How to make mental trips into the future and foresee the future? People can foresee the future.

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Wonderful question, isn't it? Millions of people want to know what the future holds for them! Someone turns over the pages of the horoscope every day, hoping to see the inscription: “ Today you will become a millionaire", others use more professional level and go to Baba Vara, who rolls eggs for your money, plucks her beard, casting spells, tells fortunes on her feet, or sits on a dragon and brews a potion... She is ready to do anything to get paid...

The worst thing is that these people always have clients who are very happy to pay for guesses about their future. I recently heard that there is a man in Africa to whom people from all over the country come to hear his predictions. This man uses goat entrails to guess the weather for the next day... Not a bad way to have fun and earn money for the next goat.

I hope you have already realized how absurd the above methods are. Today I will share with you a secret, thanks to which you yourself can predict your future.

The thing is that those thoughts, actions, reactions to the events that happened in your life led you to where you are today. The way you think is instantly reflected in your results. You can remember this simple formula:

M + D (+/-) = P (WISDOM)

Thought + Action (positive or negative) = Result

Where do thoughts come from? The formation of a person’s personality is influenced by his environment: who he communicates with, where he lives, what he sees, what he hears, what he does. New information, new knowledge, new communication - push for the emergence of new thoughts and ideas. For example, after completing my training or talking with me, new ideas and thoughts will be born in your head, because... the information that I will present to you will be positive, which means your thoughts will be positive.

If you watch the news on TV every day and feed on the information that comes from the mouths of correspondents, you will receive corresponding thoughts.

Once you have a bright thought or idea, write it down urgently, because... it has been proven that it will stay in your head for exactly 37 seconds, after which it will leave without a trace. I am sure that you have noticed more than once how a good thought comes in the evening, which is simply impossible to remember in the morning.

The next step is ACTION. If you have written down your thought or idea, you have 72 hours to implement it. After the expiration of the term, you will only have a good memory of the fact that you once had a wonderful thought or idea.

Action (+) is a positive action aimed at a positive result.

Action (-) is an inaction or negative action that will lead to undesirable results.

The most interesting thing is that you yourself have the right to decide how to act: positively or negatively, which means that 100% responsibility for all your actions lies with you! I recommend that you do positive things that are aimed at building you and this world. Do not under any circumstances do actions that are contrary to the laws of the country in which you live and that violate the Commandments of God.

By receiving a thought and acting, you instantly get the result in the form of where you are today, what you have, what you feel and experience... Don’t like it? You can change everything!

When life hands you a lemon, don't complain - make lemonade out of it. Napoleon Hill

As you can see, a lot depends on our thoughts, which are formed by our environment. Surround yourself with positivity: read inspiring literature, communicate with good and positive people, do good deeds and get the desired result.

There is no need to go to fortune tellers and psychics - watch your thoughts and actions today, which will determine where you will be tomorrow!

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Do you want to become Vanga, do you want to master the gift of Wolf Messing, do you have the intention of learning to predict the future like Nostradamus? How to predict the future? You always want to know what awaits you ahead. After all, the ability to predict the future will help you avoid stepping on a rake, putting in a straw, and in general, it can save someone’s life. Predicting the future is a gift. But how to learn this? Let's find out now.

How to predict the future?

I'll be honest - no way. Only a select few can predict the future. Those people who know how to predict the future were born with this gift or acquired it during their lives due to some incident. For example, Vanga began to see the future after she was carried away by a whirlwind. She managed to survive, but became blind. This does not mean that now you need to get caught in a tornado to learn how to predict the future. She was lucky to be alive. People usually die after being caught in a vortex.

Although I said that predicting the future cannot be learned, but..... I meant that you will not be such great predictors as those individuals that I listed at the beginning of the article. You cannot accurately predict the future of the entire world with 100% certainty. Guys, as I said, this is God's gift. One is either born with it, or it is acquired during life due to not very pleasant events. Let's look at the most popular techniques that help predict the future.

Many teachers suggest that those who want to learn how to predict the future immerse themselves in deep meditation, because only in a calm state of mind can this be done. You definitely need to turn off your internal dialogue. While you are talking to yourself, you do not hear the voice of intuition. You will have to meditate often. Don’t even hope that after the first session you will become the greatest prophet of all times. Read the article: . You can also read the article: . This virtue will be useful to you in the technique of predicting the future. Let's move on.

To effectively predict the future, you need to ask questions. For example: “What will happen if I do this?”. After the question, you begin to track your inner sensations. In other words, you must understand what you feel, what you sense. This is very important step. will tell you correct option. After all, what happens in our lives? Something happens, and then we exclaim: “I knew/knew this would happen!”. After all, before this, you felt in your gut that it would happen exactly this way and not otherwise.

Last year I predicted the future for myself. I liked one girl, but she was married. My husband was in the army when we started communicating with her. My husband came home from the army and after a couple of months they decided to separate. I foresaw this. For some reason it seemed to me that this was exactly how it would be. And then I thought that she should switch to me, since I started courting her. But I had a feeling that after the divorce she would not reciprocate my feelings. I felt this in my gut, and then I began to track her behavior, which confirmed this. It seemed to me that she was dating another guy. Six months later, my fears were confirmed. Of course, after that we stopped communicating with her.

I told this story because I remember very well how at that moment I felt that everything would go exactly according to this scenario. I even set conditions for myself: “If she starts dating another guy, we stop talking.”. And so it happened. For more than six months we have not seen or heard from her. And you had situations where you knew for sure that everything would go exactly according to such and such a scenario. The most important thing is to pay attention to your inner feelings. For example, do you think whether you should marry such and such a person? By asking a question, your body will give an impulse. You will feel the correct answer.

One of the most famous ways to predict the future is Tarot and Lenormand cards. In special stores you can buy similar cards and start guessing. But this requires practice. Don't expect accurate predictions, you won't get them anyway. The most accurate predictions You intuitively know, and always do.

You can turn to fortune tellers. This advice is for those who have never learned to predict the future on their own. I am skeptical about fortune tellers. And in general, I somehow checked one fortune teller. My dad lost his passport. We turned to his fortune teller, who lives in Perm. She said that my dad wouldn’t find my passport, but he found it a week later. From now on, I am extremely skeptical of fortune tellers. There are genuine fortune tellers among them, but they are few. Decide for yourself.

Do you want to learn how to predict the future? You need to find a mentor who will teach you this technology. This is the most valuable advice of all that you will find on the Internet. You won't learn anything by reading articles on this topic. Everything is too blurry. Websites and blogs just need to write an article to get traffic (you got here from the Yandex or Google search engine) and that’s all. We read the article, but it makes no sense. Always like this. Therefore, stop looking for articles or videos on this topic. You need a teacher.

Or you can find a fortune teller who really knows how to predict the future. Why do you need to learn this yourself? It’s easier to pay a small amount of money and get answers from real psychics than to spend years on practices for which you will pay many times more money.

So how can you learn to predict the future? No way. This was my very first answer and it is the most honest. You can search the entire Internet in search of information, but you will not find anything useful. This is what I predict for you, although I am not a psychic. Experience, friends, is experience. You can rely on him. Well, if you object, well, I’m waiting for you to come back here and write a refutation of my prediction in the comments. Ciao.

how to predict the future


People can foresee the future - this is the conclusion reached by Mark Changizi, a scientist at New York's Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The researcher claims that our brain gives us the ability to see things one tenth of a second before they appear. And the mechanism behind this can explain to us the phenomenon of optical illusions.

Cognitive scientist Mark Changizi (cognitology is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge in which theories of how the human brain works) studied the phenomenon of the so-called “neuron response delay.” We all experience this delay when waking up from sleep. When we open our eyes and light first hits our retina, it takes a split second before the brain translates the signal into visual perception peace.

Scientists cannot yet explain how our visual system compensates for these delays. It is generally accepted that propulsion system our brain somehow corrects our movements to increase reaction speed.

But Mark Changizi came up with his own theory, writes the popular science magazine LiveScience. According to his research, our vision has evolved to such a level that it has become capable of creating images of what will appear one tenth of a second in the future. This anticipation allows us to be alert when a ball comes our way, giving us time to react and catch it. With this ability we can also, for example, maneuver confidently in a crowd.

Liberation from illusions

The same property of the brain can explain the phenomenon of optical illusions, Chingizi believes. “Illusions appear when our brain tries to comprehend the future. But its predictions do not necessarily coincide with reality,” says the scientist. Here's an example of how "precognition theory" explains common visual geometric illusions.

Let's take the so-called "Goering illusion". We see vertical lines that bend slightly near the central spot, the so-called “receding point.” Looking at the drawing, it seems to us as if we are moving forward, and the figure is getting closer. This is where our ability to “foresee” the future comes into play. Our brain "tells" us that the lines are curved, when in fact they are straight and the figure is static.

Elusive beauty

“In the process of evolution, our brain has learned how the image (more precisely, our vision) of this or that changes geometric figure in the process of approaching her, explains Chingizi. - Lines converging at a vanishing point trick our perception into thinking we are moving forward - as if we are in real world, where the door frame (two vertical lines) seem to deflect as we walk through the door. This is how our brain tries to tell us what picture will appear before us in the next moment.”

Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors

When you move forward, it's not just the shape of objects that changes, the scientist says. There are other visual objects that are not constant: angular extent (i.e. a measure of how much of your visual field is occupied by an object), speed, contrast between the object and the background. We also see all this differently as we move in space. For example, if two objects are at the same distance from you, and you move closer to one of these objects, as you move, it will speed up, appear larger, lose contrast (objects blur at speed), and end up closer to you in comparison with other objects.

Grand Unified Theory

Changizi discovered that the phenomenon of "precognition" can explain different types illusions. The scientist classified 50 types of illusions into 28 categories. Each of them explains how impermanent visual objects will be perceived by the eye. Most other scientific attempts to explain the phenomenon of illusions have applied to only one or a few types of illusions. Find a theory that fits this a large number illusions are “a theorist’s dream,” says Chingizi. And it seems that in his case this dream has come true.

Raymond Kurzweil

Recognized American inventor and futurist, creator of speech recognition systems, popularizer of the idea of ​​technological singularity.

We misunderstand the future. Our ancestors assumed that it would be the same as the present, and that, in turn, was practically no different from the past.

Raymond Kurzweil

Although technology develops exponentially (the rate of growth of a quantity is proportional to the value of that quantity), our brains still think linearly. As a result, we have developed a view of the future similar to the way we imagine a ladder:  after climbing a few steps, we can assume that the same steps await us further. We believe that each next day will be approximately the same as the previous one.

But as Kurzweil writes in his book The Singularity Is Near, technological advances are accelerating in many areas. This has led to such a leap in technology and social sphere that misunderstanding arises not only between different generations, but also within one.

Today, the future unfolds not linearly, but exponentially, so predicting what will happen and when exactly is now much more difficult. This is why the speed of technological progress surprises us so much.

How can we prepare for a new future if we are used to thinking completely differently? First, let's take a closer look at what exponential growth is.

What is exponential growth

Unlike linear growth, which occurs by repeatedly adding the same quantity, exponential growth is the repeated multiplication of that quantity. Therefore, linear growth on the graph will look like a straight line rising evenly, and exponential growth will look like a sharply rising line.

Here's another way to better understand what exponential growth is. Imagine that you are walking along a road with a step length of one meter. Taking six steps will move you six meters (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). After another 24 steps you will be 30 meters away from the starting point. It's not at all difficult to predict where you will end up in another 30 steps. This is the essence of linear growth.

Now imagine that you could double the length of each next step. Taking six steps will move you 63 meters, which is significantly more than the 6 meters you would walk at a normal pace.

After taking 30 steps, you will now be a billion meters (one million kilometers) away from your starting point - a distance equal to twenty-six revolutions around the Earth. This is the amazing power of exponential growth.

Why people don't believe exponential predictions

Note that by doubling the length of your step, you will move a distance with each next step equal to the sum of all previous steps. Before you travel a billion meters (step thirty), you will be at 500 million meters (step twenty-nine). This means that the first steps will seem tiny compared to the last. Most of the growth will occur over a relatively short period of time.

This is why we often simply do not notice exponential growth in its early stages. The speed of this process is deceptive: it begins slowly and gradually, at first it is difficult to distinguish it from linear growth. This is why predictions based on exponential growth rates seem so incredible.

When scientists began scanning the human genome in 1990, many critics noted that at the speed at which research could be carried out, the project would take millennia to complete. However, the scientists met even a little earlier than the deadline they themselves had set (15 years). The initial version was ready in 2003.

Raymond Kurzweil

Will exponential growth ever stop?

In practice, exponential growth cannot last forever, but it can continue for quite a long time. A sustainable exponential trend consists of a series of successive S-shaped technology life cycle curves.

Each such curve consists of three stages growth -  initial slow growth, sharp rapid growth and leveling off when the technologies have already been sufficiently developed. These curves overlap each other. When the development of one technology slows down, the development of another accelerates. Moreover, each time it takes less and less time to achieve more high levels productivity.

Kurzweil names five technological milestones in the 20th century:

  • electromechanics;
  • relay;
  • radio tubes;
  • discrete transistors;
  • integrated circuits.

When one technology exhausted its capabilities, it was replaced by the next.

How to prepare for the future

Be prepared to be surprised.

What, for example, might the next five years look like? One of the usual ways to predict is to remember the past five years and imagine that future events will continue to develop at the same speed. But now this will no longer work, because the very speed of development is changing. Chances are that what you thought would happen in the next five years will happen in three years.

What is important for exponential thinking is not so much any special planning skills (you already know how to plan), but the ability to calculate time correctly. And to do this, we must not forget that our brain tends to think linearly and adjust its plans to the exponential future.

Why is it important to learn to think exponentially?

Our linear thinking brain can give us a lot of trouble. Linear thinking causes not only individuals, but businesses and governments to be caught off guard by factors that evolve exponentially.

Large companies are losing money due to unexpected competitors, and we all worry that our future will spin out of control. Exponential thinking will help you get rid of these worries and face the future fully armed.

American scientist John Nasbitt published a book about the art of predicting the future. It’s called “Mindset” and contains recommendations on how you can abstract from modernity and learn to identify trends that will radically affect the future.

Nasbitt works at the Chinese University of Nanjing, and previously taught at Moscow State University and even Harvard University, reports The scientist believes that it is enough to master the eleven postulates to learn how to predict the future. He cites them in his book, while trying to explain their meaning as clearly as possible.

1. When many things change, many things remain the same.
2. The future is based on the present.
3. Focus on the results of the game.
4. Understand the importance of not being right.
5. Consider the future like a puzzle or mosaic.

6. Don't run ahead of the locomotive.
7. Resistance to change fails when the gain is real.
8. Things and processes that we expect to happen in the future tend to happen, but more slowly.
9. It is impossible to achieve results simply by solving a problem - it is necessary to study and use new opportunities.
10. Do not add until you have reduced.
11. Don't forget about ecology and technology.

Some of them need to be deciphered because they carry hidden meaning. For example, in third postulate What this means is that you shouldn’t wishful thinking.

Postulate No. 4 says that a person is accustomed to always and everywhere proving that he is right. However, rightness often turns out to be relative, since it is based on elementary ignorance or lack of a broad view of things.

Sixth postulate means that many advanced innovations are unclaimed if they appear at the wrong time, i.e. society is not yet ready to accept them. Therefore, for example, many technological innovations or scientific ideas that were ahead of their time, humanity did not use, although experts initially saw their colossal potential.

Postulate No. 10 implies that any change must be paid for, and it is always worth considering actual sizes this "payment". The rest of the wording is quite simple to understand. From all this we can conclude that almost any person, with a strong desire, will be able to predict the future, or at least not make irreparable mistakes.


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