How to remove chrome from plastic at home: features and effective methods. Methods for restoring the shine of chrome Means for chrome car parts

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Elena Ostinova

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A unique home remedy, napkins and rags will allow us to wash all nickel-plated surfaces in the apartment until they are mirror clean.

And again we return to issues of cleanliness and aesthetics.

In most of our apartments, items with chrome or nickel coating have long been adopted. To put it simply, we have filled our homes with all sorts of shiny gadgets and trinkets. Cleanliness and beauty are absolutely interconnected things, especially when it comes to shiny surfaces. Mixer taps, heated towel rails, rails, knife stands, holders for toilet paper delight us with their metallic shine... But not for long!

All of the above looks very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, but very crude (those who have encountered this problem know what they are talking about). And most importantly, all this brilliant splendor does not tolerate rough abrasive or reactive chemical interference! This will require special care.

And what to do in this case? Refuse to use such beauty...?

No way! ...We'll clean it up!

Of course, you can run to the store, spend a lot of money and time on the stories of abstruse consultants, take up an entire shelf in the pantry with various chemicals and care and cleaning devices... Often, all this is expensive and does not guarantee the expected effect (and sometimes even ruins the coating ).

But doing this after our advice will be very easy and inexpensive.

For this task, all we need is any glass and surface cleaner (you probably have it in your household) and a cloth or paper napkin.

For convenience, it is better to pour the product into a spray bottle, so it will be easier for you to get to hard to reach places and bends. And then, simply spray the product onto the contaminated nickel-plated or chrome-plated surface and wipe with a cloth or napkin.

If the contamination is not severe, one light movement on the surface will be enough to return it to its original shine.

If the item is heavily soiled, you will need to go over it several times with a napkin after spraying the product.

I think the effect will pleasantly surprise you. Of course, large accumulations of rust and salt deposits are so the easy way do not delete. But believe me, if you periodically treat your nickel and chrome plated surfaces according to our advice, then you will never need serious cleaning.

In this way you can easily clean the faucet in the bathroom or kitchen from limescale. Without special effort can be contained in in perfect order kitchen utensils and accessories. Easily remove dirt from kitchen railings, chrome knife stands, nickel-plated door handles, etc.

Chrome plating is the application of a thin layer of chromium to metal or plastic surface in order to give it a more attractive appearance, enhance the strength of the metal and increase its resistance to corrosion. However, with use, the chrome coating occurs, which is why it loses its aesthetics, so many people think about how to remove chrome from plastic at home. Today, there are several main ways to do this, each of which involves the use of certain equipment, special solutions or other available means. Regardless of which method of removing chrome plating you choose, you must follow certain rules and precautions.

Removing chrome plating using specialized equipment

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to remove chrome from plastic, then the easiest and most common way is to use specialized equipment. In this case, there is no need to use various chemical solutions and come into contact with them, however, you must understand that such equipment is quite expensive.

Such equipment includes:

  • abrasive unit;
  • ultrasonic cleaner.

Using an abrasive unit

An abrasive unit is equipment that uses a special powder. Under the influence of high air pressure, this powder gradually erases the chrome coating. Similar installations can be found in specialized stores or at many enterprises whose activities are related to construction.

Depending on the thickness of the layer, a powder with a certain grain size is selected. When working with the installation, it is recommended to use face and respiratory protection, since small particles of chromium that enter the air are dangerous to human health.

Modern ultrasonic cleaners

How can I remove chrome from a plastic part using other methods? Other equipment is ultrasonic cleaners. They remove the chromium layer by exposure to sound waves. The chrome part is placed in a basket, which is lowered into special solvent, which enhances the effect of ultrasonic waves on chromium. Further cleaning of the part is carried out in full accordance with the instructions for the equipment.

Use of chemicals

If you are interested in how to remove chrome from plastic very quickly, then in this case you should resort to the help of special chemical solutions. They are very powerful and effective and are capable of removing even the thickest and highest quality layer of chrome plating. However, when working with such products, you must be extremely careful and follow all safety precautions, since they are very toxic.

Chemicals include:

  • hydrochloric acid;
  • sulfuric acid
  • sodium hydroxide.

How to remove chrome from plastic using hydrochloric acid? You will need to make a 40 percent acid solution. To do this, separate hydrochloric acid in water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Also commercially available ready-made solutions, the instructions for which tell you how to remove chrome from plastic. "Mole" is one of such means.

The chrome-plated part is placed in until the chrome coating is completely removed, after which it is thoroughly washed under running water and soap and sent to dry.

The principle of using sulfuric acid to remove chrome plating is completely identical to that with hydrochloric acid.

Chrome from plastic using sodium hydroxide?" - you ask. In the same way as described above. However, there is one important nuance here. When working with this substance, you should exclude its contact with water and aluminum, since when sodium hydroxide reacts with them releases toxic and flammable gas.

To prepare the solution, you will need a plastic container in which you need to mix 8 to 12 ounces of sodium hydroxide and add 3.8 liters of water. Next, the chrome plated part is placed in the solution until the spraying is completely behind. It’s worth noting right away that this can take quite a long period of time. After completing the removal process, the part is also thoroughly washed in clean water with soap.

Some experts recommend one piece of advice on how to quickly and efficiently remove chrome. It involves reversing the galvanization process. This method is very effective, but it is not recommended to use it yourself at home, since it is based on the use electric current, and also in the process of removing the binding of chromium elements to the metal, some very dangerous and toxic substances are released. Therefore, if you are looking for a way to remove chrome from plastic, then you should not experiment with this, but rather choose another method described above, or seek help from a qualified specialist.

Removing a thin layer of chrome using improvised means

Before we talk about how to remove chrome from plastic using improvised means, it is immediately worth noting that the methods discussed below will only help in the case of very thin layer chrome plating, and in many cases will be extremely ineffective. Most of these methods are based on personal experiments some innovators, so in your particular case they may not be useful. In most cases, they will help in removing fake chrome from plastic parts.

Removing chrome using improvised means

How can you remove chrome from plastic at home? Great option will be the use of abrasive. It can be made from ordinary baking soda or cleaning powder, which must be diluted a little with water to a paste-like state and then rubbed into the chrome coating until it begins to peel off. This method will only work if you are dealing with a very thin coating. When doing this, you should be very careful not to damage the base material.

Another product for removing chrome plating that is probably found in every home is a chrome cleaner. kitchen stove in the form of an aerosol. It has excellent degreasing properties, so it can help quickly remove light chrome plating from plastic. Such products are applied to the part for ten minutes, after which they are simply wiped off with a rag along with the coating itself. It is worth noting that some cleaners may have negative impact on the base material, therefore it is recommended to remove chromium using them in several stages at short intervals. When working with household chemicals Be very careful not to let it come into contact with your skin, eyes or respiratory tract.

Chrome bleaching

Another effective method is to soak the part to be desprayed in bleach. The part is completely immersed in the solution for approximately 24 hours. The removal process may take longer. It all depends on the thickness of the layer and the quality of the spraying. The advantage of using bleach is that it only affects the chrome plating without causing any harm to the base material. Important nuance: Bleach that has been soaked in chrome parts should not be reused as it will contain chromium, which is toxic to humans.

Removing chrome plating using brake fluid

The last method of removing a layer of chrome is perfect for car enthusiasts. Because it is based on the use of brake fluid. The thing is that it has a similar effect on light chrome plating as a solvent on paint, so brake fluid can help remove the chrome coating from a plastic part. However, it is immediately worth noting that this method cannot be called fast, since the process lasts several days.

The chrome part is wiped with brake fluid and left for 10 minutes, after which it is washed under running water. It is not recommended to leave liquid on the part for for a long time, since it can dissolve not only chromium, but also the base material. Repeat this procedure until the chrome plating is completely removed.

Chrome coating of steel parts is rightfully considered one of the most reliable and practical. With proper care, such a surface can long years keep beautiful appearance and protect the metal hidden underneath from corrosion and destruction. This method is very popular in the automotive industry. Plating parts with chrome began to be practiced in the middle of the last century, but to date this solution has not become outdated and is still relevant. However, with all its advantages, chromium is still unable to provide 100% protection from exposure environment and over time, the quality of the coating deteriorates. Therefore, the question of how and what to clean the chrome parts of a car is no less pressing.

Why does chrome plating deteriorate?

There are several main reasons:

  • exposure to salt or special road de-icing agents;
  • use of low-quality aggressive chemicals to wash the car;
  • long-term and regular exposure of the vehicle to open air;
  • mechanical damage.

It must be remembered that chromium is not inert towards different chemicals. When exposed to them, it begins to lose its properties over time, and permanent stains, “dirty” films, rusty spots and other defects appear on the surface of the coating.

How and how to clean chrome car parts

There are many ways. Conventionally, they can be divided into “garage” and professional. The first will help only if the defects have not grown beyond a slight clouding of the surface or the appearance of a coating on it that cannot be wiped off with a rag or washed off with alcohol or ordinary soapy water.

"Garage" cleaning methods

We can immediately say that such “smart” advice such as using Coca-Cola, chalk, soda, vinegar, lemon peels and other exotic things should be discarded immediately. At a minimum, they will be ineffective, and in some places even harmful (it is much easier to strip off a thin chrome coating with baking soda than many might imagine). It is best to give preference to ordinary kitchen or soft plumbing chemicals, which are presented in the form of various sprays, pastes, gels, milks, etc. You can find them in any large store or supermarket in the section with detergents and cleaning products. If you don’t have anything at hand, you can try a regular citric acid solution for cleaning, which is used to descale teapots.

Professional cleaning

How to clean chrome parts of a car if the damage is extensive? First, you need to go through a review of manufacturers of auto chemicals and auto cosmetics and choose a suitable polish for cleaning chrome surfaces. There are many such funds today, so the search is unlikely to be difficult. We can only say that at the moment the best “chemistry” for these purposes is produced by such manufacturers as Turtle Wax and LIQUI MOLY. But in general, cheaper products like Runway, Sonax or Doctor Wax don't do much worse. You will also need a polishing paste based on chromium oxide with a grain size of no more than 0.3–0.1 microns.

The process itself is labor-intensive and requires special tools. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate stubborn deposits and microcracks by polishing the surface. For this, an angle grinder and special attachments with felt wheels are used, onto which polishing paste is applied. When the part becomes clean and smooth again, it needs to be “finished” manually. This is where the polish you bought in advance will come in handy. You should prepare for the fact that this activity will be long and labor-intensive, so if you have doubts about your abilities, it is better not to even start and go straight to a car service center.

The online store site will provide you with everything you need to clean and polish chrome parts. The range includes abrasive pastes for initial processing, cleaning polishes for finishing, as well as special polishing cloths. They gently envelop the surface during operation, allowing you to achieve the highest quality results. Here you can also purchase various protective compounds, which will allow you to preserve the results of your work for a long time.

The design of each car contains chrome parts, which are the brightest elements of the car. To prevent them from losing their shine and beautiful appearance, it is necessary to polish them from time to time. You can do this yourself by purchasing special tools and chrome polish. However, you need to adhere to certain recommendations and rules so as not to damage the surface.

How to polish chrome parts?

To restore shine to chrome elements, you need a special polishing paste designed for chrome. It is sold in almost every automotive supply store. Apply a small amount of sanding agent to a cloth or felt wheel and then wipe the surface. GOI paste, made on the basis of chromium oxide, may also be useful. Since it is normally solid, it must be preheated to the consistency of plasticine and then applied to a felt disk and treated with GOI paste.

If the part is deeply damaged by rust, then rough grinding will be required, for which a coarse abrasive paste is used. This is done using a polishing machine.

You may also need to apply a primer to the welds, if an area of ​​metal is removed.

If you don’t want to spend extra money and use toothpaste, you can replace GOI with crushed chalk or tooth powder applied to a cloth soaked in ammonia. After the part is cleaned, it must be coated clear varnish for guard. However, GOI paste will be more effective.

In cases where pits have already appeared on the chrome plating or there is rust on the part under the plating, polishing is powerless. You'll have to go to a workshop to get new chrome plating done. In this case, you won’t be able to get by with GOI paste alone.

High-quality polishes for chrome

Polish from RUNWAY is designed specifically for parts made of aluminum and chrome. It can quickly remove tarnish from various elements designs and with rims cars, and also gives them shine. Effectively removes rust and various contaminants that may be on car parts.

It can also be used to process gold, silver and magnesium items. After the procedure there is always high level shine provided by the paste; moreover, its composition does not contain silicone.

Directions for use: Before you start polishing, you must thoroughly wash the car from dirt and let it dry. The bottle of polish should be shaken before use, and then apply a small amount of the product to a fresh cloth. The metal surface must be rubbed in a circular motion without allowing the polish to dry. When all parts have been treated with paste, they must be additionally wiped with a new cloth.

To clean chrome parts on a motorcycle, bicycle or car, you can use Liqui Moli Chrom-Glanz-Creme. The action is similar to GOI paste. The product has green color and contains polishing particles. It will help to effectively protect the metal surface and also eliminate plaque and rust.

The polish applied to the car will protect the device from the harmful effects of the environment and from ultraviolet radiation. The polishing compound makes chrome surfaces shiny and beautiful; it preserves chrome parts with a protective film that lasts for a long time.

Directions for use: First, shake the cream well and then apply a small amount onto a piece of fabric.

Another high-quality product designed for chrome surfaces is ASTROHIM AC-272. The polish is recommended to be used on various details vehicle and alloy wheels. The product easily cleans even old dirt and helps protect chrome elements from corrosion. Remains of polish can be easily removed from the coating using a regular rag.

For metal parts and chrome parts, Sonax polishing paste is used, which effectively removes dirt and protects. The composition contains small abrasive particles, due to which you can quickly remove corrosion and plaque, and also restore the surface to its original shine. After treatment with this product is completed, what remains is protective layer, which protects elements from rust. Sonax must be stored at above-zero temperatures. It cannot be used on paint coatings, unlike GOI.

For various matte and glossy plastic parts, for example, for moldings or radiator grilles, M1 polish is ideal.

It is used for cleaning and does not harm varnish coatings. It contains a special aluminum oxide, which provides maximum polishing and minimal abrasion. The product simultaneously cleans and polishes, which is quite convenient for car enthusiasts.

There are other chrome polishes available. For example, Doctor Wax paste (DW8317) has a high-tech composition that includes various chemical cleaners, polymer additives, passivating components and a fine polishing paste. This tool intended for metal coatings, specifically for chrome. It perfectly removes oxides and rust, and also provides protective film, which blocks microcracks and has a long service life. The paste is also used for steel and bronze parts.

Instructions for use: shake the bottle containing the paste vigorously, then apply a little product to a fresh cloth. The surface must be polished carefully, turning the fabric over from time to time. The procedure must be continued until all oxides and scratches are removed.

Chrome-plated body elements add special elegance and style to the car. Every car manufacturer uses such auto styling elements. However, beauty requires sacrifice. This is due to the fact that the chrome plating is susceptible to corrosion, but the right approach to cleaning chrome elements can be saved perfect view. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for cleaning and restoring chrome plating.

Polishing chrome parts: general rules

Firstly, if you have a new car, you should clean the chrome plating in a timely manner. This will help you maintain the shine of chrome elements for a long time.

To clean and restore chrome plating, you will need a special product, which is sold in a car store or home remedies, which are listed below. Usually, store product called chromium restorer or car shampoo with coating restorer. There may be other names, so check with the seller for information. Also purchase a coarse and soft sponge for washing. For final polishing you can use microfiber or wool fabric with large pile.

Stock up on sponges and cleaning product and go ahead. The process is quite long. For example, one chrome rear bumper molding will require about 80 grams of cleaning agent and 2 sponges.

After you have made rough cleaning chrome coating, can begin polishing the part. The polished part must be completely dry. For the best effect, it is recommended to use a hair dryer, microfiber or woolen cloth with a large pile. When polishing, you can use a special polish for chrome. It will help avoid deposits on the coating and create a protective layer. Polishing is done in a circular motion, covering the entire surface. After polishing, you need to leave the car for 30–40 minutes, and then go over the polished part again with microfiber to remove excess polish.

To maintain the ideal condition of chrome elements, it is necessary to carry out these operations 2-3 times a year. The effect that will be achieved will meet all your expectations.

How to remove rust from chrome car parts

IN in this case it all depends on the size and depth of the corrosion spots on the chrome part. If the corrosion centers look like small rusty spots or scratches, this is half the battle, but if the corrosion center has already grown sufficiently and has an impressive depth, or the chrome has generally bulged, then it is practically impossible to save the coating or will not succeed at all.

1. Corrosion in the form of dots and scratches.

If a chrome-plated part has corrosion damage in the form of rusty spots with a shallow depth or scratches, then they are suitable for cleaning the surface and removing this rust. simple remedies: these are both polishes and vinegar or lemon acid, and soda, etc. Ideal option After this, the cleaned part will be coated with a protective polish to prevent the growth of former corrosion areas.

2. Corrosion in the form of severe lesions or swelling.

If the chrome-plated part has significant corrosion damage, it will be necessary to first clean almost the smallest sandpaper, and then proceed to the method described above in the first case. It is worth paying attention, if the chrome coating is completely swollen, then nothing can be done. You can only resort to special services that deal with chrome plating of parts. Or you can cover this part with a chrome film yourself. This, of course, will not take much time, but still the effect will not be what you would like.

How to clean plaque on chrome car parts

Currently, there are quite a lot of products that can be used to clean and remove plaque from chrome parts of a car. Moreover, it is important to mention that for this there is no need to run to a car store and spend money. And by the way, not every product for cleaning chrome elements will always cope with this. To some extent it will cope, but the cleaning process may take a long time. Therefore, below we will list the means that are probably in every home. And this:

  • Baking soda;
  • Medical alcohol;
  • Citric acid (especially effective);
  • Acetic acid;
  • Foil and water;
  • Liquid for washing dishes or windows.

There is definitely at least one from the above list in every home. Therefore, there is no need to spend money on cleaning products at the auto store.

Interesting video on cleaning chrome parts

This video shows how, oddly enough, cleaning a chrome surface occurs with water and ordinary foil.

Methods for restoring and cleaning chrome parts from plaque and rust was last modified: October 15, 2018 by Administrator


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