

This, of course, depends on your preferences.

You can take, for example, lavender flowers, tansy flowers and dried orange peels - they will protect your things from moths.

Leaves mint – the aroma of mint refreshes, tones, uplifts the mood, and also stimulates mental activity.

Leaves thyme – thyme awakens vitality and energy, reveals creative potential.

Petals rosehip – have a pleasant floral aroma.

For storing things from moth damage

Make an aromatic pillow filled with lavender flowers and add additional drops of:

– 5 drops of cedar, 5 drops of cypress.

If you don’t have such a pad, take 4-5 cotton swabs and wet each one: 2 drops lavender, 2 drops cedar or cypress.

Place them evenly in linen closets. After 2-3 weeks, repeat the treatment with essential oil.

* Essential oils of lemon and sage are also effective against moths.

Aromatic pad

You can stuff a pillow with dried herbs. It's such a pleasure to sleep in the aroma of herbs! Anyone who had to sleep on hay probably remembers the magical fresh aroma of hay.

Of course, you won’t always sleep on a grass pillow - it will crumble into dust so soon. But if you make a small pillow and place it at the head of the bed, and shake it slightly before going to bed to revitalize the aroma, then you are guaranteed a wonderful sleep!

Herbs, of course, lose their scent over time, so revive your pad with a few drops of essential oils and they will continue your summer memories.

You can fill the pillow with any herbs - mint, lemon balm, thyme, oregano, sage, lavender.

1. Aroma pine buds – relieves fatigue and “negativity”.

2. Juniper berries and shavings helps with studies and other activities that require concentration and attention, the aroma of which stimulates performance. Juniper berries help relax neck muscles.

3. An excellent remedy for insomnia is a pillow with hop cones .

To enhance the aroma of herbs, essential oils with a resinous or herbal smell are suitable - rosemary, clary sage, fir, juniper, wormwood. These aromas will improve your sleep, help you get enough sleep in less time, and feel energetic in the morning.

This is also very useful during flu epidemics, especially when one of the family members has a cold. And for children attending kindergarten, is the first means of prevention.

If you didn’t stock up on herbs in the summer, you can, of course, buy them at the pharmacy; today this is not a problem. And you can easily assemble the “stuffing” into household. Dry the peels of lemons, oranges, tangerines. It's better to cut thin layer zest and use only this, because the white parts of the rind provide a slightly “dusty” flavor.

To make the citrus aroma richer - a few drops of citrus essential oils - lemon, orange, tangerine, bergamot.

1. Aroma lemon refreshes and invigorates, orange and bergamot – calms, drives away unpleasant thoughts.

2. If you stuff a pillow rose petals , then the essential oil will improve the aroma - roses, lavender or geranium .

3. Scented pillow carnations cleans the indoor air well.

And many more useful things!!!

* In order to neutralize bad smell, which comes from a cat's sandbox or from the bathroom, it is not necessary to use special aerosols. Place lemon slices on a plate and leave in the room. In just a few hours the air will become fresher and more fragrant.

* To remove odor from the refrigerator, wet a sponge lemon juice and leave it there for several hours.

* To freshen the air throughout the house, office space or apartment, add lemon zest, cinnamon, cloves and apple peel to hot water. The pleasant smell will reach all rooms on its own.

* To freshen the air in the kitchen after cooking, you can use fresh oranges. Boil in a saucepan orange peel and leave the container open for several hours. The air in the kitchen will be immediately refreshed. 5 (100%) 1 vote

Currently, in many household department stores you can buy modern air fresheners, which mainly use artificial flavors as a liquid spray throughout the room, which, although they have a pleasant smell, are indoors They quickly get fed up and become unpleasant. Also, most of these tinctures are priced by manufacturers at a fairly decent amount, which is why many Russians who want a pleasant aroma to always be in their homes make air fresheners with their own hands.

Advantages self-cooking air freshener solution are quite obvious:

  1. Using natural ingredients for the liquid will not only help achieve the desired smell, but will also have a positive effect on the health of the body as a whole.
  2. Relatively inexpensive components.
  3. The unobtrusiveness of the odors emitted by the devices (which cannot be said about “chemical” aromas).

You can use various inexpensive air fresheners household tools: for example, a spray bottle, a budget device from a store. Finally, you can make some kind of device yourself, and without using expensive elements. Some housewives do not use such things at all and simply place neatly cut and beautifully laid out fruits on a plate in the room.

This option also has every right to exist, but it has a rather serious disadvantage: the aroma emanating from sliced ​​fruits can more or less steadily hover in the air for only 10-12 hours.

Preparation of solutions of different compositions

It is obvious that the basis of various solutions should be components that emit a fairly stable and at the same time pleasant aroma. So, potential ingredients for an air freshener could be (arranged in order of decreasing durability):

  • Citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges, lemons, etc.);
  • Bouquet of coniferous tree branches;
  • Essential oils;
  • A bouquet of various herbs (usually mint, lavender, basil are used).

In the vast majority of cases, artificial substances recommended by manufacturers of spray devices are created on the basis of the listed natural ingredients. Using any of the above list of ingredients will have a beneficial effect on both appearance, and on the state of the body as a whole, in particular the immune system.

Tip: to add a pleasant aroma to a rarely visited room, such as a toilet or hallway, you can use dried fruit mixed with various herbs in the bank. Usually in the evening the jar is shaken well several times, after which it is left open in one room or another overnight. It should be closed in the morning, and the described procedure should be repeated in the evening.

To prepare a tincture with a pleasant and persistent aroma, you can use various recipes, and all of them will differ in the proportions of certain components, so it makes sense to present only one, a universal one. So, for the solution you will need:

Several citrus fruits (the exact number depends on the size, but usually take two or three oranges, one lemon and one grapefruit or lime).

A spray bottle, such as a spray bottle. Water and a little vodka.

The procedure for preparing the freshener is as follows:

  1. The peel is removed from the fruit and placed in some container, for example, a regular one. glass jar. Then you can add the peel of another fruit, but one that does not interrupt the smell, but only complements it. Then the peels are filled with approximately 300 milliliters of vodka, and the jar is tightly closed plastic cover For a three days.
  2. After the specified period, the liquid is poured from the jar into the sprayer, and a new batch of peels is loaded into the previously used container. It is imperative to add 200-250 ml of water to the sprayer in order to remove the smell of alcohol.
  3. You can additionally add or enhance the aroma using essential oils that are in harmony with the main one.

Custom air fresheners

A classic assistant for distributing a pleasant smell throughout a room is a spray bottle: it is very simple to use, it is easy to fill and change the liquid, and you can independently dose the sprayed amount of solution, while purchased air fresheners often make mistakes with the volume distributed.

But not only it can be used to spread the smell: for example, in modern times, various glass glasses (or, indeed, candlesticks), sachets and slightly modernized glass bottles, and instead of solutions used in conjunction only with the latter, respectively, thick fresheners, a set of citrus peels and herbs.

Tip: for use, it is recommended to choose a glass that is both beautiful and thick-walled. You can use a candlestick or ceramic items as a replacement. Capacities last type They are used quite rarely, since the liquid from them quickly evaporates, and the aroma disappears a little faster, so you should be prepared for the need to change the solution frequently.

Modernized bottles differ from their “relatives”, firstly, in size: usually their volume is no more than 0.3 liters. Secondly, they play more decorative function, because they are decorated in the style of, for example, pirate rum bottles.

Finally, the third difference is that they are closed with a cork, but only halfway: the point is that another fragrant freshener mixed with essential oils is poured inside, and the smell only slightly penetrates through the cork to the outside, into the room.

Thick air freshener

Special, thick air fresheners are made for ceramic or glass glasses that can emit a pleasant aroma throughout the week. To prepare them you need the following ingredients:

  • Water, essential oils - as a liquid, binding component;
  • Gelatin, glycerin;
  • Cinnamon (to taste, as well as various herbs);
  • Food coloring (to give the thickened freshener an interesting color).

The process of preparing a thick freshener is quite simple and does not require any special culinary skills; you just need to follow the order of the steps listed below:

  1. A glass of hot water (not boiled) is poured into some shallow container, where 2-3 tablespoons of gelatin are then added. The saucepan is placed on low heat. The liquid should be given the maximum degree of homogeneity by constantly stirring the mixture.
  2. Once the gelatin has completely dissolved in the water, you can add the remaining ingredients. The proportions of the added ingredients are established experimentally, but usually one and a half teaspoons of glycerin and 5 teaspoons of essential oils are poured into the liquid. It is not recommended to use dyes in large quantities.
  3. As soon as the mixture regains its homogeneity, it can be poured into pre-prepared molds, where it can take shape and finally harden. To do this, you can use classic molds for preparing flour products.

Once the air freshener takes its shape, you can carefully remove it from the metal container and place it in a prepared glass or ceramic glass. By the way, over time, a small crust may form along the edges of the air freshener: it must be cut off and the exposed areas lubricated with oil or glycerin. This will further increase the intensity of the aroma emitted.


In the classical and original understanding, a sachet was a set of several interconnected small pads that were placed in various sets of linen to repel moths and other pests. With the spread of tablets and other remedies against various insects, sachets became more of an air freshener than anything else.

Making a sachet-type air freshener is quite simple: all you need is a small (10-14 x 25-30 cm) piece of natural fabric (usually silk or cotton is used), a small ribbon for dressing and, in fact, the ingredients themselves. They can be presented:

  • Again with citrus peel;
  • Dried berries of barberry, currants, etc.;
  • Mint and rosemary leaves;
  • Spices;
  • Wood sawdust, which can add a unique detail to the entire aroma composition.
It is necessary to sew an ordinary bag from scraps of fabric, in which one side must be left unsewn, but the possibility of tightening it or loosely closing it with buttons must be provided. The upper edge of the sachet is usually decorated with fringe, and the bag itself is additionally attached to some decorative item, for example, a soft toy, a vase of flowers, etc.

The sachet is tightly filled with all the listed ingredients of the “dry” freshener, after which it is actively shaken several times and finally pulled together with tape, first across it, and then near the open edge. You can use a few drops of essential oils to enhance the scent, but it is recommended to do this before mixing.

In conclusion, it should be noted that a healthy and cozy atmosphere at home is formed, among other things, by the smell. It is necessary to monitor the air quality in the apartment, follow the ventilation regime and regularly use natural air fresheners. This will not only provide soaring in the air pleasant aromas, but will also have a positive effect on the condition of the body as a whole.

Video: how to make a gel flavor with your own hands

Good housewives worry about harmony and comfort in the house. To do this, you have to constantly maintain cleanliness, restore order and fill the rooms with pleasant smells. Most often we use fragrances and fresheners made by household chemical manufacturers, but you can try creating one. For this purpose, absolutely accessible components are used. Many needlewomen have already tried to make an air freshener with their own hands from essential oils, but there are still many ways to scent and decorate your home.

Why waste your time and come up with fresheners if you can stop by the nearest household chemicals store along the way and choose any bottle from a variety of options? It’s just that most zealous housewives have long noticed several very positive features of their own air fresheners:

  • Harmlessness. These products will be safe for adult apartment residents, children, and pets.
  • You can choose ingredients yourself that will not cause allergies or asthma attacks in anyone.
  • A homemade air freshener made by yourself is much cheaper than store-bought options.
  • This freshener will definitely appeal to people who are trying to support the environment. The product will not contain reagents that damage the ozone layer, pollute the atmosphere or destroy plants.
  • The smells of a natural air freshener will not irritate with harshness and intrusiveness, because natural components without the addition of chemicals are not as rich as their industrial counterparts.

Let's start production

So how can a person who has never encountered such handicraft before make an air freshener with their own hands? It’s very simple, you don’t need to have any special skills for this. Most often, you don’t even need any tools.

Air freshener made from essential oils

Before making an air freshener at home, make sure you have everything you need. You will need: a glass jar with a screw cap, baking soda, essential oil or composition, a piece of thick paper, paint, a hammer and an awl or a thick needle.

First you need to paint the lid any color you like. suitable color, then you need to make holes in it using a hammer and an awl. Pour baking soda into a jar a quarter of the way up and add 10-15 drops of essential oil. Then screw on the lid and place the jar anywhere in the room. To make it more decorative, the outside of the jar can be painted with stained glass paints. If there is no screw cap, cover the top of the jar with a sheet of paper with holes, securing it with any rubber band or perforated foil. As you can see, it is quite easy to make an air freshener using essential oils yourself at home.

If you have a cover made of 2 parts, then instead of its middle part you can also use a decorative one paper sheet with holes made in it.

Aroma diffuser

This thing in Lately is becoming very popular, because a good commercial diffuser is quite expensive. The operating principle of this home air freshener is simple and it is very easy to make this device yourself.

To create a diffuser, prepare a glass or ceramic jar, your favorite essential oils, any vegetable oil and sticks.

A small amount of vegetable oil pour into a jar or vase and add aromatic oils to it. The intensity of the smell will depend on the amount of essential oil added. Insert diffuser sticks into the oil mixture. Aroma diffusers are a very fashionable piece of furniture, so they can be decorated with ribbons or artificial flowers.

Note: You can buy special sticks, but if this is not possible, then ordinary twigs, cleared of bark, are quite suitable.

Freshener in a spray bottle

This natural air freshener is also made with essential oils. Its advantage is that you can make a separate scent for each room, because each family member may have their own preferences, and even for different rooms different scents are suitable. In the kitchen you want something tastier, and in the toilet you want something fresher.

For production, stock up on a spray bottle or spray bottle. You can use leftover bottles cosmetics. Pour water into the prepared container (preferably boiled or distilled) and drop essential oil into it. You can control the number of drops yourself; the intensity of the aroma will depend on this, but you should start with 10 drops. That's it, the air freshener is ready. Try to shake it before use.

Preserved petals

This ecological fragrance allows you to use petals of any flowers with a rich scent: roses, lilacs, peonies, jasmine, chrysanthemums. Additionally, you can use fragrant herbs: mint, basil, thyme.

Pour several layers of the petal mixture into a clean, dry half-liter jar, alternating them with the same layers of regular table salt. Fill the container a little short of the top. Then you need to pour 50 ml of alcohol into this composition and screw the lid tightly. The jar should be placed in dark place and shake its contents periodically without opening it.

After the allotted time has passed, remove the fragrant mixture from the jar and transfer it to a decorative container.

Citrus freshener

This natural flavoring is often made on the eve of New Year's holidays. All you need to make it is oranges and dried cloves. The sharp ends of the cloves are stuck into the peel of the oranges. You can do this in any order, or you can create some kind of pattern. In the end you should end up with an orange “hedgehog” that will exude a very pleasant and tasty aroma.

Tip: Try making this freshener with your children - they will find it very interesting.

Freshener with gelatin

Gelatin is a natural component that will perfectly preserve the flavor. To create from it gel freshener for air with your own hands, you need to take 20-30 g or 2 tbsp. l. dry gelatin, stir it in a glass of water and heat to dissolve. Add 10-15 drops of any essential oil to this liquid. Additionally, you can add a teaspoon of glycerin to prevent drying. To make the freshener look more decorative, you can add food coloring, pebbles, shells, flower petals or orange and lemon peels to the water.

Soda freshener

The soda air freshener option has already been described above. Soda is poured into a jar, into which essential oils are dripped. Holes are made in the lid of the jar through which the smell gradually evaporates into the room. As an alternative to oils, you can use fresh citrus peels and spices (cinnamon or vanilla sticks, cloves, coriander). This method is great for making your own toilet air freshener. It neutralizes unpleasant odors very quickly.

Coffee air freshener

Almost everyone likes the smell of coffee and would really like to fill their home with this invigorating aroma. Nothing could be simpler. Coffee beans can be used to make many decorative items, which not only look beautiful, but also smell simply divine. You can also use ground coffee by placing it in a bag made of natural fabric. This fragrant bag can be hung in the closet, kitchen or bathroom. Candles with the addition of coffee beans also scent the room. When burned, they fill the room with pleasant coffee notes.

Stock up on aromatic ingredients, use your imagination and create masterpiece home air fresheners!



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