How to write a letter of recommendation. Sample letters of recommendation

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Letter No. 1 LLC is our permanent partner in the field of web design. During our long-term cooperation, this company was able to repeatedly confirm its high professionalism and competence. The projects developed by us were completed by LLC employees efficiently and quickly.

We are satisfied with the activities of LLC and recommend this company as a professional and reliable partner.

Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 2

The company, within the framework of cooperation with Standard of Quality LLC, in 2013 committed itself to developing new Internet projects for the development of our company. During our partnership, this company has earned the authority of an organization that can be trusted to resolve the most complex issues.

We were satisfied with the result collaboration and we recommend as a responsible partner.

Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 3 LLC has been a partner of the Quality Standard company since 2000. Over the course of a long-term partnership, employees have established themselves as high professionals who do not allow project deadlines to be missed and are attentive to the assigned tasks. Customers have always been satisfied with the results of this company's work.

Petr Ivanov

Letter No. 4

With this letter I confirm that the company has indeed collaborated with Mark of Quality LLC from 2000 to 2012 in the field of web design. During our partnership, we have been able to repeatedly verify the reliability, professionalism and efficiency in resolving work issues. We also want to emphasize the extraordinary creativity company employees working on various projects.

I, as the General Director of Mark of Quality LLC, confirm that the services of the company correspond to the declared profile.

Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 5 LLC has been my constant business partner since 2000. During our cooperation, I have never been disappointed with the result of working on joint projects. Employees of the company are accustomed to performing assigned tasks taking into account the needs of the Customer and in accordance with professional requirements. The establishment of close partnerships between our companies was also facilitated by the high communication culture of the managers of LLC.

Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 6

With this letter, the management of Standard of Quality LLC informs that joint cooperation with LLC has contributed to the development of our activities in the international market and the expansion of our customer base. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the employees of LLC perform their tasks efficiently and on time. But in addition to the mandatory requirements, this company is used to working with individual approach, taking into account the needs of each client.

Petr Petrov.

Letter No. 7

During the five-year partnership with Result LLC, the employees of this company have proven themselves to be exceptionally positive side. The result of their work always met the Customer’s requirements and complied with professional level. I would especially like to note the responsibility and efficiency of this company in resolving any issues.

Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 8

With this letter, I, the head of LLC, confirm that the Result company is my permanent business partner.

Since 2005, we have regularly contacted the Result company to order high-quality printing products. I can also confirm that this company has repeatedly become our business partner, providing a full range of printing services.

During the partnership, I was able to make sure that the employees of the Result company work efficiently and professionally.

Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 9

The company "Mark of Quality", being a supplier of printing equipment for LLC "Result", has established itself as a reliable partner, working in strict accordance with contractual terms. During our cooperation, this company has never missed a deadline or provided low-quality products.

The labor market, especially when it comes to certain professions, is often oversupplied with personnel. The competition is significant, applicants for positions go to great lengths various actions to obtain an advantage, and employers require compliance. Recommendations from a previous place of work often help management make a choice in favor of a candidate, but they must be properly formatted and comply with restrictions.

When hiring, many employers require applicants for positions to have references from previous management. From a legal point of view, such a requirement is not justified - neither in Labor Code RF, not in other legal acts this is not established, but this is the practice.

A good letter of recommendation significantly increases your chances of getting a position, but not always. Not all employers make this requirement, and some do not consider recommendations at all, making their choice based on other factors.

Letter of recommendation is a document in which the previous employer indicates his work qualities, skills, level of fulfillment of obligations, and so on. It can be drawn up directly by the head of the company, the person’s boss, or another employee who can give it (for example, the head of the human resources department).

The purpose of such a document is to characterize the citizen as an employee (can also be issued to students or during the period of advanced training). An employee needs recommendations to ensure the opportunity to receive new position, and for a potential employer - to obtain preliminary information about the employee - his personal qualities, professional skills, and so on.

There is no special form for a letter of recommendation. The employer adheres to general rules business letters, otherwise he has the right to act as he sees fit. It is recommended that registration be made on the employer's letterhead.

The letter must not contain illegal elements, that is, all information provided in it must comply with legal standards.

When writing a letter, the employer fulfills the following requirements:

  • Business style is required. The use of colloquial expressions and scientific terms is not allowed if they are not necessary to analyze a citizen, his practical skills, and so on.
  • Contacting an employee must be carried out taking into account the rules of etiquette. For example, you can use such address as colleague, employee, and also address you as “you”. Addressing in a friendly manner is not acceptable.
  • It is not recommended to use artistic expressions, excessive phrases and introductory words. The text should be as simple and concise as possible. Literary expressions will only complicate understanding important information regarding the employee's skills.
  • The document must be signed by the head of the organization or a person authorized to perform such actions.
  • If the letter is written by one person and signed by another, both employees are indicated in the final version. In practice, the requirement is often not observed and the manager simply signs documents without studying it; it is difficult to monitor compliance with the unspoken requirement.

The rest of the form is free. It is advisable to indicate the actions that the employee performed, how he dealt with them, his communication skills with the team, and so on, that is, those points that may be useful in his future position.

Any letter of recommendation will consist of three parts:

  1. Details of the parties - as the organization in which a particular citizen worked (or Individual Entrepreneur, for whom he worked) and the employee in respect of whom such a letter of recommendation is drawn up.
  2. The company, its field of activity, the employee’s position, and his direct responsibilities are described. It is indicated how well he coped with them, as well as other additional points that can characterize him as an employee and specialist.
  3. The growth of the employee during work is described, that is, the change in his professional skills, achievements, awards, bonuses, and projected prospects. The boss’s impressions of working with the employee are important.

As a result, you can indicate specific personal qualities of the employee, for example, write that he showed himself to be a good, responsive colleague who meets halfway and easily finds mutual language or on its other characteristics that may be important in subsequent professional activities.

A letter of recommendation may be more strict and contain only professional quality, but it will be more effective if you show the dynamics of a person, his ability to find a common language with colleagues, personal data, and so on. But at the same time, the main emphasis should still be on professional qualities and activities as a specialist.


When filling out, no forms or forms are required. A letter of recommendation, in principle, is not mandatory, so its form has not been developed; there are no GOST or even state recommendations.

The document is drawn up on plain paper, but it would be better to print it on the organization’s letterhead, if available. At the end, the signature of the manager or employee who compiled the document must be placed. Can be stamped.

In some cases, the previous manager is left with contact information so that the potential employer can clarify the accuracy of the information provided. However, in practice, not everyone wants to communicate with the future managers of previous employees.

Typical mistakes when drafting a document

If the employer decides to write a letter of recommendation, it means that the relationship with the employee is at least normal. He is not obliged to do this, but it is still worth adhering to certain unspoken rules so that the document really helps with subsequent employment.

The most common errors encountered when composing letters are:

  • The letter was not written in business style, but is based, to a greater extent, on personal attitude towards the employee.
  • The document contains only professional skills and does not describe relationships with the team and opinions about the employee. Undoubtedly, listing personal qualities is not necessary, but it is desirable to create a more complete picture of the citizen.
  • The document is drawn up by a person who has not had direct contact with the employee and cannot characterize him properly. It is recommended that the person’s immediate supervisor, for example, a foreman, head of a department, and so on, draw up the paper.
  • Vague formulations are used, on the basis of which it is difficult to draw a conclusion about the actual result of cooperation with the employee. For example, the text of the recommendation is large, but there is little really important information in it; it does not reveal the most important qualities of a person as a specialist in his field.

The letter should be simple, clear and understandable, not lengthy and confusing. Otherwise strict rules does not exist.

The manager making the recommendation must be aware that it may be different for each employee. Depending on the position, different skills are required, the level of communication with clients, with colleagues, and so on. For example, the head of the HR department requires more developed skills in communicating with people than an accountant who works mainly with documents and numbers, accordingly, the recommendation needs to focus on the really important points.

  • The level of mastering the necessary information, studying changes in legislation, mobility at work. The accountant needs to respond quickly to practical dynamics.
  • Ability to quickly adapt to changes that are introduced regularly.
  • Compliance with deadlines, absence (or small number) of violations.
  • The absence of critical errors that would entail serious economic consequences.

Other positions are required to have slightly different skills. For example, in a letter of recommendation from an administrator it would be more useful to write:

  • Possessing communication skills with clients and colleagues. This is an initial skill, without which the administrator cannot perform his functions.
  • Level organizational work, opportunities for personnel management, property management.
  • Possession of other management and related skills.

There cannot be a general template for a letter of recommendation, since each profession needs to highlight some of its own characteristics. But the Internet is full of variations that can be used as a basis, changing the specific content.

If the employee subsequently plans to move abroad to work there labor activity, the letter of recommendation must meet other requirements. It is compiled in exactly the same way - the skills, functions, and advantages of the citizen are indicated, but foreign companies may emphasize other points, so it is worth clarifying the requirements in advance.

Another point is the language of the document. If an organization cannot immediately write recommendations in the language of a foreign country, then it is recommended to make a notarized translation. The cost will be low. The English version is most often accepted, even in countries where state language is different.

A recommendation is an optional document for the employer and he may not give it at all. If an employee receives a paper that does not characterize him the best side, then you may simply not use it. Of course, he will lose his competitive advantage, but this is better than having recommendations characterizing a citizen as a bad employee.

The employer can independently request recommendations from the previous manager. In this case, there is a chance of a bad transmission, especially if labor Relations were terminated “with a scandal.” It will not be possible to avoid the transfer of characteristics, so in in this case One can only hope for the prudence of the previous authorities.

A letter of recommendation is a voluntary recommendation from a previous employer that characterizes the employee as a specialist and member of the team. It affects the professional qualities of a person, his personal data, abilities directly and indirectly related to the performance of labor functions. There is no special form for such a letter provided by law, but there are practically established rules that require conciseness and adherence to business style.

A letter of recommendation is not included in the list of documents that an employer has the right to require from an employee upon employment. But its presence, with other equal conditions, may be competitive advantage. Before writing a letter of recommendation, the recommender should familiarize himself with the rules for drawing up business documents to ensure that his recommendation is legally binding.

From the article you will learn:

  • what is a letter of recommendation;
  • what are the rules for writing a letter of recommendation;
  • what elements a letter of recommendation should contain;
  • who verifies the letter of recommendation?

The practice of drawing up written recommendations is widely used abroad and Russian employers also adopt it. When applying for a job, applicants are usually required to present letters of recommendation. Recommendations may include:

  • former employers;
  • colleagues from previous places of work;
  • specialist experts who have experience collaborating with the recommended one.

An employer can write a letter of recommendation to an employee who is about to resign. At its core it is production characteristics. But the volume of such a document is less than the volume of the reference, since the letter should not list the stages of work activity; it reflects only the interaction experience that the recommender has.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a list of documents that an employee must present when applying for a job. A letter of recommendation from a previous place of employment does not appear on this list. That is, new employer cannot demand that such a document be provided to him.

But, if the applicant has letters with the most positive reviews about him as a qualified specialist and an experienced professional, it will be additional benefit during selection. Moreover, if such a letter is signed by the director of a large company or a respected expert in his field.

A resigning employee can contact his manager with a request to draw up such a document only if he is sure that his reference will be positive. Thus, a letter of recommendation from an employer characterizing his former employee on the good side, it becomes evidence of civilized business relationships. And an increasing number of business executives are signing such letters, increasing the chances of worthy specialists when looking for a new job.

The main features of a document that give it legal significance include execution in accordance with established requirements and the presence mandatory details. Therefore, before writing a letter of recommendation, you need to familiarize yourself with the document regulating the procedure for preparing business papers - GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements."

Note: Before writing a letter of recommendation, the author must refresh his memory of specific dates, names, and indicators. The information that will be presented in the letter must be as reliable as possible, especially since it will not be difficult to verify it.

The text of a letter of recommendation to an employee, signed by the head of the company on her behalf, should be printed on. If an expert or former work colleague writes such a letter privately, the text is posted on established rules on standard sheet A4 size writing paper. The volume of content should not be large; as a rule, the information that fits on one sheet is quite sufficient.

What elements should a letter contain?

  • the full name of the organization on behalf of which the recommendation is given or the surname, initials, position and place of work of the individual recommender;
  • reference Information about the legal or physical person-recommender - postal address, contact phone number, email;
  • the name of the document is “Letter of Recommendation”;
  • date and place of preparation of the recommendation;
  • text of the letter of recommendation;
  • the signature of the head of the organization on whose behalf the recommendation was made or the signature of a private person - the recommender with a transcript;
  • a seal certifying the signature of the person making the recommendation official.

Note: If a letter of recommendation from a place of work is written on the organization's letterhead, the seal certifying the signature of the recommender may be missing.

But, in addition to having the necessary details, you should pay attention Special attention test content of the document and try to objectively and unbiasedly describe the business qualities and achievements of the recommended one.

If desired, examples of letters of recommendation can be found on the Internet, but they can only be used as examples of the design and style of presentation of the main text. The recommendation is drawn up individually each time and it is optimal to simply list the facts known to the recommender, indicating:

  • period business cooperation or interactions;
  • the position held by the recommended person;
  • the name of the work he performs labor function;
  • the achievements that he managed to achieve, confirmed by specific figures - percentage increases in sales, increased productivity, reduced production costs, etc.

In some cases, for example, when the addressee of a letter of recommendation is a higher organization where the employee is being sent for promotion, the last paragraph may contain a conclusion confirming this possibility career growth. A sample letter of recommendation from an employer is provided below.

IN small organizations, where the manager personally knows each employee and is aware of his work successes, he can personally certify the letter of recommendation given on behalf of the enterprise. IN big companies this document can be drawn up and certified by the employee’s immediate supervisor.

Since most companies today have HR departments, their employees are responsible for writing letters of recommendation. In such cases, the head of the HR service can also certify the document.

It happens that a person took courses additional education, MBA or advanced training. In this case, if necessary, he may ask to certify the letter of recommendation of the head of these courses.

But the most important thing you should pay attention to when drawing up a document is the presence of details containing background information about the recommender. The letter must include all contact details of this person or official so that at any time the information contained in it can be checked and confirmed.

It contains not only the employee’s achievements, but also his psychological qualities. The more accurately the former employer painted the portrait, the higher the applicant’s chances of getting the new desired job.

In some cases, its presence in the applicant plays a decisive role.

Positive feedback from former superiors complements the interview result and the information provided in the resume. If the choice is between candidates of equal professional qualities, the choice will be made in favor of the employee who has recommendations.

Before moving on to how to write a letter of recommendation, you need to understand what types of documents exist. Conventionally, letters of recommendation can be divided into several types:

A letter from a representative of an organization is a typical description in the form established by the enterprise. Applicable in large companies with a large staff, where the director is not personally acquainted with all his subordinates.

As a rule, when composing such a letter, they do not use its specific type. They are usually given by the following persons:

  • scientific adviser;
  • supervisor of internship or practice;
  • project coordinator;
  • heads of different levels;
  • partners.

Where and how to send?

Recruiters do not advise sending letters of recommendation immediately along with your resume.. Leave the “dessert” for the employer for later, and only on the condition that he “orders” it. Otherwise, the impression will be created that the applicant is confident in advance that he will be invited to an interview, and he will pass it brilliantly.

No need to show all your trump cards in advance. It is best to indicate in your resume that you are ready, if necessary, to provide a recommendation from former employer.

It's time to submit the letter after successful interview with a recruiter or at the next stage of negotiations. The document will strengthen competitive position applicant.

The document can be sent to email or by courier. Can also be delivered in person.

ATTENTION! It would be a big mistake to send references if the job description says not to. Sometimes for a company a review is not as important as a portfolio or experience. In this case, the recruiter may decide that the applicant is inattentive or does not know how to follow instructions.

How to write a letter of recommendation for an employee: sample and detailed instructions

The review is printed on the organization’s letterhead and certified by its seal.. Signature of the official - required element. There is no direct address to the addressee, since the document is universal and can be presented at the request of the employee.

Let's look at an example of how to write a letter of recommendation correctly. Traditionally, the letter consists of the following points:

Practice shows that most often the employee himself draws up a letter of recommendation and then has it certified by the personnel officer. But regardless of the authorship, its writing should be taken seriously.

REFERENCE! The ideal image of a job seeker always seems suspicious to the recruiter. There are no employees without flaws. The presence of even minor disadvantages will make the description more truthful. This will only work to your advantage.

It is important to describe specific facts and achievements. Of course, the ability to work in a team is important, but each employee has their own functionality. Describing project work, don’t forget about it – you need to indicate your role in it.

The letter of recommendation ends with information about the author of the review. It is needed so that a potential employer can contact him. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate the correct contact information, otherwise an incident will not be avoided. It is also advisable that the writer of the recommendation be aware of its contents and be able to answer questions about the former employee.

Rules for writing a letter

A few simple rules will help you draw up a letter of recommendation in an attractive manner.:

  • the purpose of the document is to “advertise” the employee. Therefore, the emphasis is on professional qualities and achievements achieved at work.
  • Business style - no “water” in the text. Excessive pathos or vague characteristics in general phrases will spoil the review.
  • Limited volume - no more than 1 sheet (A4). The employee description is kept short and clear.
  • A recommendation must be present - the employee is recommended for a specific position or type of work.
  • The review is written on the organization's letterhead.
  • If it is possible to issue several letters of recommendation (also from colleagues or partners of the company), this will be useful.
  • Date of preparation – the recommendation has its own “expiration date”. It is no more than a year from the beginning of the search for a new job.
  • To make a recommendation “live”, negative qualities should also be indicated.
  • When describing personal characteristics, it would be useful to support each of them with specific examples.
  • After writing, check the text for errors and typos.

IMPORTANT! Practice shows that when moving from a small company to a large one, there is little faith in a letter of recommendation. Because there is a high probability that it was compiled out of great friendship.

Therefore, it is worth making sure in advance that the document is drawn up according to all the rules and does not raise suspicions about its objectivity. Below you can download a sample of how to write a letter of recommendation taking into account all the requirements.

Even with the most impressive resume, one mistake in a letter of recommendation can slow down your ascent. career ladder. Not everyone knows how to write a letter of recommendation to an employee correctly, and sometimes they make very different mistakes. Let's look at the most common of them:

When you quit your job, don't slam the door. Perhaps a letter of recommendation from a former employer will become a starting point for career growth in a new place.

The document is valued by recruiters even more than a resume. Therefore, you should take its preparation seriously and follow both the rules for drawing up a letter of recommendation and a resume as well. IN time of crisis extra “advertising” will not hurt even a highly qualified specialist.

Writing a letter of recommendation in practice causes many difficulties. It seems that the person to whom the recommendation is dedicated is wonderful, and he is an irreplaceable worker, but putting your attitude towards him into verbal form with a business accent is not at all easy. You will learn what to write about and where to get it necessary information, formulations. You will understand the secrets of creating a letter of recommendation that will make the right impression on a potential employer. As always, several examples of fully completed documents await you. In addition, the recommendations can be useful to you as an employee. Tests and other entrance examinations are undoubtedly important components of the process of choosing a future employee, but recommendations make a special impression. Therefore, if you quit calmly and without scandal, leaving positive memories of yourself, do not be lazy to try for your own sake and leave the company with a letter of recommendation.

First of all, let’s decide why we need to write a letter of recommendation? As a rule, it is required by a candidate for a vacancy during an interview with a future manager, with the personnel officer who conducts the interview.

A recommendation can present its hero in a positive and friendly manner, as well as in a neutral or even negative one. The first ones are the most common. They resort to the second when there is absolutely nothing to say about the employee or there is nothing good, but the person also does not want to create difficulties. Well, others are usually provided only upon requests from various government services.

The structure of this document is not much different from the structure of a regular document. business letter. Let us comment on the details that you should pay special attention to.

Name of company And background information about her must be present on the form.

Destination The letter is unknown, so this detail is not issued. In this case, it is not necessary, as in the certificate, to write here “For presentation at the place of requirement.”

Instead of header to the text, which is usually formulated in such a way as to answer the questions “about whom?”, “about what?”, in this letter it is appropriate to write a type of document “LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION” - this is business practice. It is better to type it in capital letters.

Applications to a letter of recommendation are rarely created. These could be copies letters of thanks, orders for the payment of bonuses for any merits or certificates of honor. In such cases, the “Note on the presence of attachments” detail is formatted in the same way as in a regular business letter.

Sign The letter of recommendation should (ideally) be from the general director of the organization, but here everything will depend on the connections developed within the company. The letter can be signed by both the head of the department and the top manager in the area.

It is advisable to register a signed letter by assigning it number and designating date. These details also give it weight.

The recipient of a letter of recommendation should be impressed not only by the details and content of the document, but also by the way you “handle” it. You need to make your recommendation as effectively as possible. It must certainly be printed on the employer’s letterhead, signature general director, and it is best to enclose the letter in an elegant folder or in a clean, unsealed envelope made of thick paper.

How to compose a text?

The introductory part of the text usually contains:

  • information about who is recommended (name, position);
  • short general assessment.

As a rule, all this fits into one sentence (see Examples 1-3).

Example 1

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I recommend to you Svetlana Gennadievna Petrova, who held the position of chief specialist in the management documentation department in our company and proved herself to be a hardworking, accurate and conscientious worker.

Example 2

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Example 3

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Main part of the text should disclose the overall assessment, having already covered in detail the professional and personal qualities of the recommended person. To make it easier for you to write this part, collect information about the hero of your letter. from his management and experienced colleagues. Find out in particular:

  • how many years the person worked in the company;
  • does he have specialized education whether he attends seminars and advanced training courses in his specialty;
  • whether you received a promotion;
  • skills and knowledge of what related specialties to the “advertised” one he possesses (if they are useful and favorably distinguish his professional value from the general mass);
  • what projects and processes were involved in;
  • whether the company’s projects managed by this person won any competitions, tenders, grants;
  • Is the person a recognized professional in his field (speaks at specialized conferences, teaches at an institute, is an author educational methodological manuals, articles, books on their professional topics).

Then write here ten qualities that are important specifically for the position that the recommended person occupies. After all, we represent the employee in the most better light? This means that he possesses all these qualities.

Example 4

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The qualities that will adorn any career employee look like this:

  • excellent knowledge of the rules personnel records management, normal labor legislation,
  • ability to work in an electronic document management system,
  • ability to use a computer at an advanced user level,
  • competent oral and written language,
  • developed analytical thinking,
  • ability to build friendly relationships with people,
  • stress resistance,
  • high learning ability,
  • initiative,
  • accuracy,
  • diligence, conscientiousness.

When working on the main part of the text, try to look at the employee through the eyes of a potential employer. What is valuable to him? What kind of person would he hire? You can also ask the current supervisor of the employee for whom the recommendation is being made about this. You can be guided by your preferences only if you have worked in the field in which the person you are describing works (the main thing is not to write nonsense, so ask knowledgeable people to check the text you have prepared before signing the letter).

Another effective source of information, especially when you are writing a letter of recommendation for yourself, is resume bank your colleagues, those who:

  • tried to get a job in your department or
  • I posted my resume, for example, on the Internet in search of a job (you can go to the sites,, etc. resources).

Look what professional success those who apply for a position similar to yours boast. After all, out of modesty, you may underestimate something about yourself or simply forget to mention it. And after reading the successful wording in someone else’s resume, you will understand that what is described applies to you, and you will notice the most successful wording. It is these found elements that can be borrowed.

And the description of the tasks performed at the current place can be borrowed from job description . Of course, there is no need to rewrite all of them - choose the most interesting ones.

The collected information is an almost ready-made letter of recommendation. All that remains is to link the obtained information into the text.

Example 5

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Petrova Ulyana Sergeevna worked as a senior clerk at LLC " New World"over the past three years and during this time it has shown itself only on the good side. Having joined the company as a graduate of the Faculty of Office Management of the Chelyabinsk State Historical University, she began her career as a secretary and after two years was transferred to the office. Mrs. Petrova is distinguished by her constant desire to develop in her profession; she actively attends specialized trainings and seminars, the positive results of which were obvious!

During last year Ulyana Sergeevna was the head of the working group for the implementation of an electronic document management system at Novy Svet LLC. Thanks to her, the company was able to reach new level work with documents and significantly strengthen performance discipline in the company. Mrs. Petrova was able to organize the process of training our employees in new principles of working with documents and personally developed a number of teaching aids that are used daily in all departments of our company.

Among personal and business qualities Ulyana Sergeevna Petrova would like to highlight responsibility and initiative, the ability to be not only a careful and scrupulous performer, but also to manage the assigned project.

Finally, as expected, we summarize everything that has been said and draw a conclusion, the main idea of ​​which is this: the author of the letter regrets that he parted with such a brilliant specialist and is sincerely happy for his new employer.

Example 6

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As a leader, I regret that Irina Vasilievna Strogina left our team due to a change of residence. And I am confident that at her new place of work she will quickly join the team, revealing her best human and professional qualities.


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