How to make handgam or smart plasticine with your own hands. Handgam: how to make it at home without PVA glue from shampoo? How to make handgam from soda and pva

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I recently found a couple of recipes for making handgam at home. But I still don’t understand which one is better. Therefore, I will do both, and at the same time I will tell you all the pros and cons.

I couldn’t write for you and make chewing gum for my hands at the same time. I already managed to get dirty from head to toe while I was choosing the right proportions))

Recipe 1.

We will need regular stationery (silicate) glue and vodka (or better yet, pure alcohol). We mix alcohol and glue in equal proportions (if we use vodka instead of alcohol, then in volume fractions it should be about 1.5 times more than glue) and we get a white mass that is very nasty to the touch. The consistency will resemble thick wallpaper glue. Overcoming disgust, we take it in our hands and wash it in cold (!) water. That's all. The handgam is ready: you can sculpt figures from it; if you drop it on the floor, it will jump almost a meter, and if you hit it sharply, you will get the “shards” that I wrote about above. There is only one difference from industrial handgam - lifetime. Our homemade craft retains its properties for several hours, and then completely dries out. But these few hours are enough to play a lot.

It's simple - isn't it?

Liquid glass(silicate glue) - 1 liter - $1 (in any hardware store)

P.S. Just in case, I bought 2 more tubes at the stationery store different manufacturers$0.5 for both.

— C2H5OH — 96% alcohol. Sold in a pharmacy< 1$ за пузырек.

- ice cream. Color and taste are not important - the main thing is that it is on a stick. We will stir the slurry for her))

Take off All I didn’t, and why would you need to see 5 failed attempts))

In short: when mixed 50/50 with pure alcohol, the glue immediately hardens and turns white. The resulting mass can hardly be called chewing gum. Looks more like artificial snow)) It doesn’t really matter which manufacturer of glue you use.

Therefore, you need to add alcohol a few drops at a time and look at the result. Then we take the resulting white lumps in our hands (silicate glue is non-toxic) and Squeeze slowly into 1 large lump. Rinse under cold water, as written in the recipe, there is no point (this makes homemade handgam more slippery for a while).
It turned out to be a really nice thing! Watch the video:

Recipe 2.

Dissolve starch in water in a 1:1 ratio. Add glue(PVA)and stir to the desired consistency.

Great! Even easier and almost no cost. It is worth noting that with the addition of PVA, homemade handgam behaves exactly the same))

Here, as in the first case, starch is added gradually. If you mix 1:1, you get a syrup that does not in any way resemble solid. I didn't add paint, because... I love the pure white color. Watch the video:

P.S. In fact, they learned how to make such handgams thousands of years ago, but it was called dough))

Recipe 3.

This recipe appeared here thanks to your comments, and especially the help of the user who made the next video.

In short - you need to mix PVA With sodium tetraborate V the right proportions and, if desired, add a little dye. More details - watch the video:

It's time for brainiacs to compare the results.

Liquid glass vs. Starch vs. Borax

Main properties of purchased handgam:

1. It's leaking.

It's very difficult to make it flow. After leaving the ball for 10 hours we got a hemisphere.

Spreads with a bang.

Like starch, it flows well, even better than the original!

2. It breaks.

More likely to break and crumble when handled roughly.

It breaks like a real one.

It breaks like the original chewing gum.

3. Jumps.

Jumps like a store bought one, maybe even better.

When it hits the ground, it sticks and sluggishly spreads over the surface.

Jumps as well as I sing. I don't sing))

4. Gets your hands dirty.

Absolute lie.

Hands become covered with a white coating due to starch.

Absolute lie.

5. Cannot be washed.

Why not?

Taking out trash is very easy.

Is quite real.

6. Durability.

Cracks appeared on the surface of the ball within an hour. In a day you can break a window with this piece.

If you constantly wet it, you can play until you get tired of it.

I wouldn't say it's durable


Properties Recipe 1 Recipe 2 Recipe3
1. Flowing ++ ++
2. Tears + + ++
3. Jumps ++
5. Can be washed + + +
6. Durability + +

Conclusion: we have prepared something pleasant to the touch at almost no cost handgam at home, which I didn't want to let go of it. Of course, its properties are far from those of a store-bought one, but this will help you decide whether you need it, and whether it’s worth overpaying ~ $15 for 35 grams, if you can make 1 kilogram of such a miracle with your own hands, just for 2 $ .

Handgam is a perfect likeness of the cartoon character. In Russia, this type of entertainment gained incredible popularity in the nineties. But such “pleasures” could leave behind such greasy spots, which could not be deduced by anything. Handgam was invented in Scotland, and Chinese manufacturers launched it into mass production.

What is this thing? How to do it?

The “lizun” toy is an unusual green creature that immediately found its fans among many children. This is an excellent tool for hand massage and development fine motor skills fingers. There are a few more interesting names this toy: smart plasticine, slim, handgams. How to make them? The first method is the simplest. "Lizuna" can be obtained from water and sodium tetraborate. You need to take 100 grams, one glass of water heated to 20 degrees Celsius, and a four percent borax solution. To give the “slime” the desired color, you can add dye or gouache. Mix all ingredients. The toy is ready. But it has the ability to attract lint from carpets and dust particles from any surface. Therefore, “slime” should be protected from excessive external influence with things and store it correctly. It must be kept in a cool place.

Second way

But this powder is dangerous if inhaled and if it enters the stomach? Instead of borax, you can add cornstarch. For the recipe, you should take all the ingredients as before, only replacing the sodium tetraborate.

The third way: easy and simple

How to make handgam from shampoo and glue? Now we'll tell you. First, take glue and shampoo in a ratio of 3:1, respectively. The color of the toy will depend on the shade of the hair wash. Mix everything thoroughly in a plastic bag until smooth. If you pour more shampoo than required, the toy will be more elastic, and the glue will add elasticity and strength to it. Now you can play with the slime.

The fourth method: fast, but short-lived

No one will be surprised by the fact that nowadays everything can be made, even handgams. How to make this toy durable so that it pleases the baby and helps him develop? In the method that will be described below, the “slime” will turn out to be bouncy and, of course, will become good friend for a child. To make it you also need to take vodka. Mix these two ingredients in such an amount that the last substance is one and a half times more. You'll get a mass white. Next, you need to take the resulting substance in your hands and rinse it in cold water. So it turned out to be a handgam. Anything can be molded from it. Yes, and he jumps a meter. You won't be able to play with such a friend for long. With all of it unique properties he will only be able to please for a few hours. Eventually it dries out and crumbles.

Fifth method: fragrant “slime”

How to make handgam without sodium tetraborate, and so that it has the same properties as the real thing? No matter how regrettable it may be, handmade handgams made by yourself will not work one on one, like a factory “lizun”. But it is possible to bring its similarity as close as possible. First of all, you should replace sodium tetraborate with the product household chemicals, which already contains it in its composition. You can try making a toy from PVA and liquid powder. You need to pour glue into the container, preferably fresh. This will ensure the elasticity of the toy. Leave aside for five minutes.

Drain any liquid that appears. Add dye at your discretion. You can even make your future “lime” as environmentally friendly as possible by coloring it with carrot or beet juice and adding crumbs from pastel crayons to the mixture. Add one drop of liquid powder to the entire contents and mix. The resulting mass will begin to thicken. The powder must be added in portions until the handgum stops sticking to your hands. It is not necessary to take special utensils for making “slime”. The mixing process can be done even in a regular bag. If you don't have liquid powder, you can add shower gel. In this case pleasant aroma"lick" will be provided.

Sixth method: use a microwave

How to make handgam without tetraborate? For example, you can make such a thing from starch and water. Take two components in a 1:1 ratio. Oil and dyes are added as desired. The mixture will need to be heated in the microwave until thickened for about thirty seconds, no more. Otherwise, excessive drying will occur. Roll the resulting mass into a ball. "Lizun" is ready.

Seventh method: prepare glue and soda

How to make handgam from soda? Very simple. Take half a glass of baking soda and one hundred milliliters of PVA glue, fifty milliliters of water, dye, jars and a stick. The glue is mixed with water. Next, the dye is added and everything is stirred until the color is uniform. wooden stick, which was specially prepared for this purpose. Initially, only a third of the water was taken, and the remaining amount should be diluted with soda to a mushy state. Then this mass should be poured into the mixture with glue and stirred. When the “slime” reaches a homogeneous state, it will thicken. It may turn out liquid due to excess water. It is important not to overdo it with water. This “slime” can be used to have fun.

Add glycerin

If a person has already decided to make handgams with his own hands, how can he make them sufficiently elastic? Add glycerin. Good elasticity and a return to its original “slime” stage will be ensured, but greasy marks cannot be avoided.


Now you know what handgams are, we also looked at how to make such things. I can give some advice to those who like to make things themselves. Any sliding toy that crawls through holes made at home will be inferior to one made in industrial workshops. But what is good about such creativity? It gives you the opportunity to experiment, develops imagination, and excites the imagination.

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


Slime, or as it is also called, handgum, slime, became a popular toy among children back in the 90s, when the film “Ghostbusters” appeared. This hero could take any form, was slimy and not entirely pleasant to the touch. However, this fact did not bother the children, but the sodium tetraborate content in the toy from the store stopped many parents from buying it. Did you know that making such a toy with your own hands is very simple? Numerous videos will show you how to make slime without sodium tetraborate. You can learn this secret from this article.

How to make slime at home

There are many ways to make slime from scrap materials at home. To create it, the following are mainly used:

  • water,
  • shampoo,
  • paper,
  • soda,
  • starch,
  • flour,
  • Persil,
  • boric acid,
  • baby powder.

Thanks to the fact that you create a toy yourself, you will be able to control the entire process and composition of the product, giving it the color and size that you see fit. Your child will love this activity, and after teaching him the basics, you can get a few minutes of free time while your child independently tries to create his own slime.

From water and shampoo

You can easily make a homemade licker using water and office glue. How? Yes, very simple. The instructions below will help you through this process. To get started you will need:

  • PVA glue – 100 g;
  • any dye of the desired shade (gouache, brilliant green);
  • water room temperature– 50 g.

For preparation:

  1. Pour room temperature water into the prepared bowl.
  2. Add glue. Please note that the thickness of the slime will depend entirely on the quality and quantity of the thickening glue.
  3. Pour out the entire bottle of sodium tetraborate solution and add a little dye.
  4. Take plastic bag and pour the mixture there. Mash all ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Your handgam is ready!

Shampoo slime without PVA glue is easy to make, but requires more careful storage. To create it you may need:

  • shampoo – 50 g;
  • dishwashing liquid – 50 g.

For preparation:

  1. Pour both products into the prepared container and mix. Please note that color and consistency will depend entirely on the ingredients chosen. If you need a clear slime, then the shampoo and dishwashing detergent should be appropriate.
  2. Mix the ingredients and put the mixture in the refrigerator for a day. The next day you can play with a new toy.
  3. Handgams need to be put in the refrigerator after games. Get rid of it as soon as a lot of dirt and dust sticks to it.

Made from plasticine

A plasticine handgam, which is very simple to make, can be a great toy for a child. You will need:

  • gelatin – 1 sachet;
  • a piece of plasticine;
  • water;
  • plastic bowl;
  • metal container;
  • spoon for stirring;

For preparation:

  1. Add gelatin to cold water, leave for an hour until completely dissolved in a metal bowl. The proportions are often indicated on gelatin packets.
  2. After an hour, place the bowl on the stove and wait until it boils.
  3. Take a piece of the selected plasticine and remember it in your hands.
  4. IN plastic container pour warm water(50 g) and mix thoroughly with plasticine until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  5. Add the now slightly cooled gelatin to the plasticine and mix thoroughly with a spoon.
  6. Handgam will be ready for play as soon as it cools down. Today you learned how to make slime without PVA glue.

From paper

For some reason, many people believe that if a toy is made by hand, then it is necessary to use paper. Handgam is unlikely to include paper sheets. Otherwise, how would it then stretch and stick to everything it touches? Let's reveal a secret for those who believe that anything can be made from paper: it is impossible to make a sticky toy from this material. The only thing that can bring you closer to a paper slime is its picture drawn on a sheet.

From soda

You may not believe it, but colored slime, which children are used to calling slime, can be easily prepared with soda. Such a toy becomes an indispensable assistant, if you need time for household chores, since the child will definitely be captivated by it for a long time. When creating, nothing needs to be glued, sawed or cut. Just mix the necessary ingredients:

  • PVA glue – 50 g;
  • water – 100 g;
  • soda – 1 tbsp.,
  • dye;
  • mixing bowl;
  • spoon or stick for mixing ( latex gloves, if you do it manually).

For preparation:

  1. Mix half the water with the glue in a separate bowl. Feel free to add your chosen dye here.
  2. Dilute the baking soda with the rest of the water.
  3. Combine both solutions and mix well until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  4. The toy is ready, and your baby is happy!

Please note that this lick can be stored for no more than a week. During intensive play, it is advisable to change the handgam to a new one after 2-3 days.

From starch

Another simple way to properly make slime without sodium tetraborate contains a minimum amount of ingredients:

  • water;
  • starch.

IN in this case use potato or corn starch. For preparation:

  1. Just mix the two components in equal proportions and add the dye you like. Even brilliant green will help you here.
  2. Form a ball from the resulting mass and you can enjoy playing with your new slime.

How to care for slime

In addition to the fact that you need to know how to properly make slime without sodium tetraborate, a separate point should be made about caring for this toy. Slime often attracts dirt and dust, so after playing it is best to rinse it under running water. Make sure it is not too hot. Some homemade slimes should be placed in the refrigerator immediately after playing. If you see that the slime has accumulated a lot of dirt and dust, then it is better to get rid of it and make a new toy for your baby.

How to make handgam without sodium tetraborate as plastic and fluid as factory handgam?

  • Firstly, of course, it will not be completely identical in properties.
  • Secondly, borax is a good preservative; handgams have a shorter shelf life without it.
  • Thirdly, it is still not possible to achieve great elasticity and fluidity with any other means. Often the slime gets dirty or quickly loses its shape.

There are several ways to make handgam at home without sodium tetraborate. What they have in common is that sodium tetraborate is replaced either by household chemicals or cosmetic product, which usually contain sodium tetraborate. There are also recipes that exclude this ingredient altogether and replace it with other viscous components.

Handgam made from liquid powder and PVA

A necessary condition is the freshness of the PVA glue - this significantly affects the elasticity of the future toy.

Instead of washing liquid, you can use shampoo, perhaps shower gel is also suitable.

Handgam made from starch and water

  1. Take the starch and add enough water until it is wet but thick. In a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Add dyes or essential oils optional.
  3. Heat the mixture in microwave oven until thickened, about 30 seconds. Remove and roll into a ball. Ready.

Handgam made from PVA and starch

The manufacturing method is similar to the preparation of so-called “cold porcelain”.

  1. Mix a little PVA with starch and water (about 50 ml).
  2. Add dye.
  3. Microwave for 10 seconds and stir until thickened. Stir the hot mixture until it cools.

For elasticity, you can use glycerin, but such a slime will leave greasy marks.

Any handmade item made at home needs careful storage. Place it in a tightly sealed jar and store it in any place where it is cool, but not in the refrigerator, as elasticity decreases in the cold.

In the first half of the 40s of the twentieth century, an organosilicon polymer was discovered that had quite interesting properties. Later, toys were made from this material. A toy made from this polymer, called hand chewing gum or handgam, can be stretched and wrinkled. A ball made of this material can spread across the table and, when thrown, can easily bounce off the wall. The toy is quite popular today, but you can not spend money on buying it, but make a handgam at home.

What methods exist for making handgams?

There are two ways to make handgams. For the first, you need to prepare PVA glue, borax in glycerin, which can be bought at any pharmacy, since it is an antiseptic, and any dye. For the second method you will need silicate glue and 96% ethanol.

How to make handgam the first way?

This method is the most popular among amateur inventors. It is necessary to pour the prepared PVA glue into a specially prepared container. It is better if it is a glass glass or jar. If you want the handgam to be some original color, you can add gouaches or any dye. After adding the dye, mix the solution well and quickly, and then pour in a small amount of borax in glycerin. The consistency of the future fun will depend on the amount of antiseptic added. Remember, the more borax in glycerin you add to the glue, the more liquid the handgum will turn out. Mix the resulting solution well with a wooden stick. After a few minutes it will begin to thicken, so wrap it around a stick and remove it from the bowl. If your handgam begins to thicken before you have time to remove it from the container, then transfer it to a bag and knead it well.

How to make handgam the second way?

To make a toy using the second method, you need to pour silicate glue into a specially prepared container, and then add ethyl alcohol. When adding, remember that the volume of added liquid should not exceed a fifth of the total contents. Add alcohol very carefully, literally drop by drop. If you add too much of the second ingredient, you will end up with a hard and brittle substance. We'll have to start over. As soon as the liquid begins to become cloudy, stir the solution well with a wooden stick, as a result of which white flakes will begin to appear. Continue stirring until the mixture comes into solid form. Remove the formed flakes from the liquid and squeeze them out, thus removing excess moisture. Handgam made in this way will retain its properties for several hours.

How to store handgam?

In order for the toy to last long enough, it is necessary to store it correctly. Better prepare for her glass jar, which can be hermetically sealed. If you are so thrifty that your handgam has reached the point where it begins to dry out, then just fill it up warm water and leave for a while. If you store handgam in packaging, it can be stored for about five years. It is worth remembering that it is better not to store it in the refrigerator, otherwise this toy will become unusable.

What are the features of homemade handgam?

This toy feels like chewing gum that has already been in your mouth. Handgam does not stick to things and does not leave marks on walls, furniture or hands. Therefore, there will be no need to clean up after playing with it. It is worth noting that handmade handmade is completely non-toxic and has no taste or smell. This plasticine is capable of changing color and properties depending on storage temperature. Also, if you make a figurine out of it, then after a certain period of time it will spread over the surface and turn into a shapeless heap. If you decide to store handgam in packaging and not use it, then the shelf life will be as much as five years. Thanks to the silicone base, handgam does not leave any unpleasant sensations on the hands; it can be torn into small pieces when building any figure, and then converted into a total mass without special effort.

What are the advantages of using handgam?

A handmade handmade game will allow you to develop creative thinking, speech, handwriting and fine motor skills. By exercising with it, you can relieve fatigue or dispel the effects of stress, lift your spirits, or simply “kill” time. And if you make a handgam as a gift for someone, then such an unusual gift will definitely appeal to both a child and an adult. However, it is worth remembering that children under three years of age can play with handgam only under the strict supervision of their parents.


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