How to make a high-quality advertising video? Film a commercial.

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Publication date: 10/31/2014

You small business, desperate for publicity? Are you an aspiring musician or actor hungry for fame? A blogger who dreams of becoming famous and attracting millions of subscribers to his blog? Then this tip is for you! I’ll tell you how to shoot and broadcast a commercial for free, which will allow you to wake up famous literally the next day!

I'll start with a short overview of the television advertising market.

An advertising video - the kind you see every day on the air of central television channels - is a very difficult and expensive thing. The work on creating a thirty-second video lasts from one to several months, several dozen people take part in it (sometimes 100-150 people!) and this pleasure costs the advertiser from 1 to tens of millions of rubles in our country and up to several million dollars in the USA . Only very large, often transnational, companies that produce consumer goods can afford such advertising. And such advertising is produced by special companies, so-called production houses (from the English Production house - production company).

It would seem, what can we talk about in such a situation, what kind of free videos for aspiring musicians or bloggers? Indeed, this is where my advice would end if there were no such thing in the world as the Internet. The World Wide Web provides almost unlimited opportunities for advertising anything or anyone, and completely free of charge. Let's talk about this. First, about how to film your own commercial, then how to promote it online.

Today, video production technologies have become so simplified that filming your own commercial practically nothing is needed. Video can be shot on a simple video camera, camera, even a smartphone or computer webcam - all of them today provide a level of quality sufficient for broadcasting on the Internet and the ability to attract a multimillion-dollar audience. The only thing you really need to succeed is an idea.

An idea is as simple as it is complex.

Its simplicity lies in the fact that, again, nothing is needed for its birth. As popular wisdom says: everything ingenious is simple. The difficulty is that not everything simple is brilliant. It can take a minute, a year, or a lifetime to come up with a brilliant idea. But it’s worth a try in any case, because whether your idea is brilliant or not is impossible to understand right away. You may think everything is bad, but people will like it. Or it's the other way around. The main thing in this process is not to get hung up and not engage in perfectionism. Made and launched! It won’t work, you can come up with another idea and try again. Once again. And one more thing... If you burn with desire, do everything with enthusiasm, excitement, drive, one day everything will work out and your efforts will be rewarded.

The Internet is a unique place to place your advertising. Free and reusable space. If you like the idea, millions will know about you, and you won’t have to do anything for this - information on the Internet spreads at tremendous speed and captures millions and tens of millions of people.

But where do you get the idea if you've never done anything like this? On the same Internet! Take a couple of hours or a couple of days and watch videos of other people, companies, organizations, promotions, musicians, video clips and the best commercials, such as the winners of the Cannes Lions festival, for example. Well, something like this: , or .

Read blogs and forums about your business, see what people like about it in social networks, which has the most views on Youtube. The Internet is full of ideas, you need to absorb into yourself like a sponge all the best that has been created by people, let it pass through yourself - your experience, your passion, your understanding of the world and come out with something of your own, unique.

Under no circumstances try to copy someone else’s idea, even if it brought its creator worldwide fame - this is a road to nowhere. True success comes only to those who create their own, original, unlike anything else - this is what attracts the attention of millions and brings fame. To paraphrase a well-known saying: keep it simple, be yourself and people will be drawn to you.

You can film, as I already wrote, with a smartphone camera, a computer webcam, or a DVR - the main thing is that the action being filmed is original and captivates the viewer, forces him to rewatch your video or clip, and send a link to it to all his friends . You can edit it in any simple video editor, add music and sound of almost any quality - on the Internet, no one expects the quality of Channel One videos from you, but everyone expects non-standard, interesting action, original plot, unexpected twists - give people what they are waiting for and people will respond to you with their increased attention. As, for example, the little-known musical group “Serebro” did at one time, literally blowing up the Internet with its video filmed inside a car:

The videos we are talking about are called viral. They have nothing to do with influenza and Ebola; the name comes from the way they spread - from person to person, from one group to other groups of people, capturing a larger and larger audience. The most famous viral videos and music videos are made very by simple means, without involving professionals, but the number of people who watched them is hundreds of millions of people.

Today, even many large advertising companies are resorting to creating viral videos for the Internet, realizing their potential. An example is the Volvo Tracks video, which has received tens of millions of views worldwide (the video currently has 76 million views).

Of course, they participated in its creation the best professionals of his business, including the Hollywood star - actor Van Damme, but who said that interesting ideas can only occur to professionals? Or why don't you become a pro at creating great ideas?

These are questions that require a certain amount of self-confidence and adventurism to answer positively, but it is precisely such people who become famous, create masterpieces and achieve great heights. Become one of them!

Well, having made a video, all that remains is to post it on Youtube (after creating an account there if you don’t already have one), and provide a link to the video as much as possible a large number your friends, acquaintances, relatives, classmates, classmates, etc. and so on. If they like the video, be sure that it will instantly spread far beyond this circle - many of your friends will send the link to their friends, and they will send it to theirs... This is the beauty of the Internet - it works for you and for you, if you or your product are worth it .

If there is no success, as I already wrote, you should not despair, you should make another or more than one attempt. Not everything brilliant happens the first or even the second time. You need to analyze as meticulously as possible what you did wrong and understand why your idea did not find a response in the hearts of your friends. It might be worth having a heart-to-heart with some of them, gathering opinions about your video and its shortcomings. The main thing here is not to fall into ambition, which has ruined more than one novice creator: “I made a brilliant video, they are all fools - they didn’t understand, they didn’t appreciate it.” This may well be so, but you don’t want self-glory, but the recognition of millions, don’t you? It’s worth understanding what these same millions want and making a video for them, and not for yourself.

By the way, this is one of the fundamental principles of advertising - you do it not for yourself, but for other people. And although the product is yours (by product I mean anything - a product you made, a service you want to sell, your music, your voice, the lyrics of your song, etc.), you are selling it to people, so should be guided by their needs and tastes. For successful sale your product (and your commercial as well), you must understand your consumer - his preferences, mentality, tastes and demands. To stand out, your idea, your product or your service must be more original, more interesting, more unusual than what people see around them, on TV or on the Internet.

That is, everything is not simple, but also not as difficult as it might seem to someone. It is enough to find your niche, to find that individual string that will touch a nerve, if not everyone, but some large group people - teenagers, retirees, snowboarders or office workers - success will be guaranteed.

And finally, a selection of videos that touched a nerve and surprised me personally. Not all of them are commercials in the truest sense of the word. But advertising is a broad concept; often the task is to attract attention to oneself, one’s activities, one’s products. In this sense, the examples given, it seems to me, fulfill this goal 100 percent.

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Pre-production preparation should be the main part, as you need to carefully think through the plot, approve the actors, create the scenery, decide on the voiceover and musical accompaniment.

First, evaluate your capabilities, calculate your budget, calling the studios that are most suitable for you, have professional cameras, and provide auxiliary materials. Some agencies shoot videos to order, providing the customer with everything necessary, from equipment to costumes for actors. But in this case, the cost of filming will be much higher than if you prepared the materials yourself. Of course, the professional quality of a video will be much different from an amateur video.

How companies create commercials

A company that shoots professional videos will prepare a script for you, think through the design, select suitable actors, ensure good sound of music and phrases, edit the footage and create a full-fledged, high-quality film. Therefore, if you do not know the rules and the necessary skills required to produce commercials, it is better to find a production studio that can handle it all on top level. When choosing a company, be guided by their experience and the availability of already filmed materials confirming their professionalism. You should first listen to the voices of the announcers in order to choose exactly the sound timbre that suits you. the best way suitable for advertising your products.

In order to reduce costs, try to conclude a contract for filming a video directly with the TV channel on which you plan to show it. Avoid involvement of intermediary organizations.

How to make a promotional video yourself

If you still plan to shoot a video yourself, but you do not have any special skills or abilities, follow the rule of simplicity in everything. You should not use complex effects that are only available to professionals. Eliminate long statements and minimize the participation of actors. High quality videos best to shoot on outdoors, on a bright sunny day. Additionally, you can use a directional light source to help avoid shadows. When choosing music and sound effects, strive for naturalness, avoid too loud sounds, annoying repetitions of the same words, long lists of the advantages of the product and its properties.

An example of good musical accompaniment may be music that suits the meaning of the plot. For example, when advertising products for children, you can choose a cheerful children's song; when presenting recreational products, choose a gentle, light melody. And for advertising sporting goods, the music can be rhythmic and invigorating.

At the end, show the created story to your friends and colleagues, who will be able to express their comments and draw your attention to successful and dubious shots.

It's no secret that a well-shot commercial can provide invaluable assistance in promoting your product or service. Advertising videos are often distributed through popular video hosting sites such as YouTube, where a very large audience can see it. It is generally accepted that creating advertising videos is the work of professionals, and without experience in the field of filming and editing, it is impossible to make an advertising video.

However, we claim: by using the Movavi Video Editor, you can independently edit a high-quality advertising video at home. Don't believe me? Watch the promotional presentation of Movavi Video Editor, completely edited in the same program!

Where to begin?

You need to start, of course, by thinking about the general concept of advertising. How will you present your product or service? What will be the main idea? What will appear in your video? It would also be useful to write a short script and make a preliminary storyboard for clarity and convenience.

Arises next question: where to get video material for your video? There are several options.

  • First, you can record the video yourself. This is perhaps the most time-consuming path, which, however, can lead to good results if you have necessary equipment, talent and skills.
  • Secondly, you can hire professional cameramen and actors. Of course, they will help you shoot high-quality video advertising, but, as you understand, it will not be cheap.
  • There is a third, compromise way: use one of the stock video banks. These are websites where you can find well-shot and edited videos on almost any topic at a very reasonable price. We take this opportunity to recommend to you our partner - the stock video site VideoBlocks, more about which you can read on this page. If you need high-quality photos for your video project, you can use the GraphicStock website (more about it -).

Well, let's say you found (or made yourself) a video that suits your idea. Now you need to create a real advertising video from this material. This is where Movavi Video Editor comes in handy.

How to make a promotional video in Movavi Video Editor

Add video to the program

Click the button Add files and upload the video to the editor. All added files will appear on the timeline at the bottom of the program window.

Cut the video, remove unnecessary fragments

Let's start installation. To cut a video, click on it in the timeline, place the red marker in the right point and click on the icon with scissors. The video fragment will be cut into 2 parts at the location you select. This way you can cut the video anywhere and into any number of parts. To remove an extra fragment, select it on the timeline and click on the icon with basket(or press Delete on keyboard).

Add transitions

The video will look smoother if you connect its fragments with animated transitions. Open the tab Transitions, select the ones that suit your video and simply drag them onto the timeline. Transitions are added between two video segments, but you can also add a transition at the end of the video.

Apply filters

To make your video look more impressive, you can apply special filters to the video: for example, the effect of retro filming or interference, like on old videotapes. Open the tab Filters and browse the effects library. To add the effect you like, drag the icon with the desired filter onto the video fragment on the timeline. Read more about applying filters to videos in our instructions.

Voice over your video

Before you snort disdainfully at the phrase creating a commercial, remember that Guy Ritchie himself did not disdain this art (that’s art, let’s not be afraid of this word!). Those who seem to definitely have enough money and fame. The current level of video and animated advertising products is incredibly high and it is far from easy to meet it.

Filming clips and commercials is a huge branch of the video industry, in which hundreds of talented people work and create - cameramen, directors, scriptwriters and editors. There is no denying that there are plenty of mediocrities and video graphomaniacs out there, but this is the problem with any art. If you can make money shooting commercials, then why not do it. It is with these thoughts that lovers of quick money come to the advertising industry, forgetting that video clips and commercials of the post-perestroika level have been out of fashion for a decade and a half.

Well, seriously, what should you pay attention to first as an advertiser? You are thinking about making a selling advertising video, but search engines are full of links, sites with tempting words, price lists advantageous offers- so there is no way to decide. All you have to do is either, trusting chance, point your finger at the first phone number you come across, or patiently call each studio, “be meticulous” and ask questions.

Make a commercial or advertisement

So, the first thing is professionalism. Of course, you shouldn’t require the studio to present diplomas from the Hollywood Video School or membership cards to the Directors Guild, but it’s also unlikely that you should trust the filming to a graduate of a road construction technical school, even if he took a short course in cinematography at the Kamyshin Institute of Arts. After all, an advertising video is a video product that must meet certain standards and requirements not only in terms of its aesthetics, but also in its technical aspects. What is the maximum duration of a static plan? How to direct the highlighting light to highlight the model’s silhouette? In what cases should you use a manual diaphragm, and when is it better to rely on an automatic one? Finding answers to these questions by trial and error is too expensive and takes a lot of time. That is why, in order to shoot a commercial of the appropriate education, the screenwriter must “burn with style,” the director must “twist the soul out of the actors,” the cameraman must work wonders with the camera...

The professionalism of studio workers is the first indicator of the level at which the company operates. The technique can be expensive and complex, but the technique requires hands and head, and if the technique makes a mistake, experience will always help compensate for this mistake.

The second point is equipment. Just as having a camera in your hands does not make a person a professional, it also does not bring the title of professional to a studio. Cameras are different, and without being an expert, it is sometimes difficult to outwardly distinguish professional equipment from semi-pro or amateur-level equipment. Look at the videos presented in the studio’s portfolio, ask to show them to you on the big screen, find out specifications equipment. Most likely, this will be enough to form an opinion about how good the company you contacted is.

Third, the timing of the production of the commercial. Usually it takes from a week to a month to shoot a commercial, so if the studio tells you a time frame of several days, be careful. Sometimes the development and approval of a script takes tens of days, but this is rather an exception. In general, the time required to shoot a music video or create an advertising video is strictly individual and varies quite widely. Anything can be an obstacle - bad weather during filming, for example, can ruin Mel Gibson's mood...

The assistant director gives instructions: she shows how to film it literally with her fingers.

A little later, she “directs” the young actress.

Please note that the assistant has a microphone in her hand. Through him, general instructions on the set.

Surely everyone knows that the most difficult things to photograph are children and animals. There are children and animals in this video, which adds incredible complexity to it.

The big, calm cat plays himself in the movie. He needs to lie down and look out the window. He does just that.

The cat does not always sit, but only during general runs. During training, he is replaced by a plush stand-in.

According to the script, the girl’s hand is smeared with paint. There is also a guy who is responsible for the paint on his hand. In total, more than 70 people were involved in the filming.

Chief operator. Instructions given over the radio station will only be heard by technical specialists - lighting technicians, operators, etc.

his workplace on the other side. All the computers on set are Macs.

In the meantime, a break was announced. Mom feeds the main actress.

This is the storyboard of the video. Every scene is filmed on it. After a scene has been filmed, it is crossed out and moved on to the next one.

Customer representatives. There is the same monitor as on the operator's console. The customer approves each scene.

In the photo, a representative of the film crew gives commentary on the episode, helping himself with a plastic fork. Creative people, what can I say.

What an idyll: a mother reads a fairy tale to her daughter.

In a cozy home interior.

Meanwhile, work is in full swing behind the scenes. Operators, lighting technicians, and directors are working.


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