How to make a woodpile with your own hands. Woodpile for firewood: types of designs and options for a private home Ideal stacking of firewood 7 letters

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A woodpile for firewood is not only a functional way to stack logs in rows to preserve wood fuel, but also an excellent decor landscape design. Thanks to your imagination and understanding of the rules for laying firewood, you can make a beautiful woodpile with your own hands.

What is a woodpile for?

People who have encountered the need to store firewood in bulk on their site will be able to appreciate the functionality of the woodpile. With such a bed, a number of inconveniences arise:

  • randomly piled firewood takes up a lot of space;
  • being constantly exposed to precipitation, the wood becomes damp, moldy, and covered with fungus, which reduces the temperature when it is burned in the oven;
  • the embankment interferes with free movement in the yard and can become a source of injury for adults and children.

All these troubles can be avoided if you properly stack the firewood in the woodpile. Despite the time spent building a firewood shed, the advantages of this method of stacking firewood are obvious:

  • protection of material from precipitation;
  • good ventilation of firewood;
  • saving space in the yard;
  • a creatively laid woodpile will enliven the decor of the site.

Advice! A DIY woodpile in the form of a wall along the path will serve as an excellent barrier for snow. This will save time in winter when clearing snowdrifts for passage.

In addition to the obvious advantages, the firewood shed on the site requires special attention. This is due to the fact that firewood serves as a solid fuel and is a fire hazardous material. In order to protect the house and outbuildings from possible fire, you need to carefully choose the place to form the firewood. It is better to avoid areas near residential building or wooden buildings. The best option– keep a container of water near the woodpile in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Types of woodpiles

Stacking firewood in a woodpile is done in two ways:

Based on the method of stacking firewood, many forms have appeared that woodpiles acquire thanks to human imagination. The plots are decorated with firewood logs in the shape of birds, animals, houses, and various geometric shapes.

A wall woodpile is placed in a stack under the canopy of a house, bathhouse or barn. This method is attractive because there is no need to additionally worry about supporting the rows. The structure is stable due to the fact that the logs on one side lean against the wall of the building.

One of the disadvantages of this arrangement is uneven drying: the edges of the logs on the wall side are susceptible to fungus due to poor ventilation, and on the street side they get wet in winter from snow, and the rest of the time from rain.

When logs are placed in a stack, but in a circle, the result is stacking in a stack or tower.

This method is suitable for storing large quantity firewood for open area, this is possible due to the stability of the structure without special additional accessories for fastening and supporting the firewood. The disadvantages of this method are labor intensity and complexity of installation.

The most common laying method is small stacks of firewood stacked in even rows.

With this formation of the woodshed, it will not be possible to place a large amount of wood, since as it rises, the wood will begin to roll down. To give stability to the masonry, frames are made that hold the rows of firewood in one position and prevent them from falling apart.

In order to protect the tree from precipitation, firewood sheds with a canopy or roof are made.

If a special house is built on the site to store firewood, then the main condition for high-quality drying of the material is the presence of wide gaps on the sides of the structure. Blind walls will make ventilation difficult, which will lead to damp wood.

Lack of quality ventilation is one of the reasons why it is not recommended to store firewood in a closed shed. If there is such a need, then you cannot fill the outbuilding with wood more than 50%.

Woodpile material

Having installed a frame for storing logs on the site, you can simply put the firewood in the woodpile without fear that they will crumble from their weight and get wet in bad weather. Typically, wood or metal is used as the material for making firewood.

Warning! The service life of the product and installation features depend on the quality of the selected material for the base.

Woodpile made of metal

A metal woodpile has a number of advantages:

  • strength - the external environment has virtually no effect on the structure;
  • long period of use;
  • variability and aesthetics of design.

As a lightweight, portable base for firewood, the design made from aluminum profiles. It is easy to assemble and can be moved from place to place. It is only not suitable for a large amount of firewood due to the possible deformation of soft aluminum under the weight of logs.

For large woodsheds, a metal woodpile is made from a channel, steel profile or pipes.

To install such a serious structure, you will need a welding machine, but in the end the firewood box will please you with its durability and solidity.

For decorative metal woodpiles use forged elements, which give the device an individual design.

Metal stands for firewood are often placed in the fireplace area of ​​country houses. This woodpile for the fireplace decorates the room and gives the home comfort and sophistication.

Sometimes when creating large iron firewood sheds, in addition to the steel frame, they use metal grill on one or all sides of the structure.

Wooden woodpile

The most popular and easiest to make woodpile. To make it you need boards, bars, and the remains of wooden building materials on the site are also suitable. In addition to a modest budget, the advantages of a wooden structure include the following:

  • a light weight;
  • ease of assembly;
  • long service life;
  • neatness of appearance;
  • Easy dismantling for moving to a new location.

A simple way to make a wooden woodpile in the country is a canopy, which can be made from scrap materials.

It consists of the usual wooden frame with one or two walls, roofs made of slate, roofing felt, metal sheets. Cinder blocks or pallets are suitable as a base.

To make a beautiful woodpile, you will need a little time, material and tools. But this design will last longer and looks neater.

Important! The tree needs pre-treatment to protect it from moisture and insects.

How to make a woodpile with your own hands

When choosing beautiful woodpiles like in the photo, you should consider not only the design and aesthetics, but also understand the solidity, strength, safety and fire safety of the structure.

Advice! A drawn drawing of a woodpile will not only simplify construction, but will also allow you to calculate the amount of building material.

The creation of a simple wooden woodpile can be mastered by any home owner or summer cottage. To install the woodshed you will need the following materials and tools:

  • meter board for cutting into crossbars (3 cm thick) 15 cm wide;
  • three-meter board for the base (3 cm thick) 15 cm wide – 2 pcs.;
  • one and a half meter board for sidewalls (3 cm thick) 15 cm wide – 4 pcs.;
  • roulette;
  • saw;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws

After preparing the materials, select appropriate place location of the future woodpile for firewood. It’s good if the woodcutter stands ready concrete base– this immediately eliminates site preparation. If there is no such thing on the site, then you can lay it out of cinder blocks or red brick, which, unlike white, is not so saturated with moisture. You can simply install four blocks along the edges of the future frame to raise the masonry from the ground. Such a floor arrangement will prevent the process of rotting and soaking of the wood.

When the base is ready, saw it meter board into 4 equal parts, which will serve as transverse elements of the structure. After this, 3-meter boards are placed down under the base of the woodpile, and one-and-a-half meter boards are placed vertically against them as side walls. All parts of the frame are fastened together with a screwdriver. The last to be applied and screwed are the 25-centimeter bars, finally connecting the firewood frame together.

If you plan to have a wider woodpile, you will need additional cross boards to strengthen the structure.

In order to protect firewood from precipitation, a homemade woodpile is covered with wave slate or a suitable sheet of corrugated sheeting.

Advice! Before you start using a wooden woodpile on your site, it is treated with a wood antiseptic, which provides protection against fungus, mold and insect activity.

How to properly stack firewood in a woodpile

Proper stacking of firewood in tiers will ensure the dryness of the material and extend the shelf life. To stack a woodpile according to all the rules, you must take into account the following requirements:

  1. Stacking involves dense parallel filling of woodpiles with firewood. Small gaps are acceptable for the purpose of ventilation of the material.

  2. The bottom layer is laid from even and longest blocks.

  3. It is undesirable to build a woodpile more than 2 m high - at such a height it is inconvenient to remove firewood. Recommended height 1.5 – 2 m.

  4. You shouldn’t pile up a pile of firewood - excess weight may cause deformation of the entire structure.

  5. When covering firewood in a woodpile with a tarp or film, you need to leave a free gap near the ground to ensure good ventilation.

  6. In the absence of side walls, the outer logs are laid perpendicular to each other to ensure the stability of the structure.

Important! Be sure to line the bottom of the woodpile with bricks or pallets to avoid dampness - wood perfectly draws moisture from the ground.

How to stack firewood in a round woodpile

To fold a round woodpile, you need to mark the diameter of the desired circle and drive a thick stick into the center.

Laying out the first row of firewood begins from the outer edge in a spiral, carefully aligning the starting circle, since the entire masonry will be aligned along it. It is necessary to ensure that the firewood is tilted towards the center of the circle to avoid destruction of the firewood after assembly. Moving in a circle, they lay out a well 50-60 cm high. It is tightly compacted with firewood, placing them vertically.

If the slope to the center of the circle cannot be achieved naturally, then transverse bars are laid at the level of the outer edge of the woodshed until the desired slope is formed.

When the well is full, make a second row in a circle 50-60 cm high. The resulting space is again filled with logs. The pattern is repeated until the masonry reaches 1.5 m in height.

Such an open-top woodpile requires a protective covering material from moisture. A durable film or steel sheet is suitable as protection.

You can design a circular firewood pit in the shape of a house, then raindrops will flow down the firewood, which is located in the shape of a cone on the roof of the structure. To do this, as you approach the top, you need to bring the central logs up.

You should get tiles made from firewood.

Important! For a round woodpile, they make the same base as for a stacked one - they put pallets or bricks (in extreme cases, a tarpaulin).

An oval firewood shed is created in the same way as a round one. Only in places of curves it is necessary to lay more longitudinal transverse boards to give strength to the structure.

Photos of woodpiles

Having studied the principles of stacking firewood and installing a frame, you can show your imagination and choose a decorative woodpile for storing firewood on the site.


A woodpile for firewood helps keep the material dry, saves space and enlivens the area when interesting design execution. Compliance with the rules for making a structure and laying firewood allows you to quickly make a high-quality firewood shed and fill it with high-quality material.

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Sentences containing "woodpile"

We found 30 sentences containing the word "woodpile". Also see synonyms for woodpile.
Meaning of the word

  • The tank was burning, crackling like woodpile firewood
  • They, of course, did not cause any tangible harm to anyone, nevertheless, all woodpile was thrown out onto the street.
  • Big woodpile There was also firewood in the yard.
  • Near the heated stove woodpile firewood, two buckets of water and a hot kettle on the stove.
  • The fact is that in the lobby there was woodpile firewood
  • stood there woodpile baroque firewood, there were three ridges, from which half of the cabbage and potatoes had already been selected, and one birch tree grew.
  • We felled trees quite independently, cut off branches, sawed trunks into meter-long logs and stacked them into dimensional woodpiles.
  • The logs were cut into planted logs and placed in woodpiles.
  • He quickly collected it and ran along woodpiles to the next house.
  • Then I found woodpiles a wide sliver.
  • There is an abundance of dung (dried cow dung), folded into neat stacks - woodpiles and used instead of firewood.
  • The soldiers mostly gathered at woodpiles firewood, to the left of the entrance, were talking among themselves, walking and running back and forth.
  • From the dead they were then put together woodpiles and burned it.
  • In the right corner of the room there was an iron stove, which consumed huge woodpiles birch firewood.
  • Murka crawled under the cage to die woodpiles the wood was cut off there.
  • He helped the school, which was heated by stoves, cut wood, and at home he not only sawed it with his mother, but chopped it and put it in woodpiles.
  • Our yard was also flooded with water, woodpiles were washed away, and firewood floated on the water.
  • There the preparation of firewood went on: they sawed, chopped, woodpiles folded.
  • Large ones were stacked against the wall woodpiles firewood
  • In addition, the Russians folded behind the front line woodpiles in the shape of a Soviet star and set it on fire after dark.
  • It was necessary to skillfully use firewood, rationally choosing from woodpiles, folded in the yard ahead of time, in the summer.
  • And the witch, as luck would have it, took firewood from the other side woodpiles.
  • Luckily, there was a yard nearby, and we stole some firewood from woodpiles and lit a fire.
  • Usually, after the battle, funeral teams “tidyed up” the fields: they burned the dead, having previously built giant “ woodpiles».
  • Small logs were chopped and placed in woodpiles.
  • Sometimes they brought a lot of firewood into the yard and sawed it electric saw and lined up huge woodpiles, and then they took me somewhere.
  • Next to the old houses there were large woodpiles and sawhorses with saws.
  • Behind the fence, laid out in a masterly manner woodpiles firewood
  • Woodpile All summer they lay at the harvesting sites, and along the first sled route they brought them home on horseback.
  • Firewood had to be bought from warehouses, sawed, chopped and stored in woodpiles in the courtyard.

Source – introductory fragments of books from liters.

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Not all dachas and country houses heated by centralized gas heating. Some owners deliberately refuse this method of maintaining comfortable temperature indoors in winter. The use of fireplaces and wood-burning stoves helps to save money and create an atmosphere of special comfort in the house. IN in this case emergency gas shutdowns are absolutely not scary, hot water. How to stack firewood in a woodpile? There are a number of ways that allow you to organize a good, reliable woodshed.

Pros of creating a woodshed

By spending a little time and effort creating a woodpile, you can get the following benefits:

  1. Constant access to an abundance of dry firewood. In a properly organized woodshed, somewhat damp chibouks will definitely reach condition. High-quality dried logs will have a noticeable increase in combustion efficiency. There will be much less trouble when lighting a stove or fireplace.
  2. Saving free space. Compact stacking of logs makes it possible to concentrate significant reserves in a limited area. On the contrary, chaotically scattered firewood will create a visually voluminous pile of material, which in reality will not contain so many chibouks.
  3. Aesthetic component. Properly stacked woodpiles serve as decoration personal plot. Creatively organized woodsheds become part of the landscape design.

Optimal conditions for storing firewood

The determining factors when storing firewood are quality ventilation and dryness. Therefore, it is important to determine in advance the site where it will be celebrated. good drainage atmospheric precipitation. The place should not be prone to the formation of puddles and stagnation of water in the surface layers of the soil. Considering the above, you should not place the pipes directly on bare ground.

How to stack firewood correctly? There should be free space under the bottom layer for proper ventilation of the material. It is advisable to organize a special podium using boards, large poles, concrete columns laid at intervals, pipes, beams, etc.

When forming a woodshed with your own hands, take care to create a top layer that can withstand precipitation. Knock down a small canopy from scrap materials or cover the pipes with material with waterproofing properties. Alternatively, cover the woodshed with large pieces of thick tree bark.

Before creating a woodpile, let the logs rest thoroughly and dry apart from each other. The solution is relevant if freshly cut material is available. It is absolutely irrational to stack wet firewood. The chubuks will certainly begin to rot. When burning a stove or fireplace, there will be poor heat transfer and heavy smoke in the surrounding area. To assess how well the firewood has dried, knock the logs together. Dry chibouks emit a distinct ringing clang.

Parallel formation

How to stack firewood? The simplest option- placement of pipes in stacks. Butt the logs end to end, forming a layer-by-layer structure. The individual walls of firewood should touch at their ends. It is important that adjacent structures have some slope towards the inside. Do not allow the walls to lean outward. As the height of the raspberries increases, the distortion will noticeably increase during laying. The walls will certainly begin to crumble to the sides where there is no support.

If you want to achieve increased stability, lay several at the same time. parallel structures. The result is an economical formation, which makes it possible to fit a significant mass of pipes on a limited piece of personal plot.

Cage styling

"Cage" is a common way of stacking firewood in a woodpile. The principle is as follows. A base is formed from chibouks folded parallel, close to each other. The second row is performed perpendicularly. If everything is done correctly, the result is an extremely stable structure that does not require additional support from buildings.

Please note: the stack of stacked firewood should have a height of more than one and a half meters. It is advisable to make the structure even slightly lower. Only in this case will there be no possibility of destruction of the woodshed. Place the straightest and most massive chibouks at the base of the formation. Join the wood end to end, without unnecessary gaps. Over time, wood will certainly shrink to some extent, the extent of which depends on the type of material and moisture content. Loosely connected pipes can destroy the structure.

Dome option

How to stack firewood in a woodshed using the dome method? To make the woodpile acquire the peculiar shape of a haystack, fold the chibouks into a hemisphere. The formation will be truly compact and stable.

Clear the soil to bare ground and draw a regular circle several meters in diameter. Fill the space of the figure with shanks end to end, leaving minor gaps. Place a stable pole in the center. Leave a little free space around such a rod to achieve high-quality ventilation inside the structure.

Continue stacking the wood in a circle with the ends facing toward the center of the ring. Form several layers. Leave the inside area near the pole empty. Alternatively, loosely sprinkle small wood chips into the space created. Closer to the top, move the ring of chibouks inward. To tilt the logs in the right direction, periodically lay thin planks between layers. A dome gradually forms, which will close the necessary formation. Once you've figured out how to stack the wood, cover the woodpile with a piece of waterproof material.

Laying firewood in the frame

Take wooden pallet. Nail the corners or secure with screws vertical racks. Connect the jumpers with transverse stiffeners made of wooden slats. The result will be a kind of box stretched upward.

How to stack firewood in the resulting frame? First, install the structure in a place that is well-ventilated and protected from precipitation, for example, under the roof of a street shed. Place the shanks inside in parallel rows. Fill the frame from top to bottom.

Woodpile against the wall

How to stack firewood close to the wall of a permanent structure? At a distance of several meters, drive four pegs in pairs into the soil. The latter will be responsible for maintaining the woodshed in a stable position. To prevent the lower pipes from being exposed to moisture, lay a base of bricks or flat stones on the ground. Place the firewood parallel to the wall to create good support. Every few rows of logs, place them in transverse thin slats to increase the stability of the structure. Increase the height of the formation until the upper shanks rest against the eaves of the building.

Woodpile from an old closet

Installing an unnecessary wooden cabinet in the yard is a good idea. Frame old furniture will serve as a reliable structure for holding logs. Inside, organize a series of horizontal shelving. Partially remove the back and side walls of the cabinet, which will allow the firewood to be properly ventilated and dry faster. You can decorate the doors carved platbands, others decorative elements, making the woodshed more attractive to others.

Storing firewood in rings

The woodcutter will receive an unusual one, interesting view, if you use old molds as holding shanks wooden barrels, all kinds of tubs. Alternatively, turn the concrete construction rings on their side. Fill the interior space tightly with parallel, joined logs. The woodshed will be well ventilated. The design will reliably protect the pipes from moisture. The only one comparative disadvantage The solution seems to be the frankly small capacity of such frames.


Neatly folded, shaped in an interesting way a woodpile pleases the eye not only of the owner, but also causes surprise on the part of others. Looking at a well-arranged design, you can feel real aesthetic satisfaction. Take advantage useful recommendations from our publication in order to organically fit the folded shanks into the space available on the site. Take it into service original ideas, make personal adjustments, and the firewood will always remain in perfect order.

In the private sector, preparation for heating season starts in the summer. This includes preparing and finding a place to store a large amount of firewood. For this, the owners equip a separate room, part of a room or yard. And so that the firewood always remains dry, and also in order to save space, you can build a compact, convenient woodpile with your own hands. Its production does not require high costs, and the benefits will become noticeable immediately.

Why do you need a woodpile?

It serves to protect firewood from precipitation and ensure good ventilation. The shape and size of the structure can be any, but the location must be chosen carefully so that in the middle of winter you do not have to walk across the entire site for firewood. Its correct design is a guarantee that the fuel for wood stove or the fireplace will be dry all the time, will not become damp, and will not become covered with fungus.

The woodpile in the country is also used as an element of landscape design. Made in the shape of an unusual figure, an animal, or a table near the barbecue, it will become the highlight of the estate.

Where is the best place to place it?

The location for the structure is selected taking into account the region, the area of ​​the yard, the type and duration of storage of logs, and the required level of drying. Woodpiles are:

  • street;
  • portable;
  • indoor;
  • stationary.

Photo: woodpile combined with toilet

Popular buildings on outdoors and separate closed premises. Let's look at them in more detail.

On the street

A smart solution would be to locate an outdoor woodpile next to the house, along a paved path, to make it convenient to replenish supplies in rainy weather. If wood is needed for cooking meat on a grill or barbecue, then it is better to place the logs next to them.

In the case where the structure serves only the role of decorating the estate, it should be placed in the recreation area.

An important advantage of a woodpile is saving space. So, a cubic meter of chaotically thrown logs will take up 2–3 m2 of a yard, and in a building 2 m high it will be possible to place the same amount of firewood, occupying only up to a meter of territory. In addition, it is much more convenient to take an armful of stacked logs than to bend over and take them from the ground every time.

You shouldn't make the woodpile too low. The bottom row is completed with waterproofing material or make a raised flooring.

In room

No less convenient option– place the structure directly in the house, decorate it as an interior detail. An example of such a solution is shown in the photo.

You can equip a separate shed for firewood. If logs are needed to heat a bathhouse or sauna, then during the construction of these structures a niche for firewood should be provided inside.

IN closed gazebos equipped with a fireplace, a woodpile is made small size so that it does not clutter up the space.

Selection of material for making the frame

The shelf life of the wood and the percentage of its drying depend on the quality of the created product. Therefore, before you begin assembling the main parts, you should draw up detailed drawing future design. The image will allow you to see and correct possible shortcomings on paper in a timely manner.

You also need to consider the material for the base. The service life of the product and installation features depend on the type chosen.


Using metal as a woodpile material has several compelling advantages. Among them:

  • long service life;
  • resistance to environmental influences;
  • Beautiful design.

One option is a woodpile made of aluminum profiles. It can be done in a few hours. It will be light, so it will be convenient to carry it from place to place.

An interesting solution is a product made of iron or steel. To build it you need to be able to handle welding machine, and purchase the material in the store. If opportunities allow, then it’s worth drawing a picture of the future design and turning to specialists for help.


It is in greatest demand among owners of country houses. Often, every yard has leftover wood building materials, so a woodpile will be inexpensive because it can be made from existing raw materials. Beams, boards, bars will do.

In addition to the low price, among the advantages of a wooden woodpile are:

  • quick assembly;
  • the possibility of manufacturing a portable structure;
  • a light weight;
  • long service life;
  • efficiency;
  • neat appearance.

This material requires pre-treatment and periodic maintenance, since it is not resistant to moisture and insects.

A typical woodpile is a canopy. Consists of a frame, roof, one or two walls. The last element is made of boards or lathing with thin strips for better ventilation. For covering use slate, polycarbonate, metal sheets, awning, polyethylene. Laying a foundation for a canopy is not necessary.

The building must be placed in such a way that the firewood located in it has constant air exchange and a minimum percentage of humidity.

The procedure for stacking firewood in a woodpile

Proper stacking of logs in tiers will extend their shelf life and ensure dry wood.

  1. Firewood is stacked close to each other - in a stack.
  2. If this is an outdoor woodpile, then it must have a stable frame. Otherwise, it will need to be placed next to the fence and other buildings so that the logs do not scatter.
  3. The structure should not have a height of more than 2 m - it is inconvenient to get firewood from there. Its optimal height is 1.5 m.
  4. The lower tier is formed from the smoothest and longest blocks and dies.
  5. You shouldn't fill the woodpile with a mountain. Excess weight leads to deformation of the structure.
  6. Firewood is placed on a prepared base made of bricks and wood.

If you ignore the advice, the consequences of improper installation will be a damaged woodpile and scattered firewood.

Making a frame for storing firewood

For self-construction You need to prepare materials and tools in advance so that during the work all accessories are at hand. You will need:

  • a circular saw;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • wood screws;
  • boards 3 cm thick, 11–15 cm wide.

Since the woodpile is made of wood, it is better that the area under it be made of brick, concrete, or tile. This way the structure will not rot. When the base is ready, you can begin assembling the frame.

The boards for it are pre-sawn to the designated length:

  • 2 pcs. 3 m each (base);
  • 4 things. 1.5 m (sides);
  • 1 PC. - 1m.

The latter needs to be cut into 4 parts of 25 cm each. These parts will be useful for creating transverse structural elements. Next, all elements are connected to each other with self-tapping screws. The frame is ready.

To make a cover, it is important last rows lay the firewood on a slope.

As roofing material wave slate with a width of 1.13 m or dense polyethylene film.

Assembling a woodpile without a frame

If you don’t want to make supports for the storage, then you can be patient and lay out the blocks in the form of some kind of figure.

The laying technology is as follows:

  1. The first 3 rows are tightly packed together.
  2. The next row is formed perpendicularly. This little trick will raise the edges and prevent the wood from spilling.
  3. 2 more rows are done in the standard order.
  4. The last row goes perpendicular.

As a result of this alternation, a semicircular woodpile is obtained.

Features of laying round firewood

This form of the product is more suitable for decorating a site than for long-term storage firewood In these structures, laying is done directly on unprotected ground, which is why the firewood quickly absorbs moisture, becomes damp and rots.

But if you decide to make a round woodpile, you should think about the base for it. The most inexpensive would be polyethylene film flooring.

The diameter of the building is selected individually, depending on the amount of firewood and space on the estate.

The support of the structure is a pin that is driven into the ground. A rope with a stick is attached to it. Using such a compass, a circle is drawn within which the masonry will be carried out.

Logs need to be laid systematically. They should be same sizes, fit tightly to each other.

Formation is carried out in rows around the perimeter of the circle. The frame for this is being built.

The result will be a structure in the form of a tower or barrel.

Video: master class on assembling a woodpile

Photo gallery of finished products

The design fulfills decorative function Location on. It was given the appearance of a fairytale house.

The fireplace wall is filled with firewood. This arrangement gives the room a cozy look, and firewood is always at hand. In addition, wood looks great as a finishing material.

Original solution from concrete rings allows you to compactly stack logs and decorate your garden area.

The mobile woodpile is just gaining popularity. It's good because it doesn't take up much space. The colors are determined by the interior design.

Design ideas

Each owner decorates a firewood storage facility according to his imagination and capabilities. It doesn’t matter whether it is in the yard or in the house.

A small forged woodpile will serve as a bench or chair.

If you stack the firewood outside the house on a pallet and equip it with boxes on top, you will be able to compactly place things in these boxes, and protect the firewood from precipitation and moisture.

Barrels are also used as woodpiles. If you have a lot of barrels, then keep in mind that they will make an original divider of the estate into zones. Concrete well rings are used according to the same principle.

A niche under solid fuel near a fireplace or stove.

Small logs can be collected in bundles, decorated with colored ribbons and stacked in several tiers.

There are no limits to the decor ideas for such structures, because each owner is guided by his own preferences, the free area of ​​the site or room, the volume of material for the firebox, and a woodpile made independently will become an author’s work in a single copy.


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